You missed the nightshift
But I really didn't want to put it off for much longer....
Slowly the sun set behind the horizon and Mike paced around in the now empty restaurant, slightly frustrated. These days were too fucking hot to be up, so he actually soullessly skipped the dayshift to hang around in bed in a dazed, sweaty, half-dazed state.
It didn't really help to be honest, it only resulted in him feeling even shittier after having worried all day about the stupid fucking Phone.
Because the fucking Phone always got himself into trouble. So as soon as it was remotely cooler he left his house, dragging himself through the burning streets. The air was almost too hot to breathe.
Thankfully, the restaurant had better air-conditioning than any other place close around, so when he arrived he instantly sucked in the air and fell onto the nearest chair.
He had the short chance to talk with Simon to check in if the day went fine- and he blew it, because fuck him, right? It just... didn't feel right. They merely nodded at each other as Phoney left, locking the place like he usually would.
Lost in thought Mike's hand wandered to his own key and he took another deep breath. It wasn't twelve yet, he didn't feel like sitting in the office all night. No, even if he understood that they were all watching him while he was out in the open- well, not all, seeing as Ballora didn't really have eyes- it was still better than feeling the dreadful claustrophobic feeling inside of his office.
After all, he felt eyes constantly following him everywhere, so it wasn't that big of a difference.
All of them were watching, but only one of them was bolt enough to stand on the stage, taunting him.
Baby titled her head with a cocky smile, adjusting her grip on her microphone that she only very rarely put down.
"Make a fucking picture, it'll last longer." He had no patience for any of her shenanigans today.
"I'm sure it will..." Her voice echoed through the large room, despite sounding fairly quiet. "... longer than tonight for sure. Thankfully I have access to the security cameras, so I won't need to take a picture... I can simply rewind the tape."
"O H W O W, I'm so fucking scared. I'm literally dying. No jokes. All my organs are seizing to function as I slowly rot out from the inside. The fear rushing through my veins, it is stopping my brain from registering any other important tasks." Mike sounded unimpressed. "Please spare me."
Scoffing Baby made a movement as if to flip her hair. "You will see. We have something special in store for you tonight Mike... I have been watching you." It was said the same way you'd let somebody in on a big secret, but the Guard couldn't see it.
"And? Pretty fucking much everybody has been watching me it seems like."
"I think I found out a pretty interesting fact about you... Mikey, why don't you bleed?"
"Don't call me that!" Snapping at her he adjusted his hat, before pacing around again. "And what the fuck do you mean I don't bleed? I bleed every fucking day."
"We both now that is a gross overstatement. You barely shed a few drops, no matter what hits you. Things fall onto you, hit your head, harm you in all ways... and you simply shake it off."
"I'm just so fucking magical. Didn't anybody ever tell you that I'm actually a unicorn in human fucking skin? Because big reveal that's what I am. In like... twenty days or so the world will be almost destroyed, at which point I will make my magical transformation and safe it with the power of love and friendship."
"You'd be an incredibly ugly unicorn, I can imagine it... you'd be less of a pony and more of an... ass!" She snickered a bit.
"God, fucking decide on your image already. Are you that cool-headed planner or are you a fucking stupid schoolgirl that has nothing better to do than make dumb remarks at adults and feel really fucking clever about it?"
"I'm not-" She seemingly felt insulted, but was too smart to hammer the point home, because it would only result in Mike continuing to piss her off. "Either way. I will test my little theory out tonight on you... don't worry."
"Oh, I don't fucking worry. I craved death since I fucking arrived in this restaurant, so this is really nice gesture, much appreciated. So, what if you're wrong with whatever nutjob of an idea you came up with?"
"Then I'll fix it." Cockily she smiled and Mike wanted to snap her neck, even if that would probably not do anything.
"One day I'll fucking melt your face off with a blowtorch." His calm downtime was ruined and with a groan he stepped into the office, before he broke something expensive. The place already had his soul, it shouldn't be able to legally enslave him for anything.
Bored and tense he tapped onto all the monitors in the office, asking himself why they even were in here. For cameras he still used the tablet, the computer was... fine, but the three others were just a waste of space.
But if Dave actually had a say in how this office was furniture, it made sense.
'Just put in a whole lotta screens, it's gonna be nifty!'
God, fuck Dave. Why did he even have the money? How even?
Wasn't he a fucking cokehead that had nothing but fun on his mind?
Reality was just fucking fucked.
Maybe it was just-
Oh, stop already to break your head on it. It doesn't fucking matter.
Sighing he pulled up the monitor and flicked through the cameras. Everybody was hiding... for now. At least it was a bit less boring than staring at nothing and blackness... and it wouldn't drain the power yet. At point midnight the main power shut off and stayed off for exactly six hours. What a fucking joke.
Yep, he was convinced that it was by Dave's design that the power was limited. He wanted people to get murdered. Probably for the kicks.
Why didn't he murder those two?
With a suffering sigh he pulled down the monitor, just to almost fall back, as Nemo was standing there, looking annoyed. "Mom said it's my turn to take the nightshift."
"What-? How did you even get in here, I didn't even hear- and what to do you mean by mom-?!"
"The Phone. Now move."
"Are you even OLD enough to do the nightshift?"
"How... old are you even?"
"Old enough to plow your mom."
"She's dead."
"Oh, fuck, so is mine. I think." Nemo frowned confused. "Anyways, he told me it's important that I do it, so... whatever. Wanna get him in trouble? Like, dude, go for it. I don't care. But now I've already made my way over here in the middle of the night... eh, whatever, if I get paid for the night without doing anything then cool."
For a moment they stared at each other, then Mike stood up and almost threw the tablet into his face. "You know what, kiddo, fuck you. Have fun dying."
Seeing as he wasn't taking it, Mike threw it on the table and stormed out, feeling beyond annoyed. Dying was HIS job for fuck's sake!
Welp, he should be thankful... the kid would probably dead by tomorrow. Jesus did he hate the guy.
At least he remembered to lock the door behind him afterwards again, as he stumbled out into the night. Fuck Simon for doing this, even if it was supposed to be a nice gesture, couldn't he do that with his own shift?!
For a moment Mike paused and looked back.
Maybe he should...
No, no... the kid would be fine. The animatronics would notice it's a newbie and do theirs stupid introduction thing and it would be FINE. Even Jeremy managed to survive and Jeremy is a fucking idiot.
With that he shook of the last bit of hesitation off and returned home.
After a while the clock struck midnight and the nightshift began.
Baby was the first on the move, she wanted to go and drain his power. Might was a bit unfair, but hey, she REALLY was curious...
But when she arrived the office door was open.
Oh. So he actually wanted to see too...?
Excited she stepped in, but stopped instantly.
The office was completely empty.
Did he actually just... left?
He couldn't DO that!
That was not a THING!
Hanging around somewhat baffled, the other animatronics quickly joined, equally as confused.
Ballora tried to mask it by softly fixing her ballet clothes. "I have heard him leave, but I did not expect..."
"S-So, does that- does that- does that mean we h-have a free night!?" Funtime Freddy was excited and Bonbon did nothing to calm him down. After all, he was right.
Foxy just wagged its tail excitedly, but Baby was pretty sure it was agreement.
"So... what are we going to do now?" Ballora raised an eyebrow at Baby.
"Well..." All the gang was staring at her, waiting for her opinion. It flattered her to be the leader, but sometimes she couldn't believe that they expected HER to have the answer to everything.
Now... they could of course just spend the night inside, roam the place, play the games...
... but this was probably a one in a lifetime thing and honestly, she was pissed off at Mike for leaving like a pussy. He should get in TROUBLE.
"... Everyone... how does a nice trip into the city sound?" She smiled.
Freddy, Bonbon and Foxy were screeching happily, but Ballora was frowning a bit worried it seemed. "It sounds promising, I agree... but were there not reasons we were pressed to not leave for the outside in the open...?"
"C-can't remember any- any- any!" Freddy laughed loudly. "I can't w-w-wait to f-find more B-BIRTHDAY boys and girls that I can- can entertain!"
Jumping around the Fox seemed to already dream of all the space and all the things it would be able to hunt.
"You worry too much, Ballora..." Baby patted her arms, almost a bit condescendingly. "... who is going to harm us anyways?"
Before she could answer, the animatronics were running off, breaking the locks of the door with incredible ease and disappeared into the night.
The Ballerina followed slower, a grave mistake seeing as she already lost the connection to the others and wasn't even quite sure as to where they left to. Slowly shaking her head she hoped that Baby would be able to keep them all together... or pretending to hope, because she actually knew perfectly well that she couldn't and that this was probably one of the worst mistake in all of their lives.
Despite that knowledge she stepped into the night, because... if she wouldn't take care of them, who would?
Yes, who would?
Who would bother keeping a handful of deadly machines in check?
A man stepped out of a bar into the cold night air. Or at least it struck him as cool, compared to the merciless heat of the daytime.
His hands were a bit twitchy, seemingly he resisted the urge to reach for something, the way his hand fell to his sides seemed to be an admission of defeat.
Ethan Cross let his eyes wander the street in front of him, restless in every sense of the word. Sleep wouldn't come and the quiet pawsteps of his dog had driven him up the wall. Whenever he put the lights on, the dag was lying around, but as soon as it was dark he could HEAR the steps-
Maybe now that he had a bit of alcohol in his system, sleep would finally have mercy on him and come by...
It wasn't really that he was drunk, it was more that slight dizziness... or was that his exhaustion... didn't matter as long as it kept him from spending another night sitting up in his room, trying to figure out how to gain access to the blueprints...
His dog gave him an odd look and barked, or at least Ethan was convinced that he was barking and then suddenly ran off.
"W-wait, where are you going-!?" Didn't he put him on a leash-?
Great, now he could run after the damn thing, before he got into trouble...
Hasting after the creature he somehow managed to keep up with the dog, despite it being pretty darn fast...
Seemingly at random he made turns, until at some point he jumped into a darker sidewalk and suddenly stopping to stare at something at the end of the way. When Ethan finally arrived, only slightly out of breath, thankfully, because what he saw took his breath pretty much away in an instant.
It was barely visible overall, but the glowing eyes and the shimmering reflections of the streetlights in the back made it obvious that there was an animatronic standing there.
Funtime Foxy to be exact.
The creature looked around a bit, locking eyes with him and smiling.
Well- at least he assumed it was smiling, as now another row of small light were reflected at exactly the right height. Slowly Ethan stepped forward, in front of his dog, who thankfully had returned to him and didn't seem to be that keen anymore to jump at whatever he had been running towards so frantically.
His instinct was staying quiet and not moving too much, while his hand wandered to his weapon. Where was the processor in the animatronic?
The head?
The chest?
Foxy made an unnatural noise- something that sounded almost like a rapidly approaching car- how was it able to make this noise- and crouched down, its eyes flashing up brightly.
As it began to move, Ethan quickly pulled up the gun and aimed-
Then two things happened at once.
In the back a complex piece of music began playing... music box maybe- probably a classical piece-
At the same time Foxy stopped in its tracks and laid its ears back, before running off, right as the melody became louder.
Spinning around, the man kept his weapon drawn, more out of habit than out of any type of plan, though he felt safe to assume that whatever was coming towards him was worse than the fox.
There were no footsteps, or at least it did not sound like it, though maybe it was the music masquerading it.
A woman stepped around the corner-
-not a woman, an animatronic-
- and made a small curtsey towards him.
"I think I recognize you..." Her voice sounded firm and confident, despite her words being questioning.
"... We haven't met too often..." Ethan had avoided her place, because honestly, she and her little performers gave him chills. No matter how human she appeared, something about her movements was incredibly unnatural, too smooth, too quick...
"It is rude to keep a gun drawn on a weaponless woman..." She made a vague sign at his gun and while he hesitated he slowly let it down a bit to not directly aim at her chest. "Would you have shot Foxy?"
"Well... yes..." Unsure of whether admitting to it was a good idea or not, he slowly stepped back, bringing more distance between them. "After the disaster case "Breadbear", all cities with a Freddy's were instructed to open fire on each and any animatronic leaving the pizzeria unauthorized."
All of her movement shortly stopped, then she raised a finger to her face, apparently a thinking motion. "That... presents quite a troubling situation. We must find the others and bring them back before something happens to them..."
Confused Ethan looked at her, not really trusting to take orders and advice from such a machine. Who knew, maybe she was programmed to trick him...?
"Then you should return to the restaurant, while I gather them." It was the safest option he could see, since he couldn't let animatronics roam the streets.
"My, won't you need help?" Now it was her turn to sound slightly surprised and Ethan moved around a bit uncomfortably.
"I can always inform the police station, they will-"
"Won't they shoot my friends, Mister...?"
"Cross." For a moment he was- it was a hard feeling to describe. This felt like a night terror, the beginning of one at least; surreal, unnatural and seemingly ready to break out into something actually threatening at any moment.
"Mr. Cross, I cannot allow you to shoot at my friends." Calmly she stepped closer, pausing when the weapon was raised again. "I will find them on my own... but may I request for your phone?"
"For what?" His words came out harsher than he expected of himself, nervousness made him this way.
"I would like to talk to the manager of our restaurant, so he may help me out. After all, it is either being quick or the night ending... messy." She reached out, while keeping a comfortable distance so Ethan wouldn't feel furtherly threatened. "It would only cause trouble for both our restaurant and the police if their world would collide... so we should use our small chance to prevent it..."
A bit confused the man hesitantly put his gun down and picked out his phone, handing it over slowly. "Are you... implying I should not get them involved...?"
"Preferably, at least not until six AM? None of us would be happy if somebody got hurt..." Her voice WASN'T threatening. Not in the slightest. Why was it making his hair stand up on his neck?
"Are you kidding? Impossible. The most I can make myself accountable for... would be an hour before informing the police."
"... Oh- I finally remember... Ethan Cross, isn't it? Hm." She was putting in a number. "... it is late... you did drink... I wonder... would they even believe you? As long as nobody else reports it that is..."
Baffled at that thinly veiled jab he watched her taking up the phone and listening for a few seconds.
At fair amount of distance away, in a pretty lone house, Simon jerked up as his head began ringing.
Dazzled he tried to accept the call, wondering who the hell would decide to call him so soon past midnight- was Mike in trouble?!
"H-hello? Hello?" Anxious he held his breath, waiting for the someone who called him to raise his voice-
"Hello, Mr. Phone Guy, Ballora speaking. I am currently standing in..." Ballora gave Ethan a questioning look, before shrugging. "... a few blocks away from the "Wild Wolf"-"
This rang a bell and after getting not enough customer service that way, it went over to the BIG BUTTON and activated a red flashing alarm. "YOU ARE WHERE!? THAT- ISN'T THAT A BAR? BALLORA, WHERE ARE YOU RIGHT NOW!?"
"Yes, indeed, the bar." She laughed a bit at her manager's panic. "Oh, do not fret, I'm her in good company with Mr. Cross... the current problem is that the others seemingly have forgotten about the policy against animatronics as well and have left for some sort of adventure..."
"THEY WHAT?!" Phone Guy had jumped up and walked began to put on shoes- he always slept in clothes anyways, so he could leave like that. "WHY DIDN'T- WHAT DID YOU DO TO MIKE!?"
"Sir, stop screaming at me." She quietly tsked. "I didn't do anything and neither to my friends. He simply decided to leave at some point."
"W-w-what?!" He was a bit quieter now, but it was hard. "Why would he- he would never- he wouldn't just LEAVE!"
"I apologize, but it was what he did..." A bit impatient Ballora moved around. "Anyways, I will go and gather them now, or at least try to... feel free to help."
After that last biting comment she ended the call and handed Ethan the phone back and sighed. "Well then, Mr. Cross, I should hurry. Have a nice evening and I greatly hope I won't have the displeasure to run into you again, trying to shoot my friends."
"I hope I won't run into you murdering a civilian..."
She stopped on her way back and gave him a short glace with her closed eyes, her faceplates shifting, a purple glow was under it. "Why would you have such a bad impression of me, Mr. Cross?"
With that she disappeared around the corner, bringing her haunting music with her.
For a moment Ethan stared after her and then made a decision. He looked down at his dog, who was looking back up at him, skeptic.
"Okay boy... you found the fox once, find it again. We need to find it before it hurts somebody..." Not truly surprised as the dog jumped up and run off he followed him, hoping that the dog knew what he had referred to... and if yes, how he even did that.
Hasting down the street he quickly could actually notice the noises the animatronic made. The car honks were not very noticeable in the constant car noises of the city, but if you were listening intensely, you could hear the static in the sound.
The detective wasn't quite sure what to do when he found the creature- probably try to lure it into a secluded area and call for back-up...
At some point he managed and found Foxy, the noises told him it was right around the corner and his dog had stopped, tensely wagging. There were weird noises made, was he- rummaging around...?
Slowly he peeked around the corner, his weapon drawn.
And indeed, the Fox was throwing over trashcans, jumping on top of the empty cans, seemingly completely engrossed in his actions. Thankfully, the dim light revealed that he was fairly clean still, so he probably didn't attack anyone... did he?
Unsure he hid again behind the wall, getting out his phone, trying to remember his location. It had been hard, since every sideway and alley looked the same, but he always had kept his eyes out for the signs and a pretty decent grip on where the fuck he was.
Now, better request for people with Tasers and possibly some harsh restraining measures, but-
"THERE YOU ARE YOU LITTLE BITCH, I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL MURDER YOUR WHOLE FAMILY-" A scream sounded and after that a mechanical "THUD", followed by an electronic whine.
As fast as he could Ethan jumped forth, not exactly sure what was happening, but completely determined to save whatever drunken fool had thrown himself at the dangerous machine.
But when he finally saw the scene, to his surprise he had come face to face with Mike Schmidt, who was currently standing over the covering Foxy, a Taser in his hands that emitted sparks every other second. When he looked up, Ethan could have sworn to see his eyes glow.
"YOU WANNA BE NEXT, HUH?!" He raised the Taser towards him, but then slowly lowered it again, as he seemingly recognized him. "... ah. The fucking detective guy. Funny running into you. Fucking hilarious."
Without paying any further mind to the man, he tied up the animatronic and began dragging it away, struggling until another person approached, waving his arms around in despair. Phone Guy had arrived and was NOT happy.
"E-employee for gosh darn's sake- do you have to scream like that?! It's nighttime! We're gonna get in trouble!"
"Then HELP me you useless metal-head!" Mike groaned as he tried to drag the unhappy fox.
"W-why should I damn help you? This is ALL your darn fault!"
"I swear to you, the fucking teen came in and told me he was supposed to take over my shift!"
"And I tell you, I never TOLD him to do that!"
They began to pull together and Ethan hesitantly joined them. "I'll presume they escaped as Mr. Schmidt left his position...?"
"Which one...?" Interested the detective went through the list of potential employees that could have possibly wanted to deliberately sabotage this restaurant.
"It was the angsty fuck-"
"A new employee, you wouldn't know him..." They finally managed to move the fox inside of the car. "P-Please, you... don't call the police- w-we have these things under control, it's just a minor- uh... setback..."
"If he's so fucking panicked then he might as well fucking help us the fuck out. Get in you fucking nerd, next up is-"
"Did you just call me nerd?" Ethan wasn't angry in the slightest, it only... had been a while since he had last been called "nerd". Somehow he presumed that word not to be used in the adult world.
"What you're fucking gonna do about it, Nerd?!" Mike wasn't having a good time, so much was obvious.
"Well..." Good question. "...I..." With that he was dragged pushed into the car, right next to Foxy, who whined at him with empathy. Perplexed he stared at Mike who was throwing the entrance shut. "Excuse me, but would you- let me back out?!"
Nervously he eyed the machine next to him and even though its snout was bound, he couldn't help himself but think that being rammed by a shitton of metal would still be painful.
"What?! Fucking SCARED? Pussy. The fox is tied up, you know?"
"If it seems so safe to you, how about you sit in the back?" Not in the mood to fuck around, Ethan snarked back.
"I'd do it, because I'm no nerd-ass pussy!" Mike hissed and on that cue the man opened the door and went to change places and as promised, the Nightguard didn't even hesitate to stand up and sit in the back, hissing when the fox even only GLANCED at him. "See, bitch? This is how it works."
"Very impressive Mr. Schmidt." Ethan had no idea how to interact with the man, who was radiating anger out of every pore. "Now, how come that the animatronics could escape in the first place? How would they-"
"Didn't you lock it?"
"Employee, please be quiet, it's too darn late for your screaming."
"Don't "employee" me, phone-fuck. I do what I fucking want." Obviously insulted Mike leaned back, but at least he had calmed down a bit. "If I say I'm not a bitch, I'm not a fucking bitch."
Phone Guy made small noise of distress "Stop being rude to Mr. Cross..."
They began driving and Ethan realized that he accidently had let himself be talked into pursuing a handful of machines...
... then again, it was better than being only with a machine. At least he was sure they wouldn't turn and murder him in an instant. No, that wouldn't happen.
"So. Any fucking idea where the others are? Ballora fucked off to search the others as well, how will we figure out if she managed?!"
"They... most likely will return to the restaurant...?"
"But how will we figure out, are you fucking DEAF?!"
"Have you two considered asking another co-worker to stand by at the Pizzeria and call you in case of them returning?"
Both of them paused, but neither of them looked at them looked at Ethan. Then Phone Guy simply activated his head and after a few rings, somebody accepted.
"Yes, it's me, Phone Guy... yes, I'm sorry for ringing you up... uh... listen, Jeremy, the animatronics are a bit... up and around... left the restaurant... hm... yes... a small mistake..." For a moment he paused. "You'd need to stay for a while at the pizzeria and... wait... You can come in later tomorrow, again I'm sorry..." Then he smiled. "Yes, thank you a lot. Call us when you see them!"
"Talking on the phone and driving...?" A short disapproving noise came from the guy on the seat next to Phoney and the usually oh so responsible man shrunk a bit.
"Sorry... it feels as if we don't have any time..."
For a moment it stayed quiet inside of the car, as they all weren't sure as to how to move on with the conversation, especially since it was far too late in the night for every single one of them.
But none of them had a healthy sleeping cycle, so it was not too bad of a situation.
"Funtime Freddy is probably the easiest to find..." At some point Simon spoke back up, but it was more of a mumble, lost in thought. "... he is probably where a lot of people are..."
Naturally, that made nobody more optimistic about this situation, but it sure as hell made them feel more confident about finding him.
They drove past the main roads, each of them keeping an eye on the dimly illuminated walks at the sides.
Worried and nervous Phoney tapped with his fingers against the steering wheel.
What if the animatronic was inside someone's house?
Or a club?
Actually in the back alleys...?
He glanced at Mike in the car mirror, the guy looked annoyed and drained. The night probably took a bit of a toll on him... still, he was his best bet. For some reason he just KNEW when something was off... and he could lead you to it.
Sometimes he couldn't decide if Mike actually was more harm than good.
Then again, Mike tried, Mike always tried and that was- something.
Again they looked over the streets, until the employee suddenly sat up and Simon got ready to stop the car. For a while they all tensed up and looked around then Ethan spotted him, standing in front of two guys. "There he is!"
They stopped the car and jumped out, ready to interrupt and help these poor sods, but they looked pretty content. The machine seemed to just finish it.
"W-well because- because it's unB-BEARABLE!"
Both of them sounded... weird. "Duuuuuuuuuuude... he's like... totally radical..."
"Yeah duuuuuude... he's like... a bear... dude..."
Freddy was chipper. "O-oh BIRTHDAY boys! Y-yeah, I- I'm a BEAR! T-THAT MAKES IT SO HILARIOUS!"
"Birthday? Duude, you didn't tell me it's your birthday..."
"My birthday...? But dude... he said it's your birthday too..."
"Dude, I can't... believe I forgot my birthday... dude..."
Ethan stepped closer, those two were obviously high. But for now he couldn't report on that, not with more important things going on. "Excuse me, would you step away from the animatronic, please?"
Said machine wasn't too pleased about that. "W-why?! We were JUST a-about to have FUN-FUN-FUN! Me a-and BONBON h-have a party to do s-so don't interrupt!"
"I doubt that these two are in any position still to "party"." Ethan said with a disapproving side-glance at them.
Phoney stepped to Freddy, a tad anxious, but knowing of his responsibility. "Freddy? You HAVE to return with us to the restaurant.
"B-BUT I DON'T WANNA!" The bear grabbed the two strangers and hugged them tightly, refusing to let them go at any point. "W-WE WILL FLY AWAY! YOU C-CANNOT STOP US! THEY'RE M-MY NEW BEST FRIENDS!"
"Duuuuuuude... totally!"
"We love you, dude...!"
How much did they SMOKE?
Mike cracked his knuckles and reached for his Taser. "Okay, listen here you little shit, we can solve this in two way-"
A car had stopped beside them and honked. Slwoly the window rolled down and revealed... Baby.
"Get in loser, we're going to hunt a nightguard." She flipped her hair and tried to look cool in front of the group, sadly it didn't really work, seeing as she was facing probably the most difficult people to impress on the whole damn planet.
Freddy seemed impressed though. "B-baby! You can't drive! Who's driving!"
"Ballora of course. Now, are you getting in?"
This relieved Phone Guy so much. "Hey- we have Foxy! S-so, we're- we have all the animatronics together already!" But relieve could only be for so long. "Wait, where did you- how did you get a car?"
"Oh, a group of fine young gentleman offered me to take me bit of the way, so I accepted and kicked them out to use the car they so graciously offered." There was a barely hidden smirk in her words.
"Well then." Weirded out Phone Guy turned to Ethan. "Mr. Cross, thank you a lot for your help... we will return the animatronics to restaurant this instant- I should quickly call Jerry and tell him he can leave again..."
"God, I pray he kicks your fucking ass for waking him up for no reason and sending him back almost ten minutes after..." It was annoying Mike to just THINK about the situation.
"Jerry wouldn't do such a thing... and it wasn't "for no reason" anyways! We had to make sure..." Distracted he began talking to the phone thanking Jeremy for helping out, while Ethan politely coughed, attracting the attention of Mike.
"What the fuck do you want?" He raised an eyebrow.
"You said your co-worker didn't take over your shift like he should...?" Curious Ethan tried to figure out how that could have happened. Was it really a simple misunderstanding? Coincidences rarely occurred like that... especially not at Freddy's.
"The teen just popped up and... told me he was supposed to take over." Uneasy Mike moved around. "Nothing more nothing less."
"But you aren't sure if it was real." Quietly Ethan concluded, inspecting Mike from head to toe.
The guy stayed quiet, uncomfortable and simply walked off when Simon called for him. This wasn't a conversation he wanted to have, not with someone he didn't know. It was none of his fucking business.
Before they would drive off though, Simon looked out at Ethan, who still was looking thoughtfully into the nothingness. "Excuse me, but... shouldn't we bring you home?"
For a moment the man hesitated, then he somewhat smiled. "Thank you very much, I appreciate the offer."
He sat back into the car and nodded to himself. "All is well that ends well it seems... beyond a few trashcans, nobody seems to have gotten hurt..."
But he would need to check the newspaper tomorrow, to be sure.
"How come you have a new worker? You didn't strike me in need of one..."
"Oh... well, he... kinda broke in and then wanted a job? So I figured might as well give him one... with our giant place we CAN benefit from a few more people... even if the most surveillance now is electronic it's still nice to have people all over the place..." Simon shrugged a bit, his eyes still closely focused on the road.
"Understandable. What's his name...?"
Mike interrupted, for some reason his stress levels peeked again. Suddenly all of his instincts screamed to get out of the same car as the detective. "If you're so fucking curious, how about you ask him your-fucking-self. It's not like you didn't do that before to each and every one of us."
Sighing the Phone Guy shook his head. "Couldn't you just be nice for once...?"
Rubbing his face he growled. "No. But you know what, I'd like a fucking stroll home. Let me out."
"Mike, that's childish, I didn't mean to scare you out, I just wanted to-"
"Stop the car or I'll jump out of it while you fucking driving."
This wasn't an empty threat and Simon knew that perfectly well. So he nodded quietly and pulled over, listening to Mike stepping out of the car. "I'll talk to Nemo tomorrow and ask him about it..."
"Sure, great idea." He glanced at back at Foxy and almost fell back as there was a dark dog sitting on his place now, staring him down. The sound he had made was a quiet one, but his boss still managed to pick up on it.
"E-everything alright there, Mike?"
"There's a fucking dog-" WAS there a fucking dog? That thing might as well be-
"Yes, the one is mine... or, uh, at least it somewhat... followed me home. But he was there the whole time..." Curiously Ethan looked at the Guard, wishing he would look into his medical documents and find out what it exactly was that went wrong with the man. "... you didn't seem to be bothered-"
"Never mind, fuck this. See you tomorrow." It was barely more than a mumble, he didn't want to deal with this anymore.
Enough was enough.
Today had been an exhausting day, tomorrow he would be forced to deal with the animatronics.
But for today he had finished up.
Hesitantly he checked his bottle of pills.
Still enough there.
Maybe he should use it more regularly.
Just in case.
So- I'm considering giving this a proper update schedule. Like- all three weeks are fine and dandy, but it's a bit confusing? I feel like I can't keep it in mind.
So, the thing I'm proposing is that I'm basically make it monthly for a while, just because that's better to remember. I'd release on the 14th, since then I'd release something all two weeks and it would be nice and regular. What do you think, my peeps? Good idea?
Gosh darnit, this chapter doesn't really satisfy me... but I don't know... so as always, critisism is welcome if you have any idea what I could correct!
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