This will be a fun chapter, so enjoy, the next two chapters will be somewhat depressing...
And as always, every comment gets an answer :3


Only a few days had passed, but Phone Guy was continually thinking on how to get the requested information. God dammit, he KNEW the data was SOMEWHERE within the franchise. All information should be saved on a central server, or in some sort of archive.
But if he accessed it, there would be a lot of questions he had to account for. Probably would end badly for him. Deadly bad.
How could he request to be send the needed info, without becoming a liability?
Silently he pondered. Surely there was one authority that even Freddy's couldn't deny.
Ah. Well...
Slowly he reached for his receiver.
Two warnings first. But some things will get you fired immediately though.
Good. Alright. No worries. He had a plan and it wasn't a very good one, but it was a plan.
Mike did look worse again since last week. Bags under his eyes, rather tense and easily irritable.
Struck with a sudden streak of determination PG stood up and clenched his fists. Precautions of course will be taken.
Use what you can't fight.
Quickly he left the office he had hidden in and began to seek out his two demons. "DAVE? OLD SPORT? COME OVER HERE!"
The boss tried his best to not shriek as he was shoved from behind by the Orange Guy. "I... I need your help."
Dave eyes slimmed. "So you do. What do you want?"
"The police will be here at noon."
"No worries, I just need them for a few things. Please, don't be scared... you won't even need to be close to the establishment. Next to the fact that it would literally do the chain no good if you get arrested. The thing is, I need them to leave soon enough again, so I have a special task for you today."
Old Sport was hooked already. "A SPECIAL task?"
Their superior nodded. "Down into the secret base with us! Do you have your diving masks ready?"
Instantaneously both friends flipped over the mask that materialized out of nothing, ready and eager to enter the secret base.
They went towards the ball pit, Phoney handing each of them a small pill. "This is cyanide, in case anything drags you down."
It was almost sweet how easily excited the Guard was. Dave grinned dreamily, while Phoney tried to not feel horrified by it.
"We'll jump together, stay close to me or you'll most likely die."
"We could use this!" Out of his back pocket Dave pulled about ten meter of ropes.
"Why do you... have so much rope with you...?"
"If I freak out Old Sport too much I can kidnap him any time, so he won't run away!" Satisfied the Purple Guy tied them all together and jumped into the depths of hell.
Balls were everywhere, but the diving masks kept them at least able to breathe a little, as they slowly descended past self-aware pizza that had rotted there for decades, despite this restaurant only being open for one year, dinosaur's bones, the garden of Eden and some confused children.
Finally they entered a small creak in the wall and fell into a tidy room that resemble almost a classroom, with the whiteboard being filled with conspiracy signs and pinned location with a big note on its side, saying NEEDS BURNING OR COMPLETION OF PLAN D.I.C.K.
Old Sport took of his mask, confused. "Hey, Phoney, why does killing kids in the saferoom shut down the restaurant, but all the kids dying in the ball pit every day doesn't?"
"Uh..." Uncomfortable the metal-head shifted around. "I... uh... don't you want know your mission? Sit down over there, so I can instruct you."
"Instructions? For a secret conspiracy against Candy's? You mean so we're not getting..." Old Sport wiggled his eyebrows. "... IllumiNAUGHTY?!"
If Phone Guy weren't outnumbered, he probably would have fought him one on one, but now he only cringed and moved on. "We have a selection of weapons and schemes, depending on what kind of distraction you'd like to create. I would prefer something LOUD and important though."
"Hey, maybe...!" Dave leaned towards his friend and whispered into his ear. "Funtime Freddy has a bazooka. We could use that!"
Prideful the Purple Guy smirked. "Yep!"
"What are you two talking about?" Suspicious of their activities, Phoney interrupted. "Is it about destroying the enemy?"
"Mind telling me about it?"
Both were now staring at the Orange Guy, slightly confused, but the other psychopath grinned. "Didn't caught that part, but I'm on it, only one question... where do we get fighting Nightguards?"
"Okay, okay, you're right it was a little unrealistic. We're getting the strippers and the aliens as security, but we, the bear and the Nightguard stay in the jumble!"
"Hm, if we manage to sneak Foxy past the Phone, it might works out, but we-"
"Aww... Phoney! Pls! It's gonna be fun!"
"Employee, we have bombs, viruses and even a buttload of rabid dogs. Why do you always obsess over the hecking Fox?!"
"I'm not!"
"Then why not do something to Freddy? Or Bonnie?"
Orange Guy began to pout and Dave gave off some dangerous vibes, forcing the boss to defuse the situation as quickly as possible. "I- I'm not insulting your ideas here, I just w-wanted- I mean hoped for something more creative..."
Appeased Old Sport got back on track. "I see, I see... I want the same after all. Okay. Give me a minute."
"Stop overheating your poor brain, I already have the PERFECT plan! We don't even need the aliens, but we need some acid, which Matt can provide, a projector and access to Phoney's computer!"
Doubtful the Phone-head and the Orange Guy tilted their heads simultaneously. "Why?"
"I'm going to need Foxybody.jpg one to six hundred."
"Goddammit, okay, I need access to the darknet, because where else would I get gigabytes of animatronic-porn from?"
Almost pleading Phoney glanced at Old Sport. "Maybe your friend has a better idea...?"
"Maybe we should! WE SHOULD! Let's smuggle LSD into the drinks!"
"C'mon, sportsy, you call THAT creative?"
"Simple and effective, as well as a great show!"
Desperate Phone Guy clapped his hands together. "WHY NOT BOTH! We don't have much time. Be ready at two and please... I'm counting on you! You have to start the distraction as soon as I message you, can you manage that?"
Surprised the two psychos straightened their backs, but ruined the illusion by snickering, especially Dave. "Thanks for entrusting us with that special task! We'll give the police a party to remember!"
"Don't get caught, you two."
Now really surprised both turned towards him. Old Sport smiled confused. "Uh... you care? Don't worry, we will be careful. We're good at not getting caught! Right?"
Confident both began a five minutes long high-five with twenty different gang-signs and the letters of kidden-strangler, using fingerspelling in between to spice it up. After the pose called "the-swift-dolphin-execution-as-tiger-fighter-Joe-tries-to-escape" they were finally finished and bowed slightly.
Unimpressed Phoney pointed towards the corner. "There is a canon in the corner, together with probably functioning parachutes, in case you want to leave. Take care and make sure you have everything you need."
As the phone left Old Sport fell back onto a chair. "Good, the LSD is probably easy to get from the ungrateful toddlers, I'll just need to restock my licorice. Are you sure Matt offers acid?"
"Yep, I once bought it for a little prank. Matt has pretty much accesses to anything, as long as you have the Tokens and know what you're asking for."
"I made a hole into the oven and stuffed it with rats. The heat made them explode EVERYWHERE. But this time it will be more difficult, since we have to get it into the pipes..."
Smirking the Orange Guy leaned back. "I like your way of thinking!"
"Just my way of thinking?" The smile made it obvious he was just joking.
Teasingly his friend played along. "Well, couldn't be your great ability to be responsible."
"What boring person would like a responsible partner?"
"Maybe at least someone I can leave alone for a month without him releasing our supernatural nemesis and almost killing his boss and co-worker?"
"It was MUCH more than a month!"
"The point is still valid!" Grinning he ruffled his hair. "But I wouldn't want it in any other way."
Dave turned away, rubbing his face. "S-same. Let's go and get our items! This is going to be an adventure!"
His little girl, who had shyly hidden in his pocket before, came quickly out and grabbed onto his hair, giggling excitedly.
"THAT'S WHAT I LIKE TO SEE! MUTIPLE BONE-BREAKS, HERE I COME!" But before he could recklessly throw himself into the canon, without even taking the parachute along, Dave grabbed him by the collar and jerked him back.
"If we want to go through with our big plans, we need to be in top condition."
Pouting the Orange Guy stripped the bag over his shoulders. "I was kidding when I said you need to be more responsible... well, fine, I get it."
Still not putting on a safety helmet nor the safety googles, he climbed into the canon and pulled the rope above him, ending in him getting launched through a hole above him. His ecstatic screams were slowly disappearing in the distance.
What disappeared in the distance for Dave, came closer for Mike, who was running late. Irritated the man checked his surroundings, trying to find the sources of the fucking mind-breaking noise. But not even his nightmares he ever considered the thing coming from above until his co-worker almost crushed onto him.
"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKING HELL!" Mike resisted the urge to punch him senseless and instead controlled himself to help the guy up. "What the FUCK was that supposed to be?! Where did you even come from!?"
"Secret mission, BOI! Call me 0069, because I'll solve the case and all of your daddy issues at the same time! Though I destroyed my parachute by accident..."
Minireena laughed supportive.
"This... makes no sense."
"I see you're not denying to have daddy-issues! That's the first step!"
"You know, I gave up a long time ago to discuss with you. I'm not even angry, you're just talking out of your ass."
Another sound came from above, mad laughter this time. Dave slowly and gracefully floated over them and then timely cut off his parachute to actually land on top of Old Sport, crushing him to the ground.
"Dave! Y U DO DIS?!"
"Well, I guess I simply... fell for you!"
The Orange Guy giggled, but Mike groaned. "That doesn't make SENSE! You didn't fell FOR him, you fell onto him, ruining the complete joke in the process."
"Since when are you the joke police?" Aggressive Purple Guy stood back up.
"Since your jokes became retarded." Just as aggressive Mike stared back. He had a bad week, seemingly not even getting remotely closer to freeing Gary and a fucking eggplant-man trying to start shit was actually something to distract him for five minutes.
Old Sport was having none of it. "We have to go now, Candy's customers won't die by themselves, amIrite? I mean, usually they do, but not that many."
With a last snarl, Dave turned around and followed his friend away from Freddy's.
Growling, the cynical Guard continued to walk to work, not particularly pumped with the aspect of getting lectured by PG again.
With a quick glance at his side, he noticed that at least Toy-Freddy wasn't running away as soon as the Orange Guy came closer than two feet. Apparently he realized that nothing could hurt him anymore.
Even more pissed than before Mike kicked down the doors of the establishment. Since Gary wasn't free yet, he rarely hung out with his friends and was next to the human at all times. It wasn't even as if he was constantly talking or doing stupid shit, but the way his silent presence was always there annoyed the Guard. It was so... accusing.
Simon ran towards him, grabbing his shoulders. "You don't have any of your cocaine still there per chance?"
"Uh... no? I'm not fucking stupid!"
"Okay... okay. We can deal with that. It's probably even better that way. We... we're going to be busy today. DON'T wear the suits. Not that you'd ever want to, but... ah, why did I even mention it. Be careful today."
"Mind to explain me WHAT THE FUCK is going on?!"
"Later, I have to practice. Give me until closing time."
"Only Candy customers, they deserve that anyway. I have a plan! Trust me, it's for the best. I fear that I-" Nervously the Phone Guy looked around. "You know, I have a phone for a head."
"Oh, fucking REALLY? Nah, NEVER noticed that."
"And... you know... what if my head is tapped? People recording my voice at all time?!"
"Bullshit. They would have fired you a long time ago, after all you're not supposed to talk about the factory, right?"
"I'm scared, Mike!"
"Why? It's not like life could get any worse for us, right?"
"I could lose you. If the factory is coming to get me, I fear you do something... rash..."
This actually managed to silence Mike for a short while, at least how long it took to get the heat back out of one's face. "I'm fucking fine. I can protect myself god-fucking-dammit. Back to the point before, what is going on?"
"I will call the police in order to get an excuse to gain accesses to the contact data of the Baker-family."
"You- wait, what?! Seriously?!" Shocked Mike leaned forward, embarrassing PG a bit. "That will work?! You will DO that?"
"O-of course! We have some souls to free, right?"
A new glimmer of respect shined in his eyes. "Alright. What do you need me to do?"
"Keep the children safe. Nothing is allowed to go wrong today."
"Count me in!"
"As always!" Serious Simon nodded. "I have to make the first call... first of many. Wish me luck..."
"Confidence!" Smiling Mike patted his back and went to play his part, motivated enough to not scream at the customers.
Phone Guy took a deep breath and clenched his fist. If they haven't wiretapped him, he would be fine as long as he played his role convincingly. Come on, you lied to so many people before, this will be no difference.
The number of the police.
What is your emergency?
"I h-have information about a case from California. Gary Baker, the boy who disappeared in the location... I t-think I've found something in the local restaurant that belongs to him, probably hinting that he might still be around... please check it out. It's in the backroom. Ask to see the spare parts. But be quick, I think they want to destroy them..."
And cut the line. Anonymous. They couldn't prove anything.
There were always individuals interested in solving the Freddy's case. Because everyone wanted to be involved with Freddy's for some screwed up reason. Those individuals would follow a vague hint like this one. Useful idiots, or dedicated detectives?
He wasn't the one to judge that.
Get ready to act confused and surprised. Get the evidence.
Good thing he hadn't discarded of the broken down Toys yet, which in turn would have some DNA still inside of them... Maybe. If it hadn't been too long. The blood was of course cleaned out, but maybe there was a lone hair, a piece of dead skin...
But that wasn't important anyway. The police only needed to get here and inform him about the fact that there might be evidence about Baker's disappearance inside of the machines.
Then he would have a reasonable explanation to gain accesses to the information.
Silently he paced up and down inside of the office.
What, the missing children incident in California?
But hadn't that been more than a year?
Well, we have the animatronics from that restaurant, but after a breaking and entering they got destroyed. We're planning on shipping them off again...
No, of course not! I will bring you to them in a minute!
Then the next call had to be even more convincing.
U-uh... sir, I have to request the data of Baker's. You know, incident in California. The police is here.
I don't know, they said "anonymous tip"... I'm sure they won't find anything, but it would be suspicious if we don't have the data here anymore...
If this wouldn't work... if he made himself in any way suspicious...
Shortly he considered making himself a coffee, but his hands were shaking far too much.
For heck's sake, it had only been an hour or so and he already lost his cool.
What if they wouldn't even follow the tip?
That was unlikely.
Tick Tock.
Tick Tock.
It's the grandfather clock.
He couldn't take it anymore, so he decided to text his employ- special agents to check the progress they were making.
Said men had sneaked into Candy's, which was a wonder in and of itself, since they were pretty hard to miss and were just working on getting the acid into the pipes and the LSD into the drinks as Old Sport's phone beeped.
Dave groaned. "Is it Phoney?"
After taking out the phone his partner nodded. "Wants to know how we're doing."
"Tell him that we've gotten kidnapped by the Green Guy."
"Who's that?"
"No one, I just want to screw with him."
"Let's rather focus here, we could-"
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Suddenly a Candy's employee stepped around the corner.
Dave gripped tightly onto his knife, but Old Sport only laughed. "Taking care of the fire-safety, dummy!"
"Get onto the stage, right now! Two of our performers are sick, didn't you get the memo?"
"But... what if someone sets something on fire?"
Distressed the man took of his cap to fix his messy hair. "We... okay, your friend stays here, but you better get into a suit ASAP!"
"Sir, yes sir!"
Already he was gone again. Dave and Old Sport looked at each other, but Old Sport's confident smile wasn't wavered. "Give me the LSD, take care of the acid. When we're ready to go, or you need a distraction, give me a sign! When I'm in a suit, I'll have better accesses to the drinks anyway."
"I need ten more minutes, before you can make the customers run around like headless chicken!"
"Ten minutes! Can do!" Cheerful he began to skip off, before Dave held him back one more time.
"Hey, sportsy, how about..." His planned words dried up in his throat for some reason. "U-uh..."
"H-how about..." Well, he WANTED to test Sportsy's affection for him by asking about a kiss for good luck (totally just a test, nothing weird about it, nah), but he couldn't get it out. And now that he got this nervous, he couldn't even play it off as a joke afterwards. It was already bad enough when he accidently spilled that he regularly stalked him... Human interactions were fucking hard. If he had one dollar for every human he accidently made run away in terror just by talking to them, he could probably afford himself friends made for him out of the genetically material hidden in secret government facilities. "... Never mind..."
Orange Guy's grin slightly widened in a mischievous way. "You'll be fine, Dave."
Did he know something? Sometimes Dave had the feeling that his friend knew more than he showed and had fun watching everyone else piecing it together by themselves.
Snickering the Orange Guy left around the corner, making a mental picture of his friend's flustered face. Pure gold!
Glowingly good-mooded, he rushed towards a somewhat hidden door, expecting it to be the part of the building exclusive for employees and thus were where the suits are hidden. Wouldn't want to ruin the magic for the kiddens now, would we?
Many doors stretched to the left and the right, some of them boarded off, some of them simply locked. The third one finally opened though!
Inside was a poker table, with some shady figures sitting around, smoking cigars. On the table were needles scattered, which Old Sport recognized in sheer shock.
"Is... is that HEROIN? IN A RESTAURANT?"
Miniscule movement was going on as the men decided who would have the honor to shoot him first, but Orange Guy had more pressing concerns. This was a DISGRACE!
"What are you DOING?! YOU PLEBS!" In a solid movement he swept it all from the table. "YOU GODDAMN PEASANTS! REAL MAN DO COCAINE! Heroin-junkies are fucking n00bs! Here, have some and tell me it ain't like five hundred times better!"
Disgusted he threw them some of his secret stock and turned away. Doing heroin in a children's restaurant... what if a kid had seen it and know mistakes heroin for being the cool drug?! How irresponsible!
After this short escapade he continued in his search for a death-suit to entertain toddler, which were more interested in shoving each other in one of the metal death-jaws.
On the other side of the city things went equally smooth, but tenser. At least for Phone Guy, who just had noticed that he had no idea on how to get Jeremy out of sight from the unkind officers.
Caring about your employees was hecking darn hard! This situation made him somewhat understand the Phone Guys who did nothing more than protecting the establishment, even if it still was morally wrong and costs the lives of everyone around them.
"Jeremy! Jeremy, please, would you mind to have a short talk with me in the office?"
Slightly worried the young Guard said goodbye to the kids he played with and ran after him. "Sir? Did I do something wrong?"
His terrifying companion that was captured in the shell of a marionette peeked out of his bag, probably ready to attack if he said something wrong. Why was everyone in this forsaken restaurant only waiting for an excuse to kill him?!
"No, of course not, you're doing good... honestly, between us, I think you're actually the only qualified worker here. But that isn't what I wanted to talk about anyway. Jeremy, I need you to stay in the office today and watch the cameras, please. Today... the police will be here for a short investigation and so I will be too busy."
"The police?"
"It's about the broken Toys... we never found the culprit, but at least we could get some insurance if we get through the investigation."
"Oh, okay. I will take care of this!" Smiling again motivated, Jeremy sat down in front of it, resting his face on his hands.
"Don't leave the office, except you expect a catastrophe if you don't."
"Yes sir!"
"And don't sit so close to the monitors, it could hurt your... uh... eyes...?"
"Oh right! Thank you Mr. Phone Guy!" Now sitting straight, Jeremy swayed from side to side happily.
"And... you could make yourself some tea if you'd like to, as long as you're careful."
"You're too kind! I will give my best!"
Sometimes Jeremy's positivity was unsettling, but his honest smile immediately vaporized that sentiment.
"See you later... Try to relax a bit."
In the same second that the boss stepped back into the main area a small crowd of people entered, presumably police force in plain, unsuspicious clothing, as to not create a disturbance.
Quickly PG checked his breathing, to not giving off any signals and greeted them with a sort of confused kindness.
Remember Simon y-
Shortly he paused but decided to continue.
... You don't know why they are here.
Remember Simon. Be careful.
"Mr. Cawthon?"
"Phone Guy if you don't mind. What can I do for you? Did something happen?"
A man took control of the situation by stepping forward. His almost gray eyes were not unkind, but closed off like steel, he had beard stubble and slight bags under his eyes. Goofily enough he was wearing a pretty cliché detective coat.
On the other hand, the man was pretty cliché himself.
"We are following an anonymous tip, hinting that there are ties between the machines and the missing children incident in California. We don't want to cause any trouble, but we have to check out the spare parts in the back."
"Ethan Cross, if I'm not mistaken? They were planned to be shipped off today, but of course, follow me. I would just like to know what's going on..."
Calmly he said his trained text, while letting his mind wander.
Ethan Cross, well-liked with most of his co-worker before his suspension and the first adult victim of Freddy's. His daughter was one of the first missing children, together with five other kids... was it the third incident? Or actually the first?
Phone Guy couldn't remember anymore, it wasn't that important anyway.
After his daughter disappeared, the man got caught in a downward spiral. In his attempt to find the murderer and shut down Freddy's, he lost his job, wife and son, leaving him no other choice but continue his path. The police, while not calling him an employee anymore, still valued his advice and intuition, always calling him whenever new evidence was found.
Mr. Cross became somewhat of a pity-legend among Phone Guys, yet they still hated seeing him. It meant that he probably wouldn't leave for a while.
While staring at him, Phone Guy almost wanted to ask him if he believed that his daughter was still around... somehow. If he believed in restless spirits and ghost.
Would that be cruel...?
Ethan had instructed his team for what to check and once more talked to the manager, with his distant smile. "Sir, may we get the contacts and all data of the last case, as well as the damage report on the machines?"
"It might take a minute..."
Now the worst part was about to begin. He stepped into the office, thoughtless ruffling the hair of his small employee, while using the "emergency" number. Jeremy appeared as if he wanted to say something, but stopped as he realized that his boss was busy.
Anxious Simon listened to the cold beeps on the other end, lasting forever or maybe just for a millisecond, until it was replaced by an equally cold voice.
So cold, you could almost not believe that they were human.
"What appears to be the emergency?" An icy female voice asked.
"Madame, I have to request the data of California, since the police-"
"We know about the police. The data will be send to you immediately. Fix the issue."
And so the line was cut. Okay, better than expected, at least they didn't... it was highly unlikely that they knew what he did.
"Are you okay Mr. Phone Guy?"
"U-uh... yeah, I just called my... wife... haha..."
"You have a wife, sir?" Puzzled Jeremy raised an eyebrow.
"Well, not really... it's... it's complicated. You're doing a good job, keep at it!" Quickly he activated his computer and waited a short while for the mail to arrive, just to immediately copy it and sending it to the usual address.
But before of deleting it as required, he copied it once more and saved it under a different name.
Hopefully they wouldn't find it.
But that wasn't possible, it was just an email on a hard drive. No one would look for it.
They didn't knew what he was thinking, he wasn't stepping out of line.
"You really should sit down, mister..." Jeremy stood up and offered his place. "Should I make you a tea? You're sweating... are you getting sick?"
They weren't gods, they weren't omnipresent. "No... no, thank you... I have still some things to do..."
After sending Dave the signal, he waited five minutes and returned to Mr. Cross, who was discussing with one of the specialists.
"I have send you the requested information, sir."
"Good, good. Well, I have some... good... news for you. While there seemingly is actually some DNA INSIDE of the robots, none of it is..." Ethan paused and shook his head. "It could be from anything. It could have been from a rat. We will need to-"
Suddenly their walkie-talkies activated sending some sort of code. Cursing under his breath, the detective almost kicked one of the broken masks, but retreated. "This is an emergency, all forces are needed."
"If there are any questions left, you know how to contact me."
Mr. Cross was the last one to leave and even took another look at the parts, a pained expression on his face.
"Really a sad fate for them... isn't it? The Toys were many children's favorites, especially with the girls..." Phone Guy wasn't sure if it was cruelty or empathy that made him say these useless words.
"You will ship them off, since we didn't found any explicit evidence, won't you?"
"Me? I would keep them to myself, honestly, but the company policy is strict."
"What a weird coincidence that right now a catastrophe of this immediacy happens..."
"Sir? What do you mean?"
His cold gaze stayed on him for another second. "Well... I'm sure we will see each other again soon."
"I wouldn't hope so! After all, that would mean something bad was going on, haha!"
"Ha-ha indeed." Once more the high-pitched beeps were emitted from his pocket and he turned to hurry into his car and drive to the place that was having problems.
Problems were an understatement.
Dave and Old Sport were sitting on top of another building, laughing their asses off as they watched children drop over dead from overdoses, adults attacking each other and their surroundings with weapons that the colorful Guards had given to them, not noticing that they were just other humans.
But at least the ones that were high didn't feel the acid dripping into their skin and other organs, unlike the poor screaming souls running around and rolling on the floor, trying to escape the pain.
The whole building was on fire, since Old Sport said it would feel wrong if they wouldn't do that. At least they agreed to cover everything with different chemicals, so it looked less boring and more like a PARTEY!
Blue, green, yellow and of course red the flames attracted all attention, ensuring that the police would be busy for a month!
"Uh, Dave, look! The firefighters are coming! GET READY!"
Swiftly Purple Guy took out the remote and counted down with his friend. As soon as they stopped, the psychos pushed the big read button and under the sweet sound of "Never gonna give you up" hundreds of balloons flew into the air, with a banner attached to them, showing hardcore animatronic porn.
Another push and the banner was set on fire with a constant loop of "the year's start coming and they won't stop coming and they won't stop coming-"
Happy they high-fived and made their way back to the restaurant.
"That was excessive!"
"YEAH! WE SHOULD DO THAT AGAIN SOMETIME!" They twirled around, hyped as hell and made some sweet dance moves, just to top it off with a ninja pose. Giggling Old Sport jumped on top of Dave's back. "CARRY ME!"
As they reentered the establishment, Phone Guy almost appeared as if he wanted to hug them, but ultimately just clapped his hands together. "Whatever you did, it was great! They called EVERYONE away from here! Congrats!"
Proudly the Orange posed. "You can count on me! Chaos has no name, but likes to be called Old Sport!"
"Chaos has no name, but it likes to yiff the fox!"
All of sudden an alarm ringed and a net fell out of the ceiling onto Dave, together with hundreds of papers, on which #RESPECTDAFOX was printed.
"What the h-heck?!"
Now Phone Guy's head began to ring as well. "H-hello, Freddy's Pizza Papa-ronies, the manager speaking?"
"Mr. Cross speaking. A... "Yiff alert" just activated and my partner informed me about his little... escapade. Uh... this is awkward..."
"Your partner?"
"Officer Bootylova."
Orange Guy jumped up. "OFFICER BOOTYLOVA?!"
"He's Scottish."
"W-what has that to do with anything?!"
"I thought it might explain the last name... however, just... deactivate the "Fox-protector-69" and it should be fine."
"OR HOW ABOUT YOU JUST RESPECT THE FOX, YOU FILTHY, FILTHY... ANIMALS!" Apparently the man responsible for it was sitting next to Ethan.
"Why are you even working with such an insane man?"
"Well, he's good at what he's doing."
Mr. Cross also didn't want to deal with this bullshit, so he ended the conversation. "Sorry for the complications. Next time he will be assigned to another case."
Merciful like he was, Phoney had already hung up.
You're so mean, Phoney!" Pouting Orange Guy grabbed Dave and walked away, but they were most likely not really a danger, since they had gotten off most of their killing need.
Good, he did it. He actually DID it.
Mike strolled towards him, his eyes showing a sort of optimistic energy that PG hadn't seen before. "And?! Did it work?!"
"Yes! YES, YES, Y E S! I have the number on my account, in a folder called Gary."
"Great, let's finish this!" The Guard wanted to turn away, but was stopped by his friend.
"Uh... don't mean to be a buzzkill, but there is still the time shift between here and England. We should wait at least until ten."
"Argh, fuck me, I hate that." Pacing back and forth, Mike radiated impatience with every inch of his being. "It's their fucking child! They as fuck wouldn't care if they knew what it was about!"
"But they don't, so stay patient. How about you..."
"Don't say anything, I'll keep myself busy one way or another."
Phone Guy slightly nodded to himself, assuming that his friend would take care of his invisible children and that he would probably be better off releasing Jeremy out of the claustrophobic office.
Jeremy was resting on his arms, sleeping peacefully, while the puppet kept an actual focus on the cameras. They shortly looked at each other.
Any problems?
"Uh... not really. I just wanted to say that you are free to go now if you'd like to..."
The Marionette leaned towards him, his long claws tapping against the chair. Phone Guy couldn't say he particularly enjoyed having the unsettling creature so close to himself, but it wasn't fear anymore.
They are happy now, right? The children.
"Only one more call and I can answer that with yes."
Mike doesn't know what he is doing... he doesn't understand how they work! How they think!
"If you know it better, then why didn't they came to you for help?"
Having successfully shut the animatronic up, he left the office again, trying to keep himself busy until closing time.
Almost impatient he nodded as the last customers left, together with the rest of the employees that he had allowed... well, encouraged to leave early as well, so he and Mike wouldn't be interrupted.
Together they slammed the door shut and out of convenience Mike snatched away PG's receiver and began tipping in the number he had seen inside of the email.
"H-hey! That... you can't just..."
"Well, I assumed you wanted to listen."
"I do!"
"Then stop being a pussy and hold still! It's difficult as fuck when you moving so much and I'm not even finish with half of it."
"It tickles..."
"Simon, didn't I tell you to grow a pair?"
Now only interrupted by occasional giggling, Mike managed to put in the number and all three of them held their breath, even if it was more metaphorical in Gary's case.
Finally it clicked and a thin female voice answered. "Hello, at Baker's, who am I talking to?"
All of a sudden Mike noticed that he had not really any idea what to say. "Here... uh... I'm Mike Schmidt..."
She sounded somewhat sympathetic. "Sorry, never heard that name before. Do you want to speak with my husband?"
"No, no... I mean, yeah, you never heard of me, but this isn't about that, this is about your son, Gary."
That was a stupid idea and as expected her voice became closed off. "He has been dead for over a year."
"Yeah, I know, but how... it's really important that you tell me how you all took it." He should have asked PG to do this.
"Excuse me?! What the HELL does that have to do with you?!"
"Madame, I have to inform you that... look, just say you're doing fine and I'll be gone. Just say that his sister has now a dog and grows up nicely and that you all support each other and stuff, so he can move on!"
"What is WRONG with you!? How do you know about us?! Who gave you our number!? What do you mean with "move on"?!"
"Well, fine, fuck you, your kid possessed the Toy Freddy he was shoved into! After I broke that shithead into pieces, his soul started to follow me and he asked me to find and call you, so he could leave this world in peace. I didn't ask for this and this is probably just as stressful for me as it is for you."
She was crying. Her sobs were distorted by the low quality of the connection.
"I... I'm sorry, we both just want the kid to move on, right? How are you doing?"
Suddenly a male voice was in the background. "Sophie? What happened? Who is on the phone?! Why are you crying?"
The man took over the conversation. "Who is it?"
"Doesn't matter! It's about Gary and his goddamn afterlife! If you don't tell him that you kept on living, he'll never be able do whatever dead souls do after they leave!"
Calm the man responded. "Never dare to contact us again or I will contact the police."
The line was cut.
After a minute of silence, Simon patted his back. "It... uh... wasn't all... I mean, it wasn't..."
"It went horrible."
Gary also petted his back, or at least the part he could reach. "It's... really it's okay... my family wants to move on and it has been a year... maybe it's time to let them go a-and..."
All of a sudden PG's head began ringing again.
Quickly he handed Mike the receiver, who was unsure of what to expect. "Hello...?"
"Here is... Sophie Baker, again..." She was whispering now, her voice still disrupted by small hiccups. "Y-you said, my sweet Gary is with you...?"
"Well, his soul."
"Prove it. T-tell me something only he could know..."
Gary shortly thought and then began talking, Mike giving his best to keep up. "His room was green, his favorite color, he kept saying that his favorite toy was his racecar, but you and he always knew that it was actually his plushie that he called Mr. Muffels, because it was muffled when his father talked through it, pretending to be the Teddy bear. He had a lot of friends in school, but especially liked someone called Joe, who was always scuffled and dirty, since he played outside so much. You didn't really liked them spending time with each other, since you feared him getting bad manners, but your husband always said that it was just was what boys liked to do in that age. He loved the Fredbear&Friends Cartoon, unfortunately and always sneaked to watch it at six AM, until you password protected your TV, which made him reject his food for three days, until you made him his favorite dish and he broke down. Do I need to go on? My throat is getting dry..."
Mike had expected that the woman would began to sob again, but somehow she had calmed. "No. I... I believe you. Even if I probably shouldn't."
"I don't want any fucking money, I don't want anything except you telling us how you are all doing and if life goes on."
"You're a rude one... okay, okay, Gary... Gary hears me, right?"
The boy next to Mike sniffled as well.
"Okay. Gary. My dear sweet Gary..." Her stuttering and hiccups began again. "We... we miss you so much. You were a sunshine in our life... but we are giving our best. Nicole slowly gets used to not having you around to play with and... we actually did get her a cat, to keep her company..."
"WHAT?! BUT I NEVER GOT A DOG!" Gary was offended, but the human decided to not tell her.
"... Your father is often tired, but he stands brave, He's there for all of us... but sometimes I don't know if it is that good for him. I'm trying to help with that." Her voice trailed off. "And I... Gary... are you happy?"
"He... no one who gets killed can be really happy, but he isn't alone here. And hearing that you all doing your best helps. He feels guilty, because he followed the killer..."
"Miss, don't scream at me! No he doesn't and is sorry... he just wishes that he could do something for you."
"S-sorry... I have to stop talking soon. If Gary is okay... then I'm okay too. There is something beautiful waiting for you, Gary! A paradise, or something equally as happy... and we will meet there! We will meet again and be a family..."
Gary took off his mask, with a golden smile. "Tell her I have time. I will wait as long as it takes and the longer, the better. They should have a lot to tell me when they join me!"
Compliant Mike told her and added his own words to it. "... Thank you for listening. Thank you for saving your kid."
"No. Thank you. It's good to know he can leave peacefully. I will... I will do my best and fill my life with memories to show to him!"
"Goodbye, miss."
"Goodbye, kind sir."
Feeling freed as well, Mike smiled softly placed the receiver back onto his friend. "THAT'S what I'd call successful! We did it!"
"I'm impressed AND surprised! Didn't expect her to call again... I guess you just have something earnest about you."
But Mike couldn't answer as he was distracted by all of the golden children hugging and cheering for the last of them.
They were crying out of happiness, as the danced and jumped. Finally they began to circle Mike, who wasn't sure if he wanted to be part of this, but didn't move anyway.
Sally hugged him first. "We're almost free!"
Tom snuggled into him second. "Thank you for everything!"
Richard's hug was a bit shyer, but sweet. "We actually have one last question to ask..."
Suzy squeezed him tight. "But that is actually just because we like you so much!"
Gary didn't let him go for a long time. "ATTEND OUR HAPPIEST DAY!"
Confused Mike watched them squealing. "Happiest day?"
"Our party! We hold one, because, well... out first one went..."
"We all died there, so we want compensation!"
"Wouldn't have been that straight-forward, but..." Sally shook her head at Suzy.
Mike sighed. One last event, before letting them leave.
Maybe he would even miss them. A little. A teeny-tiny bit.
"Yeah, I'll be there. When and where?"
Richard smirked. "We could do it everywhere, but... we decided something. How about we do it in the saferoom? In two days?"
Tom nodded seriously. "You wouldn't have to go out of your way to come and we wouldn't be bothered."
Suzy yawned. "Also, the Fredbear suit is in there."
Sally actually appeared bothered. "Suzy, don't talk so much, it's..."
"What has the Fredbear suit to do with it?"
"Uh... well... we will tell you then, okay? It's a surprise!" Reassuringly the girl took his hand shortly. "Thank you for saying yes!"
Mike looked up and noticed the worried Phone Guy, who probably got unnerved by him interacting with invisible people. Carefully to avoid said people, Mike joined his side.
"Uh... did it work out? You sure look... happy..."
"We did it! I don't know how often I'll say that bullshit in the next week, but fucking hell, we are the best! Thank you for getting the number! Without you I'd probably failed..."
"You flatter me too much... you would have figured something out."
"Yes, but that doesn't mean this is far better!"
Simon laughed at that nonchalant display of confidence... or arrogance, if you were mean. "Okay, let's make sure that no one is left in the building, close it down and then you can leave for the day."
"What about the nightshift?"
"What about it? I'll take care of it. You deserve some rest after all this chaos."
"Fuck you."
Irritated Phone Guy tilted his head. "What?"
"Do I LOOK like I can SLEEP NOW? I did a fucking miracle and saved kids! Not to mention that said kids probably keep me from closing my fucking eyes, since they are basically golden disco-balls!"
"So, how about we stay here together! Let's troll the animatronics! Make some traps, confuse them! Let's SCARE them! They're fucking pussies, we could just catch them and scream loud and they freak out!" Mike's eyes had a mischievous glow inside of them and his grin was slightly worrying, but filled with energy.
"Freeing one pack of kids, just to pester another?"
"Ah, shut it! If I have to forgive them for trying to kill me, they can forgive me for making fun of them!"
"Sounds fair."
Smiling they began setting up for the night, one that would surely be quite entertaining.


School times are coming, so I'll update a little less... I'm really sorry and honestly that will bother me more than you guys, since I'm comment-addicted ^^"
While at comments, I sometimes wonder what happens to the people who just comment one time... I always try my best to assume that they just prefer to lay back and enjoy, but... welp, I'm angsty as fuck and just think they got bored.
On that topic, special greetings to a guest called Nyuro who twice took time out of their day to point out a few mistakes for me to correct them! Whatever you're doing, I hope you're fine!

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