The Grand Opening

Shout-out to everyone who feels/is sick. I feel your pain, my friends ;u;


Excitement rushed through his veins.
It was better than any kind of killing, it was even a little better than any kind of creating... but only because it was part of creating.
The presentation.
Ah... how long has it been?
When was the last time he was in front of the press?
Must have been quite a long time ago... Henry had been next to him that time.
"Is my dress wrinkled?" Baby was sitting down and standing up every other minute, walking in circles, giggling nervously at whatever Alice was doing. Dave felt sympathetic as he wanted to do the same.
Freddy was consistently telling jokes to Bonbon, apparently trying to get him to calm down, while Ballora was sitting next to them, listening intensely but never really reacting in any notable way. The only real reason why they weren't all up and running for the show, was that Old Sport was still getting ready and Dave would be fucked with a ten inch pole before he would miss the moment he would walk out of that door.
Slightly jumpy he fixed his own bowtie and rabbit ears. If he had one penny for every time Mike said that it was going to look retarded, he probably could buy material for twenty more restaurants, but he NEEDED a good excuse to get Sportsy to wear a suit, tie and ears à-la-Fredbear and he would get heaven and hell to move for this! If he would have needed to build up a whole dark empire to achieve this moment, he would have done it as fast as possible, cringe or no cringe.
Also, he thought he was looking pretty snazzy himself, those ears gave him a sly appearance... right?
Finally the bedroom door creaked and a slightly embarrassed voice was audible. "Why are we wearing this again...?"
"As a masterful planned out throwback to the beginnings of animatronics, evoking nostalgic feelings in the youngsters who have now become parents, while also reinforcing the "quirky" nature of our franchise AND being a visual metaphor for the evolution of animatronics that are by now almost indistinguishable from humans!"
"Makes sense... I guess... haven't expected that much thought in this."
"You're STILL underestimating me!"
Old Sport stepped out of his hiding, making Dave forgetting any previous grudge and thought in general.
It was GREAT!
His heart was racing at about five million beats per second, so he'd might die in a minute, but that was worth it.
He would probably need therapy for his unreasonable bliss, but DAMN, those EARS, that SUIT, that TOP HAT, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!
And the way he tilted his head and furrowed his brows with reddish cheeks, he could simply tear open his skin and crawl-
"Are you listening to me?" Old Sport was waving his hands in front of his braindead partner, before giving up and turning around towards his mechanical family.
It was quite silly how they crowded the small living room, simply by sitting around clueless. Alright, most of them were moving in some way, except Ballora, who might had shut down herself at this point. Baby skipped towards him, hugging him more carefully, after she broke some of his rips the last time she tried that and began twirling on the point. Her skirt was glittering slightly as light shined on it. "Dad, am I cute?"
"Of course! You remind me of a... uh... an idol?"
"What's that?" Curiously she inspected her dress again.
"Something like a popstar, I think!"
"Oh, then it's PERFECT!" Once more she twirled and posed appropriately. "You look great yourself, Dad! Did Father choose this one for you?"
"How did you tell?" Her laughter made him somewhat question the motives behind Dave suddenly throwing these clothes into his face and telling him that it was incredible necessary to wear this for the show.
"Because it really brings out your charm!" Smiling sweetly she turned away, leaving her confused guarding to ponder the whole situation.
Foxy had begun to eat the couch, as Freddy's hysterical laughter filled the whole house after an especially bad pun. Ballora suddenly raised herself and softly put a finger over her lips.
"Is it time? We have a lot to prepare..."
"YOU'RE RIGHT!" Dave had reawaken out of his stupor. "The car is ready and we even have a license in case you want to take a stroll around... but remember, it is POSSIBLE someone would try to shoot you, so careful!"
Ballora decided to take charge. "It would be more appropriate to travel with the car, as it would take away some surprise if people would be able to share pictures of us."
"Oh that is right! Aw... I was looking forward to seeing the outside..." Baby was sighing.
Old Sport was noting that Baby had started to talk quite more normal for a girl her... age...? "Don't worry, once the show is over we'll walk around wherever you want!"
"But then I will be stared at... and I get incredibly nervous when people stare weird at me..."
"But B-Baby, don't you h-have tototo perform today?! Should I-I-I take your part?" Funtime Freddy was leaning forward, his twitchy manners almost making him appear almost threatening.
"That is something different..." Insulted Baby crossed her arms. "When I'm not on a stage, but people stare at me it makes me feel guilty. After all I'm made to entertain and when I walk around, I'm not in any way entertaining..."
"I w-w-would be entertaining! You have to- have to- have to come up with s-something on the SPOT!"
"Freddy, you fill a different role from mine! There is no way you can fairly compare that!"
"B-Baby hehehehehe! A real baby this time! C-can't even d-d-deal with-with-with someone being BETTER than y-you!"
"Freddy, I'll show you what better really-"
"Kids, calm down!" Purple Guy stroked both of them over the head. "You will need that energy for your performance! Come on now, it's time for rehearsal!"
And they did, more than five hours it took to rehearse timing, lines and actions.
All in all they were very productive.
Just like a certain young Guard on his computer.
Marion was watching Jeremy, unsure what exactly he was researching, or if he should intervene. Clacking and clicking rang through the flat, shortly pausing for a few minutes before resuming again. Sometimes the human made a approving or disapproving noise or fell back, with a tired sigh. It was irritating to say the least, so Marion decided to wrap himself around his friend and stop this nonsense.
Jeremy... what are you doing?
"I'm trying to find out the names of the children we saved!"
Why? They're gone.
"Well... we came so far and I kinda think it's only respectful to find out their names. I wanna make a small memorial for them!"
Do you want to do that for every kid they killed?
There was quite a heavy dose of sarcasm in those words.
"If I can, yes! There isn't that much of a problem with that... we could simply write their names on a paper and let it fly into the sky with a balloon!"
"To remember them!"
Marion couldn't follow that line of thinking, no matter how hard he tried.
Silently he observed as Jeremy clicked from article to article, changing search words from names, to dates, to places, never really disappointed, but sometimes sighing in frustration.
Five minutes later, he powered down the computer. "Let's go Marion! Now that the restaurant is pretty far away, so we'll have to start to walk earlier! Not that I would mind!"
Giggling excitedly, Jeremy quickly dressed up in jacket and sprinted onwards, visibly motivated for this day, while Marion felt tense. This was a show off, no doubts about it. William would show what he was able to create and what his machines were capable of... at least the legal things.
As a result, this would be the perfect opportunity to sneak a peek at what he would have to go up against. Scout weaknesses in character, test the specialties, watch habits and reactions.
Save inside of the backpack, Marionette considered his viable options in dealing with his new foes. Those souls were corrupted beyond believe, yet... maybe... they could be turned around one more time... Goddamn. Jeremy had slightly infected him.
No, Jeremy's way of thinking wasn't all too bad in this scenario.
Those were children after all, not as experienced, not as sure about themselves as he was and most certainly receptive to manipulation.
The soft up and down of Jeremy's walking, almost made him snooze off, despite the tension he felt due to the mental war that would surely soon ensue. Weird how Jeremy apparently didn't mind to walk for one or more hours to get to his job... well, at least he would be on time now, instead of way too early.
In front of the giant building complex, there were already hundreds of people, an audience of curious onlookers and sensation seeking reporter... at least that was what one would notice if they would let their eyes wander in this sea of people. Even Marion, safe and sound in his small space, could feel the amount of humans around.
Their mumbling voices, whispers, laughs, mixed in the air, giving the situation an almost historic vibe. Everyone's expectation prickled through their veins, forcing them to move around constantly, a buzzing, humming beehive.
Inside of the main building it was even worse. The high walls echoed every noise back into the room, turning it into white noise.
Marion peeked out of the bag, the curiosity finally being too much.
He was peeking physically, since lately it became almost painful to rip apart the connection between his body and soul.
All kinds of adults were standing around, chattering, watching the stage, the only thing really illuminated. Apparently there was also some snacks and drinks offered. Marion shook his head, as he asked himself why the hell William did ALL of this. For him? Probably not, as it took quite a bit of the threatening vibe away, something Purple Guy would make sure not to happen. Did he do it for himself? But... that wouldn't make much sense either...
Jeremy was also practically vibrating in excitement. "This is so awesome! Look at those small pizzas! I LOVE IT!"
Carefully and politely the boy slipped through the crowd towards the food, as always happy to snack on something unhealthy. A few familiar faces revealed themselves out of the sea of strangers.
Mike was basically pressed to the wall, his eyes shifting around paranoid. The poor guy resembled a caged animal more than anything else in this moment. Thankfully, Phone Guy was close to him, softly touching his shoulders whenever it became worse. Neither of them talked, but at least they were together.
To the other side, really off in a corner, Marionette could catch a glimpse of the detective. Really, he was just as persistent as Purple Guy, yet sadly not as lucky. Taking care of restless souls was a pretty ungrateful job.
Happily Jeremy munched on his pizza, as slowly the room got even darker and the lights around the stage became subtly brighter. Everyone turned to see if the show was about to start.
The curtain stayed close, but there was some movement behind it. Another few seconds passed and the humanoid animatronic with red hair came out. Shyly she smiled and waved, before stepping in front of the curtain.
Oh god, it was bad. Robots shouldn't move so smoothly, robots shouldn't look so human! This was right up the uncanny valley, yet somehow no one seemed to notice, instead they smiled brightly at the sight of this abomination. Even Jeremy stayed completely quiet for a moment.
Suddenly he began to rush forward, forcing his way through the people.
Jeremy, what are you doing?!
"She's BEAUTIFUL! I need to have a closer look!"
What do you mean, "Beautiful"?! This thing is a nightmare!
"Nightmare?! She's perfect!"
No one even glanced at the guy who was speaking to himself, as Baby had begun to speak.
"Hello everyone! The show will begin momentarily... everyone, please stay at your seats." She giggled childishly and played with her fingers. "But it might take a while... our creator somehow got... lost."
"Father got lost?" A little Bonnie puppet showed itself. "Where could he be?"
"Ah! Bonnie! Where's Freddy? Shouldn't you be with him?"
"You know, he became somewhat... unBEARable!"
Violent laughter came from out of view and Funtime Freddy revealed himself. His weird voice immediately made him the center of attention. "Hey Bon-bon, t-t-that's mean! What should our-our-our audience think o-of you?"
"Now that they get to know you, I'm sure they'll be on my side!" Sassy Bon-bon crossed his arms and turned away, as Freddy seemed to only noticing said onlookers.
"H-hello there! WELCOME! WELCOME TO THE FREDDY-SHOW! I, as the m-main mascot-"
"You aren't the main mascot, Freddy..." Baby shook her head, disapprovingly, but still smiling.
"L-let's ask the people here! E-E-EVERYONE! Who's the-the-the mascot of Freddy's?"
"Isn't it unfair to ask the question like that?"
From the ceiling, a voice sounded. A spotlight activated, showing Purple Guy, sitting far too high for comfort. Carefree he let his feet dangle, as if he could just fly down whenever he wanted.
"Father? How did you get up there?" Baby looked up, sounding worried.
"I dunno?" The man shrugged and laughed loudly. "Any idea how to get me down?"
Freddy laughed as well. "Guess-guess-guess you'll have to s-stay up there!"
Bon-bon was panicking. "No, no! The show can't start with him up there! Baby, please do something!"
"Do not worry, I have a plan." Gracefully she posed with her hand up and pump up balloons, hundreds of them, as Freddy began to tie them together. In a matter of a minute, a giant bundle of balloons were floating inside of the room. Finally Freddy decided it was enough.
"C-catch, you Bonnie-Impersonator!" He released the floating monstrosity, which wasted no time and quickly rose up. Dave stood up, stretched and jumped down into the rubbery goodness, magically not popping them all and breaking his neck. Instead he elegantly was lowered onto the ground, as he popped them playfully.
"LADIES AND GENTLEMAN, BOYS AND GIRLS! Welcome! Welcome to Circus Baby's Pizza World! The FIRST amusement park of its kind!"
Cheering was the answer.
Some laughter was now mixed within the cheers. Dave's grin was most certainly brighter than any of the lights.
"BUT WAIT! What are we even cheering over? Why is this place so giant?"
Funtime Freddy frowned confused. "B-b-but... didn't you plan-plan-plan all of this? Why are YOU a-a-asking this?"
"Freddy here will now explain all this and more!" Apparently Purple Guy ignored Freddy's character break. Back to smiling Freddy turned and began to praise the different activities one could do here.
Family, fun and food! The key components for a good experience!
Baby swiftly took over explaining, since Freddy got stuck on the fun you could have inside of his attraction.
Everyone's eyes were glued onto the stage, Freddy's faulty, whacky acting making him apparently likeable to the audience. Dave kept an eye on the situation, knowing that he soon should break in, giving some small fun facts. Exactly... NOW!
"As many of you know, Freddy's had hard times the last decade... THOSE ARE NOW OFFICIALLY OVER! Fazbear entertainment is back and more than ever determined to bring you the best that is currently possible! I and my partner, as the destined successors of the famous founders of this place, build a new generation of entertainment machines! As you can see, they are as human as can be!"
"Wait, where is your partner anyway?" Baby pretended to be deeply confused.
With that, Old Sport rushed onto the stage, smiling brightly. "Sorry, but has someone seen...?"
Foxy jumped into him, tumbling over, wagging its tail.
Mike groaned to himself, before abruptly stopping as he noticed what Jerry-
...and even self-proclaimed Foxy fan Old Sport had to admit that it was a tad exaggerated. But whatever, as long as the crowd was pleased...
Instantly being the star of the show, Foxy jumped up and down, twirled and posed, cheerfully screeching.
Dave held Orange Guy's hand up. "This is my partner Old Sport! The co-creator of the animatronic and co-owner of this lovely place! With that we are all complete and the show can begin!"
"NO! Isn't there someone we're forgetting?" Old Sport pointed upwards and all of a sudden Alice jumped on top of him and posed in a handstand on the finger.
From everywhere more of them jumped onto Orange Guy posing and dancing, until they froze.
"STEP BACK YOU FUCKING LUNATIC!" Mike had entered the stage, a dangerous glow in his eyes, his hands twitching.
This was something not even Dave anticipated to happen, so for a split second, the smile was wiped from his face.
Despite having promised himself to never get closer to those nightmares, those beings that made his head spin and fill his ears with whispers, melted, rotten, poisonous, yes, despite all of that, when he saw Jeremy climb up onto the stage, he simply had to act. He wouldn't let that fuckwit die on his watch, no sir, especially since he was sure that with those machines there was some form of torture involved.
Why was Jeremy like this?! Couldn't he see?! Couldn't anybody see?! Glued to the masquerade played on that stage, everyone smiled joyful as they watch their children's demise being presented.
But Jeremy wouldn't be the first. He couldn't be the first.
No matter how idiotic, how retarded his brain was, Jerry had a kind heart and it wasn't fair.
Things that weren't fair made Mike's blood boil.
"CAN'T YOU SEE THAT THEY ARE MONSTERS!?" Desperate the homicidal Guard stepped closer, as Jeremy confused and scared watch him.
"M-mike, what are you talking about? They're so cute...?"
He could almost see the younger man being devoured by that Freddy abomination, who was towering over him. "Look at them! They will EAT you!"
The monster began talking in its mind-tearing way. "H-h-hey now, young friend-friend-friend, how about we calm d-d-down?"
Threatening it stepped up behind Jeremy, leaving Mike with no choice. "GET THE FUCK AWAY I SAID!"
In one swift movement, Mike took out his heavy torch, attempting to break this fucking laughing face, yet before his arm was even halfway up, it faceplates had opened and Mike got grabbed in an iron grip. As he kicked the machine, it became ridiculously obvious that this THING was made to resist human attacks. Before he could make any more futile attempts, Foxy had grabbed onto his legs as well, rendering him almost completely defenseless.
Bitterly he smiled, at least they wouldn't be able to kill Jerry before him. His eyes wandered over-
But there was no Jeremy.
He had been alone on the stage, screaming at nothing.
The boy was confused and alone in the crowd, the staring, greedy crowd, hundreds of cameras, clicking and flashing, reporters drooling about the potential headline.
Slight terror was pulsating through his veins.
Those same empty eyes, whispering at the corners of his vision, entertainment hungry, empty minds, watching him, the one-man-freak show.
At this point he really just wanted to be mauled to death by the animatronics. Ending it, before the doc would lock him back up.
All of a sudden, Dave stepped forward, smiling confidently. "And THIS is why they are so big! Also, as this is merely the presentation, this time the police won't be called, but rest assured, whenever someone violent will appear here, he will be immediately apprehended and handed over to the police. They are all perfectly equipped to protect children and deal with this kind of situation!"
Click, click, click, the flashing wouldn't stop and by tomorrow he would be known again, the psychopath, the freak, people will step back in horror, but draw closer in their morbid hunt for thrills.
It all became weirdly drowned out, more like a hazy memory, as it all just was rinse and repeat at this point. He was fucking used to it by now, yet the thought of leaving this place still managed to give him a small sting.
"Now, please, let's all give a big hand to my friend and co-worker Mike Schmidt, who managed to put on a great performance! Thank you for helping me showing of this feature of my creations! And he said he was a bad actor, HA! Applause and thank you, my friend!"
Happy Purple Guy applauded and quickly everyone followed his example, some laughing about being fooled this easily, some frowning as they didn't like to be scared like this, or disappointed over the lack of sensational headline for their article. No matter the reaction, everyone believed what Dave said, without any hesitation.
Finally freed from the mechanical claws, he stood back up, his face burning red out of anger over this humiliation that he brought about himself. Dave's worried expression made it even worse, it was as if that fucking cancer was playing his dad.
"Are you okay Mike?" Quietly he whispered to him, seemingly not caring that Mike had called him out. "If you don't feel good, you should tell Phoney... he'll keep you safe."
"I... I don't need anyone to keep me SAFE!" Yet despite that, he also was keeping his voice down.
"Hey, I'm just trying to help!"
Thankfully Old Sport had taken over the show and given Ballora the signal.
"Is it our turn yet?" Ballora's soft voice echoed through the halls and as she stepped onto the stage a spotlight fixated on her. She bowed bashfully and smiled. "Welcome. I am the first to entertain you. My name is Ballora and my passion is dancing. May I show you my current performance?"
Respectful the others left the stage, the last light turned off and all focus laid on the graceful ballerina, as a classical piece sounded in the background.
Simon was at the exit of the stage, instantly taking Mike away from Dave.
Old Sport couldn't help but giggle, as he looked around. Everyone was entranced, giving him the perfect opportunity for his plans. "Dave, how long will the show be?"
"Half an hour, afterwards they are invited to explore the place and watch the animatronic in their natural habitat!"
"I have a really-"
Suddenly Purple Guy hid behind him, avoiding the touch of a certain customer. His horrified expression told him all he needed to know. Somehow he had hoped that it would have stopped by now...
"Should I-"
"Let's go outside, Sportsy. I just need some fresh air..."
Silently they forced their way through the hundreds of people until they were finally free, under the almost warm rays of the sun. Deeply breathing in the warm air, which promised warmer days in the future. Dave laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of his head.
"Sorry about that Old Sport. I didn't want to worry you, after all I know that the children will take care of it. Still... I hate those people. I feel sick..."
"Come, let's sit down here!" Friendly Old Sport dragged him over to the side of the building and they sat down on the smooth, warm, white stones. It was incredibly peaceful, only few cars drove by. The place was located quite far outside, not many people could come by on accident. There was a bus line though, so even people without cars could visit.
It was nice and visibly Dave calmed down. Unsure if this was the right idea, but too curious to stop himself, Old Sport began to ask him a question he wanted to ask for a while now.
"How did this whole maggot thing even start?"
"Well, I guess... with mother." Quickly Dave glanced at him, smiling sheepishly. "Not to confuse you, it may is statistically that the mother is most likely at fault for creating psychopaths, but that's not it. Mom was a fine person, a bit strict, a bit cold, but whatever. I had to be thankful for even having a mom. Me being weird is something I've had since I was born... I simply was a bit... different. Hahaha, once in preschool, I kidnapped the first person that spoke with me. Took my mom and the school two days to find him in the basement!" Snickering he thought back of lighter days. "However, that's irrelevant right now... the thing is, while my mom was fine as a person, she had a bit of a bad health and often had to stay in bed, sleeping. One day, she simply refused to answer me. No matter how hard I shook, she stayed... unmoving. Dead, I mean. You have to understand, as a boy, the concept of "dead" was a bit unclear to me... whenever I killed an animal, mom simply took it away and scolded me. Somehow, I began to believe that dead meant "somewhere else", or rather that just because things didn't move, it didn't mean they weren't alive. After all, plants were alive too, right? I dunno, I was a kid, don't blame me."
"I'm not, honestly!"
"Sorry, sorry, where was I...? Ah, okay, my mom stopped moving, which meant she stopped saying no to things, I fucking loved it. Pizza and ice cream, all week! Watching TV as long as I could keep my eyes open! Hell, I was even "allowed" to make a slingshot and hit squirrels and birds until they stopped moving as well! All mom technically had to do was saying "no", but she wasn't, so I was allowed!" With glittering eyes, Purple Guy resembled his younger self quite well. "As the grateful kid that I was at that time, I behaved and went to school, did my homework, went shopping, all those things. At first I made something for mom to eat, yet once she refused I simply told myself that she could cook for herself if she wanted to. The problems began when my teachers wanted to talk to her and began calling, but that took some time. When I came to her room, she smelled horrible... clearly it was because she wouldn't shower, at least younger me thought that. Yet, as there were visitors on the door, ringing the bell again and again, I tried to wake her up once more. It was getting annoying how stubborn she was, so I went to the extreme, brought a knife and decided to poke her with it. One of those many dark spots on her skin were looking promising, but as I stuck the knife inside...."
Shuddering Purple Guy hugged his knees, appearing pale. "You can imagine? Maybe it was just that I was a child, but I swear, those maggots were EVERYWHERE! Flies and other stuff began to fly around once I screamed, bugs crawled out from under her bed, it was... I..." He stopped talking for a short moment, staring into nothing. "That was the day I found out people could have bugs inside of their bodies. There's no way in hell all of those insects came from somewhere else, after all, the rest of the house was clean! She had... I couldn't..."
Sympathetic Old Sport hugged him tightly. "Hush... everything is okay. You're in a clean place, with pure people and none of those filthy bugs will ever be able to get in here... at least not for more than a minute."
Dave hugged him back and burrowed his face in the shoulder of his friend. "People scare me. They go to sleep without making sure nothing is crawling in their ears! They seemingly ignore any sign of infestation in other people and even let themselves be TOUCHED by those! Really, I'm just glad I don't have to deal with those... I fucking hated it! Whenever a host came around, I had to clean the thing, it was disgusting!"
"Didn't you say killing is fun?"
"Killing kids is fun! Even teens are great, but adults are just... filthy... adults always make me mad, one way or another."
Orange Guy couldn't help but chuckle at his companion, maybe because he hadn't any better reaction, maybe because it was fun to see him snuggle into him like an oversized kitten. "Don't think about it anymore, they won't ever get to you!"
"You know... if you would get infected, I'd just give up and let them in as well."
"Dave! That won't happen! Please, don't be so depressed!"
"But if I'm depressed, I get to squeeze you as much as I want!" Finally meeting Old Sport's glance, he smiled slyly and satisfied, as his friend slowly got red.
"I swear to god Dave, one day I'll leave you alone until you apologize for every lie you ever told me!"
"Ah, where was I lying, huh? Old Sport, I just shared something deeply personal! Don't be so harsh! Instead, Old Sport, how about you tell me something as well?"
"I... don't really have anything to tell really."
"What? Stop lying, Old Sport! You went to school, didn't you? There's bound to be something interesting..."
"Not really." Now it was Old Sport's turn to be slightly melancholic. "I don't know about you, but I was born with these eyes. Not to mention that my skin was slightly more orange than everyone else's... not as bad as today, but you know... so in preschool kids used to tease me a bit. Nothing major, some stupid nicknames, refusing to play with me, staring at me whenever I did something... compared to today it was nothing, I mean, I wasn't raped or set on fire, apparently that's what it means to be bullied today."
"Where did you get that impression?!"
"Uh... never mind. Well, middle school and high school was the time I wanted to spend as normal as possible. I stopped doing... anything really. Tried to stay out of trouble, not giving any strong opinions, hanging around bigger groups as I wouldn't have to talk as much. Honestly, it worked perfectly. No one minded me. People asked me for help when they couldn't decide between two equal things. When there was a five people group, four friends would choose me to go along. Teachers marked me as absent when I was sitting right in front of them. Really, it was... relaxing." His voice sounded empty and tired. "I'm sure no one remembers me. I'm sure no one remembered me. That... was what I thought when I was stuffed inside of that suit."
"I accepted the position as a Nightguard, got caught on Friday. So, I was dying inside of the suit a-and..." Nervously Orange Guy clutched his fist. "What I'm going to tell you is pretty bad... promise me you'll give me a head start before you gut me?"
"Stop talking bullshit! I wouldn't hurt you!"
"Aren't you bad with rejection?"
"Fine, except in that case. But... there's nothing in this story that would mean REJECTING me, right?"
"Christ... o-okay, here I go... I was stuffed and bleeding and just accepted the reality of being literally useless in the grand scheme of things... then Henry stepped in, carrying a corpse. Stuffed it, step over as I tried to beg for help... laughed. You know the story, he told you. What he didn't know was that I... got a second chance. Fredbear began to talk to me. If I would promise to save them, he would give me life. All I could think about was wanting revenge on this man and leaving a mark on this earth, on everyone around me."
"And... you got your revenge on Henry."
"Yes. It wasn't very satisfying though." Nervous he watched the psychopath, but said man just smirked.
"Now, now, that would disappoint him. He always wanted to go out in a blaze of glory..."
"Fredbear himself came to get him, mission accomplished, I'd say."
"He had it coming. Whenever we killed someone all he said was "if he had been smarter, maybe he would be alive" and shrugged it off as survival of the fittest. I'm sure not even HE feels mad."
"Hm... I deep down want him to be a bit mad."
"Trust me, you wouldn't. If he were mad, he'd find one way or another to make you... suffer..." Suddenly Dave seemed to remember something, as he grew pale again. "A-ah... oh god... hey, you worked with Fredbear?"
"WorkED, yes. But soon enough I got sick of the repetition... and the loneliness. I couldn't take it anymore, being left alone again and again, forced to wander this hellscape called earth alone. No matter how I acted, it felt as if it didn't matter! Phone Guy resetted, again and again, not caring how much energy I spend trying to befriend him! Kids died, over and over, if I freed them or if I failed... That's when we met."
"With perfect timing I see! You'd probably killed me somehow if you wouldn't have been so crippling lonely!
"Highly likely. Sorry..."
"We do what we gotta do, right? I mean, if Henry would have been alive and said we should kill you when we first met, I'd probably ripped you open like an old Plushie!"
"I guess it's fair..."
Silently they enjoyed each other's company and the warmth of the sun. Dave shyly reached for Old Sport's hand and smiled as he was accepted.
"Sportsy... did I ever tell you about my first day at university?"
Finally a softer expression crept onto the Orange Man's face. "No, but you got me curious..."
"Alright, here I go! I've always been weird like I'm now, so buckle up kiddo, it was an adventure! First day, I was late, couldn't find my class. Five minutes passed and I got sick of searching, got out my slingshot, made sure no camera could spot me and sniped the shit out of the fire alarm. Bells go off, classrooms getting opened, I follow as sneaky as possible, until we're finally outside. I go from crowd to crowd, asking where my professor is until I finally join my group, right as he asked "did I forget someone?" Ka-ching, jackpot, I act all insulted, pretend that I've been there since the beginning, embarrassing him and getting away with it! Good, no one has an idea who activated the fire alarm, but soon enough they send us back inside to a boring as fuck lesson."
"You pulled the fire alarm, just to find you lesson?"
"Gotta get in somehow, am I right? Anyway, the lesson was so boring that I decided to upgrade my laser pointer. Lunch break starts, I decide to test how good it is. About three people set on fire, was great to watch them run and roll around like love-struck puppies, but then that pink-skinned weirdo comes up, is all like "M8 that's illegal" but you know, in a fancy way, I tell that I don't give a fuck, he tells me to aim at the planes. We quickly became friends. Last lesson is interesting as fuck, about AI and shit, so I go to the front and sit on my professors table to pay closer attention, people start whispering and he's all like "What are you doing?" but can't say anything when I tell him that everyone else is talking too much, which is proved by their whispers. Teacher shuts up, just staring, suddenly Henry stands up, offering me a place in the front row. Though I refused, as the place on the professor's desk is so much better. Got both of them annoyed, until he almost threw me out. Decided that I'd rather would sit and at least try to listen, start to interrupt the old guy all five minutes with questions, but understanding it better and better."
Snickering he paused thinking back of old times. "I think most teacher hated me."
"Balls and biscuits, I would have hated you as teacher too. You sound like an obnoxious, entitled brat!"
"I wasn't! I swear, I was a VERY attentive and always participated in all activities. I was a star-student in all subjects that interested me!" Now he got a somewhat cheeky expression. "And if YOU would have been a teacher, I would have been INCREDIBLY interested in everything~"
"Dave, you creep..."
"Cut me some slack, I wanted to cheer you up. Did it work?"
"Hm... somewhat. Thank you... but now I'll have nightmares about going to school with you. I bet you'd bully me mercilessly!"
"Never!" Shortly both paused, staring at each other. "Only if I think you're into that stuff...!"
"Why is my best and only friend a serial killer? My life is so goddamn screwed."
"Why is my best and only friend orange? My life is over!"
"Why is my best and only friend half an eggplant? WHAT IS MY LIFE?"
"Why is my best friend everything that matters in my life? I LOVE IT!"
"W-why is... my best friend so devilish good at flirting and making me feel weird?! Admit, you're a demon!"
"No! I'm a unicorn, dummy!" Jokingly he imitated a horse and kept a finger on his forehead, managing to get Old Sport to snort.
"I feel the odd impulse to insult you to overplay my feelings..."
"You spend FAR too much time with Mikey. Really, you shouldn't spend time with that ass. Or the phone. Or Jeremy."
"Try to stop me!" He leaned forward and smooched his cheek, before dashing off, laughing in victory. How weird. How weird that Dave actually managed to cheer him up. How weird that Dave actually cared about his smile. Despite them calling each other friends, somehow Old Sport had expected him to be far too much of a psychopath to actually care.
As quickly as the loud masses would let him, he went over to the stage, where Baby and Friends were surrounded and quite literally interviewed. Funtime Freddy and Baby kept interrupting each other though, so not many questions would be answered.
They'd probably be alright on their own...
He spotted Jeremy, who had leaned onto the wall, crossing his arms in a pose more common with Mike. Apparently something had truthfully angered him.
"Jeremo, my manero! What's wrong?"
"Ah... sorry..." His angered expression immediately vanished and was replaced with sorrow. "I'm just... Marion and I had a little fight."
Mentioned machine began to crawl out of the back, trying to be as unsuspicious as possible to the reporters.
For some godforsaken reason he desires to talk to those...
Marion shortly paused, remembering that both of the psychos identified themselves as "Fathers" to those creatures.
... Machines. Admit, it is unhealthy to spend time with them!
"Depends on your definition of unhealthy. They are pretty nice, I'm sure they and Jeremy will make great friends!"
You cannot make friends with broken souls!
"He's friends with you, isn't he?"
Low blow, orange face!
Jeremy giggled a little. "Thank you, but you didn't had to be this mean... Sorry Marion. You have to understand, I really, REALLY want to make more friends, especially with my new co-workers!"
Something itched in the back of Old Sport's mind. "Hey... Jeremy..."
"Aren't you afraid of them?"
"No! Why should I? They have no reason to hurt me at day!"
"And at night?"
"I guess I'd be a bit scared... but I don't blame them, I'm sure they have their reason!"
"... so you want to get to know them..."
Laughing awkwardly, he played with his fingers. "U-uh... it sounds silly, since they're probably just robots..."
"Well, there might be children stuffed inside."
"Doesn't that bother you?!"
"... If that is the case, and there's a big IF, then it doesn't help isolating them. Children need lots of love! And I'm sure... WHOEVER did this had a reason as well. But I won't just believe what I'm told without any proof!"
"I don't think he looks like a psycho and he's very nice to both of us. Even IF, once more, what could I do? Since he hasn't done anything bad while I was around, the best option is to stay close and friendly with them, so they don't even have an opportunity to do anything bad!"
You can NOT act as if serial killer aren't a big deal! You're... crazy!
"Please... Marion... not again..."
The Puppet hid his face in his hands, helplessly shaking his head.
I just... don't know what to do with you.
"I'm an adult, Marion. Similar to you, I can make my own decisions."
Surprised Orange Guy noticed the firm tone Jeremy had. "Didn't know you're actually able to form your own opinion!"
Before Jeremy could say anything, Marion rose from the ground truly aggressively.
He doesn't know what is good for him, but I'll set his head straight.
"Geez, boi, you're reactivating ALL my daddy issues!" Not really joking Old Sport raised an eyebrow.
"Marion... you're not really believing in me, are you?"
Jeremy hugged himself, tearing up.
"Poppet, how about you-" But before the colorful Guard could come up with a good argument, Jeremy had already caved in.
"Please Marion. I want new friends. I want to get to know the new animatronics. Please, please, please... don't be mad..."
Apparently it finally gotten through Marionette's thick skull what he was doing. Softly he wrapped himself around his human friend.
Promise me you won't get close to them without me. I'm sorry I was this harsh, but the situation is dangerous beyond your comprehension.
Old Sport didn't really felt comfortable around those weird people, right now he'd almost be rather around Matt and his freaky smile. "Okay, my Stockholm homies, I'll be off to places where people actually care about each other!"
What are you implying-
And in a second Orange Guy was off towards the middle of the crowd again, where Funtime Freddy had begun to recite his favorite puns.
"You know, the m-m-m-morning is the best time of the day-d-day, it has breakfast! For, for, for e-example, om-omelet! T-that always gets-s-s me... EGGScited!"
Proud of his spiritual son, Old Sport joined the conversation. "Well, this pun quality was to be EGGSpected from someone like you!"
"C-can't beat the m-master though! Good to-good to s-s-see you here!"
"How about you get into your place? I'm sure people would like to see it when you're there!"
"A-alright! Bon-bon, let's-s-s-s show them o-our home! We could go and play-play-play hide and s-s-seeeeek! I'm pretty good-good-good at finding p-people!" They all laughed together, even if a view adults had a weird expression.
"Dave! Let's watch Freddy scare the shit out of people!" Excited Old Sport jumped up and down, motivated to see his kid in action, glowing like a disco ball.
It wasn't even worth ruining this good mood by pretending to be insulted. "Alright, but I bet I'll manage to scare more people!"
Giggling Old Sport dragged him along. "If you want to challenge someone, challenge me! I'll beat you so hard, you'll cry!"
"Baby don't hurt me~"
"Don't hurt me~"
"No more!"
Alice silently groaned in the pocket. Why were her parents such weirdos?


Welp, like a warned, less updates... but no worries I guess! I'm just a bit tired lately... anyway, I hope you enjoyed!
The next chapter is already finished (of course), but now I'm somewhat stuck with the following chapter... because I'm not sure what you want. Would you like some more random banter and g00d times with Guards and Animatronics being f0cking n00bs?
Or are you already like: "Lucario, these are 23 Chapters already with FAR TOO MANY words, how about you get it over already and finish this damn mess of a story!"
Both is fine by me... and even if you ask me to finish it would probably still take about 6 Chapters, since... well, it's a very convoluted story ^^"
Tell me what you want and I promise it will be done!

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