Puppet show
So, there's neither Old Sport nor Dave in this chapter. I have no idea how that happened... but I pray you enjoy anyway, dear reader!
Humming. Such a familiar tune...
It wasn't the usual tune.
Had someone tampered with his box?
Did he get a new one, after they discovered the destruction of his home?
But why change the tune? He liked the grandfather's clock melody!
The music was interrupted by a cough. It was real humming, no artificial reconstruction.
"Here you go, Puppet! You look just as cute as before!"
It had been a while since he was called "cute" the last time... who was that?
Without rush he resurfaced out of his fire-induced trance. His eyes lit up. The youngest Guard of the facility was smiling down at him, screwdriver and cloth in his hands.
You. How did you stay alive? Freddy's is not the right place for you.
Shock turned the question mark into an exclamation mark. "This voice... You're the one who talked to me while I was working the Nightshift! David!"
"Why...? You remind me of my old neighbor, who-"
I do not care. Never call me that again if you value your life.
"Geesh, I'm really sorry, I didn't know it you hated it that much! What's your name then? So I can call you what you like!"
I am the Marionette! I do not need such a silly thing as a name!
"But wouldn't a name be more fun? It's something that's yours! It makes you individual!"
There are only so many names, individuality is a myth.
"That's pretty negative... I think Mike once said the same thing. How about I call you Marion?"
I feel humiliated already.
"So it's a deal! You already know my name if I remember correctly...? I thought I was becoming weird! But you were ACTUALLY talking with me! Thank you, it helped me to stay calm!"
The puppet tilted his head, deeply irritated. Was this... boy too stupid to realize that he was working on distracting him, so the others could get in easier?
Jeremy, why did you take me out of my box?
"Oh, there was an accident, you got burned and Mr. Phone Guy allowed me to repair you!"
I could kill you, you know?!
"Why would you?"
You- For God's sake, why would you even WANT to repair me?!
"Why wouldn't I? You're my favorite animatronic after all!"
Favorite... are you serious?!
"Yes! You're like Santa!"
... Santa ...
"Exactly! Going around, giving gifts, making people happy!"
A small laughter was kept back in the metaphorical throat of the creature. Startled he paused, not remembering the last time he genuinely laughed.
Jeremy, you DO know that I was a danger to you at night?
"Never got hurt by you, so... all you wanted was your music box after all and I understand that!"
What? Are you honestly saying that you don't mind people attempting to kill you for letting their music run out?!
"HA! Finally you talk normal! And well... you were malfunctioning... someone who gives presents out to cheer up kids can't be bad!"
A staring contest ensued, a contest the puppet lost, for the first time in forever.
You are... you're a weird one, Jeremy. Stupid, but a nice form of it.
With a giant grin Jeremy picked him up and held him face to face. "That's the spirit! Better stupid and nice then smart and cruel!"
...that's a good philosophy. Keep it forever. But if you don't mind me asking... what exactly did you repair about me?
"Thankfully it wasn't much, a few wires were damaged and of course you were a little dirty, but all in all I did barely anything."
The supernatural machine stayed silent, thinking. After a while he turned towards the window.
What does the clock say? I have to return to my box before midnight!
"Uh... it's three o'clock already..."
Panicked the being floated upwards, changing place rapidly from shadow to shadow.
I HAVE to be at the restaurant! How will they... they will...!
"Please calm down, Marion! I'm sure it'll be alright!" The brown-haired boy tried to catch him in hopes of calming him down via the magic of hugs.
You do NOT understand! I AM THEIR PROTECTION! THEY CAN'T THINK STRAIGHT! They aren't able to make the right decision!
"What are you even talking about? What decision?" In an instant the creature was right in front of him. It almost appeared as if it wanted to lash out, but suddenly it reappeared on the ceiling, looming over him.
Tell me. Do you know the dangers of being kidnapped? Of losing your perception of reality and justice? Forgetting to struggle against your captor?
Jeremy's confused and fearful expression told him that it wasn't the case. "Please, calm down, you're making no sense!"
The Marionette slowly descended, until he was back right in front of the Guard. Before he could say anything though, he was softly grabbed and cradled in Jeremy's arms. Who did this human think he was?! This goddamn human, this piece of-
Human. Right, Jeremy was a human. Not any human, but also an employee of Freddy's... and authorized to "repair" the others. Why didn't he thought of this before?
You are right, Jeremy. I am overreacting. It is simply... my fellow machines are quite moody at night, as you know yourself. BUT, I am currently working on something to... fix them. You could help me, Jeremy! You are actually the one thing I need to fulfill my plan! Please Jeremy, will you help me?
"O-of course! But... could y-you please slow down? What about the kidnapping thing?"
Silently the Marionette wished he had thought of this sooner, so he could have prepared a nice bedtime story, something a child-minded man as this Guard could comprehend and believe. A nice, clean story, with no real villain and everyone ending up happy.
Can you keep a secret? A well-guarded secret?
It's a dark secret.
"Tell me! Don't make this so tense!"
Inside the robots... are children's souls. They... got stuck at... their happiest place. As every confused kid, they get scared at night and as many scared people, they get angry.
"So, you mean..."
Nothing seems to get into their head! Even worse that they misjudged every attempt at repairing them as an attack against them. They are lonely, confused and scared and I am helpless, I can only try to make them trust me. I have made them believe that I participated in their dark activities, telling them that I can only exit my box once the music runs out... a task I prayed all Guards were able to fulfill. But I have run into a dead end, with no plan on how to save everyone. The deaths have to stop! The hate hast to stop! Yet there is no way to do it. Except...
"Except?!" As expected the Guy gobbled it up. With awe he watched him.
Except if you give me a shortcut. Take a few screws out of me and replace them with new ones. Keep the old screws and use the first chance you get to insert them into the others. It will give me the ability to get inside their minds, calming them whenever needed. Soothe their broken minds and help them move on, to turn Freddy's back into the paradise it could be.
"So, no more death?"
Never again. Peace and pizza!
They both smiled about that weird statement. "Good, but I need to buy new screws, I don't have any more in this house... I'll buy some tomorrow."
Can you... take me along?
"I won't go to work, since I want to get you done, so it wouldn't really get you anywhere..."
Oh... I would just like to see a normal store... I've heard shopping for items can be fun...?
"In that case, no problem! But how do I transport you? Wait, I've got it! I've gotten you here in a big backpack, would you mind being carried around again?"
Not at all! It's kind of like a piggyback ride, right?
Jeremy smiled at the happy tone of the Marionette. It was always an accomplishment to cheer someone up. But even though he felt accomplished, he still felt the weight on his eyes. It was far too late for him, he should have been in bed for at least six hours already...
Yawning the boy stretched his arms and shortly petted his new companion. "I'll go to sleep now, will you be fine? Should I turn on some music? If you want you can always wake me up or sleep in my bed!"
I- I will maybe take that offer up. Later...
Tired and happy Jeremy got ready, snuggled into his soft blankets and stared into the dark. Silently he prayed for Mike, even if he trusted in the abilities of his friend, he was sure that it wouldn't hurt.
It didn't.
It didn't make any sense at all.
The robots were acting all weird. Weirder than usual of course.
Mike checked the cameras for a split second. No one had moved yet. What were they fucking planning?!
It was disturbingly silent. Shit, he was almost ready to go out and check up on them.
Wait, if it was silent, what was with the music box?!
FINALLY, a whisper.
A lot of whispers actually. What the fuck was going on?!
His heart was bursting inside of his chest, the hot blood rushing to his ears obscured every quiet word from outside, making impossible to understand anything.
But there could be a way.
The power was quite high, so...
Quickly he switched the cameras to the stage area. They were looking at each other, their voices getting hysterical.
"Who is supposed to start? Can't we all go together?"
"Stop your whining Bonnie, you know you have to go first!"
"But what if I don't want to?! I had to do that the last few decades!"
"If we don't act like that we'll never get him!"
"We didn't get him before! What makes you assume we could do the same all the time and one day it works?!"
Chica yawned. "I'll get myself some pizza, call me if you sorted your stuff out."
"You CAN'T eat pizza! The mechanic will have to clean it all out!"
"I don't care! See you later guys!"
Bonnie looked at the camera and shrieked. "He's looking! He's LOOKING! What are we supposed to do?!"
"Stop moving, stop goddam moving! L-look at the camera as creepy as possible!"
"Chica come back here, we have to look CREEPY!"
The chicken only waved at the camera while walking out of view.
Okay, he should definitely take his pills. What the fuck was going on?
Foxy screamed out of his cove. "HEY, HE ISN'T LOOKING AT ME, SHOULD I GO FOR IT?"
Quickly Bonnie walked down the stage, but was stopped by Freddy. "The cameras! Bonnie he can see you moving!"
"Then turn it off!"
Mike changed to Foxy's cove and caught him mid-moving. The thing shrieked and hid back into the cove.
Death would be a relief. He couldn't wait to get suddenly yanked out of his chair and struggle against the iron grip of Freddy, who was laughing and playing his Toreador march while watching him clawing into the seats, trying not be taken away into the saferoom.
Not now.
Quickly he downed one of his pills and silently begged for the effect to quickly settle in. Now, no more wasting power. Left light, right light, waiting and breathing.
More talking that he couldn't understand, because Chica was trashing the kitchen as usual. A short while later, Bonnie finally appeared at the door, but... not really... normal.
"MiiiiIIIIIkkKKKKKeeeEEE! I'm coooooooooming.... Tooooooo geeeet youuuuuuu!"
Mike was actually too perplexed to close the door. "You were creepier when you stayed silent."
"Give me a break, I did my best! I thought I did it right... In the movie I watched it was the creepiest thing!"
"Screw you! I'm going now!"
Okay, yeah, the pills SHOULD have kicked in by now. This was real. This was happening. Keep watching Mike, this was getting out of hand.
The Bonnie hurried over to the main stage, where Foxy was already hiding behind Freddy arguing.
"I can't go there, what if he makes fun of me?!"
"Then you KILL him, Foxy, THIS IS OUR PLAN. Kill the Nightguard!"
"Why even?!"
"Because... because... because we were told so! Don't you want revenge?!"
"It's been so long..."
"DON'T YOU DARE! He will come out and kick your ass if he catches you saying that."
"He isn't HERE! I wish he were, but he ISN'T!"
Bonnie entered the stage, heading straight for the backroom. Freddy stopped and grabbed his arm.
"Where are you going?!"
"Into the backroom! The Guard is a dick! I gave my best creepy voice and he was CRITIZISING ME."
"And? Why didn't you kill him?! Did he shut the door?"
"U-uh... I kinda forgot...?"
Foxy was whining. "Please guys, if you keep doing this, he might start looking at us again!"
Mike was so absorbed into the insanity that he simply nodded as a box with pizza was placed next to him.
"What are the boys doing now? They never get anything done..."
Shortly the Guard looked up at Chica, processed a few seconds and then pointed his Taser at her. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?!"
"Having some fun? I'm even sharing my pizza with you. Geez, you really don't know how to greet a Lady..."
Because this world didn't make remotely sense, he tipped his cap. The chicken giggled. "There you go! Fast learner, I see~"
"What the fuck is even going on with you guys?"
"We have... minor difficulties right now..."
"Listen, I just wanted to get some pizza. I never was one for death and revenge... it's so ugly. But hey, a girl's gotta do what a girl gotta do."
They focused back onto the discussion going on. Bonnie and Freddy were now screaming.
Mike felt drunk. Legit off his rockers. Slowly he stood up and left his office, sneaking towards the main area. Of course the animatronics didn't notice, they were too busy throwing insults at each other and Foxy was whining in a corner.
Now, as silent as humanly possible, he sneaked up behind them.
All of them screeched horrible and jumped a few steps back, Freddy almost fell of the stage. Foxy actually jumped down and run off, still screaming. Bonnie was holding his chest, simulating heavy breathing.
"Good GOD, now he's here?! What are we supposed to do?!"
Mike totally agreed.
"YEAH, TRY IT YOURSELF YOU FUCKHEAD! Honestly, you should be called Freddy FUSSbear, because that's all you do all day! A big fuss about NOTHING!" Bonnie made a loud OWWWW. "Come down, I'll beat you in a fistfight every day! You couldn't even fight the fucking orange!"
"Ah, stop your excuses! Even in a normal fight you couldn't last five fucking minutes! Come down here, TRY it!"
"Yeah, Freddy, how about it? You always act all high and mighty, now it's your chance to prove it!"
The bear fixed his bowtie, a bit uneasy. "This revenge thing is teamwork, you know?"
"Freddy is a pussy, Freddy is a pussy!" Chica had joined now, still munching on her snack.
"You guys are the worst!"
The human only shook his head. "Maybe, if you wouldn't boss them around all the time, they wouldn't make fun of you. Or maybe you should learn some good comebacks and stop being A LITTLE BITCH!"
A few notes of the march were played, as Freddy stood up straight. "I would be careful who I call a bitch, after all who's the one who can't get a better job than staring at cameras all night? Who of us lacks actual talent? All you can do is scream and bitch! I bet the Phone Man only hired you as bait!"
"At least I'm getting paid! You have to stand around all day and watch everyone being more popular than you!"
"Well, at least I'm still liked by SOME people! You are not only absolutely useless, but also an asshat that should kill himself!"
He couldn't help it. He laughed. Bonnie and Chica joined in and even Foxy peeked around the corner. Embarrassed Freddy stomp on the floor. "Stop making fun of me!"
"We aren't, you idiot. I'm proud you learned some nice insults... even though you need some more coaching."
Bonnie put his arm around his friend. "Let's take the night off, please? The boss ain't even here, so what gives?"
"Chill it Freddo, I already lost my respect for you when I first saw an advertisement of this hellhole."
Chica laughed and shook her head. "Yeah, we have the run of the house, first time in forever I think! When will we have that chance again? Come on, a bit of fun can't hurt, right?"
Foxy slowly joined, staying as far away from Mike as possible. They all looked at the leader of the Fazgang expectantly. Finally the machine sighed and crossed his arms.
"Fine. But just this once."
The machines cheered and it was hard not to join in, even for someone as moody as the human. So... wait... what was he exactly doing here?
Ah, shit, did he get himself more children? Please, non-existent-god, not more of those cancerous fuckfaces.
"Mike has to make a party for us!"
"Fucking WHAT?!"
"Yeah, go Mike, make us cake!"
"Chica will help!"
"I'll take care of the decorations!"
"With your hook?"
"Uh... right. I guess I'll make a small stage play?"
The Guard wanted to argue, but was already taken away by Chica. "Do you know how to make cake?"
"Do I look like a bitch?"
"Everyone who's unable to make cake looks like a bitch to me."
"I guess I'm a bitch."
"Don't worry, I can teach you! My mom made the best cakes and I most CERTAINLY have the same talent!"
"Christ, you're an arrogant cunt, aren't you?"
"At least I'm not a looser without friends."
While the cake was baking, Foxy stormed in and grabbed Mike's shoulders. "I HAVE THE PERFECT IDEA FOR A LITTLE PLAY! WE COULD IMPROVISE MOST OF IT AND EVERYONE CAN JOIN!"
Their eyes met and immediately the fox let him go, jumping back a bit. "S-sorry, please don't hurt me..."
"For fuck's sake, relax. I'm not doing a stage play."
"I- I can work with that! You won't have to do anything but exist! I already have a great idea! Do you know the German fairytale called "the golden goose"?"
"How the fuck would I know German shit?"
"That's GREAT! Let me just..." With that he was already gone. But before Mike could check the cake, a loud crashing out of the main hall was distracting him. Chica signed him to go and he quickly left.
Bonnie was carrying a giant speaker box, another one laid on the ground. Guilty he hung his head. Mike only took them away and connected them to the power. Apparently it was fine, the sound came out clean.
"Lucky rabbit, I would have killed you if you trashed my shit."
"At least I'm doing my part! You're the one standing around! How about you get the plates and some drinks?"
"Wait, how are you even able to eat and drink? Wouldn't that kill you?"
"... No? As long as the mechanic cleans us out, it's fine."
"But wouldn't that mean that you were made with the possibility in mind that liquid could enter you?"
"We were stuffed with our old bodies, soda is the least weird thing that we had inside of us."
"So, you know you're actually dead?"
And here it goes, probably the next rescue mission. "... What's your real name?"
The bunny turned away, focusing on the plates. "I don't know. I don't remember."
Freddy came back out of the room with a remote. "What are you talking about?"
"The party. Are the lights ready?" Swiftly Bonnie had changed the topic. Mike saw it as his sign to leave.
In a few minutes the party was ready, the animatronics sat together, arguing and stuffing their face with cake, appearing quite happy.
"Guys, why are there six chairs here?"
They stopped short, laughed and returned with their conversation. Confused the Guard stared at the place next to him.
Odd. Something was odd.
Before he could reach for it though, Foxy picked him up and placed him on a decorated stool, which was probably supposed to be a throne.
"What the fuck are you doing?"
Excited the mechanical fox jumped in front of him. "My dear friends, let me tell you the saddest story in the world! It is about a beautiful princess, who brought the sunshine to the humans with her smile! Raised to be wise and righteous, the young princess took care to bring the light into every corner of the kingdom! Yet, one day she saw something horrible! A darkness so undefeatable, that she rushed into her palace and sat a long time to think about how to beat it. Little did she know, she was cursed the moment she saw the dark shadow!"
The robots gasped, Mike started to feel VERY uncomfortable with his position. "I don't like where this is going."
"SHE WASN'T ABLE TO SMILE ANYMORE! No more joy in her life, no more light in the world! It was down to four kind-hearted and brave animatronics to make the princess smile again! Let's do our best!"
With that he turned to Mike, who wasn't having ANY of this. "Why the fuck am I a PRINCESS?!"
"Because you're beautiful!" The wink Foxy gave him was nothing he wanted to put up with.
"How about-" Suddenly Foxy pushed him back down and tied him up with duct tape.
"OH NO! She was also cursed with immobility! We have to hurry and save her!"
Freddy shook his head. "Let's make this easy and just..." He reached out for the cheeks of the Nightguard.
"Touch me and I'll dismember you, you little piece of shit."
"The princess words are command! But I have an idea!" Foxy jumped on top of the table and started to make a weird dance up. This was hell.
Chica rolled her eyes, winked at Mike and took a slice of cake, throwing it right at Foxy's head.
"Ha, his mouth twitched, I win!"
"No, he has to laugh or smile!"
But already Bonnie had raised the chair over his head and ran away. Chica let out a battle cry and followed.
"Muwhahahaha, only a laugh could save you, my sweet! BUT YOU ARE UNABLE TO DO SO!"
Everything froze as Phone Guy entered the scene, out of breath and scared.
Instantly Foxy made a shocked face. "Is that... THE LEGENDARY HERO! THE ONE DESTINED TO SAVE THE PURE MAIDEN?!"
"M-mike, what is happening here?!"
"PG, please get me down from here! What are you even doing, coming over at night?!"
"You didn't answer my call at three AM, I thought you were dead!"
"Ah right, the call... Sorry, I kinda forgot..."
Chica screeched. "It's a throne! He's the princess!"
"That doesn't-"
"Oh n-no! I f-feel my body g-getting corrupted!" The fox pretended to struggle against a force.
Chica grabbed Phone Guy and quickly took him around a corner, grinning evil, while Freddy was still attacking the Bunny.
Freddy was running around while Foxy was saying some rubbish. "And in the name of light, who smiles down at every couple in existence and by my power as holy man, chosen by the sun itself, I shall pronounce you-"
"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!" Chica's voice echoed through the whole establishment. "THE CHOOSEN ONE ARRIVED! KNEEL!"
Out of the shadows stepped Phone Guy, but he was wearing a weird blanket as cape, had a Fazbear top-hat that someone has drawn on with a golden pen to make it look like a crown, as well as being wrapped into tinfoil and a light string, that flashed profusely. His whole head was covered in pink glitter and his shirt was buttoned open, revealing that there was even more glitter on the naked chest.
Mike stared in silence. Nervous the Phone coughed. "I'm the vampire king."
That was too much. The Nightguard hid his face and laughed hysterical at this ridiculous scenery. The machines cheered and Bonnie went down on his knees. "NOOOOO... THE LIGHT... IT'S TOO BRIGHT.... UHHHHHG!" He felt onto his side and twitched. "I WILL BE BACK!!!! SHE WILL BE MY WIFE!"
Phone Guy was picked up by Freddy and Chica and carried next to Mike. "THE HERO HAS COME, THE HERO HAS COME!"
Foxy raised his arms. "SILENCE! It's time for a marriage!"
"W-wait, you told me it would be over after this!" The pitiable manager turned towards Chica.
"I lied~"
"Oh, please, t-this is too extreme, l-let us go now..."
Curious the now freed Mike touched the metal on the side of PG's head. Fucking burning. The poor man jumped away and hugged himself, twitchy as hell.
"As the holy priest I am, I hereby pronounce you as husband and Phone! You may now kiss!"
"How am I supposed to kiss a phone? He doesn't even has lips!"
The cyborg made some sounds that reminded Mike of an error message.
Too bad that the animatronics had already circled them expectantly. "Just give him a kiss! Maybe on the receiver? Phone Guy, is that your mouth?"
"No, his mouth is under the dial, like a human's!"
Phone Guy was trying his best to hide inside of himself. "Honestly, I'd rather be stuffed into a suit right about now..."
"Are you fucking sure about that? I've heard sprinlocks are the worst thing that can happen to you."
"... what is this heck..."
This was getting sickening. Mike dragged the Phone over and gave him a small peck on the side. The following sound was about the same of a dying copy machine.
Cheering the kids ran around them, happy as fish in water.
"So, now my fucking cancerous annoyances, YOU will clean the place up. No buts, no ifs, after the shit you did, I and PG deserve a break."
"Alright..." They said in synch and strolled away, taking care of the place. Chica even brought another serving of cake, in hopes of calming Phone Guy, who still was emitting quiet error noises.
After a while he brushed off the glitter and closed his shirt, not looking at his friend. "I'm s-so sorry, I don't know why this happened, I- I really didn't expected that-"
"Calm your tits, it's just children having fun. Children are retards, so no wonder that as soon as they get any form of power they misuse it to force adults into their stupid games. I prefer this over gruesomely dying though..."
"How did this situation occur?! Did they get you?"
"No, they started to act all weird and fight with each other, I went out to scare them, they wanted to have a party and I... well, it's my fault I guess. I was just a bit too curious."
"You could have DIED Mike!"
"Yeah, too bad that I'm still here, right?"
"Stop that. I'm serious."
Almost relaxed Mike patted PG on the back. "I just knew it would be fine. After all Chica was sharing her pizza with me, there wasn't that much of a risk." With a quick glance at the clock, he stood up. "It's almost six AM, shouldn't you charge yourself a bit before the day starts?"
Not paying any more attention to his boss, he made his way over to the machines, watching them carefully. It was almost six AM after all.
As the hour strikes, the animatronics shortly sunk into themselves, before reactivating. Confused they looked around, surprised when they saw Mike leaning on the wall. Foxy wagged his tail.
"Mike! Mike, Mike, MIKE! You're here already?! Wanna play? I have a GREAT story in store for you!"
"I've had enough of your "story time" for one lifetime."
The disappointment was so prevalent inside of Foxy's eyes that Mike ALMOST considered taking it back. Almost.
"Don't you remember what you did?"
"No? What was it?"
"Nevermind." That was all he needed to know, there was only one thing left. Calmly he wandered over to the prize corner and knocked against the walls of it.
No padlock either.
Someone unlocked the box and...
He opened the lid. Empty and darkened by smoke.
"PG? Would you mind coming over here?"
"What is it...?"
"Someone took the puppet away."
"Someone STOLE the puppet."
"Oh GOD, NO, NO, NONONONOOOO!" He rushed over and basically stuck his head into the box. "NO, THAT CAN'T BE, IT CAN'T BE!"
Without any further ado the man rushed into the office, panicking. That wasn't what Jeremy wanted to ask about was it? Had he killed Jeremy? Did more innocence die, because he wasn't listening?!
Quickly he dialed the number into himself, anxiously waiting for a response. There was none.
What has he done?
Mike wasn't allowed to know anything about this.
Keep your mouth shut, don't acknowledge it, it will go away, everything goes away after a while.
No one would ever find out.
Sweep it under the rug, it's probably fine.
The ringing phone inside of Jeremy's flat was ignored, or rather not noticed, since it took a few more hours until Jeremy finally woke up, greeted by the far too close mask of the puppet.
Do we go to the store now?
"Good morning to you too! No problem, but I'd like to eat first."
Eating is overrated! Can't you eat inside of the store?
"Not inside of a store that sells nails, Marion. Come here, we could watch a little TV while I prepare my hot chocolate!"
Hot chocolate...?
"Yes! You want some too?"
Jeremy, for Christ's sake I'm a ROBOT.
"Well... and? You're a magically machine!"
Magical- No, Jeremy, I don't want anything, but thank you.
Kindly the boy smiled at him and continued preparing a mug and toasting a bit of bread. The puppet couldn't stop himself and wrapped himself around him, watching from a shoulder view on the things Jeremy was doing. His giggle was giving him the vibe that it was okay though.
Why aren't you eating yet? The toast is ready!
"But the hot chocolate isn't, so I first wait for it. Things are always better when they go together!"
One breakfast and episode of Fredbear and Friends later, they were ready to go, the thin machine excitedly spied out of the bag.
They weren't talking on the way to the store, but the young Guard could tell by the shifting inside of his backpack that the creature was amazed by what it saw. A few times the puppet almost slipped away, hanging his limbs out of the opening to feel the air and the life outside.
Yet, whenever Jeremy felt slightly nervous, the being instantly vanished back into hiding.
Finally they reached the place and the Puppet almost slipped out of his hiding spot. There were SO MANY THINGS here! And thankfully not many people. With a quick flicker he deactivated the cameras and crawled on top of his partner.
"Be careful that no one sees you, alright? What kind of screws do you need?"
I- I don't know, here is quite a selection, I didn't expect that...
"Should I open you up and take a look?"
No! I need...
Slowly Marion floated towards the shelfs, picking out some of them.
I want these!
"Alright, no problem, I'll just-"
In a flash the Marionette was back inside his bag, leaving Jeremy to frantically trying to calm the kid. "N-no, you imagined that! T-there isn't a ghost in my backpack!"
With big eyes the child ran back and forth, trying to get her mother to come over, something Jeremy saw as a sign to run away as quickly as possible. Uneasy he hoped that the child wouldn't get to the cashier until he was gone.
Rushing they left the store, heading straight home.
That was close. Sorry, I was just too...
"Don't worry, I understand! When I was a kid, I always wandered off and made my mommy worry."
Really? I expected you to be the best-behaved kid in the world!
"I gave my best, but kids are kids..." Jeremy slowed down. "So, should I take the screws out of you right now?"
Can we do that later...?
"No problem? What would you like to do instead?"
Maybe... go on a walk? Somewhere where I can float around freely...?
"Will probably be hard, but... I think I know where we can go! There's a small lake inside of the park and since it's cold outside, there shouldn't be people out there!"
Fifteen minutes later Jeremy sat on the side of a lake, packed into ten layers of clothing, watching the ghost flying freely around, its laughter echoing in his mind. With beautiful forms he lured some curious pigeons closer, just to hunt them away and repeat the cycle.
"Hey Marion! How can you even fly like that? Can the other animatronics fly too!?"
He moved so quickly that he might as well teleported back next to him and circled him.
The others can't and even if, it would look silly. I don't really know! It was one day... It... Do you need to know?
"I would LOVE to! Please!"
Marion settled down next to him, the good mood slowly drifting away.
I saw... someone... doing something terrible. All of my mind started to burn, I felt like I was tearing apart. There was no other option than to follow them I HAD to! I HAD TO. I had to save them. And so I felt myself becoming lighter. Maybe I left something behind, but it wasn't important anyway.
"What happened then? Did you save them?"
... No. I couldn't.
"I'm sure we can fix it. My mom said you can always either fix, forgive or forget!"
We will fix them, Jeremy. Finally we will fix everything.
He wrapped himself tightly around his partner's upper body.
We will save them. You will be my golden ticket. Promise me you will help me.
"What are you saying? I promise you to help you do all the good possible!"
Slightly chuckling the Marionette began floating again.
I wish I were strong enough to carry you. It's amazing over the lake.
"Don't mind it, seeing you fly makes me feel amazing already!"
You're an odd one Jeremy...
"I can only return the compliment!"
As it went dark, which was soon enough, it was fall after all, they returned to the flat and Jeremy began with the screws exchange. The puppet stayed silent for a while, thinking about something.
Would you... keep me?
"Keeping? You mean you want to live with me?"
"But... I can't lie to Mr. Phone Guy!"
If you'd ask him, he'd say yes, I'm sure about that.
"In that case I would love to have you around!"
It's... simply a thought. Maybe I won't even need your help in this regard. I simply wanted to ensure. You may understand that I quite enjoy the freedom this new option gives me.
"Oh no, believe me, I'd love to have a bit company in here!"
The Marionette softly circled his new friend, smirking as the boy didn't even appear uncomfortable or confused. This was nice. Better enjoy it while it lasts. Finally, after years, relaxation. Closing his eyes, he wrapped himself around the shoulders.
Jeremy petted him. They deserved to at least pretend that the world was alright for a while.
Someone else would probably deserve to pretend that the world was alright, but said person only got pain as reward for his hard work.
Mike didn't even minded having to walk about three thousand steps up to his flat, after all the exercise would usually keep his rage under control. What he minded though, were the muffled voices that gave him a bad feeling.
"If you all go and blame ME for this, I'll rather go back to the pizzeria!"
"Well, f-frick you, Tom! No one likes you anyway!"
"Both of you, calm down! Suzy, don't say such words! Tom, stop complaining! There's no way he will ever find out anyway!"
If there was anything wrong with HIS place, he would go and thank Vincent for killing those brats and afterwards kill the cunt for being the reason that these assholes were here in the first place.
Quietly he pushed the door open, sneaking into the room. Not that he needed to sneak, the offence was in plain sight. A tower was stacked up, made completely out of his belongings-
Mike, that's exactly the right way to react to this, you FUCKING GENIUS.
As it had to happen, the children were startled and touched the stack, making it crash into itself. Hundreds of shards were covering the ground now, most likely ALL the glass and porcelain he owned, which wasn't much, but desperately needed. Mike would rather jump out of the window instead of dealing with this situation any more.
"I wish you were all aborted."
Richard shrugged, his fake bunny-ears twitching a while doing so. "I told them once, but they wouldn't listen. Also, it was fun."
"I regret your deaths, because I would love to kill you all myself."
Suzy growled. "Shouldn't have left us all alone! It's your fault!"
"I should check if I there's a way to exorcise you all."
With a violent burst he began to punch down into the pile of trash, since he lacked any moving target. Again and again he grabbed things to fling them around, trying to break the little things still intact, for example the spoons. His whole vision was blinded, his body was burning numb, his mind was breaking and stretching outside of its confinements. There was no thought, no pause, nothing left to stop him from getting this all out. Hurt it. Kill it. End it. Break it before it breaks you.
It took five minutes until he was able to process his surroundings again. The children were cowering in the corners of his place, between the splinters of things too broken to recognize. Everything that couldn't be broken was dented beyond usage, now he didn't even have a single piece of functioning cutlery in his house.
A liquid was running down his raised arms and a short check confirmed that it was blood, origin from the glass shards that were burrowed into his skin.
Almost calm he surveyed the wounds, hypnotized by the slow, thick drops dripping of his elbow.
"A-a-are you alright?" Gary was terrified, but he was the leader after all. This was his job.
"Yes...?" Tearing his eyes away from his wounds, he turned towards the children. "Where is Sally? The Chica?"
"She's in the kitchen. I think you helped her a lot."
Not even bothering to first medicate his wounds, he wandered off towards the kitchen, quietly entering.
The girl sat in front of the window. The mask laid next to her.
Her body wasn't the greyish-white color of the others anymore, instead it glowed slightly golden. It was the gold of the sun, shining into a forgetting room on the attic. White dust would slightly obscure the shine, yet compliment it in a weird way, giving more warmth and sentiment to the light. It was a light reserved for the old and vanished, for the things who slept peacefully inside of their boxes. For the ones who were hiding from reality, dreaming of past days.
She turned around, tilting her head and snickered. "You look like you've seen a ghost!" Slightly embarrassed she played with her hair. "Just joking... I know what you like when you see ghosts after all."
"You look... happy."
"I am! I feel great! As if I could just go wherever I want! Won't do that of course... I have to wait for my friends. But you kind of seem troubled. What was all of that noise about?"
"Your great friends destroyed my home. I can't afford that much new shit."
"Nah, stop blaming the others. Most of it you destroyed yourself."
"Whatever. I don't get guests anyway, so I'll just steal some stuff out of my workplace."
"See? Every problem has a solution!"
"I'd prefer not to do illegal shit."
"Since when?!"
Mike sighed and cleaned his arms, trying his best to get the shards out of his skin. Surprisingly enough it wasn't as bad as he first expected. Apparently there wasn't even that much blood, just impressively spread out.
Sally shrugged, but smiled. "Let's go back and calm the others a little. You might scared them."
The scene was perplexing. Tom was sitting on the ground crying, Richard and Suzy were bitching at each other and Gary was holding his ears, trying to drown them out.
"Listen up, fuckfaces! You will first clean up this place. If you do well, I'll even read you a bit. Later you will come with me to Freddy's."
"Well, since A FEW of you can't be left for twelve fucking hours, you will have to come with me. There is no question about that and if you want to stay with me, you'll have to deal with it."
They murmured among each other, but didn't argue. Sally's glow was probably just as calming to them as to the cynical guy himself.
As expected, the flat was perfectly clean in ten minutes and the kids sat around Mike's bed, slightly excited.
And so he read for them a while.
So legit note here, the fairytale of the golden goose isn't remotely close to Foxy's story, the only similarity is that in both the princess is unable to smile.
I fear the day that I won't be able to update within two weeks, so I have a question I'd like to ask: If I can't make it, I would still add a chapter at least to inform you and I'm considering another option... I could turn the chapter into basically filler. A short little situation with the people being cute, probably without any advancements to "the plot". They would be around 500 ~ 2.000 words long, really just a little entertainment as a small sorry. It just feels a bit better to me than only giving you a date when exactly the chapter will be released.
Comments are everything to me and that's why I'd like to thank everyone who took time to do that and especially "Anon the magical" for the regular interactions. Seriously, comments are the only thing that are able to convince me that I'm not writing complete bullshit, so every text, even if "mundane" or short as hell, is deeply appreciated!
Thank you for reading and I will eagerly await your opinions! x3
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