Old friend, new friend
I slowly start to fear that I'm rushing... well, I sure hope you enjoy it anyway!
Mike was surprised, even stunned, that his employer didn't force him to talk about what happened right away. The man didn't even ask any questions. He showed him a room, clean but fairly barebones, and brought him ice and bandages.
Before Mike could accept though, Phone Guy took them back away. "We said I would be the one who nurses you back to health next time."
"How about no? That was a fucking joke."
"You can't reach your back and it's childish of you to deny my help."
Silence commenced, as Phone Guy signed him to take off his shirt. He complied, but not without weak protest.
"What does bandaging it even do? This shit went under my new skin, didn't it?"
"Yes, which is why I have this liniment here. It goes through the skin, but that takes a while-"
"For how stupid do you take me?! I KNOW how that shit works!"
"Fine, I'm sorry. Now hold still."
The injured man tried his best and even if he flinched every other second, he managed to get over it quickly. The ice numbed the pain enough and for the night and his... partner had placed painkiller on the nightstand.
Finishing up, the Head-Guard sat down next to him with enough space and started to speak.
"It's quite the miracle that you are still alive. How did you continue to stay conscious?"
"... I don't know. All monster are hard to kill. Maybe I'm a monster in body, just as much as in spirit."
"Please, stop with this over-the-top self-loathing. You're as much of a monster as... well, at least less of a monster than me."
"Fuck this. It's time to stop with the guilt bullshit."
"Wise words."
"Are you sarcastic?"
"No... not much. It's just not that easy. You're probably struggling to stay awake, so I guess I'll be in the next room if you need me."
The bed wasn't uncomfortable, yet Mike couldn't sleep for a long time. He listen to the Phone, who made different calls, his voice being muffled through the walls.
Slowly he drifted away.
Is this him?
No, it isn't.
Then why did he do it?
I don't know! Maybe he is on HIS side.
No, that doesn't make sense.
He did THIS to us! We HAVE to take revenge!
Maybe he didn't know what he was doing?
How would YOU know?
I don't, but we could ask him!
Go ahead!
No, you should do it! He likes you!
No, one of the girls should do it! Girls can always easily get what they want!
That is stupid! Let's make him die!
But, if we are wrong, we are terrible children! And mommy said bad children can't go to where the good souls go!
Yeah, it would be horrible if I wouldn't be allowed to see my family again!
What if he thought he helped us with this? Give him the benefit of the doubt!
At least we're not stuck in the stupid suits anymore...
Let's ask him for help! If he refuses and laughs, he is a bad man and we can take revenge.
Mike reopened his eyes.
Sun shone through the window, the whole room was colored yellow.
Slowly he rose, all his body aching, begging to not move and simply lay down until he died. Out of breath he sat on the edge of bed, recollecting his hazy memory.
It wasn't very successful, since the smell and constant frizzling of breakfast distracted him.
Fighting with his paining legs to stand up and get something to eat, Mike struggled a while, but thankfully he didn't need to win, Phone Guy entered with different plates.
"Do you prefer a sweet or salty breakfast?"
"Eggs and Bacon or pancakes?"
"Did you seriously made two different dishes for me?"
"Of course not! One of them is for me. I just like both types of food in the morning, so I thought I give you the right to choose."
"Give me the eggs."
They ate together, which made Mike feel slightly uncomfortable. This wasn't a situation he was used to, not even when he was little was there anyone eating together with him. Once or twice classmates mentioned that it was some kind of family tradition to eat together, but Mike couldn't understand it. Why would you sit with someone, just because you want to eat? You can't even talk while eating!
Hopefully the Phone would soon start with whatever he wanted to discuss with him, so he could leave as soon as possible.
His prayers were heard, after finishing, the man began talking.
"Mike, do you want to terminate your contract and seek another job? I don't blame you. Of course you will get a good review, praising your stellar performance. I should probably fire Jeremy too. He won't understand it, but..."
"What?! What the FUCK are you even talking about?!"
"My conscience is unable to allow you two to keep working at Freddy's."
"WHY? Seriously, what did change? What, did the robots got now MORE dangerous?! Is the death-percentage now by 90% instead of 80%?!"
"Stop joking around, I get it!" PG rested his head on his hands. "But you don't understand the current situation. You don't know who just entered the restaurant. You... it's bad. It's worse than regular Freddy. With him we can be sure that... we will be degenerated to playthings."
"You're exaggerating."
"Not even remotely."
"Who is that guy even? What's his real name?"
"I don't know, to be honest. He only calls himself Old Sport, but that might be because of Vincent. They were... friends in the last joint."
"They worked together. They are a scarily good team. Just between us, Vincent obsesses over him, it's terrifying."
"Obsessing? I'm surprised he even has the concentration to focus on any-fucking-thing for more than two days. What did they do?"
"Trying to destroy the chain, tampering with the robot's and they were the reason for the bite of '87. There were more things happening in that week, but... I'm not sure how much they were involved."
"So, we basically have now two psychopaths in the place? Who encourage each other? Fucking great. What's the plan?"
"There isn't one. We stand no chance. There's NOTHING we can do. That's why I want you to leave."
Mike raised his eyebrows. "Yeah, right, fuck that. I'm not going anywhere."
"Even I would leave if I could! How suicidal ARE you?!"
"Quite a bit, but that isn't the thing. I won't stand for this shit! I WON'T be bullied out of my job and I WON'T let myself be the victim of people who think they can do whatever they want!"
The Guard tried to jump up for emphasis, but the stinging pain only resulted in him almost tripping over.
"Please, Mike! Rest, don't move so much!"
Groaning he allowed his boss to help back on the bed. "What's even the fucking time?"
"Almost twelve, we've slept for quite a while."
"Shouldn't you be at work?"
"Are you insane? Freddy's is closed for today and tomorrow is Sunday, so we have two free days. Not even I can go to work after this."
"Oh, so you DO get a free day at Freddy's."
Nervously PG played with his cord. "Don't tell the higher-ups about this."
Mike shrugged and stayed silent.
"Y-you probably have a lot of questions now... I won't lie to you. Ask if you want."
"Dear PG, do I seem like I care about anything Vincent said? He's an asshole and nothing of worth comes out of his stupid mouth, so I don't need to ask anything. Wait, there is one thing; why did... Old Sport... call him Dave?"
"It was the name he used in the last establishment."
"... What the fuck do we tell Jeremy?"
"Nothing. The less he knows, the safer he might be."
"FREAKING HECK, I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT VINCENT! HOW CAN I KNOW?!" His outburst was helpless and frustrated. Silence ensued. "Can I ask you a few questions?"
"I can't promise to answer."
"Did you work in one of the previous places?"
"Why are you... so suicidal?"
"Guess, you fucking idiot."
"Who did you scream at, as you were standing up?"
"....... I don't know. Nothing, most likely."
"What... what is the deal with your scars?"
"Enough, I need space. Can I go home now?"
"If... If you promise me to call me later."
"Jesus, what are you, my fucking girlfriend?!"
"I'm worried something happens to you!"
"So, you're my mom?"
"My... friend."
Embarrassed Phone Guy clawed into his receiver. "I'm sorry, I never really had a friend, but I thought this was the way it usual works..."
"You want to call ME a friend?"
"Yes, but if you mind-"
"You're fucking weird, Phone. Why would you want to be my friend?"
"B-because I trust you! I... I basically want a confirmation that you're fine with me and that you trust me as well!"
"Trust you? The third original animatronic?"
"I t-thought you didn't believe anything he said!"
"I know a human when I talk to one."
"And I'm not-? Please, Mike..." His voice was thin and desperate, the man hugged himself as the next words left his receiver. "I need you. I won't be able to do this alone. Without you I... I'll..."
Mike turned back to him, on the way to the door. He was shivering.
"You need me? ME? I thought you already gave up?"
"If you won't help me... I will be dead."
His words were filled with fear and hopelessness.
Battered and bruised, scarred and alone.
Now it clicked with Mike. Phone Guy was still dirty, his head was dented at one side and he was wearing the same clothing as yesterday.
"It... It's really bad, isn't it?"
"You can't even imagine... I beg of you, you're the only one I can talk to!"
Without realizing Mike reached out and softly touched the mistreated metal. "Does it hurt?"
"N-not much, I'm going to take care of it later..."
"Really? You have the time to make breakfast, but not to patch yourself up?"
Partly Mike asked himself if he was deliberately being manipulated. This all didn't feel right.
"Well, first I have to know if it's worth it, you know? I mean, why should I repair myself, just to break at the end of the week?"
"CAN I trust you PG?"
The question came out of nothing. Frozen the Phone-head flashed back to one of his earlier jobs.
Old Sport stood in front of the restaurant, obviously trying to pick a lock, without any knowledge on how to do so.
He stepped in, right as the Guard gave up.
"What on earth are you doing there?! Didn't you get the memo? The place is closed down... at least for a while."
They shortly talked. Then he said it. There's a birthday tomorrow, things are hard right now, can I count on you to come?
Please... I need you to come tomorrow.
"Of course! I'll be there!" With a friendly smile.
Back in reality he turned away. Maybe it was better like this.
"No, you can't. Have fun with your two free days."
Mike didn't move, his hand hovered over the doorknob. Multiple thoughts were running through his head, creating a chaotic mess. But one of them was stronger than the others.
"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK! FINE! FUCK YOU PHONE FACE! You owe me one for this. Guess I should rather call you... Phone-friend from now on. GOD, I could fucking BARF! This is so disgusting!"
Irritated his "new" friend shook his head. "I just said you couldn't trust me!"
"First sign of honesty."
"Please Mike, stop toying with my emotions!"
"I ALREADY CALLED YOU A FRIEND! Take it or leave it, I don't care. I'm off now, cleaning the weak off of me. AND YES, I'LL CALL THIS EVENING. I expect you to have a plan on how to deal with them by that time."
Burning red, out of different reasons, he slammed the door shut before he could get any answer and rushed home. This shit was ridiculous.
Silently he wondered what Vincent and his friend did after exiting the restaurant.
Well, not like he would ever know, or care.
Dave and Old Sport left the establishment together, their steps completely in synch.
After a few steps they began to giggle and it turned into full blown laughter in a matter of seconds. Suddenly, in the spur of the moment, Dave grabbed Old Sport and carried him bridal-style, twirling him around.
The Orange Guy squeaked and grabbed his collar, making Dave laugh even more. It's been SO long.
"Good work in there, Old Sport! We've did quite a number on the puppet! His face...pure GOLD! But you have a lot to tell me and let's not do that out here... where do you live?"
"Oh gee, you don't know? Maybe I should keep it that way, so you can't break in this time!"
"I'll find you and I'll break into your house, one way or another. C'mon, make it easy for me and just tell me!"
"If I do, will you carry me there?"
"Oh, Old Sport, I'll carry you wherever you want!"
Slightly red the Guard snickered. "Just kidding. I live two streets away, number 87."
"How fitting! Love your sense for style and theme." He started walking.
"Uh... w-would you let me down?"
"This is somewhat humiliating!"
"Why? Not like there is anyone to see you like this."
"Even if there were five hundred people outside my house, you wouldn't let me down, am I right?"
"Jesus, you haven't changed one bit. Hurry, I want to get down."
They arrived in front of the door and thankfully Dave was forced to let him down, since he got the keys. In the same second the door got unlocked, Dave crashed through it and began checking every room.
Every room was accessible, all the secrets were safe in Old Sport's head. Snickering he noticed how similar Old Sport's home was to before. Same layout, same items, even a similar smell. The Guy probably only owned about three pictures, which he tended to hang up inside his bedroom. Wait, one was new. A fourth one with a signature. It showed them in Vegas.
"It's great to be back here again."
"You never were here before..."
"Maybe, but look! It almost looks the same as the two places before!" Happy Dave jumped on the bed, making himself comfortable.
Old Sport stared down on him, shaking his head, but couldn't help himself and grinned.
"I missed you Dave..."
"While we're at missing, I'm still missing an explanation why you vanished."
"It... I tripped out, like I said. Talked a while with the Shadow Doggo, woke up in a cell."
"Shit, I'm sorry, should have known better than giving you the hard stuff."
"Yeah, at least they couldn't get my fingerprints, since I've bitten them off while hallucinating. I fled soon enough, but then the search began. I couldn't simply walk into every Freddy's, if they found my contract, they'd force me to stay. I watched every place I found for one week, hoping to catch you leaving or entering. Day after day I asked myself if you even worked at Freddy's anymore, or if I should try to find you any other way. Too bad you're so good at NOT leaving evidence about your existence."
"You were looking for me..." Dave was now laying on his stomach, his face resting on his hands, sparkling.
What a child.
"What were you doing all the time?"
"Oh... Nothing special, I was suffering through boredom, annoyed some Phoneys and helped Freddy's regain some of its territory ensuring controversies at Candy's. But without you, it didn't felt like anything worthwhile."
"You're... kinda creepy, Dave."
"Huh? Why this time?"
"Usually people shouldn't get so quickly attached."
His expression turned annoyed. "Stop ya whining, Old Sport, you lost your right at calling me a creep after the thing you did to the Stripper-Fox that just wanted to ask if we need anything..."
Burning red the Guy jumped up and interrupted. "I WAS HIGH! I DIDN'T KNEW WHAT I WAS DOING!"
"So, why going to Vegas with someone you barely know? I think you're the one who got attached quite quickly."
"Good god, it was a joke! I actually was kinda referring to you occupying my bed, as if it was yours."
"This is far from the..." Suddenly Dave stopped, his face frozen. "Yeah... Fine. I guess I overreacted a bit."
As the Purple Guy sat back up, sitting more normal this time, Old Sport mentally slapped himself for ruining the good mood.
"Well, BETTER? I haven't mentioned yet, but... I've got some surprises for you! I'll show you later, YOU WILL LOVE IT!"
"Seriously? Teasing me like that? Screw you Aubergine Man! At least tell me a bit about how the heck you got into the situation I found you in! I couldn't catch everything while working on the robots."
"You're really the creepy one of us, planning a whole reveal to impress me~"
"Hush it! Now, why did you try to kill this Mike-Guy? I thought he was funny!"
"Well, he put needles into my lunch."
"And? You poisoned a man."
"I HATE needles! I can't STAND them! And he KNEW that! He even called it PAYBACK! That was stupid payback! I had to teach him better."
"You can't teach a corpse, Dave."
"Why do you care that much? Do you know he's in cahoots with Phoney, Old Sport?"
"Really? Didn't expect him to be on anyone's side."
"He's a cunt. A hypocritical, aggressive asshole."
"You're really pissed off!"
Dave slightly moved his head to the side, inspecting his orange friend. There was only one thing he wanted to know right now.
"You're... on my side, right Old Sport?"
"Ha! What are you even asking for? We're friends!"
In an instant Dave fell back on the bed. "In that case this should be fine!"
"You're really... unbelievable." Another thing popped into Old Sport's mind. "Dave, have you been eating while I was gone?"
"........ Sometimes? C'mon, I don't even NEED to eat!"
The Orange Guy sighed and took out his phone and left the room. Thirty minutes later they were each chewing on their pizza.
"How did you know I wanted anchovies and no sauce?!"
"I asked you before what your favorite pizza is."
"Right, before you went to tamper with the Toys! I always thought that was sweet of you."
"Couldn't make a pizza for you though... a shame."
The glowing smile he got was most certainly worth the potential ridicule.
Their peaceful midnight snack was interrupted by Dave's phone ringing, a call he accepted and turned loud enough for Old Sport to understand every single word of it.
"H-hello? Hello! Vincent?"
"Up and at them! Didn't expect you to pester me that quickly! What do ya want, Phoney?"
"First of- NO! You know what?! Tomorrow, you'll be back at the establishment! ALONE! Someone has to get rid of the broken animatronics."
"I make you a deal, alright? You stop your bossing tone, I'll take Old Sport with me and you won't die the next time you enter the place!"
"I... fine. I will... I will check up on you tomorrow, so no funny shenanigans!"
"A-are you with Old Sport?!"
"Yeah, we're talking about our time apart. Problem?"
"N-no. See you later employees. While we're at it, you're of course back to your position, Old Sport. I expect you to give your best!"
"Of course Mecha-man! I can't wait!"
"You're... disturbing. Not even someone like you should LIKE working at Freddy's. See you tomorrow."
It clicked and the connection was separated. They shared a laugh and Old Sport stretched his arms.
"It's late... we should get some shuteye. I... you're going to sleep here, won't you?"
"You guessed it! Don't worry, I'll take the couch."
Old Sport hadn't expected the sudden respect for privacy, but appreciated it anyway.
After checking on his guest one more time he laid down in the dark room, trying to sleep.
It took a while, but soon enough he felt another body slipping beside him, cuddling close and hugging him softly.
Desperately he tried not to grin or blush to keep the illusion up. Finally he caught him doing this! To his surprise the man snuggled into him more. Most people avoided being close to him, feeling that there was something wrong with his body.
The warmth slowly made him drowsy, as the sleep snuck onto him, in the end besting him and his intention to stay awake until he could scare Dave.
At morning the Purple Guard had already vanished and obviously acted as if nothing has happen. Damn sneaky bastard.
He sat at the kitchen table together with a can of tea and some notes.
"Oh shit, there's the british boi!"
Surprised the Purple Guard stopped with the scribbling, which was probably nonsensical anyway and waved. "Who of us is the british BOI here? Me, because I drink the tea, or you because you own the bloody tea?"
"Of course the one who uses bloody as very! What were you bloody expecting?"
Good natured he sat down next to him, trying to sneak a peek at whatever Dave was doing, all the while pouring himself a cup.
"I guess? But why would you put it front of my nose if you're that secretive about it?"
"To annoy you." Ecstatic he leaned closer to grin at his face.
"You're the worst friend ever, AGAIN. First making it harder for me to kidnap the kids, then eating ALL the kebab by YOURSELF and NOW THIS! Out of my house, you demon!"
"Nah, you're too sweet to ever enforce that. Seriously, I love them, they're hilarious! But of course, "Aubergine" is by far the best. "Mixed feelings", eh? Sitting down in the evening to write about me... and it even appears quite old..." Smugly he wriggled his eyebrows.
"I'm going to kill you. Failing that, I'll castrate you."
"I would take the Phone more seriously than you right now."
"You sack of ratshit. While we're at the Phone, should we... actually do what he wants?"
"I could use the parts, so it pretty convenient."
"For what would you need metal that is filled with souls?"
"They probably aren't anymore. The kids can free themselves of a damaged body."
"Huh, that sure is convenient..."
"That it is, old sport. So, wanna get going, or can I read some more of these impressive pieces of lyric?"
"Shut it."
Snickering Dave teased his old friend all the way to the restaurant, delighting in all the annoyed and embarrassed faces and noises the Guard was able to make.
Their bickering ended as they entered the establishment, Old Sport visibly got nostalgic. "How long has it been?" He took a deep breath. "Ah, child labor, old, rotten ingredients and death. I missed this SO much!"
"You're a psycho, Old Sport."
"Ah, c'mon, admit it! With me it can be quite enjoyable here, right?"
"I guess you have to lack a soul to enjoy this place on your own, but yeah, it's going to be GREAT!"
They glanced at the main hall, where an unholy mess presented itself. Once again impressed, the Orange Guard whistled. "Wow, he did quite the number on them. Are you sure that guy is even human?"
"Just between us, Old Sport... I think he might be like we and the robots are."
"You mean, he's unkillable?"
"I hooked him onto a fucking power cables, Old Sport! I haven't googled it, but I'm pretty sure you shouldn't be able to survive that as normal human."
Old Sport picked up tiny scrapes of metal, lost in thoughts. "So... is he like... me? Or rather like you?"
"He isn't soulless. But I don't know anything more. Well, I have a theory that staying virgin for twenty and something years actually grants you superpowers. Seriously, judging by his aggression, he doesn't even-"
"WHAT exactly of this stuff do you need? Small and broken or the still functioning parts?"
"Functioning. I want to reuse some of it."
"So, your surprise is a machine?"
Bemused the Purple Guard grinned. "Nah, you won't get ANY answer out of me. Stay patient. The surprise still need a lot improvement... you know what? I'll work on that tomorrow and won't stop until I'm able to show it off to you. But ONLY because it's you!" He winked and got the response he hoped for, a violent turn away that did nothing to hide the slight blush.
It was adorably easy to get him flustered.
"Don't overwork yourself, alright? AND, more importantly, DON'T leave me alone at work! What am I supposed to do without you?! How can I even THINK about fun without you?! I'm not a betraying son of an aubergine who goes around doing all the fun stuff on his own."
"Aw, you're that broken over it? Calm down, I was keeping myself sane with that. Because I didn't just VANISH and never even CALLED!"
"You're... fine, we'll put that aside. But take my pleas seriously, I probably would accidently kill myself out of boredom... it would be my bore-DOOM."
"Jesus, AGAIN contender for corniest line of the year?"
"I improved! You're smiling, admit it!"
"This is basically the only facial expression I have, Old Sport."
"You're such a hypocrite! What's with the "Old Sport" line you made after seeing my phone?"
"I haven't slept for eight days! What's your excuse?"
Seeing his younger companion pout that hard, he broke the façade and laughed. "You're letting yourself being fooled FAR too easily! Of course I like your stupid puns!"
"Why you calling them stupid then?!"
"Well, I just like stupid things! But since we're friends you could have guessed, right?"
"Argh, WHY did I miss you again?"
"Because you know I'm only joking! Come over here, you need a hug!"
"Noooooooo! Go away!"
"Should I? We're finished here, so... are you sure you don't want me around anymore?"
Prideful Old Sport raised to his full height. "Acting as if I'm THAT depended on you? Screw you, I know how to entertain MYSELF!"
"Are you sure about that?"
"YES! Now leave, I want to have AWESOME, FUN, ADVENTURE time and that WITHOUT YOU!"
Dave shook his head, convinced to have the high ground. "Fiiiiiine... you have my number. Just in case something "bad" happens." He winked and exited the place.
For dramatic reasons the Orange Guy went into the other direction and landed in front of the stage. Right, the animatronics needed to be booted up... sighing he got his crowbar out. Repairing the machines was always tedious... but it was worth it. His introduction ended not even half bad and Dave... well, Dave was there, a royal pain in the ass.
Life finally felt colorful again.
Humming he reconnected the different cables and parts.
The problem with deactivating the machines wasn't the reactivation and repair, it rather was the fact that it could take about two days to rebooting them, forcing the owners to keep the "free roam" on.
Well, it was questionable it would even change anything shutting down the robots at night.
Shortly he stared at the empty place.
Welp, this was getting desolate quickly.
Argh, since when was he such a whiny bitch?!
Better question, since when was company so addictive?
"Screw you Dave! I know how to have fun on my own!" Annoyed he wandered over to the music-box, hoping to distract himself from his loneliness.
The lock was still firmly in place, thank god Dave had a padlock hidden inside the prize corner, so the puppet wasn't on his throat right now. Repeatedly he knocked against the walls.
"Heyo, Puppet-man! Haven't seen you while your friends were ripped apart. Quite the coward, aren't you?"
Angry trashing was his answer.
"Hehe, ah, come on, aren't you happy to see me? You probably thought someone else stole your precious revenge."
Oh, I know I would get my revenge eventually. There is no possible world, in which you could resist coming back here... after all, where else could you got to? You will not ever die. You will not ever be able to stay anywhere else. No one will ever accept you. But the best... you will not ever be able to leave. Here a little secret for you... I considered never killing you. Letting you wander for eternity.
"Oh gee, what made you reconsider?"
Your rising affinity for murder and William.
"Oh my, affinity, what a nice term. But I don't like killing."
In that case it is even worse, it confirms how easily you are manipulated. How Fredbear could have been so mistaken in a human is worrying to say the least, your weakness should have been glaringly obvious from the moment the life left your body.
"Listen, MAYBE I'm just tired of being a TOOL! I realized you just USED me! You decided my fate, without even making it obvious I could NEVER escape!"
He told you! You promised! You cowardly, weak TRAITOR!
"How should I have known what he really meant?! I WAS SCARED OF DEATH, ALRIGHT?!"
In that case, you should appreciate the gift we made!
"You make me sick, puppet. You turned into quite the monster yourself." Angry he walked over to the prize corner, stealing gasoline and a lighter. "Hey, how about we make your innards fitting to the outside?"
Do not DARE! You will be fired! This pointless act of violence will only further alienate you from your previous self!
The puppet has always been able to leave the box in spirit, watching EVERYTHING going on inside the restaurant. It wasn't a pretty ability, but despite how painful it was to see the terrible things in the establishment, it was necessary to remind himself to know no mercy for anyone in the building.
What the being usually saw was horrifying and disgusting behavior, not only by the adults, by the children visiting as well. It was all corrupted and poisoned, every innocent soul coming into proximity became wrenched and wicked.
So, he had seen quite the monstrosities. Was forced to face again and again the worst humanity had to offer.
But never had he been afraid.
Not after being abducted, not after being killed. He swore to himself, no such human emotion would influence him, not anymore. And he was proud of himself, he managed it.
Until today.
Old Sport had turned slightly, his eyes devoid of light. His smile just as dark.
"Previous self? What a lovely term, dear marionette, but I will let you onto a guarded secret of mine... Maybe I do not wish to continue my... "Previous" existence."
Slowly he cut a small hole into the box and began pouring in the liquid.
W-what are you doing?! What is wrong with you! You will be burn the whole establishment down!
"Marionette, how do you lie into my face, without even the smallest creak in your voice? Maybe you thought I would not be able to tell that the box is reinforced with metal? I understand that you were trying to preserve your own existence, but I preferred you when you were more honest."
Who... who are you?
"What are you talking about? It's me, of course!" The smile brightened up, his eyes lit up as well. "Come on, this is not even hurting you! I just want to get rid of you for a while, stop acting like it's the end of the world! You need a vacation... and an ass whooping."
Old Sport, I would seriously beg you to reconsider! Your actions not only harm other, they appear to harm you as well!
"Stop trying to get out of this. It's not like you'd actually care if something bad happens to me. See ya later, alligator!" In a good mood he activated the lighter and giggled. "Phoney is gonna be so mad!"
He stepped back, admiring the small flames escaping through the hole. The puppet stayed silent, probably not even feeling anything.
Of course he wasn't feeling anything.
But that wasn't what he wanted... No.
His body was feeling odd. Especially his head.
Quickly he left towards the exit. The Phone would be there soon, so he maybe should try to act innocently. It would suck if Phone Guy was out to kill him from the get go.
Half an hour later he logged into the computer as Phone Guy, curious what he would find. Two surprises waited for him there; Phone Guy had called himself actually Phone Guy on the PC and there was one more new employee next to Mike. Jeremy Fuckwhocanspellthatshit. Great, double the employees, double the fun!
After an hour he considered finding a place to sleep or at least go to the kitchen to drink cold tomato sauce, but thankfully his boss showed up right when he was raising his body. Cheerfully he waved. Said boss wasn't as excited for some reason.
"Employee? Did you- wait, do I smell smoke?!"
"Ah, I think you're imagining it. While I repaired the robots they got quite heated, so maybe you smell that."
Distrustful Phone Guy was looking around, but couldn't see anything on flames or smoking, so he got to the more pressing issues. "Where is Dave?"
"Left, he wanted to prepare a surprise for me."
"Are the animatronics... fine?"
"Yeah, booting up right now." Smiling he inspected his old... acquaintance. "What are you telling the bosses and higher-ups? Animatronics don't disappear without reason."
"Y-yes, I thought... maybe I'll say that an intruder, o-or better, a Candy's Burger and Fries agent infiltrated and destroyed our advanced machines out of spite."
"Protecting Mike, eh? How cute!"
Defensive Phone Guy made a step back. "Is there a problem with that?"
"No, I'm really proud of you! You've improved!"
"You sound quite like Dave..."
"Heh, well, that happens to me all the time..."
They stayed silent for a while, both not knowing what to say after all this time.
"So, uh... Phone-man! Wanna hang out?"
In utter confusion, the older one stared at him. "Excuse me?"
"C'mon, it's a new start! I want to get to know you better! A new Phoney, a new fate!"
"L-listen, I don't really..."
"Pls dad, don't dis0wn me. I'm l0nely."
"You- You really think I would-?!" He broke off after seeing Old Sport's pleading face. "F-fine. What do you want to do?"
"Show me around the city, because I don't even know where I can buy something to eat. I only found a tea-shop and kinda feel like I might starve soon."
"You haven't even-"
"I had fast food."
Phone Guy sighed and shook his head. How can something THAT deadly be that incompetent. At least he was sure the Orange Guy was a killer...
But he couldn't remember...
He couldn't REMEMBER the moments, the feelings, the thoughts...
Moodier than a pregnant woman, more unpredictable than a druggie, more helpless than a teenager.
How was he supposed to do ANYTHING?
With big eyes the employee looked up to him. "Pwease help me big phone man~"
"You're making me uncomfortable. Come along now, I guess since you did your job I might as well establish a good relationship between us... after what happened in the last place."
"Hey, I won't give you false hope, I'm not a liar. I'm planning to stay on the Dave-Route, no question asked."
"Yeah, how else would you call it?"
This wasn't worth questioning. He left towards the exit. "Get moving, I still have other plans!"
Humming Old Sport ran alongside him, skipping like a little girl. "Can we go to the grocery store?! And buy some snacks?! And watch a Shrek marathon?!"
"Can I at least prank call Candy's with your Phone-head?"
"It's gonna be fun!"
"... Fine. But you say what I tell you."
How it ended up two hours later, escaping in a stolen car, screaming panicked at each other was a mystery for the ages.
The car screeched painfully as Old Sport was making a sharp turn and ended up on unsteady ground.
Police sirens made it clear that the keepers of law and order were coming dangerously close, but they couldn't drive any faster without running against a tree.
Without any other option they leaped towards the softest patch of grass they could spot and made about twenty backflips, two dabs and one explosion.
"W-where did the explosion come from?! The car is still driving!"
"Who cares! Let's get up the tree and hide!"
"Jesus, stay calm, boi! Better idea?"
"Of course I have a better idea! I was trained to survive in the wild after all!"
"Really? That's impressive..."
"We have to cover ourselves with leaves!"
"They would run us over, b0ss!"
"Don't worry, I have another plan!"
It were only three minutes until the police cars crashed through the nearest tree and setting the whole forest on fire. Two uniformed officer jumped out of it, their weapons raised, but they lowered them after seeing who was standing there.
Two gentleman, one orange and one with a phone head. They had a fancy moustache and shaded monocles.
"Excuse me swaggy gentlemen, have you seen two criminals around? They looked like you, expect with no game and poor."
Phone Guy got ready to say something, but Old Sport was quicker.
"Poor you say? Ohohoho, ye must be jesting! My eyes would never bother picking up on such insignificant details as the working class!"
"They looked really similar..."
"Now, be gone peasant! The money has to talk!"
One of the officer backed off, but the other one became suspicious. "Excuse me, but could I touch your moustache, sir?"
Phoney slowly got nervous. Old Sport cocky nature was getting them in trouble.
"Of course not, it is made out of pure successes and I will not let you steal it! You understand, this is why your birthgiver never cared about you. All you do is waste time, money and potential!"
Before it could get any worse the rational Guard gave it a shot. "Oh do not bother, we will leave immediately. The funding for the new donut-shop can wait as well."
"N-No, dear Gentleswaggers, we're leaving! Don't worry! H-have a nice day!"
They left and Phone Guy exchanged a glance with his co-worker.
"That worked rather well, didn't it?!"
"Employee, why do you carry TWO fake moustaches and shaded monocles along with you?"
"....... I predicted all of this. Yes. All of it."
Together they began to stroll over to the next bus stop. "Isn't it odd how incompetent the police is? How many people with rotten, dead, orange skin or Phone for a head can there be?"
"Well, as you once told me: I'm quite forgettable."
"Damn, did I really...? Sorry employee."
"Oh, no problem. I was nothing more than a springtrapped employee before. But I'm glad you actually remember me now!"
With a small check Phoney saw the bright smile and friendly eyes.
Old Sport wasn't angry at him. There was nothing left of the grudge he had exhibited before.
But there was no empathy either. No regret.
Old Sport didn't want to hurt him.
But he would, if convenient.
Without hesitation.
Their ride back was quiet, only Old Sport was making small remarks and hummed.
When they were back at Freddy's they nodded at each other and left into different direction home.
Surprisingly they had spent a few pleasant hours and despite both knowing it was nothing but the illusion of beginning a peaceful friendship, they still enjoyed it while it lasted. Of course, they used it mostly to carefully reach weak points and an impression of each other's minds, yet they were fair enough to have honest fun.
Or maybe it was only him who did that.
Was the Orange Guy even corrupt enough for that?!
Phone Guy winced.
If he misjudged Old Sport and ruined their shot at redemption, he would never live it down.
But if he acted too naïvely, Mike would be in danger as well.
Mike, who trusted his judgment.
Regretful he stared at his hands. He wasn't supposed to be in a role of leadership. This wasn't what he got hired for.
"The job as entertainer can be quite important as well! You will, unfortunately, run into a situation you will blame yourself for."
"Yeah, but at least I will have a partner, someone just as responsible, who can help me face it!"
"We here at Fredbear's entertainment appreciate your positive attitude and welcome you into our family! Be responsible and kind, Mr.-"
His head was blank.
There was supposed to be a name.
When... when was he ever applying to Fredbear's?
He worked at Freddy's, didn't he?!
God, please, please, Mike, call me right now, I fear that I go insane, I need someone to talk to, RIGHT NOW.
And he did.
At the same time, two people in close proximity picked up their phone, getting ready to talk with their counterparts.
"Why hello there, Old Sport!"
"Hello, Phone... friend."
Cosmic coincidence wanted their talk to be almost indistinguishable.
"You've spent time with HIM!? Honestly?"
"Good job, I guess? But did you find anything out?"
"His "friend"?! C'mon we knew that before! Tell me better what you're planning!"
Here the short period of astronomical implausibility vanished.
Purple Guy was somewhat sulky. "So, you'd rather have fun with him or what? Guess killing kids with good old Davey isn't good enough anymore!"
"Ah, you know you're still the best! But who can we annoy if not the Phone? Without a Phone the whole place will be shut down in minutes."
"Pff, you can't even IMAGINE what I'm capable of! I would run a horror attraction! As the star!"
"Sounds about right."
The other conversation continued a bit less light-hearted.
"Mike, I know it is hard for you to understand, but... for now it's our best shot. Old Sport isn't evil, at least not in the traditional sense, he is... curious. If we manage to distract him enough, we might don't have to fear anything. But for that, we'll have to make peace with Vincent as well."
"You're basically asking me to simply go ahead and be like: Yeah, I know you FUCKING TRIED TO KILL ME, but doesn't FUCKING MATTER, we're still besties?!"
"N-no, I mean yes, but..."
"Mike, we have two options. Either we entertain some demons or we'll be ripped apart."
"I'm ready to die for what I believe in."
"BUT I'M NOT READY FOR YOU TO DO THAT. Here are your options: Either you h-hecking pretend to have amnesia about that last night, or you are fired!"
It stayed silent for a while. "Alright Phone. But we better set a trap up quickly."
"I'm trying my best..."
"... Do you... need... for me to visit?"
How sensible.
"No, I only need some sleep. Thank you for calling. It means a lot to me."
"Whatever you say, I guess... good evening, see you on Monday."
Only one day in and Old Sport is already starting with the insanity! Tell me if you think it's fine that way, or if the characters are acting weird, my gloomy mood makes me really paranoid.
Thinking about you two's comments (Anon_the_magical and Call_me_what_whatever) are actually the only thing making me feel better, so I want to thank you for taking your time reading and commenting! The kind and supportive nature of your comments make me all giddy when I think about them! (But if you have any kind of criticism, don't worry about posting it, after all I want to get better for you!)
Have a great day! x3
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