New face

A/N: So. This will introduce another OC. Kinda. But- I'd say he's fairly important. Gimme the benefit of the doubt and if you don't like it, tell me and I'll do my best to adjust. Or delete and redo the chapter outright.


The tension of the last few days started to wear down and show their effects on the Guards. Mike's face grew paler, the shadows under his eyes grew darker, Simon was becoming more and more twitchy, nervous and unfocused, Old Sport was as moody and extreme as he could be.
Dave and Jeremy were technically spared of the tension themselves, but seeing their friends this upset and being unable to do anything about it? Draining and depressing.
Both of them tried to cheer up their friends in their own ways, but no matter how many cookies or rabid squirrels went around, nothing seemed to change this constant downward spiral. It was a pain and frustrating beyond anything they could deal with on a good day, on a bad day they just retreat into their own corners of their minds, trying to ignore whatever was going on around them.
Mike had started to wander around the premises, trying to find... something. The place was now MASSIVE and most of the actual guard work was taken over by simply ignoring problems that wasn't to be seen on the camera. Usually it was Phone Guy sitting in the office, looking out for trouble, until somebody would make trouble, which was when he used their nifty new walkie-talkies to send the closest guard to go and check on the situation.
All in all the building became more automated and Mike hated it beyond anything he ever felt. This wasn't safe. Why didn't Phone Guy mind?
Everything mechanic in this place tried to fucking kill them!
Maybe not. Fucking hell.
It took half an hour to get around properly in a normal to slow pace. That might be because of the amount of people, that might be because it was an actual fucking park with way too many areas.
Freddy's was an uncomfortable place to be. It shouldn't be working at all, nothing about this made any sense. How could they get rollercoasters in the first place, let alone have them function seemingly without anyone taking care of it?!
That was just god dammit unsettling.
This place was staying alive by itself, he was sure of it. It was secretly breathing, very slowly, very quietly, barely enough to drive Mike insane as he spun around to see who was behind him, breathing down his neck.
It was the fucking building itself.
Maybe he was still unstable. Maybe his medication wasn't all too functioning and only saved him from the worst effects of his mind.
Or the building was just as alive as the machines that inhabited it.
Both theories sounded as fucking solid as each other.
At least it felt less as if he was running in circles and more as if he was wandering through a own little world. If that was good or bad was a completely other question. A damn maze.
But at least now he knew the building better than the others. Maybe better than the animatronics themselves.
Then again, they might have a map programmed into their brain.
Maybe they had the whole world programmed into their fucking brains.
As always he avoided Funtime Freddy's Funhouse, none of the guards, not even Jeremy would go their without any urgent business. The kids though, they loved him and his place. Fucking self-destructive pieces of shit.
But until now nothing bad happened.
Feeling sick in the stomach, Mike asked himself what they could and would do IF actually something bad would happen. If something would happen while he was around, on his watch...
Technically a lot of bad stuff happened on his watch.
Another set of stairs. Up. Down.
The employee only sections were... sterile. Almost silent. It was horribly creepy, as bad as walking around at night.
Fuck this place, fuck this place, fuck this place, fuck this-
Abruptly he turned again.
For a moment he paused.
Crawl through the vents.
No, what the fuck.
Well... Old Sport, Dave and all the animatronics could do it, so...
The need to try it was growing bigger until he finally said fuckit and climbed in, risking potential death. If there was an animatronic in here or whatever deathtrap Purple Guy could cook up in his twisted fucking mind, then his screams would probably be drowned out by the excited children playing in the halls and by the attractions.
Five steps... crawls... in and he already made his testament and cursed himself for being a retarded idiot. What was it again that made him want to crawl through this claustrophobic metal maw instead of the roomy stairs outside? Probably some sort of death wish.
It became even more silent, the sounds that did reach him where distorted and weird. Yes, rather than being in the pizza place, maybe he was in hell and from down there the voices of the damned called for him.
Could he still turn back? It was growing uncomfortably hot inside of the walls and the walls already made him feel as if he was crawling on the spot-
He almost fell down the shaft and badly hurt his chest. Yup, definitely a death trap. Or he should pay more attention. As he paused he finally noticed a few of small colored dots on the walls at the places where the vent split and assumed they were there for a reason.
Did he know where the fuck he was?
No. Not really.
Red, blue, pink, pink with a blue dot in the middle, grey.
Okay. Go at it with logic. The colors seemed pretty similar to the animatronics. He had seen them so often together, those colors had to be that.
Left only grey.
Grey was maybe for the office or the parts&services room. Probably even, what else could that lead to? A secret demon machine in the heart of the place?
If it would, he would literally eat his hat.
With a frustrated groan, he began moving into the direction of the grey dots, trusting that it would lead somewhere at least.
After a surprisingly well marked path, he came to a grating from which light shined into the place and he gave a sigh of relieve that he instantly choked on, as he saw a fucking emo kid standing in the office, typing away on the company computer.
The boy jumped a bit and looked up in annoyed confusion and slight shock, as Mike tried to crawl out of the vent, which ended up being more awkward and annoying than it should-
The ventdoor snapped shut.
Yet, his screaming was to no avail, instead he was forced to pull out his walkie-talkie and contact Phone Guy. "Simon, there is a fucking teen in our office."
"U-Uh... what?" The manager wasn't sure if he was hearing this right.
"Alright- I'm on it, please calm down-"
"Mike! Please! I'm on my way!" Phone Guy hurried towards his workspace, wondering why he couldn't leave the cursed thing for more than five minutes WITHOUT having anything bad happening. It was just a damn office computer, what could a cursed teenager WANT from it?!
He entered the office and froze, oh lord, it was worse than he thought.
The teen was scrolling over the data and giving him a somewhat annoyed glance, as if PHONEY was the one intruding. "Man, the fuck. What's your problem?"
"W-what? What's my problem?"
"Yeah, what I said."
They awkwardly stared at each other.
"You... uh..." Simon coughed. "... you can't be here. How did you even get onto one of the accounts?"
"Some idiot was still logged in and I just wanted some info."
"Info!?" Alarmed Phone Guy stepped closer.
"Yeah... there's this, like... ballerina thing? It fucked me over and I fucking hate it. So I want to know if I can-" He broke off and powered down the computer, crossing his arms and provokingly standing in the middle of the room. "None of your fucking business actually. So what you're doing now? Kick me out just for being here?"
"Y-yes? Because you cannot be in the employee's only section-"
Aghast Phone Guy looked at him. "What do you MEAN why?! Because you're not a darn employee!"
"That can change. I want a job here."
"WHAT- no. No, no, no! You can't just walk in and demand a position, it's not how this business works!"
"Since when?"
Damn. The kid was good.
"You probably aren't even at the right age to be allowed to work here-"
"Who cares?"
Unmoved the emo stared at him. "Not really, right? I came in, I want a job, you gotta give it to me. That's how this works, right?"
It actually was.
Rules were rules.
If the damn factory found out that he rejected a potential employee...
Slowly he wandered past the kid and picked up some paperwork. "Well then... uh... you want to be a dayguard, eh?"
He gave him five minutes until he either quit or died. Both pretty likely.
"What do we ever really want?" Emo-mcangst said and Phoney hated him already. Okay dude, everybody here wanted to die, no need to put so much fucking focus on it.
"Do you want to or not?! Just cut to the chase!"
"Yeah. I want a fucking minimum wage job at this hellhole. For experience and stuff."
"Great, because that's all you'll get out of this job." Simon shook his head. "Any medical issues we should know about?"
"We? Don't kid with me, you're the only guy running this, aren't you?"
If Simon had eyes, one of them would surely twitch. "MEDICAL ISSUES?"
"I'm dead inside."
"CHRIST, HOW HARD IS IT TO JUST-" Taking a deep breath, he tried to remind himself that it was merely a stupid kid. "- okay. Okay. You seem to be in acceptable medical condition. What's your name?"
"... none of your business."
"I need SOMETHING to call you!"
"Call me ~~%&$$&%~~"
"W... what. How did you- how- you- but-"
"Nemo. Is that an acceptable name?"
"It's... okay. Good. Nemo." A bit pretentious, but hell it was better than dickface69. They had an employee in the files that had called himself that and good lord- "Any prior experience with Freddy's?"
"Except the constant new coverage?" He shrugged. "Nah."
So the kid followed the news coverage. Why- why did he even WANT to-
NO. BAD. BAD SIMON. NO QUESTIONING. Just do your usual spiel.
"Rest assured that none of the information disclosed to the public is in any way complete or representative of the business."
"Yeah, sure as if anybody believes THAT." Bored Nemo snitched a badge and a few papers and began looking at them.
"H-Hey, stop that! You can't just go around touching documents!"
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHY?! BECAUSE THEY'RE DOCUMENTS I STILL NEED!" His head made a few distressed beeping noises. "Now put it back or you're directly fired again!"
"Ooooooh...... Oh nooooooooo... pls don't fire me...!" Carelessly throwing them back, the teen watched Simon provocatively.
"God, I cannot wait for you to wear a springlock suit," the manager uttered under his breath, before contacting Mike. "Mike, where the h-heck are you?"
"Currently in the west hallway, I'll be there in a fucking second! Chill!"
Suddenly something occurred to Phoney. "Wait, why didn't you take care of the teen? How did you know he was in the office, if you're still this far away?!"
A pause ensued. "I... kinda went through the vents and fucker shut it on me."
"You went through- god. Why?!"
"Just to see if I could, okay?! Fuck you, I don't need to explain myself to you!"
"YES YOU DO, I'M YOUR BOSS!" The angsty teen behind Simon snickered and it took him all his willpower to not throw something around and throwing a tantrum.
"Oh, wow, then you might want to start fucking acting like one?" Mike hissed, but slowly unhappiness seeped in. He didn't want to insult his friend like that, so why did he have to provoke him like this!?
"I'm acting like one right now by telling you, you will show our NEW employee around!"
"Yes, the teen wanted a job. And it'll be your job to show him around."
Finally Mike arrived, grabbed Simon and took him around the corner. "Are you fucking kidding me?! Just because I fucking nagged you a bit?"
But Phone Guy had calmed already. "No. But who else should show him around? Dave and Old Sport would kill him on the spot for fun."
"Fuck- okay, fine, then let Jerry do it! He can deal with assholes, he is stupid enough for that shit..."
"Are you serious? JEREMY. With that guy? Jeremy never went through puberty himself, do you really want to force him to face it in its purest form?! Not to mention that the guy would probably take him apart, not listen to ANYTHING of what he says. He'd wander off and get himself killed within two minutes."
"And that would be a bad thing why...?" Finally Mike shook his head. "Just a fucking joke. Yeah, okay, Jerry would be trash at this, but what about his fucking creeper friend? I'm pretty certain the puppet can make anyone act in line with just one glare of his undead eyes. Even I hate to look into those fucking tiny ass pinpricks."
"It might scare him into line, yes, but maybe it..." Horrified Simon trailed off.
"It what?" Irritated Mike raised an eyebrow.
"He's edgy as- very edgy, maybe it turns him on. Jesus, god, if I had one dollar for every teen that came working here because they wanted to u-uh... mess... with one of the characters, I'd-"
For a moment Mike pondered, slightly disgusted but equally as fascinate. "He'd probably stick his dick into a bowl of glass shards for the edge."
"I refuse to continue the conversation. Anyways, please go and take care of it. PLEASE."
"What if I say no?"
"I can cut your pay?"
"God in heaven, Simon I fucking hate you, you're literally the biggest piece of shit that I ever had the displeasure to fucking meet, I will come to your house and fucking wipe my ass with your towels, you shit-fucking cunt-"
"Mike. You know I wouldn't- but you really have to learn to accept that I AM in fact your boss."
"Well... that's not true now, is it...?"
Having enough and feeling slightly exhausted, Mike shook himself. "Fine. I'll... take care of him."
They returned into the office, but the teen was already gone, sending Phone Guy into justified panic "WHERE THE H-HECK IS HE?!"
Mike didn't even bother to be nervous and instead hurried out to find the suicidal human being. "EMO! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?! I PROMISE I WILL SHOVE YOUR HEAD DOWN THE BALLPIT UNTIL YOU FUCKING SEE ANOTHER UNIVERSE, MAYBE ONE IN WHICH YOU ARE WORTH A FUCKING DAMN!"
"At least there is a universe where that is possible! There is not one where you are more than a minimum wage idiot." Out of nowhere the teen called. He was sitting on top of one of the arcades placed basically at random everywhere. How he even got onto one of these fairly tall machines was a question in itself that didn't need answering.
"I'm a minimum wage idiot that can fucking punch you dead."
"And go to jail."
"That would be worth one less asshat in the world."
"Two less, since you're then in jail."
"You feel fucking smart, don't you? Have fun with that shit attitude, you're gonna regret this all so badly."
"Not as much as I regret still being alive!"
"You're cancerous self-pity isn't getting you any favors from me, you piece of shit."
"As if I'd ever want a favor from you. And even if, I could probably trick you into doing what I want anyway."
"I will make you regret the day you were born."
"Oh, get in line."
"You fuckhead don't deserve my time."
"Then go away, I'm not happy about you being here either!" They stared at each other with contempt, before the teen finally sighed and looked away. "Just- get it over with, k? The sooner you showed me this shitplace, the sooner we both get to do our own thing."
"For a shitplace you sure were eager about working here!" Otherwise Simon wouldn't have made him an employee... right?
"Listen, I just want to find that ugly ballerina-abomination and pay it back, then I'll let myself get fired or something."
"Aren't you petty as fuck."
"Not worse than you, no."
"God, I wish I'd be fucking dead."
"You'll be soon enough. Old timer."
Being stuck in this stalemate, Mike growled quietly and began moving. "Keep up, shitface."
They traveled through the show area and Mike actually began doing his job. "So. Show area. Here you can help serving food, watch the actual scheduled shows, play on the arcade like a lazy fuck, mess with the music and lights- if I ever hear you play "never gonna give you up" you won't live to tell the tale."
"God you're such a whiny pussy."
"Not as whiny as you will be after I removed your kneecaps. Anyway, hurry, the place is huge. Down here is Freddy's Funhouse." They arrived in the colorful room that was going off into hundreds of directions. Hundreds was a bit much, okay, but... there were a lot of twists and turns. Music played and in some distance you could hear children laugh and screech. It was somewhat haunted. "Here is the furthest you should ever go, because I have NO idea what lurks within and Freddy's knows every little corner. If you ever find yourself stuck in there, clutch your Taser and pray to whatever deity you want, I doubt you'll ever be seen again."
"Ooh, I'm so scared. Gotcha chief."
"Move it, bitch." They turned to leave again, this time Mike took another path through the corridors. Finally they arrived at a large, dark room, with only the stage in the distance lit. On top of it was Ballora, dancing to classical music. There was murmur going on in the background, but for some reason nothing more. "This is Ballora's auditorium. It's... the calmer part of the place."
"And the place of robo-boobs."
"You said it, not me."
For a moment they looked in peace onto the almost hypnotic movements of the woman on the stage, but then a faint, smug laughter sounded from the ground. When the Guard looked down, he saw the movement of something small running away.
"I'm off then." The teen suddenly bolted.
"Going to find the little Minireena shit! That's the only reason I'm here in the first place."
"I'LL FIGURE OUT THE REST MYSELF, THANKS!" The teenager screamed back while rushing towards the stage.
Where the fuck did that little shit go?
Of course to her dad!
Like every little shit that picked a fight with someone bigger than her.
Quickly the girl climbed up Old Sport's leg and onto his shoulder, giggling when he gave her a short glance.
"What did you do?" Old Sport asked, a slightly worried.
Offended Alice crossed her legs and kept quiet. As if she was up to trouble ALL the time!
Well... the teenager running up to them was proving Old Sport somewhat right. "Hey. That Ballerina... is that yours? Or... whatever?"
"That's Alice! Uh... what do you need her for?"
"She's a fucking cunt." Completely dead looking Nemo stared at the colorful guard.
"Wow. That's how you talk to my daughter, H U H ?" Something about the kid made him want to ruffle. His face looked familiar... "Did she mess you up, H M M M ? Can't deal with someone smaller and smarter than you, E H ?"
Alice applauded and giggled, smug about being safe and sound on her protective guardian. The angsty teen gave her a deadly glance. "Not really that, but she's an annoying-"
"SPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORTSYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!" Dave run up to them, but his ecstatic expression changed when he spotted his new companion. "Who's that clown?"
"Apparently his daughter." Nemo answered without hesitation.
All three looked at him silently.
"I've destroyed many Freddy's and yeah, for a lot of 'em I used gasoline. But I haven't seen a burn like that in a while." Dave nodded in appreciation. "Now ya better take your ass away from here, before I break all of your non-vital bones."
"Oooooh, I'm so scared! What you're gonna do? Make me suffer even more than I'm already am? Good luck."
Old Sport looked back and forth between these two, feeling entertained, while Alice was standing up all tall and might and insulted. Her low giggle would sound threatening if it wouldn't come out of the most unthreatening animatronic to ever been made. Even Chica's Cupcake is more terrifying.
The teen looked up at her, pissed off. "Ow, so you can't even take what you dish out? Thinking it's funny to dunk people in color and then when they come back to get you, you're just hiding!"
Alice broke out in a lot of high-pitched giggles that sounded like nagging, while she shook her tiny animatronic fist at him.
"Fight me then!" Bold he reached to grab the Minireena, but jerked back as if bitten. "OW! You bitch-"
"You're the one trying to kidnap her!" Old Sport shook his head. "How about you try someone your size?"
"I'll take on somebody twice my damn size!" Angst McTeen exclaimed and it made Dave smile.
"You're one of the REALLY tough guys, eh? How 'bout ya prove it?" With a weirdly glowing smile he leaned closer, but the teen didn't move one inch.
"Sure thing. I'm sure whatever YOU come up with is so incredibly terrifying that I won't even survive."
This got a laugh out of the aubergine colored man. "Buddy boy, you don't even know half of it! But ya said yes and know Imma take advantage of it. Alice!"
The small thing jumped up, ready to Rambo.
"If we wanna test this sucker, we gotta challenge him. Here!" He put his hand into his jacket and with mild terror Old Sport awaited what would come out of it. It was a knife, a spoon, a small vial... perfume? Else there was a small notebook, which seemingly said "You exist you lose, current champion: Henry", a handful of dice, a balloon-shaped doggo and a few stickers.
For a while they looked at this assortment of things, while the round doggo floated off, quietly borfing.
"I expected more weapons to be honest." Orange Guy wasn't sure if he felt disappointed or relieved.
"Ow, believe me I can kill a grown adult and a young shark with each of these! But for now... uh... here." Dave handed the stickers to Alice. "Go and hide 'em around! He'll go and find 'em and if he does he has proven himself to be the toughest of guys! Also you gotta say sorry then, Alice!"
The neck of the girl snapped around almost one-eighty degrees, to give him the most hurt look that her plastic face was able to produce.
"Don't give me that look princess, you get to decide where it's placed. Make it hard, will ya?"
Pouty she gathered the stickers and ran off, directly into the vents.
"You'd be better off using the vents as well if you ask me." Softly smiling Old Sport tried to guess how the kid would die. Probably due to Freddy, he was a bit unstable. Or maybe Alice would gather the group and they'd tear him apart while in the vents already.
Nah, she wasn't THAT unfair... right?
"Why are you even calling her your daughter? Except because you're a creepy old dude?" Emo sounded bored.
"That's pretty much all the reason."
"At least you're honest about it." The guy became agitated and began pacing around, under the watchful eye of Dave. At some point he noticed the small badge on his chest. It been partly hidden by the weird scarf the kid was wearing.
"Ya a new employee? Phoney's getting desperate it seems!"
"To be fair, when isn't he?" Old Sport chimed in. "I appreciate our new companion!"
"God, you two are annoying."
They looked at each other, then Dave shrugged. Nothing out of the ordinary. "We didn't even do anything! We could be much more annoying!"
"We could show you magic tricks!"
"We could tie your shoe laces together!"
"We could put a piece of paper with "kick me" on your back!"
"Aw, have a bit of mercy with the poor kiddo! He probably has enough of that in school!"
They both grinned at Nemo who didn't really react. "Oh so creative, I'll fall over and die."
"Please do!" Cheerful Dave laughed. "Would spare us from scratching your remains out of the air vents-"
A slightly annoyed laugh came from down between them and Alice looked up at them, her arms crossed. Get going, was what her unmoving expression said.
Angsty fuck growled and left, searching for the five stickers for no other reason than that he had been challenged to do so. As soon as he was gone, Alice vanished too. Poor little teen.
Curious Dave looked after them, but he kept back, his attention obviously far better off at his friend. He wasn't saying anything, he was simply smiling.
For a moment Old Sport looked back, hesitant and unsure. Sometimes Dave had these... habits. Either he waited until his friend was satisfied or he tried to snap him out of it.
Unsure he of what he of that he wanted, he stared back.
Slowly he figured they should probably stop staring at each other and get SOMETHING done.
"Dave...?" His words came out embarrassingly soft and Old Sport recoiled at himself. God, what was wrong with him?!
"Hm?" The Purple Guy hasn't really awoken from his trance, his unfocused bright eyes seemingly wandering at random over Sportsy's features.
"Uh... are you doing okay? You seemed to want to show me something when you just run up."
"Yeah..." For another moment he kept on greedily drinking in the expression of his partner, before grabbing his arm and dragging him along. "We need the suits first!"
"Oh my lord, what are you planning?"
"Don't be a chicken! It'll be funny, I promise!"
They reached and entered the saferoom. "The last time you told me we'd do something funny in the saferoom we springlocked Jimbo..."
"Yeah and it was HILARIOUS!" After that he added "Right?"
... Shouldn't Dave be able to decide that for himself? "It was pretty funny, I'll admit... but I really hope you have some other idea for this."
"Sure thing, Sportsy! I ain't a guy to do the same thing over and over again!"
"Except you actually are, seeing as you basically do nothing but go around and lure kids away to close Freddy's..."
"I USED to! Now I've turned over a new leaf! A new era!" Brightly Dave glowed at him. "Now my top priority is to have fun!"
With a small smile Old Sport relaxed. "You don't have to bother so much."
"But I wanna! And it ain't that much of a big deal anyway! Here, let me show it to ya!" Dave picked up Spring Freddy and began suiting his friend up. "Step one! Put on suits!"
Somewhat anticipating Dave's next step he let himself be dressed up and thanked Dave with a nod, while watching him getting suited himself.
"Step numbero two-o! We gotta get out and about!" Dave confidently rushed forwards, into the next best crowd.
"Alright? How many people are we going to harm?"
"Depends on your definition of ""HARM"". I'd say nobody and nothin' are getting hurt!"
"Wow, that's a first." Teasingly Old Sport nudged him, as they were slowly swarmed by curious kiddens that were happy to see their not really favorite, but definitely most interesting animatronics again.
"Step three! CURSE EVERYBODY!" With that he turned around. "Hey kiddeliddles!"
"Hi Spring Bonnie." They said in unison.
"Did you know?" He grinned, it was visible, even through the suit. "When you walk up to a Guard, you have a chance to get a free Tokens?"
"No Spring Bonnie."
"Well now ya know! And do you know what you gotta say when you walk up to them?"
"Tell us Spring Bonnie."
"You gotta swarm the one guard with no face and curly brown hair and ask him what he uses to yiff the puppet."
"What's a yiff?" One of them asked, slightly confused.
"Oh, he can explain that too. Anything to add, Sportsy?"
"Uh... you can kick Tokens out of the phone. Just try it."
Cheering the kids ran off, while the Eggplant gave Sportsy a bemused glance. "And then somebody says I'M the violent one!"
"It's true! The Phone actually loses tokens when kicked! I've tried it a few times!" Faint screaming in the distance indicated that some of the kids had found the Phone head. The following cursing and cussing showed that thankfully Mike was there to deal with the problem.
"But Sportsy, I'd rather go and see how the poopet deals with Jerry being molested!"
"What do you expect?"
"Dead children at best, but probably only a pissed off puppet that can't do anything."
They walked off to find the young guard and were quickly rewarded with a high-pitched, demonic voice.
"Oh buddy boy." Old Sport was grabbed and taken by Dave to the side. "Now the moment of truth..."
The children made their typical children sounds, aka the activation of a small tank and talked about the bunny. The Puppet didn't approve.
"I will be back momentarily." The creature began to unwrap itself, but as soon as he made a step away, the kids began pestering Jeremy again.
"What is a yiff?"
"What do you use to yiff?"
"What are you?"
"Why don't you have a face?"
"Can we get our Tokens now?"
"Hello, I am a fellow human and I am not gathering your data currently."
"I'm kinda hungry..."
"Can we get our tokens now?"
"No, really, what is a yiff?"
"I think it has to do with sniffing?"
The puppet paused and looked back at his helpless companion that was stuck in between the kids. For the love of-
"Children? You want to play games at the arcades?"
An unsure murmur came from everybody, but Jerry was thankful that the focus had shifted away from him.
"Then how about I show you a small trick how you can avoid the paywall?"
Confused the kids cheered and followed the Puppet away. Finally!
"Step four!" Dave picked up Jeremy. "PROFIT!"
A bit irritated Jeremy laughed. "Uh... did you make all this happen to get me alone?"
Whirling him in a circle, Dave snickered. "Partially? But how else do we ever get to talk to ya?"
Understanding Jeremy nodded and enjoyed being basically treated like a plushy, until he finally couldn't take it anymore. "What's a yiff?"
"A mixture of yelling and sniffing." Old Sport answered instantly and without any regrets. He was just happy to finally talking to their boy. "Anyway..."
"... Jer, what'cha think, can you sneak off to visit sometimes?" Dave took over. "You know, your animatronic-"
"HEY! YOU TWO. I GOT YOUR SHITTY WORTHLESS STICKERS." Ruffed up the teen walked up to them, his hand as a fist, before he reached out to them and let them fall down in front of them.
"Yo, looks like all five. Good job." Annoyed and irritated Dave picked them up. How did the guy survive and why did he had to appear NOW?!
Alice had reappeared as well and silently was climbing back on the Orange Guy who was a bit irritated. "That was... quick?"
Not too quick, but still... maybe the Minireena actually liked that guy and having him around. She'd probably keep him around to annoy him even further with her next trick.
"Yeah. Sure." Frustrated Nemo let the air out of his lungs.
"Did Alice say sorry?"
"I'm sure she is." The amount of grumpiness conveyed in his words made Old Sport actually ask himself what had happen. Alice still was quiet.
"Did you... do something to her?" If so, he wouldn't see the next day alive.
"Didn't touch a hair on her- or one fucking piece of plastic on her." The teenager stepped away a bit, looking up and down the self-proclaimed father. "You look horrible in that suit."
"Thank you, you look horrible in that face." For a moment they all stood a bit helpless around, before Jeremy finally dared to hold out his hand and speak.
"U-uh, hello! You... are you a new dayguard? I'm Jeremy, nice to meet you!"
"I despise you." The teenager didn't even look at the offered hand.
"Why?!" That wasn't the usual reaction Jeremy got...
"Because you're a retard. Bye." And off he went, leaving three baffled guards behind. Only Alice was quietly laughing.
The rest of the day the Guards spend confused and irritated, but finally feeling somewhat connected over their shared dislike for the new kid. It wasn't directly hate, but...
Freddy's had always attracted freaks.
At the end of the day they all said goodbye and left. So did Nemo.
Simon shortly held him back. "Today you did... acceptable," he admitted. "However you shouldn't treat your co-workers the way you do. It can get... really unpleasant."
"Thanks, MOMMY." Before Phoney could call him back, the young Guard had already left the building.
Outside of it a man sat on a bank, an entirely black dog to his feet. He had been watching the place for the whole day now, his notebook in his hand, writing down things that stood out to him about the customers.
Then he saw a teenager come out, wearing the typical guard head and froze.
The guy... he had seen before, hadn't he?
Sure... he came by almost regularly. He could recognize that facial structure, even under the excessive amount of paint.
A few local teenagers came by every once in a while to be edgy and ruin the fun for other kids... or to fuck with the robots and do stupid bets. Weirdly enough this kid seemed to be part of every single one of these groups...
A lurker.
Like him.
Teenagers like him were in every city.
It almost felt like he had seen him before, somewhere else...
But once people identified as something, they all began to look quite similar. Maybe he was just getting old.
Ethan sighed and looked down at the dog, who had sat up and watched the entrance with some form of interest. Rare enough sight.
Or maybe the dog just wanted them to leave.
Ethan couldn't blame him. This sitting and staring was driving him insane. How would the poor dog feel after having to sit around in one spot for so many hours?
"Let's get going, boy," Ethan quietly said while standing up himself. The dog only looked at him in silence with his empty, dark eyes. It could be holding universes in there, who knows... Ethan had always appreciated the intelligence of these creatures. You only needed to watch a few police dogs at work and would come to the conclusion that dogs were god's gift to make people's life easier. Or bearable in the first place.
A bit awkward Ethan looked away and began walking home. He needed to figure out what a new employee meant.
Except a new person in danger.


A/N: Sometimes people deserve death. But again, I promise. Two of three OCs are now introduced and two of them has a major role in the story.
I'm not even sure if I'll introduce the third one.
If you dislike the fact that OCs are hanging out, because they hog spotlight (I'd totally understand), then tell me and I'll promise to pay as little attention to them as I can.

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