Mike Schmidt

So I PROMISED I would make this one shorter. I promised this to MYSELF. I want it SHORT and SWEET.
We'll see how that works out when I'm done. I'm sure it will be j u s t f i n e .
(Hint: It wasn't just fine. It's normal length.)
Sorry for being late! ;u;


Day 2 of planning for an eldritch monster's demise.
Mike quietly scratched his arm, irritated by a lot.
A monster you can talk to is hardly eldritch!
Still... a body snatcher coming from the little gaps in reality... that was pretty unnerving.
... someone so hellbent on destroying the universe that this hatred itself returned, without body, without-
There was just the usual possession fuckery going on.
Mike snickered to himself, his rather short nails still scratching over the skin on his arm, leaving red marks.
Usual possession tomfuckery indeed. What the fuck. Why is possession so normal by now.
"What are you doing?"
The voice made Mike jump, stumbling backwards and looking into the curious, dark eyes that the orange guy now possessed. Or rather- possessed him now.
"... scratching my fucking arm? Anything else, officer?"
"Why?" He didn't seem fazed by the acid-like tone the other employee used.
"Because it's fucking FUN, I love to skin myself." Stubbornly Mike retorted, but then he finally realized he wouldn't be left off without an answer. "... my skin is reddening. It's just pretty fucking weird, that's all."
"... is it?"
"Yeah. Look." He held out his arm, his eyes lingering on the red spots that only slowly started lightening again.
"And that is new for you... when did this start happening to you?"
"I don't fucking know." Quietly the guy groaned, before retracting his arms. "It's freaky though."
"What would you say if I told you that it is perfectly normal?"
The guy smiled a bit. "Come along, Mike. I have something interesting to show you."
"Why would I-" Shit. He needs to "spend time" with this guy, doesn't he? He HAS to go along. "... where would we be going?"
"Employees only, there is something I would like to show you..."
"So you've upgraded from the saferoom, huh? Fucking hell. Not even a birthday party waiting for me? Man, I really am not worth luring, huh?"
The Orange Guy gave him a look. "You think I plan to kill you?"
"Listen, pal, you're telling me you need to lead to me into a fucking isolated area, because you have "something to show me". What am I supposed to assume?"
The restaurant was slowly filling up with customers, making Henry seemingly uncomfortable. "Let us go somewhere quieter. For the sake of no curious ears nearby. I would not hurt you. I have too much interest in your anomaly."
"... why are you so fucking weird."
"Says the man with such excellent healing abilities that his skin reddening is an odd occurrence."
For a moment both of them looked at each other.
Henry continued. "You are not a man to quit without answers. It itches on the edges of your mind, taunting you. You are not leaving, not without more information, no matter the cost. I like you, Mike, for exactly that reason. So you will come along. You hardly can stop yourself. We are birds of a feather... at least in that regard."
"The longer I hear you talk, the more I want to break your fucking neck."
"This too! You are so upfront. Have you ever lied to a single person in your life about your disposition towards them? Somehow, I am incapable of even imagining it. You are rather pure. Despite looking into the eyes of someone capable of harming you, you do not bite your tongue."
"Your fucking stupid attempt at buttering me up won't-"
"You are wrong." Instantly cold and demanding Henry stopped him. "You are not worth attempting to flatter. If not for your ridiculously low sense of self-worth, then at least the knowledge that you are of no further value to me outside of your unique circumstances. It does not matter if you like me or not."
"Wow." A bit taken aback Mike looked over him, following him when he moved away, into the employees only section of the restaurant.
Really, it was half an amusement park, but old habits die hard.
His hands wandered to the flashlight by his side- heavy and at least SOMETHING if he was getting attacked.
As much as he hated it, Henry had a point. He wanted to know what he had to show. And it was the perfect way to keep him away from everyone else and their scheming.
So, while taking a deep breath, he moved into the darker area, a long corridor that he couldn't even recognize. No, he never had a need to go down here, did he?
Then... why was it even a thing?
Henry moved swiftly, as though he knew this place like the back of his hand.
"Oh, also, Mike..." He didn't even bother looking at him while speaking, but the walls easily echoed it back just fine. "... if you were someone I would wish to harm, I would never turn my back to you."
Quietly Mike continued to follow.
There was a flight of stairs and slowly they descended, both with plenty distance to each other, Mike growing more and more tense with each passing second.
Something was very wrong here.
It was cold.
There shouldn't be a basement.
Well- perhaps this was where the machinery for water and electricity was, sure, that made sense- but- it also didn't, why was this place so BIG?
There were a lot of things Mike didn't understand and thus didn't question. Perhaps though he should reconsider sitting back and accepting his own lack of knowledge.
Finally, they arrived in a dimly lit place, Mike having pulled out the flashlight to illuminate the way they were going a small bit more. Henry's shadow seemed giant in the inconsistent light and the guard almost felt like he was being watched.
"Here we are."
They were in front of a giant door, with a little keypad to the side, that Henry promptly punched in a long code before the door slid open with barely a noise.
It revealed a lot of... metal.
To Mike, who didn't really understand much about machines at least it seemed like complicated machinery for the sake of it looking complicated. Cables and blinking lights, the sound of humming and grumbling all around them.
That however wasn't the centerpiece of the room.
Instead, there was something that reminded Mike at the first glance of an altar. It stood in the middle, connected to seemingly everything around it. A layer of glass was surrounding the middle section, showing off everything that hadn't been covered up by the wires that all connected around it.
Inside, very clearly visible was a small orb, seemingly made out of a milky substance- a slight reddish glow radiated from it, yet there was no visible source for the coloration.
It seemed... locked up.
Without thinking, Mike stepped closer to it, feeling very odd sense of terror at the sight, but he found it hard to try and pry his eyes away from it. Walking past Henry, he stopped very closely before the glass.
"... what the fuck is this."
"This, Mike, is a soul."
It wasn't a true surprise, not really, yet he recoiled.
"What the fuck."
"Indeed, impressive is it not? A distilled soul, pure, godlike energy. At our core, we are all the same."
Stumbling backwards, away from the insane bastard, Mike crashed into the sharp edge of a machine- hissing at the pain, but mostly out of surprise.
Henry ignored him, continuing his ramblings. "It is frankly all the proof anyone could need or wish for. It is a source, a starting point... but not the whole story. It needs something to ground it."
"I don't fucking CARE-"
"Oh, hush. Your egotism is obnoxious. I thought you were curious!"
"Yes, you THOUGHT that. Never fucking asked me-"
At this point Mike had managed to get away, stepping back towards the door, but it had sealed shut again and he didn't know the code to get out. So he had to make do with simply pressing against the exist.
"Maybe you should pay more attention, Mike. Do you know why you are so scared right now?"
"I'm- I'M NOT-"
"Of course you are. I would be too if I were you. Or rather, if I was that THING that has attached itself to you... that monstrous mixture of souls and minds that had nowhere else to go."
"You're fucking with me-"
"Certainly not." Henry slowly turned around, the reddish hue giving him a disgusting look.
It made Mike sick.
"W-who put this thing here?!"
"Dave of course. It is rather convenient to not to have to rely on the city for power. Or for other things."
"It is from an animal. A cat if I recall correctly. Back from my earlier experimentations. Everything alive maintains a certain energy that prompts it change." Henry looked once more at the altar, thoughtful. "Of course, that makes it no less of a crime against nature. I had to do it however, as this is the tool necessary to unlock the secret to life itself. It also was what got me hunted down."
He seemed about ready to attack Henry, and if it doomed both of them to be stuck down here, then so be it-
"MICHAEL. I am still TALKING. This relates to YOU."
"Anyhow, the creature hunting me... you have met it already, did you not? The dog. And then your skin started reddening."
Finally shutting his mouth, the guard attempted to keep up with Henry's words and what it meant.
Satisfied Henry sighed.
"There we go. It took something from you. Something that provided YOU with energy."
"That makes literally no sense..."
"It would have made more sense if you would have allowed me to explain properly." Rubbing his forehead, Henry paused for a moment, then decided to walk towards Mike- past him actually, towards the keypad, putting in the code and allowing both of them to escape the place. "I actually desire a favor from you."
"Why would I-"
"How about this, if you want more information on your condition, you must help me."
Neither of them looked at each other while they talked, simply moving past the corridors towards the surface.
"... what do you want."
"Nothing that would hurt you."
"And anyone else?"
There was a quiet chuckle. "Why, Mike... since when have you become such a philanthropist?"
"I'm not aiding any fucked up plans of yours."
"There will not be any fucked up plans." They arrived within the restaurant, Henry promptly moving towards the nearest exist- and Mike having no choice but to follow. "I want to know a bit about the extension of your regeneration abilities and compare them to my own."
At this point the Orange Guy almost sounded impatient. "Because I want to know if it is worth it to insert a metal plate into my head as well, for the added benefit of regeneration, or if the drawback of being under constant subconscious manipulation is too steep of a price."
Slowly fed up with Henry's habit of drip-feeding him information, he decided to not ask about this one.
"So what you wanna do? Fucking stab me?"
"You can stab yourself if it makes you feel better!"
Now, that one almost sounded like Old Sport.
... Old Sport.
"And you'll stab yourself too?"
"Yes. I need to compare it after all."
Mike followed his steps until he abruptly stopped.
"Anything I would need to worry about?"
"You tell me." Henry looked around. "Where have you been, the last few days?"
"Where? Aside from the restaurant and at home?"
"I'm- not really the outgoing type?"
"Hm. Good. Show me your arm." Henry held out his hand, but Mike stepped back.
"I'd rather do it myself."
"Suit yourself." He handed over his knife without any further hesitation, leaving Mike to make good on his promise.
It felt uncomfortable to do this while being looked at, but he quickly slashed over his arm, leaving quite the gash.
Mike and Henry both watched over it, Mike fascinated watching as blood actually proceeded to seep out of it. He hadn't really watched himself bleed before. Sure, accidents happened all the time, but it never was that bad-
As they watched on, the wound slowly closed up- Mike shortly rubbed his face with the other hand, feeling a headache arising.
When he checked back, it turned out that wound hadn't been so wild- it was more of a long scratch really, that already had stopped bleeding.
God, this was so stupid.
"Are you fucking happy yet?" Aggression was slowly filling Mike up. "Saw what you fucking wanted? Got off on a bit of gore-"
Henry rose his hand.
"Deep breaths Mike. You are being manipulated."
"I'M NOT."
"Then why are you so angry?"
"Let us walk."
Henry, who had walked a moment ago suddenly burst out into a sprint, leaving Mike to struggle to keep up and keep pace with him.
"Hurry Mike! You are being slow!"
But the Orange Guy only laughed loudly.
The hunt had started and Henry lead him with no regard for other people through the streets, past different shops and other important places- while Henry smoothly ducked between the passersby, ducking under their arms and past their pets, Mike was tackling people violently, getting some angry yells and name calling thrown after him.
Mike didn't even realize where they were going, there was just the oddly loud noise of their feet hitting against the ground and the quick breaths coming out of him, as his body was pushed to a few limits- and promptly past that.
A while later, Henry finally and abruptly slowed down, turning from a rush into a simple jog, then into a relaxed walk, allowing Mike to catch up-
Out of breath and really confused.
He couldn't even really recall why he had been chasing him so viciously-
"Now, Mike, we need to find a place that is at least somewhat relaxing. I have my doubts you would like to join me in the workshop...?"
Still not really caught up, Mike greedily sucked in air. "... fuck... sure... get me down there... though nobody will fucking hear you scream."
"Terrifying. How kind of you." Relaxed Henry nodded. "I like to jot down notes as soon as possible and I currently have no paper."
The guard watched Henry, who didn't seem any attention to him.
... this was probably a stupid idea. A bad plan.
But there could be something down there. Something that could help.
And Mike would find it.
"How much of a sex dungeon is your workshop?"
For a moment Henry gave him a glare, but then his face returned to the blank default. "... depends on how your stance on cages is."
"... I'm reconsidering-"
"Oh, hush. I would rather have a place for the animatronics than have them roaming freely in the blackout dark."
"Alright, that's a different story. Could have said that sooner."
"Maybe you should learn to ask the right questions."
Both of them made their way towards Henry's home, Mike keeping his distance.
It didn't take them long for them to arrive at ANOTHER entrance towards an underground dungeon.
Mike stared at the little stone that marked the entrance.
"How many of these fucking things ARE here? Is the WHOLE CITY hollow underneath?!"
But his companion just smiled.
"You know these places already, I see. We have a few bunkers around, as many as we need."
"... more a general "we", as in "me and everyone who aids me". I apologize for being unclear."
"So you're a fucking lone loser right now."
Henry gave him a real glare this time around.
"Your brashness was endearing for a while, but I am currently getting a bit impatient."
Entering the elevator, Mike tensed up again, causing Henry to smile a little.
When they arrived Henry instantly moved towards a table, getting a notebook out of seemingly nowhere quickly writing something.
"Alright. Cut yourself again. Same depth, if possible."
Displeased Mike watched him, but did as asked.
In a way it was... interesting to him too. He wanted to know what Henry got out of this.
So he took a short breath and cut over his arm once more.
Again, he almost instantly felt a little dizzy- not weak, but simply... disorientated.
When it passed, the wound was smaller-
"Sorry, I'll cut it right-"
"You already did. It was accurate enough, thank you. Your healing time was cut in half after us moving through the high risk areas... impressive."
"High risk areas?"
"Dead people, Mike."
"How aware are you of your healing?"
"I'm- not really healing-? I'm just- pretty sturdy... my body is a big bitch making things look worse at first-" He mumbled as much, but he knew it wasn't true. There was something different up, but he had pushed it away every time.
"You have no regard for harm. Is it your disposition? Or your awareness that nothing CAN hurt you?"
"The fuck do I know?!"
"Interesting. You are upset, but not enraged, unlike after the last wound. You are doing better, despite more influence over you being exerted."
This was all giving him an even worse headache. Mike rubbed his face, pushing his fingers slightly into his eyes. "... or maybe I just know you're that much of a fucking bitch you are and know it's not worth to get mad over?"
"Are you feeling exhausted?"
"... god, shut up."
"Everything is important, Mikey."
"Call me Mikey one more time and I'll fucking BREAK you."
Henry snickered, then grabbed the knife out of Mike's hand, scratching over his skin, shoving it deep within his flesh. His expression didn't even change from his distance amusement. It was uncomfortable to see.
Something dripped out of him, but it hardly looked like blood... it was viscous and the darkest shade of red. The wound seemed much more like an opening than it should and the way the psycho gazed inside of it didn't really help the impression.
It went quiet for a few moments, just Mike's short, uncomfortable breaths were still audible as they waited for... something.
The wound was closing, it was clear as day.
It looked pretty disgusting to Mike- it shouldn't be like that. It was as though someone simply glued the skin together, a force pulling it against each other, leaving it to seep for another moment or two, before it finally stopped, moving on to the next inch of skin, starting it all over again.
Apparently he had stabbed in a little too deep, as the flow increased a little-
When Mike managed to turn away from the grotesque display, he realized Henry was looking at him-
No, no, that wasn't right-
There was agony in his expression, a slight flicker inside of his eyes. It was as though a face was put over another one-
Mike moved away, almost instinctively.
There was a choked laughter out of Old Sport's body, transforming quickly into a proper cough, as all lights disappeared once more.
Henry shook his head, leaning slightly against the table.
"Okay... that was... a little bit longer than yours. But my wound was also deeper."
Finally sitting up more normally again, he grabbed the book, noting something more down.
Quietly Mike watched him, a few thoughts rotating in his head.
A thought was forming in his head.
Slowly he leaned back, his words calm and deliberate.
"Do you think I could die?"
"What?" Looking up, Henry's eyes focused on him.
"... I didn't fucking stutter, did I? Do you think I can die?"
There was a small, dark smile.
"... why... I could only say that with a guarantee if you would let me experiment on you. I doubt you would like that..."
"In theory." Mike insisted. "... or could I get taken over- by whatever it is that's in me- wait. What actually IS in me?"
"Oh. I suppose you have picked up a few shadows during your lifetime. Shadows are weak spirits, barely human anymore. Sometimes not even human, simply impression and emotions left behind. I am not yet quite sure how it works, but there is a certain energy to thoughts and emotions, as there is to souls themselves. They get attached to places of objects occasionally. You seem to be a magnet for them, as far as my observation goes. Naturally, they are usually charged with negative emotions, as those tend to be the ones least expressed and discharged. Getting positive shadows is difficult."
"... so what's possessing me is..."
"A mess of the most negative parts from passed on souls. The things they decided to leave behind."
"Well, that's certainly not fucking terrifying at all. And you said getting positive shadows is difficult? Not impossible?"
"Why yes, you could create one, by killing someone who was happy. You would have to find some tool to KEEP them happy while dying however... drugs, or something. Positive shadows are quite handy."
He didn't seem to notice the expression on Mike's face.
The guard looked around.
Deep underground, where it was cold and dark, surrounded by parts and doors leading to god-knew-where...
"... and my rage is- possession?"
"Maybe not all of it, but it certainly is part of it. Your rage is primal, and your strings are being pulled, you are a vessel for their emotion, to allow them release. As you are a revolving door of negative emotions, you may help some of the shadows to vanish, while accepting new ones. Of course, this gives us the alarming knowledge that the dog potentially is able to drain this sort of energy."
"So I'm just getting possessed when I get hurt?"
"Yes- and no. The possessing forces are, unlike a natural soul, prone to exert energy towards retaining the body. A soul attached to a body that is not its own is extremely vulnerable if left without a body or direction. It burns through itself for that sake- which at first aids the possessing soul to take over stronger, but the body and native soul will first be using its OWN resources to take care of the damage. So, with slight damage at first, the possession of the soul cluster will be easier- but if you would be damaged MORE, then you would return to be in control."
Sweetly Henry smiled.
"... but... to be truly accurate with this, I would have to test how much damage would activate which phase."
"No fucking thanks."
"You are quite the killjoy."
"But- I'm taking medicine. I'm just sick. Nothing supernatural about taking fucking PILLS."
"You are not taking it regularly, do you? Medicine does not work like that. It is mainly using-" Henry rubbed his face. "Alright, the simple version is that it is made with a chemical make-up that can bind the energy exclusive to the shadows to itself. Much like iron. You take a pill and it takes away from the energy they can exert."
"How the fuck-"
"Deern was a valued friend of mine and did me quite the favor taking you in and keeping an eye on you. I was right in my prediction that there would be some mental symptoms to your... treatment."
There was genuine PANIC.
A terrible pressure on top of him, forcing all the air out of his lungs, causing his fingers to press against the cold wall that he was leaning against.
He stared at the man- the man who apparently had been fucking with his entire life without him even realizing.
"How. HOW?"
"I am a little bit older than you, Mike. And you lived not that far from a Fredbear's. Your father was a nice man. Never understood why you hated him so much."
There was clearly no blood inside of Mike's face anymore, as he had grown pale, his expression distorted by pure disgust. Step by step he put more distance between them.
With a quiet sigh Henry stepped back as well, raising his hands.
"Mike... calm down. It is not that big of a deal-"
"More like "recommended" your therapist when you did not even know I existed."
The grin on Henry's lip was hardly visible in the shadows that covered him. "Fredbear's was always like that. Once you got close to it one time, you never managed to leave. It is quite the magic trick if you ask me."
"Mikey, please... it is only metal."
"Suddenly? A few moments ago you were rather accepting of this." Henry brought the table between them as he moved a little further. "You are a miracle! And as such you will be preserved for as long as possible."
"You never meant to let any of us go-"
"What are you talking about?" Irritated Henry looked at him. "You are free to go whenever. However, where would you want to go? You can travel about, sure... with your beloved Phone. But eventually it will grow old. As everything does. The Phone might be cowardly enough to actually stay away, but you are not. When you hear the stories, it just piques your interest even more. Again, something I like about you."
"What the fuck do you WANT from me?"
"What do you want from ME?" The Pink Guy responded, sounding almost insulted. "We are having a relaxed conversation about your condition and you freak out completely. I expected you to take it at least a LITTLE better."
"You need to sit down. I would hate for you to hurt yourself."
As Mike kept stumbling, he almost fell over himself, walking into a chair behind him.
"How about we change the topic? It would be a shame if you took this as a negative experience."
"It's a bit fucking late for that." Dazed Mike mumbled, still trying to keep up with all this newfound information he had just gotten. "... did you get me back to the restaurant-"
"No. You came back by your own volition. Whatever that would mean in this reality. Free will is so utterly fickle." Once more Henry looked over him before smiling. "Come on Mike. You seem so broken up... how about we do something fun. Would you like me to teach you how to dance?"
"Would I- WHAT? What-" Shaking his head the guy stepped away from the chair. "What the fuck is WRONG with you?! The last thing I want to do right now is DANCE!"
"I was merely trying to be nice..." The knife was back in Henry's hand as he looked at it, then Mike. "We can have another type of dance too... if that strikes your fancy."
Mike couldn't remember actually ever getting into a knife fight, yet his body reacted automatically. It tensed up, as he proceeded to walk to the side, offering as little surface as possible, trying to keep an eye on Henry's whole body- especially the hands.
Instantly Henry moved back around the table and closer, Mike's movement matching the Pink Guy's perfectly.
The man chuckled.
"... you see, that what I like about holding a knife. Suddenly it is incredibly easy to synchronize... an exhilarating experience, especially for such lone wolves like us."
Suddenly he rushed forward, a gesture Mike had expected, and to which he promptly picked up the metal chair and swung it wildly at the other guy- prompting him to sidestep and keep his distance.
"... what an unfortunate weapon. Heavy and clunky."
"It will break SOMETHING when it hits you."
"Hm. Not too sure about that one. Chairs are not optimized for damage."
Suddenly Henry started laughing and moved a few light steps forward, accompanied by a twirl, an easy step of a dance and Mike reacted with another move, this time moving forward, trying to shove him over- but Henry was already off to the side again.
That wouldn't stop the Pink Guy though, he kept moving around and forward, forcing Mike to turn with him, keeping their steps in rhythm with one another, as they moved backwards and forwards, slashing, stabbing and shoving-
Then something sharp hit Mike's hand, and he hissed, somehow Henry had managed to get close enough to him within a moment-
And it made him so fucking ANGRY.
Without a second thought he threw the chair at the guy, catching him off-guard-
Then he rushed forward, jumping at him, taking advantage of his surprise to full-force tackle him. Henry didn't let that stand however, and while falling back, he used Mike's momentum against him, kicking him harshly into the stomach, causing him to fly over Henry's head and they both went down.
As the Pink Guy turned, he grabbed his knife harder, dragging himself over to stab down with as much force as he could- but Mike moved his head to the side just in time, grabbed the hand and proceeded to bite into it hard enough to draw blood and make his enemy drop his weapon forcibly.
Moving over him, Henry abruptly put his hand on Mike's throat, pressing down-
But then stopped.
Out of breath, Mike stopped too.
The dark eyes of the Pink Guy wandered over him, his face slightly lit up by-
By Mike's own eyes.
"Why... that was fun, was it not?"
He smiled while Mike gritted his teeth as he freed himself from his grasp and sat up.
"... you... there is an exit through the vents. You wouldn't ever fucking leave an ELEVATOR as your own exit. You're too fucking a paranoid."
"... indeed." Henry stood up, still seeming pleased. "Clever."
"... I- I don't know how I knew that-"
"You need to have your talents encouraged more. It would also prevent your delusions." Dusting himself off, he stepped away. "You are being criminally mistreated. You have been gifted, you have been made into a godlike creature, yet you are being humiliated and locked away as though you are an untrustworthy animal, as if you were part of a freakshow. Who knows what you could be capable of if you were allowed to let it out some more..."
"Fuck off."
"Maybe something for you to consider. I dislike when my projects do not get the recognition they deserve."
"You are right, I apologize. I am not your real dad after all."
There was a pause as Mike gave him another irritated glare and he snickered.
Finally on his feet too, Mike looked around. "I'd like to fucking leave now. Thanks."
"Sure. This direction."
For a moment both of them stood there, staring at each other, then Mike slowly began moving into the signed direction. When he was next to Henry, he joined him, walking beside him with some distance.
When they arrived back on the surface they were in a rather dusty house- but not a dirty one.
It was... old.
Henry's home?
Not that he cared, really.
As he loked around, Mike caught a glance at one of the shelves filled with a books.
"I- know that author." He off-handedly said.
"Oh? Do you know this book?"
"No. Didn't buy it. Didn't like the premise."
"... the premise is a bit of trick. It changes in quite unexpected ways later on. The premise was not appealing to me either, but I read it anyways... and was not disappointed. Perhaps you should step out of your comfort zone?"
"I don't have a fucking comfort zone."
"That is what everyone tells themselves." Henry smiled. "That is what makes comfort zones so tricky to escape from."
It was quiet for a moment, before Henry picked the conversation back up.
"Would you like to take it home? I read it already and do not plan to do so again anytime soon. Take it as an apology for this talk-heavy day."
"... thanks."
There was no way Mike would say no to a free book.
Picking it out of the shelf, he shortly looked around one more time, feeling fairly uncomfortable inside of these walls.
There was something off about it.
But he decided to ignore it- maybe later he would realize what it was.
Henry was already outside and they made their way back towards the restaurant.
"You should know that I am serious about thinking you need to allow your rage to take over more often. It is your most useful attribute."
"No fucking thanks."
"The spirits with you desire an outlet. And you cannot keep bleeding them out."
Mike had buried his hands in his pocket, walking beside him, with a fair amount of distance.
"You need someone to help you, Mike."
"I have Simon."
"True and I am certain he does good work. But you need more. You need a purpose. You have improved since your return to Freddy's, right? Your sense of purpose is perhaps the only thing that can garner you control. Whatever happens... you will always have a place at Freddy's. I can promise you this."
"That sounds more like a threat."
While he meant to make it sound like a joke, his mouth felt dry as he said these words.
Suddenly a voice interrupted them.
"Hey! Stop blocking the entire sidewalk!"
As they turned around a guy walked up, his expression growing angrier by the second. "Wait a minute- YOU'RE the guy who fucking ran into me! How about an apology, huh?!"
Henry rose his hand. "Your anger is rather justified... Mike? Do you feel like apologizing?"
"Fuck you."
The guy growled. "I'll teach you a few manners in a minute-"
"Oh, no need for that, sir." Reaching out, Henry took the guy's hand and before either of the other men could reacted he twisted-
The man was going on his knees within seconds, making a yelping sound.
"We sadly do not have the time to get into an altercation-"
"- so this will have to do. Take this, so Mike does not have to do it himself and make a big commotion."
A few other people were moving over concerned.
"W-what's going on?"
"I do not know!" Henry said, suddenly equally as distraught, letting go. "I was merely thanking this man who found an important note for me- and he went on his knees!"
"Sir! There is not a scratch on your wrist."
Indeed, there was nothing visible on him and Henry turned, to leave, the other people unable to really do anything.
Mike quickly followed after him, his expression changing from surprise (and feeling mildly impressed) to jealousy.
"How the fuck- why do YOU get to do that stuff in public!?"
"Because I leave no traces, Mike. You might learn it if you give yourself time."
"I- I don't even WANT to learn that."
Grumpily Mike mumbled, but kept following along by his side.
When they arrived back, it was already late.
Henry said his goodbyes, before Simon popped up instantly quickly checking over Mike, his voice shaking.
"Is- is- uh- did everything-"
"I'm FINE, Si."
Suddenly he moved forward, tightly hugging the guard- who was surprised and confused for a moment, before slowly returning the gesture, squeezing him tighter and tighter with each passing second, before burying his face in his partner's shoulder.
"... it wasn't that scary."
"What- what do you got there?"
"Oh- it's a book. From an author I like."
"SHH- I think he just happened to have it there." Mike shook his head. "He isn't omnipotent."
"A-are you sure about that?"
For a second Mike paused, genuinely thinking.
Then he nodded.
"Sure enough to bet my life."
"Don't hecking say that."
"It's fucking true though!"
He led Simon out, leaving the other few to finish cleaning up. They deserved a break.
As they walked back home, Mike paused for a moment.
"... Simon, I'm pretty sure trying to springlock him will be a good idea."
"R-really? He would know the thing is rigged-"
"Then we have to force him in. Once the blood loss is big enough... then maybe Old Sport will be able to take back control and we can figure out how to get rid of Henry permanently."
"How come you are so sure-?"
"We talked." Mike shook his head. "Long story. But I know it will work."
"... I trust you."
"I know. It- it's gonna be alright."
They would lock him up and get Old Sport back out- and then figure out what they needed to do.
Maybe it would be a dark ritual.
Maybe it would just be a state of permanent keeping him bleeding.
But he wanted Old Sport back too.
Tomorrow was another day-
And maybe they and Dave could do something with the newfound information.


Phew. A little bit late, but I wanted to try and capture Mike's and Henry's dynamic. They have a fun one in my honest opinion.
The next one might be short, with Jeremy.
But we'll see!
Thanks for reading!

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