Liar, Liar, soon on fire

It's only been days, what do you MEAN I am way too late?!
Ah, heck, I am sorry. I hope you still enjoy though!


There are a few mistakes you never do at Freddy's if you value your sanity and bodily health.
First, never leave any food you intend to eat unattended. For obvious reasons.
Secondly, never question your customers. That can lead to bad things. Those pictures they made of Ballora's feet certainly were for... "cosplay reasons".
Thirdly, never forget about Dave.
The Phone Guy was rather talented at surviving Freddy's, he had listened carefully to the others and kept a cool head in most situations.
Sadly, now he had messed it up, after so much time doing it correctly.
Being distracted by murder animatronics and trying to emotionally get ready to kill that pest, as well as Mike's soft gesture of comfort had completely erased the fact that said purple pest was still in the restaurant- probably also completely unchecked.
Oh dear fucking Fredbear, this was his end, this would be his last day, Dave was probably already taken the whole place apart, or sabotaged it to frame HIM as the one who ruined it all due to incompetence.
When the realization had settled in, he and Mike had jumped up and rushed out to get to the restaurant as quickly as possible, one expecting the worst, the other one about ready and willing to break someone's nose- which would actually be not so bad, as it would be something that would cheer him right up.
Both caught up in their own type of anticipation approached the front door of the building, already hearing that it was full of customers. On one hand that was reassuring, it meant nothing has yet happened. On the other of course it was rather unnerving, because it meant nothing had happened yet and you had to wonder WHY.
Alas. They deemed it safe to use the front door to enter, as it probably hasn't been rigged yet, if the customers were anything to go by.
As Mike kicked it open, it made the sound of a rubber duck.
Irritated he inspected the door, trying to find out where it came from, but there seemed to be no logical explanation.
Whenever he touched the doorknob, it made a quacking sound.
Phone Guy was a little more prepared to deal with confusing situations and simply followed the base rule; If it doesn't hurt you, ignore it.
Looking around, he realized that he heard a LOT of quacking sounds.
Mike meanwhile was still trying to figure out what was happening.
Kicking the door? Quack.
Nothing seemed to make any normal sound.
As he touched the chair, it quacked.
When he moved it around, it quacked more, rather insulted apparently.
Mike was too distracted and irritated by that to realize that Phone Guy started running off, as he spotted something FAR more concerning.
Dave was hanging headfirst from the high ceiling, tied up, the rope connecting to some sort of complex machinery, which again connected to... some sort of carnival attraction.
The angsty teen leaned on it, chewing and popping gum, surrounded by a group of excited kids. He had the hammer ready and handed it to the first kid.
"EMPLOYEES- W-WHAT THE H-HECK ARE YOU DOING!?" Shocked he looked at the considerable height between the Purple Employee and the ground.
A big container full of green jelly moved towards him and from behind it Old Sport's voice sounded. "Hey boss. Finally arrived? We're just setting up a few games!"
Cheery Dave swung above. "No worries! I'm a MASTER of breakin' out of this type of shit! If I had one dollar for every time I had to get out of stuff like this, then I'd have... a lotta money, holy shit!"
"I, uh- don't think that is save." Relaxing a bit, the Phone crossed his arms.
If it only was Dave...
"Okay, kids, get him!" All three of the workers suddenly called out and with a battle cry all of the children jumped the Phone-headed man, who didn't even have time to scream before he was tied up and pulled up, next to Dave.
"EMPLOYEEEEEES! HOW C-CAN YOU!? HOW!? THIS IS- UH- T-TERRIBLE! LET ME DOWN! RIGHT NOW! THIS- THIS COULD, UH- SERIOULSY DAMAGE ME!" Freaking out he tried to free himself, but that only resulted in him swinging around, making him panic even MORE.
Dave only grinned. "C'mon, Phoney! This'll be a nice lil' trust exercise for us! Together we'll be out of here in NO time!"
"G-GOD LET ME OUT OF HERE!" Even more panicked Phoney screamed and struggled, slightly bumping against Dave in the process. Said guy seemed a little peeved by that.
"Ow, what's the big deal? Ain't cha trustin' me, Phoney?"
"Ya can free yourself if you'd rather do that!" Insulted the Purple Guy pouted, beginning to move and wiggle, looking weirdly enough as if he was knew what he was doing.
Old Sport from down below gave a thumbs up. "Don't worry! You won't die when you fall! You might die when you hit the ground though! Or maybe when you suffocate in the jelly. But we can worry about that later!"
"L-LATER!?" Phone Guy was freaking out completely again.
Nemo looked around at the children, clapping his hands. "Okay you broken condoms, try to get this thingy here to go to that thingy up there and when it hits a thingy up there it does a thing which makes them fall down. Any questions?"
It was dead quiet.
"Very good, because I would not have answered them anyways. The winner gets- gets what again?"
"A pass for the stage!" Old Sport laughed.
"Isn't that deadly? Ah, whatever. You get a stage pass and can kill yourself! How lucky you are, I would absolutely trade places." The teen handed the first kiddo the hammer. "Try your luck! Freddy's is not as responsible for disappearance, death or dismemberment by the way."
The games were beginning, thankfully the kids weren't really the strongest around, so Dave had plenty of Dave to wiggle and slowly untie himself.
Mean as he was he taunted his fellow captive. "Cya Phoney! Told ya I could get out of here! Good luck with whatever it is you've been plannin'!"
"I think a Jelly-Phoney will be fuckin' hilarious!" Dave hung off the ropes, trying to climb up or at least swing towards a place that he could jump onto somewhat safely. "If ya survive, we can laugh about it later!"
"I would willingly DIE i-if I could take you with me to h-he-HECK!" Not even lying or stretching.
"I would say same, but I ain't dyin' for a worm like ya!" He was still struggling to find something to jump onto. "Ya need to learn how to get rid of grudges, or ya'll always be miserable!"
Old Sport snickered. "He will get down, no worries."
"Oh, then we might have an issue." His voice didn't sound in the SLIGHTEST as if he felt like it was an issue.
"All of you fucking deserve to go to hell." Mike pushed the kids aside to check on the ropes that were attached to the upper end of the weird attraction. "SIMON, DON'T YOU FUCKING WORRY, I WILL GET YOU DOWN THERE ONE WAY OR ANOTHER!"
"I- I, UH- KINDA FEAR EXACTLY THAT!" The guy screamed back, nervously eying the tank beneath him.
"It's an easy fucking fix, stop freaking out! I just going to get something less heavy and attach it to the other side, so it lets you down, but slowly- OUCH- YOU LITTLE FUCKING SHIT-" He pulled back the hand he was holding the attraction with, as he had been hit by an impatient child. "I WILL FUCKING PUT YOU ON THE OTHER SIDE FOR THAT."
He jumped and began chasing the poor kiddo around.
Unimpressed the angsty teen simply handed the next kid in line another hammer. "I'm not paid enough to give a shit."
"At least you are paid!" Old Sport snickered as he watched the scene. "DAVEY? ARE YOU GETTING THERE? BECAUSE IF YOU FALL IN THERE, I'M NOT GIVING YOU ANY PITY!"
"Tryin' Sportsy! I need some speed to get over to that thing-!" Swing back and forth, with more force now, Dave seemed rather intend on pulling this off.
Fascinated by the scene, they only realized a new challenger was approaching when the children began screaming. Not sure if in excitement or in terror though.
They turned to see Ballora, looking down at them with closed eyes, yet somehow looking disappointed.
"Excuse the interruption, but... are really all the guards currently here?"
A pause ensued, until Old Sport shrugged. "Uh... I think? What can we do for you?"
"There is a slight... situation... in Freddy's Funhouse. It seems that Freddy has heard about the many joys of a swimming pool and promptly ripped out the nearest pipes. It is currently flooding, taking a lot of confused children with it."
"Oh, as long as it isn't a fire, I doubt it will be any issue." Already turning away, Old Sport snickered as he watched Dave posing on the rope as if this was a big show. It was impressing to the guests too! "We'll take care of it once this is done!"
"And when exactly would you consider THIS done...?" She looked up, probably somehow able to still see, despite not supposed to be able to.
"When someone knocks that thing high enough. Then that makes them fall-"
Before he could finish his words, Ballora stepped up and let her foot crash down onto the pressure plate, breaking it and the whole attraction in the process.
Both Dave and Simon screamed in terror as they suddenly were falling at a high speed, but before they could crash into the tank of green slime, the tall animatronic caught them each with one hand.
Gently she put both of the on to the ground, bowing forwards to be closer to Simon. "Sir, there seems to be an issue in Freddy's Funhouse."
"Ah? There is a- a Freddy's Funhouse in hell too...?" Dizzy the guy didn't even attempt to stand up, afraid of losing something vital if he tried.
"Sir, it is flooding." With the patient of a saint who was about to declare a holy war she repeated the problem.
"... u-uh... that is no g-good." Forcing himself to stand up, he gave the Ballerina a weary look and then stumbled towards the entrance of the infamous attraction.
Mike quickly followed after getting out his weaponized torch and since the teen had already become one with the void again, that left Old Sport and Dave behind.
Bemused the Orange Guy helped his friend up. "You were SO close."
"I tell ya, I could have- JUMPED and then FLICKED and done it!"
With a small grin Old Sport shook his head. "... still not believing you~!"
"SPORTSY! WE CAN'T SET THIS UP AGAIN! It's in shambles!" Obviously Dave had better thing to do then to glue a whole set back up with his spit. Understandable.
"We could!" This was mainly to get under his friend's skin, he wasn't too interested in doing it either.
Repetition is worse than death.
Shaking his head a little, he tried to keep his spirits up. "What else are we going to do? Murdering children?"
Only if the wanted to risk the closure of this building.
Dave shook his head. "Nah, Sportsy. I think we're over killin' children at this point?"
"Over... it...?" That was a weird choice of words.
"Yeah!" Serious Purple Guy looked at him and nodded. "Don'tcha think it's a bit of an edgy hobby?"
"Edgy- killing children- that is what you call EDGY-" Sometimes this man still managed to baffle him.
"What else am I gonna call it? It ain't cool anymore."
If he had a soul, he might would be appalled or disgusted with this view on the lives of others, but thankfully he didn't, so his shock was more surface level. "You only killed kids because you thought it was cool?"
"Oh? Nah. I did because I had to. And a lil' because it made ya my official partner in crime. But now neither reason is valid anymore! We can do so much cooler stuff!"
"Like... what? Dave, what is COOL to you?" The question was filled with dread.
"Things like- how 'bout we break into a prison!?" Excited he jumped around. "They'll never gonna be prepared for that!"
"I- I guess they won't be, but-" Breaking into a prison for no reason but the shits and giggles? You know what fine by him. "-fine, we'll do that Dave."
"Hell yeah! The fuzz ain't gonna know what hit 'em!" Excited the man jumped up and grabbed Old Sport to drag him along. "Wonder if they'll recognize my mug! Prolly not, seein' as half the staff quit since last time."
Bemused Old Sport imagined the alarm starting to blaze once they put one step into there.
But another bothersome thought distracted him a little.
"Yeah, Old Sport?" He looked back, almost running into a wall.
"How many children did you kill?" Must have been a theme park full at this part.
"Lost count long ago! At some point it all starts bein' a mess. Ya don't know if you shoved that screwdriver down that girl's throat in the Freddy's location of if it was back at Fredbear's!"
"Really? You don't remember at all?" Old Sport tailed along, somewhat relishing in the resurfacing knowledge that this guy was indeed a danger to everyone. "I don't think I will forget about the crew in California. It somewhat irks me that it wasn't me who destroyed them. Mike was quicker."
"Was that your first time killin' kids? Ya don't forget that. Murderin' people leaves a lot of impressions!" Carefree the guy continued dragging, the conversation seemed nostalgic to him. "Bet'cha ya can still tell the first time ya killed a Phoney!"
"... bold of you to assume I killed one."
"Seein' the anger against the guy in California you definitely killed one before." The matter of fact tone in his voice intimidated the guy a little.
"I told him to try a pizza I made. Didn't expect him to be that badly hit by it..." Old Sport trailed off. "It was an accident if anything."
"Accident or not, ya killed a man! Well, half a man. Phones aren't really people." There was still no sign of negative emotions in his voice. They could be talking about the first arcade game they played instead, his tone would not have been different.
"Dave?" Hesitantly the Orange Guy started again.
"Do you remember the first kid you killed?" Not quite sure if it would be a sore spot, Old Sport kept his voice careful.
"Sure do! Kinda hard to forget him when he constantly gives ya the stink-eye!" Dave laughed as if something about it was funny. "Managed to do that despite not even havin' any actual eyes! The kid's creative, ya gotta give him that. The boy in the puppet, took him and his friend back to Henry. Gonna be honest, I kinda felt bad for 'em. They liked me! We met back on the grounds of the elementary school, long after classes ended. Kid always hung out there for some reason and I liked testin' the machines there, since that was the only place with a good bit of space. Let 'em try them out too if those were robots that could be remote controlled- stuff like tryin' to push 'em over and all that! They loved it! Curious little bastards. Often visited Fredbear's too, in the early days! But ya know how Henry is, he needed to test his new theory on somebody... and those kiddens had been to our houses before without tellin' a soul. I think they saw us a little like a second family. It was all in all very convenient."
His voice had a little of his energy, now he was more distant. A story he had told himself a hundred times.
Snapping out of it again, cheerful Dave shrugged. "But he's doin' fine now, right? Doin' well for himself! I always say as long as they ain't fully dead, they have a second chance to become what they want! Provided it's inside of some greasy old pizzeria."
Old Sport remembered, if only vague. Being the nightguard back in the day...
... he shook his head.
No use crying over spilled milk. He had promised himself not to dwell on things he could not change anymore.
But he was still bothered by thoughts.
"Dave? What do you think happens to the souls if their body is destroyed?" It was bugging him for a while already, finally he remembered to ask.
"Dunno! I suppose they get out, get a bit of free roam. Don't really think that it frees them, though it could be too. Might depends on the ghost? I guess normally they become either wandering spirits or attach themselves to something else. Maybe the walls?"
"The walls?" Uncomfortable Old Sport looked behind him. They had already left Circus Baby's behind, yet it still was unnerving to think about.
"Yeah! Henry always said the place was full of life- thought he was clever." Dave shook his head. "Prolly was, but I thought mine was better! Because I always said Fredbear's keeps ya in high spirits!"
"Both of them are horrible and you should feel ashamed. That was probably the BIGGEST crime either of you have committed and I wish I could unhear things." Dramatic Old Sport stepped away from the Purple fiend.
"Aw, cut me some slack! I was workin' under pressure, I had just found out about the situation!"
"No slack for you! Honestly, pick up your own slack and get moving! Phoney's gonna send the hounds when he notices we are gone, until then we have to be in prison!" Sounded weird to say it out loud.
"I got it, I got it! Let's hurry!" Rushing off, they didn't take a long time to arrive at the nearest prison. For obvious reasons, prisons and Freddy's always stayed close together.
They arrived at the door and Dave politely coughed to get the attention of a guard. "Excuse me?"
The guy seemed a little unsure as he looked back into the spotlights that were Dave's eyes. "Yes?"
"We would like to get in."
"... as visitor? Uh- the reception is right after the door-"
"No, we would like to break in." Dave smiled.
Confused the guard stared back. "That's... not possible? Sorry sir?"
"But we would REALLY like to! We're askin' politely!"
"You can't just break into a prison- WHY even?"
This outburst obviously intimidated the guard, who assumed he had to do with a nutcase.
But seeing as he was new and really didn't feel like taking any responsibility for whatever that guy could end up doing, he simply shook his head and signed at the door. "... break-ins- have to be announced inside. The people in there can probably help you. Actually-for sure! I'm too new..." ... for this shit.
He didn't say it, but it was implied.
Old Sport gave him his best finger guns and was rather satisfied with the deep mortal terror in the eyes of the guy. That guy surely wouldn't ever dare to forget them.
They entered and looked around.
It was silent here, aside from a few employees at the side chattering about something.
Quiet. Too quiet.
Or rather, PERFECTLY quiet for something LOUD to happen!
Slithering up to the next best person sitting behind some sort of counter, he flopped onto it and smiled charming. "HOLA WE ARE HERE FOR THE SCHEDULED BREAK IN."
"The- what?" The person may was protected by a glass wall, but that didn't stop the situation from being incredibly jarring. "Sir, are you drunk?"
"Drunk from your eyes- wait no. It was drowning in there, right? Drunk from drowning in your eyes~ You should really cut back on your alcohol consume Karen, all the fluids in your body have been replaced with highly concentrated booze." Serious Old Sport nodded at the person who was probably not a Karen and jumped off the counter again to look for the door. "Anyways, we're breaking in now."
Insulted and irritated the employee stood up. "No, you will NOT! You are a LUNATIC! Security!"
But before Dave could jump in between them and try out his new mystical fighting style that consisted mostly out of flailing limbs and using his head like a mace, the ground started shaking.
Everyone paused in confusion, except the Purple Guy who quickly changed plans and grabbed his Orange baby to jump onto the nearest table.
In terror he howled. "PHONEY UNLEASHED THE DOGS!"
The other people were not understanding- but not for long.
Suddenly the doors broke open and a sea of corgis flooded the police station, borfing and panting, there small, stubbly legs carrying them quicker than you'd expect around the whole place as they create a vortex of fur and paws.
Security had no chance, they stumbled and were sucked into it, never to be seen again.
The whole area was in grave danger.
Only Old Sport snorted.
"THE MOST DEMONIC OF DOGGOS! THEY ARE LONG!" Dave held his friend protectively, who tolerated it because it was nice and warm.
Watching more and more people being sucked into the quicksand made out of corgis, he actually started to consider that Dave might have a point.
"What are we supposed to do?" Old Sport looked down at the many dark, happy eyes looking up at him, barking in pure ecstasy as if Old Sport was their meaning for life.
"Nothing. We are trapped until Phoney has mercy on us." They both sat on the table looking down and the dogs looked back.
It took about ten minutes for Phone Guy to show up.
With one mere hand-movement he parted the furry sea, all the corgis laid down onto the floor and allowed the red rotary phone to pass.
Slowly and with the wrath of an elder god, he approached.
Both the colors laid down too, hoping to escape the wrath by being g00d bois.
It didn't really help.
Simon was too smart to fall for the old puppy-eyes trick. "DID YOU RUN AWAY DURING SHIFT HOURS!?"
"We... didn't really, RUN, did we Dave?" Old Sport looked over to his Purple companion.
"Yeah, we- STROLLED, at MOST!" Passionately Dave nodded.
"It was barely a WALK!"
Beyond annoyed with the two, he took them by the neck and dragged them out of there. "You two make nothing, but, uh- trouble!"
Whining Old Sport tried to struggle in the grip. "Usually you don't mind us taking a break so much!"
Both of them were making some pitiful noises, but not receiving any pity from anyone.
You cannot summon the wrath of the Corgis and expect any more favors from the world.
While they were on their way back, on the other side of the street they saw Ethan, rushing past.
Shortly Old Sport and his eyes crossed.
Maybe he was supposed to feel anything at this cold dead stare that he was faced with.
It had an impact, but more of a self-impact. The glare meant nothing to him and that was what made him feel... almost sad.
There should have been something. Maybe worry- the guy seemed about ready to do whatever it took to end them. Maybe satisfaction about having messed up a person so much. Maybe curiosity, because who knew what this guy was planning.
But he couldn't bring himself to feel anything.
Softly he sighed.
It would maybe get better after he got shot a few times, but for now he had to live with it.
So, as he lacked any sort of other reaction, he just smiled and waved.
In a way he could relate to the dead inside those eyes.
... only that Old Sport was very wrong with what he thought he as seeing.
There was nothing dead inside of Ethan.
It was all very much alive.
And burning.
Ethan had to leave his daughter for now. She was peacefully sleeping- or at least it was what Ethan told himself, to avoid thinking that she was looking rather dead- deactivated, nothing but an empty machine.
It was okay to get a few things done, during her resting time.
Getting things done, after all this time.
He still had the old files, of course he did, of all of them.
The five missing kids, his biggest failure. The repeated tragedy.
His mind was not working quite right, he knew it, but he decided to push forwards anyways.
Maybe there was a way to explain to the families what has happened to their kids- what they currently were.
It didn't matter what they looked like, it were still their kids.
Ethan certainly knew that he would have not cared about anything other than being able to hold his precious kid again.
He had considered calling his wife, but- not yet. She would think he had gone completely crazy.
Later, when he could bring Evelyn along.
Some things have to be seen to be believed.
It was fine though, she was there.
When he arrived at his current residence, he got out the big, old and heavy folder and began sorting around, taking all the old information out and aside.
With a sudden spike of aggression he turned to the old board where he had gathered all the evidence on the different people that came into question, ripping the wrong suspects into pieces.
It was HIM.
It was HIM.
It had always been HIM and he had been too stupid-
A bark sounded and he jumped around to see the cursed dog sitting there, staring at him.
Its eyes were burning into him.
Everyone has played the people outside of their cult for a fool.
The Phone Guy must be stupid to think that he would played along and listen to his demands.
They all have been complacent in the crimes happening. In his eyes they were just as bad as Dave himself.
Freddy's had to be destroyed, completely.
The whole company needed to be abolished.
And everyone within it.
He would burn the place down, with all the employees inside.
The decision was beyond final, but it still was painful to think off.
He would kill.
Multiple people.
A rat's nest.
It still didn't feel right, not fully.
No, it was felt wrong, horrible, disgusting.
But at the same time, what sort of choice did he have?
None at all.
They could not be allowed to stay alive, nobody there.
People who were willing to let children die for their own comfort and benefit deserved to be completely eradicated.
His mind jumped to Jeremy, still burning and confused.
It was him who had brought them back together, he was grateful for it. But he couldn't understand the guy.
If he knew there were souls inside of the robots, then he would know that he was working alongside of a murderer.
... sure, there had been cases... severe delusions from close friends and family, nobody had suspected a thing-
But they all knew, didn't they?
And that THING in his backpack-
His head was pounding and he sat down, rubbing his face.
He would get...
... how much would it take to start a bigger fire?
In a place like that... the place was giant... there was of course the kitchen, with luck he could get it bad enough, especially at the stage out of wood.
The thought struck him that the new animatronics might be possessed too.
There had been no case of missing kids there though...
Well, he would have to find out.
First things first, he wanted to know about the thing in Jeremy's backpack, that monstrous floating demon-
He should not call it that, of course not. It had helped them, didn't it?
If it hadn't been for that being, there would have been a lot of blood spilled that night.
It somewhat clicked at the back of his mind that maybe he should stop overthinking and questioning things happening in regards to Freddy's and those in it- but that was completely against his nature.
Standing up he began pacing around for a bit, mentally mapping out the whole building again and again, considering where he start up the fire without being caught, while still being save from cameras and able to corner the employees-
Again a wave of nausea hit him.
He really wanted to kill around four men.
That was really what he was planning to do here.
His heart was beating uncomfortably in his chest, this was all too close to himself.
He knew what their corpses would look like once they were burned.
He knew how slow the death through fire and smoke was.
There was no alternative.
There was just no alternative.
Freddy's was a hydra, far too resistant against anything else.
It was time to not only fight the countless heads.
Take it all down.
Approaching the phone, he wondered if Jeremy was taking the day off or if he still went to work. It would be crazy, but most people at Freddy's were not quite right in the head.
It beeped, it beeped, it-
"H-Hello?" Despite the time of the day, the voice on the other side sounded sleepy. "Jeremy Fitzgerald speaking?"
"Hello, Jeremy." Ethan spoke calmly, despite his inner turmoil. He wanted to jump right into his questions, but decided that he'd be better off to take it slow. "How did you take the events yesterday night? Are you feeling alright?"
"Oh-" He sounded surprised, then rather happy. "No, need to worry, I- I'm really okay! I wasn't hurt after all."
"And your companion?" He quietly added.
"He's okay too! He got messed up pretty bad, but nothing I couldn't fix thankfully!"
"That is good. I would like to talk to him." He tried to keep sounding friendly, despite already scratching over the nearest surface with a nail, anxiously. "To both of you."
"Ah-? I- what about? I wouldn't want to stress him-"
"For one to thank you both. But also, because we need to talk about what we should do next. The kids still need help."
It went quiet for a moment, then he agreed. "But- nothing too intense, okay?"
"I will try to keep it down. But we ARE talking about dead children that got MURDERED here." He couldn't help but sound a little harsh.
At least the kid did have the common sense to sound a little guilty. "I- you're right, sir. I'm sorry. But you have to understand that I- really worry about him."
Shaking his head, Ethan sighed at himself. "No, I get it, it is... a stressful time. For everyone involved. But we can't really take that into consideration at this point in time. Every single one of us has to be strong."
He couldn't see it, but defeated Jeremy nodded at the other side. "I get it. See you... soon?"
"I can come over right now."
"H-How's- Evelyn? And the others?"
He was stopped by that, cold fear overtaking him, as if these words were some sort of bad luck charm. "... she is- currently she is sleeping. But I will check on her again before I come by."
"Okay! See you then!"
Hanging up the phone, Jeremy shook his head a little, to awake himself a little bit more.
Deciding that a tea would probably be the best thing for him right now, he went into the kitchen and began boiling some water.
Finally, the Puppet crept up from behind him and wrapped himself around his human friend. "... who what that on the phone?"
"It was Ethan again! He- uhm-" He giggled a little as the process of wrapping tickled him. "He wants to talk to us. Mainly to you, I think."
Thoughtful the Puppet rested for a moment, then he nodded a bit. "... I think that could be possible."
"Jeremy, do you remember your first week? The week before the week you got moved to the dayshift?"
"Of course I do! Why?" Confused he tried to look upwards to meet the small white dots of his friend.
"You remember that back then I didn't talk to you?" Spooky Noodly started "Well, that is not entirely right. You were simply not able to hear me. It takes a certain grade of... exposure to Freddy's for that to settle in, at least from what I have seen. It makes it easier and easier to get through to them. But I doubt we will need to worry about that, the detective was around plenty of times. There is a good chance he can understand."
"If not, then you can just possess me, right?" The way the kid threw that out was almost making it seem like a joke... but the Puppet knew better.
"I hope we will not have to do that." It made him uncomfortable to think about possessing him, seeing as the last time he almost murdered him with that. "... the guy might not fully believe us."
Stupid excuse, but better than none at all, right?
"I dunno, I think he trusts us by now..." Unsure Jeremy moved from side to side, while he prepared the tea.
"I would prefer not to risk it. Not to mention, you could simply translate for me too, right?"
A good while, maybe half an hour later, Ethan finally had arrived and politely greeted Jeremy, before his eyes fell onto the Puppet floating there at its maximum height.
Clearly he was intimidated of the creature.
Slowly the Marionette tilted his head to the side, secretly relishing in the effect he had on other people.
Seemingly completely immune to the aura of fear coming from his ghostly friend, Jerry smiled and signed at him. "There he is! His name is Marion! And we're both very happy we could get you and your daughter back together!"
For a moment the detective stayed frozen, but then he finally reached out to shake his hand. "Hello, Marion. You probably know my name already."
Scoffing the Marionette took the hand, not all that pleased with his rather unassuming name. Honestly, he wanted to have a more terrifying name.
... then again, it probably the person attached to the name that made it terrifying.
Ethan obviously was a little alarmed by the sharp blades he could feel under the thin fabric, but he didn't say anything. Instead he looked at Jeremy, who happily led them to the kitchen, where he prepared a cup of tea for the guest.
It was quiet in the beginning, before Ethan began to thank them.
First out loud, but as his voice started to shake, he became quieter, until it was barely more than a whisper, the only way he could continue to speak without feeling like breaking into tears.
The guy couldn't imagine a bigger service anyone could have ever done for him.
He couldn't think of anything he would have wanted more in the world.
His cascade of thankful words was only stopped when Marion put a hand onto his arm, looking at him understanding.
There was something softer than before in his expression.
"It has been the only right thing to do. I am glad we found both of you again." Marion smiled to himself.
What followed though completely put him off-balance.
"Who did you used to be? When were you killed? I- I want to help make things right."
The man was earnest, but Marion could feel Jeremy's invisible eyes on him.
Even if he had considered for a moment to tell the truth, he couldn't. He didn't want Jeremy to treat him with pity- or any different from what he did right now.
"... I never was a human. I came here to protect the children and help the spirits to the vengeance that they deserve." Prideful the creature sat up straighter to its full height.
At that Ethan leaned over the table, staring right into his eyes. "What would that entail... and how far would you go for that?"
Something in his eyes clicked with the Marionette.
His eyes shortly shifted to Jeremy, then back to the unmoving detective.
A decision was made.
Turning to the boy he took on a stern tone of voice. "Jeremy? You have to do me an important favor, okay?"
Surprised he perked up and seemed a little worried. "What is it?"
"I want to talk to Ethan a little- alone. Can you please go in the next room and watch a bit of TV?"
"A-are you planning on hurting someone?!" He shook his head. "No! You- you know what happened last time! It hurt you! And the animatronics- I- I don't to say that it was your fault, b-but they obviously didn't got freed like you thought! And then they had to stay in that cold forest-!"
Ethan weighed in, trying to reassure the kid. "If the robots in the building are possessed we will of course make sure nothing happens to them-"
"NO! No, if you guys plan something bad- someone innocent could get hurt!" The guy was extremely distressed.
"Name one innocent person at Freddy's." That slipped out. "Aside from you of course."
"Everyone! They are good people! They are just- scared! But never ACTUALLY hurt someone!" Jeremy could protest as much as he wanted, but Ethan's glance laid on the Puppet who seemed to disagree with that.
Softly it put a hand onto his friend. "Jeremy. Please. We- we won't hurt anyone."
A lie spoken twice sounds much more believable.
And this time he almost didn't feel bad.
Jeremy meant well but understood nothing... and finally he had someone that might actually could help him.
Seeing as Jeremy was not buying it in the slightest, he tried again. "I am your best friend, right? We will only discuss- you would notice if something were to happen. Please, I simply do not want to get you too upset about thinks we only consider for a short moment. Do this for me."
Or thinks that are necessary, if you like it or not.
Unhappy the boy looked at him then stood up, without a comment and stepped away.
They both didn't say a word until they heard the TV playing.
Then they finally inspected each other, both trying to figure out at which side the other one stood.
The puppet was first to talk, as he knew the detective wouldn't be able to stop him anyways.
"Dave and all on his side have to be destroyed."
"So, you mean everyone in the restaurant?"
They both looked at each other in a grim understanding.
"Yes, and Freddy's with it, it is filled to the brim with horrible people willing to take advantage of everything. If the system is in place, I believe that it will all repeat. Nothing is allowed to be left behind."
"And here I was thinking I was the only sane mane left on earth." The words were supposed to be joking, but a hint of bitterness sneaked in."
"Believe me, I often feel the same."
Again a pause ensued, the TV sounded from the other side.
Then the Puppet leaned towards him once more. "Are you willing to help me?"
"I was thinking about burning the whole thing down with all of them locked inside, but I need information first."
Pleased the Puppet nodded.
"We can help each other then."


Cut a bit short at the end, because I KNOW THAT I AM LATE
A H H .
Anyways, until the next time, I hope you have A LOVELY T I M E !
NOT TOO LONG, BUT I THINK IT IS SWEET- I wanted to show it off last month, because Valentine's Day, but I am a pathetic excuse of a human being and forgot. HERE IT IS!

(or just check in the gifts thing on my AO3 profile, I think it is public?)

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