Lessons and plans

And so it continues. Once again, I'm sorry, I really planned on introducing Old Sport sooner...


The main hall had filled, but it was more structured than usual. Instead of chaotic, constantly changing crowds, they had four main attraction-areas, of which the audience rarely stepped away.
Phone Guy was positively surprised. No one was hurt yet, the robots weren't spewing Candy's propaganda and all in all it really appeared as if Vincent only wanted to better these machines.
But what did he know?
Uneasy Phone Guy reflected on his unpredictable employee's words. Nothing really.
What did he NOT know?
Without any acknowledgment from his brain, his hands reached for paper and pen, ready to write his thoughts down.
Blankly he scribbled, until rereading his words. They were reasonable questions, which could be answered with hundred different solid reasons.
How do the animatronics talk?
Why did Vincent invent whatever-it-was?
How do they talk?
What could possibly go wrong?
H O W?
Could they be used as possible staff?
How can they talk, they can't even think, they don't have a brain and without brain how do they make decisions, I have a soul to do that, but they are machines, wouldn't they need a heavy upgrade with a giant data-safe, hundreds of bytes, that would be expensive and vincent even proposed to do the same to the toys, HOW, they can't simply start talking without a new brain, without a soul they can't-
At that point his writing turned into unreadable scribble. Quickly he ripped the page apart, terrified by his own mind. Everything was alright, DON'T jinx it.
He felt his whole body break out into sweat, as he sat back into his seat. The office had a nice calming effect; the buttons on the side reminded him that he could always hide away if needed.
With twitching hands he reached for the screen that displayed the security camera's footage.
Mike was in the main area, keeping close to the wall, but kept careful watch on the customers. It was a relief to not have to force the employees into the death-suits every other day, now that they had so many animal-entertainers.
Jeremy was in party room 3, fooling around with Chica, entertaining the kids while serving pizza. Smiling PG nodded, amazed at this young man, who loved this place just as much as he did.
Now he skipped through the different cameras, but nowhere was even a hint of purple.
Where the frick could he be?!
Did he just left? Not that he was sorely missed, the animatronics did well enough without him, but... he preferred Vincent somewhere he could see him. Who knows what he could cook up for crazy ideas when he was alone at home?
The Phone noticed his fingers scratching on the corner of the screen and he stopped.
Well, as long as Vincent was alone, he was a total mess. If Mike and Jeremy would help, he was almost sure he could handle this human time bomb.
He flicked back to the camera of the main hall, deciding to watch the older of the two guards for a bit.
Everything seemed uneventful, until the robots suddenly started move simultaneously towards him. PG stood up, horrified and hurried towards the main hall.
Mike didn't expect the machines to go off script, but now he asked himself how he expected the apparently sentient monsters to play nice. He didn't move, but his glance swayed from side to side, trying to find an escape route.
But no, the children crowded every possible way. Slowly he backed away along the wall, praying to reach the safe room and his baseball bat before the machines could gut him.
Surprisingly enough, they stopped at a distance, nodding at each other. First Mike was confused, but after Bonnie's words he realized how much worse his situation actually was.
"This is our friend Mike! Say hello to him kids! He LOVES playing catch! And for today we want to make a special reward! Whoever catches him first and steals his hat, can perform with us!"
High-pitched screeching ensued as the Guard panicked tried to break his escape.
Bonnie, all the sadist, held the crowd back one more time.
"Come on, friends! Let us give him ten seconds to have a small chance! Let's count together! TEN! NINE! EIGHT!"
In an instant the Guard vanished towards the office.
His heart rate was about hundred beats per second as he considered his options.
There weren't many.
Children were EVERYWHERE, seeking and hunting the poor man.
Still, impressively enough, it took more than half an hour to corner him and get the hat.
After clawing him down to snatch the hat, the rabid demons ran back towards the waiting animatronics, not noticing or caring about Mike's approaching breakdown.
Phone Guy entered after all of them left, chuckling. "Heh, Mike, tell me again you're not a great entertainer!"
His smile vanished as he saw his employee holding his head, trying to hide something. As he made a few steps closer, he saw how futile this attempt was. Long, bright scars were all over the skin on his head, making his head similar to the paper of an angry kid with a huge crayon.
Mike's head immediately jumped to meet his gaze, his whole face contorted in anger once more. "Fuck off RIGHT NOW. Did you watch and decided to not help me?!"
"Oh, come on Mike, it was just a little game..."
"DO THIS LOOK LIKE FUN TO YOU?! Don't you dare to look at me!"
Confused PG stepped back, giving him space. "What is wrong?"
"I'm NOT!" To emphasize it, he turned to the side, focusing on the table. "Even though I see no problem with me looking at you! I do it often enough!"
Now the Head-Guard turned away fully, silently thanking fate for having this room reserved for a private party later, so no one else would come in here.
But fate was never too kind and he knew that the guest could arrive any minute now.
"Fine, Mike, as I see it you have now three options. Option number one: You go out together with me, risking everyone watching you and trying to figure out why you hold your head like that."
"Not in a million years."
"Option number two is that you could take one of the party hats, even if they're quite small."
"I'll take option number three."
Without a word Phone Guy shook his head and took of the jacket of his uniform, holding it out towards him.
A while nothing happened, then the jacket was taken.
"We have some spare uniforms in the office; let's go and get a new hat."
"Wait, why can't I wait here?"
"Because this room will be in use in about two minutes. Ready?"
Now too curious he turned towards his companion and was glad that most people couldn't distinct his smile from his usual face, because what he saw was simply too adorable.
Mike's head was almost completely hidden under the fabric, only his eyes were barely to see in the shadows the cloth casted.
"Stop grinning, you're the worst boss I ever had."
"Wait, didn't you say you had worse?"
"That was before I knew you would make fun of my unfortunate situation."
"I'm not making fun of you!" The Phone raised his voice, protesting, but Mike only went past him and towards the door.
"Shut up, we have to get going. This is the WORST day I EVER had."
"Maybe it's just your unlucky day?"
"Bull-fucking-shit, something like that doesn't exists."
Quickly they bridged the space and entered the office, most guests not paying attention to them. Mike sighed and exchanged the jacket with the hat, his body slowly relaxing.
"..." He opened his mouth, but closed it, reconsidering his words. "Why didn't you stop that? Shouldn't Guards be left alone, so they aren't distracted if someone gets hurt?"
"Who knows? Listen, I get dropkicked by children about every five days. Children are monsters."
"Working at a children restaurant while HATING children?"
"Yeah, what kind of idiot would do that, right?"
"Ah, shut up, I have no choice."
"What gives you the thought I had?"
Both drifted off into their own thoughts for a while, but Phone Guy returned soon.
"Mike, have you seen Vincent anywhere? I haven't seen him since... he introduced the new feature."
"I had a fight with him, he freaked out and left. No idea where he could be, but honestly I feel better when he's gone."
"A fight? And he just left...? Employee... please be careful. Vincent isn't one to just drop something and pout... at least usually."
"Stop worrying, I'm a big boy now. I can pick my own fights, DAD."
Mike snickered over this small explosion and shook his head. "Probably because you're acting like everyone's dad. Give your workers space and they will learn to respect your... advice...?"
"Don't you dare critiquing my advice! I was the one who kept you alive!"
"Seriously?! You said to me that there's nothing to worry about on the first night!"
"There isn't as long as you know what you do!"
The Guard shook his head, between amusement and annoyance. "Whatever. I'm going and kick Bonnie's shins in."
"Employee! Don't harm the robots, we take any repair costs out of your next paycheck!"
With a raised middle finger he left. "Yeah, shove the money up your ass."
On the stage stood the bunny, the stolen hat on his head, together with a proud kid, one of those kids you just feel the instant need to punch.
Chica noticed him first and waved. "Guess who's back! Hey Mikey, come over!" She didn't seem to care about his mean grin.
Bonnie returned the grin. "If he has now a new hat, we can play once more! Are your ready, kids?"
But Mike wasn't having any of it. He jumped up on the stage, turning to the young audience. "Are you ready to have your shitty heads bashed in?! The next person trying to touch me will get a baseball bat right in the face. I don't care about your fucking fragile bones, you get what you deserve, you should have more respect for adults."
"That would get you fired sooner than you can say: Mom, he killed a kid!"
"Do I look like I care?! Fuck this hellhole, where even the machines are deliberate assholes without any kind of compassion!"
"You call that a problem? I'd rather complain about the Guards who try to frame innocent robots, who wanted nothing but be their friends and their ignorance of the pain they cause!"
"Oh, I would have taken it back, if you had given me the choice! I already told Foxy. Chica and Freddy, the same goes for you, I was wrong, sorry I said you lied. But YOU Bonnie... fuck yourself, you assaholic piece of shit."
The bunny shortly tried to figure out what "assaholic" meant, gave up and only laughed. "Fine, fine, here's your hat."
Mike snatched it right out of his hands and growled. "Great, this is so useful to me now!"
The children watching whispered, one of them climbed the stage. "What's with the second round? I wanna be on the stage too!"
"Oh, a game? Can I help?" An angle send to protect the bones and nerves of all people involved entered the room. Jeremy smiled excited. "If I get the rules explained I'd love to play with you!"
Instantly the young man was swarmed by the young customers, who were all talking the same time. It was a miracle that he understood what they wanted.
"Sounds fun! Hey, Mike, you said you don't need the second hat, right? How about we do two games! One where you have to steal the hat while I run away and one where I hide the other hat and you have to find it!"
The kids cheered, moving like ants around the Guard.
Mike took it as his time to fuck off and handed his co-worker the hat, to finally get some peace. There was one corner in which the visitors rarely would wander off to, perfect to sit and do nothing for the rest of this shitty day. Maybe he'd even get some sleep. If PG needed two guards that desperately, he could do it himself.
Exhausted the guy leaned back in the almost acceptable chair and closed his eyes.
When he opened them again he noticed that the whole place was almost empty. Shocked he checked the clock, it was shortly before closing time and he could make Jeremy out, who was kindly asking the lingering children and adults to go outside and have a nice evening.
Mike sneaked to the toilets and examined his face for any drawings, but was relieved that neither the children, nor Vincent had touched him while he slept.
Ready to go home, he entered the office to say goodbye to the Phone.
Huh... weird. He wasn't here.
Maybe he was inspecting the place or something. Mike wandered through the main hall and called out his name.
"Hey, Jeremy, do you know where the boss is?"
But there was no Jeremy anymore either. Apparently he had already left; his backpack was gone as well.
Not comfortable with the situation, the Guard once more searched the restaurant, without any luck. Hesitantly he went to the saferoom, unsure why his boss would be there.
It was locked.
Great, was this the next prank? For calling his advice shitty?
Well, fuck that.
"Boss, are you in there? I'm going home now and fuck you for this move. No need to sulk that long, geez."
Back to the entrance it was!
Before touching the door though, something flashed back into his mind. Weren't the walls of the saferoom soundproof?
Whatever, for all he knew the Phone could be jacking off in there. None of his business.
He gripped the handle and pulled on it.
The door didn't budge.
He pushed.
All lights went out.
This had to be a joke. For that he would most certainly break the neck of this aubergine abomination.
As fast as possible he ran towards the main area and was greeted with a terrible sight. Phone Guy was stripped on a chair, in the middle of the room, sitting in the middle of a spotlight. The man shivered and twitched, his head rolled from side to side as if in pain.
Vincent leaned on top of the delirious guy, his grin contesting with the glow of the spotlight.
"Honestly? That's all? Well, I guess that is one of the drawbacks to swearing often... you don't find words for harder situations. And I didn't do much... but you would be surprised what magnets can do to things out of normal metal."
Mike stayed silent, snarling. What could he do?
"Oh and please don't step closer, I don't want to have to end the lesson prematurely, just because you did something stupid. Here, I'll give you some motivation to behave!" He reached down and was now aiming a gun at him. "Too bad you're too unstable to have one yourself, right? They are very good arguments."
There was nothing Mike could say. If he asked for Vincent to release PG, he'd say it was part of the lesson. If he asked him why he did this, he would tell him that it was a lesson for him. With what he had right now, he couldn't reason with the madman.
At least he had the ability to be sarcastic. "Well, I'm dangerous without one and don't need to hide behind it."
"Oh, dear Mikey, I'm dangerous enough as well~ Problem is; how can I get it into your dumb little head? You're too stupid to simply play by rules for your own safety, so I have to remember you at all times what the rules are for... Now, enough foreplay! Say hello to each other!"
Vincent ripped the round magnets away and Phone Guy slammed over, groaning. Slowly the Head-Guard sat up, startled when he saw Mike.
"M-MIKE! Get away! Break through one of the windows! GO!"
"Aw, you get ten points taken away for that Phoney... don't you know the windows are bulletproof glass? Special requirement for every Freddy's and Fredbear's!"
"So... what was lesson number two...? Damn, I forgot! Hmm... fine. It might be too much of a rush, but look what I got here!" With that he showed off two giant cables, with clams on the end. "Did you know that with enough electrical energy, the cables in Phoney's head could fry? If there'd be a short circuit, his body would instantly die? Heartbeat, breathing, all is regulated by the brain... or chip in his case. That is the reason why the Phone was built to be able to function even under high voltage. His body, of course still human, might still feel the pain, but hey! He won't die!"
"What do you want, freak?! I WILL attack you if you dare hurting him and then you have to shoot me and I'll be dead. Where's your entertainment?"
"DON'T DO THAT, EMPLOYEE, I'LL BE FINE, PLEASE-" The Phone Guy was punched hard.
"How rude to interrupt me. Well, the thing is, and for that was the little speech I gave, I know the exact Voltage it takes to end him. It's really high and his body will probably give in first, catching on fire or similar, BUT... I never got to know what the exact voltage is to kill a grown man. It's probably on google and far less than the Phone would take, but I'm too lazy to use my internet. On the right side you will find one more pair of cables. Put them on and I'll let the Phone leave at the end of the night."
"This is honestly adorable... you actually care about your employee? REALLY? Wow! There's a first time for EVERYTHING! The black hole inside my chest gets warm! But lying is BAD, Phoney! You have to be a role model! Of course you won't be back! You'll go straight to HELL! For lying, killing and betraying! You'll get replaced and forgotten, nameless and faceless as you are!" Cheery the Purple Guy laughed and jumped around. "Well, but I guess the audience is CRAVING some romance! Let's give them a treat, shall we? Tell me Phoney, why do you care about Mikey? Now remember, no lying!"
The Phone-head turned to the side, watching the ground. "I... He doesn't deserve this. He gets the short end of the stick at every turn in life. An accident, an illness and now Freddy's. This can't continue. Despite me risking his death, he keeps on helping me. He even censored himself for five minutes, just because I asked him to."
"WOAH, censoring himself for FIVE MINUTES? Shit, that's true love, what am I even doing? How boring and predictive. I don't think Mikey appreciates the pity. He doesn't DESERVE this? How do you know? Are you the god of justice? What do even know about HIM? What tells you that this isn't an act he put on? Maybe he is even on my side! We met in a previous restaurant, where he at first ignored me as much as possible, but after you sacrificed him to the machines, resulting in his scars, he decided I would be a nice partner for his revenge."
"What the living fuck are you talking about, we never-"
"And before applying we had an idea to make it even more fun! We would pretend to not know each other, even hating each other, so he could gain your trust and REALLY break you. What would you know about THAT, Phoney?"
"Don't listen to the fucking psychopath, I would never agree to this shit, I'm not-"
"WHILE we're at knowing things... what about you Mike? Do you think this is real? What if you're the one who locked your boss into the saferoom, after luring him there? What if you just got the cables, planning on fooling yourself into suicide? You're might not even talking to a human right now. Come on, does this situation look remotely real to you? The whole set-up is far too complicated! When was I supposed to DO all of that? You're really stupid if you take the shocks. Tomorrow the articles will read: "Man executing himself inside children restaurant! Co-workers confused and worried." or an equally shitty title... if Phone Guy even bothers to report your death... and Ronaldo doesn't find you first and uses you for the next pizza! But well, don't listen to me, I'm just a hallucination! Go on, take the cables! Nothing could go wrong here!"
Everything had turned quit, making Vincent's giggles unnaturally loud. "You're BOTH so INCREDIBLE STUPID! You don't know ANYTHING! YOU CAN'T EVEN TRUST YOURSELVES! Well, who am I to judge, right? Judge each other, go on. I already know what you will do, Mike. You will kill yourself, right here and now, hoping to protect a sociopath who is the reason you got into this hell in the first place! You! You who was the scapegoat your whole life, will do a last show. But DO tell me... why are you protecting him?"
"Why should I answer you?"
"Because I could still give the Phone a controlled shock if you don't."
Mike started to wander towards the cables, shortly stopping in front of them. "PG... is a good guy. He is polite, caring and gives his best, even in a world of insanity. He didn't asked for it, he's simply a victim struggling to keep himself and others alive."
Now the laughter was so loud, both jumped a bit. Vincent was unable to breath, yet his laughing didn't stop, it didn't even die down for a second.
After five minutes the aubergine man wiped the tears of his cheeks and breathed heavily. "Jesus Christ, Phoney! I'm impressed! You had him fooled! Doesn't mean much, since he is retarded, but geez, never expected that! CARING! I can't, it's just too GOOD! And now he DIES FOR YOU! Phoney! You're... wow. C'mon, let's give him the truth!" His tone shifted violently, his eyes turned into white dots. Anger seeped out of every syllable. "Tell him what a CARING and LOVEABLE boss you are!"
There was no answer, but Vincent didn't appear to mind and continued.
"While we're at it, do you ACTUALLY think, that this THING is remotely HUMAN?! Spoiler: HE ISN'T. He's as manufactured as every other robot here! WE CAN EASILY ORDER A NEW VERSION, AFTER THIS ONE BITES THE DUST! AND IT WON'T BE A LICK DIFFRENCE FROM THE PERSON ON THIS CHAIR! IT DOESN'T EVEN HAVE A NAME! They are simply copy after copy! Visit ANY Freddy's in ANY state! YOU WILL FIND ANOTHER ONE OF THESE TERMITES MANAGING THE PLACE! Really, I want you to kill yourself, but over something THIS stupid?! You should ask me for the key, go home and have a nice rest, tomorrow I'll bring you to the factory to pick a new boss for this establishment, joke being that picking is completely pointless, since they are still all the same!"
Phone Guy didn't even raise his head anymore. "It's fine Mike. Ask for the key and leave me here. Believe me when I say that this would be a merciful death for a man like me."
The harsh answer Mike gave surprised both of the other Guards.
"Shut up, you fucking stupid Phone! What do you think this is for me? I'm the garbage of human nature! I'll NEVER have a normal life! Always people will ask me why I look so weird, always I will be depended on my pills and I will NEVER EVER find anyone sturdy enough to deal with my shit. I'm dangerous and will only grow more dangerous over time. One day I will wake up, covered in blood, surrounded by the police, next to me an unknown dead body! This is my last chance to go out gracefully. So could you at least FUCKING pretend to be good person, so I'll get the feeling I actually did something good in this shitty life? So I can feel like a fucking hero for ONCE?"
Vincent snickered. "Suicide it is! I'm almost sad to see you two go... hey, maybe I'll turn you into animatronics! You could be together forever!"
"How? You said you would let him go."
"Oh, right... well, you're as machine, he as your caretaker... it's gonna be real romance! Not the shit you presented to me here."
"Guess it's shit, because we weren't even fucking remotely romantically involved."
"Ah... NOW you really hurt the poor Phone, Mikey!"
Mike only ignored him, connecting himself with the wires. He tried his best to not look at PG, knowing this would only go badly.
Satisfied the Purple Guard revealed a remote. "Tell me when you feel like dying, I have to measure the exact voltage." With a click the pain started.
His vision turned white, his whole body started to spas out, every nerve inside of him screamed in protest. The only thing hinting that he had fallen on his knees was the lack of energy he had in his legs.
"Doesn't seem to affect you too much, I see! Let's get it higher!"
Now the feeling broke his skin open, it felt as if every piece of muscle was incinerating under the air, his stomach tried to help the heart by pumping and twitching crazy, breathing, was he still breathing? He couldn't feel if his mouth was open or not, he couldn't even feel if he was screaming. Every part of his brain was overloading, nothing but pain was able to be registered.
Maybe Vincent said something before he turned to the next stage, maybe PG was crying or begging, but Mike couldn't hear anything, think anything, as the pain went higher and higher, with his last power he tried to raise his head, but he couldn't see anything anymore, except there was HIM, it was HIM, pink and black, smiling politely.
"Good Evening Mr. Schmidt. Do you require some assistance perhaps?"
Ignoring his protesting body he stood up, feeling every pain of his be replaced by a burning sensation.
The Pink Guy stepped back, his face turning into a mess. "You are already occupied?!"
"WHO D-DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! M-MAKING FUN OF ME?" Similar to a puppet on a string, he stood partially hanging over, electricity still flooding his body, but only showing itself in the constant twitching. Voices, thoughts, ideas swirled through his head, but they were alien, not belonging. No, this wasn't anyone else, this was... "IT'S ME, ME, ME!" Laughter forced itself through his mouth, as he gripped the cables and digged his teeth into them, ripping them open to reveal their core. Laughter still erupted out of him, as he connected them with each other.
Short circuit.
Everything went dark once more, this time not by design.
His pounding head barely made out Vincent's voice.
A melody started playing, as the Purple Guy restored the lights.
Round and round the rosary bush, the monkey chased the weasel...
The monkey thought it's all for fun!
POP goes the weasel!

Spiteful the psychopath locked eyes with Mike. "You... you think you're clever, huh? Now no one makes it out alive!"
Mike felt the smile on his face, but wasn't sure how it got up there and what kept it in place.
A cold sensation crawled up his arms, as a voice echoed.
It's me!

Vincent spit on the ground making a step back. Out of the shadows reached thin lines, combining with each other, forming something humanoid... the marionette arrived. It's dead face was giving a haunting expression, as the lights began to flicker in his eyes.
I see, three of the four traitors, all in line for their condemning.
It floated closer, the movement unnaturally fluid. Towering over the three Guards, it tugged back the cloth around his long fingers, revealing sharp, thin claws.
I would consider thanking you, but it is obvious that you simply failed at each of your plans. Now, without further ado, it is time to end you three for your crimes.
Mike struggled now to keep breathing, but still managed to spit out his next words. "T-three...? Let... let Phone Guy go... he... didn't... and w-what did I ever do to you?!"
Pitiful, your attempts at staying alive. To your information... if you are not helping me, you are harming me. I do not react kindly to harming.
"What t-the fuck is that for flawed logic?! Do... do you want to kill the whole w-world, just because they didn't help you?!"
You ignored my pleas, the Phone Guy ignored the ongoing slaughter and the Purple Guy...
The thing turned, crocking his neck into obscure position, facing Vincent.
You will be last. It is time for the suffering I dreamt up for you to become reality! Now, my dear friends come to feast! The time of freedom has finally come!
A pause ensued, where obviously something was supposed to happen, and stretched into a small eternity.
Did you do something to the machines?!
"Nah, boi, I didn't do anything, maybe they're just sick of your shit!"
You should watch your tone, considering your bad situation.
"Ah, fuck yourself, puppet-boi! I've had been through worse, honestly."
For this amount of disrespect, I shall-
A loud noise interrupted, it sounded as if something heavy fell of the stage.
"Shit, shit, no, frick, this wasn't how it was supposed to- argh, goddammit, my knee, why does this always happen to me?!"
Mike knew that voice.
The marionette raised its long arm, turning on the stage-lights. Jumping around on one leg, right in front of it was the same orange guy he'd seen this morning by the employees' entrance. The others seemed to recognize him as well, especially the puppet reacted explosive.
Oh! It is YOU! Four of four, today might be the luckiest day I ever had!
"YES! It is I, the interrupting Orange Man! Or at least that was what I wanted to say, but now I'm not sure if I should say "It's me!" because it's going with the theme and I don't want to be left out, but it could get repetitive at this point, so I still think my reference is better... but do I look a little bit to fan-boyish? Am I coming on too strong?! Shit, I had the PERFECT PLAN! Coming in as the deus ex machina, saving the situation by deactivating the robots, then stand here all cool..."
For a while it stayed quiet, then the Purple Guy made a single step forward, his face full of disbelieve.
Nervous the new guy rubbed his still paining leg. "H-hey Dave, I'm sorry, I know it's been a while and I'm sorry, you're probably angry, I'll tell you what happened, but it's a REALLY long story, starting with that one day where I took the cocaine together with those colorful pills and then the shadow doggo appeared and talked to me-" He stopped and dropped his head, fearing the reaction he would get. "I'm back."
Two more steps followed, while Vincent's mouth turned into a giant grin. With open arms he stood in the middle of the room. "Why... hello there, Old Sport! I didn't expect you to come back..."
With an odd noise the Orange Guy ran over, ignoring everyone else completely and jumped his friend, hugging him tightly.
Mike watched the scene, actually whishing he was dead. Like, what the fuck was even going on anymore, this whole place was on drugs. Luckily though, he wasn't the only one thinking that.
EXCUSE me, but would you mind paying attention to the floating, supernatural machine in the middle of the room?! I am still a threat, even without my friends! How about taking this situation even REMOTELY serious for a moment?!
Enticed, without changing his smile the Purple Guy answered. "You're ADORABLE when you're mad."
This line most certainly succeeded in stopping the rant, as the guy almost choked and started coughing, embarrassed.
"Y-yeah, that won't save you from having to explain this later to me! Now, where were we? Right, the no-threat-puppet. Admit you can't do anything now. You can't use your fancy soul-abilities on someone who doesn't has a soul and you can't attack physically, since we outnumber you. Just go back to sleep, alright? I and Dave have a little bit of catching up to do..."
The being hissed, clearly not ready to just give up. It frankly started to changed position, trying to find a blind spot to attack.
Mike didn't feel like caring about anything anymore. Sluggish he freed PG and turned to the new one. "Who. The living fuck. Are. You?"
"I'm Old Sport! I worked in a previous joint and want to get my position back!"
"Old Sport? What's that for a fucking stupid name?"
"Better than being called Phone Guy, amIrite?"
The mentioned one didn't appreciate the calmed behavior of his employees. "Please, don't we have somewhat more important things to do right now?!"
"Chill Phoney, I deus ex machina-ed the problem! We can simply walk out of the front door now!" In a good mood the Orange Guy strolled over back to the stage, picking his belongings up. "Let's wrap this up, shall we? Phoney, do you-"
"I-I-I smell Pur-ur-rple-e..."
The Toys had started to freak out, their bodies moving towards the exit of the stage.
"U-uh... Dave...? Are these... you know... MINE?"
"Yeah, we shipped them over after a short check-up."
"Shit, why didn't you tell me?"
"HOW? You didn't even CALL me!"
"Really?! That is the issue you want to discuss now? Me not calling, instead of us maybe dying?"
Phone Guy took charge. "To the prize corner! Electricity is able to stun them, each of you; get a Taser! I will try and unlock the front door!"
The Guard, who started to consider calling himself Gray Guy, considering everyone was a fucking color by now, was sick and tired. "What good does stunning do, if they won't stop?!"
They reached the prize corner, Dave and Old Sport took each one of the handy Tasers. Mike watched the animatronics approaching, the all-seeing marionette floating above them.
Who is outnumbered now, traitor? You shall regret not vanishing the one time you had the chance to.
Hatred. Blank hatred, not even the burning version, filled Mike's mind.
The moving animatronics made him mad.
The taunting words of the puppet made him mad.
The smell of his own burned flesh made him mad.
He reached into the prize corner, grabbing a crowbar. The Purple Guy tried to intervene, but Mike ignored him. "Listen Mikey, you can't simply take down five animatronics with a crowbar! I once tried that, it went quite bad."
Step by step he met the machines halfway, staring them down, unblinking. They stopped, uncertain what would happen next.
Mike knew exactly what would happen next.
With one violent movement he rushed forward, swinging the crowbar as efficiently as possible at Toy-Bonnie's head, ripping it half way open. Suddenly he stood and jammed the crowbar between two of Toy-Chica's plates, breaking the technic underneath.
Balloon Boy tried to claw himself into his arms, but was thrown away, into the ground.
Again and again Mike let his weapon crash into Toy-Freddy's chest, carving it in, until the bear stumbled over, unable to move anything but his teeth.
The now broken Toy-Bonnie attacked him with his hands, making the fatal mistakes to go after his throat and not his crowbar and was greeted with said crowbar now buried right between the glowing dots where his eyes belonged previously.
After everything stopped moving, Mike turned around. Robot parts were scattered everywhere, his co-workers watched him with big eyes.
Then Old Sport applauded. "GEEZ, I THOUGHT YOU WERE A NO-NAME DUDE, BUT DAMN! Going at them like a machine yourself! You're awesome!"
God, he was so tired.
Slowly he went over to the now open exit, only nodding at his boss. "I'll have a sleep in tomorrow, see you."
"W-wait, Mike! How about... I... I really don't want to leave you alone like that... you doesn't seem in the right condition to be on your own..."
"From emotional apathy to sarcasm in less than two seconds! I'm impressed." His smile was forced, but it was simply too hard to keep serious now. "W-well, how about... you come to my apartment? I live close by and you wouldn't be left on your own..."
"Thanks, but I think I'd rather be alone right now..."
"Please, we have a LOT to talk about!"
It clicked that there was probably a bit more behind the offer than simple worry. "Fine. But I get a real bed."
"Yes, of course."


Deus ex machina's are lovely, right? I mean, I can probably not justify what I did this chapter. Bloody hell, I need to get gud at story-telling.
So, the official introduction of Old Sport! After all this time, amIrite?!
Believe me, I'm fucking STUDYING the Dayshift at Freddy's 2 game and really pour my best into replicating the general behavior of Old Sport, coming up with his character as carefree, cheerful and absolutely, insultingly thoughtless. His relationship displayed in the games with Dave seems to be weirdly intimate, seeing as Dave simply accepts Old Sport, even if he harmed him in the last ending.
I better stop here, before it becomes a ramble or a whole lecture.
What do you think of this version of Old Sport? Yay or nay? Should I change him a little? (Now, about 9 months later I know this version is wrong, but... I like him this way, honestly ^^)
Hope you enjoyed! ^^

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