Halloween at Freddy's

Happy Halloween! I love this time of year! Best Holiday in the world!
So, this contains one more time slightly altered lyrics of Halloween at Freddy's by TryHardNinja, check it out if you want special little music treat for the day!
I love the music community of Fnaf... they're AWESOME.


Another busy day had passed and another part of Mike's soul was burning and crashing out of sheer hatred for life. There was no particular reason for it; it was just the lack of energy that made him irritable.
This didn't excused, but explained his small overreaction as he saw Vincent carrying a bag full of pumpkins.
"What the literal FUCK are you thinking you're doing?!"
Surprised the man stopped in his tracks, looked between him and the bag back and forth and shrugged in an even more carefree way. "Pumpkins, baby! It's HALLOWEEN! HALLOWEEEEEEEEEEN!"
"Fuck Halloween and fuck you. What the fuck is so special about Halloween anyway?! It's just a stupid excuse for edgy teenager and weird adults, who still live with their parents, to dress up like a lunatics and act all delusional."
Snickering the Purple Guy laid the bag down and came closer, much to Mike's disapproving. "You clearly don't know the true meaning of Halloween!"
"Woah, lighten up! You're chronically under-fucked. When was the last time you got laid?" Swiftly he avoided the fist coming towards him and continued. "Don't be a debby-downer! This is most certainly NOT the start of a bad Christmas movie, because since when were dead bodies and demons allowed in them?"
"If it makes profit, it's allowed and exists."
"Ah, is capitalism not a wonderful thing?" Shortly the white-eyed employee drifted off, but returned soon enough. "What were we talking about again? Oh yeah, movies. Well, I won't force you to learn ANYTHING about Halloween... but knowledge is power. By the way, even if you don't care about it... you better appear in a costume tomorrow... or I'll trick ya!" Bemused Vincent winked at him and continued with his actions.
"You know what?! I'd rather KILL MYSELF than degrade myself in this disgusting way. And while we're at tricking... how long did it take to get your hair back to almost normal, cunt? I still see some pink streaks by the way."
"You asked for it!" Not fazed in his good mood the man vanished into the kitchen, most likely to carve out some sp00ky faces.
Mike was now mildly intrigued, as well as slightly calmer and once Phone Guy entered the main area, he called him over. "Heya PG, short question: Is it even allowed to celebrate Halloween around here? I mean, with the constant string of literal MURDERS?"
"It is the perfect promotion for this kind of restaurant. About half of our customers probably only come for the creep-factor.... if we're talking about the older ones that is."
The more sarcastic of the two shortly inspected his boss, weighing risk and reward of his next question. Curiosity killed the cat... but satisfaction brought it back.
"... Tell me, honestly. This deal with abducted kids and shit... did that actually happen... at least when you were working here?"
Silence stretched into eternity.
"No. It's been... a long time."
"That's what I thought-"
Without warning his head felt as if it was burning, his vision went blurry.
Liar, liar, pants on fire.
"What did you say? Sorry, I just... spaced out."
"I didn't say anything."
Curious and a little worried his boss reached out for his forehead, an advancement that was immediately pushed away. The anger was coming back, twice as strong as before and Mike didn't wanted Phone Guy of all people to be the victim of it.
"Guess I'm just going crazy then. Now, is there anything left to do, or can I finally rest a bit before I start the nightshift?"
"... Your nightshift is tomorrow, Mike. Are you sure you feel alright?"
"FUCK feels! Leave me alone, I... need a break. It has been a long day. See you tomorrow."
Maybe his metal-headed superior was hurt by this sudden attack, but Mike couldn't care less. At least that was what he had to believe.
"Of course... rest well. Tomorrow is another day."
"Yeah. Another one."
Disheartened Phone Guy watched him leaving. In a way, Mike was a liability with his mood swings and uncomfortable similar to Vincent... but at least Mike actually CARED about things.
While at the topic of liabilities, where the heck was Vincent right now?
After a short search he heard noises from the kitchen worth to check out.
"Good, good, Jeremy, just like that. The knife needs to hit the core, or else it's wasted. Let it out Jeremy, let all out and use your full force. Kill it. Kill it good."
A slicing was to be heard, followed by Vincent's triumphant cheering. "YOU DID IT! NOW DO IT AGAIN! JUST ONE MORE TIME AND HE'S DONE FOR!"
What were they DOING in there!? There was no way in he- heaven...
The first thing the Phone saw, while slamming open the doors, was the short flash of worry on the Purple Guard's face, the second thing was an unholy mess of pumpkin-innards. Before he could scold them though, he caught the sight of Jeremy's dazzling smile. Never before he'd seen the shy boy actually seem confident enough to show this kind of emotion.
"Mr. Phone Guy! I'm learning how to make jack-o'-lanterns! Isn't that great?"
"Didn't your mom teach you that?"
Embarrassed the smile disappeared, making Phone Guy want to kick himself in the butt.
"Well... my mom... a-and my dad... somehow got the impression that it was the devil's birthday... so we never celebrated it."
"Heh, lemme tell ya, your parents are stupid!"
"Please don't say that Mr... uh s-sorry, only-Vincent. It's not nice. They were just... religious."
Seeing how uncomfortable the conversation was to the boy, Phoney quickly changed topic. "So... what are you carving into the pumpkins? Please nothing too offensive this time, depictions of dead, mangled bodies are not an appropriate motive."
"Customers were scared, weren't they?"
"Yes, but that is NOT what we were aiming for! A small spook is very different from actually terrifying them."
"Bleh, bleh, the Phone knows everything! Shut the fuck up, Phoney, we got it! Only soft-core shit!"
"Almost forgot that we now have two disrespectful, foul-mouthed employees here."
With three dots as a face, Jeremy had listen to the conversation, but decided to weigh in, now that he feared it ending in a whole debate. "M-Mr. Phone Guy? Would you like to join us? We could decide together on what to put on the pumpkin...?"
"That is too kind of you Jeremy. Yes, I would love to help."
But Vincent wasn't having any of it. "Forget it, you two can do it, Imma go home and sleep. Lost interest."
A short impulse of violence hit Phone Guy's core. Why was Vincent like that? For what reason could he have ruined the fun of the perfectly innocent employee? Ultimately he thought better of it. There was nothing violence would do to improve the situation.
After the annoyance left the room, Phone Guy tried his best to cheer Jeremy back up. "Don't mind him, he is quite moody. Tomorrow he will probably have a great idea in store for us and scare us all." At least he would, like every day, manage to frighten him.
"You're right Mr. Phone Guy, he is great when it comes to cheer up himself and others!"
"That's... one way to put it... Now, where did you leave off? We managed to clean the inside, now I'll show you how to properly carve it, alright?"
"Thank you! I can't wait!"
While the more sane workers were kept busy, the unstable Guard silently opened a window in the bathroom and left for the night.
The night air was cool and full of promises. Spirits were already restlessly wandering the streets; he could feel them brush past him, as they were waiting for the lone night of freedom, aching for it just as much as he was.
Henry made fun of him every year. But he still... celebrated with him.
And it was time to share that joy. Especially if he wanted to shock Mikey~
Once he entered his home, he routinely sighed at the sight of his picture wall. If Old Sport or Henry were here... it would be... heaven.
Keep a positive attitude, he reminded himself, Old Sport will appear sooner or later... and for that he had a much better surprise in store.
Ready to sleep a little, he set the alarm clock to six thirty and sorted out what he would need.
Screwdriver, springs, wires... and of course, the costumes!
Heh, he sure hoped they would enjoy the show tomorrow...
It felt like seconds until the clock started to rang.
Oh boi, today was goin' to be great!
That was one way to see it.
Mike represented the complete opposite.
The headache had grown worse overnight and his dreams were sickening. Something about getting strangled and stabbed.
Naturally, once he finally managed to fall out of bed, the last thought on his mind was dressing up. Probably he should just have covered himself in fake blood and would have been a great zombie, but that thought came too late, next to the fact that he wouldn't cave in to an asshole's demands.
What could they do anyway? Scorn him? Pff, ridiculous. There was no way in hell anything bad could actually happen.
As he arrived, he first noticed that every light was inactive. Secondly he noticed how retarded it was to have a GIANT ROOM WITHOUT ANY WINDOWS. Who's design was this?!
It was strangely silent, as if there was something swallowing all sound.
Mike knew he wouldn't scream. Vincent would jump on him in the lamest prank ever, he would break his nose and the day would be able to continue.
His whole body tensed up as he prepared for the attack. Yes, he was prepared for any type of screaming and touching imaginable.
What he wasn't prepared for, was the distorted version of the toreador march and the low laughing. Freddy shouldn't be active right now.
And if he still was active now... then what happened to PG?
Slowly he crept forward, his hands reached into the dark, as he tried to unsuspiciously get away from the source of noise.
Then his hands hit something big, made out of fur and metal.
Then they ignited.
Before him stood a giant nightmare out of metal and teeth, a demonic perversion of the mascot. Parts and bits were ripped open, showing the metal edges inside, as well as a flickering light. This nightmarish Freddy laughed once again, only to slowly bow down and open his maw, revealing that behind those teeth were even more teeth.
Mike was unable to move, paralyzed with fear, while the monster reached out for him, to grab him and swallow him whole. In the last second his mind snapped back to reality and every last bit of energy mobilized itself, as he made an unholy noise and aimed at the fire-filled eyes of the beast, in hopes of irritating it at least. The claws were burying themselves into his hips; warm liquid started to stain his sides, but the head turned away and gave him precious seconds to struggle free.
Screeching the thing let him drop to the ground, holding its eyes, while Mike panicked crawled away backwards, filled with anger.
This wasn't the place where he would die.
Behind him loud, high-pitched cackling was to be heard and teeth dug themselves into his shoulder, blinding pain tore his thoughts apart, as he started to roll on the ground, in hopes of shaking whatever-it-was off of him. Successful, he jumped up, tripping over the clinging teeth, of what appeared to be once a cupcake.
Now three more pairs of eyes shined through the night and Freddy laughed as slowly the whole crew cornered the Guard, who desperately missed his baseball-bat, which he hid in the saferoom.
Hell yeah, famous last words! While his brain's wires had a short circuit, he wondered if he was the first person to have a pun in his last words. As if that mattered in any way imaginable. Or was he maybe still dreaming?
He fought with hands and feet, but the metal was too resilient. Once more he was picked up like a toddler, the maw of the beast opened once more to the void and slowly, but surely, he was forced headfirst into it. The sharp edges begun already to cut his hands and head, but the pushing-
"HOLY SHIT! BRIGHT!? MIKEY, YOU MADMAN! WHAT THE FUCK, YOU PUN WHEN YOU ARE SCARED!?" The lights turned on, as Vincent revealed himself, holding his stomach that ached from laughing. "YOU'RE AMAZING! WHERE WERE YOU ALL MY LIFE?!"
Now a bit calmed, the Trickster pushed a button and the machines backed off. "Well, you shot me with needles for fun. I think we're even."
"Doesn't look like it to me." He crocked his head to one side, more curious than challenging.
Really, Mike checked and there were only small scratches on his sides.
Weird... he could have sworn he felt blood.
On the other hand, he didn't bleed since his childhood, so maybe his skin was just that tough.
"Well, doesn't excuse your fucking attempt on my life. You will pay, I promise."
"Can't wait darling~"
"You're disgusting filth and I absolutely hate you."
"Aww, you're so sweet!"
Luckily, before the interaction could again result in violence, Phone Guy reentered the scene, freshly charged.
"What is going on employees?!" Startled he jumped as he saw the animatronics. "Holy f-frick! Vincent! What were you thinking? When did you DO that? Are this the old models?"
"It's Halloween at Freddy's! If we get to dress up, why not the mascots? C'mon Phoney, think of the publicity this will have!"
Mike weighed in. "The fuck, PG, this isn't safe for ANYONE! They could kill a kid, just by hugging it!"
Clearly uncomfortable the guy turned his head. "Mike, Vincent, while we're at costumes, where are yours?"
"It's in the saferoom, b0ss, I'll be ready in a minute."
"Mike, we are always looking at death machines, though I might should congratulate you for suppressing that memory. I'm envious, honestly."
"FUCKING FINE! My costume is the fucking disappointment of my mother, I'm wearing it twenty-four-seven."
Angrily he left the area, to check out the robots. If he had to life with them, he should at least know what he had to deal with.
Unwillingly he admitted silently that they were masterpieces. The fur and metal was perfectly used to catch and play with the light inside of the robots and gave them an eerie atmosphere, even when they stood still. The teeth had small lights between them, appearing like glimmer of fire sparks that had lost their way back into the robot.
Curiously Mike slowly reached inside the monsters mouth, hoping that Bonnie wouldn't have a hissy fit and checked the insides out. Even there were careful placed spikes and edges. What use it brought was a mystery though, since you wouldn't be able to see them.
Afterwards he felt the fur (soft enough to feel like a real animal) and the strength of the metal (far more than needed). While feeling the hands, he noticed tiny carvings. He turned said hand and found a small signature.
'All your friends used to run away
on your favorite fright filled day
but if all you want to do is play
I will be the one to stay'
'- For William Afton. Happy Halloween! '
So, this was premade... huh. For one of the previous maker of the animatronics.
What a sick guy that must have been.
He still is.
Nausea hit Mike once more, as his brain tried to split itself in two halves. "W-who is there?!"
Silence, the same sound sucking silence as before. There wasn't NOTHING here, no, it was something that drained every piece of air and light out of the room.
Uncomfortable he returned back to the main-area, where Jeremy had joined the party and admired his newly costumed co-worker.
"Wow, Mr. Phone Guy, your scars look so real! Is this Frankenstein's Monster? It looks amazing! And M- Vincent! Are you a vampire? You look so scary and elegant!"
"I'm not only a vampire, I'm a COMMUNIST vampire, who makes even more communist vampires! Terrifying, isn't it? Looking snazzy yourself, I have to admit... nice touch with the hair."
This was stupid.
"Enough with the cocksucking! I see a regular fucking Freddy-Nightguard, a colorblind kid that found mommy's wardrobe and a fucking furry!"
"I-I'm a werewolf! A-and what's even wrong with b-being-"
"Like I said a fucking furry. Didn't you have better imagination than just to buy dog ears out of the next sex-shop and tape a tail on your ass?"
"I have you know that I made everything myself! And what about my leaf-decorated hair?! And the torn clothing?!"
"You look like a stripper who fell into a bush."
Vincent wriggled his eyebrow. "Something you seem to be an expert on!"
"Fuck you."
"Employees. Please. Jeremy, shall we turn on the pumpkins?"
"Oh yes! Vincent, Mike! We finished the carving last night and look! It came out great!"
Excited the young man ran for the kitchen and brought forth multiple pumpkins. Some showed eyes and sp00ky teeth, others showed the mascots, conveniently similar to what they were changed into, minus the jaws.
Kicking himself, Mike tried to show some positivity. "Wow and this is what you spend your night with? Worth it." At least he could use hidden sarcasm.
"Even though it was my first time doing something like that, it went so well!"
Now Mike was actually impressed. "Honestly? Your first time? Okay, you seem to have found your talent."
Jeremy glowed with pride and it warmed Mike's small black heart.
PG nodded in agreement, just as satisfied. "He is amazing with his hands! So concentrated and calm... if he wouldn't work here, I would say he could become a doctor!"
Vincent irritated interrupted. "Am I the only one who hears the sexual innuendos?" He was most certainly not prepared for two death stares at once.
"YES. Now (fucking) hush it!" Phone Guy and Mike said almost in full synchrony.
Insulted pouting followed as the Guard left to the entrance. "Well, you don't have to get so angry, it's just a joke! Imma open the doors now, if that is alright with you."
"Fine, I doubt that there will be someone already though..." As the Phone caught Mike's confused glance, he stared to explain. "On this special day, Vincent is the perfect man to greet the customers. He will also be allowed to tell stories... under my supervision of course."
"No wonder he was this excited. It's basically a get-out-of-jail-free card for him, am I right? He can almost do whatever he wants."
"Not exactly... but close enough."
This wasn't the most insuring answer, so he rather followed Vincent, than letting him run wild. His worries were only strengthened as he saw that the psycho was sitting and cackling to himself.
Silently he stood beside him, pretending to only study the special activities for today.
-Hide and Seek with Freddy and Bonnie – Better be careful, or you'll be taken! (14-15 o'clock)
-Scary stories with Chica and Foxy – for a night without sleep! (15-16 o'clock)
-Catch with Foxy and Bonnie – the loser gets eaten! (16-16:30 o'clock)
-Free interaction/Special requests. Ask your scary friends anything! (17-18 o'clock)
The legality and safety was... questionable at best, but why should he care?
All of a sudden Vincent turned around. "Mike? Are you alright after your fall? Did you lose anything?"
Quickly Mike patted over his pockets. His keys, his wallet, his pills...
The pills.
A purple hand reached over, presenting the bottle. "You should be more careful... I assume these are kinda important for your life."
This was disgusting. If Vincent made a "prank" out of this, he promised himself, he would hide needles inside his opponent's lunch.
Slowly he accepted the bottle and returned it to his pocket. There was no way in hell he would take this kind of risk. Thankfully he still had another bottle inside his closet in the saferoom. So, time for a little stroll.
On his way there he passed the prize corner, where Matt stood in a clown costume.
On a good day, the prize corner had about ten customers. Today it would have none.
The real day began around one o'clock, when the first children started to wander in. Excited they screeched at the new costumes and the jack-o'-lanterns. Everyone ran for their favorite animatronics to marvel at their new look and slightly altered personality... and yes, they even pestered the Guards.
Jeremy was surrounded by other werewolves and nagged into playing with them.
Mike wished he would get a cent for every time someone asked him something costume related, or whenever he was forced to explain his clothing. It would make the experience less painful.
Phone Guy had mostly adults complimenting his appearance; kids were more worried than impressed.
And Vincent... Vincent was alone. The kids seemed to avoid him, or rather his smile. But it wasn't his fault... he was simply caught in the most beautiful of memories: Henry's first costume.
First his friend was dismissive, saying it was a waste of time to celebrate anything that wasn't success, but the next day he appeared, head to toe bloody, a bloody bag on his back.
The people around him applauded the impressive trickery and he explained them a fairly long recipe for false blood. Afterwards he wrapped his arm around Vincent to tell him that there was an actual dead body in his back, whose smell he had neutralized.
Henry was just the best.
What would Old Sport have done as costume? Maybe a pirate, seeing how he idolized Foxy. Or maybe they would have gone in matching clothes! As Death and his only defiant victim, the Zombie.
Dreamy he sighed, numbing the pain of his deficit by simply repressing it and living in his dream world.
While at repressing...
A more sinister thought crept in his head and his grin widened as he watched the already distressed Guard dealing with children and adults alike.
Curious what pills could do to your body. Better you don't take them at all.
His eyes started to wander around, noticing the huge gap between him and everyone else. This... this was probably because someone special was watching him.
Amused he snickered, wandering off to the prize corner. Matt only raised his eyebrow.
"Heya, Matt. I'll take over your shift, alright? So we can make at least SOME money."
This was a lie, but a superficial one out of courtesy and Matt knew and understood. He left the place without any words to him. Thank god for that.
The crowd was distracted by today's show. Perfect.
Softly he knocked on the box. "Puppet my dear, how you're doing on this beautiful day?"
William Afton. Your loneliness must be crippling on this day, on which you wanted to celebrate to your hearts content. But as the saying goes, I would prefer to be alone than in bad company.
"Why you gotta do me like this, sweetheart? I just wanna help you!"
So you finally made the decision to end your own existence. It is appreciated, even if I would prefer to rip the life from your body by myself.
"If I only could, my old friend. No, the matter is something else. I wanted to show you something... a little present for the machines tomorrow. You can't see it in your box and even if you could, you wouldn't understand it, but... it's a device capable to give your friends a voice!"
With a voice, you mean only another, slightly enhanced word program, which does nothing expect allowing pre-generated words to be said?
"Oh no, the real deal! Well, one little barrier so you won't tell our little secret, but it's good enough. I finally found out your secret my dear poopet and I'm ready for you to admit defeat."
You found your own secret Mr. Afton, but about me you are not any wiser.
"You're really stubborn for a dead kid, you know? Whatever. In that case, if you aren't surprised enough, let me tell you... this isn't a present in the Halloween-spirit, no it's a goodbye-present. I found a way to replace all your friends. I know I can't get rid of you, but I finally have the perfect plan to take away the last bit of power from you."
Replace... Whatever could you mean? They are ghosts; the endoskeleton would never be able to absorb another soul.
"There's the joke! No new souls in old bodies, new souls in new, ADVANCED bodies! Souls that understand the joy of creation... unlike you ungrateful brat!"
Understand the joy of creation... There is simply no possibility this would be achievable. No human child would ever follow a monster like you. If that was possible, how do you explain the eternal resistant of the five children?
"Who knows? They might encourage each other to this stupid decision. Well, you don't have to believe me... Actions speak louder than words after all. I'm gonna go now, it starts to get interesting around Mike! Bai!"
Satisfied he left his old nemesis and tried to find Mike. On his way he was distracted by the stories Foxy was telling. There was one about five children visiting a ghost ship. Ah, the pirate fox was adorable, always coming up the adventures he imagined himself and his friends to go on. Really, it was no wonder that Foxy attracted people... he was a dream catcher.
"Foxy, where is the part where the demon came to offer them immortality?"
The silence was answer enough. What an unthankful beast. Well, he would tell the story on his own then.
On the other end of the pizzeria was Mike having a bad day. Jeremy tried his best to cheer him up, but even his cheeriness didn't relieve the cold inside his fingers and the constant shuddering in his shoulders.
He had already taken one of his back-up pills, but the feeling simply didn't vanish, making him assume he was getting some normal kind of sickness. It was getting colder after all.
Slowly, but surely, Jeremy's good natured attempts at helping were even worse than the feeling itself, so he excused himself and wandered towards the main area. It was song time; the animatronics were singing and moving in their choreographed way, singing slightly more spooky songs than usual and glitching out here or there.
Someone tugged on his leg. It was a young girl with a Chica-mask. Why would she wear that at Halloween? It was fitting to him, but... some people just missed the point of Halloween.
"Yeah, what do you want?" If she would ask him why he wasn't wearing a costume, he would scream from the top of his lungs.
"E-excuse me... sir? Would you play with us?" She waved towards four other children, all wearing masks. One even wore a Fredbear mask, despite that being fairly old merchandise.
"How about no? Ask my co-worker Jeremy over there, he will gladly play with you."
The Foxy-masked one was jumping up and down, raging. "But we want to play with you!"
The Freddy-masked one tried to calm him. "Then we don't play. It will be fine."
"But I wanna play with him!"
Bonnie-mask weighed in, crocking his head to the side. "Maybe he is just scared of losing."
Mike was immediately set off. "Excuse me, who do you think you are?!"
"Bonnie the Bunny, the first one!"
He should have known better than to expect actual fucking answers from kids.
The one with the golden mask laid his hand on the shoulder of his friend and shortly took a look at Mike. His eyes were an odd shade of blue.
But the Foxy was the next one to attack the Guard. "Yeah, why don't you hide in your office, you... y-you're a LOSER, Mike!"
"FUCK YOU!" His anger was free of its usual bounds, but Mike kept it as a sort of motivation. "Fu- fine. What the fuck do you want to play?"
Excited the little girl started to jump up and down. "I wanna play cards! I'm very good at it!"
"No, no! We play hide and seek!"
"No, I want to play catch!"
The Freddy sighed and shook his head. "Excuse us for a moment."
All four went a few steps away, leaving Mike and the creepy one alone. In hopes of getting at least some kind of reaction from him, the Guard said the first thing that came to his mind.
"Your friends are stupid."
The blond boy kept serious eye contact, but started to smile.
"So are you. But I still like all of you."
Before Mike could think of any kind of response, the group returned. "We have decided!" Declared the Bonnie to them. Freddy only shook his head again, before explaining their idea.
"We play a simple game, where you have two cards, the king and the joker, and have to get the king, to keep your seat. If you get the joker, you get ten seconds to hide and have to run away or hide for at least three minutes."
"That sound unnecessary complicated."
"It is, my friend, it is."
The Chica only giggled. "I think it sounds like great fun! But I have to warn you... you will never be able to catch me, because I'll never be the one to be chased!"
Bonnie was for one more time an evil mastermind. "Hey, if you're so sure about, how about we bet?"
Mike felt the need to intervene. "Gambling and betting aren't-"
Foxy had already jumped up. "YES! Two get to bet about the players and the two players bet against each other! Let's bet on sweets! Thing is that the Joker can steal sweets, I mean you can say: I will get the Joker and take five of your candies and if you're right you get them! But only if you get away!"
That seemed unfair to Mike, as he glanced at the hardly ever moving Goldy and the more fragile Chica. But, well, he was the adult, it wasn't his job to keep the world fair.
Surprisingly everyone agreed and the game began.
After ten minutes Mike had lost all of his sweets to Foxy. That fucker was fast as shit.
Chica, as promised, was only chased once by Bonnie, who tricked her.
Fredbear was the best at hiding; his stacks of sweet had also increased impressively.
Freddy wasn't too keen at it, he got tired of the game quickly and began to only watch.
The Guard wasn't sure if he had fun or if the sickness had already drained him of his ability to be pissed off. Of course, the glances of the other customers were still annoying, as they were watching him hiding, but he could forget about them rather well.
After fifteen minutes, Mike noticed a strange man wandering in slow circles around them. It wasn't obvious, he moved at a snail's pace, but it became increasingly more suspicious, the more often he saw him.
At first he thought it was Vincent, but the hair and skin was more of a pinkish color and the hair was smoother and shorter.
The kids seemed to have noticed him too, as they went quiet and stopped playing. Softly they murmured with each other, staying close.
The air felt oppressively hot and heavy, running through his throat like lava.
"W-who is this? Do you know him?"
The children only eyed him a frightful, staying silent.
Every little hair on his arms stood up, once the man decided to stop the mockery and stepped to their table.
"Children, the playtime with the animatronics begins shortly... you should be at the stage, should you not?"
"Who are y-you?!" His voice wasn't supposed to crack, but he couldn't help it, his air supply was lacking right now.
The pink guy only smiled at him with a black smile. "Thank you, Mr. Schmidt, for taking care of them, I truly appreciate it, but they are not allowed to miss this event."
Mike felt anger desperately fighting back against his tensed up body. "So... and you can just decide that, huh?"
"Why, of course I can, they are mine after all."
"All five of them?"
"All of them."
"T-that is ridiculous! You're probably a sick pedo, or-" He choked on his own words as he shivered like a maniac and his body burned up.
"I understand you did not mean to insult me like that, but I would strongly advise for more care in the future. I would never scoop down to this level of sickening perversion and I hold my principals as high as my pride. Now you shall be excused, since your boss most likely will expect a well-crafted reply. Enjoy your evening, Mr. Schmidt."
He smiled once more, but his eyes were all black, nothing, no white dots, no shimmer of humanity and he brushed past him, TOUCHED him...
Pain split his body apart and his breathing didn't went back to normal until he felt hands holding him close. As his vision came back, he saw Phone Guy's dial in front of him.
"M-mike, are you alright?!"
"Yeah, just fucking peachy. I'm the fucking enbodiment of health..." With all his force he turned around to catch a glimpse of the terrifying monster roaming around in human skin, but the thing was already gone.
What if he never was there in the first place?
"Did something happen, Mike?"
"... No... No, it... was fine... I just need some water..."
"Take a short break in the saferoom, but tell me when you're back out, alright? Please, we need you around here."
"Fine, I'll be quick." Keeping a fast pace, he shortly checked the stage, but couldn't find the kids.
The saferoom was more haunting than usual, despite not being decorated in the slightest.
They are mine, all of them.
Five children in a saferoom, the knife goes round and round, oh, four children in a saferoom!
Didn't anyone SEE anything?
Mine. All of them.
Mike leaned against the wall, not able to keep himself upright. He felt sick to the core and despite knowing better, he swallowed another pill.
His breath steadied slowly and after five minutes he felt ready to return to the main area. For some reason he was searching for Vincent. Maybe because he was a great distraction.
Or should he look for Matt? Matt was most certainly creepy enough to cleanse his mind.
But the prize corner was empty.
Uncertain Mike slide into the cashier seat, wondering if he was told to take over and simply forgot.
How unlucky can one be, to meet a real devil in this sea of fake ones?
Where did that come from?! There wasn't anyone in sight...
But you tried to stand up to him! Futile, but brave.
"H-hello?! Who is there?!"
It is me, Mike. I am in the box. I have tried to reach you for a long time now...
"The puppet?" It was ridiculous and crazy. Nothing was right anymore.
Please, trust your own senses, instead of what the others depict as reality.
"That would be what I would say, if I were a hallucination."
But thankfully I am not. I am impressed you can hear me. Normally I need to invest an excruciating amount of energy to get through the box as well as through the head.
"Maybe the normal are just not insane and that's why they can't hear you."
For an insane person, you appear fairly calm. Now, I would like you to open the box and set me free. I have to stop a killer.
"Yeah, right! You're the killer in this story! REMEMBER TRYING TO KILL JEREMY?!"
Stop screaming at a present, Mike, people are watching. And yes, I of course remember. But it was for the greater good.
"Yeah, nah, fuck yourself. You're just a suicidal hallucination of mine. I'm not stupid."
I beg you, the person you know as Vincent is a psychopathic serial killer who killed countless children to satisfy his mindless need for death! We have to stop him and close this cursed restaurant chain! Lost souls are haunting the suits; why else would the robots aim to kill? You have seen them, Mike! You simply cannot act as if it was not your reality.
"Ha-ha, yes, of course, I'm working with a serial killer. Just because someone is fucked in the head, sadistic and ignorant, doesn't mean they are the devil incarnate. Fucking hell... I'm fucking off now, to kick his ass. Never talk to me again."
Two kids.
Just before Mike could leave his seat, the puppet said it.
The five children missing may be the most prominent and recent tragedy, but it started with two kids. Two little boys who followed the promise of adventure. They were tortured to death, because the killer thought that was how he could get what he wants. He wanted to transfer life from body to metal, from child to machine. It worked. Years later they tried it again, more... ethical this time. One of the undead children helped them, hoping that if there were more machines; there were more chances to kill the murderers.
"Undead children, helping a murderer. Yeah, I'm healthy. Let me tell you something: Either you're my imagination and therefore untrustworthy, or you're the demon that would kill mercilessly, if the music wouldn't sedate it. Whatever the truth is, I have two words for you: Fuck. Off."
Is this your last answer? Well then, you shall regret it soon. You will not stand between our happiest day.
Not caring about the other people anymore, he sprinted out, trying to find and strangle Vincent. Not because he was a killer, but rather because he had switched his medication.
That was just despicable.
From the stage came mild screaming, as the animatronics were slowly tearing their heads off to reveal their endoskeletons. Why PG was allowing that, was a mystery on its own.
Finally Mike found the purple Fuck, who had gathered his own crowd of kids that were listening with their teeth shattering. Apparently it was a story.
"So the demon said to the two boys; "If you want to know the secret of life, you will have to follow me through death!" The older one wanted to decline, yet his younger friend already took the hand of the strange creature. Without any other choice, the boy followed his executioner into the dark."
As Mike closed in, ready to interrupt, the world shifted and there the pink guy was again, leaning behind Vincent on the wall, listening and watching. Their eyes met and the black smile crept back onto the beings face. Slowly it raised a finger and put it in front of his lips, warning him not to interrupt the scene.
The air began to burn once again, as his muscles slowly stopped in their tracks-
No, fuck you.
No, it could fuck itself, he wouldn't give in!
Who did he think he was?! Some kind of demon? A higher being? NO, IT WAS JUST A SHITTY HALLUCINATION! FUCK HIM! FUCK OFF!
He now stormed into the small crowd, ready to punch the air. "YOU! YOU LITTLE-"
"Mike?" Vincent smiled brightly at him, positively surprised. "I was just telling the kids a story of my friend, the devil! Would you like to join?"
"We need to talk. NOW."
"Geez, you look BAD... is something the matter?" His grin shifted into a more provoking one. It didn't falter, even as he was dragged along into the one room you could secretly murder someone in.
"I didn't change your pills. If you see some spooky stuff, what's the matter? It's Halloween! Maybe some ghost are haunting you!"
The Purple Guy was actually surprised. This amount of anger, this radiating hatred was not what he was expecting. God forbid, he had plenty enough rage for two people! This sickness of his was no joke. For the sake of soon getting back out to the scary sounds and glowing jack-o'-lanterns he revealed his trick.
"I gave you back your bottle of pills, but I changed the pills inside you locker to sugar pills for my drinks."
The shivering Guard reopened his locker, the other bottle of pills and took three at once. Now he leaned against the wall, slowly breaking down into himself.
Vincent couldn't help, but smile at this sight. It was adorable. Made him almost want to pick him up and carry him to safety.
Reality turned into a hazy cloud, as he imagined Old Sport being that fragile and terrified. Somewhat he wished he would have played a little with him before he made his offer. But well, honesty was the most important part of a relationship and that was more important than this small satisfaction. That and the fact that the fucking Phone could have used the mental instability just as much.
Reality returned in form of Mike's soft murmur. "Why the hell does anyone have sugar pills? Get your fucking sugar out of the kitchen, you numbnut."
"I'm not allowed in the kitchen, remember? And I thought you wouldn't need it."
Fevering Mike looked up to the purple guard. Was that the face of an innocent man, who was just a little stupid and self-absorbed?
No. Vincent knew he would change bottles. This was all a set-up. But if he now would try to blame Vincent, the Guard would only need to deny it and would be golden.
Who was laughing now? No one.
This wasn't a prank anymore, this was a direct attack.
Painfully a smile stretched over his face. "You're gonna pay for this. Now leave. I need time alone."


What?! Six thousand words already?! What the heck?! I just wrote it in like... two sittings?! FREAKING HELL, YOUR COMMENT MADE ME WRITE LIKE ON STEROIDS! You're actually magical, dear Anon ;3

Not all too spooky, but hey, I've got a demon, six ghost, one serial killer and one mental illness in one chapter! If that isn't scary, I don't know what is. By the way, does anyone know what's about Vincent and communism? Is it a running gag, or should I know better?
Happy Halloween! I hope you have some nice costumes and LOST OF FUN!

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