Business as usual

So, the narration was always a big problem of mine. Maybe you noticed that the narration slightly changes, depending on the narrated character (if not, it's perfectly fine). With Old Sport it now goes off the rails and I'm unsure if that's acceptable. Tell me if you mind or if it's okay.7


Phone Guy's way to work appeared longer than usual. Every step brought a feeling of dread with it, memories of horrendous deeds happening at Freddy's and the continuous question who was to blame for them.
He heard of Phone Guys who went batshit insane and harmed themselves and people around them. He was told it was due to faulty wiring. A lie he told far too often himself to believe.
Sometimes the metal-headed manager wished he could talk to those "insane" versions of himself. The higher-ups strictly prohibited any contact with them, a stupid rule considering that they were usually dead the moment they turned.
It was weird how he distinguished some of the Phone Guys from the others, despite sharing memories with most of them... which of his memories were even his own? Was he the guy who worked with Old Sport and Dave in the previous restaurant, or did he only share the memories? Who the hell was he?!
Step by step, keep going forward.
You're not alone after all, not this time, not this version.
Breath in, breath out. This time will be different. You are different. You can fix all of this.
At least that was what he was forced to believe, if he didn't want to be another version with "faulty wiring".
To his slight shock, there was someone waiting in front of the establishment. Jeremy turned and his face turned into an exclamation mark.
"Mr. Phone Guy! I didn't understand anything you were telling me yesterday! What happened? Are Freddy and his friends alright?!"
Jeremy was most likely the only person who ever asked that question.
"The... the Toys were damaged. We had to ship them back to their factory."
"OH NO! All of them?!"
"... The puppet is probably fine."
His whole face lit up in relief. "At least! The puppet wouldn't even remotely deserve such a fate... God, I really miss them already... without them the place looks so empty."
"But on the other hand, it's good that they won't bother you and Mike at night anymore!"
This boy... would make a great Phone Guy. The euphemism were down to a point!
"Let's get in, employee, we have to tidy the restaurant a bit, I fear."
Good hearted the Guard checked out the stage, where the other robots were quietly bickering at each other.
"I'm so glad the old models weren't harmed! What would we be without Freddy and his crew?"
"Probably a lot more sane."
Goddammit, Mike started to rub off on him. "Oh, it was a small joke! You know, since they are such troublemaker!"
Confused Jeremy tilted his head and smiled insecure.
They've worked for only half an hour until the door was kicked open violently.
"I'M HERE!" Mike had bags under his eyes and the demeanor of a dog with rabies. Phone Guy immediately dropped all he was doing.
"Mike! W-what happened?! Do you feel alright?"
"I hate children, especially the kind that WAKES YOU UP AT FIVE AM! FUCK THEM! FUCK EVERYTHING!"
The manager softly touched the shoulder of his friend and signed him to sit down. "Don't worry, you could rest the day, since you are taking the nightshift anyway..."
"I BETTER can! I'd probably be the next fucking serial killer, if I don't get some sleep soon."
"Please... don't make jokes about that..."
"Why the fuck not? Imagine, you and me, on the run, fighting police, killing every stupid person on the planet!" With that he grabbed PG around the shoulder and dragged him next to him, pointing towards an imaginary horizon with his other hand. "We would be like Bonnie and Clyde, but actually competent."
"You... really haven't slept a lot, have you?"
"I'm going to down a bit licorice from the prize corner, see you later."
"If you take that stuff you will die!"
"I sure hope so! If not, the sugar rush will keep me awake for the next twenty hours."
Shaking his head the Phone watched his employee run off. Jeremy on the other hand was getting a little irritated.
"U-uh... excuse me Mr. Phone Guy... D-do we really have deadly licorice in our p-prize corner?"
"Don't worry Jeremy, that would be weird, wouldn't it? It's a small inside joke of ours."
It was most certainly nice that Jeremy only paid attention to the things he wanted to hear.
At point twelve o'clock, together with the regular customers, Old Sport entered the place. The war began. Maybe. Probably. Keep your cool, you're the boss. You can fire him.
Old Sport only breathed deeply in. "OH BOI, I SURE LOVE WORKING IN DEATH SUITS!"
"Good, we here at Freddy's like to hear that. The suits are in the backroom, I don't want to catch you without one today."
His eyes glowed dimly in the darkness of their holes. "Are you SURE about that, Phoney...? Those suits are easily... exploitable."
"Indeed they are. You should be careful to NOT nudge any bolts, yes?"
There the bright smile was back, as he winked. "I'll keep it mind. Where's Dave by the way?"
"Shouldn't you know that better than me?"
It didn't make him happy, but he nodded. "Fine, I guess as long as he's not here, I should earn me some tokens, right? So I don't starve."
It was more worth it to first earn tokens and afterwards wearing the suit, after all he'd be better off only changing into the Fredbear costume when he had a useable tool that could ensure he wouldn't immediately die while climbing in. Making money without fleshlights was quite a feat, but not impossible, there still was Breadbear 7392 and loose tokens on the ground.
BUT, if you really wanted to get to the big money, you sure were right to do some DEATH-MATCHES! As the etiquette demanded he positioned himself right in the middle of the place and got his Taser ready, before screaming at full volume the best insults he could imagine.
"Prepare to die you orange bastard!"
With that the bear charged right at him, ready to go for his neck. NOT TODAY THOUGH! AS ALL STAR STARTED TO PLAY IN THE BACK OF HIS MIND, HE ASSUMED THE MOST POWERFUL OF FIGHT POSITIONS: THE DOUBLE-ROLL. Quickly he stepped aside, the crowd cheered, a cheering that got louder as he did the world famous double-knee-face-Taser, right as the bear turned around. He screeched, but managed to throw him off, against a wall of screaming kids, who shoved him right back into the ring. Freddy once more manage to beat him down, drawing the black liquid that replaced his blood so long ago, but with THE POWER OF MEMES he healed his wounds and finished the animatronic with the legendary electric-double-cross. Swiftly he bowed towards the kids and collected his payment for beating up the machine. This time it were hundred tokens, most certainly worth those few minutes.
Alright, that about twenty times more, wouldn't even take up half an hour, and then it was time to go and visit Matt.
On the other end of the place, two Guards watched him closely. "Is he actually fucking triggering the animatronics to attack him, just to earn a few tokens? What about the possibility that they break his neck?!"
"Don't mind it, he did it at the old location ALL THE TIME. It's fine with me, since it not only prevents him from attacking anyone, but the robots as well."
They kept watching the death battles that were going on. "Christ, the kids are pretty into that, aren't they?!"
"Yes, I might need to advertise this more."
A few fights later, Old Sport carried the heavy heap of tokens towards the prize corner. "Heya Matt, remember me?"
"How could I, you killed about five hundred kids or something."
"Don't believe everything you hear, it was far less. I see you are still a virgin!"
"Some things never change... here, I want a sturdy hand crank, a bit licorice, the wrench, a lighter, the Foxy-shaped grabber, the diving mask, the guitar, the microphone and..." Carefully he eyed the cigarettes. "Ah, whatever, that's enough."
Without any further interaction needed, the Orange Guy equipped his hand crank and left towards the saferoom.
He changed into his suit and grinned. It felt so good being alive.
Sincerely excited he stepped into the main hall, ready to perform and lo and behold, a gaggle of childer appeared!
WHAT DO!? Should he tell them a new interactive story?! Should he make them vanish like the great magician he was? He hadn't any fireworks or cigarettes... Should he interact with them as Spring-Freddy?!
Before he could open his mouth, he felt the Phones iron stare in his neck. Maybe he shouldn't...
DO A FLIP! Eh, that would kill him.
Jokes were prohibited and all in all...
Interactive story it was!
"Hey children! U WANNA KNO ABUT THE TIM FRUDDY WENT 2 SPACE?!?!?!??1!!ß!!!???!11?!?!"
"No, Spring-Freddy." They answered in their robotic synchronized voice.
Token hit him right in the face. Ungrateful bastards.
"Please stop, Spring-Freddy."
"You mean I should... Astro-NOT?!?!?!"
Welp, was it worth it? Dying a horrible death, just to pun?
"I accept my pun-ishment, dear Phoney."
Most certainly.
"If you're so keen on making jokes, how about I tell one? Knock, Knock!"
"I know that one already..."
"Really, in front of the children? You psychopath."
"They already suffered through your puns, they are traumatized for live anyway."
But before they could continue, Mike wandered over. "Hey, Orange, here are your raisins."
Old Sport watched his boss freeze in his movement and began to grin like a maniac. "You're the best thing that ever happened to the restaurant Mike! Let's go over to the ball pit, I want to show you something special in return!"
"W-we aren't done here, employee..."
"Yes we are! Come on Mike, you will love it!"
Irritated Mike glanced between his friend and the Orange Guy back and forth, but since PG stayed silent, he shrugged and followed the Odd Guy.
At the edge of the groundless pit, filled with colorful balls from hell, they stopped and Old Sport pulled out a bit licorice and threw it into the pit without any word. A few second passed, then a mighty flash blinded Mike for a second. As he opened his eyes back up, he saw five children holding hands, a demonic glow in their eyes.
"We are the ungrateful toddlers. We demand more licorice."
"Christ, you got greedy over the last year." He handed over more of it and they swallowed it.
"You appeased us. What is your wish, my child?"
"DRUGS. I want DRUGS."
"What the fuck?!"
"Give us 500 Tokens and your wish shall be granted."
"Here's your filthy drug money."
"Go die in a pit. We hope you overdose and never return, you orange zombie-bear-hybrid."
With that a package filled with a white powder fell out of the sky and the children vanished. Shortly Mike rubbed his eyes, attempted to say something, but closed the mouth immediately. After a minute the Guard only said this. "I always expected drugs to be more expensive."
"Well, NOT here at Freddy's! Here, you can have it, as thank you for the raisins! If a cop ever wants to bother you, just let him have a line, he won't touch you afterwards. But isn't this AMAZING?! You can get SO MANY things from here! I even payed them to dropkick Phoney once or twice... it was so much fun!"
His conversation-partner weighed the package inside his hand. "Are you trying to frame me?"
"Why? I like you! And you could always frame me as well, so it would be stupid of me to ever try to get the police on your case."
"I consider overdosing on this."
"Won't work, not with you. Ah! While, we're talking about that, did ever someone close to you die?"
"What the fuck is that kind of question?!?!"
"So yes, great, mother or father?"
"Do you want to get punched?!"
"Actually no...?"
"B-but my RAISINS!"
The raisins were also thrown right into Old Sport's face, probably breaking his nose, but at least they weren't heavy enough to trigger the sprinlocks, so everything was k.
Silently he asked himself what the fuck Dave was thinking, not appearing like this, it made him goddamn suicidal. Whatever, he could deal with that, right? Dayshift was fun. Freddy's was fun. That was why he was here.
Phoney was watching him closely, keeping the children safe. As if he'd do something like that as longs as Dave wasn't here. Ah, poor Phoney probably wouldn't understand that, right? Let's go and get him to calm down!
Or should he get out of his suit first? Wearing the suit around his boss was dangerous.
What gives, he might as well just go and play with the robots. They were the only one he could count- oh wait, right, after saving their souls he was left to choose between rot in prison and dying in a springlock suit, because they never gave a shit.
Past is past though, so time for a fresh start! First item on the agenda: Time to tweak Freddy's music!
Yeeeeees.... The sweet sound of a rickroll! The microphone was tempting him, but he wanted to greet the other machines as well.
Next one! Time to devour Chica's oven-ba-
Chica winked at him, wiggling her hips in the process. Then she opened her giant maw and revealed an unhealthy amount of teeth.
Fine, he preferred Foxy anyway. Now he could...
"Mr. Orange Guy? Is that really you?" Freddy tilted his head. "It has to be you, after all, who else would unironically play this song on my box?"
A few seconds he simply stared. That was quite unusual. "That's what you remember about me?! The music?! I literally just bashed your head in!"
"You aren't the only one in the restaurant who does that."
"But rickrolling is the best thing ever! I can't be the only one doing that!"
"Nope, no one would do that, times have changed. You're the only regular rickroller in this state I think..."
Bonnie turned, quite annoyed. "There's more to him than only that! He was the one that found my face! Twice, I might add!"
"Ah, right...?"
"I swear to god, Freddy, if you had any less brain, you would literally not be able to distinguish children from pizza."
"Maybe I would recognize him if he wasn't wearing the skin of my cousin."
"Shut it, how can you two be related? Why are you even the leader of this gang?! I'd made a better job. FOXY would make a better job and he's a wuss."
Fascinated Old Sport listened. They appeared sentient, but weren't children... at least not fully... they talked in-character. What did Dave do to them? "Stop fighting, it's alright. I'm the rick-roll-man!"
Before he could continue and begin to shout the lyrics of the song, he saw the Phone coming over out of the corner of his eyes. Yeah, the suit was most likely not really good for this situation...
As quickly as hundred pounds of metal would let him, he walked towards the saferoom and stripped himself of the sentient torture device. But he knew he would wear it soon enough again. Fredbear knew it too.
Ha, ha.
So, there were a few things he could do. For one, there was the other Guard in the building, who he hadn't seen yet, he also could take a look at the inside of the animatronics, in hopes of finding whatever giving them their upgrade, or he could pester Mike and Phoney some more. The raisins were for when he was back home.
Roll the dice, whoever comes first gets a dose of FUN!
It wasn't even one o'clock yet, he will be dead in less than an hour.
The main area was filled to the brim with customers, talking and laughing, the children were everywhere. Odd, after the Toys were destroyed, people should be disappointed and stay away...
A group of children ran around him, trying to not get caught by each other. One of them was too wild and pushed his friend into Old Sport, who tried to catch him.
"Be more careful, my lad, or captain Foxy might come here and throw you off the plank!"
"Foxy can eat my shit!"
Wow. The children haven't changed at all. Slowly he leaned forward. "That isn't nice to say... if YOU were captain Foxy, how would you react if someone would say that about you?"
"I would not threw them off the plank, I would HOOK THEM ON THE CEILING! Foxy is no real pirate!"
"Good, that's great...! I'm sure you would be a GREAT Foxy..." Okay, Old Sport, the hell are you doing, this isn't going the right direction at all, what was wrong?! "Hey, do you know about the SECRET room of Freddy's? Where they all relax and have fun together?"
"Nooo...? Where is it?!"
Stop, this wasn't what he wanted, especially not without Dave, what would be his reasoning, he couldn't just go off the grid and kill more kids without his partners agreement, why even, it would-
"Well, when you go to Freddy, there is-"
"EMPLOYEE? What are you talking about?"
The excited kid was almost screaming. "He wanted to show me where Freddy's secret hide out is!"
Phone Guy felt his fingers crack under the pressure he put them on. If the Guard would still be wearing his suit, they wouldn't even need to carry on the conversation and could simply end it here, together with his life. Aggressively he grabbed him by the collar, attempting to shake him, but let him loose after seeing his expression.
He looked terrified. His eyes were flickering.
"P-phone Guy... I- I am sorry, I o-only wanted to... teach him... to... not run a-and not insult... Foxy... I don't know what... I can't... help... it..." With that he quickly vanished into the crowd, breathing as slowly as possible.
H-how odd. Nothing serious though. It was his boredom. What else? Just a game, just to get the Phone a little peeved... there was nothing wrong.
Ha, as if he ever would go around killing kids. He never even touched the kids the first time around. It was Dave's job to do the honors...
Coward. Filthy-
Calm yourself! How about a nice song to get him back on track? No need to worry about the customers surrounding him, they would need to deal with his singing.
"I'll be your friend, right to the end!"
Shocked he turned towards the loud answer and saw another Guard standing there, brimming with joy. He had brown curly hair, a sign for a face and was quite short.
And he knew the lyrics of the Fredbear and Friends song. This was fate. After all this time, finally, the duet shall commence.
On one knee now he stretched his arms to the Guard. "Take it away, my friend~"
"I'll be your friend, right 'till the end! JOIN THE PARTY!"
"Don't be afraid, we'll find a way! JOIN THE PARTY!"
"Follow the pack, we'll have a blast! JOIN THE PARTY!
"I'm here for you, we'll make it through! JOIN THE PAAAAARTY!"
The Orange Guard picked Jeremy up and swirled him around. "FINALLY! A DUET! AFTER ALL THIS TIME!"
Sheepish giggles came from the younger one, but he didn't struggle against the hug. "Haha, could say the same thing! Most other people always look at me weird when I start to sing..."
"Why?! You have the PERFECT voice for that song!"
He only shrugged and straightened his hat, now that he was put back down. "Who knows...? Probably it's just that I'm distracting them... I'm Jeremy by the way, nice to meet you!"
"You can call me Old Sport, everybody does. I was hired on last Friday."
"Oh, that's great! A new face is always a good thing!"
"Even if it is as... questionable as yours?!?"
Jeremy laughed once more, even though it was unclear if it was out of pity, because of the joke or caused by the violent eyebrow-wiggling that was going on.
"What are you guys doing?"
Arms were wrapped around each of them, resting lightly on Jeremy and gripping into Old Sport's shoulder so tightly that he squeaked. Mike had raised an eyebrow at him, apparently not pleased with them interacting.
"Mike! Mr. Old Sport just told me I was a good singer!!"
"Please, don't call me Mister, alright? I can feel myself age just by hearing that."
"Oh, sorry Old Sport..."
Mike dragged him away. "Jeremy, do me a favor and check up on Foxy, I'll be there in a minute." After the smaller Guard vanished he continued. "If you do anything bad to him, I can't guarantee you ever getting out of here."
"You're getting easily triggered, boi. Do I look like a pedophile to you? You might be one, but I wouldn't touch him with a ten inch pole, my criminal record is far too long anyway."
The stare he got was most certainly worth it. Everything was worth potential death, when death was meaningless in itself.
The eyes of the aggressive Guard narrowed and he looked around.
"You look kinda depressed... just HANG in there, CUT all the negativity out of your life, I'll even show you the ROPES for that!" It was not more than a quiet murmur.
Of course, Old Sport started to laugh. "MAD advice you're giving here! Honestly, it's REVOLUTIONARY!" Mike rolled his eyes, but didn't react any further, so the Orange Guy kept talking. "Thank you... I actually feel a lot better now. How did you tell I was feeling down?"
"Your eyes do this weird flickering thing, I simply guessed."
"Didn't know I had a fellow pun-lover in here!"
"For the record, there's nothing I love, I just hate certain things less than others."
Grinning Old Sport nudged him. "So, tell me, who do you hate less, Jeremy or Phone Guy? You seem to have both of them quite close to your heart..."
Mike wasn't quite sure how to react. Was it really worth to get angry about that? What would he gain from an answer? How did he even get from puns to... that? Was he retarded? That was probably it. "Don't you have anything better to do?"
"The private typ, huh? Well, it doesn't matter, I'm really just bored... I mean, it would probably be fun to set you up, finally give me the feeling that I did something good and turn this whole place into a dating-"
There was no number tiny enough to describe how long it took for Old Sport to change places and it made Mike consider that he might was hallucinating again, since he simply vanished.
"DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVE! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" He pushed everything in his away aside and jumped at the son of an aubergine. "I almost died about three times already, what were you doing?!"
Dave was swaying back and forth, looking not that good. "Maaaking... a present for ya! Haven't ssslept in two dayzzzz... ain't that bad tho! Look at it! AAAAAAAAaallll foooor you...!"
With that he held a quite big present out for him. Carefully Old Sport accepted it, before Dave could fall over.
"Didn't I tell you NOT to overdo it? Now I have to worry about you again... What's in there?"
The Purple Guy didn't even reacted that much, instead started to lean onto him, almost making both of them tumble. "Have to look! Don't open around thoooose ssssstupid robots... they might ffffuck it all uppp..."
The Orange Guy carefully maneuvered them towards a bench and sat them down, accepting the weight of the guy leaning onto him, keeping the box on his lap. Shortly he checked for the robots, but they were on the stage, only Phone Guy was rushing towards them.
"Shh... Dave is resting! And I don't know...? He just gave it to me!"
"Open it."
"It's none of your business! MY present!"
"There could be something dangerous in there! I will NOT stand for this!"
Jeremy and Mike were now strolling towards them. "Eyo, the fuck are you doing there?"
"Mike, stay away, this is probably dangerous!"
"C'mon b0ss it's just a little present for me, stop making a big deal out of it!"
Jeremy excitedly jumped next to them. "A present? How nice! What is it?!"
Dave groaned and open his eyes back up. "Could.... You all fugging chill? It's for Old Sport, of course it is dangerous, just like everything else in this place and you can go away now and have a nice day, it would involve you shoving a dragon dil-"
"Employee, no lewd words in this restaurant!"
"Shut the fuck up Phoney, we are all swearing here, so how about you go to the fan in the office and stick your dick into it, chopping it off as brutal as possible, you don't need it anyway, since your wife is a programmed lie and no one else would ever want to get fucked by you."
The amount of spite in his words were actually enough to shut up the whole group. Except Mike.
"How about you stick your aggression up your ass, you useless piece of purple shit, was that necessary to be that fucking rude without reason?! I see the fucking irony so before you fucking say anything, I'M AWARE, but at least my rage is FUCKING righteous and not meant towards someone who is simply trying to keep the fucking place safe, so fuck you and kill yourself, you deserve to die in a fire."
Dave was of course already getting ready to response, but Old Sport wasn't in the mood for more swearing, especially since it always could end in the death of tens of thousands.
"OH GEE, I GUESS I'LL OPEN MY PRESENT, WHAT IS IN THE BOX?!" Curious he knocked against the wall of the present. To the surprise of all of them the knock was returned from inside of the box.
The smile of the Purple Guy wasn't reassuring either. Phone Guy tugged his two employees back and stood protective in front of them. They all stayed quiet as Old Sport slowly tugged away the lid.
A small white hand reached out of it, not bigger than of a small doll and as Old Sport reached for it, it grabbed onto him. Together with the rest of his hand, a small, mannequin-like figure, clothed in a ballerina tutu was revealed. She looked up at him and giggled.
Satisfied Dave threw the box off Old Sports lap to occupy the place with his head instead. Looking straight up to his friend, he grinned. "That's a Minireena! I mean, you can give her another name, that's all I could come up with in my sleep-deprived haze. She's great, isn't she? I worked my ASS off! Make it more human! Make it prettier! All the time, this nagging... THIS CONSTANT NAGGING INSIDE MY MIND, HENRY WOULD HAVE DONE THIS BETTER, HENRY WOULD HAVE DONE THAT MORE! But, it was worth it, as always... she's quite special, as you will soon see! I'll tell you a bit more about her when we're home."
"Uh... she's on my face now, should I be worried?"
"Nah, it means she likes you!"
"One other question, it just so happen to pop up in my mind... you wouldn't have... per chance... installed a camera into her eyes...? Accidently, OF COURSE!"
"Ahaha, why would I make her a camera?! I already have one in every single room of yours, so it would be kinda unnecessary, wouldn't it?"
"Ignore what I just said."
"... Christ..."
Jeremy was amazed. "This is the cutest thing in the world! Did you make it?"
"Yes, indeed! ALL alone! I'm great, right?!"
Mike wasn't having any of it. "It looks like nightmare fuel... I wouldn't want to come close to this piece of shit, if- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!"
The little puppet was now on Mike's face, laughing continually. "GET IT OFF, GET IT THE FUCK OFF!"
Old Sport could only grin as well. "She isn't even doing anything! How about you say sorry to her first, maybe she will let you go."
This time she stopped laughing and let herself be peacefully taken off. Immediately she was back on Old Sports head and crawled around, laughing again as she was picked up by Jeremy and stood on his hand.
"You're beautiful, Minireena!"
She giggled and bowed towards him, hiding her mouth a bit shyly behind her hands afterwards.
"Oh, please, Vincent would you make me one too?! I would love to take her home with me!"
"Nah... maybe one day. But for now I'll need 'em."
"So there ARE more!"
"And yes, one day you can have one. Now let me sleep."
Gladly the boy played around with the Minireena, letting her use him as a climbing frame and hunt his fingers. The Orange Guy simply watched him, accepting that he was now obliged to stay here until his friend was ready to wake up again. Well, there were worse pastimes here at Freddy's. Dying for example.
The boss only looked at them, shaking his head. "He build an animatronic for you?"
"Well... yes? Don't worry, it's nothing weird, I grew out of yiffing animatronics a long time ago."
"Good for you."
"I doubt this thing would even be stable enough for that kind of thing. The dick would get in, with luck-"
"More than enough information, employee..."
"While we're at yiffing animatronics..."
Thankfully Jeremy was far too distracted and Dave was snoring, so there were only two guys weirdly glancing at Mike.
"Jesus, Mikey, would never have guessed that YOU were into that kind of stuff!"
"The fuck are you talking about? Ah, shut up it isn't even about you. PG, mind if we talk about something?"
They left the earshot distance of their annoying co-worker. The Guard appeared rather uneasy, his eyes were still baggy. "Listen, I... I have a favor to ask of you, please don't question me..."
The awkward nature of the conversation made the Head-Guard just as uncomfortable. "What... what is it? I'll try my best?"
Flustered the man turned away. "Just... don't ask. Do you have a folder with pictures of Toy-Chica on your account? Called PRON?"
"O...kay... There goes my faith. No, it wasn't Orange who told me about the folder, but... let's just get to the point, you have to delete it. Right now."
The poor guy hid behind his hands, deeply ashamed. "O-of course..."
It made Mike feel obliged to somehow soothe the distraught man. "I don't know what's on there, expect that it's weird and about Chica. I really don't want to know, believe me, I actually don't care, so get it together and chill out."
Silently he watched his boss drag himself away, wondering what exactly could be on that folder that made him this ashamed. Something filthy probably. Still, PG never strike him as the perverted type... when and why did he get those pictures?
On the other side, Sally was a kid and PG was quite prude, so there was a chance that they both simply overreacted. Keep on believing, Mike, or you might just lie down and die on the spot.
Speaking of dying on the spot, he should probably get some more sleep if he was supposed to survive the Nightshift.
Orange Guy was watching him, sighing disappointed as now two of the two interesting people in the building were sleeping. Jeremy had left to take care of the reception as well, so he was now alone with his new... toy? The little thing was dancing to itself, making graceful poses and holding them for a while, just to suddenly break out of it into a fluid movement.
After a while she looked up to him, hid her mouth behind her hands and giggled sweetly, swaying on the spot as if embarrassed. Curious Old Sport petted her. She hugged one of his finger and snuggled into it.
"You understand what I say, right?"
The small girl nodded excited and sat down, most likely expecting a longer conversation. Not only sentient, but smart as well.
"So... do you know what you are?"
Excited it made a pirouette and then flapped it's arms.
"A ballerina... bird?"
Firm head shaking.
"A... a fairy."
It jumped up and made some pretty poses to celebrate.
"You think... I mean, you ARE a fairy?"
Even happier nodding.
"Were you... always a fairy?"
She waved her hands, obviously not agreeing.
"Were you... per chance... a human before?"
Now there was giggling, a little slower than the ones before, but still in a good mood.
"... Did... he made you a fairy?" Slowly he signed towards Dave, who was sleeping peacefully on his lap. The Minireena nodded a bit, but didn't appeared too comfortable.
Lost in thought the guy started to stroke the soft hair of his friend. "Did he had to hurt you to turn you into a fairy?"
Her empty eyes met with his. But suddenly she nodded, still firm. So she knew. Now that wasn't the norm and quite dangerous as well.
"Do you want to take revenge?"
Breathless he watched every small twitch of the small ballerina. But she laughed. She giggled careless and shook her head.
"... you're a happy little fairy, aren't you? You're happy?"
Again she began to spin and dance again, laughing and jumping. Old Sport couldn't help but smile.
"Not only happy, but beautiful as well! Could you go and fetch me a pen? A thick, black marker? Make sure to stay away from the animatronics though, you know, giants don't like fairy folks after all!"
The little thing skipped away and returned after a few minutes, together with the requested item. Proudly she handed him the pen.
"Thank you a lot Minireena!" Swiftly he took the cap off and began to draw on Dave's face. Everything to pass time, right?
One sweet beard and #yiffed later, the Purple Guy finally woke up, rubbing his eyes.
"What are you doing there, Old Sport?" They shortly stared at each other, the open pen was still in plain sight. "You have exactly five seconds to run."
"OH GEE, IT'S ALREADY CLOSING TIME, SEE YOU TOMORROW!" Within the time limit he managed to escape out of the door, his brutal fate following right on his heels.
Confused Jeremy watched them leave, but decided against asking where they were going, since he had to quickly speak with his boss before they would be busy closing the restaurant.
Politely he knocked onto the office door.
Distressed and completely humiliated the Phone sat inside of the office at the end of the day, in front of the freshly wiped computer. Mike would never look at him the same again. He would never be able to talk to him like a normal human. Why did he even still had that stuff on his computer?! If he just had getting rid of it sooner!
Mike might had SAID that he neither know nor care about the images, yet he was most likely lying.
Life was over at this point. Maybe he should stay in here until midnight and hope for a quick death.
"Mr. Phone Guy...?"
No, not now. "Please Jeremy, go away..."
"It's just a short question..."
"The answer is yes. Do what you want."
"But I haven't even-"
"You will do fine, Jeremy, I believe in you. Go ahead, it will be alright."
"Are you sure that-"
"YES. If I trust someone with that, then it's you. Now would you mind leaving me alone...?"
"O-okay, sorry... I hope you will feel better soon..."
"Thank you Jeremy. See you tomorrow."
The young Guard left the office, heading straight to the prize corner. If his boss said it was fine, it was fine, he needed to trust his boss. Carefully he unlocked the padlock again and opened the box.
With much love and care he lifted the marionette out of it and placed it comfortable inside his backpack. It was burned and deactivated, some cables lay bare and the whole mask was blackened by soot.
"Don't worry dear puppet, I'll get you back into top form! Mr. Phone Guy allowed me to take you home! I wonder what happened to you... it probably was an accident, right? That's a shame, but sometimes these things happen. No problem, I will take care of you..."
Smiling he left the restaurant, excited to help his favorite animatronic and even more excited that he was trustworthy enough to repair such a complex creature.
As if he was carrying a fragile treasure, the young man slowly shouldered it and left for the day. After all, he still had quite a bit of work in front of him.


The repaired Minireena that got me inspired! I love this picture so much!
The original artist is ! CHECK THEM OUT, THEY'RE GREAT!


Can I count this as cliffhanger? If yes, I'm sorry ;)
There were many mood-swings in this chapter, is that annoying/confusing? I've heard that's quite the faux-pas, but it felt fitting for Old Sport... tell me your opinions! (I'd love me encouragement as well as criticism)

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