Bad times, good times, Funtimes

Honestly, just some banter: The song above is one of my favorite FNAF songs and my favorite Purple Guy song in general! I love the distorted, demented feel of the background "music", while the singing is in such a simple melody, reminding me of a children's song...
I think it hits the perfect balance between the childish side I like to imagine onto the Purple Guy, as well as showing of the narcissistic nature many serial killer share...
Fan-rant over! Enjoy the chapter!


For today, Old Sport had a GREAT idea! At five AM, he would break into the place and tamper with the security, watching whoever the Nightguard was getting chased around for an hour. It would be AWESOME.
Silently he sneaked towards one of the only places with windows, the bathroom and entered. Usually the animatronics were too focused on getting into the office, so as long as he didn't made too much noise, there shouldn't be a problem.
A minute later a completely different problem showed itself. There was no security guard. No one in the office.
Okay, fine, nah, watching someone getting stuffed was fine as well. Maybe he would be able to save him and get points for it! Something to use in the future...
As quickly as possible he sneaked towards the main area. What he saw there was kind of... weird.
Phone Guy sat crying on a chair, surrounded by the robots who were talking to him and petted his shoulder.
"Really, don't sweat about it, I'm sure he will forgive you!"
"I- I..." His words were constantly interrupted by hiccups. "I didn't know what else to d-do... w-was that so wrong?! I- I'm just trying to s-safe the l-little I still have left! THERE ISN'T MUCH WORTH LIVING FOR ANYMORE! I- I c-can't!"
Bonnie shrugged. "If Mike wants to be such an asshole, you just have to ignore him for a while."
Freddy nodded in agreement. "One dead human is better than two dead humans."
"B-but maybe Mike is right and I'm j-just terrible! I-if the puppet would have wanted t-to kill Jeremy, c-could we have s-saved him in the m-morning...?!"
"Nah, the puppet was never one to screw around. He would have eaten you guys alive, if he didn't had a better plan."
Now Old Sport was seriously curious. "Hey, Mr. Phone Man! Why ya crying?"
"E-employee! What are you doing h-here?! And... I'm... I'm not crying... I d-don't even have eyes!"
"Ah, we know each other for too long, I can see right through this lie."
At the word lie, the man began bawling again.
"U-uh... sorry... so, mind filling me in?"
"It's... just... Mike hates me..."
"W-what are you even talking about...?"
"I HAVE THE SOLUTION! WE'LL KIDNAP HIM! That's how people usually make up, right?"
"W-we aren't l-like you and Dave!"
"Dave never did that... as far as I remember. But in the stories I've read, it works!"
"NO! I won't kidnap ANYONE!"
"K, no prob, I'll kidnap him MYSELF and YOU save him!"
"I kidnap you together?"
"Please stop."
"Hey, at least give me some feedback! I can't leave you like this!"
"I consider suicide, but they refuse to kill me."
Freddy snorted. "I didn't, but Bonnie just HAD to ask him why he didn't close the door."
"He looked pretty down, I was worried!"
"Well, now we don't really have the heart to kill him. Or killing anyone honestly. At this rate we will never be freed."
Old Sport sat himself next to his boss. "C'mon Phoney, I'm sure one nice talk could fix it!"
"I pretended as if I didn't know why Jeremy wasn't there yesterday, even though I suspected that he took the puppet and died to it."
"Wow, that's pretty fucked."
"We'll get you two back together, I'll make sure of it!"
"I... I think I'd rather die. Leave Mike alone."
"You can't just go full suicidal on me! We need you here!"
"Wait... you hate me, at least a little, right?! Can you kill me?! Rip off my head! Snap my neck! Do SOMETHING!"
"Woah! Killing isn't something I do just like that! It's a PASSION!"
"Please... just do it for me!"
"No! Don't you have wife and kids you should stay alive for?"
Chica came in, munching on some chips. "Weren't we at that point like two hours ago?"
Old Sport winked at her, she winked back. Afterwards they returned to the conversation at hand.
"You can always change, Phoney! We count on you, you can't be this much of a crybaby!"
"I know, I know... it's just hard finding any motivation to ever stand up again."
"If someone can do it, then you! Sweep it under the rug, it's probably fine!"
A soft laughter sounded, as the man actually took the time to look at him. "That motto is old as heck! You've... been with the franchise for quite some time, I see..."
"But you knew that, didn't you? Back to your problem. Are you SURE you don't want me to get Mike in danger, so you can make it up to him?"
"... I'd... I'd prefer if you would let me try something normal first."
"BUT you aren't THAT opposed! Give me one word and I'll take care of it!"
"Thank you... I guess..."
"Nah, don't worry, I love to help!"
"And kill."
The Orange Guy rolled his eyes. "You'd do it too, if you knew you would get away with it."
Silence crept into the room, as the Phone Guy slowly became sleepy.
The others left towards the stage, giving the poor man some rest.
Intrigued the Dayshift-Guard began to pester the machines. "Hey, why aren't you all creepy and silent and deadly?"
"Should we be? Really, after the boss left, we didn't feel like it."
"The boss?"
"The puppet."
"Ah..." For a minute they paused.
The minute stretched longer.
What are you supposed to talk about with dead kids? He couldn't even talk to REAL kids!
"I'll be... back? Soon?"
"Just leave us alone, you orange turd."
"Wow. Cutting deep since 1987. See ya!" With that he left, his constant swirling mind already hungering for some sort of entertainment. It was one hell of an addiction.
Now, he COULD break into Mike's apartment. If he wanted to destroy the fragile trust that had possible built between them that was.
Or he could...
As he exited the pizzeria, he took his little girl out if the pocket.
"Hey, Minireena, I have a question!"
She giggled and climbed onto his shoulders, letting her legs dangle.
"Do you still remember where Dave lives? The Purple Guy?"
Excited she jumped up and started to sign towards a direction. Trusting her senses, he followed her into...
Quite the nice neighborhood!
Not where he'd expected a psychopath to live...?
Neat though!
As he stepped up the stairs of Minireena's chosen house, he remembered that he had literally no idea how to get in there. If he just finally learned how to pick those locks.
At least the door had a bell.
Which meant...
It opened to show a scuffled Dave, wearing an old shirt and having bags under the eyes, giving a deadly vibe. His annoyed expression immediately changed to pure bliss as he saw who the unwanted visitor was, because scratch the unwanted!
"OLD SPORT! YOU FOUND OUT ABOUT MINIREENA'S SPECIAL FEATURE! AND YOU CAME TO VISIT ME!" And just like that he was dragged in and basically thrown against the next wall. "I HAVE SOOO MUCH TO SHOW YOU! FINALLY YOU'RE HERE! FINALLY!"
Before the Orange Guard could show his own excitement, something attracted his attention. Apparently Dave just got himself a five o'clock snack, nothing too weird, an orange, which was in context a little weird, but... the orange had a huge chunk bitten out of it.
To iterate: Dave was holding an UNPEELED orange, out of which he had taken a FULL BITE.
"U-uh... Dave? Are you... angry at me?"
"What gave you that idea?" Smiling he took another giant bite out of the fruit. "I was actually missing you!"
"I see..."
"WHILE YOU'RE HERE! I can finally introduce you to my daughter!"
"Haha, good one!" They looked each other. "Wait, you're serious?!"
"Baby! Come over, I have a visitor for you!"
"A-and a wife?!"
"What are you talking about? I don't need a wife to have a daughter."
"B-but... you are male, aren't you?"
"Yes? Should I SHOW you?"
"NO. I just-"
"Who is it, father?" A cool, calm voice came from behind the door, before opening it. It came from a young girl, somewhere between teenage and child, with two red pigtails, white skin and-
That wasn't skin. It was clear, white colored metal.
The hair still looked eerily real.
Their eyes met, hers glowing in a bright green.
The hundreds of small plates shifted around, resembling a surprised expression almost perfect, just to change into one of joy.
"DAD!" Her voice sounded slightly higher, as she rushed over to Old Sport, hugging him tightly. It might was well-meant, but having a shit-ton of metal thrown against one's ribcage couldn't be healthy.
"E-excuse me?"
"Baby! Don't call him that on the first meeting!"
"But... didn't you tell me I could call him that?"
Orange Guy was feeling slightly overwhelmed. "I didn't consent to becoming a dad!"
"That's why I planned to explain it to you a little... more careful?"
"Why did you tell her I'm her dad anyway?!"
"Because... uh..."
The animatronic named Baby chuckled and showed Purple Guy her tongue, while walking out of the room.
Her creator growled. "She's quite something."
"I'm still waiting for an explanation!"
"Follow me, Old Sport. I'll tell you."
After they entered a rather hidden room and climbed down a well-hidden trapdoor, they ended up in an elevator, which activated upon a button press.
"Ya know, this wasn't really my home... even though I spent most of my time here. This is Henry's house and he had done more than a few... "Improvements" to it. You know, to be able to work on his machines... privately. A really secretive guy."
It began moving downwards.
"After his tragic end, I somewhat inherited it. No one else wanted it. So, the surprise I was talking about all the time? You've already guessed it, animatronics. BUT, don't be disappointed! They are VERY special! I might have overhyped it a LITTLE, but I'm still fairly proud of myself."
"Didn't you want to answer my question about me suddenly being a dad?"
"Okay, Old Sport, listen. I wanted her to become friendlier with me and even an old kid needs a family. So I told her we could be one!"
"Dave, you're the worst."
"C'mon, it ain't THAT bad! You will like her! Just like Minireena!"
"That's something COMPLETELY different!"
"I'll make it up to you... how about you get to know your little girl's big sister?"
The elevator finally stopped and opened to a vent they quickly crawled through, ending in a circular room with two large windows on the left and right side.
"To the left! I bet she will be ecstatic to see her lost little sibling again!"
"What is this place?"
"Henry's old workshop!"
Said place was lightened in a soft blue tint and a hauntingly beautiful melody echoed from everywhere at once. A woman... no, an animatronic was dancing on the stage, a ballerina, clothed in a glittering tutu and tiara. Her blue hair was held out of her face by an almost strict bun. Her eyes were closed, but she was smiling.
"Ballora! I have a visitor!"
She shortly stopped and bowed. "And who that might be?"
"It's Old Sport!"
"Ah... the famous! I assume my little girl is with you?"
The Minireena laughed and escaped out of Old Sport's pocket, to run over and dance with her. They twirled and posed for a moment, afterwards they gracefully bowed.
"It's heartwarming to see your happiness, dear child. Have you yet received a name?" Expectantly she turned towards the slightly cowed Orange Guy. She wasn't someone he wanted to mess with.
"U-uh... I didn't know s-she wanted a name... h-how about Alice?"
The girl, who was hanging from her "sister's" hair, giggled and swayed back and forth, with no obvious complaints. Ballora didn't laugh herself, but her features softened.
"What a wonderful name. Now, how may I help you?"
Dave interrupted and plucked the newly named Alice from the larger animatronic. "We just wanted to say hi. Oh, before we get going, keep an eye on the lights, would you? Keep them out as much as possible, or we will be suspicious."
"I understand. Enjoy your day."
They left towards the right side now.
"Hey Dave, what did you do to them?"
"Electroshocks, despair and kindness, to say it shortly. It's not like I wanted to hurt them and most young people can understand that."
"Young people?"
"They are older than my usual targets. Children's souls can easily connect to metal, teens are a bit weird and adults need a strong sense of urgency while dying for that."
"... How do you know that?"
The Purple Guy stopped dead in his tracks. "Old Sport. Do you... you never met Henry."
"You... I found a box, which belonged to him."
A weird sensation crawled up his arms, as he listened to Dave's words. "What was inside?"
"Not much, but... too much!" More and more frantic the murderer clenched his fists. "There... Old Sport, it was... a book, it wasn't any book, Old Sport, it was... it was terrifying! I'm not someone who cares about those useless categories like good and evil, Old Sport, but what... in there, there was a machine, a thing that can... it can erase! Old Sport, IT CAN ERASE. Henry... he went too far that time, I really... Old Sport, I don't even want to touch it... I knew about his research, Old Sport, I never minded, but... Old Sport, can you imagine..."
Ah. The jumble he had read on the computer. Well, finally someone told him about the box.
"Calm down! How about you just show it to me?"
"NO! Not... not now. I would like to destroy it, but..."
"You're... scared?"
"You never met Henry. You wouldn't understand. If Henry wanted something, it would happen."
"C'mon, this is exaggeration, as if he was something supernatural."
"Old Sport, let's... let's visit the last two children. I'll show you the box... soon. Please. I still have to process myself what's in there."
Smiling weakly at him, he continued walking towards the presumably last room. Out of it were already voice to be heard.
"BONBON! Should we tell Foxy another J-joke?!"
"Yes! Tell him the one about the cannibal!"
"Aha! The b-best one!"
As they finally got in, they saw a white and pink Freddy talking to his Bonnie glove puppet, while a similar colored Foxy was jumping around them, screeching excitedly.
"I had to steal two polar bears, two snow rabbits and four polar foxes for that fur!"
"Explains why they look so huggable!"
Alice laughed and got the attention of the two (three?) machines. "Who are these n-new friends?!"
"This is Old Sport!" Proudly Dave shoved him a few steps forward. The animatronic's eyes lit up brightly.
The puppet answered in a total different tone. "That's great! Hello, Old Sport! It's so nice to finally meet you!"
Foxy only showed all of his teeth and made some noises, jumping up and down.
"Y-you're right Foxy! Let's give the big guy a hug!"
"But be careful!" Bonbon chimed in. "You could break his spine and that would be BAAAAD!"
Old Sport snuggled into the soft fur and grinned from ear to ear. "Honestly, Bonbon that would be worth it! You're so soft!"
The small bunny hid his face out of flattery, while Freddy gave his weird pitched laughter. "Ah, isn't he nice Bonbon? Just as- just as- just as we were told!"
Foxy shoved his whole snout under Old Sport's arms, begging in his animal-ish way for some petting as well. Not that he minded, instantly he began ruffle through the impossibly soft fur.
"Why doesn't he talk?"
"To trigger more useless gender-wars about a robot."
"I love them, I want ten of them and I want them now!"
"Good you like them! After all I expect you to live with us soon enough!"
"Yeah, great, I- wait. Since when?"
"Soon enough I said!"
"We... talk about that later. What's even the time?"
"About six. Why you ask?"
"What? They were together in the first place?"
"How about we don't discuss that in front of the animatronics? Come, let's go and have breakfast, you can tell me ALL about it."
In a few minutes they managed to settle down in the barren living room with some snacks.
"Alright Old Sport. What's your deal? Why even care about what the others are up to? And what do you think of my animatronics?"
"Well, if Phoney-"
"They're beautiful! Impressive! I assume they are basically fully human?"
"Yes~! I made them see the joy of creation!"
"And you used real fur?"
"And real hair!"
"So, how old were they before you killed them?"
"Between eleven and fourteen. I wanted some intelligent beings for my masterpiece!"
"And those faceplates?"
"You wouldn't BELIEVE how much time that took! Around three hundred of them, for ALL of them! And for Foxy it was even worse because of the snout... It gives them access to every possible human expression! They have a few other nice features as well! Your Minireena, Alice, is able to track me down, in case we ever get separated again. The others have voice mimicking, luring, can release chloroform and have a storage tank~"
"Children kidnapping... children."
"Because... well, I have to keep us safe, don't I?" Nervously he laughed, tugging on his hair.
Fascinated Old Sport watched him. It was unusual for Dave to be this insecure and... weird. You could blame it on the lack of sleep, but it felt as if there was something more to it.
"Safe? From what?"
"From getting lonely! We wouldn't want our lost boys getting unhappy..."
"Lost boys?"
Now the Purple Guy was laughing again, shaking his head. "Henry always called them that. Even he had some sentiment inside of him, even if he denied it at every turn."
"Sounds like a freak."
"Aren't we all?" A quiet knocking interrupted them. "Come in, Baby!"
The girl sneaked in and sat herself next to her creator. "I hope you don't mind me here."
"How could we!" Friendly Dave stroked her over the hair and turned back to Old Sport. "Actually she's the only one who wants to spend time up here. Ballora and Foxy prefer the space they have down there and Funtime Freddy is too loud to walk around in the flat."
"He just has to scream all the time and he is so easily excitable... but that is his personality and we love him for who he is. The one time he accompanied me here, we had to eliminate two witnesses and a dog."
"To be honest, I shouldn't have melted two souls together. His sock puppet, Bonbon, is his younger brother. Quiet the surprise that the younger one took it better. I think I MIGHT have driven the older one insane. But at least he still listens to his younger sibling."
"Father simply has no common sense."
Old Sport began grinning. "Tell me about it! I have to work with him EVERY DAY! And he breaks into my home whenever he feels like it!"
"Ah, but with you, that is something different."
"Old Sport, she's right! You could break into here whenever you want!"
Frustrated the Orange Guard crossed his arms. "You know I don't know how to pick locks..."
"Your problem! Now we can move on to whatever is with Phoney."
"Oh gracious good Dave, how thankful I am!"
He only rested his face onto his hands and smiled eagerly at him, forcing Old Sport to continue.
"Okay, okay... Phoney lied to Mike-"
"Big surprise, never would have seen that coming."
"And now the Phone is completely suicidal."
"Wow. That IS a surprise."
"And who knows how Mike is doing... now, NEXT to the fact that I'm unhealthily invested into a relationship that isn't mine and not even REAL, a Phone Guy who has nothing to lose is dangerous."
"You... you're actually right."
"Hey! I'm not incompetent!"
"Right, right. What are you proposing we do? Heh, never expected to be the one saying that line..."
A bit flattered Old Sport scratched his neck. "I... uh, I didn't think that far. Phoney said he would try it himself first."
"And you believed him."
"If shit goes down we can still can kill them...!"
"I guess...?"
Baby had listened carefully, a somewhat sarcastic smile on her face. "If I understand correctly, you are talking about a liar, who is surprised about his companion abandoning him over that and now poses a danger to everyone? How... despicable."
"Wow, Baby, calm down! He is built that way." Orange Guy felt obliged to play the devil's advocate. "And at least he isn't a child murdering lunatic."
They ignored Dave in favor of continuing arguing. "It is arguable how insane father really is. However, out of his destruction, creation is birthed. Immortality is a gift the joy of creation is able to provide, only demanding the end of the previous existence so the new one may be free of previous struggle and pain. Killing yourself or harming another for the selfish reason of getting rid of your own pain is disgusting and pointless."
"Geez, you sure like to monologue."
"Please excuse that."
"How old are you?"
"... I'm a machine, silly. I don't have an age..."
Sympathetic Old Sport smiled at her. "I know. I don't have an age either."
"GREAT, WE'RE ALL AGELESS ZOMBIES! Now, Old Sport, how about we leave Alice and Baby here and..." Dave words trailed off, as if he forgot what he was going to say and instead took another orange. "Never mind."
"Aw, sorry! Let's go to Freddy's. Alice, want to come along, or would you rather play a bit with you friends?" The Minireena was elegantly dancing around Baby's fingers, ignoring him completely. "That settles it, I guess?"
Swiftly Old Sport walked towards the door, Dave following him on his heels.
They entered the dark street, ice was covering the sidewalks. Lone street lights illuminated the ground, in a desperate attempted to fight the hungry shadows.
A few lost snowflakes twirled around, seemingly not realizing how lonely they were. Or maybe they wanted it to be this way.
"Old Sport, be honest with me. Do you like them?"
Somewhat confused he raised an eyebrow. "Of course I do! I told you that not even ten minutes ago!"
Dave looked down at his feet. "Yes... let me ask it different: Would you be able to stay with them? Forever?"
"Would you get rid of them if I said no?"
"In a heartbeat."
Now actually shocked, Old Sport paused. "Wow, after you worked so hard on them?"
"If you wouldn't like them, I haven't worked hard enough."
Worrying, he softly grabbed his friends arm. "Dave... do you feel alright?"
"No. It's that time again. You would expect insects to freeze in this weather..." They walked side by side, the presumably younger one sneaking glance at his partner, who took some time until he reopened his mouth. "Old Sport, I have to kill again. Will you help me?"
Frowning deeply irritated the guy answered. "Why are you even asking?! Naturally I'm helping you!"
Finally the Purple Guy's typical smile returned. "You don't even know who I'm going to kill."
"I'm just happy I met you."
The sincerity or his words surprised Old Sport once more. "Me too!"
"Once I find the person to kill, I want you to kidnap them, to test out some of the features of my machines."
"No problem, I'll do that. Should I bring them to your home?"
"Yes, but... don't let them touch the ground, okay? It's kinda disgusting to clean it all up." All of a sudden he stopped dead in his tracks, spotting a fairly normal appearing guy in the distance. "That's the one. Get him."
"Consider it done~" Shortly the Orange Guy kneeled down to pick up a stone of considerable weight.
"Careful, Old Sport, it's hard to use the right amount of force... if you fuck up and kill him, I'll never ask you to do that again."
"Shush, you act like this is my first improvised kidnapping!" With that he was gone, a pretending to be helplessly drunk, walking past the man, who only gave him a short disinterested glance.
Or not, the termites swarming over his face obscured the view on his face.
In a split-second the Orange Guy turned and gave a quick blow over the head, making him collapse on the ground.
No one was around yet. His friend gave him a thumbs-up and shouldered the unconscious body, changing from the sidewalk to the backyards, avoiding potential attention.
Dave had to admit he was impressed. Somehow he always assumed that the guy was a fairly decent human being before they met, always forgetting about the multiple crimes the Guard had committed, or the way he treated children on a regular bases.
Shortly he checked his watch. They had a few hours until Freddy's opened, but since it wasn't a chemical induced faint, it was hard to guess how long it would take for the victim to wake up again.
Whatever. If they were late, they would be late.

Chance wanted it that another employee was awake and considering being late.
Or not coming at all.
Good thing he had some children to talk sense into him. Especially Gary had taken the lead once more, for some reason desperate to keep the peace.
"Please, Mike! Where is the big deal?!"
"I just don't like being lied to!"
"He lied to you all the time! About the animatronics being "nothing to worry about"?! And he endangered Jeremy as soon as he hired him!"
"But I thought that had changed! WE WERE FRIENDS. FRIENDS DON'T LIE!"
"Were? Christ, slow down! You can't end a friendship like that!"
"He didn't technically lied to you, he just didn't tell you the whole truth!"
"What about you? You never told Phone Guy about us! Did you lie to him?"
"Excuse me?! What about Suzy's fit at the ball pit?!"
Hissing Mike sat down onto his bed, clawing into his temples. "It's... it's different!"
"He wanted to protect you."
"Are you sure about that? You're quite... rash."
"Please... you're being petty. Tell me, what's the real problem?"
"... It's..." Mike slowly sunk into himself. "He sat there. He spend the whole day KNOWING what he did. But he talked to me like always. For the morning he's excused, after all Vincent did something to him, but afterwards... he just came over, casually talking about his "feels", not even SOUNDING guilty! Someone this self-centered, this cold-blooded... how could I trust him?!"
"Are you sure he's all that cold-blooded? Maybe guilt was the thing driving him to ensure you don't hate him? And didn't he stutter like a maniac and freaked out when he found about the empty box? Maybe you should have digged a little deeper?"
"... So you're blaming me."
"No. Not at all. But maybe you should give him another chance. Under your conditions."
A cynical smile crept on Mike's face. "And he even told me he wasn't trustworthy. I'm such a fucking idiot."
"He tries to be honest with you! Freddy's... you know, Freddy's does it's best to kill that part of you and Phone Guy was now so long with the franchise, he surely made some bad experiences with honesty... trust is hard to obtain and even harder to keep, when you are forced to cover up so many bad things."
The human stayed silent.
"And in the end, he told you, didn't he? Not even the end, he told you before, dropping the façade in hopes of keeping you safe."
"Sweep it under the rug, it's probably fine."
"Sorry, I was thinking. That's what Freddy's is, right? All fun and games, until someone DIES. And even IF they die, as long as no one notices, no one cares."
Now it was the ghost's turn to keep his mouth shut.
"Yeah, what's up with that?! Why are we doing that?! Why didn't I go to the police? I have a literal child murderer as co-worker! I WAS ALMOST KILLED. WHAT AM I DOING HERE?!"
"You have to go back."
"I'll always do." With a dull expression he stood up and reached for his bag. "There's little else left for me anyway."
Unhappy Gary followed him around. "Mike..."
"Why do I ask myself these questions? So what if I get killed. So what if my co-worker could kill us all. When I think about it like that, I could probably rather prevent him killing someone by keeping an eye on him, seeing as they can bribe the police with coke. Shit, nothing makes sense. I feel like I'm running in a circle. This has to stop."
Not even caring about the time, Mike left his flat and walked to work.
Make a list.
Three things you want to keep, three things you can let go.
As if it matters.
We all die in the end.
To his surprise the entrance was unlocked. His boss slept on one of the tables in the main area, slammed over.
The animatronics were whispering among each other on top of the stage.
Mechanical liars.
They all lie down here!
And one day...
He would lie too.
Blaming everyone, without a care in the world.
This wouldn't get any better.
Struck with a sudden sentiment, he picked up the man and carried him into the office, adjusting the back of the chair and even found some sort of blanket to cover him with. It was one of those weird things fire fighters always used...
But considering how many tragedies happened here, it wasn't that big of a stretch.
In silence he stared at PG.
This was the second time he did this for him.
Wondering if time was maybe in an endless cycle, he asked himself if he would soon sit in PG's bedroom again, scarred, tired and angry.
Restless he stood back up, wandering the establishment. Whispers, not even whispers, rather the thoughts of whisper, swirled around his hazy mind.
Pills. Soon enough he needed to restock his pills.
He should be careful. Those things could have side effects if used too much. Or at least that was what he was told.
If his memory didn't start to betray him as well.
Gary and Suzy followed him around, quietly discussion something. A thought scraped at the back of his mind.
"Why don't you play with the others anymore?"
"They... are annoying!" Toy-Foxy pouted.
"We can't really... understand them anymore..." Toy-Freddy sighed.
"Wow, sucks to be you. Go and don't kill anyone, I have work to do." Waiting until they vanished around a corner, before he grabbed the bit of basswood and a knife he had... "Borrowed" and began today's work.
For a start, he'd try it for three hours.

Three hours.
Dave and Old Sport had made bets about how long it would take for the infested thing to wake up again.
Well, Old Sport was right, he knew this kind of injuries after all.
They stood inside of the circular room, watching through the window as the stranger slowly raised from the ground, groaning. The noises were of course slightly obscured by the glass and music, but it was still understandable what the man inside was saying.
"What... what the fuck?!" He turned around, making Dave shiver, as worms began to scatter in the ground. "LET ME OUT OF HERE!"
Ballora descended from her stage, dancing over. "And who do you may be?"
"I- I..." Clearly afraid, he made a few steps back. "I am Mark..."
The machine smiled and tilted her head to the side. "Good day Mark."
"D-do you know a way out of here?"
Dave prayed that he wouldn't have to reprogram Ballora again. She was such a promising child...
"Indeed." A clicking sounded and a few Minireenas jumped out, giggling, chasing each other and climbing onto the confused man. "Oh dear... could you catch them for me? They are so easily excited by strangers... this is embarrassing..."
"... Okay...?"
Clearly uncomfortable, but still obedient, the man began picking them up one by one, glancing around again, probably expecting something dangerous attack him at any second in this confusing, dreamlike situation. This made Purple Guy nod in silent approval, since Ballora expertly averted most of the suspicion away from herself.
Finally he caught the fourth animatronic and handed it over to the woman, who grabbed his hands, smiling wider.
"Thank you a lot, kind sir." In a jarring twist all of her faceplates opened, turning what before was her face into a metal void, the rows of tiny, metal, razor-sharp plates began to spin quickly, as she lowered herself as if to kiss him.
His panicked screams were quickly replaced by the sound of shredding flesh and metal grinding bone. The shuddering and twitching body was sucked upwards, into the still shining vortex, blood splattered everywhere, onto her, onto the ground, but the blades stayed clean through the power of centrifugal force. With a flump the now headless body fell over.
The silence after she stopped made Old Sport's skin crawl... in a good way.
Ballora made a slight bow towards her audience and began playing her music again, dancing away.
For Dave none of this mattered. All that mattered were the miniscule movement around the corpses stump. Something tried to free itself.
But what was it?
They crawled out, tens, hundreds, spreading their wings and flew away.
"It worked... OLD SPORT, IT WORKED!" He picked his friend up and swirled him around, laughing maniacally out of joy. "THEY WORK, THEY WORK! I DID IT, OLD SPORT, I BUILD THEM PERFECTLY!"
The eyes of the Orange Guy were almost invisible in the darkness. "You have truly improved. I am proud of you."
His weird tone made Dave shortly stop. "How do you know if I improved?"
"Oh, well, you looked like you felt as if you improved, so I guessed...?" Sheepishly Old Sport grinned, the glowing dots back to full energy. "That was beautiful as HECK! Did you plan that?!"
"Yes, of course! Came up with that one all by myself!" Brimming out of pride and satisfaction, he stood even taller than usual.
Teasingly Old Sport pulled on his hair. "I bet you stole this out of a movie."
"How can you think something like that?! I'm fucking creative!"
"Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that!"
"How about that we go to work, instead of arguing all day. I don't want Phoney getting the dogs to find us."
"And now you're distracting~" With a wink the younger Guard escaped out of the house, bickering with him until they entered the facility.
To no one's surprise they were the last ones to arrive. Mike was fiddling with something in a dark corner, sitting on a chair, Jeremy was rushing around, bringing cake and pizza, all while carrying a fairly big backpack around.
The Phone Guy was looming close to Mike, swaying back and forth, as undetermined as ever.
Yet, before Old Sport turned into the savior he was always destined to be, his boss made a fierce step forward, getting nothing but a raised eyebrow from his employee.
"E-employee? I have to talk to you. Now."
"Shove a pole up your ass."
"Right NOW."
"Oh fuck, look who grew a spine!" Mike pocketed whatever he was working on and followed him into the office.
When they were alone, Mike closed the heavy steel doors. "Here are my conditions: First, no more secrets."
"Oh, I actually just wanted to say you're fired."
The Phone began to laugh. "Worth it."
"A reanimated corpse, designed to fulfill a certain role? First condition accepted."
"I'm reconsidering right now."
"Mike, you have to take my perspective for once! My job is to keep as many people here safe as possible!"
"Please Mike. I'm sorry for the joke. I really needed to talk with you."
"So you fucking do? Alright, let me hear it."
"No more excuses. I f- hecked up."
"Fucked up."
"Hecked up."
"FUCKED up."
"For Christ's sake, is this really the point you want to discuss?"
Mike didn't answer, but kept his arms crossed.
"Back to the beginning... I..." He paused, insecure. "I really can't tell you anything. I promise to not lie to you, not ever again... and because of that I have to say that I don't regret trying to keep you safe. I've seen MANY people die here. Of course none of them as odd as Jeremy, but..." Slowly he shook his head. "If I investigate things like missing employees by myself, I will be put on the watch list."
"Watch list?"
"Before... we go on... give me your two other conditions."
"Fucking hell... condition number two is you growing a pair of balls and the third is-" Suddenly Mike broke off, his eyes widening as if he saw something disturbing. The following words sounded as if they came from far away. "... The red contract."
Everything inside of the Phone Guy froze. "No. Never."
"I want it."
"But I... I need it." Mike was changing position, as if trying to listen to something far away. "It will... give me... benefits..."
"What are you TALKING about?! I SAID NO!"
"You have to. Now that I said I want it, your jobs forces you."
"It's as if you're telling me that I'm supposed to cannibalize your dead body!"
"Well, if it would be the only option..."
"Hand it over. You signed it too, didn't you? If we're going to be partners, I will sign it. I'm not a kid, I can make my own decisions. Even if they are stupid ones, they at least will be mine."
"... Equals. I will give you one more chance. If you sign this contract, you'll never leave this place, except in a body bag."
"No one leaves Freddy's alive. Some of us just forget to stop moving."
Silent Phone Guy handed him the contract. It was a deep shade of red, the letters "Contract" were printed in gold.
"Holy shit that looks expensive..."
"We have a limited amount of these. Not even I know what's up with this. All I know is that they are OLD."
Without any hesitation Mike put his signature under it.
"I thought you hated it here..."
"I do. But I have to stay here. I can't explain it, okay? While we're at explanations, you have a lot to account for."
"I would actually like to ask some questions myself."
"Shoot! We... we'll meet soon, okay? At my place on a weekend and then we will answer each other's questions." In a hurry the Phone-headed man unsealed the office, letting every other Guard of the building inside.
"Yes, Mr. Phone Guy, is there a shift on Christmas?"
"I'm just here because my kidden' strangle 2.0 is here."
They swarmed around the Boss, who shook his head. "What is going on in your sick, twisted minds?! Where do you think we ARE? You're legally obliged to spend holidays at Freddy's! You're actually obliged to spend every day at Freddy's."
In quiet the weird turn Jeremy began to jump up and down. "Oh no, that's horrible!" Glowing with joy he fist-pumped. "What am I going to tell my parents?! They're going to be SO disappointed! Oh well, I don't really have a choice!" With a smile almost wider than the face it was on, the boy hugged his boss tightly. "Thank you Mr. Phone Guy! You can of course count on me!"
And... he was gone. They all exchanged a glance, for the first time equally confused.
"Jeremy... is pretty weird himself..." Phone Guy furrowed his brows.
Mike shrugged.
"Uhm... yes...?"
Mike raised an eyebrow. "Human bones?"
Almost sarcastically PG gave him a thumbs-up. "Welcome to the Family."
"I regret. I'll check up on them." Accepting of his fate, the Guard followed them outside, watching them wrapping almost everything, including dishes and customers in giftwrap.
The thing actually catching his attention in the end was Jeremy kneeling behind the machines, working on something and he decided to ask instead of stalk.
"Jeremy, what are you doing?"
"Helping the animatronics?"
"Could you... not? Lately they're acting pretty nice at night, I'd like to keep it that way."
"You know, they stopped trying to kill me."
Jeremy lowered the screwdriver, confused. "That's... good!"
"Yeah. Whatever you're doing, try to keep it that way."
"I'll do my best!" The brown-haired boy watched his friend leave and took a look at the screw next to his knee. Marion's voice sounded worried.
Jeremy. While, of course, Mike probably is not lying, we have to assume that their child-like mind could change at any minute! Inserting the screws and creating the shortcut is safer than leaving it up to chance.
"I know! Hey, Marion, I have a question!"
... What is it?
"How long have you been... here?"
Since the beginning.
Jeremy smiled to himself and continued to work on the machine. "That must have been a long time..."
It was.
"I'm sorry, did I make you sad? We can change topic! Actually, I have a great idea! How about we do some charity work on Christmas."
... what?
"It will be great! We can visit sick children and give them gifts!"
Well, I... there's nothing wrong with that, I guess...
The way the Marionette talked, made it clear that he was overwhelmed. Probably not used to be asked to show himself to anyone. After a moment he continued.
But don't you think they'll be... scared?
"What?! Why?! They will be so happy to see you! How could they be scared? You're adorable!"
Jeremy... you... fine. But I think the Phone Man has to give his permission first.
"Well, we have a few days to figure that out! I'm happy you're willing to do that!"
Friendly smiles were a rare resource. The puppet soaked it all in.
Afterlife wasn't all that bad. For now.


I would love to publish a little one-shot for you guys, as a special token of my appreciation/"gift" (A Thank to every commenter!), but I have no real idea what you'd like to see...
I mean, do you want more Dave/Old Sport?
In a more "canon" scenario? EXAMPLE: On the soapy ending v2, since Dave and Old Sport are in prison together (If you never noticed, he's in the cell down left corner), in a similar vain to "Thirty years and still the same"
In a balls to the wall, bullshit scenario? EXAMPLE: Old Sport decides to open his own Freddy's? And Dave's continuously works on getting in? Even though I probably wouldn't be able to keep that to a one-shot. (Yeah, I think FNAF 6 is hilarious... except of course the lore of it, which I would mercilessly slaughter, like all other canon I find.)
Or would you like something completely different? Something that connects to this story in any way and highlights something I only briefly mentioned/you want me to go deeper into?
One of the other shippings?!
If that's the case you'd need to tell me what exactly though... ^^"
I hope I don't appear arrogant with this question, as if I think you guys are amazed by what I do and can't think of anything better than me writing something. I know my stuff isn't anything special, but since I think I can make you at least a little happy, I'd love try my best for you! (But if no one cares, I'll just do nothing and be lazy)
If someone has an idea, I'd like to hear it! :3 Have a nice day and enjoy your holidays!

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