Any Questions?
The world is ending, but that sure as hell won't stop me from doing my thing! Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy! (Remember, the world is not ACTUALLY ending, don't overtake yourself with information and try to relax.)
(Or just check my AO3 to find it under my bookmarked/related works)
- Voice acting
- Background music
- Sound effects
- D A V E V O I C E
It's the first chapter of this, so I mean, there will be some written cringe you have to be able to withstand. But you guys made it this far, I bet you'll handle it fine!
The restaurant was at peace, considering everything.
Dave had put up a sign that explained the door has developed a mind of its own and WOULD consume anyone trying to step through it. For good measure, he put up a flamethrower above it, so anyone trying to enter would either run or be incinerated.
Perhaps both, depending on their choice of clothing.
In the main area, Jeremy and Marion were huddled together closely, the young man still visibly exhausted from all the chaos and the anger floating around.
Carefully the boy played with the white button on Marion's chest, lost in thoughts.
"... I feel so useless. I couldn't do anything. I froze."
His words were quiet and hopeless.
"Jeremy. At some point in life, you have to realize... you need to pick your battles." The words were meant to be reassuring, but they ended up a little bitter. "I know what it feels like. Sitting by, staring on while something terrible is happening- but you know, you can't do it all. I'm serious. No one can do it all... I gave it a good, long try, over and over again. There are things you can't do. Even if it hurts."
Gently he held the human's head, as his glowing eyes slowly wandered towards the pile of black sludge and mangled animatronic parts in the middle of the room.
Dave was coming back in after having set up the traps, smiling proudly. "See, there we go, we'll be takin' a break too! Until Sportsy comes back at least."
"What are we supposed to do with the body?" The Marionette asked casually.
"Oh. Good question. Maybe put 'em into the incinerator?"
Jeremy squeaked. "We can't DO that! They need a proper burial a-and-"
Interrupting him, Marion decided to calm the situation down right away. "Alright, alright, maybe we should leave the situation as it is until Phone Guy comes back. Pretty rude of him and Mike to leave us behind anyways."
"Ow, what are ya SAYIN', Tickle-fingers. Don't 'cha want to spend some quality time with your ole pal Davey anymore?"
"I didn't want to spend time with your since roughly 30 years ago and you know that perfectly well."
"Well, maybe this is our chance, buddy!"
"WhatEVER made you think I would EVER try to- WANT to deal with you ever again?! Chance?! What CHANCE? I would rather put myself on FIRE than to deal with you!"
Jeremy rubbed his forehead. "... stop fighting already. Please."
He seemed even paler, now really having to deal with the fact that Dave indeed WAS a Serial Killer and they were now stuck with him in one place.
Everything was getting too much, he couldn't simply let NOTHING happen, but he didn't know what to do without making everything worse-
"You're lookin' mighty tense over there. Are ya squeezing him too hard, Marion?" A bit suspicious, Dave leaned over, causing Marion to turn his friend away.
"I am not. We are all not at our best, leave him alone."
"Welp, at least ya become a bit more agreeable. I respect that, you're really growin' up. Mentally I mean."
"I have been more grown up than you since the day I've been born."
"... thaaaaaat... MIGHT be. Point taken!" Cheerfully Dave ignored the discomfort and crept close to them, sitting down on the table they were sitting by. "Anyways! How was the party? Did ya have fun? I NEVER was invited to a party, I'm really jealous!"
Slowly the Puppet leaned down, until his smooth plastic face was only inches away from Dave's. "I sure wonder WHY."
"Me too. I dunno, I guess they don't realize how good I am at PARTYIN'!"
Jeremy quietly sighed. "... I would also like to hear about the party..."
"... very well." Sitting back up and adjusting his grip on his little friend, he began recounting the memories of the event.
"It was really nice, we had all we needed- I have to say, it was set up really well, even if in a pretty weird location. Usually big, open spaces aren't really the best for this, but I suppose somehow, they made it work."
Gently he petted over Jeremy's head. "They send their regards to you, Jerry. It was a bit of a shame so many people were missing, but they could understand that there were things going on."
"Ah! Thank you... I will... maybe see them in heaven, then I'll apologize for not being there."
Shortly Marion hesitated, but he nodded. "... maybe. I'm sure it will work out fine for you. Nobody holds anything against you. Anyways, Baby was being surprisingly civil. She IS a good entertainment robot when she isn't busy trying to blackmail or trying to creep people out. It was... fun. I missed Fredbear though, seeing as I got your transmission halfway through the party."
Breaking off, he quickly added, "Which is VERY good, because who knows what would have happened if the situation you were in would have escalated. But... I would have liked to have seen him. I hope I will get another chance to."
Somewhat tense he shifted, looking about as though he hoped the golden bear would randomly appear.
"Missed 'em? By how much? Ya think Sportsy ran into him?" Curiously Dave asked.
"Probably not if he knows what's best for him." Quietly Marion muttered, obviously not really pleased with that concept.
"Let's go look for him! For both of them, actually!" Happily Dave proposed. "If we stay in here, the roof might as well fall on our head!"
Too bad Jeremy instantly protested. "Stop always forgetting about the animatronics! We can't leave them-"
"OH RIGHT, MY KIDS." The man jumped up and sprinted out, the younger guard instinctively rushing after him.
"ARE THEY ACTUALLY KIDS!?" Now that Jeremy knew the truth- or rather, finally forced himself to accept the truth- he didn't manage to play cool any longer. His thoughts and feelings were loud, buzzing, always trying to fight their way through his thin skin.
Before the young guard could continue though, Marion put a claw over his mouth.
'Don't wake sleeping dogs. If you play ignorant, you have a bit of a better position.'
There was some sort of answer, but it came out muffled.
No way would he do that.
The stress would kill him.
Thankfully Dave didn't really care about Jeremy's rambling, he was already busy calling out to his machines.
"Y'ALL CAN COME OUT NOW! They're gone!" Dave called out as he stepped through the door towards the next section, the auditorium with the giant stage clearly visible across.
On there were Ballora and Foxy, apparently trying to do some weird sort of dance, with Ballora freezing with her leg over Foxy's shoulder, who instantly got distracted by the appearance of Dave and dropped his elegant pose (and Ballora), wagging his tail.
Pleased Dave smiled. "There you are, I see you-"
With a horrible splatting sound, Freddy dropped from... somewhere... right onto Dave, killing him instantly.
That wasn't really helping Jeremy's already fragile psyche. "FREDDY, WHAT THE H-HELL ARE YOU DOING!?"
"O-oh! I thought it would be that w-weirdo lady, h-HAHA! Sorry D-DAAAAAD!" Standing up, the bear wiped a bit of purple liquid from his eye and then proceeded to shake it off the very unhappy Bonbon. Poor thing made a sound like someone stuck on a horrible, horrible rollercoaster.
Marion scoffed, impresssed. "We can hardly count him as a person."
"I- A-ALreaDY apologiiiized!" The bear whined. "You should t-tell me now where B-BabY is! S-SHE'S g-Gone so OOOOFTEN! W-WHere?! I'M boooORED! And h-have TO TELL her that no-NOOOBODY misses h-her! HahahahAAA-"
"I- FREDDY. You can't just-" Close to tears the boy hugged himself, looking away from the rather mangled looking body. "WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO NOW?!"
"We could put him to the others if that would help you?" Trying to be a bit gentler, Marion patted his shoulder. "I promise you, he will stand up in no time. He isn't easily... taken out."
"... or you would have done that long ago, huh?" There was a bit of a bite to the guard's tone, but he quickly returned to his previous, mortified tone. "Freddy, you cannot DO things like that, it's m-messed up!"
Funtime paused on the spot, clicking his faceplates, looking at Jeremy with newly ignited interest.
Slowly he leaned closer.
"So he's finally awake now, huh? B-BONBON, can you BELIEVE it? I- I think someone rented him a b-brain!"
As Jeremy stumbled backwards, Marion moved in front of him.
This wasn't normal, he shouldn't be so mean-spirited- he never has been before, has he?
Did Jeremy just never notice!?
They were children entertainer. Even if there was something- someone- in there-
Ballora and Funtime Foxy had joined, slowly approaching.
Marion was ready for a fight, the cloth protecting his sharp claws were peeled back by a bit. "Step away you three."
"O-Or WHAT?" Freddy smiled. "H-he is the lASt! Last EM-EMPLOYEE! N-Nobooody caaaaaaares about h-him! That's- that's why they-"
These words were cut short by a child-like scream as Marion sharply drew his claws across the bears face, leaving intense shocks.
"I am still here and I am the one who you will listen to." His words her sharp and hard as fingers. "I lost my patience with you. I do not CARE anymore if you were kept in a dirty basement for months on end or whatever happened to make you into such a FREAK, but I have HAD it!"
Still with his taunting voice, despite having to hold his snout in pain, the marshmallow bear slowly looked up at him, intent of violence in his grin. "A-and who SAYS we h-have to LISTEN to Y-YOUUuuUU?"
"The man who MADE this place, the man who makes your captor look like a JOKE, unlike you I actually have a PURPOSE in here-"
Suddenly the Marionette stopped, coughing loudly and continuously, black sludge dripping out of his mouth.
Confused and a bit out of it, he stared at what was at his hand, slowly drying away.
"So- someone sounds MIGHTy p-PROoUd! Y-you're a REA-REAL clOWN, d-diD you KNOW tha-that?! B-BABy needs T-to WATCH OUT!" Freddy started laughing, but Ballora put a hand on his shoulder.
"I think it's enough."
Before the bear could bite off a chunk from his supposed friend though, he was getting kicked by a very purple leg.
Dave was back on his feet.
"Ya seem to have a bit of pent up energy! I can help ya with that!" Making a silly pose, the guy instantly drew attention, turning the situation into a joke. Maybe like intended. "GET OVER HERE!"
"H-hhAHHAhAA!" Happily the machine complied and they rushed at his creator, who stepped to the side to let him run head-first into the wall.
Acting like nothing happened, Dave laughed.
"Typical Freddy. I'm proud of ya, my maniacal son!" Looking about, his smile quickly dropped as he spotted Jeremy behind Marion. "Ey, Jerry... why are ya cryin'?"
Marion quickly turned realizing that the boy had be shedding silent tears for at least a few minutes by now. "Jeremy! Is- are you okay? It is fine, he is not going to do anything to you, please, take deep breaths-"
As he was hugged tightly, Jeremy tried to put his pain into words. "Th-this- this is all- w-wrong! Freddy i-isn't- Freddy's sh-shouldn't-"
Reality was oftentimes bitter and handling it after ignoring it for so long made it all so much more brutal.
You can delude yourself, but if you are not prepared for the worst, at least in theory, well then you will drown in yourself.
Dave frowned a bit and came around to put an arm around Jeremy, ignoring Marion's snarl. "Hey... pal. Today was stressful, I get'cha. Ya need a break. Have you considered, ya know, takin' some vacation days?"
"I DON'T WANT VACATION DAYS! I WANT IT TO STOP!" In desperation the boy screamed out.
"Geez, sure. It's over, I'm pretty sure. As much as Freddy's shenanigans can be over, I think?" The Purple Guy seemed actually honest on that. "See it like this! We get to keep our oh so beloved Phoney! Two people moved on-"
Marion butted in. "I think a vacation is actually a good idea. You have a lot of things to think about, we can talk about this later, I know what you are thinking about, but that would be a bad-"
The lights flickered.
All air seemed to leave the restaurant.
The doors to the outside swung open.
"Honey! I am home~!"
The voice wasn't actually screaming, yet somehow, the wind carried it through every bit of the place.
For a second both Jeremy and Marion paused in confusion, they didn't recognize that voice-
But Dave instantly jumped up.
Rushing out, the psychopath went to greet his partner in crime, Marion and Jeremy still hot at his heels, as well as the Funtimes, now that Freddy had managed to stand back up.
The Orange Guy stood in front of the sludge and the endoskeleton, unimpressed. "I seem to have missed quite a bit. Care to inform me of the details?"
"Oh, ya can't IMAGINE what happened- we saw the god dog and Mike hit a woman and the teenager turned out to be Henry's boy-"
"Wait, what?" Shocked he looked up, fixating on Dave with his empty eyes. "Slow down. Less important to most important please... the boy was..."
"YEAH! Crazy ain't it?"
"... a missed opportunity, that much is sure." Looking down he gave the endo a kick, causing a bit of burned hair to move. "And she...?"
"Henry's wife. NUTS. Also, they moved on together, she went like REALLY crazy-"
Without listening anymore, Old Sport put a foot on the pile of good and robotics, using it as a stepping stone to get over to Dave. "Someone seriously let her inherit a position like that? What is the world coming too... as well as giving her a- wait, if she had a full on skeleton- goddammit. Either way, spilled milk. The wolf was here?"
"It looked like a dog to me, gotta be real with ya chief." Dave shrugged. "I used the thingy Henry made- it DID work. Pretty fuckin' terrifying if you ask me, Old S-"
"Where is it? I need it back."
Uncomfortable Dave frowned. "It's... I, uhm-"
With a few sudden steps, Old Sport stepped closer, putting a heavy hand on Dave's shoulder, his eyes slowly moving over his face.
Then he smiled. "Hey. You did great. I am very proud of you."
Leaning up, he gave him a kiss on the cheek, causing the Purple Man to become a deep magenta. "A-ah- it's- Old Sport! S-sportsy, it ain't- nothin'! I could do it a hundred times for ya-"
Still smiling he patted him on the head. "I know. That is why we are family. But really! I need it back. Please tell me where it is."
"Ah, uh- uhm- yeah! In the back! I put it on- y'know- in one of the lockers- the one furthest to the right-" Sheepishly the man laughed.
"Wonderful. But be careful with placing it... anywhere really. Someone could get hurt."
Finally Jeremy had freed himself from his frozen stupor and stepped forward. "O-Old Sport, we- I- we need to talk!"
Marion was alarmed. "No, you don't."
Old Sport smiled. "Stop making decisions for him. He is a grown up man. And with your track record, you really should realize that making decision is not quite your strong suit."
The Marionette recoiled a bit. "Y-you..."
"But let us make a tea first. Dave, would you please?"
"Aw, why me?" The Purple Guy whined. "Can I at least put some Vegas sugar in it?"
"Sure, if it is your cup." Without batting an eye, Old Sport responded, almost out of the hall.
"W-wait, are ya serious? Ain't worried about your precious boy?"
"Hm? Well. He will be fine."
Dave started grinning widely. "We should give him a bit too. I bet he'll like it-"
Instantly Marion piped up. "Don't you DARE!"
"No, that is rude, David. You need a VERY good reason to put something into someone's drink without asking, remember?"
Distressed Jeremy pulled down his hat. "What are you even TALKING about?!"
"Cocaine." Marion responded grimly. "They want to drug you."
No more sugarcoating it.
There was a chuckle from the orange man audible. "We? No. I think neither really wants to drug him. Dave is merely goofing around."
But Jeremy refused that harmless explanation. "No. No, I KNOW what is up with you-"
Before he could continue on, he choked on his words as his glance fell on the dreadful contraption Henry was carrying back.
"You do?" There still was that bemused smile, which seemed awfully condescending, unlike his smile usually would.
Even Dave seemed irritated now, the machine shaking him from the little high that the kiss had provided him with. "Sportsy. Before we be doin' that, how about ya tell me what went down? Where's Baby, actually? Shouldn't she be with ya? Or is the party still goin' on?"
"Now, now, one thing after the other. Our dear Jeremy deserves answers, right? We value him and should show it by being honest and upfront."
Uncomfortable Jeremy looked around, as his friend's claws digged down into him.
... they were RIGHT with those words. So why did only THEY see it that way?
"U-uhm... I- you-" Desperately he tried to put everything into words.
"Sit down dear. Deep breaths. I am going to answer everything you want me to."
Hesitantly the boy followed the advice, looking at him terrified. "... you killed people. You killed children. I know it. He told me."
"Who told you? Marion?" Interested he asked.
"N-no. When- I mean, yes, too, but Mr. Ethan- Marion is all messed up in his head. He thinks everyone is a killer-"
"I'm NOT! I don't!" Marion cried out.
"- Mr. E-ethan seemed really... still all there-"
"Mr. Cross? When did you talk to him?"
"THIS MORNING. You- you KILLED him and- for NO reason a-and that means the kids- too-"
"... this morning? Was he with Baby by any chance?" Old Sport's voice became a lot sharper.
There was no answer, but that was all he needed.
"... if I would have known this, I would have dragged it out." He mumbled to himself, then shook his head before Dave could ask him to elaborate. "Well. I would not call us murderers, at least not of people who do not deserve it. We killed a few people, but the children are fine. Or at least were, until-"
"YOU KILLED ME!" Marion screeched at the top of rotten lungs.
"Pardon? I? We never met each other before Freddy's." He played innocent and Marion seemed extremely irritated with himself- and the man before him. "Anyhow. You do not look really dead to me. Even if, if this is what death is like, I gladly would sign up for death. Staying where I want to be, magical powers, a body I can modify however I wish? Sounds like paradise to me."
Growing paler by the second, Jeremy forced out his next words. "S-so you DID."
"For the second time. I did not kill any kids. I transferred their spirits into better bodies." He sighed. "What do you define "dead" as? It cannot mean "Not living", as that would mean rocks should be considered dead, despite not being able to be alive. We use these words liberally, but at the core, what IS death? Vanishing? Not existing anymore? Being unable to change? Our dear Marion seems fine to me."
"That makes NO SENSE!"
"Hm?" He raised an eyebrow. "Why not? Do people who get false limbs not count as living humans anymore? Are people behind a screen not living people?"
"Y-you hurt them- you HURT them to do this-!"
"Yes? And it also hurts them to get vaccines. A needle in the arm is never comfortable. It is still necessary and for their best."
"I make people HAPPY, Jeremy. That is my purpose."
Suddenly, Ballora spoke up.
"I am fairly happy, though I wish people could calm down around these areas. If it were not for you guards constantly fighting petty fights..." She slowly stepped near their table, her face directed at Old Sport, as if she was looking at him. "Though having a choice plays a big part in that."
Instantly the man nodded and signed at her a bit. "Exactly. The first few did not have a choice and I agree that I am not proud of that. But it was necessary. Otherwise we could never learn more about the process in the little time we have-"
Dave piped up. "... the fuck are ya talkin' about, Old Sport?"
Irritated he looked back at him. "What is wrong?"
"We killed the kids to get out of the restaurant. What the HELL is with ya? Ever since ya read Henry's diary, you've started spouting his nonsense."
"... and the Marionette was the one stuffing them, regardless of the torment they would experience due to that. I know. I was trying to make it easy on Jeremy so he could get around a few horrible details about his most beloved friend. But I guess you lack the empathetic heart to do as much."
Finally the boy seemed to crack. Shaking off his floating companion he stood up. "I'm- I- I can't. I'm leaving."
"You earned it." Nodding Old Sport seemed to give his permission.
"... please don't talk to me."
The man in the empty shell smiled. "Where will you go? To the police? Is that in your contract?"
"... what contract?" Confused Jeremy asked weakly.
"Oh." He froze. "... did you not sign the red contract?"
"... no, I don't know what you are TALKING about-"
Grabbing Marion, he slowly moved backwards.
"... hm. Weird." The other man shook his head. "... we need to talk about that with Phone Guy when he is back. That is a horrible slip up. Not very legal... maybe Juliette was right in firing him."
There was no response, the boy was already stumbling towards the door.
It stayed silent for a few minutes.
"... you really want to let him leave, Old Sport?" Confused Dave spoke up.
"Of course. I like him. He will be back. Where else should he go?"
Leaning back the orange guy began humming a melody.
A waltz of some sort?
Dave slowly approached, sitting down where the boy had been sitting before.
"... what happened?"
His voice had turned far more serious.
Very aware.
With a somber expression, which bordered on theatrical, Old Sport took his hand.
It felt so cold.
"I hate to have to tell you this... but she turned on us."
"... did she leave? What do ya MEAN, Sportsy? Stop with this blabber, it ain't your style."
"... ah? What IS my style, Dave? Do you know that?"
The words were biting and caused the Purple Man to wince. "... I'm... listen, Sportsy, let's just cut to the chase."
Finally there was something like a genuine laugh coming from his friend, though he didn't understand what was so funny.
"Fine. I am just messing with you!" Turning back to a more serious expression, he continued on. "Well, she denied me entry. She said they were more important to her than we are. She LIED to us. We cannot AFFORD someone like that with us."
Now he was the one standing up, not letting Dave get a word in.
"Can you IMAGINE that? Lying to us. Taking things away from us. After ALL we did for her! Family is about loyalty! How could she have DONE that?! It broke my heart and it was one of the few things I had still left. I will never be the same."
Again, before Dave could protest, he slammed his hands down in front of him.
"I want to be happy with you." For a moment his voice was almost gentle and the tone sounded much more like... it used to. Then it changed though, into something that made Dave's hair stand up. "... and I cannot tolerate anyone threatening this. This is why I took her apart. I granted her wish, she can stay right where she was. Maybe it made her move on, frankly I do not care. It makes no difference. We need to be disciplined with them."
"I- I guess... but that doesn't sound like her at all..." Doubtful Dave mumbled.
"... people change for the worse. You should know that best."
The Purple Guy sighed, still unhappy. "... I'm... I'll try to get her later-"
Funtime Freddy who finally had come up, lit up like a lighthouse.
"W-what do YOU MeaaaaAAN you t-TOOK her apart?! D-DoES that MEAN I a-am the STAAAAaAAR now?!"
Bonbon on his hand was hiding his face, deeply distressed.
Old Sport smiled. "... yes. Congratulation!"
Freddy laughed loudly in victory, doing a small dance.
But then, suddenly he broke up and grabbed the guy's collar. "WHERE. IS. SHE. WHAT. DID. YOU. DO? GIVE. HER. BACK."
Bonbon instantly screeched. "No, no, don't touch him, Freddy, don't do it, no, no-"
"FREDDY!" Dave stood up, ready to get him off his friend, but he already let go of him.
"D-don't be a BAAAAD DAAAD. W-we don't TAKE k-kindly- to- you. I'm not SCARED of you. Not of anyone."
With that he turned to the door and shuffled out, happy again. "I- I will now go and l-laugh at her! HAHA!"
Ballora seemed concerned, but ushered Foxy back into another room instead of trying to follow him.
The Orange Guard looked up at Dave.
"... those are the people you trust. You see my issue with that?"
"... I guess. We'll adjust them as we need to, don't worry Sportsy." Helping him up, his touch lingered for a moment longer. "... you missed the party?"
"Thanks to her, yes. We missed out on something great." Gently the man sighed.
Dave's grip became a bit stronger. "... do you mean the stuff you told Jeremy? Is that really... what ya think now?"
"... I think those are not bad ideals. It would be a lot better than the world is now, right? Henry made sense, you have to admit that much. I thought you agreed with him."
"Well, I do! I guess? It's just that... ya know. He was always a bit... grand. I liked what we had, but he was always talkin' about more. I think it's what took him from me."
"Aw... well, he was a mortal. That was on him. We are better than that." Gently Old Sport pulled Dave closer, who resisted for a short moment, then gave in.
"... I guess you are right. Still. The dog was freaky as shit. I don't want ya gettin' in-"
"It is nothing I cannot handle. You need to have faith."
Gently Old Sport let go of him again.
"And now... I feel like CRIMES! Like CHAOS! I must commit something nefarious! Let us bake a CAKE."
"What? Do we even have ingredients-"
"We will burn that bridge when we come to it!" He laughed, dragging him along.
Say the rights things.
Do the right acts.
Let no one notice.
Before they could get to the kitchen though, the door opened again, the trap on it was avoided and a man entered the restaurant.
Loose clothing and a hint of unpleasantness about him, the way he grinned or looked at people felt uncomfortable and too intimate.
It was the Serial Killer kind of charisma, the kind of guy you thought was pretty cool for one evening, but afterwards prayed to never meet again.
He seemed like a customer on the first glance, but both people inside knew better.
He called out, sounding bored.
"Juuuuuuuuuuules! Are you dead yet? Or are you crying in the bathrooms again? I don't have an eternity y'know?"
His eyes stopped at the sludge-covered endo on the ground.
"Oh. Nice." He looked up, at the two employees. "Did you do that?"
"I suppose?" Old Sport answered, sounding equally as uninterested.
"Fuck you, I wanted to be the one doing it. I've been dealing with her for AGES."
A bit the orange one stepped forward, smirking. "... well it is almost like you should never have let her take the position in the first place, hm? I wonder who would have ruined the place more, you or her."
"You better shut your mouth little man or I will- wait." Somewhat he stepped forward too, slowly closing the wide gap between them.
After an inspection of Old Sport, he quietly groaned. "... I can't believe it."
Dave, who was not really managing to keep up, finally spoke. "Can't believe what?"
"Nothing." He snapped out of it. "So, I'll be taking the skeleton. At least then people will believe me she's gone."
"You should not lie to them so regularly."
"And I should be smarter with my money. Ain't gonna happen." Again he looked at him, then he grinned a bit. "Did she scream?"
"... you are the LAST person who deserves that information. You will go back to the factory, where you belong, keep an eye on things and do. Not. Touch. Anything. Me and Dave over here are coming to visit soon and it would be a shame if something would happen then."
Even more confused Dave tried to get another word in. "Are we?"
"Of course! Why would we not? It sounds like fun!"
"I mean, yeah, but-"
Ignoring him again, Old Sport went back to talk to the strange factory guy, who seemed to be patiently waiting for them to be done.
"Anyways. That is something to look forward to."
The blonde man put his hands up. "... listen, I am already converted. What you pulled off is pretty messed up to be frank. Now that I think about it, you almost make me feel bad for her. Anything else you would need?"
"Dave? Anything else you need from your business?"
"Oh, uh. Just keep doin' your job, pal! Sorry I haven't been there!"
There was a hint of poorly hidden distain as he looked at the Purple Guy. "... don't sweat it. The Phone Guy of this location is...?"
"None of your concerns." Calmly it came back.
"Understood, he is off the list."
For a moment he hesitated, looking at the two of them, then he smiled.
"... you know. Sometimes I am almost jealous of what you guys do. Getting in trouble. Doing fucked up things. Meanwhile I spend twenty years doing medial tasks like trying to run a company or attempting to get another Foxy stripclub greenlit."
"Leave now, you overstate your welcome." His lips pressed tightly shut, Old Sport forced the words somehow out.
But the guy just laughed.
"Oh? But I only just arrived! It would be a shame to be gone so soon again... I have to say, I missed you two."
Dave seemed a bit irritated. "Me? Yeah, sure. But... why him? When did ya and Old Sport meet?"
"Oh. A while ago. You know, in my branch, you need to know everyone. And he made quite the wave in our little business..."
Old Sport nodded. "Me and Jack have ran into one another a few times. He is a pest."
"Don't say that, that is meaaaan~" Playfully the guy stepped closer, much to everyone else's dismay. "Let us bury that hatched. May I... take you out to lunch sometimes soon~?"
Stoic Old Sport stepped behind the pissed off Dave and dismissed the humanoid annoyance. "I doubt you have anything more creative to offer than a rifle, so no thank you."
"Oh, if only something like a rifle was enough for you."
"It is called having standards and pride. Two things you know nothing about."
"Fair enough!" Quickly he stepped back. "Now tell your goddamn attack dog that I am not about to do anything. He freaks me out."
"Dave, I am-" For a moment he almost said something he would have regretted, but reconsidered. The last thing he needed was Dave turning all overprotective on him. "... fine. Jack is basically already gone. And he ensures that you will not get in trouble with your business, remember?"
The perpetual growling that had started as soon as Jack had stepped closer quieted down.
The man wandered over to the endoskeleton and picked it up, shouldering it almost easily now that there was no soul inside.
"See ya!"
"We will be visiting you in no time." Old Sport responded.
And with that, the abomination had been taken care of.
When he was gone, Dave seemed a bit... out of it.
The Orange Guy noticed and turned to smile at Dave. "We will get rid of him when we take the place back if you would like."
"It ain't... it ain't that. Sure, he's a dick, but honestly, I almost forgot about his existence. He hardly matters. I guess it's nice that nobody will be send from the factory again, but..."
His bright eyes wandered over to his old friend.
"... sportsy. You're kinda... cold."
"Am I?" He looked at his fingers. "Must be the stress."
"... maybe."
"You could warm me up!" Sweetly he said, leaning into the other one-
-but the guy stepped away.
Something wasn't right.
That wasn't the way Old Sport talked.
Even if he wished for it-
He wasn't STUPID.
He wasn't stupid.
He couldn't be stupid. This was about Old Sport.
"... later. I should be makin' sure Freddy ain't getting chomped up, right? Or is doin' some chomping."
With that he too moved to the door.
Inside the giant restaurant hall, Old Sport almost looked small as Dave looked back on him for a moment.
He wasn't an idiot.
He was scared, yes.
He didn't like this.
But it was getting worse.
"... I'll be back right away! And then we'll bake some cake, alrighty?"
"... alright."
The doors slammed shut, the lights dimmed down.
Henry was alone.
Slowly he looked around, trying to reassure his screeching body.
They need to go after him.
Dave is unhappy.
What if he gets hurt?
It's so boring without Dave!
... but Henry ignored it, telling it that Dave would be fine and it would be best for him to give him space.
This body was like a baby.
Always needy.
Always demanding.
Piping up at the worst situations.
He had to play along, before the body realized something was afoot and fought back... he wish it wasn't the case.
Hundreds of voices.
Things to do.
Things to be.
But now the place was empty, it turned quiet inside of him too.
Slowly he looked around, admiring the giant place.
He was home.
Secret reason OS is not called Jack revealed, unlike our Lord and Savior, Sock Cotton, I tend to give all my characters different names! I guess I'm just not a genius like him. (I love you, Scott)
Though might have been wasted, seeing as this character won't ever show up again unless I sometimes get around to expanding the factory lore.
This chapter got longer than I like, I WILL create a short chapter EVENTUALLY. JUST YOU WAIT.
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