A daily day
I hope you enjoy this chapter! :3
The clocks goes tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock...
Ethan glanced at it, asking himself why he kept it inside of his flat. He deeply hated this sound, it drove him crazy.
Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock...
It had been almost fifteen years since he lost his daughter. They told him it would get better with time, yet time only made it worse. It felt as if every second the poison spread wider through his body, despite it overtaking every single cell already. With every tick the poison became more potent, with every tock it killed another piece he didn't knew he still had.
Tick tock.
Slowly he rose from his couch, finally giving up completely on sleeping and stepped towards the wall. In his head he always called it THE wall, as it was the only wall on this whole world that still mattered to him. It was where he had gathered and kept all the things he believed to be fishy about the cursed restaurant. It was mostly what he could find himself, as his old co-workers denied him accesses to the files that the police was checking up on.
Sometimes... when he had a very bad day... he could swear they were on board with the mass killing going on.
He had stopped sharing his information with them, due to that suspicion... not that they would care. For them he was a nothing but a crazy, conspiracy spouting fool.
But that was fine. The police hasn't done anything for him anyway.
Stepping closer, he let his hand trail over the newest article on said wall.
YES, BABY! FREDDY FAZBENDER'S UNBELIEVABLE COMEBACK! – New Amusement park staffed by new animatronics opened -
Those headlines made him barf, but that wasn't the focus point for him anyway. The article featured a rather well-shot picture of the new owner, Dave Miller. Slowly he got another pin out and connected this picture with the hundred others of a purple guy he had hanging on the wall. Whenever he met them, they always acted different. Some annoyed, some friendly, some made jokes and some were almost completely apathetic. At first he was sure he had found his killer and directly got the police to kick down his door. Rushing in, he planned to kill that animal that had taken so many innocent lives, yet as he came to the bedroom... his corpse was lying on the bed, a giant hole inside it and in his hand he held the gun.
The man was dead, without any doubt.
It couldn't have been him. The monster behind these deaths wouldn't disappear this easily, he had known it.
When he came back, three months after the incident, he was somewhat... relieved that it still was Scott Cawthon who greeted him. It was good to see that the friendly man could keep his job after what happened at the last location.
But then the fucking purple guy entered the room and smiled. Not the purple guy, A purple guy. One of many as he learned over the years... just like Scott Cawthon seemed to... repeat. First he suspected that he was going insane, until one of his friends explained the special surgery people at Freddy's had accesses to... yet it only rose more questions. How could the Phone head always respond to "Scott Cawthon" even though he had seen his clearly MANGLED corpse and the body was the important part to stay alive...?
Once more he tipped against a photo of the head-guard.
Jumping around, the officer almost automatically grabbed for his gun, but it was only the dog. The hell beast he had picked up from the streets... well not exactly, it had begun to follow him ever since a year or so...
When he first had seen that monster, he was a second away from shooting it anyway. Its dark purple fur reminded him of the man he had first assumed to be the killer. Its black eyes filled him with dread whenever he was so unfortunate to meet its eyes. Yet, he decided not to harm the creature just for a simple resemblance it could do nothing about.
The same rhetoric he used for the purple guys as well. Unlike its human counterpart though, the dog began to follow him home and refused to leave his side. Sometimes it disappeared, just to reappear mere minutes later out of a room he could have sworn to have searched in already...
It didn't really bark... or at least its bark sounded off. There were multiple sounds in there that almost appeared like a voice... but that was simply impossible.
"Are you hungry?" Helpless he tried to evade the empty stare of the creature. It didn't even wag its tail. "Alright then..."
Having said that more to himself then to the animal, he returned to his wall. Those two... humans... faces... people kept popping up. After finding out about the surgery, he began checking every Freddy's in the surrounding areas and YES, every single one had a similar Phone Guy inside. Sometimes they had other phones on their head and sometimes they wore different clothing... but they responded roughly the same.
There was something deeply wrong with this place. He wasn't a spiritual person and he didn't believed in lingering spirits, at least not in those who could change anything on earth, but sometimes... sometimes he actually wanted to believe that there was something supernatural going on.
It would be a nice copout. It would give him the pass to give up.
But for his daughter he needed to stay reasonable. For her he needed to go on. His little girl...
Again he closed his eyes, trying not to cry this day.
He wasn't even strong enough to think her name.
Concentrate, Ethan, keep your mind at the task.
Determined he raised his head again and sat down at the table that was directly next to the wall. There were only four different pieces of furniture inside of the small flat: the table, covered with papers, the chair he used when he was working on it, a closet for clothing and the couch where he slept- or rather, where he laid for a few hours before jumping back up and restlessly pacing back and forth inside of the room.
Once more, with feeling. There were ALWAYS at least three people who regularly died at the locations. Two mass-produced (wait, that wasn't what he thought before, this thought didn't belong here, it wasn't HIS-) creatures, one a phone, one purple and one... employee. They had all kind of faces, they had all kind of names and for one reason or another... they wouldn't return. Quickly he skimmed the list he almost knew like the back of his hand.
Dead (Springlocks), dead (poison), prison, dead, disappeared, prison, dead, dead (Suicide), dead (Sp.L.), dead (poison), prison, disappeared, dead-
It went on and on. There was always that one employee that tried to tell them something, spout nonsense and then... being not there for further questioning.
Mike Schmidt seemed to be the next one in line, yet he had survived quite a long time... the restaurant in general had stayed open for quite a long time. What was going on inside of the place?
The place itself was a labyrinth, even if everyone pretended to not see it. Getting lost, away from cameras and guards would be incredibly easy...
H. H. Holmes, build a hotel of death... coincidently exactly a century ago. Yes, one of the most fearsome Serial Killers designed a whole place to torture and kill young women in the cruelest ways possible. If Ethan would believe in the supernatural, he probably think that history was repeating itself and this purple guy was the reincarnation of the psychopath.
A movement next to his leg made him jerk back, but it was only the dog who had taken place next to the table.
"There, there, boy, I need to focus..." Muttering under his breath, he returned to a picture of Mike he had made. Everything inside of the new restaurant had been documented, the employees were no exception.
Apparently the mental stability of the employee was quickly deteriorating. Not only was he carrying an umbrella without any reasonable explanation, watched his silent phone as if there was anything on the screen and now the breakdown right on stage...? Now, that wasn't fake. Ethan had seen his unfair share of mental breakdowns and he knew the subtle differences between reality and theater. Mike Schmidt feared and hated the animatronics with deep conviction and whoever he THOUGHT he was screaming at, he believed from the bottom of his heart that the person was in danger.
Maybe... he should watch the man for a while. He knew more than he let on, or at least was able to convey.
Also, it might be a way to protect this guard, after all his predecessors weren't as durable and would get taken out of this world frequently. If there had been enough of ONE thing, then of dead people. No more dead people... except the disease-ridden demon in human skin that haunted this chain for such a long time.
Silently he let out all the air inside of his lungs, waiting a few seconds playing with the dream of suffocating, before greedily sucking the air in through his teeth, enjoying the slight burning sensation that it created.
Five children HAD disappeared again. Not inside of Freddy's, no, but it were FIVE. FIVE children ALWAYS disappeared! It was...
It was ridiculous and he knew it. It wasn't as if he didn't know why exactly he had been kicked out of the police force.
It scraped on the back of his mind. Everything scraped at his mind at this point. A serial killer was hunting this city, maybe even two at this point, after all there were those mangled corpses appearing now and again. Though... whenever the Jekyll Monster appeared in a city, children would get lost shortly before or after the incident.
Shuffling through some other papers, he once more crosschecked the dates of found bodies and disappearances. If the Jekyll Monster was changing place, just as the child kidnapper changed places... seeing as...
The Jekyll Monster was a weird murderer in the first place. He wasn't categorized in organized and unorganized as most serial killer, but rather started off disorganized, as the kill was mostly random with a quick knife to the throat. Then, suddenly, the killer began changing his behavior, CLEANING the corpse, earning him the name of the fictional, two minded doctor. Was it a sort of ritual? Was some sort of psychosis forcing him to do it? Was it a form of telling the world that he was the culprit? Then again, the killer wasn't particularly keen on sharing the news of his new crime, yet he didn't hid the body either.
They were fairly sure the serial killer was male, despite the victims giving no certain typical underlying psychological motive for any gender. It came down to the statistically probability in the end, combined with the fact that the culprit was able to overpower the most different types of people.
The mascot kidnapper followed a weirdly similar pattern. The probably male culprit, even if that was even more of a guess than in the case of the Jekyll monster, kidnapped children, on different places yet in the same pattern and despite always doing the same, he managed to be organized enough to never get caught.
But they wouldn't listen to him.
The Jekyll monster was targeting adults, while the mascot killer only abducted children to the age of ten, being the reason why the current investigation wasn't treating the disappearances of those five children as part of the continuous kidnapping-spree, after all they were between twelve and fourteen, not his usual target.
He wasn't a fool.
Freddy's ate the people who entered. Humans died, the chain stayed alive.
But that was absurd.
Tired he almost slammed his head onto the table. His dog stared back up at him, imploring him to continue.
Yes, those theories might be a stretch, but his intuition was telling him that without a doubt there has been a connection he wasn't seeing yet. The way the Jekyll monster and the mascot killer acted... even if they WEREN'T the same person, they... followed each other. It might be two, working together? A terrifying thought.
Yet, it was too unlikely for a serial killer team up that consists out of two this similar mindsets... and for both to kill their victim together the targets were too different.
After twenty years, they STILL hadn't any facts! Every lead either ended in another corpse or just wasn't reasonable.
Quickly he snatched the pictures he made of the new amusement park. There was a fortune invested in this and it was the perfect opportunity to finally finish the place of for good. No matter what the truth was, the psychopath was connected to the restaurant and shutting it down might be the only way to lure him out into the open.
Or them.
Shutting this restaurant down shouldn't be too hard... gas leaks and faulty wiring...
That would be illegal.
Another moment he pondered.
He needed more time... and more information.
The four animatronics were a good place to start, as there was something most certainly off with them. One by one he would need to note his observations down, before deciding on what to do. Ballora was the animatronic that has caught his eye in as she was the most unsuspicious one of those machines and that could only be a bad sign.
Seriously, without a doubt, every machine was freaky, but Ballora seemed to have nothing go against her, except her... questionable... design.
If he remembered correctly, she stayed in her auditorium and danced. The children were free to join her on the stage or she would come down from there to interact with the shy kids.
Ballora never opened her eyes for the visitors. Whenever she looked at them, her whole body wanted to shut down at those inept children who managed to distort a beautiful dance into weird flailing. It was an insult to everything she stood for and so much more...
Sighing she danced her sorrow away, trying to be as kind as possible to those creatures pestering her sanctuary. They weren't at fault for being this dumb.
As usual, after she felt satisfied with her dance she climbed down the stage, immediately surrounded by children telling her how much they wanted to be like her and how much they liked to dance as well. How could one be friends with those creatures?
"Thank you for your compliments my children. With time and patience, you'll surely be able to master this art sooner or later."
Again they all opened their mouth holes and spewed meaningless noise, distracting from the soothing music she had been enjoying before. For goodness sake... she clapped her hands. "Okay everyone, would you fancy being taught a few noteworthy shortcuts towards learning to dance?"
Yes, it might sounded silly, but she was a ballerina now and had to keep up a positive stereotype. She had to show that she knew how to express herself!
Confused the children cheered and she began with her routinely instructions. Straight back, deep breaths, tension throughout the whole body...
The legs don't need to be too tense, as it would be too artificial and uncomfortable...
The other foot should be as light and somewhat bouncy to give the beloved impression as if dancing was more of an expression than real work...
"Would you mind being silent? I can't hear the music..."
"Whatever you please..." Was it worth opening her eyes?
Really, this happened far too often for her to really care. Why did the terrorist always come in here first?
Keeping on with her dance, she ignored the shots and screams going on around her, after all it would end in a few minutes anyway. One more twirl, one last jump, the melody filled the air, finally screams gave way to silence, returning the wonderful music. Happiness fueled her movements to become even more passionate than before and before she knew, her battery was drained. Dammit.
Nonchalantly she stepped over the beaten up body of a man in a Candy costume. Typical Saturday morning.
Almost feeling satisfied she entered into the main hall, shyly trying to avoid the curious eyes of the other customers. Silently she sneaked out to get towards the parts and services room without being watched.
On her way she found Funtime Foxy who seemed to be stuck inside of the fence. The creature screeched helplessly, begging and whining to be released. Shortly she opened one of her eyes, just to open them wide in complete surprise.
The poor creature had been... decorated?
No, it was wearing a... wedding dress?
It wasn't stuck in the fence, it was surrounded by people! There was a wedding going on!
Foxy whined once more helplessly. It didn't mind being decorated with bows and glitter and it loved to fight and struggle against the other kids, so whatever they called it, it didn't feel insulted, or really cared, actually. A fox was a fox after all.
But a dress was really too much! It was scratching and annoying!
The guy next to Foxy was crying tears of joy. He had asked the animatronic of his dreams to marry him and its dead, soulless eyes were all the answer he ever needed. After shooting it down with a stun-gun and putting it in a dress made out of the mold growing on the pizza of Freddy's, he called all his friends for a Freddy's style wedding.
Neat, right?
Well, it took quite a few million years to complete that dress, A for effort, F for concept.
Needless to say, Funtime Foxy didn't like the situation. To stop any yiffings to happen, Dave had said that whoever managed to marry said fox would get to take it home and yiff if without any legal consequences, so seeing people jump at the opportunity was pretty common.
Ballora sighed, not feeling the need to take care of her... acquaintance. It would be perfectly fine on its own, as far as she was concerned.
Once more it whined at her, making her stop and take a serious look with closed eyes at the helpless thing. "Listen, Foxy. This is the twentieth time this has happened to you. Do you see this?"
She stretched her leg towards the crowd. "This is PERFECTION. And perfection needs to be maintained. Learn to handle your mishaps on your own."
With that she turned around, keeping on her way towards the charging room. The angry stomping in the distance made it clear that... "Help" was on the way for Foxy.
It indeed was! Mike stormed towards the illegal wedding, burning anger flooding his veins, he was sick of this SHIT! HOW MANY PEOPLE WANT TO MARRY A FUCKING PLASTIC FOX?!
The groom turned around, deeply hurt. "This is LOVE! You can't stop me! It is simply too strong!"
"You're right, nothing is stronger than love! EXCEPT A FUCKING TORCH THAT CAN BE USED AS A TRUNCHEON!" Quickly he slipped out his make-shift weapon out of his pocket, expanded it and gave them half a second head start before beating down on everyone and everything too close to him. Needless to say that he successfully cleared the area in under two minutes and felt satisfied, until Phone Guy came up, flailing his arms.
"If the police can, so do I!"
"Mike, what the holy- NO. You're NOT the police! You get PAID by those people!"
"So does the police technically! And I dealt with the situation, so be thankful!"
Heated they both stared at each other, before they heard another little whine. Foxy was cowering on the ground, disliking this loud dispute. Both of the humans stepped back, knowing that Foxy wasn't as harmless as it pretended to be. Once they had to piece one yiffer together again, after he annoyed the fox too much... he was approximately in twenty pieces hidden all over the artificial jungle Foxy inhabited. After Old Sport had the brilliant idea to tell the kids that they would get prizes if they managed to find a piece and bring it to them, they quickly managed to uncover all parts before they began rotting.
Together they decided that it would be a far better idea to leave the animatronic alone before someone would get hurt again. Using this opportunity to escape any kind of consequences, Mike sneaked off towards the corridors. Maybe it was a little bit calmer around here-
Oh no.
Funtime Freddy.
The giant psychopathic machine did nothing other than walking past him though, making the Guard sigh in relief. Today was not the right day to-
Another Funtime Freddy walked past him.
He was hallucinating again.
G R E A T.
He had run out of those shitty pills as well, so there was nothing he could really do, except sitting back, relax and drink some bleach. Professionally he ignored it as more and more Freddy's filled the area around him and got out his brand new bottle of bleach out of his pocket. It was even a new flavor!
Patient he watched the Freddys taking up more and more space but not actually doing anything. A sip from the lid that he used as glass showed that the bleach was top quality as well and he would probably pass out after about four lids. Until then, he should enjoy the show!
Or not, Simon was coming towards him.
Who knew at this fucking point.
"Mike?! W-where do all these Freddys come from?!"
"Wait, you're seeing them too?! They're real?! FUCK!"
Simon's glance wandered towards the bottle of bleach and he suddenly dropkicked it right out of Mike's hand. "MIKE, FOR GOD'S SAKE, STOP KILLING YOURSELF!"
One of the Freddys stepped closer, appearing tired and sad. "You're b-being very loud. Please, if-if-if you could... y-y-you know..."
Irritated they both watched the machine as it slowly went away again, completely depressed. Phone Guy was deeply distressed. "Go and find out what the he---ck is going on with those Freddys and where they are coming from! I'll search for Dave... he'll know what the f-heck is happening. Or at least after I cut off his fingers he will."
"Wow, that's one way to get what you want..."
"It's called being assertive, Mike, maybe one day you'll understand."
"What the fuck is wrong with you today?"
"I just was dropkicked by ten toddlers, had a seven minutes discussion if I'm an animatronic or not and feel generally pretty bad. Now get moving, I gave you the easier task after all!"
"Geez... fucking hell, I'm on it!"
Sighing he bolted back towards the corridors and managed to squeeze himself past a group of quietly talking Funtime Freddy clones, who were blocking most of the way. Past that he found out that the constant stream of Freddys came out of the mirror maze... of course it came out of the fucking mirror maze. The mirror maze was cancer and now he would have to run around in there for half an hour.
Once he entered the place, he saw his own face and wanted to swear. This would be fucking great. He watched the ground, trying to ignore his endless mirror images, really not in the mood to have to stare at his own face. Speaking of faces, once he found the fucking bear, he might just bash his face in...
Following the stream, he thankfully didn't have to search too much before he heard the maniacally laughter of the intentionally broken machine.
Peeking around the final corner, he saw Funtime Freddy in front a mirror that was hooked up to an odd appearing machine, which was making a fucking lot of noise. It was actually amazing that the bear was able to over scream that shit.
"Freddy, what the fuck are you doing?"
"I'm c-c-cloning myself! We could- we could- we could take over the W-W-WORLD!"
"Could you, like... stop?"
"You know that you're using a mirror to clone yourself, right?"
"Y-yeah, pretty smart-smart, isn't it? F-fathers time-t-t-travel machine was very-very usef-f-ful! It-t cre-created a RIFT!"
"You know that your character gets mirrored as well?"
"They're all depressed and silent. Good fucking job, retard."
Distraught the machines looked back and forth between the human and the mirror, not believing what he just heard. "Are you-you kidding m-me?! How am I- I- s-supposed to take-take over the w-world with THAT?"
"Should have used your empty fucking head."
Outraged Freddy grabbed one of his clones, shaking him. "Y-you want-t-t to kill s-some kids w-with me, right-right?!"
Mike snapped up at that blatant confession, but the other Freddy already answered with his monotone voice. "I d-don't think that's a g-good idea. Why-why-why would I want to k-kill kids? They haven't done-ne anything to us. A-also, it would be-e-e far too ex-exhausting."
Disturbed by his own creation, Funtime Freddy stepped back and turned towards Mike. "G-guard! We-we-we have to s-stop them!"
"Y-yeah! You're-e-e the Guard, you have to- have to- have to h-help me!"
"No, I fucking don't. This is your fault, I won't do a single thing for an asshat like you!"
"B-but... think a-about the-the children?"
"Fuck them too! All brats anyway!"
"So, do Y-YOU wanna slay kidden-s-s with me?" Hopeful the bear tilted his head, but his handpuppet shook his head. "Freddy, can I finally speak again? I told you already-"
But for some reason Funtime Freddy pretended to hear nothing and rather returned to the machine, scratching his chin. "B-bon-bon, how do you put-put it back off-f-f-f?"
"Gee, Freddy, I don't know! How about we try to find out together?"
But before the squeaking abomination could continue to torment Mike's ears, Freddy began to laugh. "What a GREAT i-idea!"
Then he used the handpuppet and his fist to bash in the machine, until it was nothing more than a piece of scrap. Satisfied he chuckled his glitching chuckle. "T-time machines o-only make-make-make continuity-y-y harder-r anyway! T-this will be-e for the best-t in the long-longshot."
"Did you just..."
Bonbon rubbed its paining head, pretending not to start to cry at any minute. "Yep, he totally did! It's very rude to break any kind of walls, don't you know that Freddy? And now we are down to zero time machines as well!"
"Shut u-up, Bonbon, it's-s not like you h-had a better-better-better idea anyway-y!" Insulted the bear pouted. Mike just wanted back to his bleach.
"Guys, what about the endless clones out there?"
"A-a-ah! Riiiiight! I'm-m gonna take c-care of it!" He raised his left fist and it slowly got sucked back into his arm, exchanging it for apparently a bazooka. "IT'S-S HUNTING T-TIME!"
The Guard watched him run off and decided that he deserved a break or something. Maybe in twenty minutes it would all magically disappear or something. Just... ignore the explosions in the back.
Ignore it, it was their decision to come into the restaurant today. Nope, no guilt here!
A few explosion later, Mike couldn't sit back anymore and left towards the main hall, silently begging the unloving void to swallow him whole before he stepped through that door.
No such luck and the Guard was greeted with screaming people and more explosions, with animatronic-parts scattered everywhere, flying around and probably killing more humans than the explosions themselves.
At least the animatronic-clones weren't fighting back and creating more havoc with that, though it was somewhat depressing to watch so many machines apathetic waiting for their end. Silently Mike sneaked up towards the monster, who was currently brandishing a water canon that apparently electrocuted the machines.
Freddy was pretty cruel when he wanted to be. Or maybe he just didn't give a shit, honestly.
"Funtime Freddy, stop making things explode, hell, what are you getting out of this anyway?!"
"Will y-you go on a d-date with-with-with me in that c-case?"
"Alrighty-y-y then!" The animatronic stopped it's shooting spree and hovered over the more then terrified- well, rather disturbed Guard. "It's a deal-deal-deal!"
"Mike? Funtime Freddy? What is going on?! I have left for less than three minutes!" Simon closed in, obviously rather angry. "Both of you, you should be ashamed! We're not even open for a few days and already you're both becoming lawsuit material!"
"S-sorry, boss, but-but-but I gotta get Mike to con-confess to me SOME-H-HOW!"
"You'd have to file A LOT of documents, too many actually. I've tried many times... I mean, many versions of me tried many times in hopes of to getting Dave to back off."
"Are you fucking kidding me?!"
"Cheer up, Mike, how can he force you on a date anyway? Just ignore him and you'll be... I would say fine, but most likely you will be killed in one or the other way, just as I have been."
"I fucking wish I could be killed, but not even that they give to me..."
"We've all been there."
Freddy pouted. "B-Bon-bon, t-they ignore me-me-me!"
"And why could that be, Freddy?"
"I d-don't know! I did A-ABSOLUT-T-TELY NOTHING-NOTHING wrong-g!"
"Then how about we ask them, Freddy?"
Before anything could happen, Mike dashed off again, escaping this fucked situation. He was far too- never mind, he wasn't having any time for that! Simon would be able to deal with it... probably...?
Now he was standing again, torn apart between going back and keeping his friend safe or leaving this wretched place.
Simon could handle-
Fucking whatever.
He turned around, sighing in defeat at his own weakness. One day he would die and he couldn't fucking wait for it.
A giggle almost distracted him, but he knew better than feeding her attention. Baby was hanging around closely, staring him down in hopes of getting some stupid reaction out of him. Out of all of them, she was the one that made him the most nervous. Yeah, Funtime Freddy was a damn psycho and loved to hurt people, but Baby was far more intelligent. A bit like Alice, but Alice was at least small and relatively harmless.
The clown-girl watched her favorite victim run off twice as quickly as before, laughing even harder. Every Guard here was a precious addition to their family, but they all had their certain perks. Mike was fun to annoy and had the best reactions, Jeremy was lovely and attentive whenever he was around and Phone Guy was, despite her having a bad impression of him before, really responsible and great for discussing plans and concepts.
It felt good to be here. It felt good to be alive.
Shortly Baby closed her eyes, going mentally through her schedule. The first two shows were finished, she had a bit down time... the kids were keeping their distance right now, even if they tend to follow her around.
"H-hey, Baby!" Jeremy ran up to her, smiling shyly. The presence inside of his backpack was surprisingly calm as well, giving a rare opportunity to fully enjoy her time with the youngest Guard.
"Jeremy! What a nice surprise! What do have there?"
"Oh, don't worry about it, they are just a few concepts I came up with!"
"Concepts? About what?"
"I... well... don't laugh, okay? Promise me!"
"Why would I laugh?" She couldn't help but snicker at this amount of insecurity.
"You're already laughing!" He tried to assume a whining tone, but in his voice there was laughter as well. Excited he opened a few papers showing off some sweet, childish drawings. "Anyway, here's what I thought about... how about... DAILY GIANT MEGA SHOWS WITH EVERY CHARACTER!"
"How are we going to pull that off, dear Jeremy? We have to watch over the children in the other rooms."
"Can't we... just close the other places for an hour...?" Now he was really whining.
"You just want to see us all on the stage together, don't you?"
"Yeah... but it would be amazing!" Jeremy looked at her with a begging expression, even his question mark was somewhat wobbling.
Smiling Baby was shaking her head at that. "It is a nice idea anyway... maybe, after hours, if you stay late, we could make a show for ourselves? And hey... maybe you can even join us then!"
It made her satisfied to see the backpack struggle a little, the being inside obviously noticing what she was referring to. Though, why being this riled up?
If she did what she was thinking about, the only thing changing would be that he would be immortal and more colorful... what would be there to complain about?
People were weird.
Jeremy felt the movement inside of his backpack as well and blushed slightly out of embarrassment. "U-uh... Sorry, I have to go... I talk to you later, alright? About the staying late thing?"
"I am looking forward to it! Have fun, dear~" Feeling generally happy, she watched him run off, his lips muttering something she wasn't able to catch anymore.
Slight jealousy got hold of her, as she thought about how good friends Jeremy and his constant companion were. One day she also wanted to have someone who never left her side.
Again she closed her eyes, going through her schedule. Potentially she could go over to Ballora, helping her out on a small play...
Oh, never mind, she just passed her. Ballora was heading for the parts and services room, so that option was dead. Foxy was far too engrossed in its own thing, going over there would do nothing but irritate everyone (also its playstyle was too rough anyway, she didn't want to get her skirt torn again) and Freddy... man, she wasn't ready to deal with him. Whatever he did today had been more than enough to already making her want to break his circuits and that was fairly unhealthy for her own mental health.
In that case she should go ahead and help out the staff! Quickly she skipped off towards the kitchen, happy to talk to the chef. "Hello Ronaldo! Are there any pizzas to deliver?"
"Oh, Baby! Why yes, there are a few in the oven currently..."
"Great! I will wait right here."
"Please do! You're the only one in this place I actually can stand..." Ronaldo smiled to himself. "If I think about it, you remind me a lot of a girl I used to work with. Back when I was employed by the mafia, the daughter of the boss was quite similar to you... headstrong and brave! It was quite a shame that she killed her father though. And half of the staff."
"How did you get out alive?"
The chef laughed whole heartedly. "If I'd tell you, I couldn't pull it off a second time!"
"Hm... but Ronaldo, I would never ever kill you!"
"Ah, you young girls are all the same." He ruffled her hair and she giggled. "You'd sell me off to the cops for a damn candy cane, you damned wretch."
"Takes one to know one!"
The oven made a sound and the pizza was removed. "Table ten, twenty, fourteen and thirty-three, in that order. Don't get it mixed up, hooligan!"
"Me? Never! Until later, Ronaldo!"
Gladly she completed her task, enjoying the rush she got from following her programming. Nothing was better than feeling complete!
"Babbo!" Orange Guy walked up to her, a mischievous smile on his face.
"Dad! What are you up to?"
"I had an idea! How about we take the water in your tank that you use for the water balloons and exchange it with acid?"
"Dad! PLEASE! What is wrong with you? The acid would instantly evaporate the thin rubber and ruin the fun, dummy! How about we fill it up with mercury? It's very poisonous!"
"Oh Babby, you're a smart cookie!" Already dashing off with glittering eyes, Old Sport hummed. "But where do I get mercury in that large quantities...?"
Her father was a bit unfocused, but that was what she loved about him!
Turning around again, she noticed that the whole area she should be at was shut off, cleaning staff was busy getting rid of the many robot-scraps scattered around. Feeling a little awkward, she spotted her friends and joined their side. "So... how long is this going to take?"
Frustrated Funtime Foxy growled, as Freddy only laughed loudly. Ballora, who appeared quite resigned, shook her head. "Approximately around fifteen minutes."
"N-never mind, right-t-t? We-we-we could j-just talk about s-something different-t! For e-example, wewew-we have t-to talk about the-the guardsssss!"
"Ah right!" They decided together that each of them would help out a certain Guard while the nightshift was going on, so they wouldn't have a too easy time killing them. It was supposed to be fair after all! "Anyone already having their eyes on someone?"
Foxy wagged its tail and made a phone motion. The being really liked the manager, since he never forgot to pat its head when he was around.
"Phone Guy for you then! But shouldn't one of us help him out as well, since you... you know... can't really tell him what he has to do?"
Ballora smiled slightly. "I would be more than happy to assist them."
"Oki-doki! I guess it's between us now, Freddy! Who would you prefer, Jeremy or Mike?" Baby wouldn't admit her own preference.
Funtime Freddy snickered. "I-I-I wanna hang out-out w-with MIKEY! I'll make-make-make sure he'll s-s-survive the l-longest!"
"Okay, in that case-"
"Wait." Ballora interrupted, furrowing her brow. "If I am not mistaken, Jeremy has some sort of animatronic partner already."
"Yeah... I guess...?" Baby shrugged a bit helpless. "If you don't mind, Freddy, we could take turns being Mike's partner and I only stay one night with Jeremy to teach him the basics?"
They had planned out their schedule already, when their father first mentioned the "Night-game" and were pretty certain that, with enough patience, they would succeed eventually. Now it was only a matter of being nice animatronics and give everyone the same opportunity to win.
The reward? Choosing the life the unlucky Guard would lead in the future... if one at all. The winner takes it all!
Freddy appeared pretty angry. "H-how about you-you-you stuff a s-s-stick up-"
"Freddy and I think that it is a WONDERFUL idea!" Bon-bon interrupted and kept his brother from finishing whatever sentence he was working on. Huffing Freddy crossed his arms and turned away.
Relieved Baby glanced at the quickly working crew in the main area. "That's done then! Remember, next week we have our first round, don't forget what your pattern is supposed to be!"
"C-couldn't we just-just-just wait in f-f-front ofofof the do-oors?"
"Freddy, we want to play with them! Not simply kill them!" Bon-bon was probably the animatronic with nerves of steel.
Bored Foxy suddenly stood up and left. The ballerina followed his example without hesitation, leaving the two quarreler on their own to fight for the rest of the afternoon, or at least until Phone Guy told them to get back to their place and stop screaming at each other.
Ah... what can I say?
Uh... soon enough my holidays start, so I can do nothing but writing all day and I hope for some neat comments that I can suck energy and motivation from! ;3
Until then, MAH DUDES!
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