"Placid As Can Be"

Benevolent and I were walking around the city. He was clenching on to me, giving lots of support. Though, he seemed protective. More protective than he usually is. But, the air felt.. Felt so warm. Maybe because we both exchanged our feelings. I wish we could have walked like that forever. But, we finally arrived at our destination.

"We're here, darling," Benevolent said softly.
We were at a house. Not just any house, though. It was an [OPERATIVE'S] home. I shivered nervously. I felt like I was violating someone's privacy. Benevolent caught on. "Don't worry. He won't mind." "Alright.."
He knocked on the door, quickly after a man opened it. He wore a skeleton mask with multiple markings on it. His uniform was a soft, icy blue. "Oh, hello. Please, come in." He said, gesturing for us to enter. Benevolent went in first, then helped me up the slab in front of the entrance. Then, the man closed the door. "Would you like something to drink?" He asked, walking over to the kitchen. "Ah, yes, please. What about you, (Y/N)?" Benevolent replied. "N-No thank you."

Placid's POV~
I grabbed a cup for Benevolent, "What would you like to drink?" "Oh, just water, please!" I nodded. (Y/N) looked nervous. "Oh, " I began, pouring some water in the cup. "My name is [OPERATIVE] Placid, but you may refer to me as 'Placid'" "Oh.. My name is (Y/N)." A little smile was on her face. "I am aware." Her face transitioned to a bit shocked. "No, I don't stalk you or anything like that. [OPERATIVES] Benevolent and Radiant just speak so much about you." I chuckled, she looked relieved to have heard that. I glided across the tile onto the carpet and handed Benevolent his cup. He looked a bit pissed, I have no idea why, though. I sat down next to (Y/N) and noticed a bandage completely stained red wrapped around her thigh. "What in the world happened?" I asked, concerned for her health. "Ah, I was shot by one of the [OPERATIVES]."
I felt anger rush through me like a waterfall does into another body of water. But, I cooled down. "Let me guess, [OPERATIVE] Macabre?" Her face became shocked once again. D*mn, she's about as bipolar as [OPERATIVE] Unpredictable. "How did you guess?" "He does it quite often to innocent [CIVILLIANS]."
Honestly, that's what makes me angry. And now, I'm starting to know why Benevolent was so peeved. I would be as well if one of my friends were shot.
(Y/N)'s POV~
A whirlwind of different emotions fled freely inside of my mind. How could he have done that to innocent people? God, he really is macabre! "From what I know, " Placid began. "You're the first one he hasn't killed." A chill ran down my spine. "W-What makes me so special?" I stammered. "I have no idea, (Y/N). I think he took a liking to you. I may not have mentioned it, but he told me you looked extravagant. To be honest, I agree with that." I stared at him in awe. My heart thumping slightly faster. Benevolent wrapped himself around my arm, staring coldly at Placid. Placid looked at him for a second, and in that second the air was tense. But, he broke contact and looked at his watch. "Benevolent, isn't it time for you to go [PATROL]?" Benevolent unwrapped himself quickly, "Oh my gosh! It is!" He pounced up from the couch and sped to the door. "Sorry, dearie, but I must go!" He blew me a kiss and went out the door. I giggled to myself. "He really does love you," Placid said, his voice monotone. "Anyways, would you like to do anything? I finished my [PATROL], and there is no [MEETING] today." "O-Oh, sure," I replied. "Anything in mind?" Placid asked. "How about a movie?" I suggested. Placid nodded. He held up 3 movies, (Insert movies here). "Which one?" "Hm, is (insert movie here) alright?" He nodded once again and slid the disk in a slot. Suddenly, it flashed onto the screen. I smiled, I saw the other two but not this one. I'm pretty sure this movie was a comedy. Placid walked back to the couch and sat next to me again. Then, the movie started.

One Hour Later

Placid's POV~

When the movie was over, (Y/N) was laughing uncontrollably, and so was I! "Th-That movie, " (Y/N) blurted out. "Wa... Was priceless! Especially the moment when-" she continued, but failed to get it all out. We were both wheezing, and coughing by the time we were done laughing. Tears were still running down our faces. I wobbled up to get some water for both of us. I walked back, sipping some from my cup and passing the other cup to (Y/N). "Thank you!" "No problem." Her smile was so bright, but why was I just noticing it? And my heart, it's thumping a bit more than usual.. Am I-- no.

It's probably from all that laughing.

Finally, I heard a knock at the door. I opened it to see Benevolent. "Done! I'm here to pick up (Y/N)!" Honestly, I felt a bit sad. "O-Oh.." I turned around, "(Y/N)! Benevolent's here!" (Y/N) slowly got up and walked to the door. "Thank you so much, Placid. It was so much fun hanging out with you!" She said. My face became slightly warmer. She waved goodbye and walked out the door.
"I think I found myself a new best friend."

Hey guys! Sorry for the lack of updates. I had writer's block once again. Also, school was being a pain in the butt. I hope you liked this one! It's less romantic though because Placid has said he wants to be "Forever a virgin". Ima respect his choice for now. Also, I'd like to say thank you for the 400+ views! Like- WHY AND HOW?! THANKS SO MUCH! I DON'T DESERVE THIS! LIKE- REEEEEEEE! THANK YOUUUUUU!!!
Also, the part in the beginning that told you Benevolent and you exchanged feelings was actually carried off from my friend youtookthelight's story " Different Than The Others". I suggest checking it out!

Word count: 1037

(Dang, I outdid myself on this one!)

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