His Radiant Personality

I pushed open the welcoming doors to the bakery and smirked at Benevolent.

"Hey, Bene!" I greeted, walking toward the counter.

"Hello, [Y/N]!" he responded, leaning toward me with a large smile on his soft features.

I headed over to the [OPERATIVE] and got my wallet out. "I'll have the usual,"

He hummed, "One iced coffee and a [F/F] cupcake, I presume?"

I laughed, "You know me so well!"

He went behind the glass display and picked out a cupcake for me, putting it into a box. He placed it on the counter near the cash register and walked a bit past the display to make a drink for me. I pulled out five dollars and placed it next to the cupcake's box and waited for him to come back. After a minute or so, he trotted over to me and placed down my drink. I motioned toward the money, which he didn't seem to notice.

"Ah, you're right!" he chuckled nervously, as though he forgot I had to pay. He reached out and grabbed the money, putting it into the register. "Do you want a receipt with that?"

I shook my head, "Nah, what's the point anyway?"

Benevolent nodded, closing the drawer. Suddenly, a quiet ringing came from his phone. He jumped a bit, fumbling around in all of his pockets to find it. Finally, he whipped it out and pressed the answer button.

"Hello?" he began.

I could hear a muffled voice coming from the phone, but I couldn't really tell what the person was saying. Bene nodded as the person talked, which turned into a surprised squeak.

"What do you mean? I mean, I have no problem with you doing that but I wish you would have warned me beforehand,"

I stared at Benevolent curiously. He sighed and finished off with a "goodbye" before hanging up the phone. He slid his phone in his front pocket and held his forehead in his hand.

"Yo, you all right there, buddy?" I asked, inching a bit closer to him.

He sighed and smiled back up at me. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit surprised. One of my friends decided that they wanted to stop by,"

My eyes lit up. "Oh! That's amazing! Mind if I meet them?"

He glanced at me and then back at the table-top. "I dunno.. I feel like he's going to try something,"

I crossed my arms and put my weight onto my right leg. "Oh, come on, Bene! I doubt they will,"

He fixed his posture and stood straight up, copying my pose. "Oh, come on, [Y/N]! I bet they will,"

An irk grew on the side of my head as the grip around my arms tensed. "Wow. How mature of you," I rolled my eyes.

He chuckled, standing normally once again, "Yep! But, in all seriousness, if you really want to then I guess you could. Just don't be surprised if he does something,"

My body relaxed and a smile grew back on to my face. "All right, bet!"

"He'll be here soon, so, I suggest you find a table for all of us,"

"Will do," I hummed, walking over to a booth.

I took out my phone and earphones, putting one in and leaving the other in my pocket. I sat there for a while while Benevolent served some customers that walked in every now and then.

Suddenly, someone flung the door open and shouted, "Hello, Benevolent~!"

I laughed. That must be his friend, I thought.

I turned around in my seat to see a taller man. He wore a similar outfit to Benevolent's, which instead had a warm, light brown vest. Like Bene, he wore a head accessory. However, his was a steampunk hat, with goggles tied around the front. I caught a glimpse of his hair, which was extremely curly and brown.

The new man strutted over to Benevolent and rested an arm on the counter. He pushed his weight onto it and tipped his hat. A quiet chatter came from them. Well, if you consider outside-voice talking quiet.

Benevolent chuckled quietly and pointed over to me, which set me off guard. I flinched and waved as the man turned around. He basically jogged over to the table and sat right in front of me. I flipped around in my seat so that I could face him. Now that I had a closer look, he had dark brown eyes and freckles were dappled across his cheeks. He seemed about 5'7, [ quantity ] inches [ shorter/taller ] than me.

He smiled at me, should I note that his teeth were pearly white?

"Hello, ma'am! Name's Radiant_Day!" he cheered.

"Nice name, fits you very well," I held my hand out, "my name is [Y/N]."

He took my hand in his, shook it, then kissed it. Strange, but I won't ask.

"Nice to meet you!" he began. "Man, you're really pretty!"

"Ah, thanks. You're quite the looker yourself, you know," I complimented, dropping my hand from his grasp.

"Thank you! I get that all the time," he smirked, adding a wink. Well, I'll admit, those people aren't lying.

I looked him up and down, meeting his stare. "I'm assuming you're also an [OPERATIVE]?"

"Oh, and you're smart! Win-win!"

"Yeah, no. I'm just guessing right now,"

"Well your guess is hella spot on!"

I awkwardly looked down to my phone, scrolling through my for you page on TikTok. Like before, I was feeling eyes burn through my skin. I looked at Radiant, who was still looking at me as though it was totally normal.

"Can I.. help you?" I muttered.

"Benevolent said you were pretty, but that is an understatement. You're absolutely gorgeous,"

My face heated up a bit, I mean, wouldn't anyone's? I'm not used to getting complimented as much as people think. Yet he's done it twice already. Not going to lie, he makes me feel confident as hell.

I bit my lip, which turned into a large grin. "Thank you, I don't really get that a lot,"

"Well you should!"

"Also, what do you mean by 'said you were pretty'?" I asked curiously.

"Ah, Benevolent was talking about his new friend that he made about two days ago, at the previous union meeting. He went into some real detail about how kind and trustworthy you were. He was talking as though you both knew each other since childhood~! So, we asked about your appearance."

I eyed him suspiciously. "Why exactly?"

Radiant seemed confused, but then snapped into an idea. "Oh! Yeah, that sounds weird. We did it so we could keep an eye out for you. Y'know, so if we ever saw you we'd have an idea of how you'd act if we were to start up a conversation."

I nodded, signaling for him to continue.

"Yeah, so he got so excited to explain! He went on and on-"

A hand slapped down on to Radiant's mouth, muffling his words. My eyes darted up to the figure covering his mouth to see Benevolent there, face tinted pink and body stiff.

"Oh, hey Bene, come take a seat," I suggested.

Benevolent's body tensed more than before as he laughed nervously. "Ah, uhm- I'll stand here, thanks."

I rolled my eyes, "Suit yourself,"

Radiant squirmed all over, trying to shake Benevolent's hand off. After about one minute of this, he finally got the bright idea to use his hands to take off Benevolent's hand. It would have worked, if Benevolent wasn't observant and strong. He slapped his other hand over Radiant's mouth, grumbling a bit.

Soon, it erupted to something more aggressive. Both of them were basically wrestling on the seat, with Benevolent on top and Radiant fighting from the bottom. I switched my phone from TikTok and started recording the scene. This is totally going to pull in the views, I thought, snickering.

Radiant flailed around on the bottom, trying to get Benevolent off. Benevolent, however, wasn't planning to let go of the high ground just yet. He lifted his knee onto Radiant's chest and leaned down, straightening his arms so the pressure against his friend's mouth would be much more firm. Radiant shouted in what I can assume is pain and fought harder against Benevolent, managing to just barely flip him over. I have no idea how he managed to do it, since the table was right there and there wasn't enough space to do so, but he did.

This brawl went on for about five more minutes. In the end, they were both tired out of their minds and decided to just call it a tie.

I finally ended the recording, holding in my laughter.

Radiant's energy bursted back as soon as he noticed that I just recorded everything. "OI! DELETE THAT!"


Word count: 1420

A/N: Hello everyone! Here's another chapter! This, like the previous chapter, has been re-written. So, please, don't be confused about the comments; I changed some things up!

That being said, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Remember, votes/stars and comments are greatly appreciated! Ilya and I hope you have a wonderful day or night! ( ˊᵕˋ )°♡. 

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