The human, that Maki had secretly been calling ''the Oaf'' in her head for the past year (even though she had learned his name on the second day after sneaking in through that open window two years ago),
generally thought of himself as Bennett
(nicknamed ''Bento'' by his friends, something his best friend Hideki - well, FORMER best friend - had come up with during their High-School days, to make fun of the fact that Bennett had the odd habit of always packing food, wherever they went - a Bento being a boxed lunch in Japanese.
As the word was only one syllable short of how a stereotypical Japanese would pronounce his name anyway (''Ben-ne-to'') and he had been caught reading manga once or twice, the name had stuck. Even his girlfriend - well EX girlfriend - had only ever called him 'Bennett' when she was angry).
It had taken him what felt like ages to get over the initial shock of what had happened in the kitchen - all he had been able to do for several minutes was sprout long tirade of whispered curses, and stare in disbelief, while he tried to figure out if his broken heart and the pain of the double betrayal had finally driven him insane, or if it was just the universe mocking him for thinking he knew anything about the laws of physics and biology.
Steamrolled and flabbergasted as he was by discovering a tiny - currently unconscious - girl in his kitchen, a wave of giddiness overtook him, the absurdity of it all making him light-headed and silly, his sleep-deprived brain as always being happy to make use of his over-active imagination.
However, he sobered up very quickly, when, nasty fiend that his mind was, it presented him with a pretty clear recollection of what he had just done, and why the tiny girl, that shouldn't even be able to exist, was out cold on his kitchen floor.
Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck...
He had panicked! It had been a reflex!
Screams? A Damsel In Distress? A Spider On The Floor? Ew! Squish it!
Bennett was sure - well alright, fairly sure - he wouldn't have missed and hurt her by accident, but how the hell was she supposed to know that?
Bennett kept cursing himself for his stupidity.
Just imagining what it must have been like, made him want to bang his head against a wall for being such an idiot.
Being as small as that, you must be like, constantly terrified.
Shit, I mean there was a reason she was hiding.
She was probably scared shitless by me anyway, from her perspective, I must be enormous... I mean, I can probably fit her in one of my hands.
She wouldn't even be able to do anything about it, she's so small.
I could, like, do anything I wanted.
That feels bloody weird.
To her, I must be like this all powerful giant monster.
There she is.
Scared as hell.
And then she gets attacked by a bloody spider.
Oh god. Imagine having to live in a world where spiders are as big as dogs.
I'm so cleaning this place later and kill every spider I can find.
She literally runs for her life. Probably scared beyond anything.
A nasty ass huge spider just about to eat her, when this scary giant monster comes along, and instead of like, using his hands to just gently sweep the disgusting fucker away from the poor hysterical thing, or at least providing a friendly, protective yet non-threatening anti-spider-barrier, the humongous, scary, giant idiot just crushes the thing beneath his giant, stinking foot, like, not even an inch from her face, which totally doesn't drive home how powerless she is, and never in a thousand years would make someone as panicked as her think 'Oh shit, that red smear on the linoleum could have been me', right?
Well, congratulations Mr. Horacek, you scared someone so much, they fainted from sheer terror.
Your mother would be so proud.
So, what do you all think of Bennett?
I must admit, I rather like him. He's actually fairly intelligent, but he does tend to act before he thinks, and truly is just a tad... oafish ;D
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!
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