Dimensions And Answers
In the morning sky a airplane is shown with a woman inside as it descends down to Miami City
It shows a limo with a man and the woman from before talking
Man: Congratulations on the negotiation... Madame Chairwoman
The woman known as Henrietta Akaba the mother of Declan Akaba and Chairwoman of Leo Corp
Henrietta: Thank you Claude. It seems that everything is going to plan so far and what a plan it is. To grow the Leo Institute to new heights. Oh, it will be grand. Very soon with the help of the Leo Institute dueling will touch every part of the globe. It will become an entire way of life.
Claude: Yes, your hard work is starting to show and the president is pleased with the results, but...
Henrietta simply narrowed her eyes
Henrietta: But what?
Claude: While you were gone, Madame Chairwoman, there were some, shall we say, intriguing developments here. Developments that all seem to stem from something called Pendulum and Link Summoning
Henrietta: Pendulum and Link?
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
At the Leo Institute Declan greets his mother
Declan: Welcome back mother
Henrietta: Ah, Declan. Have you of two new summoning methods? From what I hear it's unlike Fusion, Synchro, or Xyz summoning. From what I hear, it's unlike anything that the world has ever seen before.
Declan: Yes, mother. It's true. I think you'd better sit down...
Henrietta did ask her son advised as he explained
Declan: These bits of footage we've compiled tell the whole story.
The video shows both Yuya and Dakota's duel with the Sledgehammer as the screen was split showing both of them pendulum summon both their Odd-Eyes and Dakota Link summoning Borreload and Firewall Dragon
Henrietta: How can this be?
Declan: By way of new types of cards known quite aptly as a pendulum card which by using two of them you can summon numerous high level monsters. As for link cards they have no level, rank, or defense points and are put in a zone called the extra monster zone which is above the normal monster zone. They are both powerful techniques
Henrietta: These cards where'd they come from?
Declan: We have are best people looking into that as we speak. So far, they haven't been able to find anything, but I found a lead that is quite promising and I think you will feel the same way, dear mother.
Henrietta: I'm intrigued. Please, go on
Declan: It's in regard to the duelists who first used these cards.
A picture of both Yuya and Dakota appeared on screen with some of their info as well
Declan: First is Yuya Sakaki. He's a 14 year old who attends a cut rate duel school known as Yu Show. He's in the JUNIOR ARC League and his duel record is 46 matches with 26 wins and 20 losses. Next to him is the one who can both use the pendulum and link technique. His name is Dakota Levi he's 16 years old and attends the same school as Yuya. He's also in the Junior ARC League, however throughout his whole life he has had specifically 105 matches with only 3 out of the 105 of them being losses and the other 102 of them being wins.
Henrietta: So this Yuya boy is an average duelist at best and Dakota is practically at an expert level. Surely, Declan. Your not suggesting that someone like this could be responsible for pioneering such a cutting edge duel technique. Dakota I somewhat understand, but Yuya?
Declan: Did I mention that Yuya Sakaki is the son of Yusho Sakaki and Dakota is Yusho Sakaki's nephew?
Henrietta: Yusho Sakaki?!
Henrietta was surprised to hear that information
Henrietta: The same Yusho Sakaki that vanished 3 years ago? Are you saying he's back, and back to cause us trouble?
Declan: I don't know, but we must find out and I may have a way
Henrietta: Yes?
Declan then changed the screen and explained again
Declan: Just the other day, I received reports of an incident not far off campus. A duelist was sent to the hospital after a duel. He says the one responsible was Yuya Sakaki
Henrietta: Anything else
Declan: Yes actually somewhere else on that same day a duel between Julia Krystal and Dakota Levi happened
The duel was shown as it showed Dakota using crystal beasts
Henrietta: He's using Crystal Beasts, but didn't they belong to a student here back then
Declan: Yes. His name was Jesse Anderson and what I heard is that Jesse gave them to him, but after that duel someone else challenged Dakota
The duel between Dakota and Daniel, as Henrietta saw Dakota's dragons while she also saw Daniel's and at the end of the duel Daniel disappeared
Henrietta: Declan, you don't think
Declan: Yes I do. I just hope that I'm wrong
It then cuts to Dakota sleeping until it looked like something jumped on him
As he woke up he saw a baby Tasmanian Devil
Dakota: Morning Diablo come to to wake me up
All Diablo did was crawl up on Dakota's shoulder and nuzzled in his neck and then a spiritual form of Daniel appeared
Daniel: Nice room you have a lot of Dragon based stuff
Dakota: Of course I do I am a Dragon duelist
Daniel already explained about himself and his home dimension the Xyz dimension, but that was all then he was interrupted by a small scream from Diablo
Dakota: Hehe alright let's go down and get you some breakfast
As Dakota walked downstairs dressed for the day both Diablo and himself got breakfast and Dakota was going to leave for Yu Show, but there was a problem
Dakota: Alright, Diablo I got to go
Diablo: *low cute growl*
Dakota: Um mom? I have a problem
Mom: What's wrong?
Dakota: I can't get Diablo off me
His mother then went up and tried to get the small Australian animal off him, but Diablo only dug his claws deeper into Dakota's shirt soon reaching his skin
Dakota: Okay it's at this point where I either have to take him with or stay home
Mom: *sigh* I guess you can bring him with
Dakota: Thanks mom
Dakota then left for Yu Show and was a little late then usual and met Yuzu
Dakota: Now, Yuzu I know you want to hit me with that fan of yours, but you can't
Yuzu: Why can't I?
Dakota: Because of this
Dakota showed Diablo on his shoulder as he tried to pull him off again, but it was futile
Dakota: See?!
Yuzu: Fine. You're lucky Diablo is clingy
At Yu Show Dakota and the others are in a class as they're learning about the different types of summoning
Well really only Tate and Yuya are paying attention Fredrick and Allie were bored out of their minds while Sora was mixing his snacks, Yuzu was lost in her mind, and as for Dakota he sleeping in his chair with Diablo on his desk
As Dakota was sleeping he was then pushed backwards by Yuya which woke him up
Dakota: Grr. What the hell Yuya?!
Tate: Hey what don't we have Dakota explain the other summonings like fusion
Dakota: Why me?
Yuya: Cause it would be your punishment
Allie: You're also the oldest here besides principal Boyle Onii-san
Dakota: Alright fine. Come on Diablo
Diablo woke up with a yawn and hopped on Dakota's shoulder again
Dakota: Now if you're an expert like me you'll know that there are six extra summoning styles. Ritual, Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, Pendulum, and Link now.
They all nodded understanding what he said
Dakota: First is Ritual summoning which you'll need three things a ritual spell, ritual monster in your hand and the compatible monsters. Example if I wanted to summon a level 8 monster I would need it in my hand with the spell to summon it and sacrificing 2 level fours or one level 8 monster from my field or hand
Everyone nodded understanding what was needed and Tate raised his hand
Dakota: Yes Tate?
Tate: Can you Ritual summon?
This did cause the others to be curious since he can pendulum and fusion summon as well
Dakota: Actually I can, Tate. In fact I have four different ritual monsters
This shocked them and left Yuya in thought
Yuya: *thought* Can he use all six extra summoning styles
Dakota: Now on to Fusion summoning. This technique requires a "fusion" or "Polymerization" spell along with 2 or more compatible monsters. However you also used Hex Sealed Fusion monsters as a substitute, but the fusion monster has to have the same attribute as the hex monster
Sora: How?
Dakota: Hmph! Example if I have Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon on the field and Dark Hex Sealed Fusion I can use them to fusion summon my Drake-Eyes
Sora nodded getting his answer
Dakota: There's also a advanced version of fusion summoning called Contact Fusion. This is where you would do what you normally do to fusion summon, but without the spell
Everyone understood and let Dakota finish
Dakota: Next is synchro summoning. This only requires a tuner monster and 1 or more non-tuner monster. Say I want to synchro summon a level 5 synchro monster I would need 1 tuner monster and a level 4 non-tuner monster or the other way around. Now like Fusion, Synchro also has advanced versions called Double Tuning and Accel Synchro. Double Tuning is when you use two tuner monsters instead of one, but only if you're synchro monster says to. Next is Accel Synchro this is where you tune a tuner synchro monster with a non-tuner monster and/or more than one
Everyone understands then Allie raised her hand
Allie: Have you ever Accel synchro summoned before?
Dakota then remembered one of his underground duels, but wasn't honest
Dakota: No, I haven't, but I plan to do it sometime
With that Allie understood and Dakota continued the lesson
Dakota: Now then on to Xyz summoning.
This got Yuzu's attention and Dakota continued
Dakota: Xyz summoning is pretty simple in my opinion, since all it takes is two or more of the same level of monsters. However unlike the other summonings Xyz monsters don't have a level
Yuya: What do you mean?
Dakota: I mean instead of levels they have something called ranks which are on the left instead of the right side of the card. Now here's the interesting part instead of the monsters you used to Xyz summon going to the graveyard they become a part of the monster becoming overlay units
Fredrick: What are overlay units?
Dakota: Overlay units are what you use to activate your Xyz monster's ability. Just like the other summonings Xyz also have a advanced version called Rank Up. Depending on the the type of rank ip spell you use, you could summon a higher rank Xyz monster with that spell and Xyz monster as overlay units too.
Everyone was surprised, but understood what Dakota said
Dakota: Now on to the new types of summoning. First off with pendulum. Pendulum summoning requires two pendulum monsters that go on the left and right side of your field. Example if I used a scale 1 monster and a scale 9 monster I can automatically summon monsters levels 2 through 8 without tributing.
Yuya: Seems like you know more about Pendulum than I do cuz
Dakota: It's because I'm simply better than you man. Now on to my personal favorite, Link summoning.
Everyone was focused on this since Dakota was the only one who could link summon
Dakota: Link summoning only requires the link monster and the monsters to summon them. Example if I use 4 monsters I can link summon a link 4 monster.
Tate: Wait what was that double link you did before?
Dakota: Simple, since my Borrelguard Dragon was a link 4 monster I just used Triple Burst Dragon who already had three links and another monster to summon it
Tate: Oh.
Just then Yuzu asked a question
Yuzu: Where's its level?
Dakota: Heh, I'm so glad you asked Yuzu. You see unlike the other summonings Link monsters don't have levels or ranks personally you can say they're level zero's and they also have no defense points. Meaning link monsters are unaffected by cards that target a certain level or rank and involve a monsters defense points. That's what makes my link monsters so powerful.
Everyone understood, but were shocked that Dakota knew about all types of summoning until they heard something
Gong: How dare you?! You made the Gong angry! Now things get ugly!
Dakota: The hell is that about?!
They ran when they saw Gong in front of Slyvio's goons
Spike: What's going on?
Gong: Principal Boyle. Gong was doing duel sprints when Gong saw Slyvio's pals loitering around your campus say that Yuya hurt Slyvio in a duel
Spike: Yuya?!
Yuya: Me?!
The three then said that Yuzu also saw it, but in this moment Daniel spoke to Dakota
Daniel: *mentally* They must be talking about Yuto
Dakota: *mentally* Who's that?
Daniel: *mentally* A friend of mine he was at the wear house where Yuzu was mistaking her for my friend
Dakota then had enough of them accusing his cousin of harming Slyvio to the point where he grabbed two of them by the collars of their shirts and knocked the third one to the ground and was placing his foot on him
After this he spoke in a calm, but aggressive way
Dakota: Let's get one thing straight. I know my cousin and he isn't the duelist who gets kicks out of hurting others. As for Slyvio he's probably just relaxing being the third rate dueling drama queen he is. So when you falsely accuse him, you're falsely accusing me. Now go home before I really start to lose my temper
Dakota dropped the two he was holding to the ground and got off the third letting them all run
Dakota: Jackass's
Yuya: Dakota was that necessary?
Dakota: They accuse you, they accuse me. That's how family works Yuya.
Yuya only smiled at his cousin before Skip asked a question
Spike: What is going on?!
???: Perhaps I can be of some assistance
The person who spoke was someone who was all to familiar with Spike and Dakota
Spike: I know you! You're...
Dakota: Henrietta Akaba. It certainly has been awhile
The others were confused about what Dakota said until she spoke
Henrietta: Dakota Levi, last time I saw you, you were about three feet tall, so how's your family
Dakota: Better since my good-for-nothing father left us
Henrietta: That is good to hear, but we can discuss this later. After all I think we need to have a little talk.
Henrietta and Skip were talking while Yuya and Yuzu were asking Dakota questions
Yuya: How do you know Henrietta Akaba?
Dakota: She's friends with my mom. I also met her son and I have to say that he's a little bit on the more serious side of dueling. In fact we practically treat each other like brothers
Yuzu: How come you never told us?
Dakota: There's lots of things I haven't told you guys that involve my past and I have my reasons to keep it that way
Yuya and Yuzu were a little concerned and wondered what happened in his past
Henrietta and Spike were talking about the incident from earlier and asked Yuya again to which he said no
Yuya: Why doesn't anyone believe me?!
Dakota: Cool down, Yuya after all I did say that if they accuse you then their accusing me and I do believe you wouldn't do that *mutters* even if it was Slyvio.
Gong: Gong agrees with Dakota and Gong believes Yuya didn't hurt Sylvio
Fredrick, Tate, and Allie all agreed with Gong however Yuzu was still unsure about it all, but agreed that Yuya didn't do it
Henrietta: As sweet as this is the problem is that three witnesses say the opposite, so unless you want me to get the authorities involved in this. I suggest that you listen to my proposal and listen good
Dakota simply glared looking at Henrietta wondering what she was thinking
Henrietta: As you know, I am the chairwoman of the Leo Institute,the top duel school in the whole world.
Spike: So, what does that have to do with Yuya
Henrietta: Yuya made a fool of our student! This is now about honor. Honor that we have all lost, but that we will still restore. By way of students battling in a duel!
Spike: Is it hot or is it just me?!
While the others were shocked Dakota just stood there
Henrietta: If you're school wins then I'll forget about the Yuya incident, but if we win the duel then the Leo Institute will take over Yu Show Duel School.
Everyone was shocked hearing this while Gong said it was suspicious, Dakota decided to mention the true reason
Dakota: Don't you all get it now?
Everyone: Huh?
Dakota: This has nothing to do with honor or Slyvio now. This has to deal with Yuya's and my pendulum summoning plus my link summoning. Right, Henrietta?
Henrietta was slightly surprised he knew her true intentions, she kept a straight face showing no shock or surprised expression
She then explaines that with pendulum and link at Leo Institute they would both flourish around the world what the others didn't know is that this was mostly false
Yuya mentioned how dueling is supposed to be fun and happy and agreed to the duel
Dakota: If Yuya's involved then I'm involved because family sticks together
Spike: You have a deal, Henrietta Akaba
All: Let's duel!
In the arena Yuya, Yuzu, Sora, and Dakota were with Spike while Henrietta was with two guys and Julia
Dakota: Well, well, well looks like I hit the jackpot. Hey Julia
Julia: Hello, Dakota
Dakota: *thought* God damnit! Why do I want to kiss her right now?! Focus, Dakota! Besides you two can do that afterwards hehe
Henrietta: So we're all in agreement. We will have three separate duels between three duelists from my school and three from yours. Now then, who's first?
Sora immediately wanted to go first, but Yuya walked up saying he'll duel
Henrietta: A wise choice starting with your strongest duelist first. After all being defeated in your first match would be demoralizing. Save the weak for last. Although I highly doubt it will matter much whoever duels first.
Dakota: Why's that?
Henrietta: Cause you see Dakota, the students I've brought over from the Leo Institute are at the top of their class and each one specializes in a unique style of play. The one facing Yuya will be Dipper
Dakota: Ha! You really think he can take on Yuya? Oh, well see for yourself what happens
Yuya and Dipper got ready to duel as the other's watched while Dakota is in thought
Dakota: *thought* If you're here Henrietta then that means Declan isn't far in fact I knew he was watching me from the very beginning and if he wants to duel then he'll definitely get one.
As the others were focused on the duel Dakota felt he knew his cousin will win
Dakota: I'm going to the bathroom, so tell what happens when I get back
As Dakota left he walked down the hallway and saw someone he was expecting
Dakota: I see Yuya's and my new summoning style has intrigued you... Declan Akaba
Declan: I assumed you knew I was coming... Dakota Levi
The two gave each other a glare as Dakota asked a simple question
Dakota: What do you know about the other dimensions
Declan: How did you...?
Dakota: I met, dueled, won, and merged with my Xyz counterpart. Now, tell me everything you know about them Declan
Declan: Very well
Declan told Dakota about how the 4 dimensions were once one, but two beings called Zarc and Shade were two duelists who were once rivals, but because of the audience who wanted more brutal duels they were corrupted and almost destroyed their dimension
Dakota was slightly shocked hearing this and Declan said that his father's first daughter, Ray Akaba used 4 special cards to split them, herself, and the dimension into 4
Declan despite wanting to did as he asked and then told Dakota that Yuya was one of the four parts of Zarc and Dakota was one of the four counterparts of Shade, but because he merged with his Xyz counterpart already he's now half of Shade
Dakota: Hmph! I expect a better explanation later on, because Yuya's Xyz counterpart is here as well as my Xyz counterparts brother
Declan simply nodded understanding what he wanted while also focusing on Yuya's duel
Dakota: So, Yuya won his duel. That's great
Yuya returned and got tackled by the three kids while Gong pulled him into a tight hug and Dakota stood next to him
Dakota: I'm proud of you man seemed you actually paid attention to my lesson today
Julia then walked up to the others and said who she was while also looking at Dakota as he was also looking back at her
Dakota: Julia isn't going to go easy in fact I think she'll be able to win this in at least one or two turns
Sora: How are you so sure Dakota?
Dakota: Cause I dueled Julia and let me tell you, you don't have to tell her not to hold back cause she goes all out from the start
As Julia and Yuzu started Julia already summoned Gem-Knight Topaz which got Dakota's attention
Yuya: What's up Dakota?
Dakota: This is how mine and Julia's duel started the only difference is that Yuzu is at a high disadvantage because of those fusion monsters and if she does what she did with me... then I hate to say it, but Yuzu's a goner then
Gong: Gong thinks you should believe in Yuzu Dakota
Dakota: I wish I could, but even I almost lost to Julia when we dueled
Yuya: Really?!
Dakota: Yeah, she got me to about 1750 life points before I started a comeback and won
They all started watching the duel, but Dakota was a little nervous especially since it's Yuzu who's dueling
Unfortunately, Dakota was right as on Julia's second turn she defeated Yuzu, but was able to be cheered up by her friends especially Dakota
Dakota: Don't worry Yuzu you did amazing and don't forget you can learn a lot more from losing then winning
Next was the final match between Kit Blade and Sora that was until Sora let Gong duel for him
Gong and Kit had a little talk before he said that his friends didn't know what they were doing which got on dipper's nerves
Dipper: Did you hear what Kit just said? He said we have no idea what we're doing?!
Julia: Hate to break it to you, but he wasn't talking about us he was talking about you
Dakota: Haha! Nice roast there Julia
Julia: Thanks though when you get to know dipper it's pretty easy
Henrietta: Do you two know each other
Dakota: Well we are dating
Dipper: You two are what?!
Dakota: I said Julia and I are dating. Try to get the stardust from your duel out of your ears LITTLE Dipper
Dipper wasn't happy with Dakota calling him that, but it got Julia to laugh
As the duel between Kit and Gong began it ended in a tie and Dakota knew what was going to happen
Dakota: Henrietta I assume you know what happens since there's a tie
Henrietta: Indeed and I presume we both have a fourth duelist for this situation
Dakota: Yeah and I'm that forth duelist and I think I know who your fourth duelist is
Henrietta: I knew you didn't go to the bathroom.
Dakota: Heh! You can come out now... Declan Akaba
Everyone was confused until Declan walked out from behind them
Declan: So you're my opponent Dakota? Hmm seems we finally get what we both wanted
Dakota: You know it!
Yuya: Huh? What was it that both of you wanted
Dakota: A duel between each other to see who the real powerful duelist is
Declan: Indeed. Now let's get this over with
Dakota: Don't have to tell me twice. Get fired up Declan
Declan: Hmm
The two of them headed to the field area, but Dakota asked something
Dakota: So, Declan I know you've been monitoring me and you probably already know I have two decks so which one do you want me to duel you with
Declan: Your dragon deck obviously
Dakota: Hmph, if you say so
Kids: Win this Dakota!!
Gong: Gong has all his trust in you Dakota, so win this duel!!!
Sora: Wipe him out!
Yuya: Show him that your dragons aren't as friendly as he thinks!!!!
Spike: I got just the field for you Dakota! I activate the Action Field Dragon Domain!
A volcanic area appeared around the duelists as a volcano in the background started to leak lava and a dragon flew out of the volcano and started flying above them
Sora: Alright! This is like Dakota's home turf!
Yuya: Then let's cheer him on! Duelists enveloped by the fires of passion!
Gong: Let their sparks turn into a roaring inferno!
Kids: They're fiery passion turns into a flaming competition
Yuzu: Then let's watch them turn up the heat in this match!
All: Action!
Dakota/Declan: Duel!
Declan: 8000 LP
Dakota: 8000 LP
Dakota: I'll let you take the first turn Declan
Declan: Why's that?
Dakota: Well I want to see why your the president of Leo Corp. Now, let's stop talking and start dueling
Declan: Very well. Then I'll activate three spell cards, first this one. I activate Dark Contract with the gate. At the beginning of my next turn I take 1000 points of damage
Dakota: Hmm.
Yuya: Huh? Did he just say...
Yuzu: That makes no sense
Gong: Yeah it's like he's trying to throw the duel away when it's just starting
Declan: There is a benefit though. Once each turn I can add a D/D monster that's level 4 or lower from my deck to my hand. I now summon D/D Cerberus.
Fredrick: D/D?
Sora: It stands for different dimension this will be interesting
Declan: Now I activate a second Dark Contract with the Gate
Gong: What?! By doing that, when his next turn comes up...
Yuzu: He'll be 2000 points weaker!
Declan: Now I can get another level 4 or lower D/D monster from my deck to my hand. Say hello to D/D Lilith. Now I will activate my third spell Dark Contract with the Swamp King and like my other spells once my next turn starts, I get hit with 1000 points of damage.
Dakota: Hmph! Alright care to finish this up
Declan: Be careful what you wish for Dakota or it might just come true. With the power of Dark Contract with the Swamp King, I can summon a fusion monster without a fusion spell
Dakota: Oh boy
Declan: Now watch as I fuse Cerberus and Lilith together. Hellhound that bares its fangs, vamp of the dark night! In a whirlpool of light from the realm of the dead, become one and give birth to a new king. I Fusion Summon! Be born! D/D/D Flame King Genghis!!
Dakota: Woah...
The others were beginning to feel worried for Dakota, but he just kept a straight face
Declan: I'll place two cards face down and end my turn. Your move
Dakota: He got rid of his entire hand?
While Declan just stood there the others didn't think he was taking Dakota seriously
Tate: Wipe the floor with this guy Dakota!
Allie: Show this guy who's really the strongest!
Fredrick: Knock him down to size
Yuya: You got this Dakota! Just remember you can't lose
Dakota: Yuya, Yuzu, everyone don't worry because no matter who I face. I will be victorious! You know something Declan just because you can fusion summon on your first turn doesn't prove anything to me. Cause I can do way more than that!
Declan: Then show me what you can do
Dakota: My move, I draw! First I set the pendulum scale with scale 1 Odd-Eyes Persona Dragon and scale 8 Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon. Now, I'm allowed to summon monsters from levels 2 through 7 all at the same time. I summon my Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon and Alexandrite Dragon! Now I'll contact fuse them together. Beautiful dragon with gleaming eyes fuse yourself with the priceless dragon, and become a force of beauty and power! I Contact Fuse! Level 8! Dragon of beauty and brawn! DRAKE-EYES PENDULUM DRAGON! Oh and since Odd-Eyes is a pendulum monster instead of being sent to my graveyard he's sent to my extra deck
Tate: Alright! Not only does Dakota's dragon has 1000 more attack points
Allie: When he pendulum summons on his next turn he can bring it back
Sora: Not only that, but Drake-Eyes can have Dakota get his Alexandrite Dragon back if he destroys Declan's Flame King
Gong: Gong is very impressed and very proud
Yuya: Alright!
Dakota: Now! Drake-Eyes show that Flame King true fire power and attack!
Declan: Not so fast. I activate the trap Dark Contract With the Witch! Now I'll take another 1000 points of damage at the start of my next turn, but it will benefit my Flame King by giving him 1000 attack points.
Fredrick: That means that they'll both be destroyed!
Dakota: Sorry, Declan, but my dragons don't get destroyed that easily. I activate the action spell High Dive giving my Drake-Eyes 1000 extra attack points until the end of this turn. Now, Drake-Eyes continue your attack
As Drake-Eyes attacked the smoke cleared showing Flame King to be unharmed
Dakota: What?!
Declan: Yes. Flame King Genghis survives because I activated an action card of my own. The spell card Evasion to be precise
Dakota: Hmph! Well it doesn't matter because since I have two Odd-Eyes monsters on my field Drake-Eyes can't be destroyed.
Declan then started to chuckle
Dakota: It's unlike you to chuckle during a duel, so what's funny?
Declan: Sorry, I just remembered when you let me go first. It's that your a nice guy Dakota, but alas you haven't learned yet that in a duel that playing "nice" is the quickest path to defeat
However Dakota started to laugh himself
Dakota: Haha! It's funny that you think I was being nice, but I wasn't. In fact this is all part of my strategy after all I always went second in my duels and always came out on top.
Declan: Like when you took part in underground dueling?
Dakota: Tch?!
Yuya: Underground dueling?!
Yuzu: No way! Dakota would never take part in those types of duels. Would he?
Gong: Gong is just as curious as the rest of you
Declan: After all you had no choice since your father left and took all your mother's money
Dakota: Shut... up.
Declan: Then you eventually found it fun to cause pain on others
Dakota: I said shut up.
Declan: Of course though you were forced to stop because of your mother
Dakota: I said. SHUT UP!
A dark like aura surrounded Dakota's body and his hair covered his eyes while only a small smirk was shown
Dakota: You know something Declan you might know a lot about dueling, but you know nothing about me. The one fact is when I'm pissed I get very. Very. VIOLENT! I end my turn with two cards face down, your move Declan! Now you take 4000 points of damage
Declan: Sorry, but I won't because I activated the trap Contract Laundering. Which negates my contract's effect and destroys them
Dakota: Grr. Heh clever move, but those tricks will only get you so far
Declan: We'll see. Lastly I draw one card for each contract I destroy. The duel continues, Dakota
Dakota: Heh I'm actually glad I didn't defeat you now Declan. It would've been too easy. Now I should say I found a new way too dueltain people
Declan: So you want to carry your uncle's legacy?
Dakota: So you knew my uncle
Kit then chimes in saying how Yusho was a coward and Dakota said something that shocked everyone
Dakota: Bad mouth my uncle again and I'll come up there and slit your throat bastard!
Both Dipper and Kit both shook at the threat he said while Julia was a little worried
Dakota: Anyways, the new style of dueltaining I found is that I should completely destroy my opponents
Yuya: What?!
Dakota: You should of heard the people that watched me when I was underground dueling. The applause, the cheers they all chanted my name. REVOLVER!!!
Declan: Hmm. I see and do admire your uncle's exploits he did make action dueling. I always wanted to test myself and dueling his nephew who is also the son of the strongest dragon duelist in the world is one of the next best things. So, from here on out I won't be holding back
Dakota: Good! Show me your true strength Declan Akaba!
Declan: I draw! I summon a tuner monster. My D/D Nighthowl! Once I summon this monster I can summon another. It must be a D/D monster that's level 4 or lower from my graveyard and I have to reduce its attack points to zero. I revive my D/D Lilith. I tune my D/D Nighthowl with my level 4 Lilith! Howls that tear through the night. Gain the swiftness of the gale and become the cries of a newborn king! I Synchro Summon! Level 7! D/D/D GUST KING ALEXANDER!!
Dakota: *thought* That's right bring out your three kings
Declan: I'm not finished. Flame King Genghis activate your special ability and turn up the heat! When a D/D/D monster other than my Flame King Genghis is summoned. I'm then allowed to summon a D/D monster from my graveyard and that's what I'll do! Arise once again D/D Lilith! Now as a further twist D/D/D Gust King Alexander's special ability activates. Whenever a D/D monster is summoned my Gust King can command another D/D monster to rise from the graveyard as it will now. Return to me, D/D Cerberus! Now, Dakota I intend to overlay my Cerberus and Lilith. So it begins! In order to subjugate all that resides in this world, now, descend onto the peak of this world! I Xyz Summon! Be born! Rank 4! D/D/D WAVE KING CAESAR!!! I should warn you I haven't even begun to unleash my most powerful monsters. The worst is yet to come.
Dakota: Grrr. Even so, you're monsters are still weak then my Drake-Eyes and even if they were strong enough because of Persona and Mirage dragon Drake-Eyes can't be destroyed
Declan: Then I end my turn, but let me ask you Dakota. Why do you duel?
Dakota: Why do I duel?
Declan: You can answer that later
Dakota: Fine. My move, I draw! Now it's time I stop holding back. I activate the spell, Card of Sanctity this allows both of us to draw until we have six cards in our hand
They both drew six and Dakota was ready to end this
Dakota: I set the pendulum scale to summon Rokket Recharger, Tiger Dragon, and back from my extra deck Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon! I now tune my level 4 tuner Rokket Recharger and level six Tiger Dragon
Yuya: Wait? Dakota can synchro summon too?!
Dakota: Great dragon named after a weapon wielded by a god! I call upon you to show my enemy your absolute power! I Synchro Summon! Rise! Level 10! TRIDENT DRAGON!!
Everyone was amazed by the dragon Dakota summoned
Dakota: Now I activate spell Monster Reborn to bring back Alexandrite Dragon and I normal summon my Curse of Dragon
Tate: Now he has two level fours!
Allie: Is he going to Xyz summon
Sora: Most likely
Dakota: I now overlay my two level four dragons to build the overlay network! Dragon the lives in the deepest depths of the ocean! I call upon you to bring a tsunami of pain on our foe! I Xyz Summon! Rise up! Rank 4! Great Behemoth! Number 17: LEVIATHAN DRAGON!!!
A giant serpent like dragon appeared and roared at Declan's King's, but what shocked them is they all had a unnerved look
Dakota: Now I activate from my hand the spell Chaos Form! By using my Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon I can Ritual Summon!
Gong: Did he just say ritual?
Henrietta: How can a boy like him use six different summoning techniques
Dakota: Dragon with dichromatic eyes, that was locked in a dark abyss. Break free of your chains and bring chaos to those who trapped you! I Ritual Summon! Level 7! CHAOTIC DRAGON WITH DICHROMATIC EYES, ODD-EYES CHAOS DRAGON!!!!
Yuya: That's Odd-Eyes?!
Tate: It looks so...
Allie: Scary
Yuzu: Why is Dakota acting so violent?
Gong: Yeah he didn't start acting like this until Declan brought up his past
Sora: *thought* That chaos dragon is certainly a competition for Yuri's dragon in looks that is
Dakota: Now it's time! Odd-Eyes Chaos Dragon attack Declan's Flame King and when Chaos Dragon destroys a monster in battle you take damage equal to your monsters attack or defense points which ever is higher
Declan: 4500 LP
Dakota: Now, I'll use Leviathan Dragon's overlay unit to increase its attack points by 500! Now attack Gust King with Vice Scream!
Declan: 4000 LP
Dakota: Now, Drake-Eyes attack Wave King with Draconic Devastation!
Declan: 3400 LP
Dakota: That's enough punishment for you, so I'll end my turn cause next I'll be burning your life points down
Declan: Is that so?
Dakota: Huh?
Just then Flame King, Gust King, and Wave King were back
Dakota: What the hell?! How?!
Declan: Thanks to Wave Kings special ability by using an overlay unit he brings back all monsters that were destroyed by you in battle, but I must pay 1000 life points for each one. Now I activate a trap card. By using D/D/D Human Resources I can relocate three D/D/D monsters to my deck, then I can recruit two D/D monsters from my deck and send them straight to my hand!
Dakota: Well I already end my turn, so it's still your move. I have to say I'm impressed you're almost on my level haha
Declan: I can say the same for you as well. Out of all the duels I've been in you are the one who has survived the longest against me. Now you'll seen that I'm closer to your level than you think. Prepare yourself for a surprise! By using these cards D/D Servant Galileo and D/D Servant Kepler I'm going to set the pendulum scale!
Dakota: No way?!
Yuya: Declan can pendulum summon
Declan: Just like you and your cousin Dakota I can also pendulum summon! Now I can summon monsters levels 2 through 9 at the same time! Behold my three D/D/D Doom King Armageddon! Along with D/D Destroyer and D/D Berfomet
Dakota: Hehehehhahahahaha! Amazing, Declan you really are something else
Declan: There's more than that. Arrowheads confirmed! The summoning conditions are 2 D/D monsters. I set D/D Destroyer and D/D Berfomet in the link markers! Circuit combine! Show a alternate path for my future! From the deepest and darkest parts of the abyss lies a mighty ruler. I Link Summon! Rise, Link 2! D/D/D ABYSS KING GILGAMESH
Dakota: Holy shit.
Everyone was shocked seeing what Declan did
Declan: Now I activate the spell card Raigeki! This destroys all your monsters
Dakota: What?!
Declan: Now Abyss King Gilgamesh will attack you directly!
Dakota: 6200 LP
Declan: Now my first Doom King Armageddon will attack
Dakota: 3200 LP
Declan: Now my second Doom King will attack
Dakota: 200 LP
Dakota: ARRRRRGH!!!!
Everyone: DAKOTA!!!
As the smoke cleared Dakota was laying on his stomach
Yuya: Dakota! Are you okay?!
Yuzu: Yuya I don't think shouting is going to work
Gong: This duel has gone to far
Julia stayed silent, but she did agree with Gong until they saw Dakota pushing himself off the ground
Henrietta: Impossible?! How can this boy survive an attack like that?!
Dakota: I'm... still... standing... Declan
Declan: Very well I'll end my turn.
Dakota: It's... my... move, I draw!
Yuzu: Dakota stop pushing yourself! Your only hurting yourself more
Dakota: No! I won't give up! I'm not letting this school be owned by a bunch of rich assholes who think they can get whatever they want!
Everyone was shocked, but what he said next surprised even the Leo Institute
Dakota: Besides I said I'd win this duel to protect Yu Show and that's what I'm going to do because I never break my promises! Even if I have 1 life point left I'll duel until they hit zero or I run out of cards!
Everyone admired his determination and oath he gave
Dakota: I activate the spell, Card of Demise! I'm allowed to draw until I have 5 cards in my hand, but on my fifth standby phase I discard my hand. First I activate the field spell Boot Sector Launch now all Rokket monsters gain 300 attack and defense points. Next I can special summon two Rokket monsters in defense mode I bring out Silverrokket and Metalrokket Dragon, and because you have a link monster and I don't I can special summon Gateway Dragon. Now I use Boot Sector Launch's second effect since you have more monsters than me I can bring back rokket monsters from my graveyard equal to the difference. So I bring back my Rokket Recharger.
Tate: Dakota has four level four monsters!
Yuzu: What's he going to do
The spirit of Daniel appeared next to Dakota as they both spoke
Dakota (Daniel): Arrowheads confirmed! The summoning conditions are at least 3 effect monsters. I set Metalrokket and Silverrokket Dragon with Rokket Recharger and Gateway Dragon into the link markers! Circuit Combine! My new power become the source of my victory! Manifest, the future circuit that lights up my path! My new wind pierces through the closed world! I Link Summon! Appear, Link 4! BORRELOAD DRAGON!!!
Everyone was amazed at seeing Dakota's ace monster again
Dakota: Now, I use my dragon's ability to lower one of your Doom King's attack by 500. Now, Borreload Dragon attack the Doom King you used your ability on
Declan: 2900 LP
Dakota: Oh and during the beginning of the damage step your Doom King I attacked comes to my field and is destroyed during the end of my next turn. Now Doom King Armageddon attack Gilgamesh.
Declan: 1700 LP
Dakota: I'll end my turn
Declan: My move Doom King attack the other Doom King working for Dakota. I end my turn
Dakota: My move, I draw! I'll use my dragon's ability again to lower your last doom king
Declan: 1200 LP
Dakota: Now, Doom King is on my side. Doom King Armageddon attack your former master directly
Declan: 0 LP
Yu Show: DAKOTA DID IT!!!! HE WON!!!!!
Dakota: Ha... ha... ha
Dakota slowly laughed until fell unconscious causing the others to run to him
Next time on A Gem Shattering Bullet. Yuya and the others want to know everything about Dakota's past and as Dakota tells them he doesn't know what to expect. Will his friends help him or leave him? Next time. The Full Story
Hi everyone I really hope you enjoy this story especially because it's over 7000 words. Until then guys, gals, and non-binary pals, Cya
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