The Root of Evil
Shoutout to lxvendermxllow for creating this adorable Rowena drawing. If any of you have fanart of Rowena, Rosalina, maybe even Calamity Rowena, feel free to send it to me. -Mal.
Sasha had us go outside of Wartwood to look for some new recruits for the resistance. Hop Pop decided to take the fwagon in order to not attract any attention to King Andrias or even his army. Besides, we had Loggle and Rosalina join us. Other frogs were homeless and needed help. "Alright, guys. Listen up!" Anne announced. "We are here today to recruit volunteers to join the resistance." "Join us today and give Amphibia a fighting chance." Sprig added, passing out flyers. "Are there any perks?" One frog asked. "Besides saving your world?" I wondered. "Well..." "There sure are. And allow me to tell you all about them." Hop Pop interrupted. "Oh, frog, no." Rosalina sighed. "This plant was grown underground in our very own hydroponics-based resistance garden." Hop Pop continued. "Join us, and you, too, can take part in a horticultural revolution!" The homeless frogs started walking away. "Oh, no. We're losing them." Sprig said. "Anne, Rowena, code blue!" Polly warned. "Wait a second, everyone!" Anne exclaimed. "If you join today, you could eventually look like this." I pointed at Loggle, flexing his muscles. The frogs were eager to join the resistance now.
Back on the fwagon, Hop Pop was still bummed out, even though we did get more recruits. "Wowza. Almost half the caravan signed up." I said. "Here's to another successful recruitment." Anne, Sprig, and Polly cheered. "Baa." Hop Pop moaned. "What's wrong, Hop Pop?" Sprig asked. "Sometimes I feel like the only person who actually appreciates cultivating nature." Hop Pop replied. "I mean, farming is cool. "Super cool." We lied. "I just wish I could be surrounded by people who love what I love for a change. As we continued on the road, we noticed some fog in a place we didn't recognize. "Did we take a wrong turn somewhere?" Anne asked. "I have no idea where we even are." That's when the fwagon went downhill at record speeds. Everything went black after the fwagon went down a cliff.
I woke up to the sound of Hop Pop shouting. "I need coffee." I yawned. "Huh? Where are we?" Anne asked. "And why are we all wearing dresses?" Sprig added. "I think it's actually a nightgown." Rosalina corrected. "Also, on a unrelated note, I was so close to beating you in solitaire, Loggle." "Only because you cheated!" Loggle argued.
We went outside to see an unfamiliar place. Of course, it was surrounded by farm frogs. All of them came over to us. "What ho, friends. You're awake." One of the frogs greeted. "Name's Horace. Welcome to the hidden village of Gardenton." "Gardenton? That wasn't on any map." I said. "We don't like drawing attention to our little slice of paradise." Horace explains. "A place where every frog is a highly-skilled horticulturist. Our plants are treated with the love and respect they deserve." "I don't believe it. This place is full of frogs just like me!" Hop Pop gasped. "Oh, do I sense a fellow plantophile?" Horace asked. "Guess who has two green thumbs and loves the smell of fertilizer." Hop Pop replied. "This guy!" The garden frogs were easily impressed. "Clever." Horace said. "A village of horticulturalists? Now we're talking." Hop Pop smiled. "Let's recruit them. I'll take point." "I don't know, HP." Anne warned. "Does the resistance really need plant people?" "Yeah, the last village made catapults." Sprig recalled. "I don't exactly think horticult..." Polly explains. "I'm doing it." Hop Pop interrupted. "Horace, my friend, we've got a proposal, and, as head of this town, I think you're gonna want to hear it." "Oh, I'm afraid I'm not the head of this community." Horace explains. "Oh, well, can you take us to your leader?" Hop Pop asked. "But, of course." Horace replied. "Follow me to the greenhouse." "Anyone else feeling kinda scared right now?" Rosalina asked with a whisper. "Say, Horace, have you seen our snail or wagon?" I asked. "They've been stored safely." Horace replied. "Now, come along."
Horace took us on our way to the greenhouse to meet the leader. "Horace, this place is incredible!" Hop Pop complimented. "These parsnips are prodigious! Ghost orchids? The balance of heat and humidity must be perfect! And this is just a big cucumber!" "I'm glad you like it, but it wasn't always like this." Horace said. "In fact, the land before you used to be barren and lifeless. But then he appeared. And with his guidance, we were able to become one with nature." "Whoopsie-daisy." Loggle said, accidentally stepping on a flower. All of a sudden, the frogs crowded around the flower and cried about it. "Uh, is it insensitive if I say this feels like an overreaction?" Anne asked. "Please, guests. Be careful." Horace warned. "These plants are as much members of our community as we are." "My apologies, Horace. Some of us don't respect nature." Hop Pop said as we continued down the path.
"We have arrived." Horace said once we reached our destination. He opened the door to see a frog sitting alone in the dark. "You must be the mayor. Put her there." Hop Pop greeted, offering to shake hands. The frog didn't move. "Not a toucher, eh? That's okay. Not everyone is. Uh, we'd be mighty obliged if you and your green-fingered friends joined our little resistance. We've got hydroponics like you wouldn't believe. Uh, we also have casual Fridays and bagel Tuesdays. Kids, am I forgetting anything?" "Hey, is this guy asleep or something?" Rosalina wondered, turning on her phone flashlight to reveal a frog's corpse. "Holy frog abuse!" We all shouted. Surrounding the corpse was a bunch of familiar glowing purple mushrooms, as well as a familiar laugh. "Wait. I know that laugh." I said. "Well, well, well. If it isn't Hopediah Plantar and Rowena Warbler." "Jeremy the Beetle?!" Hop Pop gasped. "No. Up here, you idiot." The beetle replied, pointing at the mushroom. "It's me, Apothecary Gary." "Apothecary Gary?!" We gasped. "Gary?" Rosalina asked. "No, he looks more like a Mike." Suddenly, the frogs of Gardenton surrounded us at the greenhouse. "Zombies!" Loggle shouted, running to escape, but was tackled by the frogs. "I don't understand. You're extinct!" Hop Pop exclaimed. "I saw to it myself." "I had to have my first kiss with Anne to defeat you!" I recalled. "Wait. That's when we first kissed?!" Anne gasped. "I thought it happened later. Eh, I'm not complaining." "I nearly was, but thanks to Jeremy here, I was able to survive and make my way out of Wartwood." Gary explains. "Problem was I was weak and needed to find a place to regrow my strength. It's a harsh world out there for a little spore and his beetle host. Then, I was taken in by these folks, and together, we formed a true symbiotic relationship. You see, these frogs wanted my spores because it made them better gardeners. It wasn't mind control. Not this time, really. And with this power, we turned Gardenton into a paradise. I've never had willing subjects before. And let me tell you, it makes a big difference." Horace takes off his hat to reveal mushrooms. "With Gary's spores, we can feel the very needs of the plants we cultivate." Horace said. "We're one with nature! It's perfect harmony." "Perfect harmony." The frogs repeated. "Well, this has all been very educational." Hop Pop sighed, stepping on a flower. "Kids, now!" Loggle got back up as we escaped the spores.
We hid in an alley from the spores, but we still needed to find Bessie and the fwagon. "We need to find Bessie." Anne explains as Bessie makes her chirping noises from a distance. She was locked up in a stable with the fwagon and her shell had some cute designs, similar to the pattern on the nightgowns. "Hang on, girl!" Hop Pop exclaimed as everyone pulled on the vines. "Not so fast." Gary said as we were wrapped up in the vines. "You have to admit this is all pretty cool." Hop Pop commented. "See how versatile plants can be?" "Not the time, Hop Pop!" We shouted. "Well, Plantars, are you ready to be fertilizer?" Gary asked as some random beeping was going off. "Hold on, can anyone hear that? Kind of an obnoxious beeping sound?" "Resistance base located. Extermination team deployed." I heard from a drone. "Oh, hey. When did that get there?" Sprig asked, destroying the device with his tongue. "Extermination team? What the heck is that?" Gary wondered. Outside the greenhouse, a new model of evil Frobos resembling ladybugs surrounded the area. The vines came loose and we were freed. "I know a golden opportunity when I see one." Anne said. "Come on, guys."
Anne's idea was simple, leave the town to burn. "Well, that worked out." I said. "Yeah, sure did." Hop Pop sighed. "You wanna go back and help them, don't you?" Anne asked. "Yes, please." He replied quickly. Anne and I groaned, turning the fwagon around.
Back in Gardenton, Rosalina tossed Hop Pop to destroy one of the robots. "Plantars? You're back?" Gary asked. "Yes. Burn!" Sprig shouted, shooting fire from a detached robot arm at another robot. "We'll help, too. Charge!" Gary yelled as the spores under his command took care of many robots. On the bright side, we barely did anything, I guess. "Dang, Gary. That was some incredible coordination." Hop Pop complimented. "Thanks. It comes with a whole hive mind situation." Gary replied. "You and your kids fight well, too." "What can I say? We've had a lot of practice." I explained. "Okay, well, I think we're still going to try and kill you guys." Gary said. "Yeah, let's just go with that. Attack!" "Gary, wait! I know we've had some bad history." Hop Pop recalled. "You tried to enslave my hometown and me and Rowena violently murdered you that one time." "Yes, yes you did." Gary said. "But your skills as a botanist and a farmer are undeniable!" Hop Pop continued. "Oh, stop. You're making me blush." Gary blushed. "My whole life, I've been looking for folks who care about farming as much as I do. And, well, here you are." Hop Pop said. "Won't you join our resistance and help us take down King Andrias." "Well, I don't know." Gary hesitated. "Gary, if we don't do something, the village will always be under threat." Horace explains. "That's right! They know the location of your village now." Anne said. "Andrias must've sent that drone to track down the resistance base." Rosalina added. "That's a good point." Gary replied, having a truce with Hop Pop. "And Gardenton is so isolated, I had no idea how bad it was out there. Well, Hopediah, you can count on us! Let us know when and where to be, and we'll be there." "I can't believe this is happening." Sprig said. "Ditto." Polly commented. "Hey, Gary, one more thing." I said. "Andrias has been using these mind-control collars, and we think they're utilizing spores similar to yours." "Huh? Then that means there must be at least one more of me out there." Gary explains. "Oh, that's amazing!" "And who knows?" Anne wondered. "Maybe it's a lady mushroom." "That's not a thing." Gary replied. "Yes." Anne chuckled. "Well, everyone knows that." "Good job, babe." I commented. "I'm proud of you." "Okay, see ya around!" Hop Pop exclaimed, leaving Gardenton on the fwagon. "So, anyone else loving the feel of these dresses?" Loggle asked, clearing his throat. Everyone nodded. "A guy can really breathe in these." Hop Pop replied. "For the last time, Loggle." Rosalina groaned. "It's a nightgown!"
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