The New Normal

We're back, baby. Feel free to watch the video below. -Mal.

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Home. I surely didn't expect to be home already, at least, not like this, not with the Plantars. We've been through a lot, from King Andrias betraying us, finding out that Marcy sent Anne, Sasha, and herself to Amphibia on purpose, as well as willingly wanting to leave me behind, and then she helped us escape, resulting in her literally getting stabbed in the back, and that was all in the last couple of hours. "What the?" Hop Pop gasped. "Ahh, what is that thing?!" Sprig screamed as a plane flew above us. "What is THAT thing?!" Polly added, pointing towards one of those balloons you would see at a car dealership. "I don't believe it!" Anne and I gasped. "WE'RE HOME?!" "This is your world, guys?" Sprig asked. "It's so loud." "That's because we're on the freeway!" Anne exclaimed as both of us grabbed the Plantars and ran off the freeway. In front of us was our beautiful hometown of Los Angeles, California. Sprig almost fainted. "Am I dreaming?" Anne asked. "I don't think so, I see it too." I replied. "There's only one way to be sure." Anne said, grabbing out her phone. I also pulled out mine. As both of us unlocked our phones, we went from having no bars of service to all 4 bars on a 5G network. "We're home!" Anne and I cried for the whole city to hear.

We started to walk to Anne's house as I tried to call my dad. "Legs, legs, legs!" Polly exclaimed, getting used to her legs. Sprig and Hop Pop were just amazed by our surroundings. Sprig began examining a nearby mailbox, taking their mail. "What is this thing?" Sprig asked. "Sprig, you can't go through someone else's mail!" I exclaimed with a whisper. He ignored me and started hopping over to a crosswalk. "Buttons, buttons everywhere!" Sprig shouted as he got his head stuck in a sewage drain. "Help! This dungeon smells awful!" Hop Pop pulled his grandson out of the drain. "Careful, boy, there's no telling what dangers work in this world." Hop Pop explains. "So, what's our next move, girls, I mean, so much has happened, do you think Marcy's..." "She's alive, Hop Pop, she's just gotta be." Anne interrupted in denial, looking at a picture of her, Marcy, Sasha, and I on her phone. "And with her and Sasha still stuck over there, one thing's for sure, we gotta find a way back." "But, I don't know how we're supposed to do that, the music box is still in Amphibia." I added. "And even if Marcy's dead or alive, who knows what King Andrias plans to do with her!" "I don't know, but, before we do any of that, first thing's first." Anne said, stopping in front of her house. "Anne, is this?" Sprig asked. "My house." Anne replied. "This is really happening, I'm gonna see my parents." "I'm happy for you, but I tried calling my dad earlier, but he didn't answer." I sighed. "Why don't you just call your sister?" Polly suggested. "I don't know if she's working, she got a job somewhere right before Anne and I disappeared." I explained. "So, it's too early to call them Mom and Dad, right?" Sprig asked. "Should I call them Mr and Mrs Boonchuy? Are they tongue shake people?" "Okay, you three should probably hide in here for the time being." I said, opening the trash can. "I want to ease them into all of this, slowly." Anne explains as she helped me hide the Plantars in the trash. "And when the time is right, we'll signal, caw-caw, do NOT come out until you hear it." "Anne, you might want to leave out that we're planning to go back and stop Andrias, or that Andrias betrayed us, or that Marcy did, or that Sasha did, and not a word about our weird, glowing blue powers." I suggested, catching my breath. "Wow, there's a lot going on." "Blue powers?" Sprig asked. "It was a thing." Polly replied. "You can count on us, girls." Hop Pop explains. "Don't worry, Frobes, we'll fix you up in no time." Polly said to Frobo's detached head. "Anne and Rowena's world is full of advanced technology." I turned over to Anne, who was looking really nervous. "Tell you what, I'll stand by your side." I said. "Thanks, Rowena." Anne thanked, kissing my cheek as I grabbed her hand. She took a deep breath. "Okay, here we go." Anne knocked on the door, footsteps could be heard from the inside of her house. When the door opened, we saw a familiar face, I couldn't believe my eyes. "Rowena? Anne?" She asked, shedding tears. "Rosa?" My voice broke. My sister dropped her bowl of oatmeal and hugged me tight. "I missed you so much." Rosalina cried. "I missed you, too." I whispered. "But, what are you doing here? Where's Dad?" "Dad had to travel for his job, and ever since you disappeared, he's been pretty nervous about me being on my own." Rosalina explains. "Who's at the door?" A woman asked, who I immediately recognized as Anne's mom. "You might wanna come see, Mrs Boonchuy." Rosalina replied. Mrs Boonchuy came to the door as tears formed in her eyes. "Hi, Mom." Anne greeted as her mother hugged her. "What was that noise?" Mr Boonchuy asked. "Is everything okay?" "Dad!" Anne cried. "Anne!" He exclaimed, hugging his daughter. "Anne, you're back, you're safe!" Suddenly, I felt some fur from between my legs, and I heard some rapid barking, from my dog. "Thor!" I cried as Anne's cat, Domino came up to her. "Domino!" Anne exclaimed. "Come here, my precious baby." "Where have you been?" Mrs Boonchuy asked. "Are you two okay? Are you hurt? Have you eaten? Your hair's a mess." "It's a really, really, long story." Anne replied. All of a sudden, a bird began squawking and the Plantars came out of hiding. "Oh no." I whispered. "And we're the Plantars, the lovable frog family the girls have told you all about." Hop Pop introduced. "Hop Pop, that was not the signal." Polly explains. "Well, it sure sounded like the signal." Hop Pop said. "Hi, Mr and Mrs Anne's parents and Miss Rowena's sister, the name's Sprig Plantar, Anne and Rowena's best friend, and walking, talking frog." Sprig greeted, catching a fly with his tongue as Anne and I slapped our faces in disappointment and Mr Boonchuy fainted.

After that, we went inside to explain to everyone what was going on, leaving out a couple minor things. "Okay, where was I?" Anne asked, drawing out an explanation on some paper. "The Third Temple." Sprig said. "Right, as soon as we charged the last stone, the music box opened up a portal that took us back to Earth." Anne lied. "Before anything else could happen." Me and the Plantars nodded nervously. "But, the Plantars got sucked into the portal, too, and now, they're stuck here until we find a way to get them home." I added. "So, yeah, you're all pretty much caught up." "Hold on, back up, you're telling us that there's a whole world of talking frogs called Amphibiland?" Mr Boonchuy asked. "It's actually called Amphibia." Sprig corrected. "You made larb with maggots?" Mrs Boonchuy asked. "Was it good?" "You kissed Anne?!" Rosalina asked. "One time!" I lied. "She was being controlled by a mushroom!" "This is a lot to take in." Mr Boonchuy said. "I wish we could've been eased into it." Anne and I glared at Hop Pop, who looked nervous. "Anyway, can the Plantars stay with us until we find them a way home?" Anne asked as her mother began laughing a bit. "Wait, you're serious?" She asked. "Oh, Mom!" Anne groaned. "Dad, say something!" "Anne, all of this is crazy!" Mr Boonchuy exclaimed. "Guys, for a second, I didn't believe any of this, but the little one keeps kicking me with those stubby legs." Rosalina explains. "New legs, you know how it is." Polly said, kicking my sister. "The adventure is over, Anne, you're home now." Mrs Boonchuy said. "The authorities will take care of your friends." "With the police? The government?!" Anne gasped. "As soon as they see talking frogs, they'll be probed and dissected in a secret lab and used for all kinds of weird experiments!" "What's that now?" Sprig asked. "Can you elaborate on the probing part?" Hop Pop added. "Guys, don't let them take us!" Polly begged. "Don't worry, guys, we'll keep you safe." I said, pulling them and Anne into a hug. "Anne and I were living in a cave when you found us, the least we could do is return the favor." "Well, we already have the Warbler sisters here with us." Mrs Boonchuy hesitated. "Okay, they can stay, for now." "Oh, thank you, thank you!" Anne cried, hugging her mother. "Alright, if we're doing this, then we gotta be extra careful." Mr Boonchuy warned, locking the doors. "No one out there can know you exist, you're all on lockdown." "You heard the man, you're all on lockdown, got it?" Hop Pop repeated, getting a glare from Mr Boonchuy. "What." "Fine by me, but before we do any of that, Rosa, can I borrow your keys for the house?" I asked. "May I ask what happened to yours?" She asked, tossing me the keys. "They were eaten by a giant bird who goes by the name, Joe Sparrow." I replied, quickly unlocking the door.

After unlocking the house, I walked into my bedroom. I grabbed a suitcase and put it on my bed. I turned to look at the mirror on my closet doors. I see the old me underneath a Newtopian chest plate. I grabbed a bunch of my clothes and I changed out of my uniform for a new look, one that screamed Rowena Warbler, queen of frog abuse.

As I got back to Anne's house, her parents let me inside and I went to her room. While the Boonchuys were keeping the Plantars busy inside, Rosalina came into the room with Thor. "Wow, I almost didn't recognize you, Rowen." Rosalina said. "Yeah, sure." I mumbled. "Is everything okay?" She asked. "Yeah, I just have so much on my mind." I replied, starting to shed some tears. "I've wanted to come home to you and dad for so long. But, now that I'm home, I don't know what's next." "Whatever it is, we'll face it together." Rosalina hugged me as I drifted to sleep on my sleeping bag.

"MOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM!!!" I woke up to loud screaming coming from Anne. "Emergency Family Meeting! Major Boundary Violation!"

Rosalina and I decided to join the family meeting, but not before I could grab a cup of coffee. "Mom, Dad, I'm really happy to be home, I know it's a big deal that I was gone for so long, and I get that it's scary to think about losing me again, but I need a little bit of space or I'm gonna lose my mind." Anne explains. "You guys are being way too overprotective." "Anne, I think you're exaggerating." Mr Boonchuy said. "This is a big house, we all have plenty of space to breathe." Polly accidentally kicked him in the face. "Sorry, just practicing my jump kick." Polly apologized. "I'm listening." He grunted. "We're tired of being shut up inside, let us out for an hour, me and Rowena will take care of them, and we won't go far." Anne continued. "Absolutely not." Mrs Boonchuy replied. "Oh, come on, I can't go out alone for an hour? Not even with my girlfriend?" "Last time you went out alone, both of you got trapped in another world for five months." Mr Boonchuy recalled. "That is a pretty good point." Rosalina added. "Look, after we drop Rosalina off at work, we have to go to the market, we'll talk later." Mrs Boonchuy said as we ran in front of the door. "That's perfect!" I cheered. "Let us come." "I know what you're gonna say, "We can't take the Plantars out in public."" Anne added. "But, the market's always empty except for a few old people, plus, Rowena and I can make them disguises and take full responsibility for their safety." "You think you can take care of a whole family?" Mrs Boonchuy asked. "No offense, Anne, but you're the literal poster child for hating responsibility, just look at what you drew as a kid." Mr Boonchuy added, showing a framed drawing that read: I HATE RESPONSIBILITY! "Okay, yes, but, I've changed." Anne explains. "She's right, this isn't the same Anne from five months ago." I added. "Look, I'm a parent, too, and I know what Anne and Rowena used to be like." Hop Pop said. "So trust me, I get it." "Not helping." I commented. "But they both grew into town protectors, heroes, voted frogs of the year by frogs that used to hate them." Hop Pop continued. "Were there bumps in the road? Sure. Did Anne burn the town down once? Yes. Did both of them almost get us eaten by a large creature numerous times? Also yes. Did they, what was I saying?" "The old one's got a point, ever since Anne got back, she has seemed a little more mature." Mr Boonchuy said. "She used to beg me not to take her to the market." Mrs Boonchuy recalls. "Rowena has never felt so close to Anne." Rosalina commented. "Okay, girls, we're willing to give it a try." Mr Boonchuy said. "But you stay with us at all times, and if anything goes wrong, it's back to lockdown." Mrs Boonchuy added. "Thank you so much!" Anne exclaimed, hugging her parents. "I promise you won't regret it."

We took the Plantars back to Anne's room to create a human disguise for them. "Okay, this is going to be a cinch." I explained. "Earth is a cakewalk compared to Amphibia." "Wow, really?" Sprig asked, spinning in Anne's desk chair. "Yeah, dude, the bugs are tiny, the birds are small, and best of all, nothing's gonna be trying to kill us for a change." Anne replied, going to her closet to grab some clothes that she wore when we were younger. "You could totally use my childhood clothes as disguises." "You really liked yellow as a kid, huh?" Sprig asked. "Won't this make us stand out?" "Sprig, I'm sure the girls know what they're talking about." Hop Pop said, coming out of the closet wearing tiny overalls. "What, if you got it, you gotta flaunt it." "Maybe we should try something else." I suggested. After a few minutes, we thought of putting Sprig and Polly in a trench coat and we gave Hop Pop a jacket and a pair of glasses, plus a fake nose. "There, that ought to do it." "I like it." Hop Pop compliments. "My very own face bump." "Look at me, I'm a human!" Sprig exclaimed, constantly losing balance. "Wait, Polly, you're supposed to be the top half." Anne explains. "And not get to use these beautiful legs?" Polly asked. "Never!" "Fair enough, now who's ready to see our world?" I asked as the frogs began to cheer, but Sprig and Polly almost got crushed by the bookshelf. "Okay, but no more victory jumps." Anne added.

After dropping off Rosalina at work, Mr Boonchuy pulled up to the market and immediately put on the child safety locks as soon as we were in park. "Not so fast, you three, uh, I mean, you five." He said. "We stick together in there, understood?" Mrs Boonchuy asked. "And if anything goes wrong, it's back into lockdown for all of you." Mr Boonchuy added. "We got it, we got it, now let's get shopping." I replied as he disabled the child safety locks, unlocking the car, allowing us to run into the market. Sprig was looking around a bit. "Whoa, that thing looks like Frobo, is that a robot too?" Sprig asked, pointing to a self checkout. "Uh, sort of, it's like a robotic wallet." Anne explains. "Cool, and is that a robot?" Sprig points at another checkout lane. "Sprig, not everything here is a robot." I explained as he points to a toy robot. "Okay, fine, but nothing else." "Oh no, I left the shopping list at home!" Mr Boonchuy panicked while searching his pockets. "Abort mission! Abort mission!" "No worries, I took a picture of the shopping list before we left, just in case." Anne explains. "Oh, thank you, Anne, that was strangely responsible of you." Mrs Boonchuy commented. All of a sudden, I feel Polly kicking  my foot. "Hey, give me a quarter." Polly whispered. "I wanna buy a lotto ticket." "You will do no such thing!" I snapped.

Hop Pop began walking around the produce section, seeing the difference between the veggies here and in Amphibia. "Puny vegetables." Hop Pop chuckled, until he saw a durian on the shelf. "Whoa, mama! Now that's more like it." "Oh, that's durian, it's a Thai favorite, not really my thing since it smells like..." Anne explains as Hop Pop cracks open a durian and began screaming. "Rotten eggs." I began laughing with Anne. "C'mon, let's get you something good." I said, seeing a noodle place in the food court. "Mr and Mrs Boonchuy, could Anne and I take the Plantars to try out some noodles?" "We'll keep the Plantars within arms reach at all times, we'll avoid any customers, and I'll keep my phone in my hand in case you guys call." Anne explains. "But..." Mrs Boonchuy started. "And, I won't order iced coffee, even though I love it, because I know that it makes me jittery and anxious." Anne interrupted. "That does sound fair." Mrs Boonchuy said. "Alright, you can go, but be careful." Mr Boonchuy warned. "We will be, thank you." Anne thanked her parents as the Plantars began to wander off like children in a candy store. I grabbed Hop Pop as Anne grabbed Sprig and Polly.

After finding a table, Anne went to order the noodles. "You guys are in for a treat." I said. "Noodles are my favorite food." "Alright, guys, dig in." Anne said. The Plantars tried the noodles, which they thought were worms at first. "Hey, these worms are pretty good, and they're not even fighting back." Hop Pop commented. "Pretty good? They're delicious!" Sprig added. "Gimme!" Polly snapped, taking the bowl from her brother. "Polly likey." "They're not worms, they're noodles, my favorite food, better than sandwiches." I explained again. "Asian food's heart and soul." Anne added. "Yo, Anne, since we're dating, you wanna try that thing from the one movie when those cats are eating spaghetti?" I asked. "Do I?" Anne replied as we tried it and laughed. Sprig took the bowl of noodles away from Polly to have some more. "Killer robot!" Sprig shouted. We turned around to see a toy. "Sprig, for the last time, not everything is a..." Anne recalled until we were both being strangled by something. "Holy frog abuse!" I shouted. "Anne, Rowena!" Sprig exclaimed, throwing the noodles at whatever grabbed us. "Oh no you don't!" It was revealed to be a robot with multiple arms, and since it kinda resembled Frobo, I knew it was from Amphibia. Hop Pop threw his noodles at the robot and it dropped us both. "Everyone, run!" Anne exclaimed. We ran into another aisle. "Did you see that thing?" Polly asked. "It was like a new type of Frobo." "It's gotta be from Amphibia, but how did it get here? And what does it want?" Anne asked. "King Andrias still has the music box." I replied. "He must've sent it to capture us." Hop Pop added. "We have to take this thing out before my parents realize anything's wrong with..." Anne explains as she bumped into her parents. "Mom, Dad, hi." "Oh, hey guys, how were the noodles?" Mr Boonchuy asked. "So good, Mr B." I replied. "Anne and I were just about to take the Plantars to help take care of that shopping list of yours." "Oh, that's so thoughtful." Mrs Boonchuy said. "Can you also get a mackerel for the seafood counter?" "Oh yeah, no problem." Anne replied as Sprig nudged both of us to show us the robot by the seafood. "Yeah, gonna do that right now." As we ran from them, the robot continued to follow us. "Girls, can you use your blue powers?" Hop Pop asked. "Take it down easy like?" "Powers! Powers!" Polly chanted. "We would if we knew how to use them." Anne replied. "I'm not sure if it's something we could just do whenever." "Besides, last time, Anne and I had our powers active at the same time, I'm not sure if only one of us could do it." I added. Polly booed us. "So, what do we do? Won't it draw a lot of attention if we fight a robot in the middle of a store?" Sprig asked. "Probably, but I have a plan." Anne replied.

Anne put some loud music over the speakers. "Alright, that'll cover up any noise that we might make, now come on." Anne explains. "What?!" Sprig asked. "Speak up!" Hop Pop shouted. "This music makes me mad!" Polly added. "Just come on." I groaned as we came face to face with the robot. "Hey, robot, we brought you some flours!" We threw bags of flour at the robot and we all started attacking, creating as minimal damage as possible. As someone walked by, the robot hid underneath a shelf and turned invisible. "Huh, that's weird. It looks like the robot doesn't want to get caught either." Anne said. After the customer left, the robot began fighting again, knocking down Hop Pop with a bag of rice. "Hop Pop down!" Hop Pop shouted. "Retreat!" Anne exclaimed as we take the undercover frogs into the freezer. We hid behind some boxes while it searched for us. "I'm getting really tired of this guy. Anyone got any ideas?" "How about get the Plantars out of the freezer." I suggested, showing my girlfriend our frog family trapped in ice. "Right. Frogs. Body temperature." Anne sighed as we were spotted by the robot. It grabbed Anne's arm and threw her against a bunch of ice cubes. "Anne!" I shouted, kicking the robot's legs and ran over to Anne. "Come on, powers, c'mon." Anne and I grunted. All of a sudden, the block of ice that Sprig and Polly were trapped inside of began to move around. Hop Pop also began moving, trying to attack the robot, but instead just made him angry. The robot aimed its laser at the frogs and that's when our powers kicked in. "You think we're just gonna sit here while you hurt our friends?" Anne asked in anger. "Well, you've got another thing coming. Frog abuse." I added. We both gave the robot a strong punch, but it retreated before we could destroy it. Using our powers basically drained us. As soon as we got the Plantars out of the freezer, I felt my legs giving out and I fainted.

I woke up to the rotten smell of a durian. "Ah, it stinks!" I shouted. "Oh, hey guys." "You're alive!" Polly cheered. "Oh, hey, there you guys are." Mr Boonchuy said. "How was your supermarket journey?" "It was great, walking around a boring old supermarket was just the thrill we needed." Anne replied. "Oh, and here's the fish you wanted." "Thanks Anne, glad you had fun." Mrs Boonchuy thanked. "And we're sorry for being so overprotective earlier." Mr Boonchuy apologized. "Not only can you take care of yourself, but it looks like you can even take care of your friends." "Yes, we are actually very impressed." Mrs Boonchuy added. "Oh, thanks, but you don't have to apologize." Anne said. "You were just doing everything you can to keep me safe and I get it." "Yeah, well, some kid made a mess in the cooking aisle and we're just lucky to have a daughter who would never do something like that." Mr Boonchuy explains as we chuckled nervously.

As we got out of the market, Hop Pop came up to us. "Girls, are you sure you're okay?" Hop Pop asked. "Neither of you looked too good back there." "Yeah, I've been thinking about not using them if I can help it." I replied. "I don't know how to describe it, but using them feels, bad." Anne added. "Well, we won't make you guys use them again." Sprig said. "Plus, you're both sort of taking on a lot already." Polly added. "What are you talking about?" Anne asked. "All we have to do is protect you guys and keep you a secret." "Yeah, but, we also we have to find a way to reopen a portal to Amphibia to return you home, and somehow defeat King Andrias, and make up with Sasha and Marcy, and bring them back to Earth." I recalled. "Okay, it sounds like a lot." Anne said. "But Rowena and I can do it, we're totally capable. Now can someone please open this door for me? I'm trying to move my arms and nothing's happening." I opened the door of the car. "Hey, anyone else craving those noodles?" Hop Pop asked. "Yup, turns out this world ain't half bad." Polly replied. "Yeah, as long as that robot never comes back, I think everything's gonna be fine." Sprig added. "You really gotta stop saying stuff like that." I said. "What's for dinner?" Mr Boonchuy asked. "I'm starving." "Noodles! Noodles! Noodles!" We chanted as we drove away from the market.

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