Part 16
Helloo dearies...sorry for the late posting..
Here is the next part.....enjoy nd give feedback....
plz forget any mistakes r there...humble request...
will meet with enjoy
Precap: Anvika started waiting for Mahi's call......Mahi struggles to control his unknown feelings that r hitting his heart nd mind continuously nd finally he decides to sleep after facing his friend Munna's cross examination.....there in OM Shiv lost in thoughts related to a frustraion state due to the continuous thouhgts about Mahi ...Anvi unintentionally called Om...
wt happened next.....lets start here....
"wt happened to me...why I am waiting for his call...why I am feeling restless...plz koi bathayega..."Anvi said in a little loud...
"khud ki dil se pucho"...
Hearing the voice...
"Dadaji"...she called in frustration....
"haan mein hu.."said the voice...
"come in front of me"...she said in anger...
"no I don't...u are already got irritated...if I come will show it on I don't come this time.."the voice replied.....
"oh I see...then why did you come here...get lost" she shouted in anger....
"hello..hello ..anvika...wt happened yaar..r u alright"....
She came out from her anger with the voice which is enquiring about her...she looked at her phone...seeing Om's name on display she was little shocked......
"Anvika..Anvikaa"...hearing the call she kept the phone near the ear in hurry...
"he...Hel helloo"...she replied..
"Anvika..wt happened ...why did u call at this time.....any urgency...r u alright..."Om enquired...
hearing his enquiry ...she didnt understand when did she call him....she asked the same ..for her question Om was surprised....
"yaar...are u alright...u urself called me nd u r asking me in reverse?..." he asked...
for his words then she realised wt happened nd wt she did...hitting her forehead...
herself in mind: fool ...idiot...wt happened to you...come on Anvi...u r not a weak minded person...without a proper reason u are getting angry...feeling frustration nd getting irritated bcz of a guy....come on " scolding herself....trying to remove all thoughts from her mind nd to be normal...
hearing Om's voice who is still worrying ....
"Om ...i am sorry yaar for disturbing u"...she said...
in fact thinking about Mahi nd waiting for his call...she was restless nd got that state she didnt realised that she is playing with the phone nd mistakenly called Om...
Om who is going to his room with others ..took out his phone when it is started ringing nd seeing Anvika's name on display he was surprised thinking why did she call at this time....
"who called O"...asked Rudy
"Anvika"...he replied..
"Di!!..she dont like to call at nightsna" he asked in surprise....
"i am also thinking the same " ...said Om...
"answer the call Om...i know she never like to call on nights ...may be she need our presence..."said Jahnavi...
hearing it he immediately answering the call ...kept near the ear nd heard Anvi's voice saying "get lost" in anger...he was scared as he felt that she is in trouble...
he called her name several times on phone...
Om: are u alright...he enquired calming himself after hearing her cool voice...
Anvi: wt happened to me...she asked...
Om: i am also asking the same know...i was scared when u shouted in the phone as "get lost".. that too at this time....he said...
with his lost words ...she doubtedly checked the clock....she again hitted her forehead...the clock showing 10:35 pm...she never likes to call anyone after 10:00 pm nd never like to recieve any call after 11:00 pm except in emergencies...but she called Om after 10:30 breaking her rule by herself....
"Anvika"..hearing it...
"yeah Om..dont worry i am fine...nothing happened to me...she said...
"i know nothing will happen to u...if any thing happen it will happen to those people who r ur friends"...he said in a teasing way...
"Ommm"...she called in anger..
"okay okay..just kidding yaar...relax"...he said..
"oh kidding ...well one day i will take revenge for your words..remember"...she said...
In fact she is prolonging the convo to come out from her restless state which was happened due to the thinking about Mahi...
"oh really...u r welcome...."he said.
"promise Om..i will"...she said..
He smiled nd asked ..."by the way why did u call me"....
"wo...wo actually i called u to tell"...she
"haa to tell"...Om
she took a long breath...
"get ready to watch the drama"...she said
"Drama!? whose drama ? where nd when.."he asked in confusion...
"hmm..when...tomorrow...where OM...nd whose...Anvika's"...she said...
"u mean r u coming to OM!...sach mein"...he asked in excitement...
"yes off course my dear dost ...inform it to Jahnavi aunty nd to our gang...okay" she said...
" which time u will come"...he asked..
"before Mr.Shivaay Singh Oberoi will leave to office.."she said...
"nice ...wts the plan tell me"..he asked...
"no drama ...get ready to join with me...okay bye ...gud night" she said...nd disconnected the call....
"okay ...we will ..gud night..."said he disconnected nd looked at others...
they all sighed as "wt" seeing his happiness...
"Maa..she is coming to OM ..tomorrow"...he said...
"oh thats nice...hope all will be fine"...said Jahnavi...
"hope so...anyway gud night"....said he moved...
They all r saying gud night left to their rooms...
After saying gud night ...Anvika sat on the bed...rubbing her eyes with 2 hands....
"wt is this Anvika...wt happened to u...u r not a kid...u are a matured one nd a business person....why r u feeing wek in his matter....come on Anvika....u came here to help ur friend nd unite him with his lovelife....forgetting it u are behaving madly.....first complete this task nd later u will think about him"...saying herself she laid back on the bed nd closed her eyes to sleep...
Mahi's face flashed in front of her closed eyes...with a smile she turned aside nd slept....
but she dont unite Shivika depends not only on her but on Mahi want to think about him later but every time whenever she wants to avoid him ...she will face him..why ? is it destiny or just a know just wait...
Next Day Morning:
Anvika reached OM nd shaked it by calling ...
"Shivaay...Shivaay....where r u my friend"....calling she entered in the hall....
hearing her ovice all came to hall except Shivaay...
seeing her...
"Anvika..."called Dadi...
hearing the call ....Anvi turned to Dadi nd went near her...
"how r u my sweet young darling"...asking she touched her feet....
Dadi blessed her nd hugging....
"u know how many months passed"...she asked like a kid...
"ooo...Dadi..i just returned India after completing my business trip...I am so sorry work tension i didnt call"...she apolozised by giving explantion for her past acts...
Dadi smiled...
"how r u Anvika"...for the question she looked at the voice...seeing the couple she went near them....
"perfectly fine Aunty..." said she hugged Jahnavi...nd turning to Tej...
"hello r u"...she enquired winking at Tej...
Tej laughed for her words nd act....they all know her nature....
"u never change...being a business woman..u always behaves like a kid"...he said...
"ohho..this is the problem with boys...arrey if we priase..instead of feeling happy...will treat us as kids...if we dont praise then u will get angry"...she complained...
"one minute Di....i think this statement applicable to girlsna"...Rudy asked very innocently...
they all laughed...
Anvika glared at Rudy....
"anyway dear...wt u did "..before Tej could complete it...
"ohho handsome...will talk later on this matter ..i want to meet a person..."she turned nd saw Shakthi...
"hello is ur Devi Maa"..she asked...
Shakti smiled nd said...
"abhi tak teek hai...but now dont know wt type of tufaan will come"..he said...
for all Shakthi is a silent person...but only with Anvika he behaves like a kid nd he feels she is his friend .nd he has a concern on her as she lost her family nd living alone in such a small age....
"Uncle...r u teasing me"...she asked keeping a cute pout while going near to him...
he smiled...
"who is that daring fellow to tease u...where is he?..he asked checking around....
"Unccllleee"..she called like a kid...
He laughed nd hugged her...she smiled...
"how r u beta ?"...he asked...
"fine Uncle"..she said
she looked at Pinky who stood beside Shakti...Pinky turned her face from her...
seieng her act..Shakti patted on her back sighing as "dont feel ..u know her naturena..."
Anvi smiled...
"by the way where is the hero...Shivaay..Shivaay come on yaar ...i came here to meet ur wife ..u dont want to send her out..come on yaar how much time i will wait..."she shouted again...
heairng her words Dadi nd Shakti were shocked nd except Pinky others acted as they were also shocked...Tej looked at Anvi as she dont know the matter.....
"Shivaay...Shivaay"...when she started calling again...
Shivaay came there....seeing him ...
"gud morning Dost"...wishing him she looked his behind...she didnt find Annika....
"where is ur wife yaar...are u hiding her inside...ohho come on Shivaay call ur wife...i am very excited to know how she made a Stone Singh Oberoi to fall for her..i want to know it immediately...come on Shivaay ..." she started compelling him...
He stood in silence....
seeing him...
"wt happened Shiv...y r u standing like a statue...okay i will call her"...said
"Annika....Oh sorry Mrs.Annika SSO ..plz come out yaar...i came here to meet u nd to see u with this stone....come on yaar....i want to tell u so much about this stone nd ask u so many questions"...she shouted...
but she didnt get any reply....
Shiv know that Anvika know about Annika but he dont know that she even know Annika is living seperately...he felt that Anvika feels that Annika is with him nd she is tinking that he nd Annika had a fight on something nd he behaves in such a way...
"Shiv...u want to hide ur wife from me...waise kya kaha mere baaremein"...she asked him..
he stood in silence....
"hello Mrs.SSO .. i dont know wt Shivaay told about me...plz come out yaar"..she again called...
"she is not in the house"...said Jahnavi...
hearing it she looked at Jah .....after a second....hitting her forehead..
"ohho i am a fool...shayad she went to her Mom's house tell the same y r u feeling Shiv...well give her address ...i will go there nd meet her"..she said looking at Shiv...
"ek anaadh ko parents kahase aayega"....hearing it from Pinky....
Anvika looked at Pinky...Anvi's eyes already turned red....
seeing her eyes....Jahnavi sighed as "no Anvika...control yourself"...but she didnt....
Hi all...thank you for reading,
Hope u like it...
Dont forget to give feedback...
will meet with next part...till then stay tuned nd bye bye take care....
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