Chapter 42
From LKT,
LKT is proud to announce that Lauren Kutterfly has written her first EreRi fan fiction, Find Me In The Sky(EreRi). Thank you for supporting LKT.
The Note Below is written by Lauren Kutterfly:
So, as you all can see, this is yet another chapter. I FREAKING UPDATED 4 TIMES THIS WEEK. You people out there better be proud of me.
But the point is, I felt bad when I scared some of you by saying I might put this book on hold. Many of you went nuts and went out of your way to comment and make me continue. So, to apologize for scaring some of you half dead and half alive, I made this extra chapter instead of doing a cliff hanger and laughing evilly in the background.
But what I didn't realize was this chapter would contain the most feels you've seen in the entire. book. Oops, guess it's no longer an apology now. More like a reason why to hunt me down and murder me.... I'm scared...*hides under bed* NO ONE SEES ME!
Anyhow, here's some tissues guys. Enjoy the new update!
Chapter 42
Time and space seemed to freeze for me. I got up and ran over to Demy, completely forgetting the pain in my body.
I could tell that Demy was missing a few limbs and her entire left leg was gone. She was losing too much blood.
I collapsed next to her body and screamed,"Demy! Demy, can you hear me?!"
Demy's blood caked eyes fluttered open and for a second, they didn't seem to see. But she focused her vision on me and smiled sadly.
"S-Sorry," she croaked. I felt a tear slid down my face. And then another. And then another until I was crying non-stop.
"D-Demy... Demy... Why...?" I kept saying over and over again as the tears continuously flowed down my cheeks.
Demy took my hand shakily in hers and grasped onto it.
"P-Please, Karen. You h-h-have to l-listen to me," she began, he voice wavering as tears began to form at her eyes. "Y-You're my friend. You need to l-live on... no m-matter what..."
I cried harder.
"But I can't do that without you!" I shouted and my fists on the ground shook.
A tear escaped Demy's eye.
"Me too," she whispered. "But I'll be r-really sad if you died so please. Please l-l-live on."
She coughed and crimson red blood spewed from her cracked lips and slid down her chin, multiple red ribbons forming.
"T-The Barrier..." she gasped and she coughed again, more blood coming out her mouth. "Y-You must protect the B-Barrier..."
I grasped her frail hand in mine as y tears slowly started to mix themselves with Demy's blood.
"I-I swear I will," I sobbed. "I'll protect the Barrier if that's the last thing I do."
Demy smiled at me.
"That's good," she whispered. "That's good."
She coughed again, her body violently shaking.
My only friend in the entire universe was about to fade away.
And it was all because of me. It's all my fault. All of it.
Another tear escaped my eye and fell onto the ground.
The color in Demy's face was slowly draining away, making her look paler and paler by the second. Her eyes were still open, but they were drifting in and out, sometimes looking alive and sometimes looking dull like the life in them disappeared.
"K-Karen..." Demy spluttered.
"Y-y-yes...?" I said, another tear sliding down my face.
"Thank you," Demy whispered. "Thank you for e-everything in m-my l-l-life. You made the l-last few days of my life fun... so, thank you."
My body began to shake.
"Please, Demy. Don't say that," I choked on my own words. "Y-you're going to be fine. I swear. You'll be fine."
But I'm just tricking myself into believing lies. It's already too late and Demy looked like she knew already.
"It's okay, Karen," Demy said softly. "It's okay. N-Not everything can last forever you know? But, please let our f-friendship last for a-all eternity."
A wave of tears fell out of my eyes and I gripped onto Demy's hand harder. Just holding her had I could feel her life waning.
"Of course we'll be friends forever!" I almost yelled. "Because I'll never let you be alone!"
Demy smiled.
"Thank you..." she whispered. I held her hand tighter as if if I let go, she'll disappear.
"C-Can you do something f-for me...?" Demy gasped again as more blood flowed out of her mouth.
"A-Anything," I said as I forced myself not to mentally break down.
"C-Can you... tell the stars... h-hello for me...?" Demy's face was as pale as snow by now.
I nodded my head, unable to speak.
Demy smiled one last time, her hand still lingering on my face.
"Thank you..." she whispered.
Her lips quivering, Demy managed to form 4 small words that I'll never forget.
"K-Karen Ackerman... my... friend..."
Her hand dropped from my face and landed with a dull thud on the ground. Hey eyes that was still fighting for life just a second ago suddenly turned glassy and didn't see anymore. The warmth that was faintly radiating from her body went cold as ice.
I clung to her, refusing to let go.
"D-Demy...?" I whispered. No answer. I tried again.
Again, no answer.
Reality hit me like a rock.
Demy, my only friend of a life time, was gone. Gone to somewhere where I'll never reach her again.
Now who got the feels in this chapter?
If you did, here's the extra tissues that I brought.
If you didn't, congrats! You're apparently a vacuum!
So, thanks again for supporting me. See y'all in the next chapter!
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