A Forbidden Family's Origin and Life Line

A Forbidden Family's Origin and Life Line

Hey there readers! First, let me explain the title.

A Forbidden Family's Origin and Life Line is just about how A Forbidden Family came to be and what happened while I wrote it. If something I tell you about in here inspires you to right a fan fiction, go for it! I'm more than happy to read it if you want me to!

Now, back to the topic. I'm sure some of you out there already know, but I might go off topic every once in a while.

If I do, just keep on reading my crap until I suddenly realize that I'm off topic and get back to the point.

Anyhow, let's start shall we? :3

And for a heads up, this will be LONG.


Truth Revealed: I lied at the beginning of the book when I said I planned this out on car ride. The story TITLE was created on a car ride. Sorry for the inconvenience...

But moving on!

A Forbidden Family(can we just call it AFF for now? I'm too lazy to type the entire title up...) actually started one night while I was laying in bed and couldn't fall asleep.

I usually can't sleep until, like, 12pm so this was nothing new.

As I laird there, bore out of my mind and waiting for all eternity for sleep to finally find its way to me, I decided to entertain myself and let my mind run free.

When I did, I asked myself this dumb question: What if I had a carefree Mom who is basically the perfect ideal Mom?

I was pretty happy with the topic I chose to think about so I dug deeper into it.

What if that Mom allowed me to do anything I wanted? That'll be so cool! A Mom who knows no boundaries!

As I kept plastering myself with cool ideas for this imaginary Mom, I began to grow sleeper and sleeper until my eyes snapped shut by themselves and I fell into a deep slumber.

When I woke up again in the morning, I did what I usually do in the morning. Brush my teeth, dress up, and get ready to start my Sunday classes(yes, I take Sunday classes. Got a problem with that?)

As I walked downstairs to breakfast, my mind suddenly whirled back to what I had been thinking about last night.

The Perfect Ideal Mom.

I literally paused in the middle of the stairs just to congratulate myself for the amazing imaginary Mom.

Good job Lauren! You deserve a pat on the back!

But then I got an even more awesome idea.

What if that Mom had a kid? A DAUGHTER?!

But here's the amazing part.


I loved that idea so much that I began to create a story in my mind. I opened up my ADHD door and let all of my crazy ideas run free.

And I'm not regretting what I did that day. Because I came up with such a good idea.

What if Levi Ackerman was my... DAD?! Yes! I love that idea!

The idea still fresh in my mind, my Sunday passed by in a blue and Monday came.

As I walked to school, instead of talking with my friend like I usually do, I trained all of my thoughts on that amazing story that I made up.

I wanted to just run home and start writing the story.

But then I realized something.

I had no plot and using me and an imaginary Mom in an AOT fan fiction makes no sense WHATSOEVER.

So, I decided to come up with names for the imaginary Mom and myself.

Caitlyn Ackerman for my amazing creation Mom and Karen(cuz I just like that name) Ackerman for myself. The wife and daughter of Levi Ackerman. BAM! You just got told, Haters!

But, back to the topic.

Like I said before, this crazy idea of having an ideal Mom and being the daughter of that Mom and my anime crush, Levi Ackerman, was so interesting to me that school no longer mattered to me. Don't worry though. I still get good grades and never fail my tests.

It's just, my amazing(yeah right! That idea sucks Lauren!) idea drove me into Dreamland and I couldn't escape it. I was a victim to my own thoughts and creations.

But it doesn't just end there.

I was so happy with my creation that I thought,'Why not make it even better?'

With that question in mind, I opened my ADHD door again, except this time even wider than before. No wait, let me rephrase that. I LITERALLY CHOPPED DOWN THE DOOR AD JUST LET MY CRAZYNESS APPEAR.

I let my crazy little thoughts bounce up and down in my mind.

Ideas bloomed everywhere. But only one of them caught my eye the most.

What if... a human was half anime and half real?

BAM! That's the true beauty and advantage of being an ADHD person! If you're ADHD, don't feel bad! Never do that! Be like me! I have ADHD(the worse there is) and I'm proud of it! With it, I made AFF, and it became really successful! You can be like me as well!!

Woah! Off topic again Lauren!

Anyway, where was I again? Oh yeah. The half anime and half real part.

So, as soon as I had that idea in mind, I began to write. First on page though. The first thing, the very first thing, that I did was plan out the entire plot for AFF.

A made Caitlyn into the main character's, Karen's, Mom and Levi into her dad.

I began to tweak from there. I put Levi in the anime world and Caitlyn in the real world. There! Their daughter shall prevail as half anime and half real!

I was really proud of my work. I ran over to my computer and began to type in the prologue of AFF.

I finished in a flash and pressed 'Save and Publish'.

Then I waited...

And waited...

And waited...

And waited...

And waited...

[3 hours has passed]

I sudden snapped awake and looked around wildly before realizing that I had dozed off.

I sighed, but then suddenly remembered about my new book.

I quickly went back to Wattpad and checked my book, all excited like.

And guess what?

*drum roll please*


I stared at my computer screen wide eyed. For a second, I felt mad and upset.

Can't people in this world not see my brilliance?

I sulked down and stared at the number zero.

The number seemed like a really bad enemy to me. And I do mean really bad. IT'S LIKE TAUNTING ME.

I felt so bad for myself(FOREVER ALONE) that I ended up reading my own story.

When I checked it again, I got 1 read. Yippee. That 1 read was from myself. Accomplishment, Lauren.

But I wasn't one to give up. I typed up Chapter 1 and then waited again in anticipation for someone to find my book ad read it.

I began to wait again...

And wait...

And wait...


Feeling bad for myself again(not), I read my own Chapter 1. 2 reads now. Yay. Congrats, Lauren.

I give up! Really, I do! No one will EVER read my freaking book!

With that thought in mind, I stomped away furiously and went to do my homework.

Fine. If no one wants to read it then okay. I REFUSE TO UPDATE IT.

That night, I sleep with dreams about AFF becoming famous one day. I found myself standing in front of a crowd and everyone was cheering for me.

In my hands was my phone and when I looked down into it, I saw something that I never thought I'll see.

AFF: Reads- 20K

Votes: 5K

Comments: 2.5K


I felt really happy. My book was at last famous. Finally.

But then I just had to wake up... ALARM CLOCK! GODDAMN YOU!

I got up like I always do and went on with my day.

Because it became a habit, I went to were my phone was charging and opened it to Wattpad.

I didn't really want to, but I clicked AFF and checked its status.

And guess what?

In the reads status, it said 3.

It freaking said THREE. And I don't remember feeling that bad for myself that I went back to reread my own book.

I stared at that number. Three, three, three, three. THREE.

That's when it finally hit me.


I literally fangirled on the spot.

You people out there have no clue what I felt that day.

Three reads.(yes two from myself, but who cares? I FINALLY GOT A READ!)

I checked the other status' and saw that none of them had changed(still a big fat zero), but I was too happy to care.

Three reads. Finally someone decided to at least check out my book.

From then on, I began to update more and more often.

As I did so, I earned more reads(man, my reads went up like hell!). Each and every time someone new reads my book and really enjoys it, I get really happy.

But halfway through Chapter 8, I realized something big.


Same story with Erwin, Katrina, and Noah.

Except this time, Noah symbolizes my brother.

I inserted those three characters(yay! Three, my favorite number!) and BAM! My book got even more popular!

I wrote more and more of AFF.

Even though sometimes the path I took became rough and bumpy, I kept going on. As long as I know that I have people supporting me, I will continue at all costs.

Haters may spam my book but thats why there's such things called 'stupidity of humanity' and 'the amazing... DELETE BUTTON!'.

People, I know of the delete button since I joined Wattpad. I don't need someone to reinforce that idea. Thanks.

My final words for this chapter is these:

People who thinks that they want to give up because no one is reading their book: Seriously? You know what, I have nothing to say to you idiots. I am NOT reading your book because if you have no confidence in it yourself, why the heel should I read it?

And second thing: Thank you to my third reader! Whoever you are(if you're reading this, thanks man), you're the true one who made this book possible. So thank you. Really.

Thank you for reading the crap above! Tune in for the next chapter: About the Author.

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