23 - I Wish
"Haruna!" I hear Fumiko's voice call out to me. She and I were supposed to go out shopping today her today. At first I refused because of Harue, but, Yamato offers to take care of him for me. At first I hesitated, but then I just agreed and decided to take a break.
Now I know more or less, how mothers feel.
Fumi didn't like going out too much. Mainly because she doesn't like to deal with people. When she told me about how she was sometimes socially awkward, I promised her I would help her get over it.
Oh yeah, she was drunk when she told me that.
I was lost deep in thought when Fumiko walks over and takes my hand in hers. I flinch a bit at her sudden touch.
She was drunk when she confessed too.
I mentally start beating myself at the thought.
Stop thinking about that.
"Are you okay?" Fumiko leans in a bit close,"You look a bit pale."
"I-I'm okay..." I shake my head denying her assumption. Instead I change the subject. "What stores do you want to go into?"
We start walking and she laces her fingers with mine, well, at least tries to. I panic a little inside.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. What am I supposed to do?
If I deny her intimate gesture, she might feel rejected, as a friend I mean.
After like two seconds of her one sided hand holding I intertwined my fingers with hers too.
Please please please tell me this is a friendly thing...
I remember the days when Tracy and I would hang out.
Yeah, we used to hold hands and hug. It was a best friend thing.
It's just a friend thing.
We walk around the mall and go to a few cute stores and such. I realize that, before, maybe I wouldn't have held myself back and bought a shit ton of clothes.
I liked to go shopping not too long ago. In fact, I would go every weekend with friends. But now, a bit of annoyance developed within me as I walk in between the crowds of people. I don't enjoying being out as much as I used to. Even my style of clothes. Before I would wear bright, bold and youthful colors. Now, not so much, I go for subtle patterns and pale, even darker colors. My tastes seem to be maturing a bit.
I wonder if it's because of Harue? Am I aging faster than before?
Maybe it's just in my head.
I was now 25, am I still considered young enough? Now, when I see people around my age I tend to at irritated, a bit. Partying and stuff I can't stand. The few times that I'd been invited out by teachers at Tanabe, I've turned them all down.
Fumi lets go of my hand a while back and I barely notice. She shyly made her way next to me looking at the displays that each store offered. It looked like she wanted to go in a few times, but failed to bring herself too.
Even Tracy was beginning to be a bit too much for me despite being older than me.
I look over to Fumi once again. She was 23, yet she was so reserved and quiet, unlike many of the girls her age. I wanted to free her from her shell. But then that would take away her charm, she truly is an irreplaceable friend.
I wonder if Yamato has fallen for her yet? I ask myself for the millionth time. For some reason I find that it really bothers me not to know.
If they do happen to go out, I'd support them.
I don't know why, but at that moment when I thought that, my chest felt somewhat heavier.
Fumiko and I go sit at the food court and decide to get some crepes. We sat across from each other, talking. She starts the conversation first.
"So you went to that ikebana thing yesterday..." She starts.
"Yeah." I think back at the pretty event. "It was really neat."
"I've heard a lot about that one ikebana artist-Utsusoniya?"
"You mean...Haruka Utsunomiya?"
"Yeah him." She bites her strawberry crepe. "He's been on TV a lot lately. He almost seems like an idol or something."
My short memory with Haruka pops in my mind and I immediately deny the idol comment. "No way, it's kind of like that because of his looks but, he's so much more than some idol."
I nod. "He carried himself with elegance when he spoke to me..."
"Wait." Fumi freezes. "So you're telling me you spoke to the guy?" Her voice perks up. "What was he like?"
"Y-yeah I spoke to him. He was polite and his voice was very gentle..." I continued talking about him.
"Wow, he sounds really nice. And, you speak very highly of him." Fumi's face hardens. "Could it be that you..."
"N-no!" I deny before she finishes. Mr. Utsunomiya is very kind and all but, I don't think of him in that way..."
"R-really? I hope that's the case..." Fumi's expression then softens a bit with relief, but I don't pay much mind to it, instead I finish off my thoughts on Mr.Utsunomiya.
"Rather than romantic feelings, I think it's admiration." I admit. "It's kind of weird to say this but..." I smile. "He's quite beautiful."
Fumi stares at me and then giggles. "What even..." I was confused by her sudden amusement, but then, we both break out into laughter.
We walk to Long Island after spending the morning and early afternoon shopping.
"Welcome." Kunihiko's cheerful voice greets us as we step in.
"Hello!" I smile.
"Hi uncle." Fumi waves.
"Haruna, Fumiko!" I hear Saeki's voice from the other side of the bar. I look over and he was standing in front of a man whom faced the the opposite direction. From the back, he had wavy hair.
"Haruna?" I hear the man repeat after Saeki.
He turn around and...
His eyes lock with mine, and for some reason, I couldn't look away. His expression was a mixture of surprise and relief. As for me, the encounter had caught me off guard completely so my eyes widened a bit.
"Mr.Utsunomiya?" His name escapes my mouth. We kind of gazed at each other for a moment before Saeki breaks the silence.
"Do you two...know each other?" Saeki asks awkwardly, stepping in between Haruka and I?
"Y-yeah." I stutter a bit. "At the exhibition." I turn away from Haruka.
"Yes, that's right." Utsunomiya answers himself. "We had a small conversation about the exhibit. "He smiles and turns to me once more. "Is your son with you today?" He asks looking behind me, expecting to find Harue.
"Oh um," I pause and look down. "He's my nephew, and no, he's not with me today."
"I see..." He smiles again. "I did think you looked a bit too young."
Silence took over the usually rowdy bar.
"Do you guys want a drink?" Kunihiko asks us energetically. "It's on me!"
"Sure, I'll take shochu on the rocks!" Fumi announced behind me.
"I'll just take some tea please." I wave my hand in front of my face not tho king twice about having alcohol.
"Ok." Kimi nods. "What about you guys?" He turns to the guys.
"I'll take some wine." Saeki orders.
"I think I'll also go with tea." Utsunomiya bows a bit in his seat.
We began talking about ourselves a bit. Saeki about his intentions of bringing Utsunomiya's work into one of his dramas. Kunihiko told Haruka about how Fumiko is his niece and how I work with Yamato, and ended up as his neighbor. Apparently, Utsunomiya is an old friend of Takao's. They had gone to high school together and are still keeping in touch. Takao had told him about Saeki's interest in a partnership and therefore agreed to meet with Saeki today.
"Did we interrupt your business?" I ask feeling a bit bad."sorry for disturbing you guys..." I apologize quickly.
"No, not at all. When you two came in we had just finished talking." Mr. Utsunomiya reassures me.
"Okay." I instantly feel better.
I look outside and the sky was turning a bit dark,rolling in after the colorful sunset that had taken place before.
"Oh wow look at the time." I say after glancing down at my watch. I had really just blown off the whole day and left Harue with Yamato.
"Are you in a hurry?" Utsunomiya asks me worriedly. "If so, I apologize for keeping you."
"Oh no! Not at all! It's just that I left Harue, my nephew, with my neighbor so..."
"I see." Haruka nods in understanding.
I bow and thank Kunihiko for the drinks. Fumiko gets ready to leave too.
"It was nice talking to you again, Mr. Utsunomiya." I bow respectfully. "I hope we can meet again."
His gentle smile comes on once more. "I wish for the same."
A/N: Woo... Some awkwardness there in the beginning with Fumiko XD!
I know that the story is progressing very slowly, but trust me there is a lot in store for this arc. So bare with me me please!(≧∇≦)
What do you think of the interactions between Haruka and Haruna?
Also thank you so much for 300+ votes ;.; I'm so happy!!
Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote and comment! <3
P.S:I've decided that my next story will be inspired by MPD,KOR, MSB, and HLITF. It won't be a fanfic but it will consist of themes and topics that are in those games. Such as revenge in KOR, or corruption in MPD.... the characters in my story will be original...
The title is:
Let me know if you'd like to know more! Also, thanks for providing me with your comments that helped me decide ;.;
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