Interviews, Part Two
"A dragon mutant? Very interesting indeed. There's never been a dragon mutant in the Hunger Games, Cara. I believe you're making history at this very moment."
"Good," came the proud reply. "I hope I go down in history. I hope I'm remembered."
"I'm sure you will be. With a magnificent mutation like yours, who could forget? I bet you'll do wonderfully in the Games."
"Thank you."
"Ladies and gentleman, Caravina Romano of District Six!"
"Winter, where do you think you stand in the Games this year? Do you think you'll win?"
"I don't know," Winter replied honestly. "But I have to have courage. I have a mother and a little sister back at home who are counting on me. If I do win, it'll be for them."
A few people whooped and whistled at her response.
"That's very brave of you," said Caesar. "Ladies and gentlemen, Winter Hill of District Six!"
"I think it's safe to say that everyone in the Capitol has seen the video of your Reaping," Caesar told Raphael. "And we all think it very noble of you to try and volunteer for your sister. Care to comment?"
"Look, Caesar...all I've ever wanted to do was protect Scarlet," Raphael said to him. "Since the day I took her in, I only wanted her to be safe. That's why I volunteered. But these Games ruined all that for me. For her. For both of us."
The turtle's muscles tensed and his breathing grew heavier, as if he were about to lose his temper. Caesar noticed this, taking action immediately.
"Well, there you have it. Ladies and gentlemen, Raphael Green of District Seven!"
"Your big brother attempted to volunteer as Tribute, so he could come here and fight in your place," Caesar said to Scarlet. "What do you think of that?"
"It doesn't surprise me. My brother's a really noble person," Scarlet replied.
"Do you think you'll do well in the Games, Miss Scarlet?" Caesar asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I don't know," the little girl replied. "I sure hope so."
"Well, I'm sure you'll do fine. Ladies and gentlemen, Scarlet Green of District Seven!"
"I heard you like designing outfits," Caesar said to Mikey. "Is this true?"
"Oh, yep! I draw out designs all the time!" the turtle mutant replied cheerily. "I really wanna be a stylist for the Games one day...if I survive this one.
At that comment, uncomfortable, halfhearted laughter drifted up from the crowd.
"Well, I bet you're a great designer," Caesar encouraged. "If you do survive these Games, I may have to talk to President Saki about giving you some professional stylist training."
"Whoa, really?! You're awesome, Caesar!"
"I know. Ladies and gentlemen, Michelangelo Bertolini of District Eight!"
"The people here at the Capitol sure have a lot to say about your Reaping, Miss Bradford," Caesar spoke to Shelby. "You volunteered for your brother. You love him that much, eh?"
"Honestly...I never knew I loved him that much," Shelby told him. "He was never the nicest brother around. I thought my other brother and I would grow up hating him. felt wrong not to volunteer for him when he got Reaped."
"So you did it," said Caesar. "And now you're here. What a miraculous thing indeed. Ladies and gentlemen, Shelby Bradford of District Eight!"
"Destiny, you volunteered for a friend as well. April O'Neil, correct?"
"That's right."
"What compelled you to do such an astounding thing?"
"Well...she's my friend, Caesar. My family. Out in the wild, wolves stay with their packs no matter what. I may not be full wolf, but I have my pack, and I plan on sticking with that pack until the end."
"Simply amazing. Ladies and gentlemen, Destiny Luna of District Nine!"
"Casey, my man! Have you got any family to return home to, should you be the winner?"
"Sure do. I got a dad and a little sister–Sadie–back home. I wanna win the Games, and I wanna win the Games for them."
Jumping out of his seat, he turned toward the nearest camera and hollered,
"DAD! SADIE! If you're watching this right now, I want you to know that I'll be takin' home the gold this year!"
Caesar laughed as the audience exploded into wild applause and cheers. Casey gave a gap-toothed smile, waving and flashing peace signs at the gathered people.
"Ladies and gentlemen, Casey Jones of District Nine is out!" he whooped.
"You're one of the many Tributes who volunteered for someone this year, Chris. You volunteered for a young man named Dylan. Friend of yours?"
"Oh, yeah. He may not have been the most active or talkative guy around, but he's still my best friend. I couldn't just let him walk into those Games and die."
"How very admirable. Do you plan on winning for him?"
"Aw, gee, Caesar. I don't know if I'll win or not–I mean, I've got a best friend and two little siblings counting on me. But all I want is to do my best–even if I die. I just hope everyone at home will be fine without me."
"I'm sure you'll make it back to them. Ladies and gentlemen, Chris Jackelon of District Ten!"
"Ah, Cyn. How very...interesting to finally meet you. I've seen your evaluation score, and it was surprisingly high. Your physical strength is outstanding."
Cyn's eyes were almost dangerously bright as she replied, "I know."
"Based on those scores, do you think you'll do well in the Hunger Games?"
"Yes. Very." She was twitching wildly, bouncing in her seat.
"My, you seem jittery," Caesar remarked. "Are you nervous?"
"No. I'm never, ever nervous." Her voice was forceful, menacing.
"...Okay. Er–ladies and gentlemen, Cyn Cobra of District Ten!"
"Out of all the Tributes this year, you certainly appear to be one of the most cheerful ones, Elsie. Tell us, what's your secret? How do you manage to remain so happy?"
"Oh, it's easy!" Elsie giggled. "Just keep an open mind, and always think positive. That's what I do, and it works like a charm!"
"It sure looks that way. Are you thinking positively about the Games?"
"Well, I try. It's hard to think good thoughts about something like that, y'know? But I still have confidence that I'll do fine."
"You go, girl," Caesar said. "Ladies and gentlemen, Elsie Are of District Eleven!"
"First a dragon mutant, and now a panda? I've seen everything tonight! Tell me, Sofie, do you like bamboo?"
"I do," Sofie responded as the audience chuckled. "It's very good. You should try it sometime."
"Maybe I will. Now, I've noticed from your training and evaluation score that you're more on the observant side."
"That's true. When you're like me, that helps–I've observed a thing or two about the other Tributes."
"Ah, interesting. Do you plan on using that knowledge?"
"Maybe. Maybe not," Sofie's expression turned sly.
"You're mysterious. I like that. Ladies and gentlemen, Sofie Hatter of District Eleven!"
"I've noticed you don't seem terribly excited to be here, Marcus."
"Because I'm not," the wolf boy shot back. "Why should I be excited when I'm being sent to my doom?"
"Oh, Marcus, that's not at all what I–"
"If it weren't for these Games, I'd be back home taking care of my mother. Who's going to take care of her when I'm gone?"
The wolf boy was already storming off the stage.
"Oh, Miss Galaxy! That dress is absolutely beautiful."
"Thank you," Galaxy giggled, blushing.
"I must say that I quite like your hair, Caesar told her, gesturing toward his own blue wig.
Galaxy laughed along with the artist, twirling a lock of blue hair around her finger. "Us blue-haired people have to stick together, right?"
"Oh, yes," Caesar chuckled. "You're too much, Miss Galaxy. I wish you luck in the Games."
"Thank you."
"Ladies and gentlemen, Galaxy Moon of District Twelve!"
A/N: The Games finally start next chapter! :D
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