A Normal Day Into A Horrible Nightmare
What started out as a normal day... in a flash... turns to a horrible nightmare.
The sun rises signaling the beginning of the day. The sunlight shines through the window and brightens up the bedroom of a young blue haired guitar player. Flash Sentry shuffles under his covers, peaks out from the sheets and pushes the blankets off of him running his hand through his messy bed head. Swinging his legs over the bed and pushing himself up and off the bed opening his bedroom door and heading to the bathroom.
"Sup bro!"
Flash Sentry's little brother First Base greets his big brother stepping out of his own room and walking next to Flash.
"Mornin little bro."
Flash replies speeding up a little in his steps his little brother increases the speed in his steps as well. Both brothers give each other a competitive grin and break into a sprint racing to the bathroom. Flash gives his brother another grin and speeds up to the door grabbing it's knob and turning to face First Base
"Better luck next time little bro."
He chuckles and closes the door behind him First Base stomps his foot annoyed that he lost again to his big brother and stomps off to his parents bedroom to shower.
. . .
After about 2 hours Flash Sentry steps out of the bathroom full dress in his usual clothes and his hair neatly combed. He turns heads down the stairs
A small orange and blue blob zips past him his little brother First Base had hoped up on the stair rails and is now at the end of the steps he grins at Flash and dashes off to the kitchen for breakfast. Seconds later, Flash steps into the kitchen seeing his mom Sparks Eternity at the stove fixing his favorite buttermilk pancakes with bacon and eggs. He then walks over to the table pulls out the chair and takes a seat next to his dad Kurt Marshall and little brother who is already chowing down on pancakes.
"Good morning Sweetie I made your favorite this morning."
Sparks walks to the table and sits Flash's breakfast in front of him
"Thanks mom it looks good."
Flash picks up his fork and starts eating.
. . .
After breakfast was finished Flash Sentry and First Base grab their backpacks off couch and heads for the door with their parents right behind them. Flash opens the front door, but before he steps out Flash turns around and gives his mom a kiss on the cheek
"Bye mom! See ya later."
then turns back heading off to school while First Base starts to run after him, he stops when his mom calls out to him
"Aren't you forgetting something dear?"
First Base groans with embarrassment runs back to his mom gives her a quick peck on cheek
"Bye mom!"
and turns around again racing after his big brother
"Hey bro! Wait for me!"
. . .
At school the bell has just rang and all the students are filing into the building heading to their classes. Except for one group of boys waiting at the front doors for their friend to show up. Seconds later Flash Sentry and First Base appear running up the steps and stopping in front of the group Thunderbass is the first to greet them
"Right on time as always Flash."
walking up to his friend's side setting an arm on Flash's shoulder.
"Hey! You know me I'm never late for anything."
Flash shrugs his shoulders
"Hey what's going on Squirt!"
Crimson Napalm kneels down and fist bumps First Base
"Nothing much."
First Base replies.
"So Flash you up for some band practice at my place?"
Flash turns to Brawly Beats and starts scratching the back of his neck realizing he hadn't told his friends yet.
"Yeah right...Sorry Beats I forgot to tell you guys that I won't be able to make band practice today."
"And why is that?"
Ringo ask Flash never skips band practice.
"Because I had offered to help the janitor clean up after school. The guy has really been working hard to keep this place clean for us. And I know that it takes a lot of work to clean up a school this big. So I decided to lend him a helping hand he really needs it."
"Wow that is really generous. You've got a lot of love in you man."
Sandalwood gives Flash a well deserved pat on his back.
"Thanks dude."
"I agree it is a very noble action..but..um if we don't get moving we're going to be late."
Micro Chip points out to his friends they all gasp and rush inside the building.
. . .
The rest of the day goes by as usual Flash sits through his first three classes. The lunch bell rings and everyone heads to the cafeteria. After getting his lunch and stepping out of line Flash heads over to the table with his friends all sitting there waiting for him. Setting his tray down on the table and sitting down the guys begin chatting. They go on talking until the lunch period ends. Flash sits through his last three classes until the end of school. He decides to wait in the library until it closes at that time the school is completely empty.
"Library's closed Flash."
Miss Cheerilee walks up to Flash as he's reading a magazine.
"Oh thanks Miss Cheerilee."
He closes his magazine and puts it back in it's proper place, grabs his backpack and heads out the library with Miss Cheerilee walking next to him. She closes the doors and locks them Flash walks with her to the front entrance. Before leaving she turns to Flash a proud look on her face
" I think what you're doing is very kind and generous you should be proud of yourself."
"Thank you."
Flash's cheeks start turning red watching Miss Cheerilee leave the school grounds he turns and heads toward the janitor's office. He opens the door and steps inside
"Hello! Mr. Robert? It's Flash."
A tall man is bent over his cart organizing his cleaning supplies, he turns around as soon as Flash calls out
"Ah Flash it's good to see you. And thanks again for offering to help me clean up."
"It's nothing Robert I'm happy to help you out."
Robert walks over to Flash putting both hands on his shoulders looking him in his eyes an extremely grateful look on Robert's face
"Really.. Thank you."
Flash places his hands gently on Robert's
"You're welcome."
They both head over to the cart gathering up the cleaning supplies and heading out into the hall and walking over to the first classroom.
. . .
A few hours later, Flash waves goodbye to Mr.Robert as he steps inside his car. The two had just finished cleaning the entire school and are now heading home.
"Goodbye Robert! See you tomorrow."
"Goodbye Flash! I really appreciated the help."
Flash gives him a full hearted smile and turns around heading home. Feeling proud that he had helped out a friend who really needed it. The street are always so quiet this time of night there is hardly ever anyone out at this time.
Flash stops dead in his tracks. Right there in front of him sitting on the sidewalk is a tiny little orange tabby kitten. The little kitten is just staring up at Flash
"Well hey there little guy. And what are you doing out here all by yourself?"
He bents downs slowly bringing his hand to the cat's head and gently starts petting him.
the little kitten moves closer to Flash feeling very relaxed with the soft touches his hand happy with how gently Flash is being. He gives a light chuckle at how the cat is so comfortable around him, a complete stranger. The little kitten lifts up his neck and Flash notices that he doesn't have a collar. A thought pops into his head
"I'm sure mom and dad wouldn't mind having a pet. What do you say little guy? Wanna come home with me?"
Suddenly the cat's ears perk up and he quickly takes offs into a nearby alley.
"Guess not."
A disappointed look on Flash's face as he watches the little kitten disappear down the alley. Standing up he dusts off his pants
Flash quickly turns around but it's too late...
. . .
(Sirens sounding)
Ugh....uh....w-what....what...just...happened? Where...where am I? Why does my head hurt so bad...
"Hello? Son? Can you hear me?"
A voice calls out, his vision a complete blur but Flash can make out what appears to be two large figures hovering over him his head hurts too much to respond, he tries moving his hand to rub his head. But he can't seem to feel his hands or legs, I can barely even open his eyes.
W-what's going on? Why can't I feel anything?
As the pain increases Flash's head starts buzzing. Bones feel like they've been pounded into dust. Lungs feel as though they've been crush. It's very difficult for him to breath.
"Bring the stretcher over here and let's get him inside!"
The voice shouted and the two figures disappeared. Hearing the sound of wheels rolling closer the two figures return, one of them wraps something around Flash's neck and he can feel himself being lifted up and onto something soft. The two paramedics having set Flash on the gurney wheel him up and into the ambulance. Once inside he can feel something being placed over his mouth and nose, and not long after starts to feel air and can breath a little easier.
Wait... is this an... oxygen mask?...W-what....is....happen...ing
Suddenly Flash starts feeling very tired...and then... darkness.
. . .
" Hello?"
Kurt Marshall had come down from the stairs and answered the phone.
" Yes that's me..."
Kurt's expression suddenly turns scared.
"Y-Yes I understand...Alright we'll be right there...Yes thank you for calling."
He hangs up the phone, buries his face in his hands and starts to cry.
Why? Of all the nights.. Why tonight?
Kurt wiped away his tears, grabbed his cell phone and turned around calling for his wife and son to come downstair and heading for the door.
. . .
Thunderbass is in his room sitting at his desk. He had finished up all his homework when suddenly his phone start ringing. Looking at the caller ID it's
... Kurt Marshall? Flash's dad? Wonder why he's calling?
Picking up the phone and pressing ANSWER holding it up to his ear.
" Hey?"
Kurt informs Thunderbass that Flash had just been in an accident and is at the hospital right now. Because of how close Flash and Thunderbass are out of all their friends Kurt just feels that he should know what happened. Knowing Thunderbass, he will be letting all of Flash's friends including the girls know what happened.
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