Chapter 4
Evil Kai looked around Ninjago "Today is your day to burn!" He said with a dark chuckle "Then it well be the Ninja's turn to burn!"
Evil Kai made his element appear in his hands, he then started a fire in the heart of Ninjago city. The fire was small at first yet the flames grew as Evil Kai thought of every bad thing that happened to his good counter part. It wasn't well known to people, but the evil version of Kai was always set on revenge. Evil Kai knew the pain that Kai went through and now he was avenging him.
Evil Kai looked around he was the center of the fire, he smirked as the Ninja came down and landed on the outside of the fire. From where the Ninja were it looked like Kai had caused the fire not Evil Kai. They looked shocked and began doing their best to get rid of the flames, but for every flame gone three more fires popped up in Ninjago city. The city was burning and they didn't even have half the fire put out.
Jay had fear rounding him this was a side of Kai that caused nightmares for the young teen. After hearing about the way Kai acted when he got a hold of Chen's staff, the master of lightning feared something like this would happen one day. That day was now or so Jay thought at first, then he saw the red eyes that shown it was evil. The master of lightning turned to the others he didn't care if they yelled at him for not trying to stop the fire.
"That's not Kai!" Jay yelled to the others "That's Evil Kai!"
The others looked at Jay like he lost his mind.
"Jay! Help us put out this damn fire!" Lloyd yelled "And I don't believe you!"
"Well your going to have to believe me!" Jay stated as he made his way to Evil Kai.
The other Ninja did nothing to stop Jay, they were to wrapped up in trying to stop the fire to care about the master of lightning. Jay went to the Evil Kai he was lucky that his mask covered his face. Taking a small breath the young teen planned to find out what the Evil Kai was hear for and why he was attacking Ninjago. Fear filled the master of lightning as he brought Evil Kai's attention to him.
"Hey! Why not pick on a person!" Jay shouted "Not the city!"
Evil Kai turned around to face Jay "Why don't you leave me to take revenge!" He growled "My business is not with you! It is with the other Ninja!"
Jay looked shocked Evil Kai was after the others and not him "What do you mean?" He questioned "Why are you not after me?"
"Why should I go after the pathetic one?" Evil Kai questioned with a small chuckle "Take out the others and you fall like a domino."
"Okay one rude! Two I'm not pathetic!" Jay shouted "Three why the hell are you out for revenge! Nothing has been done to you to need to take revenge!"
"Nothing might not have happened to me, but the Ninja your team abandoned is who I am seeking revenge for!" Evil Kai hissed, growling at Jay.
Jay was taken back, he had been searching for Kai when he got called to the mission "Where is he!" He snapped "What the hell happened to him! Why the hell didn't you bring him here!"
"Why should I tell you!" Evil Kai shouted "It's not like you could get help from the others easily!"
"They are too stuck up Lloyd's ass now to see properly!" Jay growled as he glared at Evil Kai "But I'm not! I want to save my friend! So take me to him!"
Evil Kai chuckled "I can't just take you too him!" He stated "But I can help you, if you do something for me."
"Name your price" Jay told Evil Kai "And, and I'll do it."
"Make the super storm" Evil Kai began "It will take out my fire, but also make sure the Ninja pay. Make sure they think it was your evil counter part and I'll help you."
"Deal" Jay told him.
Something inside Jay told him he shouldn't trust what Evil Kai told him to do to the other Ninja, but another part of him loved what was going to happen. Jay's evil side that had began to form after the events that happened with Nadakhan. The master of lightning never told Nya about this information, he knew she was the only one that remembered what happened during that time. Jay knew though that after fixing Zane from that virus inside him that he too had some info about the events.
Jay didn't let his good side have a choice, he had already made the decision. Now it was time to put that plan into action. Jay had to make the super storm, put out the fire with it, and hurt his friends.
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