Chapter 6: Secrets Told
~Lukas's POV~
After two days of traveling, I've had no further contact from Jesse. Magnus hasn't either. That makes me worried. She said she was going to contact us if anything happened. So either nothing's happened, or she can't. I seriously hope it's the former, because if it's the latter... I wouldn't be able to live with myself.
"How much further to the city?" I ask.
"About ten minute's walk," Axel answers. "I used to scavenge there, before the Hunters took over."
"What'd you find?"
"Managed to pick up most of our old treasures."
"Anything else?"
"No, not really. Everything else was taken already. Just found some wolves. But never when I had any bones."
I nod. "What about Reuben?"
"Someone had already taken him when I started going back. He's probably been eaten by now."
I wish Jesse knew that. Not to be mean or anything, just like how you would want to know if your relatives died.
"Has Jesse contacted you yet?"
"No, she hasn't. I'm worried about h- about that."
He raises an eyebrow - half his unibrow - whatever - at me. "You were about to say you were worried about her, weren't you," he says. Not like he was accusing me, but just stating a fact.
I duck my head. "Yeah. I was." I'm about to get killed.
He pats me on the back. "Hey, I am too. Nothing to be embarrassed about."
"Axel? Can I talk to you?"
"You already are, dude. What's up?"
I take a deep breath. "Look, I - I get it now. Why you were trying to push me away from you and Olivia and Jesse, back at the beginning. They were your only friends back then, like a family, and I was shoving in and getting in your way. And-"
"Hey. It's okay. I forgave you when you and Jesse saved us from the Grinder."
I had forgotten about that. "Oh," is all I can say.
"You being worried about her... it's not just friend-for-friend, is it? It seems a lot deeper than that."
There's a long pause in the conversation as I try to organize my thoughts.
"You don't need to answer if you don't want to," he says. Helpful.
"I'm sorry, Axel. I really do like her. I mean, I don't want to get in your way, but I do."
Well, aren't I a blabbermouth. I'm telling everyone these days.
He sighs. "Have you told her?"
"No. What if... what if she doesn't feel the same way to me? What if she starts considering me an enemy?"
"Hey. If I know Jesse at all, she'll accept you, no matter what. And besides, what could happen to her?"
<Jesse's POV>
I lie on the ground, trembling. After the meeting with the Chief, my jailer tossed me into this cell and splashed a Potion of Weakness on me.
So that's why I can't say anything to Lukas or Magnus. Stupid potions.
My mind turns back to the meeting.
The jailer had pulled me into a grand throne room and told me to stand, then retreated to the door. By then, I was barely able to stand unsupported, but I managed, and the blindness potion had worn off.
The Chief sat in front of me, wearing a long, furry brown cloak that concealed his face.
"Welcome, Jesse," the Chief boomed, in a familiar-sounding voice, but I couldn't place it.
"What do you want with me?" I had asked, angrily.
"What do I want? My dear Jesse, what I revenge." He swept the hood off and revealed a definitely familiar face.
"Aiden," I said, stunned. "You promised you would leave us alone!"
"No, Jesse. I merely said I would. I never promised anything to you or your band of creeps."
"They are not creeps!" I shouted at him. "They are good, honest people! Not as if you would understand."
He took a step forward, and another, then started circling me, as if I was a prize chicken or something.
"Why, Jesse, you've barely aged since we last met! Meanwhile, I've been aging in the Founder's prison-"
"As serves you right."
"Waiting for my chance for revenge. Do you know how annoying it is when arrogant little fools like you drop in at my moment of glory and destroy everything? It's because of you that Sky City was destroyed!"
"How was that our fault? You and the other Ocelots-"
"Blaze Rods!" he had hissed at me.
"Were the ones to spawn in the ghasts and creepers and everything! What did we ever do to you? Why do you hate us so much?"
"Because I was supposed to be a hero! I was the one who was supposed to kill the Witherstorm, but you-" here he punched me in the chest "-came in and stole Lukas and saved everyone! You destroyed every chance we had at being heroes at home!"
"I did not steal Lukas! He came with us of his own free will! You're crazy!"
"I'll teach you to respect men," he snarled, then told the jailer, "Take her away. I'll be back to speak with her eventually."
Suddenly my mind reading kicked in again, and I heard, And perhaps some more. She will learn, even if it kills me.
So then I ended up back here. Locked and weakened. I close my eyes, willing the memories to fade, and one of Ruby's appears. A song.
In a perfect story book,
The world is brave and good,
A hero takes your hand,
Sweet love will find love.
But life's a different game,
The sorrow and the pain,
Only you can change
Your world tomorrow
Let your smile light up the sky
Keep your spirit soaring high
Trust in your heart
And your song shines forever and ever
Hold fast to kindness
Your light shines forever and ever
I believe
In you and in me
We are strong...
The song fades, and I close my eyes. A tear escapes, trickling down my face. I open my eyes just in time to catch the crystalline droplet on my finger.
"I wish Lukas was here," I whisper, startling myself. "He'd have a way out of this place." This horrible, horrible place.
My eyes close, but sleep doesn't come for a long time.
:Aiden's POV:
Of all the people my Seekers could have brought in, Jesse was the one I least expected. She seemed really mad during our meeting two days ago, and I think I know why. But if she's forgiven Lukas, of all people, why not me?
I punch the side of the throne in anger. She was supposed to end up with me.
"Is there anything you need, my lord?" A servingwoman - Mazira, I remember - asks.
"No- well, actually, yes. Bring me to the special prisoner."
Her blue eyes flash, but she curtsies and says, "Follow me, my lord."
I'm surprised how quickly we Blaze Rods made it out of the Founder's jail and back here. It only took us maybe ten years. Since then, I've been building up the Hunters, to create an actual, government-led country out of this world. No more Order of the Stone; only the Hunters's legends may live.
My prison has been designed to be as strong and inescapable as possible. The walls are built up of obsidian from one of the worlds and lit with flaming Netherrack. Sentries equipped with enchanted bows and swords, as well as several different potions, patrol with tamed wolves along the walls, which are surrounded with lava.
The individual cells are made of bricks and iron bars. The farther back the cell, the more important and dangerous the prisoner, and the tougher the walls. I had Jesse placed at the very back, as she is one of the most dangerous people in any world.
As Mazira and I approach the walls, one Sentry shouts, "The Chief is coming!" The drawbridge, also made of obsidian, is extended across the lava moat, and the iron bar gate is lifted.
Four Sentries stand at the gates and bow as we pass. "Chief, sir! If you would pardon me for asking, why are you here?" One of them asks.
"I wish to see cell 500," I say. They nod and take their positions around us, and we continue forward, to the very end.
I dismiss the Sentries and Mazira, then open the iron door and kneel next to Jesse.
As always, she's wearing the red armor she became known for. The spikes on her shoulders are dulling, I notice. Her dark brown hair is tangled and dirty. Her face is gaunt and bony. She doesn't look much at all like the strong-willed woman I knew before.
Her dark green eyes flutter open. "Aiden," she says. Her voice is hoarse and weak, but angry. I have no doubt that if she was strong enough, she would tackle me to the ground and beat me into it.
"Why are you here?"
"I want to apologize for anything I said that offended you," I say. "Ever."
"So you want to apologize for pretty much..." she pauses, and takes a deep breath, "pretty much every word you've ever said around me?"
"Yeah. Pretty much."
She gives a weak laugh.
I haven't really thought this through.
"There's something I want to tell you, Jesse."
"What now?" She stands, leaning against the wall, and I do too. Stand. Not lean against the wall.
"When I was younger, I thought I was jealous of you. You had friends you knew you could trust, even if you all were a little out of the ordinary. You saved the world."
"You definitely showed that," she says.
"But looking back, I realized I didn't actually hate you. That's the big secret, Jesse. I loved you. And I still do."
<Jesse's POV>
Seriously? He thinks he's going to get me with that? As if I believe him.
"Oh, really, Aiden? You really think I'm-"
He traps me against the wall and places his mouth over mine.
For a few seconds, I'm so surprised, I don't move. Then everything registers, and I start pushing at him. He doesn't budge, but I realize his thought stream has entered my head.
She's staying with me now. No more Lukas or Axel. She'll learn to love me back in time. I know she will. And if she doesn't, I'll give her to the Hunters.
Suddenly, fueled by a burst of adrenaline, I shove him off and yell, both mentally and vocally, "GET AWAY FROM ME!"
Aiden collapses, clutching his head. Several guards appear out of nowhere. They drag him out of my cell, splash me with several potions, and shut the door as I fall to the ground.
The initial pain of the potions fades, leaving me blinded and weakened. Voices clamor at the edge of my consciousness, but I can't focus on any of them before I pass out.
~Lukas's POV~
Jesse's shout is still resonating in my head. Jesse? Jesse, are you there? Are you okay? I ask, praying for an answer, but there is none.
Magnus meets my eyes and shakes his head.
"Something's wrong," I say.
"What?" Ruby asks, stepping from around the corner of a building. Sammy follows her closely. "Is it about that yell?"
I jump back, startled. "How long have you been waiting for us?"
"Since..." She closes her eyes. "The night before yesterday, I think." She looks at Sammy, and he nods.
"We found Axel and Olivia," I say.
"I noticed," she replies. "And... a bunch of children, too?"
"Their kids."
"Where's Jesse? And what was that voice?"
"That voice was Jesse. She's captive somewhere, and we're looking for her." Magnus says. "I'm Magnus. Who are you guys?"
"I'm Ruby. This is Sammy."
For a few moments, everything is quiet. Then I say, "We need to find her, as soon as possible." Magnus nods in agreement.
"But we also need to tell the others we've found Axel and Olivia," Ruby counters.
"So we'll split up. Axel and Olivia, and their kids, go with either one of you, and the other and I look for Jesse."
"I'm staying with you," Magnus says, looking at me firmly. "I know what my power is."
"Really?" I ask.
In response, Magnus lifts one hand and hits his opposite shoulder. The marking on his forehead lights up, and several horses appear out of nowhere, surrounding us.
"Here's our rides," he says. "Now everybody, make up your minds."
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