Chapter 9 (3/3): The Tumultuous Conclusion
"I needed that," Nix was examining the massive paws he called hands. He felt strangely relieved after getting rid of Colton. He took a second to observe their arena. He couldn't see anyone near him. He looked for a sign of Veronica, but he couldn't see her moving from the shadows, as expected.
Recalling their opposition he searched for a small red-haired girl. Jessie, he believed he heard Colt call out. She was nowhere to be found. Nix started to worry about her making it behind him while he was distracted with Colt, opting to make his way back to Poco and Shelly.
"Oi, prat!"
"Prat?" Nix turned around as a black blur punched him square in the jaw. He took a step back, his cheek warm from the blow. He turned to find his attacker but found nothing. "Over here!" Nix turned meeting another deafening blow. "What's wrong?" another shot this time to the back of his knee. Nix fell to a single leg clutching at his aching knee. "You're looking a bit shirty."
Nix was getting frustrated, where did this kid come from? He thought about the people he saw with Colt. A red-haired girl and... "The blond kid-" his thoughts were halted by another shot to the jaw. Nix closed his eyes, focusing on the sounds in the empty arena. He could hear the boy's footsteps.
Just before the boy had reached him, he turned to face the attacker. The kid had long blonde hair and a black leather jacket with some cut jeans. He looked ecstatic as he rushed Nix. Realizing that this was just some child, Nix opted out of a closed fist and chose a backhand. His massive palms lazily swatting him to the side. "Listen, kid, the adults are busy, go play somewhere..." He looked to where he smacked the boy. He was gone again, "...else?"
A strange chill went down his back. He felt small arms wrap around his throat. Their clench like a vise, cutting off his oxygen. "So just cause I'm small you think I'm weak?" Nix strained his eyes to observe his attacker. The boy had a wild smile on his face, "I love proving big brutes like you wrong."
The boy's arms were like a snake tightening around his windpipe. With each second, Nix felt the cells in his brain turning off from a lack of oxygen. In desperation he palmed the boy's skull, ripping him off his shoulders.
Tyler did a few mid-air turns landing like an Olympic gymnast. Nix took some deep breaths, huffing as he observed the boy. The kid was shadowboxing in front of Nix. If it wasn't before, now his blood was boiling. Nix stood tall above the boy, "I don't wanna hurt ya kid. But if you try some shit like that again, I will break you."
"Yeah, yeah. I've heard this song and dance a thousand times. 'A little kid like you might be tough for your age but you could never beat an adult.'" He said in a gruff voice. "Well, I have never met a guy that I can't beat." Tyler chuckled with that last statement. He wasn't lying, he had never met a 'guy' that he couldn't beat, remembering the masked woman.
"Maybe you're right, you got a pretty good grip. But tell me," Nix brought both of his arms up above his head. The lights behind him covered by his massive frame, he was a giant shadow looming over Tyler. "Have you fought a man like me?"
Tyler gulped, a bead of sweat inching down his forehead. "No..." he muttered. He let out a shaky breath, smiling up at him, "But I've seen hundreds of hard cunts."
Nix dropped his intimidation tactic, "The hell did you just call me?"
Tyler smirked, he had him, "Listen I've been fighting with a disadvantage my whole life. But I love old school stories about small people beating larger opponents. Can ya guess my favorite?"
"Let me guess, David and Goliath?"
"Ding ding ding, somebody get this man an award. The big daft bastard actually got a question right."
Nix was perplexed, "How old are you?"
Tyler ignored the comment, "Now I used to love the theater back at home and would love to perform in Brawltopia, but I don't have a partner. What do you say, wanna help me with a historical recreation?"
Nix was dumbfounded, the nerve of this punk. Though deep inside, he respected the kid's spunk. He decided to play along with his game, "Sure kid," Nix cracked his knuckles reaching up to reaffirm his size advantage. "But tonight, we rewrite history."
Tyler rushed in aiming for Nix's core. Nix saw through the rush and dropped a massive fist down on Tyler. Tyler saw the attack coming and feinted his rush, Nix's rock-hard knuckles chipping the concrete below him.
Tyler took the opening and jabbed Nix's nose, fuzzing his vision and rocking his skull. Nix swung wildly with another open palm just barely clipping a retreating Tyler. Nix stood back up inspecting his now pulsing nose, a teardrop's worth of blood escaping it.
Tyler continued his rush once again rushing towards his core. Nix wouldn't be fooled twice, throwing both arms out to grab the troubling tyke. Tyler looked at Nix's body and saw the gap between his legs, sliding beneath ducking his grapple. Tyler landed several big blows to Nix's kidneys; his punches however did not affect the monster. The muscle mass of Nix absorbing every blow like a sponge to water.
Nix made another massive swipe at Tyler this time connecting dead on sending him flying into the nearby seats. Tyler tried to stand up but just as he got up a nearby chair rack crumbled under the force of his collision collapsing on him. Nix grunted as he slowly walked towards the turned over chairs that Tyler was crushed under. He warned the kid that he would break him, he felt no remorse for what he did but out of respect, he would fish out his body.
Nix threw a few chairs from the top out of the way. He examined the rubble for a sign of the boy's arm or a tuft of hair. There was no sign of him, "Where the hell?" he asked before a body flew from his side. Tyler had somehow escaped the rubble without moving a single chair and had now locked Nix up in a flying armbar.
Nix's size was the only thing keeping him upright against the weight of Tyler's attack. He had one hand on his knee supporting himself while Tyler wrenched on his captured arm. The pain was more than Nix expected, he had the lock-in deep. But luckily his strength was enough to block Tyler from locking it in any deeper.
Nix treated Tyler like a dumbbell curling him up slowly. Tyler seeing him fighting the hold reached for Nix's finger opting to wrench them as far back as possible. Nix grunted in pain at the modified armbar with a professionally illegal small joint manipulation. Nix gritted his teeth and roared lifting Tyler before slamming him down with a one-armed powerbomb.
All the air in Tyler's body flew out at the monstrous slam. His back was on fire as it cracked against the cement floor. Nix rose, a cold look on his face. He picked up Tyler by one of his arms, bringing him to eye level. Tyler was on shaky breaths but still smiling, his body exhausted but his spirit still alive. "I told you kid; I'll break you." He threw Tyler up slightly, catching him in mid-air with a crushing bear hug.
Tyler couldn't scream, all his organs felt like they were being squashed together. His bones audibly snapping beneath Nix's grasp. His one free arm clawing and slapping at Nix's arms and face. "Barmy... Bastard," he choked out.
"Sorry kid, no tapping out. Either you nap," he tightened his grip eliciting a cry of pain from Tyler. "Or I snap."
Tyler writhed in pain, he didn't know which would come first, him passing out or his bones giving out. He thought about all the fights he had ever been in. He didn't dominate every fight he was in but not once in his life had he fought a monster like this man. He thought about all the underhanded bar brawl tactics he had seen or used. Only one came to mind and he didn't like how weak it made him feel.
But a win is a win.
Tyler continued to paw at Nix's face, before punching at his chest. Nix shook his head in disappointment, the kid had put up such a good fight. To see him squirm for help like this was like seeing a bandit trainee giving up during target practice. Perhaps he could throw him a bone, "Listen kid- GAH!" He opened his eyes only to have them gouged by Tyler's fingers.
He released Tyler, holding his eyes trying to massage the wound. Tyler dropped to the floor in a heap admiring his handy work. He looked at Nix's waist for his target. "I love uppercuts," he whispered before nailing Nix in his groin. Nix's voice went up several octaves putting Poco's singing voices to shame. He dropped to both knees holding his groin, a tear rolling down his cheek. Tyler stood eye level with the broken Nix, "David," he pointed to himself before taking a few steps back. He ran forward, pump kicking Nix in the face, breaking his nose and knocking him out cold, "Goliath."
Tyler stood over a motionless Nix, with the man's size and power he didn't think that he would win with only one low blow. He was pleased to see Nix was fast asleep. Tyler let out a sigh of relief sitting down beside the defeated Nix. "1-1, not bad." Tyler looked at the arena, they had wrecked a large stack of chairs, ripped bolted seats from their bindings, and Colt's bullet shells were scattered along the ground. Where was he? Nix had smacked Tyler in the same direction as he threw Colt so how come he hadn't seen him yet? Then he remembered Jessie disappearing into the shadows behind him. Why hadn't he seen them yet?
Tyler perked up at the mention of his name. He saw Colt running towards him firing his pistols frantically behind him. Jessie was beside him also frantically shooting in a mad panic. Tyler looked past them, a bright smile adorning his face.
It was her; she had reappeared, his masked maiden. The masked woman in all her ninja-like glory was throwing daggers galore at his friends. He looked at Colt and saw most of the damage suffered was on him, only a few minor scratches on Jessie's. Tyler thought out loud, "Who botched it this time?"
"Couldn't hurt a fly huh?" Colt mocked as another power chord flew past them. Colt peeked the corner letting out a few shots just missing Poco.
"I didn't know that his guitar was magic." Jessie snapped back as she launched an electric orb. Poco had them both pinned behind a large wall. They would have attempted to run in opposite directions, but they noticed that Poco's range was wide enough to cover both sides of the wall.
"Neither did I, but when I see a talking skeleton, I would suspect anything." Colt peeked his head only to get blasted by another power chord. He recoiled behind the wall, a large flesh wound on his cheek, "My Face!"
"Hahaha, Poco goes Loco!" He had the two pinned and was rocking out while he did it. His face showed the confidence of a cocky child but deep in his head, he was desperately calling for help. He had the range to suppress but dealing damage was not his forte. Most of the punks he attacked were just knuckleheads that underestimated him or thought they were tough cause they one a few bar brawls. Poco noticed as they continued to take his attacks, they were no weaklings. It wouldn't be long before they made their move, he needed some support. He needed more time. "Listen to that beautiful beat. And don't worry it only gets better. How bout ya just throw in the towel and we call it a draw?"
"He's stalling," Jessie deadpanned to Colt. "He would have rushed us by now if he could take us alone."
Colt peeked the wall. He saw Poco play another chord then look behind him. She was right, he was looking for backup. Colt thought about the possibility of Nix showing up again, terrifying him. "We need to move before Nix shows up."
"Big guy."
"Oh. Oooohhhh. Crap," her face sunk at the thought of that giant showing his face. She didn't think anything could slow him down. Jessie took stock of her injuries. She noticed that she didn't feel weak. Poco's attack hurt, but they weren't fatal. She also hadn't taken as many shots as Colt. If Poco's music could cover both sides of the wall, then they needed to get most of his firepower focused away from the wall. "Um... Colt," she nervously called, "I have an idea. But you're not gonna like it."
"Go ahead, I'm sure it can't be worse than our current situation."
"We need a distraction. One of us has to go out and distract him so the other can focus on attacking unhindered."
"That's not that bad. Just gotta make sure I don't get hit too much. Feeling a bit weak," Colt grabbed at his arm shaking it lightly. Pins and needles running through his entire left side, "Then you can take your shot."
Jessie took a deep breath, "Actually, I don't think anyone can dodge an attack with that wide a range, which is why I was gonna distract him."
Colt slowly turned to her with a distraught look, a power chord flying past didn't even phase him, "No."
"Colt hear me out."
"No way," Colt turned away, reloading his pistols looking for an opening.
"Colt you're too weak to go out there. We don't know how strong his attacks are. What if they can be fatal?"
"Exactly Jessie! What if they're fatal? Why would I let you go out there if they might be fatal?"
"Because I don't wanna lose you too!" Jessie had a tear in her eye. "We lost dad already, I barely got to be with him. Mom can't handle another loss, I can't handle another loss."
Colt dropped to a knee, "I don't wanna lose you either, that's why I can't let you get hurt." He placed a hand on her shoulder, but she swatted it away.
"I'm not some weak little kid anymore. I'm just like mom," she flexed her bicep showing her strength. "I'm tough as nails. I might even be tougher than you. I can do this." Colt looked away imagining the plan in action. Jessie jumping out into danger, taking those mystical music shots head-on. His mind imagined the horrors if something went wrong. His thoughts were interrupted by Jessie's small fist lightly pushing his cheek. "All you gotta do is take him out faster than he can shoot me, right?" She wiped her tears, smiling up to him, "I trust you."
Colt took a deep breath, her warm smile melting his cold heart. He moved her fist from his cheek and engulfed it in his hand. "And I trust you."
Poco was standing still in front of Shelly, he hadn't seen any movements in a while. He heard Jessie scream something but hadn't seen any movement since. He worried that they may have sneaked away behind the wall. They could be anywhere now. Was this a pincer movement, a blitzkrieg? He started panicking until he saw his salvation. Jessie rushed from the side that Colt was originally peeking. 'So, it's a blitzkrieg then,' Poco turned his attention to a rushing Jessie playing chord after chord.
Jessie shot back with her shock rifle but from her range, the bullets were practically moving in slow motion. Poco effortlessly weaving around them while continuing his attack. Jessie started to crack from the constant attacks Poco was launching. "I hope you can forgive me, my minute madam, but this is how the song is played. If I could rewrite the sheet music so we could be allies I would, but I don't write the songs. I only..." he noticed something strange. Jessie was smiling. "play them?"
Had he said something funny. He looked again and saw that she wasn't looking at him, she was looking past him. Poco's world seemed to move in slow motion, he turned and saw the red-headed sheriff smirking behind him with both guns drawn. 'So it was a pincer,' Poco couldn't react fast enough and ate a barrage of bullets to his upper frame. The bullets just barely missing any vital spots leaving him writhing on the floor in pain, his guitar skidding to the side. He tried to crawl towards it but a small boot pinned his guitar. He looked up and saw Jessie with a few scratches and a couple of flesh wounds along her arm but still looking as pristine as when they started. "I think it's time you exited stage left."
"Oh, and she's got the one-liners. I'm so proud," Colt cheered as he tossed her a pair of handcuffs. "Now, cuff him?"
"Cuff him." Jessie stood Poco up putting his hands behind his back. Just before she could lock the cuff around the other wrist a dagger knocked the cuffs out of her hands. Colt aimed his guns into the dark firing off blindly. He was greeted by another volley of daggers slicing his cheeks and legs. He threw his hands up just in time blocking three daggers that would have nailed his shoulders and pierced his chest.
Colt's hands were shaky as blood started to trickle from the three holes. He gritted his teeth pulling out the blades, his adrenaline back in full effect. "You okay," he called back to Jessie. She let out a small sound of confirmation, "Well get behind me, you need to recover." Colt put an arm for Jessie to stand behind, Jessie decided to take Poco's advice and listen to her brother standing close to him, her gun still drawn. The sound of soft footsteps tiptoed around them. Colt and Jessie's skin stood on end.
"Uh-oh..." Jessie and Colt looked down. "Oh no," Poco gasped, clutching at his stomach. "You two are in trouble," his voice soft and nervous. The footsteps started getting closer, while Poco dragged himself away from the duo.
Another volley of daggers came from their left, Colt jumping in the way to take the brunt of the blows. Just as he got the blades out of his forearms another wave came from behind. Jessie was scratched by a few before Colt could jump in the way.
More shots from Colt missed their mark as waves of blades rained from around him. They were never going to beat an opponent they couldn't see. Jessie was getting visibly weaker with each attack. Colt decided at the moment that he would need to bring out his best strategy.
He grabbed Jessie's hand and sprinted away from Poco and Shelly. Jessie in confusion let go and followed behind him keeping up with his frantic pace. "What happened, I thought we were gonna arrest them?"
"Fighting that lady in the shadows is like committing suicide. Besides isn't the saying, 'You may pick the fight, but I pick the battle-FIELD!'" he cried pushing Jessie's head down just avoiding another wave of daggers. Behind him he saw the masked woman chasing them down, making him scream like a kid in a scary mansion. He tried shooting her down, but she effortlessly ducked the wild volley, filling him with more fear.
Jessie pulled out her shock rifle trying to assist but only made the masked woman angrier as she picked up speed. Jessie looked ahead noticing Tyler standing over a man's body. "TYLER!" she screeched ahead. She fired another shot behind her before signaling to the enemy on their tails. She wasn't sure if it was the paranoia from the madwoman on their butts or the distance, but she swore she saw Tyler smiling. Like he was excited to see them running for their lives. Jessie dropped the thought as another blade sliced at her calf.
Tyler seeing the opportunity slid in front of Colt dropping like a lineman before the quarterback shouts hike. He waited for a second allowing the masked woman to get in closer. He ran full tilt towards Colt like a man possessed. Colt seeing his deputy's rush he jumped out of the way at the last second.
Veronica seeing the kid she just finished fighting rushing her threw off her balance. Before she could stop or move out of the way Tyler floored her with a Clothesline from Hell, nearly taking her head off. Tyler skidded to a stop behind her vibrating his fist like it was on fire, "Yeah, just like IKA."
Veronica was seeing stars at the surprise blow to her head. She tried to get up, but her mind was fried by a few volts of electricity from Jessie's rifle. "Yeah... that's what I thought," Jessie hesitantly taunted.
Colt walked over to the mound of muscle that was Nix. He started to stir in his sleep, his eyes fluttering open. His nose felt fractured, his groin on fire. He sat up clutching at his family jewels, a low hum sounding off beside him. He looked to his right and saw a girl with red pigtails holding a gun with electricity jumping between two magnets. He assumed that this was the mystery shooter from the initial surprise attack. 'If she's here,' he looked behind him and came face to face with Colt's pistol barrel. 'Dammit.'
"You thieves thought you were hot shit, huh?" Colt was circling Nix now, "Well look where you are now. Laying in a heap unconscious and unarmed." He did a twirl in the center of their battleground. Nix took the second to observe the carnage, he was impressed with the property damage they obtained in such little time.
"Yeah, he tried to give you a way out, but did you take it?" Tyler called as he stood over an unconscious Veronica.
"Hell no, they didn't take it. Now not only do I have to arrest ya for being dangerous bandits, but I gotta charge you all for attacking an officer." Colt pointed one of his pistols to the sky, "Let this be a lesson kids."
"Oh boy..." Jessie groaned.
"Is he about to give a speech," Nix groaned as he laid back down, the pain in his face and groin overwhelming him.
"He will try."
"Justice always wins," he stated proudly. "There may come a time when the dark hands of tyranny may grab a hold of you. But justice shall always win. Even when... uh," Colt started to lose his place. "Even when it feels like it may not... prevail. ...Tyler what will happen?"
"Umm... Justice will prevail?"
"Exactly, which is why you must always fight. For Justice!" He rose a fist to the sky waiting for Tyler and Jessie to join him. Instead, he was greeted with the sound of stumbling footsteps.
Team Colt turned to see Poco turn the corner, his sombrero covering his face but his body resembling swiss cheese. "sheering..." he mumbled as he got closer. Tyler, stunned by the strange skeleton approaching them prepared for a fight but was called off by Colt.
Colt walked towards Nix, "Give it up Poco." He lifted Nix by his shirt, Nix was too weak to fight back, "Even your giant trump card has given up. Time to give up."
"The... only thing... I give..." he lifted his hat showing his guitar across his chest, "...are amazing performances." Colt instinctually turned his guns toward Poco. Tyler was confused by the sudden alarm but threw up his fists anyway. Poco was smiling like always, but the lights in his eyes were much dimmer. He was working with borrowed time.
"Don't do... something stupid. Just give up Poco," Nix grunted from behind Colt. Jessie began to walk forward, putting away her rifle.
"Jess, get back here," Colt called from behind her. Jessie kept moving forward, she could feel all of Poco's pain. Sympathizing with his unwavering will to save his friends.
"Poco, you said that we could have been friends in a different life." She reached out a hand as she got closer, "Why wait for another life, we can be friends right now, just put the guitar away." Her face showed no ulterior motives, her stance was pure and true. Poco however was a delusional mess. Mumbling beneath his breath about putting on a show.
"Can't you hear them... the crowd. Their cheering... Veronica, Nixxy come on... let's give 'em an..." he threw a hand up high above his head, his handcuff jingling in the air. "ENCORE!"
He let his hand fall like a guillotine on his strings, a giant green wave of sentient notes flowing like a tsunami from his guitar. Jessie jumped backward toward Colt ducking low to the floor. Colt threw his hands up preparing for the wave of notes. Tyler had never seen anything as beautiful and stared in amazement as the green wave washed over everyone in front of it. A gust of wind carrying it onwards until it dissipated far behind them.
Colt and Jessie got up slowly inspecting themselves. They didn't sustain any damage from the attack. "That was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen," Tyler muttered to the side. A tear escaping his eye. Jessie walked towards Colt in confusion. Poco's guitar was not normal. They knew his attacks had special properties; his usual attacks were red with chomping teeth, but these were green with a smooth song. What did green mean?
Jessie looked up at Colt and her face went white. Colt looked down in confusion until he felt a giant shadow engulf him from behind. He turned slowly, looking up in fear at the monster that Poco had woke up. Nix snatched Colt up by his throat, showing no remorse.
Jessie watched as her brother writhed in pain scratching and clawing at his captor's arms pleading for his life. Jessie heard a deafening thud from behind and saw Tyler unconscious on the floor. The masked woman standing tall with a single foot suspended high above her head.
Jessie panicked and ran to Nix's legs punching and screaming. "Let him go, please! Please, don't hurt him!" She pleaded as Colt started to fade. Jessie started to cry as she watched the life leaving Colt's eyes. She screamed and pounded on his legs desperately trying to save her brother. She felt so helpless, so useless, so powerless.
Nix felt the soft hand of Veronica pat his shoulder; his rage subsided along with his grip. Poco walked up as well pointing to the begging Jessie below him. Nix's eyes finally started to focus again, blowing a frustrated breath. He let go of Colt's neck, he took a giant breath coughing profusely as he fell to the ground.
Jessie fell to his side crying into his chest as he desperately tried to take in as much oxygen as he could. Nix walked towards the wall they had hidden Shelly behind cradling her in his arms. When he came back Veronica had dragged the sleeping frame of Tyler towards Jessie as she tried to care for the beaten man and boy. "Slow deep breaths... it's alright," Jessie choked out in between her sniffles.
Veronica pointed towards the exit while holding a strange dagger in the shape of a feather. A far cry from her usual artillery. Nix took the sign to mean that they had found the attacker, Sam must have been dealing with it. Nix nodded his head, signaling to Poco that they were leaving.
Poco now feeling healed up as well after his Encore started to follow close behind. Before they left the arena, he ran back to Jessie, she was still crying over her brother and Tyler's conditions. Poco carefully approached them, "Jessie..." he softly called. She didn't even look up at him.
"Go away."
Poco felt like a dagger had been driven through his heart. "...I'm ...sorry."
"I said go away," she mumbled, her tears still interrupting her speech.
"I really hope that one day... we can be friends."
Jessie's head snapped in his direction. She didn't say a word, she didn't have to. Her eyes said it all. Pain, confusion, disgust; so many emotions all swimming through those forest green irises. Poco recoiled, choosing to stay silent and hope that she would understand his sincerity with time.
The only sounds he could hear before he closed the arena door were the pants of a recovering Colt and the painful laments of an emotionally scarred Jessie.
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