Chapter 7 (2/2): Just Business
Nix watched in horror as his unkillable boss smacked the floor like a boulder. A woman screamed in terror scaring everyone before all attention was on the lifeless form of Shelly. When, where, why, how? All these questions popped in his head at the scene before him. He looked to Poco, Sam, and Veronica, they were motionless. Poco had that same smile on his face that Nix hated so much but his eyes were much brighter showing his astonishment. Sam was frozen solid with his mouth agape in shock. Veronica had no signs of emotion on her face, her arms were shaking though as she reached out to her lifeless boss.
Nix heard it once again, 'Hostiles!' "Hostiles!" he shouted shocking the three members and drawing their attention. "Sam, Veronica, find 'em and bring them here. Poco you're with me," he grabbed Poco by his midriff and slung him over his shoulder like he was a bag of mulch. He put one foot on the guard rail, it moaned from his weight. The two remaining members watched as he dropped down to Shelly's side, shaking the ground around him.
He placed Poco down before looking back up to them, "GO!" The two atop the balcony shook the cobwebs and started scanning the arena. Veronica tapped Sam on the shoulder and pointed in a direction. They nodded their heads before disappearing into the stands.
Nix looked down to see Poco removing two blades from Shelly's back and taking one from her hand. He passed one to Nix, he noticed the viscous green liquid. A dip into the substance with his index finger brought out a mixture of her blood and the green ooze. He opted to use his pinky which was just small enough to pick up just the green substance. His tongue lapped up the green substance before spitting it out violently, "Poison."
"Oh really, ya don't say?"
"Don't get smart with me skeleton." He took Shelly's head in his massive hands. His fingers touched her neck for a pulse. A faint beat could be felt. "She's alive."
"For how long?"
"It's weak but it's there. She's tough, I doubt that she will fall to just this, but she won't be strong enough to handle any follow-up attacks. We need to get out of here." Nix looked around at some of the bystanders watching the scene. "Does anyone know if the paramedics are on the way?!" The crowd murmured amongst themselves, but a response was not provided. "Useless."
"There's no time for paramedics. If you guys have been found, then we need to get her combat-ready now." Poco pulled his case off his back and pulled out his custom guitar.
"We don't have time for one of your songs Poco."
"I told you before, music heals the soul. I just need to get in tune." Poco began to play a few small cords and adjust his pitch as Nix rested her head on his lap. Her hat flew off in the fall beside her. He picked it up and placed it on her head, tucking her purple hair beneath it.
"Hang on Boss, we got you."
"What happened here?" Nix and Poco turned towards the question. A man with fiery red hair broke through the crowd, he was softly panting implying that he ran to the scene.
"We have it under control you can move on pal," Nix waved the man off before focusing on Shelly. Poco stopped tuning his guitar momentarily as he stared at the redhead. The redhead and other crowd members backed away at the sight of Poco. His forever smile on that boney frame chilling them to their bones.
He leaned in close to Nix covering his mouth, "We need to move her."
"What are you talking about, you said you could help her with your song right?"
"Yes, but this place isn't safe anymore."
"Veronica and Sam are chasing down the suspects. These people are just bystanders."
"Not him."
Nix looked back to the redhead as he slowly approached motioning to get their attention. Nix looked his frame down before concluding, "He is armed with two firearms. If you're scared of that don't be, his stature implies that he was running here to survey the scene. If he were here to finish the job, he would be more observant of us, analyze the chance of resistance, and if he could handle us in a fight. He is just here to help, probably a part of paramedics." He turned to the redhead, "If you are here with paramedics don't worry, we have this under control. Do us a favor and find the higher-ups for this arena, we would like some surveillance footage so we can identify her attacker."
"She was attacked?!" The man reached into his shirt pocket, "My name is Sheriff Colton Domire, of the GSDPF. I'm here to help."
"Dammit," Nix hissed under his breath. He looked to Poco for advice, his response was just shrugged shoulders and a fearful glint in his eyes. "Listen, pal, I know it's your job and all to protect and serve, so why don't you follow the latter of that motto and do as we say. Go home." When he looked behind him Colton was not there.
"She's bleeding, what happened?"
They both turned with a jump to see Colton had slunk past them and was now directly in front of them looking at Shelly's face. "Umm..."
"Hey, pal, I know first aid so just let us handle this," Poco slyly jumped in.
"Where is your first aid kit then?"
"Here just let me see if I can stop the bleeding," he reached his hand out to grabbed Shelly's form.
"DON'T TOUCH HER!" Nix threw his massive paws out swatting Colton's hand with a monstrous force. Colton recoiled to the wall from the pressure of the hit.
"What the hell was tha-" he paused and looked amazed at the group. Nix was confused by his sudden reaction to getting his hand swatted away.
"You bonehead," Poco hissed from the side. Nix looked to Poco confused, he followed his gaze. Straight to the face of Shelly, his beautiful sleeping beauty, and her bright purple hair. Her bright purple hair that was exposed due to the air from him swatting Colton's hand.
The sound of guns cocking drew their attention. Colton was standing over them with a pistol in each hand, staring down the duo. "Hands up, nobody moves. Civilians, clear the area immediately, that is a direct police order."
The crowd began to scream and run in all directions. Some people snapped last-minute pictures before running into the distance. Nix looked to Poco as he franticly tuned his guitar. That smile still bright, but his tension clear in his movements. If he could sweat, he would probably be profusely perspiring.
"You, big guy!" Nix looked up to see both firearms trained at his skull. "Back away from the criminal or I will be arresting you as well."
Nix heard Shelly's voice in his head, 'You bonehead.'
Veronica was leading the way in a chase for a shadow in the distance. Sam was right behind looking through his bag for a weapon to slow his movements. He clearly wasn't as fast as either of them as they disappeared around a corner in front of him. "Gotta think, I don't have speed, but I have brains. How do I close the gap?"
He rummaged through his bag of tricks. His assortment of close-range weapons came up first, 'That will be good for when I catch up.' Then came up his guns, 'Probably shouldn't shoot any live weapons inside such a heavily populated location.' He reached in deeper into his bag and met grasp with a piece of rope. He pulled out a long rope with two balls on either side. A makeshift bola. "Perfect."
He kept running up ahead and climbed the balcony they jumped up. When he turned the corner to the hallway, he was met with the body of Veronica flying at him. Her body slamming into his as he cushioned her fall. They both shook the cobwebs as they got up. Veronica pushed Sam back down as a volley of blades flew in their direction. She gracefully dodged them before pulling out several throwing stars and returning the favor.
The shadow at the end of the hallway did not move. It pulled out one more blade and dropped to a more combat-ready stance. With each star that came, it deflected effortlessly. Veronica stood tall as she peered down her adversary. Sam just looked slack jaw in awe at the feats of skill these two showed. Veronica watched as the figure took out several more blades. She dropped low, this was a test of strength, one she would not lose.
The figure jumped into the air and threw its blades wildly, knocking out the lights in the hall. Veronica and Sam stood in the dark with anticipation. Sam quickly reached into his bag pulling out a flashlight. He scanned the area; their target was nowhere to be found.
"I think it left." Sam sighed. Veronica stamped the ground with frustration. "Relax we'll find 'em." He walked behind them and picked up one of the blades. The green liquid that was coated on it was thin but oozing. "The blades are covered in a weak poison. Must have nailed Shelly with a few." He licked some of it before spitting it out swiftly. "It can kill, but you would need to either sustain considerable damage beforehand or intake a large amount. She will be fine."
Veronica's body relaxed at his analysis. They began to make their way down the hall with caution. They could not see their enemy, but a presence could still be felt. This feeling that they were missing something. Sam walked forward and saw a red liquid on the ground. Blood. Veronica nicked him with her volley. He looked around for a sign of drippage. There was a small red dot leading into another hallway. "He's heading for the exit!" Sam began to run forward to chase down the culprit. Veronica stood still, looking back where they came. "Ronnie, come on we can still catch him." Veronica watched as people began to run down the dark hall from where they came. She looked back and nodded in Sam's direction then jumped through a door back into the main arena stands, disappearing from his sight.
Sam slapped himself, this was his responsibility now. He had to track the assailant down at all costs. He ran off in the direction of the blood drops, the rushing crowd of fans panicking as they followed far behind.
"You wouldn't believe who I saw today."
"The one that got away."
"If I hit my shots, which I always do, she should be in a body bag by now or at least critical condition."
"No clue that it was me, some of her goons tried to chase me down, but I gave 'em the slip."
"On my way." The assailant put his phone into his pocket. His voice was deep, foreboding, it matched the shadows he called his home. He looked upwards into the night sky. The desert may be the worst place during the day but at this time of night, the stars looked so beautiful. "One day."
He looked his hand over, a small trickle of blood leaking from a scratch he got deflecting the woman's attack. "Not bad for some petty thieves." He leaped up into the air but on his way up a force gripped at his legs, ripping him to the ground. He fell to the earth in a puff of dust rolling as the object dragged him slowly on its dying path. The dust settled showing a rope with some balls attached to his legs.
"You won't get away from me now!"
He looked back to see the boy he was just running from. 'So, the chick in the mask sent him ahead. Big mistake.' He quickly pulled out a blade and sawed away the rope releasing himself from his polyester prison. He jumped to his feet to face the boy; he was still running full tilt. The boy had on a pair of goggles and was rummaging through a bag on his way to him. He could attempt an escape but if the boy had another ranged projectile turning his back might have dire consequences. He would just have to face the kid head-on.
Sam on the other hand had found his gadget but needed to be closer to get the best use. He needed to keep him from moving for about 100 more feet. "Who are you, why did you attack her?"
'So, the kid's trying to distract me. Hah! I'll play his game.' He cleared his lungs, "My name is none of your business. And the attack, that was just business." He smirked with that last line though Sam couldn't tell.
'That's right, asshole. Just a little closer.' "Then if it's just business, who do you work for?"
"Come on man, I don't wanna kill you."
"Nobody will be dying tonight!" he ripped a small fan from his bag and threw it ahead. The assailant jumped backward letting it land before him. It spurred to life blowing huge winds directly into his face. He instinctually put his arms up to block the sand that blasted his face. A crack in his arms was all he could manage before a ghastly silhouette appeared before him. Followed by a monstrous right hook, like his fists were made of solid steel.
He flew through the mini sandstorm into the open desert sand. He slid on the floor making a small dust cloud. The cover was perfect for his counterattack sending several blades into the storm, aiming primarily at the stormfront to knock out the devious fan that caused this predicament.
Electrical whirs could be heard with a few small sparks as the wind began to die down. As the dust fell around the storm so did the small cloud he had used for cover. In the middle of the storm, he saw the frame of the boy. One fist to the ground while the other pointed towards him. His fists were larger than normal hands.
The dust settled showing the boy still at the end of his punch. He turned to face the attacker smashing his metal fists together, the clang of the metal echoing in the darkness. "And I will get my answers," he screamed in a fit of rage.
The shadowed man rose to his feet. Sam watched as the moonlight shined on him, like an actor in the spotlight. He wasn't much larger than Shelly. All his features on full display. He wore a blue leather jacket with dark marron jeans. Black gloves to match his black boots. Or perhaps they were both chosen to match his black... feathers? Sam stared in astonishment at the strange half-human half-bird hybrid before him. He was a man with a crow's head, a strange slash mark across his beak.
He dusted himself off before cracking his knuckles. "That was a pretty good hit ya got in there. What's your name?"
"Why would I tell you." He regained his focus after his initial shock from the man-beast before him.
"Listen, pal, if you want me to answer your questions, you should start by answering mine."
"The name's Crow. See now was that so hard?"
"Now tell me why you attacked that woman?"
"Ya mean your boss?" Sam visibly flinched from his response, "Yeah I know a lot about your little gang of bandits. All except your location. Mind letting a fellow fighter in on that?"
"Like hell, I would ever tell you!"
"Well if you won't answer my question then I won't tell you why I attacked your boss. See how this game works."
"You think threatening my boss' life is a game?"
"Don't you see, it is a game." He slid three blades from one of his jacket sleeves, slipping one blade into his free hand. "Right now, we both want info, but neither is willing to talk. So now imagine we are playing connect four," he swiftly threw the three daggers in his direction. Sam dropped to the floor to dodge the high-velocity toxic projectiles. Sam looked up to see more daggers coming his way which he rolled away from.
Crow had disappeared, but the sound of metal rattling alerted Sam of the incoming divebomb. He dodged one more time but was nicked by two daggers. Crow landed beside him from his aerial assault, pulling out three more daggers and smirking down at him. Sam clutched his right arm and left knee, inspecting the cuts. A small amount of green liquid could be seen on his clothing, mixing with the blood.
"But instead of connecting four dots to win, the one that loses four limbs squeals."
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