Chapter 6 (2/2): An Unfortunate Interruption

The show continued as expected. Some small B-level matches in between with big matches every hour or so. Colt made most of the runs for snacks so that Jessie and Tyler could enjoy without interruptions. The lines were surprisingly short with several small stands positioned around hallways throughout the underground arena.

"Let's see Jessie wants a small Spritz with some Spittlez. Tyler said he wanted, Candy Floss. The hell is Candy Floss?" He was looking around the venue for some hint as to what Candy Floss could possibly mean. "Dammit Tyler and your weird names for food."

He decided on waiting in a line that was selling Cotton Candy ahead. Thinking back on the events of the night made him feel warm. Jessie's ridiculous antics with her new robot, S.C.R.A.P.P.Y. The fun little arguments that Jessie and Tyler got into with every match. And the show so far had been amazing. The young upstart Evan Born had won a big singles match against the seasoned veteran Norton which meant the next week there would be another match to prove it wasn't a fluke.

His daydream about the awesome matches they had seen so far was interrupted by arguments behind him.

"Hey, lady hurry it up already!"

"Yeah some of us actually want to make it back before the next match!"

More taunts and jeers were sent to the front of the line. Colt looked ahead and noticed the woman in front of him. She wasn't much shorter than him. From behind he couldn't see much besides the paper she was gripping tightly in her hands while she shivered slightly. He approached her field of vision making her flinch as she shot forward to focus on the clerk.

She shakily pointed towards the Spritz icon. "Okay ma'am, now would you like small, medium, or large?" The clerk quickly asked. The woman's eyes shot open as she quickly made a squishing motion with her index and pointer finger. "Okay ma'am..." the woman had a brighter expression on now. Colt looked with interest at the strange lady. She had most of her face covered by an adorable panda bandana and her hair was tied up in a tight bun. Her skin was a fair shade of light brown with a wonderful figure that would make a lesser man drool.

Though currently Colt was mesmerized not by her figure, but her expressions. She hadn't said a word since he been there, but her body told everything that needed to be known.

"Okay ma'am and would you like a collector's cup or standard?"

The confidence that had been on the masked beauty's face melted away. She began to sway back and forth again, seemingly overwhelmed by the choice. Colt looked down to glance at the paper in her hand and saw the large list she was holding. So many drinks, snacks, and what looked like random merchandise that she was going to buy.

"Umm... I think she wants two small Kokes, a large and small Spritz, one bottle of Temple Water, two mediums and one large bag of Popcorn..." he peeked over her shoulder to get a better look at the paper she was holding causing her to lean away. "Extra Butter. Oh, and no I don't think she wants the collector cups, do you?" she hastily shook her head as she returned her gaze to the clerk.

"Okay sir, coming right up."

"Oh, while you're at it, get me another small Spritz with some Spittlez, and... you got any Candy Floss?"

"Cotton Candy? Flavor?"

"Surprise me!" The clerk left the two as he began to work on their orders. Colt turned back to the woman as she stared down at the ground. "And you madam, are very surprising. The way you were acting I would have thought this was your first-time ordering something by yourself." The woman didn't respond, she just fiddled with the edges of her list. "Oh, sorry I wasn't trying to be rude. Just a funny joke ya know?"

He tried to laugh off the awkward situation before letting a strange silence fall over them. He peeked at her from the corner of his eye to inspect her mood. Though he was surprised to see that the flustered expression had disappeared for a more stoic gaze. The mood seemed to shift with her emotions, from strange and uncomfortable to calm and uncaring. If the crowd behind hadn't thanked him for helping her he would have thought, he imagined the entire interaction.

"Umm... so... come here often?" No response. "Yeah, you're right, that was terrible. Well, then I'm guessing you didn't buy all that for yourself so where are your friends?" She stayed silent.

Colt would have just left the quiet girl alone, but his intrigue was getting piqued with each second. He leaned forward to get a better look at her face only for her to swiftly turn away from his gaze. 'Does she hate me this much after only just meeting me? Did I say something off?'

"Sir, ma'am, your items," the clerk called. Colt approached first, paying for his meal in gems before the lady walked up behind him pulling out a large pouch of coins.

"Okay yeah, no." Colt swiftly pulled some extra gems and placed them on the table. The woman quickly pushed his gems to the side and placed her coin pouch upfront, but Colt insisted on paying. Not as an act of chivalry, but pity for the poor clerk that would have to count all the coins. She eventually allowed him to pay for both orders. She still never spoke a single time which Colt found odd, but she still showed her thanks by bowing her head before turning to leave.

Colt began his walk back thinking about the interaction. 'She was cute, but kind of scary. Hope she gets the rest of those items without any problems.' Colt stopped in his tracks as he imagined her attempting to buy the merchandise. Would she even know what any of it was? Maybe he should go help her. He quickly ran back to the clerk and placed his snacks down asking him to watch them before running after the masked lady.

He saw her standing on the wall with the tray balanced in one hand, staring down at her paper. As he got closer, he could notice small amounts of sweat seeming to form on her brow, as they furrowed with concentration. She never even noticed him standing in front of her, "Well... I don't know what you're looking for exactly, but I know there is a small stand just a few feet down the hall."

His presence startled the masked woman causing her to fumble with her items before Colt quickly grabbed her tray to help her stabilize. Their eyes met and for a second the world froze. Colt no longer saw the people around him. He could only see her beautiful blue eyes. The soft, glow the lights left on her fair skin. His eyes crept lower and for a second he could see the cleavage hidden beneath her blue crop top.

He quickly released his grip from her tray and stood straight, looking off into the distance. "Sorry for startling you." He looked back to see the woman looking away as well, still no verbal response. That awkward silence had returned once more but this time Colt was determined to break the ice. "Umm... I can," he glanced at her. Their eyes met once again, and he lost his voice for a second. Every time he looked, she seemed to get cuter. The little panda nose of the bandana perfectly placed where her nose would be if it weren't covered. That cute little panda smile that went perfectly with those lustrous eyes. He caught himself once more, "I can help ya get your merch. Based on how the snack line went, I think it would be best for everyone if I gave you a little bit of assistance."

He scratched the back of his head awaiting a response. His mind began to race as she looked away from him, 'Did I come on too aggressively? Was I weird, too fast? Wait, I'm Colt Domire. The Heartthrob Sheriff of the Dunes, why am I so nervous? What is this girl doing to me!?' The feeling of the metallic tray poking at his gut brought him back to reality. The woman was nodding her head and walking away. 'I guess that's a yes,' he thought happily.

He watched as she strolled down the hall before calling, "Wrong way." She visibly flinched before turning around with her eyes closed and her head held high. She briskly walked past him and he followed along happily. He decided to break the silence one more time, "So... my name's Colt. And you are...?" She glanced down to the floor. "Not much of a talker huh? Well then do you mind if I call you Panda?" She paused causing Colt to walk ahead of her. He turned around to see her eyes closed once more while rocking her head left and right. He walked back up to her and observed her actions. She had yet to utter a single word, the only sounds being grunts of confusion and frustration from her attempted order at the snack stand. The way she expressed herself through actions was endearing. Her eyes shot open as she nodded her head rapidly.

"Alright then, Panda, follow me and we will get you a," he looked down to her list, "A Mysterion mask, nice choice."


"Okay, final question, Norton or Zena?" The girl in the Panda mask put up two fingers. "Oh, come on! You can't seriously say that you think Zena is better. Like yeah, he is a crowd fave and is consistently putting on the best shows, but Norton just has such a cool personality. That bad boy that does what he wants whether it's right or wrong is so much cooler than being a hero all the time." Colt had found that the best way to talk to his new panda faced friend was to offer multiple-choice questions. He was having a lot of fun with her as she carried out her new mask.

As they walked out, she turned to him once again, bowed her head to thank him for his help, and began walking away. Colt's thoughts were unhinged, 'I should help her to her seat. Ya know because she might get lost. She doesn't seem to know the area yet.' Colt ran back to the front of his panda masked companion startling her slightly before her face returned to its usual complacency.

"Since you still seem, ya know, new to this whole arena. Maybe I should walk ya back to your seat?" Colt tried his best to keep his cool with the statement but saying it out loud to someone he just met sounded so creepy. As expected, the woman shook her head before walking onwards.

'Yeah I should just go, Jessie and Tyler are probably wondering where I am,' he said as he began to walk. When he looked up, he noticed that he wasn't walking back to his seat but was following the panda masked girl. She swiftly turned around clearly uncomfortable with his presence. He stumbled backward embarrassingly as he realized what he was doing.

"I'm sorry, I swear I didn't mean to- I was just-" he tripped over his own feet now sitting on the floor as she stood over him with her tray and mask in hand. She bent down to meet his gaze. He couldn't hear her breathing. Her facial expressions were hidden by the mask. Worst of all, he could feel his face heating up. He was blushing, she was making him blush.

What could he say, what should he do? He had never felt powerless when it came to women, but this enigma, she just had this presence that dragged him in. Her eyes were so lifeless but so beautiful, blue and misty like the surface of Neptune. A never-ending ocean. How had he not seen them before? He felt like he was being dragged closer to them with each second. Why was he so interested in this girl? He just met her it made no sense. All their conversations since meeting were one-sided. There was no reason to want to hang out with her more so why could he not let her go. As all these thoughts swarmed through his mind one important fact stood at the forefront.

"I don't even know your name," he muttered quietly.


They both turned their heads to the voice calling out a random name. The woman in the panda mask quickly rose and ran over to this new woman that called her name. The girl Colt saw was just slightly shorter than her with a purple tee-shirt and far too short, short shorts on. Colt was still on the ground dazed as the two women conversed.

"You were gone for way too long, thought you got into some trouble. Guess I should have known better than to think you would get into trouble." She looked at the tray of snacks and drinks. "Oh, nice you were able to get it all." The girl in the panda mask nodded quickly with squinted eyes. He couldn't see it but assumed she was smiling beneath her garb. "See I didn't doubt you for a second," she playfully tapped her shoulder. The masked girl's brow furrowed showing disagreement with her last statement. "Well come on everyone is waiting for you back at the seats. Sam is getting super excited bout this last match. Something about a big surprise at the end."

The two began to walk away into the distance with Colt just sitting legs crossed in the middle of the floor. He saw from behind the toned thighs of his masked maiden and a tuff of purple hair beneath her friend's hat brim. He would have asked questions about such a strange hair color if it wasn't for the information he had just learned.



"Where have you been?!"

Colt expected to be greeted like this but the look on Jessie's face was strangely aggressive. "Sorry I got sidetracked by some stuff." He took his seat beside his little sister and let out a large sigh. Then he let out a painful grunt as Jessie punched him in his stomach. "Why..."

"Where're our snacks!?"

"Oh crap, right sorry, look I'll go buy some right now." Colt rose from his seat only to be yanked back down by his shirttail.

"It's too late for that now, the main event is starting!"

Colt hadn't even noticed that the Fix and Zena were currently locked up in the middle of the ring. The Fix had Zena in a deep headlock with the crowd mixing deep boos with raucous cheers. The Fix's allies, two men called the Fixxers, were watching from ringside and constantly interfering throughout the match. Zena would throw Fix out the ring and while the referee was checking on him one of the Fixxers would take cheap shots at Zena. The story was supposed to be the hero Zena coming to shut up the pompous heel Fix by taking his title in tonight's show, but the crowd was cheering for Fix more than Zena.

"Poor guy, just trying to be the hero nobody wants but still need," Colt commented as the match progressed. Currently, Zena was taking control after successfully beating down the Fixxers and putting them both through the announcer table.

"Who cares about him. Fix's friends were wrongfully attacked by that big idiot."

"Wrongfully?!" Tyler jumped into the conversation, "those douches were taking shots at him all night, where are the honorable one v. ones in these matches?"

"If the ref didn't see it, it never happened," she scoffed as she returned to cheering on Fix. Tyler began to cheer louder to counter her heelish shouts.

Five more minutes of back and forth action combined with underhanded tactics by Fix, the match was coming to an end. Zena was on wobbly legs as he teetered backward into the waiting arms of Fix. He locked his hands under his arms from behind into a full nelson.

"This is it, time for the Skull Crushing Finale!" Jessie screamed with glee.

"Nooo!" shouted Tyler.

The Fix put his left foot in front of Zena's to land the full nelson facebuster, but Zena's quick thinking allowed him to lean forward throwing The Fix over his shoulder. Fix rolled forward before groggily getting up and stumbling towards Zena. A quick kick to the gut caused Fix to double over as Zena put him on his shoulders into a fireman's carry.

"Nooooo!" Jessie shouted as The Fix flew through the air and landed on his back.

"Yeaaahh! Fuck You!" Tyler screamed. Colt shot him a shocked look. "Umm... sorry?"

Jessie didn't hear his slip up, she was currently screaming her head off for Fix to get up. He was counting the lights as Zena slid into the cover.


Jessie couldn't believe it. She had never seen a live match before. This was her first time and she was gonna see it happen.


Live directly in front of her. Her favorite wrestler was gonna lose the BWA Championship and to Zena at that. She shut her eyes as she awaited the count of three.

*ding* *ding*

She didn't hear the three, but the bell ringing was all she needed. She turned to Tyler, eyes still closed, "Well I guess your wrestler was the better man tonight." She held her hand out and opened her eyes accepting defeat.

What she saw was Tyler in distress yelling wildly at the ring. Jessie quickly turned her head to observe the scene. The crowd erupted with boos as the Fixxers stormed the ring and attacked Zena. The match ended in a DQ. The Fix was still the champion.

"YEAAAHHHH! That's right, The Fix is the best wrestler ever! You always gotta have some backup in a fight! Break his legs! He ain't lifting nobody without legs!"

The duo of Fixxers continued their onslaught as The Fix himself began to rise and join in the attack. The Fix commanded his two minions to pull Zena up so he could finish him with the Skull Crushing Finale. The Fix locked him into a full nelson once again but threw him to the side rather than finishing it.

Jessie could faintly hear him shouting orders to his minions. "Get my title... get a chair." The two ran in separate directions, one sliding under the ring and pulling out a steel chair. The other ripped the BWA Title from the hands of ringside staff. They placed the chair flat on the ground in front of a groaning Zena while the other handed The Fix the title. "You see this!" he shouted as he pulled Zena's head up by his short hair. He forced Zena to look at the title as he continued his torture, "This is the closest you will ever get to the title while I hold it." He threw Zena's head to the side and placed the title on top of the prone chair. His men lifted Zena and placed him into Fix's grasp.

"This is gonna hurt so good," Jessie squealed in delight. The Fix placed his foot in front of Zena's leg... then the lights went out.

The crowd went wild. Screams could be heard from the immature youth and squeamish adults. Jessie's eyes tried to adjust to the darkness, but she couldn't see anything besides shadowy movements in the ring.

The lights blasted back on blinding her momentarily. When her eyes readjusted, she could see a new body in the ring, or rather above. Atop one of the corner turnbuckles, a figure stood tall with a cloak covering its body. Based on the size of its shoulders she guessed it was a large male standing atop the ropes.

His cloak was a bright red with white wool lining it. The Fix and his minions dropped Zena as they began to move towards this new opponent. The figure leaped into the air and landed on the three heels with a loud thud. He rolled out causing his cloak to reveal his body. Beneath his red cloak was blue pants and blue wrist bands to match. Even the boots he wore were a shade of blue to match the rest. Jessie looked upwards and observed his chiseled physique and the broad shoulders she noticed beneath his cape. She continued her trek upwards, but his face was still miraculously covered by his cloak's hood.

The three heels rose again, The Fix commanding them to attack the cloaked figure. The two ran directly at him looking for a big swing to the skull. The figure ducked them both and ran for the ropes, bouncing off them before rushing them both down into a flying crossbody. The two minions fell to the floor but quickly jumped up. One took a big swing but missed wildly. The other went for a boot to the gut only to be caught by the figure. He dropped a giant elbow on his leg using his knee as a wedge the crush it between. The other ran up only to meet a quick European uppercut sending him falling backward and rolling out of the ring.

The goon working with one leg was kneeling, tending to his injury until the figure locked both arms around him from behind before sending him flying with a release german suplex. He rolled out of the ring falling beside his currently groaning partner.

Jessie watched in horror as her hero, The Fix, attempted to fight back against the cloaked figure only to be countered with every move. Chops were ducked and sent with double the power. The figure would run from him only to jump off the ropes into devastating aerial attacks. The Fix was resting on the ropes only for the figure to use a running clothesline to send him flying over the top. The Fix and his goons began to rise slowly. The figure crouched down low as they rose higher up.

With one explosive motion, he leaped into the air. The wind assaulting his face caused his hood to finally fly off him. Jessie was stunned at the sight before her. The man had on a bright blue luchador mask with a red trim tracing the eyes. A white film covered the eyes of the mask but at the center of his forehead was a small flame.

He continued to rise before he was nearly an extra two feet above the top ropes. He struck a pose at the peak of his jump, his body parallel to the ground as if he was laying on the floor, his head resting on a propped arm. He came crashing down on the three men causing them to crumble like a tower of cards.

He rose from the human rubble and threw his cloak off into the crowd. A few women squealing happily until a man yanked it out of the sky. The front row was unhinged as they either praised his presence or fought for his cloak.

He rolled back into the ring and looked to a keeled over Zena. He reached his hand out with a smug smile on his face. Zena took it and was lifted upright by his masked savior. The masked man walked over to the corner of the ring calling for a mic from the staff.

He stood at the center of the ring, looking out into the crowd as they chanted and cheered his arrival. Jessie would have been much angrier at her favorite wrestler being defeated like this if it hadn't been for how awesome this was. She knew a new wrestler was coming tonight but she never expected something this amazing. The man in the ring had a million-dollar smile with a body so large he could probably out lift Zena.

The masked man brought the mic up to his mouth. The crowd was hushed as they all listened intently.

"El Primo is here."

The crowd exploded once again. The extraordinary indie wrestler that had been wowing crowds for years on the independent scene had finally made it into the BWA.

Jessie and Colt were jumping up and down in the middle rows. They may not have made it into the front, but they were close enough to see all the little emotions El Primo's body was showing. His mask did not hide his clear joy at the response from the crowd. The sound of a lady screaming in the distance caught his attention. He turned and laughed in the direction pointing and waving fondly.

Jessie, Colt, and Tyler followed suit laughing at the woman's overreaction to the moment. As they listened, the crowd started to shift from cheers to confused shouts. From the area that the scream came from, many people began to run away. A light dropped on the scene, showing a body lying on the floor, limp.

Colt noticed the body first and began to run in its direction. Jessie and Tyler followed suit. He quickly turned to them, "No you two stay here!" He ran through the crowd jumping down several levels before jumping the barricade itself. As he ran past the ring, he noticed Fix and his goons staring on in concern for the body limp in the stands. 'I guess kayfabe be damn right now huh?' Colt thought. It was nice to see this side of the villains, the kind side they hide for the cameras. Zena stopped selling his injuries and was running to the staff to discuss how to handle the situation. Colt was about to jump the barricade when he noticed El Primo. He was standing at the top turnbuckle much like his initial entrance. This time his face was stalwart like he was studying every single detail. He jumped from his perch and flew perpendicular to Colt.

While Colt was atop the barricade his gaze flew upward. His eyes met the white film of Primo's. It was faint, it may have never even happened, but Colt swore that he saw Primo nod in his direction. He landed gracefully and ran off into the screaming and confused crowd.

Colt wanted to watch where he was running to but had to move quickly to the injured scene. As he made his way back up the steps, he saw two bodies crouched beside a limp form. One was a large black male; he was crouched down currently but from the size of his frame he was probably a massive beast of a man. The other was a small, man? He couldn't tell whether he was real. From what Colt could see from behind, his skin was yellow.

The limp body on the floor, currently resting their head on the large male's lap looked like a woman. With an all too familiar-looking blue hat. Colt only had one thought, 'What the hell happened here?'

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