Chapter 16 (1/?): The Hunt Begins
Art by: TheBrawlerina
The Ardacian Jungle is a dense wall of foliage and fear. The sounds of the beasts housed within would cause the toughest bastards to turn their tails and run. Even now, Colt could feel his heart slamming against his chest.
No matter how hard he stared he couldn't see through the wall of leaves. The pillars of wood. The curtain of vines. All he could see was the evergreen expanse of biological horrors he soon would be entering.
While he silently regretted what would come next, his hot-tempered companion felt otherwise. "It's not fair!"
Colt swallowed the massive clump of saliva he had unwillingly collected. "Trust me, Tyler." He looked at the giant spear in his hands, "You don't want to do this."
Tyler ignored his bummed boss and sipped on their surroundings. Most of the Ardacians had gathered upon the village outskirts. Though the squadron of hunters consisted predominantly of males there were an astonishing number of women joining in the festivities. Though the youngest warriors were undoubtedly the young men of the village.
Tyler's mood soured a bit when he caught a glimpse of the Cal boys congregating near the entrance. He felt especially disgusted when he saw the smallest brother flexing his muscles to some of the village girls passing by.
"Great... they're hunting too." Tyler huffed with crossed arms. His freckled face glowed red with rage. Again he directed his frustrations at Colt, "Can't you just sneak me in?"
The fiery sheriff blew an exasperated breath, "Tyler you can't hunt." He plucked the boy's head. Just the flick of his finger was enough to generate a loud yelp, "Your head?"
With a small tear forming in his vengeful eyes he shot back, "I won't get hurt by a rabbit."
As the two bickered like father and son, an intimidating voice whispered into Tyler's ear. "I would not underestimate the razor-toothed hare." Tyler jumped into Colt's arms. Bo gave them a booming chortle at their silly response. "No need for alarm young one. There are no razor-toothed hare."
After clearing his throat Tyler stood up to the chieftain. He openly voiced his discourse with Bo's decision to bench him. The chief gave a warm response, "I understand your pain young fighter, but you must understand. The Ardacian Jungle is no skip through the meadows." He playfully ruffled Tyler's hair, "In your condition, you would be putting yourself in unspeakable amounts of harm."
With that he made his way across the strip. When they thought he was out of earshot Tyler leaned into Colt, "If you sneak me in they'll never know."
From down the line Bo shouted, "And if you were to somehow sneak in without my knowledge. Your golden hair might get mistaken for shiny monkey fur."
Tyler's mood further drooped with Bo's final comment. Colt would have comforted him but he was busy getting mentally prepared for the night's activities. He had gotten so used to his revolvers that holding a spear felt like trying to eat soup with a fork.
Tyler paid no attention to the sheriff's turmoil. He instead selfishly prattled on about his personal gripes with being sidelined. Suddenly, like a bullet from a toy gun, Nita launched herself into Tyler's chest.
The two crumbled to the floor behind Colt as Nita playfully squished their cheeks together. Again Tyler hissed from the sudden collision but frustratedly pet the child's head. If only he had a dollar for every time she threw herself into him. While her maroon pelt melded with his golden locks a sweet song chimed in from above, "Need a hand?"
With the sun blinding him he couldn't see her face but her angelic voice was all the confirmation she needed. Nita jumped off his chest so he could reach out to her. As he was lifted from his prone position Jessie's dazzling smile came into view.
Her hair had again been braided by the village stylists. This time she had part of her follicles tightly locked around her skull. It made her look like a princess wearing a woven ginger crown. The excess hair was skillfully sewn into a much skinnier ponytail that alternatively sat against her shoulder. Even the skies above aided in her angelic appearance. The sun above sat behind her face to create a glowing halo with its stunning corona.
Tyler once again found himself mentally drooling as he stared into her green eyes. She had grown used to his goofy gaze but with the village's eyes surrounding them she felt a bit embarrassed. "Tyler?"
The boy's eyes fluttered awake, "Umm... uh. Yeah. Yes... right. Uh." Tyler found himself struggling to rest his hands somewhere. They found their home against his hips as he put on a confident air. "How, uh... How are you?"
Jessie stifled a snicker. "I'm fine. Just..." she presented a small wooden bow twice the length of her waist. "Getting ready for the hunt."
Tyler dropped his bravado. "Oh right. You're hunting too." The two silently stared at each other. Tyler couldn't stand this, "Let me-"
Jessie quickly cut him off. "I already know you can't go. No point trying to convince me."
Tyler bit his lip. "You can't go in there alone."
A large group of villagers strolled past on happenstance. All carrying weapons and laughing about their plans during the hunt. Jessie smirked, "I don't think I'll be alone."
"I mean. You know. They won't be flanking ya rear the entire time. Let me."
"Flank my rear?" Jessie was a bit taken aback by the wording.
"Not like that! I meant. Who's gonna watch ya back?"
On cue, Nita bounced up from behind her. The monstrous girl gained a loving head pat from the older mechanic. "Relax, Tyler. I'll be fine."
Tyler again attempted to plea his point but was abruptly cut off by a large brown palm. This massive mitt was currently yanking Tyler's smaller frame into its owner's broad body. "Friend, Tyler. You should not weep."
Tyler was flabbergasted by Smokey's claims. "I'm not crying."
"Though your eyes shed no tears your heart cries for help." Smokey's large bottom lip comically quivered to drive his point. "But fret not. For I am here to save your day."
"I don't need-"
"Come!" Smokey yanked Tyler away from the tree line, "I have much planned for us."
Jessie watched as Tyler grumbled, "Why are you talking like that?" whilst Smokey dragged him through the crowd. She and Nita snickered at the hot-head boy's now docile mission. Though Jessie didn't get to relax for long. She could feel the unease in the air. Specifically, she noticed a dreadful aura radiating from her brother.
During the entirety of their interaction Colt had remained silent. He didn't join in the playful jostling of Tyler. He didn't vouch for Jessie to back out of the hunt. He silently stared at his spear, with a morose mug to boot.
"Colt?" Jessie nudged her brother's shoulder.
"Huh? Oh, hey Jess... didn't see you there." Colt looked past her. "Where's Tyler?"
"Smokey grabbed him." She noticed the fear in his eyes. "Are you okay?"
"Hmm? Oh yeah... yeah. Just," Colt's grip on the staff tightened. "Nervous."
Jessie looked behind her. Nita had lost interest in the mushy conversation and rushed off to find something to do. Jessie leaned into her brother's ear, "Me too." Colt wanted to ask her if they should bail out but the girl allowed no questions. "But they've been kind to us. And look how many people are coming." She swept her arms around the crowd with a playful twirl. When her flaming hair came to rest she happily claimed, "We'll have plenty of villagers to help us."
Colt loosened his grip. His teeth stopped their erroneous grinding. But he still felt off, "I don't feel right without a gun in my hands."
Jessie looked at her beginner's bow, "Me neither. But," she shrugged her shoulders, "When in Rome."
"I never understood that saying."
"Me neither."
The two shared a small chuckle at their lack of certainty. They would have continued the familial speech if Nita hadn't rushed to their side. Though she seemed nervous, hiding behind Colt's larger body. "What's wrong, kid?"
Colt didn't want to know what could scare her. Though he was relieved when he saw the Cal Boys making their way past the trio. He noticed how the smallest one sent a flirty set of eyes Jessie's way. The redhead recoiled at the unwanted show of affection.
Though a chill washed over all their backs when Rol came into view. The massive man-child was scanning the crowd like a hungry beast. His inset eyes were shadowed by his equally massive brows. Then he transitioned from this frustrated face to an unsettling smile when he noticed the group. He had his eyes on Colt though it was obvious he was looking through the sheriff.
The adult was worried he would have to step up to the terrifying kid but was relieved when Rol kept moving forward. Dragging his brothers along to their comedic chagrin.
Once they were out of sight Colt leaned down to Nita's ear, "You okay squirt?"
Nita peeked around his legs, "Creepy."
Jessie felt a shiver run through her spine, "No kidding."
The commanding slams of a bass drum caught their ear. Nita's previous alarm was replaced with absolute wonder. She snatched Colt and Jessie's hands so she could drag them to the source.
Against the massive wall of trees was a small circle of torches. In the middle of this ceremony was the giant drum they had heard and a massive spike filled with brush. Standing on a small platform was the chieftain that got them into this situation. Bo had ditched his green vest and usual bald eagle headwear. His upper body was covered in strange archaic drawings. Symbols that looked like the rays of the sun alongside markings that seemed like massive stones.
His wrists were wrapped in red-and-green bracelets that matched the sash that hung from his waist. As usual, he wore no shoes and let his chest freely lap the open air. His eagle-themed bow and arrows had been swapped with a decorative golden-tipped longbow. The silk-woven line that connected the ends glistened against the flames.
Bo sported a proud smile as he observed the crowds. Though his facial paintings were a bit more alarming. The red markings against his chin looked like a bit of blood had stained his face. And the usual black muck he lined across his eyes ran like paint against his cheeks. He even swapped out his eagle head with a ruby-red parrot. From atop the small stand, he looked like a god staring down at his disciples. And the way the setting sun glared behind him added to this deity-like image.
As Bo scanned the crowd he paused when he noticed the trio join the masses. His heavy eyes rested on them like an overbearing mother. And the intimidating gaze of his newly painted face startled Colt. Though he soon returned his attention to the masses.
"Ardacia! Tonight is a blessing from above. For we have been given the honor of partaking in the land's bounty." The Ardacians cheered their thanks to the gods above for another chance to hunt. Colt and Jessie were silently listening to their ritual.
Bo continued, "But we mustn't let greed overtake our hearts. We must abide by the mother's rules."
In unison the Ardacians chanted, "Always thank the mother for providing us with our meal. Bless thine kill on its way to the Aether. Never take more than needed."
Bo smiled as he listened to his people. He was then passed a giant torch that blazed high above his head. Bo stepped down from his position above them so he could ignite the giant torch lodged within the ground. The flame that began reached as high as the trees. Colt could feel his eyebrows getting singed by the heat.
Bo stepped back and boomed over the crackles of the flames. "Ardacia! This flame marks the beginning of the hunt! We shall partake in the night's bounty until this flame falters!"
Bo strode to the trees. He pulled back a massive vine that provided no further view into the jungle. Though the Ardacians still stirred at the theatric display. With a deep breath Bo shouted, "BEGIN!"
The night was filled with the stampeding steps of hundreds of humans. Any creatures that rested near the jungle edge rushed deeper within when they heard the Ardacians' charge. Subtlety was not the plan when first beginning the hunt. It was better to bum-rush the bushes and scare off any predators that hid nearby.
Though this information was not given to Colt and Jessie. They found themselves swept up in the living ocean as they were unwillingly swallowed up by the jungle's dense darkness.
After a few minutes of stomping and lots of screams, the Ardacians disappeared into the trees. The remaining villagers slowly shifted back to their original activities. Some took solace in the eerie silence the lack of bodies created. Others prepared for the approaching return of the wild hunters.
One boy from out of town was grumbling as he listened to their absence. Tyler helped Smokey carry a barrel of corn back to the lunch tent with a silent grumble.
"That looked so cool."
A mile below the cold ground of Brawltopia laid the thousands of untouched gemstones the people used as currency. From vibrant shades of verdant green to deep hues of cyber purple these jewels are the premier currency of Brawltopia. And it was the job of the brave miners that ventured the treacherous caverns below to retrieve them. Even now, a team of three elite workers were currently braving the dim caverns below the surface.
"Oh~ I am an arm's dealer. Recruiting you with weapons in the form of words~"
Well, they were still brave.
The dusty blue pigtails of Jacky were swaying back and forth with her hips. Her carefree dance was being spectated by her coworkers Dynamike and Carl. The miners could afford themselves a break after the literal gold mine they hit just moments prior.
Jacky, with her red overalls tightly constricted around her blue tee-shirt, was bouncing around with the drums of the alternative rock and roll. She seamlessly followed along with the lyrics like a fan in concert. And gyrated back and forth like nobody was watching.
Alternatively, Dynamike silently observed as his young employee enjoyed her break. The crotchety old coot was downing a mug of root beer as if he were sitting in a tavern. He removed his yellow hardhat and fanned his flushed face. His scraggy white beard had hints of liquid trapped within the follicles. And the sudden light woke up the canary that nestled within his eggshell-white scalp.
The yellow bird rustled its feathers a bit as it awoke. Swiftly fluttering down from its perch on Mike's head and resting on the small wooden table that he leaned on.
The robotic wonder known as Carl noticed the bird's arrival and carefully smoothed over its feathers. Though Carl's luminescent eyes did not look away from Jacky. Again he could feel his metal face heating up. He couldn't take his eyes off her waistline unless she was facing him. Then he found himself staring longingly at her dazzling smile.
For a moment the two's eyes met. Carl shyly turned away as to inspect a particularly intriguing stone. Jacky snickered to herself but continued her song and dance unhindered.
Their peaceful party was rudely interrupted by the blaring call of an overhead buzzer. Accompanying this call was a flashing red light positioned on the wall. The trio stared at it coldly. Dynamike was the first to speak up.
"Looks like we got a customer." He turned to his young colleagues, "So who's-"
"NOT IT!" They called in unison.
Mike was floored, "Wha- But." He grumbled, "You lazy punks." Mike snatched up his hardhat and trudged towards the old service elevator. His frustrated mumbles were audible even over the shuddering discourse of the shambling lift.
As the wireframe door slid shut he yelled, "No going boom less I'm down here, ya hear?" Jacky playfully saluted like a soldier while Carl tipped his hat in respect.
With that, Mike began his slow ascent to the surface. He scratched his vacant scalp as he noticed the lack of his feathered friend. Looks like he will be making this sell by himself.
As the lift ground to a halt the door crept open behind him. He had to push through some decorative beads that Carl had installed. Something about giving the shop a natural design. Dynamike didn't know what he meant. The shop had no installed walls beside the jagged rocks that made up the plateau they had carved into. That alongside the single faulty bulb that dangled above gave the shop an eerie air. What's more natural than that?
As he stepped up to the front desk, he inspected how the wooden counter was riddled with splinters. And there were high-capacity explosives scattered all about the floors. Dynamike slammed a fist on the wooden top. 'Dammit I love my shop,' he proudly thought.
His customers were forced to stare on silently as he silently grinned from behind the counter. Dyna opened his eyes and took in the scene. Standing ahead of the blinding sun that spewed into the mostly dark crevice were two peculiar oddities.
The first was a strange robot with a single glowing yellow eye. The black stripe that ran through the middlemost section functioned as a pupil and most likely a mouth as well. Seeing as Mike saw no mouth like Carl was equipped with.
He couldn't tell if this new robot was smarter, taller, or stronger than Carl but he was sure of one thing. This new droid was defiantly stylish. He sported a bubble vest bluer than midnight. Which made a stunning contrast to the red and yellow balls that rolled around in his glass stomach. Mike couldn't help but marvel at the astounding design of the machine.
Even his limbs were amazing. He had a coupler link of metal segments that allowed his body to move. And from what Mike could see from the distance, each link worked individually like separate nodes in a list. Though the actions of the previous did spur the movement of the next. Creating a wave-like motion along his arms every time it shifted.
Dynamike wanted to observe him for longer but his eyes were snatched by the man beside him. Or he assumed it was a man. From the square jawline and strong eyes he assumed this was a male. He wouldn't know since it was a skeleton standing before him.
A yellow skeleton with pink and green flowers around his void-like eye sockets. The beady white dots he assumed were pupils stared through Mike's chest. And his smile sent a chill running down Mike's feeble spine.
Trying to avoid that freaky stare Mike shifted to his attire. He hoped that looking at his body would relax his frantic mind but seeing the strange lack of cartilage between his radius, ulna, and humerus bones made him sick. How could they stay together without the proper tissue?
His clothes. That would ground him. Surely his clothing wouldn't be too obscure.
He was partially correct.
The skeleton had a loose-fitting white tee-shirt draped around his boney frame. Smudges of dirt and dust could be seen along the baseline. Pair that with a dusty set of black shorts and the decorative guitar strapped across his back and he almost looked human. Almost.
Dynamike noticed how the two paced in place a bit uncomfortably. As strange as they may be, they were customers. "Alright... boys?" He tried to keep a natural smile. "How can I help ya?"
The skeleton spoke up, "Oh right..." He reached into the robot's vest pocket retrieving a small piece of paper. Mike noticed how his white pupils shrunk into slits as the sunny monster concentrated on the list. "Umm... I can't read her handwriting."
The robot spurred to life. "100 pounds of Gunpowder. 50 pounds of steel ingots. 10 crates of 5mm ammunition. 1 crate of 50 caliber rounds." The two silently listened as the robot continued to list a wild array of weapons and materials. As soon as the robot began it suddenly stopped. Its head did a swift 450 and ended staring at his companion. "Poco. Have I missed anything?"
Poco stared at the list. "And um... Your best dynamite from Dynamike?"
While stunned by the sheer amount of explosives and ammunition he noticed an intriguing pattern in their requests. He mumbled to himself, "100 pounds... 10 crates... the best dynamite?" He snapped his fingers, "You folks wouldn't happen to be bandits, would you?"
Poco and his robotic companion had a visible jolt. Mike silently watched as the two peeked at each other. With a shaky head, Poco nodded his confirmation.
Again they stared at one another in silence. Mike was analyzing their forms. His jaded black eyes peered through their nervous glares. Then with a sudden jump, he gave them a closed eye smile. "Why didn't you say so!?"
Dynamike quickly dipped under the counter with a cheerful tone. "Been wondering why I hadn't heard from the Gem Bandits in a while. Guess they've got some new recruits," He arose from behind the counter with a half-empty bottle of alcohol.
When he opened his eyes he found himself staring down the thick barrel of a toy gun. He saw how the large balls he had last seen inside the bot's stomach were now rotating at dangerous speeds within a plastic container on the childish barrel. "Huh?" Mike carefully looked past the gun. The robot's yellow eye was flashing red with an angry glint. Even Poco looked ready to fight, though for some reason he was holding onto his guitar rather than a weapon.
Poco swiftly apologized, "Rico. He's a friend."
Mike saw Rico's eye spin wildly. "Updated." He quickly withdrew his firearm. The makeshift pistol retracted into his segmented arms. "Clerk: Dynamike. Status: Ally."
Dynamike blew a breath he didn't know he was holding. "Oh-ho. Shelly's gotten some feisty ones this time." Mike placed the bottle on his counter. "Wiser too... if it wasn't for that brunette boy the monster, the mute an' me would've torn this place apart." He let out a crotchety laugh remembering the memory of meeting Shelly's elite squad.
Poco let out a nervous chuckle. 'He's fought Nix and Veronica?'
Rico internally analyzed the old man. 'Name: Dynamike. Alias: Unknown. Gender: Male. Race: Caucasian. Height: 5' 8''. Weight: 152 lbs. Age: Late 50's early 60's. Fighting Capabilities: Non-applicable. Too old to be of danger. Final analysis: He is bluffing.'
Poco raised a careful hand, "Well thank you for understanding Mr. Dynamike."
"Ah drop the mister. You can call me Dynamike, Dyna, or just Mike."
Rico chimed in, "Aliases registered."
Poco continued, "Well Mike... since you know Shelly-"
"Know her? I taught her everything she knows about blowing crap up!"
"Right... since you know her you must know what she wants."
Again Dynamike chuckled, "Boy do I. I also know that if she's asking for a shipment that big she must be getting busy. So..." Mike passed the duo matching shot glasses. He filled them up with the translucent liquid, "Who pissed her off this time?"
Poco stepped up, "We don't know." He picked up the glass and motioned for Rico to join him. "We're new to the bandits and she sent us out on an errand." Poco pointed to Rico's vest, drawing Mike's attention to a small patch positioned just below his shoulder. "Besides I wouldn't call myself a recruit. Not like him."
Rico placidly observed the glass while Mike muttered, "You have no idea how in you are with her."
Poco questioned, "Hmm?"
"Nothing." Dynamike didn't skip a beat. "So when does she want this by?"
Poco and Rico looked at one another. "She... didn't give us a time."
"Sounds 'bout right," Mike instructed Rico to list off the items again. This time he had a pen and paper in hand. Poco took this time to subtly pour the liquid out behind him. After another brief tangent, Mike inspected the document. He decided, "Usually it would take about a week to get this prepared. But for Shelly." He slammed the paper on the ground. "I'll do it in three."
Poco and Rico were shocked. "Three weeks?"
"Wha? No! Three days! What do ya take me for?" The duo sighed at the misunderstanding.
Then his words registered with them, "THREE DAYS?! How?"
Dynamike had a smug grin on his face, "Dyna's Explosive Depot isn't the best in Brawltopia for nothing." Dyna couldn't help but snort at their shocked expressions. "Yep. You're looking at the pinnacle of ammunition exportation and explosive creation. Now you boys head on back and tell her I said hi."
The duo wandered backward with Rico's glass still in hand. With that same smile he walked in with Poco called, "Thank you, Mike. We'll see you in three days."
As he tried to make his exit a massive object blocked his path. After regaining his balance Poco looked at what stopped him. And suddenly he stopped breathing.
Standing in the doorway was a massive silhouette created by the sun's glare. Poco almost broke his neck trying to look up at the monster's eyes. And when he reached those eyes he felt the heart he had lost years ago palpitate. They were sharp as daggers and soulless husks of rage. He couldn't see his face, but he swore there was a golden glint shining below his nose.
Rico started to spaz on the sideline. He dropped his shot glass crying, "Danger! Danger! Threat level: Maximum! Retreat! Retreat!"
Poco had to elbow the bot to calm him down. He found himself apologizing on instinct. His fight or flight kicking in like never before. Standing beside this giant was worse than standing up to Nix. The pressure he exerted was incomparable.
Then Poco heard him speak. "Move." The boom of that word squashed Poco's feeble frame. He shifted out of the way without a second thought. His body knew better than to challenge this force. The colossus lumbered past them, shattering the glass below him as his feet earth beneath them.
Once he made it past them, Poco and Rico quickly slipped out of the cavern. Leaving Dynamike alone with this goliath.
The old geezer removed the giddy smile and gay tone. The severity of the situation was all too aware for the veteran. Standing behind the counter he felt like there was a thin vale between him and death.
He took a deep breath, carefully choosing his words. "It must be pretty serious for you to come out personally." Mike slowly placed the drink away. When he returned topside, he looked the monster in the eyes.
"So... who's the dead man?"
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