Chapter 13 (3/3): Explanation

"And that's why I always say, don't waste your breath on a fool who won't listen."

"Haha! Thank you so much, Mrs. Romero, it's a pleasure to have you on tonight."

The sound of a giant bus creaking to a halt could be heard over the torrential downpour that was sweeping the city. The raindrops refracting the lights that bounced around the sky.

"And to all our listeners remember to stay safe and keep it real with DP – and the Badger~ Badger~ Badger! – every Saturday night on your ride home. Now before we leave for the night let's send you off with one of Badger's favorite songs."

An upbeat instrumental toon started to blare from the radio. It sounded like a group of banjos and other string instruments were being played indiscriminately. It was exactly what the old woman needed to hear as she took her seat on the bus.

The driver gave a polite smile as he continued down the dark and flooded road. The old lady rocked back and forth slowly as she listened to the instrumental. The transport was mostly barren, save for a hooded figure sitting to her left. This person (dressed in all black) gave a depressing aura. It was as if his blood had been replaced with a cold, dark ink. And the sounds of his raspy coughing broke the serene atmosphere.

She reached into her floral purse, retrieving a small piece of candy. The shade peeked her way, then quickly returned their gaze back to the floor. Not taking no for an answer the elderly woman pushed for their acceptance of the treat.

It looked at her again, a deep chortle coming from the dark hood before a gloved hand reached outward. She watched as the shadows beneath the hood absorbed the treat, then recoiled from the taste. It wasn't bitter, but it had a sweet and medicinal taste. The old lady snickered at its reaction.

Her playful mood caused it to speak up, "Why?" His voice was deep. Like a bass vocalist in a choir. "Are you not scared?"

The woman's voice was lively and filled with joy. Her wrinkly face brightening up with a smile, "I've seen scarier. Plus, you look more like a sad animal than a dangerous man." She chuckled on that line.

He joined her with his own soft laughter. "Brave old codger huh?"

The old lady sighed happily, "I guess I have gotten old."

Without missing a beat, the shadow spoke up, "You have a young soul."

The two continued their conversation merrily. The shadowed figure staying hidden in the darkness while the old woman happily mingled with the light. They rambled to one another about every odd topic. Life in the city, tales of their past (though she did most the sharing on that), and predictions of their future.

He overshared by accident, "I'll probably end up dead with no memories at this rate."

"Don't say that. I'm sure someone will remember you."

Admittedly he was sure someone would remember him, but not for the right reasons. He moved to steer the conversation away from him. "If more people were like you... I wouldn't be worried about not being remembered." She playfully dismissed his compliments, but he pushed forward. "Honestly, this town would shine even brighter if that were true. Though protecting yourself must be a hassle."

She poked and prodded with her cane, "I'm no weakling." She continued to jab at him, getting another bit of laughter out. And causing his hood to fall a little. She noticed a strange gray mask protruding from his face. Though he quickly yanked his hood back on. She put on a teasing smile, "It isn't Halloween baby."

He gave a distant snort, "Yeah. I just came back from a party." The bus came to a slow halt. The sound of the doors hissing open appeared to control his movements. "Well... this is my stop, Miss?"


"Pleasure meeting you, Miss. Corduroy." He coldly slinked away.

She reached out, "Wait, what's your name?"

He provided no response. Instead looking out the window at the blue and purple neon refracting off the rain. He stopped at the door, slipping a few extra gems into the driver's hand. "Make sure the lady makes it home safely."

In a gruff voice, he muttered, "The dogs protect their pack."

As he stood under the sheets of rain he happily waved at the older woman. Watching as the bus disappeared behind the block. When the bus vanished so did his cheery aura. His shoulders slumped and his hands balled up. The rain around him seemed to fall harder now. Instead of sheets, it was a constant stream of running water.

He looked up at the sign, Bull's. That skull was supposed to be a welcoming sight, it gave him chills. "Home sweet home."

He casually pushed the door open, taking in the lively atmosphere. A Jazzy tune was blasting as several patrons were dancing wildly. Along the back wall ahead of the main door was a set of barstools and a pristine counter. There were many enjoying a greasy meal from the kitchen but most could be seen taking an unhealthy helping of liquid courage.

The clothing of the customers matched the aesthetic perfectly. Leather jackets with denim jeans could be seen on the butch members of the bar. But the dance floor was littered with fluorescent shirts and neon wristbands. The blacklights around the interior caused them to glow like a crime scene.

He made his way to the back, a few cute girls in bright white aprons rushing into the diner with full plates in hand. He took a second to enjoy the scenery, later cursing himself for it. While he was inspecting his surroundings a group of street toughs decided they wanted to toy with him.

"Yo, yo, Yozuro! Look at this chump."

A larger man of Asian descent stepped up, "Wrell, wrell, wrell. What are you doing?"

He didn't want to deal with this. He just turned to them, allowing the group to see beneath his hood.

The thugs instantly recoiled, "Oh sir. Sorry for bothering you." The leader ordered them to hold the door open for him. When they thought he was out of earshot the leader scolded the group, bringing a small smile across his face.

Inside the kitchen were several meaty men and women. All sweating bullets as they slaved over the open fires. He didn't bother them, moving for the freezer silently. A giant butcher's blade lodged into the wall beside him. His breath remained calm while he peeked over his shoulder.

One of the chefs was staring at him, a violent intent in his eyes. "This area... is employees only." He watched as some other chefs flashed their tools.

A melancholic sigh escaped his lips, "Ya know..." He popped the blade out the wall. "If the health inspector saw how you treated your utensils." He peaked out from the abyss. "She'd have a field day."

Whatever they saw beneath that hood sucked the souls out of their eyes. "Sorry... please go on."

He locked the freezer behind him. The frigid air chilled his hollow bones. Why was this the place to hide the door? He rested his hand against a hanging cow. Taking his time to push it far away from the door. Once he reached the opposite side of the room a small click could be heard. Followed by a small door sliding open in the freezer corner.

The door closed behind him allowing a set of dim lights to illuminate his path down a shady staircase. As he descended a low murmur steadily grew. Muffled voices roaring about something hidden at the bottom. When he got to the end of the case he was stopped by a giant monster of a man. His hair covering his eyes and a graphic tee squeezing to his massive frame.

He brought up a massive hand, explaining that the boss wouldn't be able to see him. He was growing bored of these roadblocks. He peeked from under his hood, "He can make time."

"W-What happened to you?"


The giant guard nodded his head, then stepped aside. Inside the air was an inky tar. Any visuals he had disappeared once the door shut behind him. Though the lack of light didn't impede his movements. He shifted through the oil like he had been there a million times. Easily turning corners until he saw a sliver of light seeping through a doorway.

On the other side, those sounds of muffled laughter only grew. But his nose caught the stench of smoke and booze when he first entered the hall. That unhealthy stench that only humans could produce.

Inside were a variety pack of men, all screaming at a tiny television sitting in the corner. They seemed deeply enamored by whatever was on screen. He tried clearing his throat, but they couldn't hear him. He reached his hand into his hood, a shrill whistle cutting through the commotion.

All heads suddenly turned, rushing towards him with an array of guns, knives, and blunt weapons to threaten him. He stayed calm, watching as they all surrounded him. Observing the group, he saw that the person he was looking for still hadn't shown up.

He could hear rhythmic beats of a video game soundtrack playing ahead. In front of the tv were two men. They hadn't moved from their position, intently mashing the buttons on their controllers. Then suddenly a loud boom could be heard, followed by the announcer yelling 'GAME!'

The two men stood up at the conclusion. One was an extra body above the other. The larger one having to bend over to give him a proper handshake. They gazed at the group, the monstrous one gesturing towards them but the smaller body politely shaking his head. Choosing to make his exit rather than watch the scene.

After his exit, the large monster approached the group. The shadowy newcomer studied his approach. With each step, the room rumbled around them. It felt like gravity itself was bending around his body. He stood so high above them; his face was in the shadows above the light. In all his life, he had never seen a man as monstrous as him.

He brought a giant hand up to his face, pulling down a cigar thicker than King Kong's fingers. A massive cloud of smoke spewed from above. His voice was smooth like a whiteboard but as dark as a chalkboard. "Welcome back... Crow."

The bird-man took his time removing his hood. Making a crooked smile as he looked up, "Boss."

All the men broke into laughter at the sight. The bird-man had his face wrapped up in bandages. In the slants of the wrapping, they could see several small cracks forming along his frame. A very large indent could be seen on the top of his maw. Many of the men pointing out how he looks like he went through a crusher.

Even the boss let out some laughter but quickly went silent. "Cut the shit." All the men snapped shut. The boss reached upward; they could hear him scratch something. "Now... *ahem* did you kill her?"

A cocky grin was now across his face. He took his time, moving past the thugs and taking a seat in front of the tv. He turned to them, unplugging the game to allow the black and white fuzz to shine behind him. He cranked down the volume, now sitting with a leg propped up and a sinister smirk. "Let me tell you a story."


I was having a slow week. The boss hadn't called me in days so there were no new contracts. I figured I should occupy my time with something but I couldn't find anything interesting. So I do what I always do when I'm bored... steal.

I was just nabbing random items from every person I walked by. Keys, receipts, cash. The usual. But one lucky bastard happened to have a ticket to some show. Think it was called NWA?

Anyway, I didn't have anything better to do so I figured I go see the show. And it was boring. Those guys were a bunch of crème puffs. But they had decent popcorn so I decided to stay.

I kept running out of popcorn so I kept making trips to the concession stand. And on one of those trips, you wouldn't believe who I saw.

No Thompson, not the mayor. I saw that red-haired, red-necked, retard Colton Domire. Better than that. I saw him flirting with some girl. Well, I say flirting, more like creepily following her around. But I've gotta thank the poor fool for being such a mess. If it wasn't for him... she might not have shown up.

Yeah... Shelly. Well, I wasn't sure it was Shelly. I'd seen another girl with purple hair two days ago and almost took her head off. So I figured I'd follow for a bit. As Colt and the woman moved around the arena, she followed close behind, so of course, I did the same. I wanted to get in closer but I didn't want her to notice me.

That's when I saw this little kid. He was walking by himself so I figured I could use him. Paid him twenty bucks to keep her distracted and that's when I saw it. Her face and that same bandaid she's had since we met her. Now that I was sure I would have just slid a blade between her shoulders, but the sheriff came back with his little friend. So I slid away in the crowd. Keeping my distance and observing their movements. But I should have moved earlier, cause they ended up back in the main arena.

So now I'm stuck in the rafters, watching as Shelly and her little friends are having a ball watching a bunch of weaklings pretend to fight.

No Thompson, I couldn't just kill her. Her friends were right there, if I went for an attack they would have collided on me. I was waiting for an opportunity. And that opportunity came at a sudden power failure.

Lots of people started screaming when the lights went off. But I saw it as an opportunity to strike and strike I did. Figured I'd kill her quick with three daggers in her spine.

When the lights came back on I started to make my escape but I wanted to see her go down. I watched as she passed out and fell from a ten-foot drop. Satisfied I made my smooth getaway, but I guess I should have left early cause her little friends chased after me.


"And that's how you got those cracks on ya beak!"

Crow rubbed at his aching mouth, "No... this is... unrelated. By the way," he focused on the boss. "I fought one of her little bandits. Have to admit he was impressive. Maybe we could take him in as your next recruit. Or if you're too busy, I'll train him." He said with a bow.

"...Crow." His tenor was haunting, "Did you see her die?"

"Have I ever failed you?" he responded cockily.

Like a tree falling off a mountain his massive hand fell onto Crow's shoulder. He could feel it. The acceptance. The vindication. Crow would finally get everything he deserved. Power, money, women. He would finally have his foot in the door. One step closer... to ruling this town.

Then as sudden as the pleasure began a new pain set in. The boss's massive knuckles tightened around Crow's throat. He easily, slowly, lifted the bird off the ground. Allowing him to squirm and struggle under his grip. "You're a fool."

Crow tried to plead for his mercy but his voice was trapped.

"That girl. She is not so easily defeated. Three daggers and a fall Humpty Dumpty could survive won't stop her."

Through staggered breaths Crow choked something out, "I-I'm... sorry. I've never – ack – had to... use more force – AGH!"

His grip tightened, "Liar." He twisted Crow in his hand, observing his face. "You had to do something drastic to survive that."

Crow continued to fight helplessly. With a disgruntled sigh, the boss let him go. He fell to the floor in a damaged heap. As the bird desperately tried to get back some air, the boss took his time returning to his tv. "Times are changing Crow... we aren't the only superhumans on this island."

He slowly sat down in a large wooden chair. Even though the seat was designed for someone his size, it still creaked under his weight. He looked to the tiny ottoman between the seats. The two controllers they were using were facing the fuzzy static.

He took one of the controllers in his hand. For a normal person, it would have been big enough to be held in two hands. For him, the thumbstick looked like a pinky-pad. The other men watched as he intently inspected the toy. Crow watching on with rage at his frustratingly calm demeanor.

He still had his face away from them, but with the way, he said the next words. It was ever prevalent that he was smiling, "Someone get Twinkle Toes. Tell him... his little sister's back."

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