Chapter 12 (4/5): Game Start!
"READY!" a young referee stood with the crude ball in hand.
Rosa sat on the dirt at the front of the crowd. She patted the soil, "Take a seat. Next round's starting soon." With a reluctant smile, Jessie took a seat beside the Brit. As she got comfortable, she felt another presence join them. To her right sat the jolly green grin of Pac. That silent cactus gave a vacant stare as his hollow eyes followed the movements ahead.
The players got into position. The bystanders cheer for their chosen teams to win. Jessie and Rosa tried their best to scream over the crowd. Pac just happily clapped with the atmosphere.
The ref tossed the ball into the middle of the meadow. Before the ball could bounce twice Nita was already atop it. Her mouth watering as her fingers reached for the orb. Then just as she could feel the tiny hairs on her fingertips brush against the ball's leather wrapping, it disappeared in a flash.
Though she lacked the speed to stop him, her eyes followed the smallest Cal boy's movement. He gave her a vulgar gesture as he disappeared into a bush with the ball. With a low growl, she gave chase only to be interrupted by a blow to the back of the head. She easily shook off the shot, turning to see the middle child grinning with pride. She took a deep breath, cracked her neck, then raised his smile with a ghastly grin.
The youngest Cal brother disappeared into a bush with the ball. His snickering smile watching the battlefield closely. The bystanders were trying to balance their focus between Nita's fight with the middle child and gathering info as to what the youngest was doing inside his bush.
The youngest boy noticed the eldest brother standing near their start, acting as a goalie. He saw the city boy slowly making his way forward. His laughter only grew at the clear path he had to their goal. After catching his breath, he moved for the ball again. But he was unable to find it in the brush.
He rummaged around for a sign of the beaten ball. Finally finding it sitting against the large dirt mound he was using as cover. After gathering himself he gave one final inspection of the scene outside. He still saw the city boy standing on their side of the field. "Alright..." he said in that annoying voice. "Ready."
A large hand clasped onto his shoulder. A high-pitched squeal leaving his throat at the sudden contact. He couldn't bring up any of his limbs in defense. He turned to see Smokey's haunting smirk, "Set."
On the sidelines, Jessie was getting impatient. She jumped to her feet, "COME ON! FIGHT ALREADY!"
"Wow, luv. Weren't you just worried about his safety?"
"I'm tired of waiting for something to happen. Why is he just standing there?"
Rosa looked at the two boys, "He's probably waiting for some help with the oldest brother." She examined the differences between the two. While Tyler was surprisingly built for a boy of his size, the eldest of the Cal's was a behemoth by many standards. Even the men of the village knew better than to blindly raise the boy's ire. "I mean, don't get me wrong. Tyler is a right impressive bloke, but. What he's looking at is a man."
She scoffed at the outrageous remark, "Please I've seen Tyler take on guys twice as large and win." As Jessie finished her unintentional praising of Tyler, they saw the youngest Cal brother's body roll out the grass. "Oh, I forgot about him."
Smokey followed soon after, casually dribbling the ball forward. With his arrival, Tyler sprinted into action, joining Smokey at his side. The villager inspected his pale ally, "Where is Nita?"
He pointed a finger behind him. Smokey took notice of Nita's grappling contest with the middle child. The girl had the larger boy in a rear-naked-choke, the boy tapping out desperately. Tyler sneered, "In a tussle with Russel."
"Who is this, Russel, you speak of?"
"It's... It's no one." Tyler blushed.
"Your city words amuse me." The two shared a soft laugh until an object collided with Smokey's head. Tyler stopped in his tracks; he saw a small round stone on the floor beside Smokey's skull. There was a tiny drop of blood running down his head as he laid prone.
He looked for the thrower, finding the largest Cal brother standing with a handful of stones. An evil smirk across his face as he absently tossed one of the stones in the air. Tyler's anger grew, "You coward! How can you be that big and refuse to fight us head on?!"
Tyler awaited a response, but only got silence.
"GAH! Is that even legal?! Using foreign objects?" He looked to the ref for an answer.
"Anything is legal in Brawl Ball."
After an unapologetic shrug, Tyler relaxed. He took a deep breath, steeling his nerves, and rationalizing the situation. He could hear the crowd growing anxious at the lack of action. The entertainer in him wanted to show-off, but this match was less of a show and more of a battle for respect.
"We're up by one point." He rested his foot on the ball, "All I have to do is score this one goal and we- GAH!" He ducked an incoming rock. "Hey, I was talking!"
His opponent frowned as a response.
Smokey tried to grumble something out, "I don't know the custom of city combat. But we don't wait for speeches here."
"Fine..." he blew an exasperated breath. "Then I'll monologue while I beat him." He kicked off, dashing forward straight for the chest of the boy. The oldest Cal brother released a volley of rocks in his direction. With a bird's grace Tyler dodged the hailstorm. Ducking and weaving around them easily as he continued to push forward.
His movements required him to jump sporadically from his left to his right. During these moments of strafing, he would spurt out another line. "You see while I might not be as strong." He shifted so fast it was like he was disappearing, "But I'm defiantly ten times as fast as anyone you've ever seen." He dodged another stone, now standing a few feet away from the large boy. "Now watch this drive."
He kicked the ball up then sprinted full tilt. He saw the boy moving forward to grab the ball but with his superior speed, he easily knocked it between his legs and slid through them like a penguin on ice. The Cal boy took a swing at him, missing wildly and allowing Tyler to make a clean getaway.
The city boy stuck his tongue out playfully as he rushed for their goal. It was so clear, so open. The few flowers that peppered the ground were glistening with morning dew. He could hear the crowd's raucous screams. Some were excited to see him land the finishing blow, others were booing at the sight of a city dweller beating the Cals. Even if he had some help from the village's gold standard.
As he listened to the sounds of mayhem, he heard one voice pierce through the crowd. A girl screeching his name at the top of her lungs. He looked for a sign of one of the village girls. They had grown very fond of him; it wasn't unlikely for one of them to be calling for his attention. But when he looked for the voice, the group of girls he saw didn't seem to be saying his name.
His dribbling slowed down as he searched the crowd closely. His heart stopping when he finally saw her. Standing up, her bright-red pigtails bobbing in the air, was Jessie. The girl he had fallen for long ago was now jumping for joy at the sight of him. He saw her vibrant smile, that adorable look that he had grown addicted to. He lived for the chance to see her look at him like that. And now he was drunk on it.
His movements got sloppy, his feet stumbling about as he continued to lumber forward. His facial features were goofy, his smile slack-jawed and a deep shade of crimson spreading across his cheeks. He raised his hands slowly, giving an embarrassing wave back to her. When he fully opened his eyes to observe her beauty, he was surprised to see her face more frantic. Her hands pointing to something behind him.
He didn't have time to look back. The attack hit like a bottle rocket colliding with his chest, his spirit hitting the floor before his body. The crowd groaned from the force of the projectile-like attack. The smallest Cal brother swooped up the ball and rushed back to his eldest sibling. The biggest boy hi-fiving him as they ran together.
Smokey rose again, trying to use his body as a wall to defend against the two. However, the oldest brother easily knocked him to the side. They scored with ease, the referee calling out the point. "Cal Boys point. Score one to one. Next point wins."
This call snapped Nita back into focus. She released the middle brother from the lazy kneebar she had him in. She looked at the scene, the Cal Boys were snickering as they passed the ball back to the ref. She looked at Smokey and Tyler, the village resident had a small bruise on his face. There was a thin trail of blood rolling down his cheek.
She looked to Tyler, he seemed fine. It looked like he had just been resting on the ground. Seeing him casually relaxing made her angry.
Tyler rubbed his aching chest, "Little bastard hit me outta nowhere." He took a few deep breaths, then looked back at the crowd. He saw Jessie frowning on the sideline. His heart broke at the face she was making. It was disappointment at the events that had transpired before her. And he was the main cause. His body sunk inward, silently scolding himself for getting distracted so easily.
He would have continued his scolding had it not been for a small force knocking him onto his stomach. He tried to push up but was smushed back down by a tiny hand. He turned his cheek to see his attacker, his face going white at Nita's terrifying grimace. He tried to say something, but she quickly pushed her palm against his cheek. "What happened?!"
He gave a muffled response, "I got distracted."
"By what?!"
Tyler was too embarrassed to say.
She didn't need a response, she heard all she needed. She sat up on his back, picking at her fanged teeth with her thumb. Tyler's eyes bugged out, "No. Wait. Please." Without remorse, Nita bit down on Tyler's head. Careful to not sink her teeth past his skull. Tyler however, screamed bloody murder at the interaction. He writhed around under the girl's grip trying to break from his impromptu punishment.
As the two squirmed around on the grass, Smokey took his time approaching them. His hands gripping Nita by her waist and prying the child off violently. Tyler sat up slowly, watching as Nita gnashed and clawed at the air to get to him. "How did you let them score?!"
"I-I told you, I got distracted!"
A cute yet threatening growl escaped her throat. Smokey held her a little closer to his chest, "Nita, you can't blame Tyler solely for that loss." He turned her around in his hands. The tiny tot's eyes sharp with anger. Smokey's eyes were much calmer, "We are a team. We score as a team; we get scored on as a team. If you truly wish to win, you must help the team."
Their eyes danced silently. An intense conversation happening without another person to interrupt. A harsh sigh was the first sound they made, Nita seeming to concede abruptly. He placed the girl down softly; she shot a crooked glare at Tyler. A tap on the shoulder was the push she needed, "I'm sorry."
Tyler was surprised, "Oh it's-it's okay." His giddy nature was back, trying his best to cool off the growing heat. "Honestly I should have been paying attention." He peeked at the golden girl, her tiny mouth still frowning as she tried her best to hide her anger. Tyler couldn't help but laugh at how cute she was, even though he knew how dangerous she might be.
The call of the ref ended their team huddle. "We must prepare for the final round," Smokey commanded. The teams stood on their respective sides of the field. Nita took center stage, showing that she wouldn't allow them to lose again.
Rosa snorted with laughter, "I think you're more pumped than the players."
Jessie disregarded the comment, "DON'T LET 'EM PUSH YOU AROUND TYLER!" He gave a thumbs-up as a response.
The ref listened to the crowd, they seemed to be growing impatient. He shot a look towards Nita's team, they seemed hyper-focused on the group ahead. He turned to inspect the Cal Boys. The oldest brother sent a subtle nod his way, the ref quietly returning the gesture.
On the edge of the village, hidden between two of the largest tents, sat two figures. They watched on silently as the match begun anew.
The ref tossed the ball inward. But this time it did not land in the middle of the field. The ball instead bounced directly into the lap of the oldest Cal. Nita gawked at the action, Tyler and Smokey also voicing their disdain with the sleazy play.
She turned to the official, raising a tightly clenched fist at him. Just as she moved to attack the traitor a rock collided with her skull. The girl didn't move an inch, she merely allowed her head to rock back with the impact.
The crowd fell silent, the two boys on her team stepping back slowly. They could feel the air growing thin around them. An intense heat was radiating off her body. A few of the watchers made snickering comments, trying to pop the cap on the overflowing rage that Nita was keeping bottled up.
They watched as she slowly stood straight. Her eyes softly shut; her breaths calm and collected. Smokey was hesitant, but he had to try and reach her. "Ni-"
Her eyes opened suddenly, causing Smokey to catch his tongue. Inside those white husks, he saw a year's worth of pent-up frustrations bubbling up. He said a soft prayer then allowed her to do as she pleased.
The girl didn't say anything, she just lazily looked at each of the brothers. To the far right was the middle boy, his annoying smile made her stomach churn. But he didn't seem like the culprit. She took a gander at the largest brother. He stood between the two with the ball at his feet. His face was emotionless, just vaguely staring directly at her.
They fought a silent battle with their stares. The world around them faded away, the only thing that persisted was their spirits. A clash of personalities that dreamed of one day finally meeting physically. But not yet, it was too soon.
Instead, a new voice pierced the veil they had created. The smarmy snickers of the youngest boy sneaking their way into Nita's ears. She allowed her gaze to shift from the eldest brother, now taking in the small frame of the youngling. He was currently sticking his tongue out at her, using one hand to toss a stone passively while the other pulled on his eyelid. This mocking gesture only fed to Nita's rage, though she kept her anger hidden under a thin veil.
She faced this new opponent, her fists clenching shut as she bared her fangs. Her feet mushed the ground beneath her, her stance widening as her body lowered. Then from deep within her stomach, a harrowing screech escaped her body. This unsettling sound rang through the village like a siren signaling the end of the world. The spectators could be seen throwing their hands up to somehow block the wave of energy she was producing. The Cal Boys were also getting into a defensive stance, the oldest boy simply smiling at the power she was outputting. Tyler and Smokey had fallen to their rears from the sheer force of her wail.
Nita's scream slowly faded away. With its departure came a new wave of fear. The youngest brother could see a horrifying look in her pupil-less eyes. One that showed his impending doom. Nita's muscles retracted, a low, constant heaving causing her body to expand and contract. As her wild state wistfully washed away, a new more controlled Nita entered the scene. A soft smile across her lips with a peaceful glint in her eyes. That glint was directed at the brother that threw a rock at her. And to him, he saw no peace.
Without warning, the boy dashed away from the mid-field. Matching his pace, Nita rushed after him. He saw a crack in the crowd that he could run to, but the people quickly shut off this path. He ran away from the village's prized daughter, hoping to disappear into a nearby bush and lose her within. Nita plunged in as well, leaving the arena in a stagnant silence. For a split second, the pain and anguish of the boy could be heard, followed by an abrupt ending to his suffering. It was as if Nita had silenced his screams.
The middle child turned to rush after his brother, but the eldest quickly stopped him. Pointing towards their opponents ahead. Tyler and Smokey had regained their vertical bases and seemed ready to battle. Smokey had a serious scowl across his mug, showing that he would not give up just because Nita disappeared again. Tyler, however, had a shit-eating grin across his face. A cocky smirk that screamed he was excited to fight. And a fight he was going to get.
"Smokey is all yours. The city prick's mine!" The towering frame of the older brother simply nodded his response. The middle child dashed ahead; his eyes locked on Tyler.
"Lucky you, you get the big one."
"I'm truly blessed."
Tyler got his hands up to guard against the first blow. The middle child pushing him back slightly as the two went toe-to-toe. Their punches weren't breaking records, but they most certainly were breaking barriers. Tyler was mainly defensive in this fight, electing to smile and weave the blows smoothly rather than rush him down. His opponent was rabid like the primitive man he was. Though his attacks weren't claw-like slashes, just wild closed-fist pounds and smacks. Like a monkey in a brawl.
While Tyler played with his food, Smokey tried to get something cooking. As he ran up to the large boy, his intimidating size became more apparent. It was as if the ogres of myth had given birth to a son with a dwarven father. His body was as broad as a barn was wide. And his face was ugly to boot. It looked like he was constantly consuming lemons with even if he smiled.
Though now was not the time to observe his opponent's features, now he had to fight. As he got within range of his opponent different choices ran through his mind. He could try for an uppercut to his jaw, or perhaps a blow to his legs would slow him down. But in the heat of the moment, an option he didn't consider came to mind. He ran up to the large boy and punched him in his gut.
For a second, he thought he was able to push past his muscles. Sinking a blow deep between the liver and stomach. He came to his senses when he felt the boy's hand grip his arm. Upon closer inspection, his fist hadn't dived deeper than a pair of abs on the giant's core. He gazed up and saw darkness in his eyes. This behemoth wasn't even fazed. But he couldn't quit. With his free hand, he began assaulting his abdomen with lightning-fast jabs. But as his offensive continued, he noticed it still had little to no effect.
With little effort the eldest brother tossed Smokey to the side, his body rolling through the grass until he quickly hopped to his feet. He stood there, ready for the next attack, but it never came. He inspected the monster, expecting some sign of retaliation. But he was just standing there, menacingly. His eyes seemed to be focused on something far away. Smokey grew impatient, calling to the eldest boy for him to fight.
A lazy stare came his way as if to give him attention but not recognition. This painful gaze only added to Smokey's growing frustrations, but he didn't seem to care. His stare refocused on something off in the distance. Or perhaps he was staring at nothing at all. The one guarantee was that he had no interest in Smokey. He took a step forward, placing his toe against the ball and pushing it forward. In a slow and melancholy stride, he moved forward. Growing increasingly closer to his victory with every step.
Smokey was almost driven to rage, but a short breathing exercise calmed him down. In a calm voice, he called out. "Cal!"
The giant boy didn't stop moving.
"I will not allow you to win with such ease. You will have to immobilize me to score the winning point." In a valiant effort, Smokey ran forward. Ready to fight a battle he wasn't sure he could win.
As Smokey rushed headfirst into doom, Tyler was having fun toying with the middle child. His movements were clunky as expected but he didn't expect him to be so slow. No wonder Nita was pushing him around with ease. Another wild punch gave him a cool breeze, knocking some sweat off with it. Tyler couldn't help but laugh as he tapped the boy's head then danced away from him.
"Your city fighting is for cowards! Fight like a man!"
Tyler scoffed at his claims. Brushing past another sloppy offensive, "Defensive fighting isn't cowardly, it's strategic. Though your thick skull wouldn't be able to comprehend that."
"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" He dived for Tyler's legs, an attack easily avoided like a football player hurdling a tackle. As the boy laid on the ground, he felt Tyler flick his nose playfully. A child-like grin on his face as he toyed with his prey.
He gave a comedic yawn, "Listen I'm getting bored, so let's spice things up. I'm gonna beat you in one minute and..." He put his left arm behind his back, "I'll only use one hand."
The crowd cooed at his proposal. A few of the younger girls swooning at his confidence. Some of the men in the village roared both in anger and fascination. To think this city kid was pulling off such feats of speed and endurance. Who knew his true power?
The answer would be the redhead that rolled her eyes at the scene. "Show-off."
"Though you must admit, he is rather entertaining."
"Don't encourage him."
As the crowd went wild, Tyler did a few taunting stretches. Arm across the body, leg lifts, he tried to pull his arm behind his head for a chicken wing stretch but he couldn't use his other arm. So he just laughed and smiled at him. After a few more seconds of fun, Tyler finally got into a combative stance. One hand stretched out with a clawing gesture and a wide base for support. "Time starts in 3... 2..."
The middle Cal brother ran full tilt, foam spewing from his mouth as if he were fighting for survival. Tyler sidestepped another grab and chopped his throat. As he fell, the blonde quickly used his legal hand and opposing knee to pincer the villager's stomach. Once again he was left holding this new pain giving Tyler time to get creative. His best idea was a stiff kick to the boy's chest, forcing him upright. While one hand held his stomach the other clenched his aching chest. Leaving his face wide open for a whirlwind elbow to the jaw. He was out before he hit the ground.
"1... K.O."
Tyler dusted his palm on his leg, looking down proudly at his handy work. The bystanders erupted at his match. Some people booed, others cheered, but everyone screamed, and the village shook at the intensity. Tyler waved happily to everyone, bowing at some and blowing kisses to others. When he eventually turned to Jessie, he was ecstatic to see her clapping as well. Though she was also silently pointing to something away from her.
He followed her finger and noticed the giant frame of the eldest brother slowly walking toward their goal. On his back, trying to throw off his balance was Smokey. And try as he might, his efforts were fruitless.
He quickly ran to his new friend's aid. As he got closer, he noticed how slow he was moving. 'Oh, this is gonna look so cool.' He ran a bit ahead of them, sliding through the front and taking the ball with him. He snickered to himself as he imagined himself scoring the game-winning point. The crowd's mixed reaction, the girls of the village swooning over him. But most importantly, he'd be able to get another compliment from Jessie. He couldn't help but blush as he imagined her patting his head softly, allowing him to rest in her lap as she treated his bruises from the game.
It was pure bliss. Now all he had to do was score the goal. Though he was confused to find his legs feeling zero weight from his body. He looked down to see why he felt so light and saw his feet dangling above the ground. He looked to his left and saw the cold stare of the giant boy. His unsettling grimace staring directly at Tyler. He returned the hostile look with an apologetic smile, "A rather fast bloke aren't ya?"
He looked past him to see Smokey desperately trying to choke him out. "Do not worry my friend. We shall defeat this beast together." Tyler sent an open palm strike at his nose, expecting him to recoil from the sudden blow. But the boy just snorted and tossed Tyler to the side. Slowly walking toward the ball and resuming on his path for their goal. "I don't believe that worked." Smokey tried his best to shift the monster off course. "Do you have any other ideas?"
Tyler rolled his shoulders, "Yeah I got a few." The crowd roared as they watched the giant boy slowly walk through the duo of defenders. Tyler tried chopping his legs but hitting them was like striking a brick wall. He contemplated using some of his more underhanded tactics but thought against it with the setting they were in.
He decided (since his attacks proved futile) that perhaps the mental fight would be his saving grace. "Hey, fugly!" The boy continued walking, "Hey I'm talking to you!"
Smokey had shifted to straddling his shoulders and trying to pull him to the side. He looked at the boy's face, "I don't think it's working."
Tyler ran up to his face, planting his feet and trying to slow him down. "What's wrong, scared of looking like a weakling in front of the village?" He didn't even sniff at the taunts. Tyler was frustrated, "Stop ignoring me!" He leaped up and slapped the boy square in the cheek. The sound of the smack like a single firecracker exploding in an empty warehouse.
He took a few steps back and blew on his hand. It was like a fire was spreading across his palm, "Geez. Question, is your father a huge black guy that likes to rob cities with his buddies? Cause you defiantly have his cheekbones." He looked back to the giant and his heart stopped. He was staring at him. Not looking past, not looking away, not stealing a glance for strategic advantages, he was staring at Tyler. And he looked mad. "Oh, I have become error." he nervously said.
Smokey looked closely at his face, then gave Tyler a good bit of advice. "RUN!"
The boy took several small steps back, while that monster made each stride count. Now leaving the ball alone to focus on Tyler. He kept trying to gain distance, but he seemed to be speeding up with each step. The crowd begged for him to finally catch Tyler and punish him for his disrespect.
Tyler listened to the crowd's calls. Some of his personal fans could be heard screeching for him to fight back. Not being one to disappoint, he stood tall. Bouncing on the balls of his feet and loosening his joints. "Alright then. You got my back Smokey?"
He tried to tug on the monster's shoulders, "I believe I am currently attacking his. But I will assist you the best I can."
Tyler gave an excited smirk, "Okay big boy. Hit me with your best-"
A deafening blow connected with his head faster than any punch he had seen before. His body rag-dolling as he flew to the edge of the field. The crowd fell silent, just staring at him as he laid on the floor. Smokey was stunned, he hadn't expected him to attack so swiftly. The eldest brother wasn't one to fight, so his fighting style was an enigma. Now he understood why he didn't fight often. He would probably kill anyone he challenged. Much like how he just killed Tyler.
Rosa was on her feet now, trying to rationalize what she just saw. There was no sound, no time to process it, just an abrupt end. Then she remembered Jessie. The poor girl might not admit it, but she knew she had feelings for the little outsider. Now he was gone before she even had a chance to accept her feelings. How would she react? Tears? Rage?
When she looked at her, her face was unchanged. She almost looked bored at the scene. Rosa was confused, but after connecting some dots she assumed the girl was in shock. She was stunned beyond comprehension, as the younglings would say it. She was shook.
Rosa raised a tentative hand, "Jessie... I'm... I'm so sorry."
Jessie cocked her eye at Rosa, "Hm? For what?"
She looked back to his body, "Your... Your boyfriend?"
"Not my boyfriend."
"Either way, aren't you upset?"
"Psh... watch this." She cupped her hands around her mouth, "Tyler! The Bandits are here!"
His eyes violently shot open. His cornea dashing back and forth across his sclera searching for the people in question. The pain settled in as he readjusted to his surroundings, realizing what had happened. He clutched his skull, a fuzzy feeling running deep within his head. It seemed to coarse through his body and throw off his balance, but he pushed through the pain. He slowly stood to his feet, gripping his temple and turning back to the action.
The crowd's pop for his return from the dead was deafening. Rosa was awestruck at the durability of this kid. She didn't think humans outside of the village could be this strong, at least not at such a young age.
With a shaky stance, Tyler prepared for another fight. His signature smirk stretching across his face as he prepared for another fight. He opened his mouth, ready to deliver another one-liner. Instead, "I don't have any one-liners, no funny quips just... That hurt like hell."
The giant boy stared deep into Tyler's eyes. It was clear that he had accepted Tyler's ability. What wasn't expected, was for him to smile. He seemed to be amused by the durability of the boy. From Smokey's perspective, it looked as though he was excited to break him.
He looked around the field, searching for a sign of their tiny tank that could save them from this foe. Though she was nowhere to be found. He noticed the opponent that Tyler had defeated was still laying on the ground, snoring softly. He looked at his position on the giant's back, he was perfectly positioned on his shoulders. With a crackpot final idea, he wrapped his entire body around the giant's head.
The behemoth reached up to remove him, but his grip was surprisingly tight. From his new position, Smokey called to him, "Tyler! Go!"
The monster shifted and tried to get him off but continued to fail. Tyler saw the opportunity to run but refused. "No, I won't abandon my teammates. I'm not scared of him." He ran forward, "We'll beat him together!"
"YOU IDIOT!" All heads turned to the girl in the audience. Her bright red hair acting as a beacon for her position. "THE BALL!"
Tyler looked to where he last saw the ball, it was sitting peacefully in the middle of the field. Unguarded, unprotected, untouched. Now he understood and quickly dashed for the objective. He ducked a wild hand that swatted the air hoping to stop him from reaching his goal. His legs felt numb, but he refused to stop now.
Once the ball was within his grasp, he dribbled it as fast as he could. Rushing down the field for the goal line. He didn't want to look back; he didn't want to see what was happening behind him. But he could hear the gargantuan footsteps of that monster trying to follow him. With each step he took it sounded like that demon grew closer, so with his last burst of energy her ran as fast he could forward. The sound of his opponent disappearing into the distance.
The crowd went insane, victory was in sight. It was so simple all he had to do was kick the ball. Then he could finally rest. He would have won the game.
So why did his body feel so heavy? Why was the world turning into a blurry soup? Why was he on his knees?
Jessie was watching from the distance and showed her first sign of concern. She stood on the edge of the field and called for him, but the boy couldn't hear her. All he could do was breathe, and that was getting difficult.
He put his hand on the ball, hoping to roll it into the goal. That's all he needed, for it to pass the goal line. Then it would be over.
"Look out!"
He turned just in time to see Smokey's body flying toward him. Just in time for his chest to get caved in by the limp body of the city lover. The sick thud of their flesh and bone breaking against one another made a man in the crowd puke.
From the shadows, one of the two bodies reached out to enter the fray but was quickly stopped by the other. The reserved shadow seemed to say something to the other. As if it were explaining some rules that the other did not agree with. The nodding between the two showed they had come to an agreement and chose to silently watch.
Jessie wasn't as silent. "TYLER!" She lurched forward but was quickly grabbed by Rosa's larger hands.
"Don't! You can't go out there."
"He's hurt! TYLER! Get up! You can't die out here!" She looked to the others, "Why are we just watching this. We have to help."
"Jessie. Look at me." The girl fought her grip but stood no chance, "There are rules here. Rules you have to learn to follow. You can't interfere with a match, ever. If you do, they will destroy you."
"What. That's- That's ridiculous!"
"The rules might be fickle, but you have to follow them. You're guests here."
Jessie turned a pain eyed back to the meadow, "Tyler..."
"He'll be fine, we just have to wait."
While the crowd's intensity grew with the bout's conclusion, the largest boy took his time retrieving the orb. He casually kicked it along toward his side of the field. The smile he had for fighting Tyler was now gone, that stale look of boredom had returned to his face.
Much like before, there was a large group of voices that basked in the behemoth's glory. However, the deafening boos of the city supporters and Cal Boys haters easily tuned out their approval. But it seemed as though their disapproval with the results didn't even phase him. He had made it halfway through the field when he heard the booing increase. The bystanders looked to Tyler and Smokey, hoping one of them would jump up to confront this beast. But they were still groaning in pain, Smokey trying his best to prop up Tyler's wrecked form.
But it was too late, he was practically at the goal now. One kick is all it would take. A simple punt kick and the victory would be secure.
A high pitch squeal stopped him in his tracks. This noise was like a strange form of kryptonite to stall his advance. The ball rolled a few inches further as his feet seemed to dig into the dirt. A small object crashed against his back, moving him forward another inch. He peaked over his shoulder, a small hand clutching to his shins for life.
With a shaky voice, the smallest brother called for help. His final call falling on deaf ears as the elder Cal was focused on something else. Standing stalwart in the middle of the field was Nita. Her tiny form oozing a dangerous aura. This terrifying look across her shadowed face as she slowly approached the Cal Boys' ringleader.
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