Chapter 1: A Call for Help!


It's just one of those days for Logan Kenway, former UFC fighter and now, blockbuster Actor, Logan never really pictured hi life would turn out like this but he's not bothered, he's got a great family and has nothing to complain about, he's not completely proud of the things he did, he was a young parent and made some mistakes, he's not perfect but he tries to be, not just for himself but for the people around him, his wife and daughter, his ex-wife and son, brothers and sisters, mother and father, all of them, he's at the age where he wants to make them all happy, that's not going to change any time soon.

Logan: You've reached the vocal mail of the most dashing man in the world, leave a message after the beep...

Logan's driving right now but he was able to answer his phone when it rang thanks to a button on the steering wheel, he's on his way home right now after a reading for the F1 movie, their going to start filming soon but Logan's joke over the call wasn't received as well as he was expecting it to have.

Liz: Logan...

He tries to make things silly as much as he can, it's why he got the role in Dracula Untold, Logan wasn't sure he'd actually got the role but he auditioned and people loved it, not so much back then but lately, he constantly get's people telling him he was great as the Vampire King, he and Liz might have been divorced for close to 13 years now but she's the mother of his son and he still loves her so when she calls him, sadness in her words while sniffling over the phone, he's changes his mood from happy go lucky to serious, he doesn't like people he cares about hurt.

Logan: ... What's wrong?

Logan tried to keep his eyes on the road while trying to focus on her, he's quite lucky that his wife and ex-wife have a pretty good relationship, he wouldn't have expected anything from them other then that though, their both kind people and spread nothing but love and positivity as much as they can, they have completely different careers but Logan's not bothered, he loves them for who they are, not what they do.

Liz: It's that guy. He's back again.

One of the downsides to both his Wife's and his Ex's occupations, people, mostly guys, tend to get a little too creepy and think that if they turn up at their homes, they'll fall in love with them and run off into the sun set but that's not the case and Liz has been having this issue for a few weeks now, Logan's happy to help though which is why he turned the car around instantly, not really paying attention to the roads laws.

Logan: Is he at the house?

His wife hasn't had this issue actually all that much, mostly because her occupation allows her to go to fan meet and greets occasionally, she also don't post much personal stuff on her social's but with Liz, she's not able to go to meetups that much since she had the two girls, Logan understands, she has two baby girls, barely old enough to walk, the last thing Liz needs is stalking fans outside her house.

Logan: Alright, lock the doors, close the windows. I'm about an hour away.

Logan lives with his wife in a gated area, Liz doesn't but Logan's been trying to talk her into moving into one these past couple years so this sort of thing won't happen as often but he get's why she doesn't want to move, her, Nathan and the girls have a lot of memories in that place, you can't just up and leave that stuff behind.

Liz: Please hurry.

Logan hasn't got any intentions of taking his time, he might not be in love with Liz anymore but he does still love her, these crazy fans can be dangerous, luckily most of them know who he is and what he's done so it mostly just takes him being there to cause them to turn around and leave, it's always some scrawny kid that's probably got a room in his mom's basement filled with computers and a twin bed he sleeps in alone.

Logan: You lost mate?

Logan asked getting out the car and seeing a guy trying to peek through the glass on the front door, he's not sure where Liz or Nathan are but their in there, he's pretty sure her daughter's are with their dad this week end but just in case, he needs to make sure this guy doesn't come back, the last time Liz called him about this guy, by the time he got here, the kid was gone and he does say kid, this guy can't be much older then early 20's

Guy: Nah, just... trying to deliver a package but there's no one in.

He indicated back to the house while Logan stood near his car watching him slowly step away from the house, this is normally how it goes, it's like they forget the father to her son is a former UFC fighter, call Logan big headed but he was sure that would keep most the creeps away but apparently not, there's only one issue for the guy other than the fact Logan already know he's lying.

Logan: Where's the package?

The guy looked around then to Logan while panicking trying to come up with something, Logan doesn't want to hurt these people, their just troubled and need help, Logan was like that once upon a time and then he got the help he needed, this guys the same, maybe he hasn't got many friends or he's subconscious about something, either way, no matter how much Logan tries to understand, there's a scared women, a teenager and potentially two baby girls, he can't do this again.

Guy: It's still in my car. I'll just go grab it.

He pointed down the street but Logan doesn't believe him, who delivers a parcel but knocks the door first before grabbing the box, they take the parcel to the door, if someone isn't in then they take it back or leave it, Logan's had enough delivers to know who it works, even if he did grow up in England and they do things a little differently, the premiss is still the same.

Logan: Yeah, why don't you do that. Oh before you go...

Logan stopped him from leaving by grabbing at his upper left arm, not enough to hurt him but enough to install fear, Logan didn't like scaring people but he has to to keep the people he loves safe, he'd much rather have just gone home to his wife and daughter and the world forget about him but instead he's called here to deal with these asshates, not that he minds but the point still stands.

Logan: ... My son's in there. Now I'm sure you just wanted a picture with her or something but that's why she goes to those conventions and stuff isn't it?

Logan walked towards him while he spoke, not quickly, slowly and taking his time, one step at a time, slowly pushing the kid back little by little really trying to nail home the fear, if this guy calls his bluff then Logan's screwed but this is the only time he's pleased he was an MMA fighter, every other time, he hates that he's considered one of the best fighters.

Guy: But I couldn't go to a recent one.

Logan's never been to one either, even when he was married to Liz, she'd go to these conventions with her cosplays and stuff and he'd stay at home with Nathan, he didn't mind, she wanted to do this, always has, Logan's never going to tell her to stop it, it's none of his business, sure some people might see this as reason for him to step in but they haven't seen how much she loves that boy, if Liz feels like she's putting Nathan in danger then she'll make the decision herself.

Logan: Then there's always next time right? Bottom line is, you scared the people I care about. Are you scared?

Logan backed him to the fence and placed his hands either side of him on the fence stopping him from leaving, Logan will never understand some fans, if you missed one meet up, just try your best to go to the next, if you can't make that one then go to the one after that, eventually you'll get your chance, they don't need to turn up to their homes.

Logan: Good. Remember how you're feeling right now everytime you think of coming to her house again.

The guy nodded quickly, so quick Logan was worried his head might have fallen off, Logan sighed before stepping back from the smaller guy slightly, he didn't like having to do this, he didn't like making people fear him, that's not who he is anymore, people ask him all the time why he retired and honestly, it's because he didn't want to hurt anyone anymore.

Logan: Now get out of my sight.

The guy scurried out the way as soon as Logan let him past, he even tripped once or twice, Logan sighed as he watched him run down the street, Logan spent a large part of his life fighting and making people fear him, he doesn't even remember why anymore, what he did want is for people to see him for who he is now and not what he used to be.

Logan: Pest controls here! It's all clear...

Logan walked into the house, he knows where she keeps the spare key, it's above the door on the frame, you can't see it from standing there but if you know it's there then you know, as soon as he shut the door again, he looked around to see a real family vibe, even a picture of him, Liz and Nathan when he was a baby, they were so young back then, made mistakes, made success, it's been a wild run.

Logan: ... No more peaking perverts.

Logan mumbled to himself while continuing to look around the other pictures, most are recent ones with her more recent boyfriend, Logan's met him once or twice and doesn't really have anything bad to say about the guy, their not besties, like if they met outside in the world they won't be friends, the only reason they even know each other is because of Liz and the kids, which isn't a bad thing.

Liz: Thanks, I didn't know who else to call.

Logan looked towards the stairs to see Liz skipping down them towards him, Logan's certainly got a type, short and blonde, that's pretty much it, they have to have a great smile as well which Liz did while she gave him a big hug, her head barely hitting above his abdomen with her being so much shorter then he is

Logan: You really should call the police.

Logan carefully got out of her hold while walking them towards the kitchen, Liz followed him, her right hand in his left, he's not sure what she's feeling right now but she's had to deal with this shit before, one of them even tried blackmailing her about posting pictures of them and her address online, as far as he can tell, she's dealt with that one all by herself.

Liz: They won't do anything unless they do something.

That makes sense, I mean it would take them 5 minutes to stop by and scare whoever it is away yet they won't, maybe the cops really do have something better to do but either way, Logan would rather they did something before it was too late, that's why he always comes when she calls, it's not like this is every time though, maybe once every year or so, so it could be worse.

Liz: I hate it when that happens. You'd think I'd be used to it by now.

Logan went to get her a glass of water while she sat at a stool by her kitchen island, Logan has been here a few times, he never lived here but he's been here enough to know where the glasses and the faucet is, so while she tried to process what's just happened, Logan got her some water, it's good for when you're trying to calm down.

Logan: No one should have to get used to random people coming to their homes.

Logan leant down on the countertop, his arms crossed while she sipped from the glass, they both looked at eachother, they met under weird circumstances, when Logan was a kid his parents sent him to England to live with his grandparents because he was a little shit, when he was 14, they sent him back because his grandma got sick and his grandfather couldn't look after them both, when he did, they had moved to New Jersey, Logan never really asked but they had and they met there in school, Logan was one of the guys who didn't think her dressing as characters was funny.

Logan: Why don't you go pack a few things, you and Nate come stay with us.

Logan stood up right while indicating for her to go get some things together, he and his wife don't live too far from here, with her work and Liz with Nathan living here, they agreed to settle between here and Florida, have done since they first moved in together, then they got married and had their own little girl, she's just past a year old.

Liz: You sure your wife won't mind?

Logan smiled while thinking about it, he's quite lucky or unlucky, depends on how you look at it, but his wife and ex-wife tend to get along really well, there's no hostility between them, maybe Logan hasn't got such a bad taste in women like his mum used to claim all those years ago now, then again, she had a right to say that, the girls between Liz and his wife, well they are crazy.

Liz seemed really excited as well, turns out she hasn't got the girls for a few days, so she's able to stay with Logan and his family, he really didn't want her staying here by herself right now, he might look calm and confident about it but one of these times, the stalker might not have such calm intentions and want more than just to peek through her windows, so while Liz went to get her stuff, Logan followed up the stairs to their sons room.

Logan: Hey bud.

Logan leant on his bedroom door frame, to see Nathan sitting on the edge of his bed, Logan's not sure why till he looked up to him, Logan could see it, Nathan's not like Logan is and he's never expected him to be, no one does, Logan's a different breed of person and Nathan's been raised mostly by Liz, he's not going to be like Logan is.

Logan: No one expects you to do anything you know?

Logan walked into his room and sat beside him on the bed, his rooms like any other teenagers, posters on the wall, computer in the corner, Tv, decent sized bed, everything he didn't have really, that's mostly been Logan's inspiration throughout his life, to give his loved one's things he didn't, that doesn't mean he's spoiled or anything, Liz has done a great job keeping his feet on the ground while letting his head go above the clouds once or twice.

Nathan: She's my mom. Why can't I keep her safe?

Logan looked down to the floor when Nathan asked him that, some people are born like Logan, their able to hurt others without feeling bad about it, Logan used to be able to break someone's nose and jaw then fall asleep a couple of hours later like it was nothing, Nathan hasn't got that side of him, he's got his father's good side and his mother's better side, Nathan's not a fighter.

Logan: Because you're not a fighter and you have no idea how happy that makes me.

Logan tuned to face Nathan a little better then just being side by side, he needed Nathan to know that you haven't got to deal with things using your hands to get things done, to make a success, sure Logan did but that was because he didn't have another choice, Nathan does, because of what Logan's done, he's been able to give Nathan choices.

Logan: Listen, I fight so you don't have to and that's not a bad thing. The amount of times your mum had to patch me up...

Nathan didn't remember that far back but when he was a boy, he remembered when Logan had a fight, neither he or Liz wanted Nathan to see him, Logan remembers though, the ice packs and broken bones, eyes swollen shut, it took him a long time to realise that it wasn't worth it, the punches and bruises, the scars and wounds, the looks of pity he got from people after those big pay fights, it wasn't worth it and Logan got out and into acting as soon as he could.

Logan: ... You don't have to fight people to keep the people you love safe, I wish I knew that a long time ago.

Logan put his left hand on the back of Nathan's neck in a comforting way, sometimes all it takes is a few good words and people can smile, Logan's trying to do that more and more, making jokes and seeing people laugh, it's why he tours, he likes it, his movies make people happy and no one gets hurt because of them..

Logan: Come on, pack up your shit. You're staying with me for a few days.

Nathan chuckled after getting a little tap to the back of his head and his hair ruffled, Logan always knew how to cheer people up, it's just a shame he's good at hurting them as well, Logan loves that his son's not like him, he's hoping his daughter grows up the same way but that's a long time from now, first Logan needs to get these two back to his home and out of harm's way, he's pretty sure his wife won't mind...


{To Be Continued!}

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