Ungood Morning

Weiss slowly sat up from where she was laying on, gripping her head in pain, trying her best to focus and gather her thoughts.

"What happened?..."
Before she could try to remember what happened, she finally opened her tired eyes and looked around, she was shocked to see that she was somewhere unfamiliar,

"T-This isn't my private jet or Beacon..."
As soon as she figured this out, the sound of a door being knocked has not only caught her attention, but also made her feel worried enough to quickly summon a Glyph behind her back

'I don't see my suitcase with my weapon in it, and I only have enough Dust to make at least 1 weapon or summon, maybe a blast attack if I'm lucky...'
She narrowed her eyes at the door, the knob handle started jiggling and turning, she mentally prepared herself as she took a deep breath to calm her nerves.

'It will be enough, I am a Schnee after all, and no stupid White Fang can keep me here, not unless I have something to say about it!'
The door started to open, and she was about to strike the person that seemingly kidnapped her, but before she could actually do it, she instantly stopped herself when the door fully opened and revealed the person behind it.

"Dang hoodie, always falling off, I need to find a bigger one for my size..."
Said person who entered the room was a large muscular looking young man that was currently getting upset with his hood falling off his head, which allowed her to see his face.

"Gods be good, what happened to you?"
As soon as she saw his face, which seemed to be more cybernetic than human flesh, her once distrustful face was instantly replaced with a more calmer and relieved expression, letting the Glyphs she was making disappear.

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean?"
He couldn't help but look confused from what she just said, unsure if he should be offended or not.

"Well, it's obvious by your cybernetic that something dreadful happened to you and then you are someone that I can, at the very least, trust, if just a little bit."
Her words seemed to shake him, his eyes widening a bit.

"Wait, you don't see me as a... Freak?"
Now he realized that she wasn't looking at him with fear or disgust, instead, he could see some hints of sympathy and respect behind her bright blue eyes.

"No, in fact where I'm from, most people with cybernetic enhancements are seen as heroes, who sacrificed everything in what they believed in."
That seemed to shock him, and he looked at his own robotic hands, clenching them with a small smile.

"A hero..."
He quickly shook his head, while the girl's words were a positive surprise, he had a more important situation to take care of, namely her.

"Thank you for not seeing me as a criminal or monster, nor someone who kidnapped you, I just saw you unconscious in an alleyway and I just couldn't leave you there."
He quickly explained the situation that she was in, wanting to make sure that there was no misunderstanding between them.

"Also I've made you some breakfast, I hope you like bacon and eggs."
He said as he gave her a plate of food which she takes, of course she was still careful, since she still didn't know who the person was, but she didn't have many other options, and he seemed trustworthy enough.

"I greatly appreciate your kindness, and I promised to repay you in kind once I return home."
She gives him a small smile as she begins to eat what she was given, all the while making some plans in repaying the cybernetic man who's been nothing but nice and respectful towards her.

"I'll try to get in contact with your family to pick you up while you eat, can I have your info Miss, um?..."

"Weiss Schnee, and please use my Scroll, hopefully my sister should be available... Though I guess my father will also do, if not..."
She wore a small frown at the mention of her father, but said nothing else as she took out her scroll and gave it to the man who was trying to help, he did show some curious concerns when he saw her expression, however he decided not to get himself involved with her personal problems, not only because it wasn't his own, but also because there was something else that caught his attention.

"What is this?"
He took the device and looked at it with both extreme confusion and interest.

"Huh? You've never seen a Scroll before? How? It's one of the most useful and creative inventions made by the people of Atlas?"
She was confused by his reaction, finding it hard to believe that someone would not own or even know what a Scroll was.


"Yes, one of the four major Kingdoms of Remnant."



"Um, this is Earth?"


"I... I think you must've hit your head, because there is no place called Atlas or Remnant..."

"Hmph! And what? Now you're gonna say that our Moon isn't shattered?!"

At first Weiss just thought the cybernetic man was either being funny or acting stupid on purpose, but all the back and forth, and seeing him look at her as if she was crazy only made her more annoyed, so, eager to put a stop to this nonsense and prove that he was wrong, she puts the plate aside and walked toward the closed window of the room.

As soon as Weiss opened up the window and looked up at the night sky, her angry expression was instantly replaced with wide-eyed shock and horror.

"-Not b-broken?..."
Sorry for the short chapter, but I just realized that there is a lot to consider in this story, to something as big the world and lore of Teen Titans, to something as small like if Cyborg was always called Cyborg before meeting the team, and if he would tell Weiss his real name or not, yeah, still planning, but I at least wanted to give you something for now before I do anything more, twank u wuv u~
(What are your thoughts on Weiss learning some Science and Magic?~)

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