3.And the story begins...

The faint glow coming from the floral inter-cuttings of the pale green Quartz lamp was the lone source of illumination as the sun outside was disappearing behind the foggy plateaus, leaving a scarlet sky in its vague.

"I am so happy we have finalized this deal, Lord Fall", a middle-aged man sitting beside me on the Dinning table was saying, " I'll personally be there in West Bengal to make sure that our Royal buyers get the Tea supply on time." He patted his pot-belly, which was protruding painfully out of his royal, mustard-colored Sherwani and added as an after-thought, " I think its about time to eat Dinner. Won't you agree?"

His warm,light-brown eyes turned towards me questioningly.

"Oh yes, of course Mr. Pradhan", I agreed with a smile.

"Ramu kaka!", he called out to the servant who was fanning him," Sahabji wants dinner now, You better hurry up."

"Yes sir", the shriveled, old servant nodded and hurried away.

"I hope you won't mind Indian food ? I just thought it'll be a refreshing experience for you." He nervously fingered his long, grey mustaches.

"How very considerate of you", I smiled politely, trying to reassure him that I didn't minded experimenting in the least.

A lady in her mid-20s came out of the kitchen with 2 large Indian thals(plates) and placed it in front of us.

After a moment's pause I asked hesitantly, "I have a question. Mr. Pradhan. If you don't mind me asking it.."

"Of course not. Please go ahead."

"Sir, since you own this town and so many neighboring villages, I can't help but wonder that why would you want to own Tea farms in Darjeeling?"

Mr. Pradhan laughed as he said, " You are one observant man,Lord Fall. Well, I am first and foremost a business man and lets say now a days being a Zamindar is a business of loss."

"If you are looking for profit then why not venture into Indigo plantation?" I had read somewhere in my official files that Indigo plantation was increasing day-by-day and the middle man in this trait was bound make a lot of profit.

He suddenly frowned , "Its far too controversial for my taste. I might be a business man but I care for my people dearly."

"I don't understand. What do you mean by controversial..." but I was cut off by someone pulling the seat across from me.

"I'm sorry Papa that I'm so late. I was reading in the library and lost track of time."

I looked up to inquire the source of voice and stumped into silence again. OH dear lord, I can not bear two mini-heart attacks in the same day!

There sitting in front of me was the girl I had presumed I would never see ever again. Her previously wild and open hair were now tamed in an elegant bun and a few strands escaped to frame her slender neck. Her Blood -red lehanga, a clothing commonly seen on a commoner, was now replaced by a white silk Sari, which from the looks of it was very costly. However her eyes were still the same, ther expression reminding me of a wild horse waiting to be unleashed.

This was a marked difference from the girl I had met in the fair. That girl was clearly free-spirited, care free and a commoner but the girl sitting across from me extruded an air of elegance and royalty, she was clearly brought up to be a disciplined daughter and a supportive wife.

Her eyes flashed to me and became as wide as saucer but the expression was gone so soon that I thought that I had only imagined it.

"This is my daughter, Durga", Mr. Pradhan introduced me to her," and Durga , this is Lord Fall, a new ICS officer and our new business partner."

"Its very nice meeting you, Lord Fall.", she nodded. Did she looked like she recognized me? No.

"The feeling is mutual, Ms. Pradhan."

"Lets start with the Dinner then."

I smiled and looked down at the brass plate carrying an assortment of mouth-watering dishes and a chapati. Now how am I suppose to eat it?

Durga said laughing,"Surely papa you have told His Lordship that we don't use knife and Fork while eating Indian food?"

By love of Jove! Don't tell me!


The nightly breeze was cool against my exposed arms and I was admiring the beauty of the Zamindar's Havelli (castle). The mounting domes and the high archways were clearly inspired by Indian Rajputani culture but the floral in-carvings of the railings had a Persian touch. I leaned against the railing , listening to a distant clock strike mid-night.

"You are still awake?" A soft voice murmured from beside me.

I jumped and looked around.

Durga was leaning against a pillar , staring at me with interest.

"Has anyone ever told you that you walk as quietly as a cat? I didn't heard you approach. You gave me a scare."

She chuckled, her laughter sounded like bells. "I have heard that before. So why are you still awake?"

" I wasn't able to sleep because of all the noises", I said as I pointed at the backyard just below us. Hordes of people were running around, many ladies sat on the wooden beds making somethings which I can't recognize but the air smelled sweet as Honey. Remaining people were gathered around a borne-fire , singing and dancing.

Durga looked at where I was pointing and smiled a bit, "They are servants and some distant relatives . I'm sorry about all this but this is the preparation of Holi. Its the festival of colours."

"Colours?" Now I was very curious.

"Yes, On Holi people play with colours", she looked at my skeptical look and added, " I mean literally play! We throw coloured water at each other or powdered spices. If you leave home with a white suit on and come back without it being different shades of rainbow , then change my name."

I laughed.

"Look down there." She was now pointing to the backyard herself, " You see those big round yellow sweets, they are Ladoos, that's what you smell in the air. And that green liquid there, thats Jaljeera, its the very same spicy water that is used in Golgapa.In the big cauldron they are heating, yes that one, it is sweetened milk, they mix some secret ingredient in it because it tastes heavenly."

"What about the borne-fire? I don't see any need of that."

" They are praying as they move around the fire, it has a long story behind it but let me not bore you with it", her dark eyes flashed to me, " by the way, I was really surprised to see you here and" , she took in a deep breath and I realized for the first time that how comfortable I was with her, how our conversation just flowed and I didn't even knew this girl, wait she was saying something , " Thank you."

" I beg your pardon", I asked shocked.

" Thank you, for not telling my father that we have met before."

My mind was reeling fast, this was it! She was going to accept that we have met in Bengal and I can finally know that why was she spying on the Governor's mansion.

" Thank you so much because if my father ever came to know that I went there then he might not allow me to venture out alone, ever."

I was going to unravel the riddle which had troubled me for days . " Its okay, Ms. Pradhan. I'm sure your father would understand you..."

"No, he won't! He think that as Zamidars we are too high up to go to a peasant's fair."

Wait, what? A fair? Oh! She was just talking about our encounter in the fair. So wasn't she the one I saw in Bengal? Thomas dear, leave this mystery for another time.

" I see. I promise you Ms. Pradhan, that your father won't hear a word about it from me."

Her eyes were shinning. "That means a lot, Lord Fall."

"Please call me Thomas."

She looked shocked and then gave a smile , " Then you please call me Durga."

"Durga ." What a lovely name.

" Its about time we call it a night. Good night, Lord- I mean Thomas."

"Good night, Durga."

She was halfway down the verandah when she suddenly turned around and said, " A word of caution - If someone gives you a suspiciously yellow Ladoo, don't eat it."

" And why should I do that?"

"You'll come to know about it tomorrow. Sleep tight, Thomas." Her eyes shined with mischief and mirth as she turned around and left.

Yes, I have definitely seen those laughing eyes before under this very pale moonlight.

The morning was bright and early and for once I didn't wake up to the persistent nudging of my butler, instead I woke up to the soft, melodious sound of a Koyal outside my window. 10 minutes later when Ravij found me freshly bathed and sitting in an armchair, he was shocked.

"You are up so early, sir. What a surprise!"

"Am I ? I didn't quite realize it. What is the time?"

" Exactly 6 in the morning. However, everyone in the household is up and about. The Holi preparations have been going on since 4 in the morning."

Do these people ever sleep?

"Here sir", Ravij placed a clean pile of white clothes on my bed, " Mr. Pradhan has given this Kurta Pajama (Indian clothing for men) for you because your suits might get ruined because of the Holi colours."

"How very sweet and considerate of him", I smiled. Ravij bowed and was about to leave when I called out , "Ravij. Do you have a similar clothing?"

"Yes, my Lord."

"What are you planning to wear?"

"My butler's clothing , sir, since I'll be on duty and in your service."

" Take a day off today. Wear a kurta pajama and play with colours!" I was still trying to get a hold of this playing with colours part.

"Yes, my Lord", Ravij bowed and his eyes were watering with gratitude, but why? What I had done was not a big deal, right?

1 hour later we were making our way down the staircase when a young girl of around 6 came running up to us.

"Lord Fall!", she squealed, her large smile highlighted her missing front tooth, "You are the handsome Britisher* everyone seems to be talking about!" I couldn't help but chuckle, "here try Gujhiyas." she presented me with a plate full of small D-shaped wafers.

I looked at Ravij and he quickly responded, "These are sweets my Lord. Wafers are filled with a semisolid and sweetened milk. I think you might like it." and sure enough when I put the sweet in my mouth it just dissolved, nice!

Another girl came up to us, this time a teenager, her voice was sultry and her eyelashes were batting at a faster rate than what is supposed to be considered normal, "Lord Fall. Try these Ladoos too."

I was going to pick up one when a voice echoed in my mind ," If someone gives you a suspiciously yellow Ladoo, don't eat it...."

" Um... Thank you but I think I'll pass." Did the girl just looked disappointed?

"And you Mr. Ravij?"

"I'm practically starving, I'd love to have one. Thank you", and a huge chunk of the yellow ball went in my butler's mouth. I looked at him sympathetically.

At the end of the stairs we met Mr. Pradhan, he himself was wearing a white Kurta pajama with a bright pink turban.

"Good morning, Lord Fall. Happy Holi" and he put some vermilion on my forehead.

"You too , Mr. Pradhan" and I put some vermilion on his forehead too, I think I was supposed to do that, right? I turned around to look for Ravij's reassuring nod but he was nowhere to be seen. Where has the fellow disappeared?

"I was just going to the Holi party we have organized here. I would love it if you could join us." It was for the first time I noticed the men flocking Mr. Pradhan's side, some Europeans, some Indians, all wore simple white costumes and but their noses which were turned up in their air, clearly revealed their real worth. I could imagine the party, crowded, where champagnes flows and buzzes of business talks fills the seemingly informal atmosphere.

" Of course, Mr. Pradhan. I'd be there as soon as I finish an urgent business with my butler." No, I had no intention to go there but if I didn't went then that will be plain rude.

"Better hurry up then", Mr. Pradhan patted me on my shoulders and left with the group of gentlemen shuffling after him, who bowed slightly as they brushed past me.

Those stuck ups, really! Now where is Ravij? As if on cue, I saw his tall frame descending down the staircase. "Ravij, where were you?" but he didn't seem to hear me as he took a turn and went up the stairs again.

Then he came back down the stairs again and went up again and then came down and went up and down.It was perhaps at his 5th oscillation when I was of a good mind to yank him by his arms when a soft voice murmured from behind me."He's intoxicated."

I will never be used to her sudden appearance, never! "Durga?"

"Yes" and her lithe frame emerged from the pillar behind me, "He's been drugged by bhang and his mind is going in circles. Under the influence of Bhang a person does the same activity which he had been doing while eating the food spiked with it."

"Is it harmful?"

"Of-course not, that is if you don't count the muscle ache which he'll get after going up and down the staircase so many times", she chuckled , " Its okay. Its a common Holi prank. Bhang is way less intoxicating than wine. He'll be back to his normal self in 3-4 hours."

"Okay", I was still skeptical, " and thank you , if not for you , Ravij would have had a companion."

She chuckled, " Your welcome. So, you'll accept my Father's invitation and go to the party?"

I sighed as I said, " I don't really like the thought of it but it'll be rude to reject" , Wait, did I just told her that I found her father's idea of party boring?, "What I meant was that..."

"No need to justify yourself, Thomas", a small smile was tugging at her lips , " I actually am of the same opinion. So would you like to see a real Holi in real India?"

"I don't know as I said it'll be rude..."

"In an hour, they'll be so drunk that they won't even notice where their pantaloons are going, let alone notice your absence", Oh my! this girl was rude but then why did I found myself enjoying this side of her?" So what do you choose?"

Her shadowy eyes met mine and in that moment 'no' was not even a viable option," You", Did I just said that? "What I meant was that..."

"I get the picture, Thomas. Now come on." she was already moving to the front courtyard and I hurried after her.

However, as soon as I stepped out , a crash of cold water reverberated against my body. I looked down, only to see my hands and clothes get stained to a bold shade of yellow, gazing up I saw a row of girls leaning against the railing and gigling hard, all of them were holding buckets in their hands, yes, they were the accused in this case.

Durga was standing in front of me, a smirk on her face, "You are too easy to fool. "

" Oh really madam. We'll see who fools who", I grabbed hold of a plate with yellow powder ( I think its turmeric) and ran after her like a madman but she was faster, ducking whenever I assaulted her with the yellow powder. I felt strangely free, like a prisoner taking in his first breath of freedom but he never had come to realize that he was imprisoned until he became free.

I caught up with her, albeit with difficulty, and properly laced all the Turmeric on her face .

"Gah!" she snarled as she said, " this colour is not going to come out easily" and then dashed after me with vermilion in her hand.

And so in one of such escapades we found ourselves out of the villa and under a Banyan tree where many people where dancing around the now-dimming borne-fire. A choir of local musicians sat at some distance singing in a language which I clearly didn't understood but I found myself nodding my head along with their tune.

"Come on!" Durga shouted over the loud music as she reached out for my hand, "Lets dance."

"No, no. I don't dance" , that was the truth.

She chuckled deeply and joined the dancers around the fire. I stood on the side-lines seeing her dance, a motion which was enchanting in itself. Her each swirl threw her pink cotton sari in a halo-like formation. Her dark tresses, which were tied in a loose braid, flew in an enchanted motion in the light breeze. The silver anklet tied to her bare feet chimed as she gracefully danced in a circle. The artistic upturning of her palms reminded me of a prophet praying and when she glanced at me from over shoulder, I knew I was a dead man. Even when she was covered with colour, she was beautiful. How could someone be wild and graceful at the same time? How could someone be so reserved and upright in one moment and so fiery and free-spirited the next? This girl was an enigma, my personal riddle which I dearly wanted to solve.

When we returned to the villa, the sun was already setting.

"Thank you for today. It was truly a unique experience", I was smiling , maybe a bit too widely.

She nodded, her face suddenly emotionless and said, " I hope you had a nice stay here, Lord Fall. I should better go and prepare things for your departure tomorrow" and then she was gone. Yes, I feel like we are back to being strangers. Hold on a second, does this imply that somewhere along the way we became more than just strangers?

When I was returning to my room, I met Ravij who was now lying down on the steps.

"Sir, I had the strangest dream. I dreamt that I was going down the stairs but they just won't end.Ah! my body aches"

I chuckled as I heaved him up ," Come on Ravij. Let's get you in bed." Much like Ravij's arms, my heart ached, I'll never see her again.

The next morning I found myself standing in front of Mr. Pradhan's room. A doctor was blocking the doorway, "You can talk to him but make sure not to give him any tension.He is having an abnormally high blood pressure, what's with this holiday revelry."

"Don't bore him with your talks, my friend, I'm perfectly fine", I glanced behind the doctor to find Mr. Pradhan lying on his bed, his eyes sagging and his face had seemed to age a lot but his jolly nature made up for it, "Lord Fall, did you enjoy your stay here?"

"Yes, sir, immensely", I offered him a smile.

"That's good", He beckoned me to sit on the stool next to his bed and when I sat he continued," I know I promised that I'll look into this deal myself but given my present condition..."

"It's quite alright. We can postpone the whole arrangement."

"I am a business man and a business is build on trust. I couldn't possibly betray your trust. Actually, I have a very able candidate in mind who can accompany you to Bengal and look after this whole matter."

"And who might that be?"

"Papa, you called for me..?" a feminine voice called out from the hallway.

"Yes, come in, Durga", she stepped in, fresh as a morning dew and I might have found myself sinking into an abyss again had it not been for Mr. Pradhan's next words, "As i was saying , Lord Fall, Durga will accompany you to Bengal."

"But papa, I can't possibly leave you like this...", she was beginning to protest but under the doctor's glare she kept quite .

"I'll be alright Durga. I have Doctor saahib to look after me here. So Lord Fall , are you in favour of this arrangement?"

"Yes, sir." I was more than in favor of this arrangement.

Everyone was happy, everyone except Durga, I wonder why?


*Britisher- a mistake very commonly made by Indians, it means "British"

Sherwani- a very elegant coat-like Indian apparel for men, mostly worn by people of high-class or on special occasion

Kurta-pajama- A comparatively simpler apparel worn by men. Its usually made of cotton or chikan.

Turmeric- a commomly used indian spice added to provide yellow colour to a dish, is also an antibiotic. It is used in this context because its used as holi colour as it leaves bright-yellow stains.

Koyal- Its a black bird related to the European cuckoo, it is known for its melodious voice.

The coloured water used to play holi is obtained by dipping flowers in water whole night long. Now a days, synthetic colours are used, sadly

Heyo people! I know this part was pretty long but this is a Holi special and I wanted to throw in all details about a traditional Holi. Also my exams are starting soon and so, I won't update for weeks now. I have written these 3 chapters so you can have a simple idea of where this story is going and I'm repeating again- tell me should I continue this story?Also ask me questions you have pertaining to all the last chapters? I don't care much about stars and likes & all but please review because its your opinion that matters. Enjoy! See ya all after a couple of weeks! ;)

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