Chapter 3: Fighting bets
"Good evening dear visitors. Because of the many requests, the fairy tail members decided to be so kind as to give us a presentation of their power and magic, so I hope all of you are prepared to see some wizards in action. We are especially lucky because the great Titania Erza is here tonight. I wouldn't want to be the person to fight her." "Yeah, I don't want to die either", Wendy told the director after he said these words. The crowd went wild. Half because they had to laugh, the other half screamed that Wendy was cute.
"Thanks for the introduction", Erza said from the behind. As she touched the directors shoulder he shivered and his teeth started clacking on each other:" A-and here is the mighty Erza!" "Thanks again all of you. I thought we could make these fights more interesting. So I decided to let the fighters get bets. The bets will be chosen by the audience and whoever loses has to do his or her bet", Erza grinned. Wendy looked afraid:" By the Audience? Oh dear. That won't be fun." Romeo pulled Wendy closer and whispered into her ear: „No worries Wendy, I've got you." "I know you do", she replied, her expression beginning to soften. "The first fight will be Wendy vs Romeo. O boy, the youngest members of this Team will fight. This will be interesting", the director said with a smirk, "And everyone here will love the bet. The loser will have........ to kiss the winner. On the lips." Wendy and Romeo looked at each other and gasped. Then, Romeo sighed and chuckled:" They will tease us forever won't they?" She replied with a giggle and a:" Yeah definitely. Don't hold back pretty boy!" "Believe me, I wouldn't." He looked pretty cool on the outside, but in his mind he was freaking out. The fight might not have been too long, but it was intense and the audience ate it up like crazy. They all screamed and some of them even made bets themselves, who would win. Romeo began the fight with two broadswords out of his purple fire and then tried to grab Wendy with a whip made out of the same flames. "You will have to do better than that! Hope you are ready.", she said laughing, starting to consume air. He knew that it would increase her power and that he was gonna get pretty beaten up. "Sky dragon ROAR!" she roared her powerful magic and blew away his flames just like that. After that she was standing right behind him and yelled:" Sky dragon TALON ATTACK!" That was his doom and he knew it. He tried to block it, but she hit him straight into a wall, so he was knocked out. She quickly healed him and helped him up. The crowd went insane and he spit out a little blood. "Oh no. Romeo, I am terribly sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you this much", she wanted to heal him but he stopped her. It was only then that she noticed he was covered in bruises and even though he was pretty young his muscular body was marked with countless scars. "I am ok. As you can see I have many. Now", he suddenly lift her up bridal style and took a deep breath, his face having a painful expression for a moment, „Please don't tell my dad about this." "Wait Romeo you are hurt let me at least....." But she could say no more, because at that time he had already pulled her close and kissed her. It took them about 6 seconds to break free of the kiss. They felt tingly afterwards and their eyes sparkled a bit. "Uhm, Romeo? Could you please let me down? I know you are hurt and I need to heal you." "I already told you, I am fine", he let her go so she could stand up again, „But one thing Wendy, I will never let you down. " She blushed and started to giggle: „You are unbelievable. You are so reckless Romeo", and in her mind she added:' and I have the biggest crush on you.' Lucy turned to me:" Please tell me you have a picture of that Happy." "Sorry Lucy, I don't. „I never was quite honest there. In fact I had taken a picture of it, but I kept telling myself over and over again, that I should let them figure it out themselves. When I turned around again, I saw Romeo and Wendy sitting down in a corner, she hugging him. And even though I saw it hurt him, he didn't want her to let go. He even smiled. I saw he would endure every pain for her and would even be ok with him getting physically hurt by her, as long as she was safe and happy.
"Our next fight will be funny y'all. It will be a fight between a dragon slayer and a celestial wizard. Everybody, get ready for a fight that will rock your world. Lucy vs Natsu!" the director smiled and the crowd clapped very loud. Both got ready and Lucy looked at him with a little bit of fear: „Please be gentle." "I am terribly sorry Lucy, I don't want to hurt you. But we still have to fight." She sighed: "OK. Let's do this" She really surprised Natsu that evening. He already knew that she could summon more than one celestial spirit. And he knew she had all 12 zodiac keys. But what was about to happen, shocked him. He was preparing to do his fire dragon iron fist, when she suddenly kissed him. He was so distracted and blushed so hard, he didn't notice her pulling out her keys. And then she went back a meter and said:" Suck it Natsu" She summoned all 12 zodiac spirits and they attacked him all at the same time. She then chuckled:" I am so dead aren't I Natsu?" Her spirits vanished and the dust went away. "You could say it like that Luce. That was a good distraction though, I will give you that", he laughed, "oh yeah, now I've got a fire in my belly!"
Lucy laughed: „Funny thing we weren't told what our bet is yet."
"All right people, we still have to tell them. If Natsu loses, he must fight Erza with one hand tied behind his back. If Lucy loses she must be Natsu's maid for a day", the director laughed. "Dear oh dear. I can't let you die can I? ", Lucy sighed, „Guess I will have to lose."
"You wish Lucy. I would rather lose. Showing up Erza with an arm tied behind my back? That would be awesome."
"What did you just say?" Erza screamed through the hall.
"N-nothing ma'am!" he gulped, „Nothing at all."
Lucy and Natsu rushed at each other and beat each other with their magic.
After a few hits you could only see a great cloud of smoke and dust.
It took some minutes, but the dust eventually settled and you could see two wizards, laying knocked out on the ground.
"It is a draw folks!" The others laughed and clapped while the crowd went f****** insane.
It took a few more seconds, but eventually both of them stood up.
"Not bad Natsu", Lucy praised him. "Tell your spirits they are amazing. They really weakened me. Those are some nasty scars I won't forget", he grinned.
They went back to their room to rest, and everyone was ok with it too. Later we found them in one bed, cuddling with each other and sleeping in each other's arms. But for the moment, the worst was yet to come.
"Now dear guests, we still have a highlight for you. There are only two fairy tail members left. Give it up everyone, for the fight between Erza and Gray. The wizard with the gift to not only change weapons, but also armor, and the maker wizard who is as hot as Lava but also as cool as ice."
"Don't be ashamed after I beat you 'Titania'", Gray said while taking off his suit, only standing there in his pants like he always fights.
"Why should I be ashamed of something that won't happen?", she chuckled as she reequipped. Gray started to sweat. The light disappeared and she walked towards him in her frozen empress armor, in her hand two fire swords. "I-ice resistant armor and fire swords? Aren't you going a bit hard on me Erza?", Gray walked backwards and started shaking. We all knew it would be a short fight. "Before you kill him Erza, let him hear the bet. If he loses, Gray will have to pose for sorcerer weekly in a pink dress. If Erza loses, she will have to go to akane beach resort in nothing but her birthday-suit", suddenly he gasped and saw the knocked out Gray. "I hope you have already prepared a dress for Gray" ,Erza put her swords away, "cause this poor boy is knocked out COLD." Wendy and most of the crowd burst into laughter when they heard the pun while people like Romeo only smiled or chuckled a bit. After 3 more hours the evening was over and all of us went to our rooms. Romeo had bandages all over his upper body, excluding the head and arms. Wendy looked down in the dumps before going to bed. She felt guilty for hurting him so badly. The night wouldn't be completely peaceful but it would be a good night none the less.
Heya, hope you like this chapter. have a nice day
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