Chapter 15: I do.

A/N hey guy s. I know I haven't updated in Ages but i had a terrible writer's block and the finals knocked out my brain for weeks. But hey, I am back now. Enjoy!

P.S. for the first time, i will try to write in someone else's point of view. This should be fun.

Mira P.O.V.

I sit in front of my mirror in a beautiful gown with my hair tied up. I couldn't believe it. I still couldn't believe it. Today is my wedding! Today I will marry the man that I love, the man that can send lightnings through my veins and the father of the kid i am pregnant with. I am six months pregnant right now so the dress i am wearing right now is a bit tight, but it worked out. It is a beautiful white dress, with white floers on it, and lightnings stitched onto it. My hair is in a tight bun my little sister Lisanna made and it has some white flowers in it. My veil and train are very long. I am wearing something new: the dress, something old: The white glitter heels, I bought them for a party long ago. That was my first time getting drunk, and my last actually,I usually don't drink but I was a teen for crying out loud. Anyways I am also wearing something borrowed: the bracelet I am wearing, I borrowed it from Erza, my maid of honor. And i am wearing the blue necklace I always wear. I started wearing it when Lisanna 'died'. I shed so many tears that someday, just no more tears would fall down and that was good, i wore tis necklace to represent my tears. When my little sister came back, i was so happy, and the necklace was on my nightstand ever since, because I didn't need it anymore, there were no more tears i had to shed. This very moment, my sister came in: "Heya Mira-nii. Are you ready for the happiest day of your life?" She giggled, her giggles were so cute, and to be honest, i am ready, but also very nervous.

"Of course she is ready, Big sis is manly!", that should be my little brother Elfman. I only heard a whack of something and then Evergreen's voice: "Stop saying that every two seconds! And that is very insulting! So shut your trap you big Oaf !" She wouldn't say that in public, but she told me, even though he is a big oaf, he is HER big oaf, it is quite adoreable how they always fight. Evergreen, Lisanna Lucy and Aries are my bride's maids. Laxus's best man is Freed, no surprise there since they are so close and his groom men are Bixlow, Romeo, Natsu and Jellal, however he found out where he was, but Erza is happy about that. Wendy was the flower girl. You should have seen Romeo when he saw her in that dress, all his blood shot to his cheeks, and he could barely speak only being able to say a quick 'y-you look c-cute' before turning around to hide his blush. Rowen is canon guys! I sigh, this is it, it's now or never. "Yes I am ready", I say as I stand up, " I am ready for the happiest day of my Life!"

I laugh my sweet innocent laugh to hide the fact that I am dying inside. I am so nervous. What if he changed his mind? What if someone says something against our marriage? what if something terrible happens to us? what if, what if...

"Relax Mira-nii, everything will be fine."

Lisanna really always knows what is on my mind. " I know"

"Good, now, go out there and marry him!", she yells and i chuckle.

"Ok, so, is Bixlow your date to the wedding?" She almost choked at her own coughing, that is a good sign.

"W-what? No! What made you think of that?"

"He told me."

W-what? He did? He promised me not to tell anyone."

"You are right, he didn't tell me, it was a bluff. But now I know that bixanna is canon!", Lisanna pouted a bit.

"You are mean Mira-nii!"

"Sorry little sis, but in Love and war, you are allowed to do anything."

We share a brief laughter and Master approaches me to buide me down the Aisle. I am sure I see him cry.

"Are you crying Master?"

"Yes my child, but don't worry, these are tears of joy, to see two of my children have grown this much... I am so proud of my grandson especially. Good to see that that good for nothing managed to become a fine young man, who even managed to get a girl as beautiful as you Mirajane."

He was so proud and then the doors open to reveal the aisle and my bridesmaids, maid of honour, my fiancé and his crew as well as the major standing at the end of it. Laxus was in a black suit with lightnings stitched onto it. This, is the way to my future.

Laxus P.O.V.

I am sweating, i feel hot and cold at the same time and want to be anywhere but here right now. I am standing at the altar, waiting for my future wife Mirajane. I am so nervous, what if something goes wrong? Suddenly, someone grabs my shoulder, Freed.

"Laxus. Relax. You planned this thing for two months, that is one month longer than the time that you proposed ago. You will do great. You love her and seh loves you... also, i placed an enchantment on the church that makes sure that you can't run away."

I can only chuckle about that, that's typically Freed, but it is better.

"Thank you Freed, I couldn't have done this without you."

"I know, now grow a pair and marry that girl!"

Oh shit, the doors are opening and i feel the heat in my cheeks rise as Mira and Gramps enter. As Wendy decorateds the Aisle with flower petals, the church is filled with gasps and some people are already crying. The moment gramps put Mira's hand into mine, I couldn't help but feel proud, to call her mine. And in a few seconds, I will be able to call myself officially her man.

Author P.O.V.

Then the Major spoke up:" We are gathered here today to..." and you know all of it, let's wiat for the interesting stuff.

Laxus P.O.V.

Here it comes...

"Laxus Dreyar, will you take Mirajane Strauss to be your lawfully wedded bride, in sickness and in health? Will you hold her in good and in bad times, and promise to love her forever?"

"Hell yeah I do."

"And Mirajane, do you promise to..."

"Yes I do.".

Everyone in the church chuckles and I look into her beautiful eyes.

"You may now kiss the bride."

I wanted to kiss her soo badly the whole time, but the next thing i know is her grabbing me by the torso and pulling me into a pasionate kiss. Her lips are heaven, ironic considering that she is called the she-devil. We break the kiss and slip our rings on, before leaving the church waving.

"Form a line girls!", Mira yelled, the girls running to her like crazy, they really want that bouquet hmh? The boys were still giving me congrats then A gasp was heard, and i saw Lisanna with the bouquet.

I see Bixlow blush a bit and instantly laugh: "Well Bixlow, when are you gonna propose?"

They both blushed and everyone laughed as Mira chanted something about Bixanna being canon, whatever that means. The after party was a blast and after it we went to bed together.

"Well, Miss Dreyar? How was your day?"

She chuckled and kissed me: " I loved every bit of it. I love you Laxus."

" I love you too my little she-devil." I embrace her and we fall asleep in each others arms. This was all I ever dreamt of. And soon, I will be a father. I can't wait to meet her, Nova Dreyar.

Ok, this was Chapter 15. I honestly have no clue how i managed to but i read about 1300 words so I hope you enjoyed it. Have an amazing day.

Hugs, Scaredy_Cat

Total word count: 1350

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