Forest Mission Pt. 2
"What's going on?"
In front of them stood a whole crowd of Lisanna look- alike's.
"I didn't think it would be something like this. I just thought it was a squirrel or something smaller!"
Meanwhile, in the back, two of them started to back away, holding their hands over the mouth of a struggling Lisanna, while trying to drag her back to the place they had come from.
"She's got to be here somewhere, lets go!"
they advanced towards the Lisannas, but once they got close two the first row they jumped forward and pushed all of them backwards, some of the wizards colliding into a heap. The Lisannas that had moved forward once again retreated into the crowd, moving farther in so that others could move forward.
"Alright then, it seems we will need to use force."
Erza requipped into her Heavens Wheel armor, then had her swords slash at all of the girls standing in front. They looked surprised for a moment, before they poofed into a cloud of smoke, then small black shadows darted towards the sides. All they could see of it was a tattered black cloak.
"Everyone, shoot at them at the same time!"
The wizards backed against eachother, each readying their own attack.
The Lisannas realized an attack would take place, and they all seemed to start converging.
Their attacks were ready at this point, all they needed was the command.
They all released at the same time, and although it managed to take out atleast half of the copies, the other half looked pissed.
All around them emerged copies of each of the wizards, having that same angry expression.
"Well crap..."
{With Lisanna}
"HEY! Let me GO!"
Lisanna wasn't sure how far they were from the group, but she couldn't hear them anymore, so that wasn't a good sign. However, the fog had begun to thin out to an extent that she was sure that she was no longer breathing in only water vapor, so that was a good sign.
"Where are you taking me!"
"We need to take you to see the Lady."
"Lady? Who? What's her name?" Then a small thought dawned on her. "Is it the monster from her job?"
"To answer your questions, yes, she is the Lady, you will see, and probably-most-likely."
"Wow, I wasn't actually expecting a resp-"
"Quiet down! We're here."
They had arrived at a small clearing. Okay, it was actually quite large, but something, or someone, was laying in the middle of it, curled up and slightly snoring.
At that moment, the Lisanna clones let her go and ran forward, poofing into smoke and getting replaced by little figures with ragged and torn blackish-gray cloaks. From behind her atleast three more ran in to join the others in front of Diane.
Lisanna watched as all of the little creatures, the imps that the mayor talked about, approached the hulking being. They jumped and did their own little versions of shaking someone to wake them up, even tried shouting up to it. She couldn't tear her eyes away from this giant thing.
"Lady Diane, Lady Diane! Please wake up! We can't hold these people off, they are too strong. You must wake up!" The little thing had a quiver in its voice, as if afraid that something bad would happen once it woke.
It happened slowly. The small sounds of snoring stopped, then a finger twitch, then suddenly it was uncurling, coming up from what looked like a really long time to be asleep. It was clear straight away who it was. It was Diane, the Serpent Sin of Envy, the girl whom they had been looking for.
Diane had sat up, rubbing her eyes and then opening them. The beautiful violet contrasted quite well with the golden color of her hair and the orange outfit with light blue hand warmers.
It took a moment before she seemed to fully register that she was awake, but when she did, she glared angrily down at Lisanna, or at the blue and white blob what seemed to be backing away.
Very quickly, she swept her arm across the clearing, picking up and holding onto Lisanna in the process, before raising her clenched hand up to her face so that she could see them better. A yelp was heard as she was raised before she started to shiver slightly, feeling as if she was staring into the eyes of a beast.
"H-hey L-l-lu-lu-chan. How've you b-been?"
She seemed confused for a moment before her eyes sharpened and she gawked at her before saying, "Lisanna!?"
Quickly, she lowered her to the ground, sitting her on a patch of soft grass, then leaned down so that her face was low enough to look her right in the eyes.
"How did you get here? How did you find me? How are you even alive?"
Rubbing the back of her neck she said, "It's a long story..."
Suddenly, a series of explosions could be heard, as well as a column of fire sprouting up from a while away.
Dianes eyes widened and she angrily whispered, " You brought Natsu here! Who else, Levy?"
Lisanna looked away nervously, then managed to sutter out " ... and Erza, Gray, Wendy, Juvia, Jet, Droy, and Gajeel..."
At this she clutched her head in her hands, lowered her head to almost touching the ground, and with teary eyes she said, " No, no, nonononono! This can't be happening! They can't see me here! Not like this!"
"Hey, it'll be fine! Why don't you want them to see you?"
"Just look at me Lisanna. I'm not who they- who you, thought I was. I lied to you, about who I was..."
She looked up from her hunched position, a thoughtful look in her eyes.
"Hey, you wouldn't be opposed to helping me look for something, would you?"
"Um, no, I guess not."
"Great!" She lifted Lisanna up from the back of her shirt to sit on her shoulder. "I think I left my weapon in Vaizel, so we should be able to make it in about 3 weeks at the pace I can go with you here!"
"Wait wait wait, you mean we're going to be leaving everyone to got to the other side of Britannia, without even saying goodbye?"
"I'm sorry Lisanna, but I can't have anyone suspect that you know about me yet. But look on the bright side," She began to stand up, causing Lisanna to hold onto the folded collar of her bodysuit. "you'll get to tell me all about what happened on Tenrou!"
She reached down to pick up a backpack that had been sitting behind her, then slung it over her shoulder.
"Do you want to sit on my shoulder or in my bag? I'll go pretty fast, so I just wanna make sure."
"Umm..., how about shoulder. I want to atleast see the land around us while we go."
"Suit yourself, just hold on tight, ok."
She was about to turn around, then looked down at the imps on the floor. Quickly, she squated down and put her hand on the ground, palm down.
All around them the ground rumbled a bit, then the greenery bloomed. The trees regained their leaves and had flowers blooming because of springtime, and the hard ground sprouted grass in the bare patches and grew flowers and other plants that were suited for the fog and temperatures. The greenery spread outward, creating a lush forest from the inside out.
She then lifted her hand and lifted it up to snap her fingers. A small light was produced over her palm, and left behind two little creatures who went by the name Gemini.
" Hello Miss Diane"
" Hello Gemini. I'm sorry for calling you out so suddenly, but I have an important request," The little creatures continued to float over her palm. " I need you to make a copy of Lisanna so that they don't suspect anything. If they ask you if you saw me at all, avoid it. And if they somehow find you out, copy me and get away fast enough so that you can go back through the gate, but don't tell them where I am, got it?"
"Yes Ma'am!"
The little creatures floated up and put their hands on Lisannas shoulders, then floated back down to her palm and transformed in a poof of smoke. When it cleared up, there stood another copy of Lisanna.
"Ay-Ay-Ay, I think I've seen enough of myself today."
Diane giggled, and the Lisanna- Gemini struck a pose and shouted, "FEAST YOUR EYES!" A groan from regular Lisanna made all of them just laugh harder.
"Welp, time to get going," Lisanna- Gemini walked over to the edge of her hand, then proceeded to use it as a diving board and dive off towards the ground. However, she moments later crashed face first and just lay there.
"Uhhh, you ok?"
A muffled "I'm good" and a crooked thumbs up did little to convince them that was actually true.
Lisanna and Diane just looked at each other, shrugged, and Diane stood up to keep going.
She turned away from the crowd of imps that had clustered around Lisanna- Gemini and the others that continued to cheer and celebrate over the fact that their home had been restored. Diane started to push away the tall trees to get by. And Lisanna watched all of this from the tip of her shoulder.
{Back with the main group}
"Do they ever stop!?"
Jet and Droy were just trying to avoid them at this point, seeing as the creatures could not only copy appearance, but also magic ability. This caused some destruction when you had 3 dragon slayers, an S-Class wizard, and multiple S-Class candidates.
It also proved to be problematic when you have multiple copies of each.
"Natsu! Get back over here and help Gajeel fend off these copies!"
"I don't need help!"
"I'm not gonna help him!"
"Is that so..." Erza, who had been a little grumpy at the start of this, was quite ready to slap someone across the face with a brick at this point.
In truth though, it wasn't even needed, because a moment later all of the copies ceased their attacks and turned to look down the trail.
It was a somewhat sudden change. In one moment all of the surrounding scenery was bleak and colorless, and then the next moment flowers and shrubs were growing and trees were blooming and the grayness of the fog seemed to lighten enough that you could really appreciate the color and look of everything around them. This change continued to progress, not hindered by the previously fighting group, even going so far as to heal the burns and fill the puddles and cracks that were made by their fight.
The copies, which had previously been just standing there with wide eyes, all started sprinting toward the end of the trail that this bloom had originally come from, leaving all of the actual wizards behind to wonder what the hell had just happened.
"Umm... I think we should follow them?"
The shock of what had just happened left everyone a little bit unable to talk, so they just nodded and followed along wordlessly.
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