The beginning

The difference between this multiverse and this one is that in here, there is no Alphatale, no main frame no nothing. But the main frame not existing is a bad thing. Because this multiverse is weak and can get destroyed by Mear 7 human red souls alone. because of this, someone took advantage of it and use it to destroy the weaker multiverse. But a certain skeleton from another multiverse can put it to stop it.

He opens his eyes and gaining conscious.

"Urrg Cough Cough wha-"

There was the skeleton with blue and gray shoes and white sweater with a blue jacket with his gray hood up. He wears a red scarf and have red eyes and a red scarf in his neck. he looks up in what is seems to be in entrance of waterfalls. As he stands up and looking around and see what he is in.

"Ok this is not where I am, and were the hell am I and what AU am I in?"

He says to himself and looking and not moving in his spot, getting up and thinking.
'OK I was just fighting XGaster and with the help with cross and Righteous error and~'

until he realized something. He remembers something. the mistake he is making.

"Oh shit, he was trying to use the OVERWRITE button to do something and I use one of my portals to push him into it. Only to cause a Glitch and now transporting me to God knows I am!" He said it himself out loud and making his eyes opened wide and held his head.

He began to walk around so that he knows where he is in. He could use one of his new abilities to hop AUs and just go back to the omega timeline but, something is off about this place, no this universe. Plus, he is still new to this power. He could be like Delta and accidently enter to a different place all together. And combined with the feeling he has having it, he can't risk it.

He has been walking for a minute to waterfalls and saw some buildings. He has been thinking.

'Ok ok I needed to look around and look what AU where I am? Should be ink pick me up or team void capture me already? Because I can sense something is wrong.'

Then he walks around and looking for something. then he saw something.

"What the, what happened?!?!"

He saw the destruction and bone laying everywhere and no end on sight. He is stunned. then he felt something.

'Those magical signatures, those powers, I know that powers are!'

He teleported into the place where those signatures are. The place where is all too familiar.

in the battle

A sound of explosion heard and echo around the area. As a large Gaster blaster fired to the direction of a skeleton and the black and red shirt girl. the skeleton dodged the blast and started to run. As a talking flower who latch on their arms and shoulders spoke out.

"Are you going to fight them sans."

Sans scoff at this and said to the flower and a bit focus. Who is also holding the girl.

"Two against one is not a fair fight. and besides I need enough energy to do this."

Then before the red and white bone hit them. they disappear and out of view. As they teleported to a hidden location in waterfall. He then sits down on a wall and panting as he is losing conscience.

"Sans are you ok? You use up all of your energy didn't you. sans? SANS? SANS?!?!"

the girl now name frisk is sitting next to sans and started to cry. Flowey tries to comfort her. As Flowey said to frisk.

Hey, it is ok. he is going to be fine. we will take good care of him, right? And besides he gave us a hiding spot to rest right?"

He should keep his mouth shut as a large wall then got exploded. Then dream was sent flying to the wall. as nightmare is just walking in. Dream who has a crown on his head. has a light blue shirt and a yellow cape. a blue pants and yellow boots. He then speaks to his older brother nightmare.

"Why you sided with guys like him? I don't understand it brother. this is wrong. Please!? "

The black entity that resembles a skeleton with only one cyan eye. four tentacles sprouted into his back. and a sinister smile on his face as he spoke to his younger brother.

"For many reasons that you will not understand. You can't even barely keep up with what is happening now."

Then Dream retorted to nightmare who is determined to stop him.

"And I am still here. Facing the stupidity that you are committing."

before he says more a voice spoke out.

"Sans please wake up. lets get out of here. Please do not fall asleep. I don't want to let you to die."

She said, as she and Flowey needed to get out of the fight that Dream and Nightmare that they are in. As Nightmare notice the two of them and smile. He realized they found where the Frisk is hiding. He then spoke out. at the same time lunges his tentacles at them.

"Oh, lucky me, you broke the price wall. COME HERE GIRL."

almost by instinct, Dream step forward and step In Front of them and the tentacles. He constructs a Sphere shield to block the tentacles that it's trying to attack them. Nightmare got angry that his younger brother is in his way. 


Frisk soft tone voice said to Dream.

"Grr just die already. you pathetic insect."

The tentacles try to pierce the shield, but no damage is done here. Nightmare is getting more and more angry as his dark and twisted past flustered to his mind. all the abuse, all the times where the villagers beat him up, and all the times that they made dream ignorant and blissed the suffering he had to go through. To be one willing to let go of control of something that is in his head that look like the one who try to kill his mother.

"You're so annoying, always helping people, always pointing your noses on someone's business, but when I needed you, I needed you! WHERE WERE YOU!

Then a rock is thrown toward his head, which did not hurt him, but got him off guard and pissed off. then footsteps heard as a woman that sound like Frisk shouts out.

"Who cares about you. You fight with your own brother. You should be ashamed to attack us for only for your ego!"

this tick off more that he makes his memory of the past more painful. As he spoke out.

"YOU DAMN BRAT! You would never understand the weight of this."

then she spoke out.

"Why should I care about a guy who hurt and rage out his family out of self-pity."

This made him even more enrage, as he spoke out in pure rage. all while he lunges his tentacles at her.


before it hit her, she dodges it and it landed into the ground, now being stuck in it. He snaps out of his rage. And he, realized he is trapped and him knowing he is low on negative energy so he can't do anything as echo Frisk spoke out.

"Heh, your temperament is why you lose."

He then responded.

"I swear you will regret this, You pest!"

this made him piss, but not to the same amount as before. He is trying to get his tentacles out of the ground. All the while echo Frisk runs to dream, fell frisk and sans as she spoke out, with worried in her face.

"Are you guys ok."

Dream responded as he and fell Frisk look of ah in their faces.

"For all the Frisk out there, you got guts to do this. and yes were ok."

fell Frisk spoke out. A tone of someone who is admiring someone's actions.

"You are amazing."

echo Frisk feeling the compliment, but she needs to focus on the task at hand. She spoke out to the two of them with a bit proud of what she did.

"Thanks, but can we do the compliment later. We needed to get out of here. I wonder how they found us?"

It is because she is worried about Gsans who is still fighting mad Gaster. She spoke out to the two of them with a mix of worried and focus on her face.

"G is in trouble!"

She then run to were Gsans and Mad Gaster are fighting in. A Gaster Blaster was fired at the mad scientist. As mad Gaster block it with one of his giant dark grays with a yellow hole hand. 

Gsans or Gaster Sans, who wears a black coat that has white trim on the hood. In addition to his coat, he has Gaster blaster designs on his sleeves. He has holes in the center of his palms. he wears grey jeans with a black belt. He has scars on his head that look like W.D. Gaster. He then spoke out.

"Dam it."

Mad Gaster who wears a gray brownish sweater with a long white lab-coat. a blue pants with a belt he is wearing. with a crazy look on his face, as he spoke out to his good-looking self.

"Your combat skill are fascinating. But you suffer from the lack of intelligent. A pity for a handsome guy like you."

This made Gsans piss as he knows this guy is just teasing him in the middle of the fight. He is getting tired of fighting this guy. He then tries to get up and spoke out to a crazy version of G. Looking at him with tired yet angry look at him.

"DON'T you dare preach to me OLD MAN!!!"

before he tries to get up, he then suddenly gets grab by one of the hands. He is then knock into the ground. It then squeezes him in place as Mad Gaster step on him. He then spoke out to the mad man.

"You little cheater."

He is enjoying this moment. He then says to this version of both sans and Gaster fusion.

"It's called the Art of strategy, something that your little mind can't process."

He then steps on him harder as he spoke out.

"You got talent, but not what am I looking for. What I want is the power that is beyond you possess."

Gsans struggling to get up as he then spoke out in a breathless tone.

"There is no such power. rrg"

Then Mad Gaster laughing at his statement. It is almost like a joke to him. As his smile became more bigger than ever before, as he then spoke out.

"hehehehehehe, that is where your wrong my friend. such a gift is not easy to be obtained. It hides and slips like a god damn bacteria, but in the end it is worth it. I am just waiting for the right moment to strike."

As if on cue, echo Frisk steps out and see that Gsans is in trouble. She then steps out and say to the mad man. All in a while a certain skeleton with his hood up watching as if waiting for the moment to strike.


the two looks at the direction to where Frisk voice is heard.

"Please, don't hurt him!"

She said as Gsans saw this as then spoke out.


Then the Mad scientist then spoke out to the girl, cold and sadistic tone in his voice.

"Oh princess, it's not him you needed to worry about-"

Then Gsans realize her mistake of coming here. He then shouted out to his Frisk. In a desperate attempt to make her go away.


Before she can, she is suddenly grabbed by a large hand, holding her in place. It then squeezes the girl as she screams in agony. The Mad man then finish his sentence, with pleasure of suffering of other humans.

"It is you who is worried about."


fell Frisk shouted out. As Dream did all that he can to protect her and not get her taken as well. As Gsans shouted out.

"NO, let her go!"

Gsans said it as Mad Gaster spoke out.

"As easy as a fly in a spider's web."

He was letting his guard down a little bit. It was his biggest mistake.

Then all of a sudden, multiple tridents suddenly appeared and stab the hand but not at frisk. It then held it in place. This shocked everyone, as then pink slash was shown on to the hand that hold Gsans, destroying it. Gsans was set free, at the same time Mad G was then kick to the face, using him as a platform. The hooded figure, who has his pink scythe then using one of his free hands as to grabs Gsans by the shirt, and with a powerful kick, he lunges himself and Gsans flying. Using his pink scythe to slice the hands that held echo frisk, destroying it. He then makes it disappear as he uses his other hand to grab echo Frisk and continue leaping forward and to create a distance between them.

Nightmare, now being free then lunge two tentacles at them, but before it hits them, Vines sprouted to the ground and latch to the tentacles, stopping it in place. Then magical blast appears all over nightmare as they exploded. He was sent flying out of view.

The hooded figure landed into the ground safely. He then grabs Gsans in his one arm as firmly as the same as Frisk. While he is doing that, A Gaster Blaster appears out of a blue as fell Sans who has a black jacket with a red shirt with a golden sharpen tooth, who has a black shorts and red shoes, tries to blast them to dust. But then they disappear, not through teleporting but through sheer speed alone. This made fell Sans actually scared as he is then kick to the face as he is also sent flying.

The hooded figure appears and lands in front of Dream and fell Frisk. Their faces are shock, because he is using his physical and magic at the same time, all without getting tired. They never see this one this active before. Even though he looks like a crazy murderer, his smile makes even fell frisk and Flowey at ease. That make Dream surprise as he recognized this is murder from error's allies. But the difference is not only is he is more powerful than the one that ink mention, but this is a kinder and heroic one. Dust sees Dream then realize in his head.

'Oh, different Dream and a weaker Nightmare. This confirms my suspicions. This must be from a different multiverse. Hey, at least it is easier than the last Nightmare.'

He then spoke to them out with a calm and reassuring voice.

"Please take care of them. I'll handle this until you and your friends recover enough to continue the fight."

Dream, realize what he was saying agrees. Then the combination of attacks of Geno, Fell, Mad G, and Nightmare heading towards them. more specifically at Dust who is the bigger threat here.

Dust sighed, as he summons a Hand which created a dome shield of kindness in order to block the attacks. Dream, notice the attacks then enhance it with his own dome shield and fusing it into a powerful shield that has both kindness and positive energy. The Attacks collided with the shield. Then a powerful explosion was shown, follows by a powerful shockwave. When the "Dusts" is clear It shows a large crater as if an asteroid crash into earth, but only haff of it because a positive kindness shield is present as well as the people and the structure behind it.

"Here, it will help you heal and regained your strength."

He then summons another hand in which help Dream to heal people faster. He took the hand, then trying to figure it out on how to use it. Dust turns around and face them.

Geno Sans, who look like sans and Dust except he has a white jacket and a bloody cut to the torso and the blood of determination dripping into the cut and mouth. He has a red scarf which is the only similarity to him and dust. He has a part of his face being melted that is cover in glitches. He is trying to use blue magic on Dust to slam him around. Dust notice this, uses his own blue magic on himself to lock down to the ground. He then summons fire balls to rain down on Geno who dodges it. but he landed into purple webbing and turn his soul into purple. Then bones fires on all direction. Geno was forced to move into the webbing line. It was difficult but he manages to dodge them, but his clothes are turned to shreds like rags for house's front door.

Then he actually teleported in front of him and grab him by the remaining clothes. Dust looks into His one good eye sockets as he looks into his memories. He then realized he and fell are there just to be there and working for them. So that they can betray them. He then summons his red star portal and Yeet him into a random AU in this multiverse.

'Ok Geno and Fell are moles against error's allies. that make sense is to why he is with them.'

He thinks to himself as he then disappears and reappears behind Fell sans. Before Fell Sans react, He is then grab by the jacket and Yeet him into another red portal to the same AU as Geno.

Mad G then step forward, still feeling the pain that is inflicted by dust then spoke out.

"WOW, for a version of my little blue friend you must be the most active of the Bunge. "

Dust laughs at this as he spoke out in a troll like tone.

"Says to a person whose ego has been bruised as well as your back."

Mad G is angry at him for making fun out of his misfortune. He then shouted out way more than he needed to.


He then tried to grab Dust by using one of his giant hands. Dust simply moves out of the way and using his own hands to punch and grab onto Mad g. Then he gets blasts into the air then got punched by Dust which he is descending into the ground like a game of volleyball. He then held his hand to summons his scythe to cut his head. All of the sudden he was grab by a tentacle then sent to the ground, before swinging Everyware like a ragdoll. Then he was thrown into the wall as Nightmare shouted out.

"Oh, you went all high and mighty until reality struck you into the wall like a painful memory. Is that all you got?"

Dust got up and clean the dirt from his clothes and look at nightmare and scoffs at this as he spoke out.

"Oh please, I face a more powerful version of you before. You are just a joke to me. How many apples you ate because it is simply less than the ones I face."

This made both Dream and Nightmare shock and stunned on that statement. Nightmare is simply getting angry, Dream is wondering and thinking to himself.

'He faces a more powerful version of my brother?!? How is that possible. There can only be one Nightmare, me and my Dimension Dreamtale. If his statement is true, where did he come from? Who is he, and why is he helping us?'

Nightmare simply lunges more tentacles at Dust in order to stab him. He simply holds his other hand, then a trident appears into his other hand. He then proceeded to slice and dice at the tentacles like hot butter. He is doing it in speeds that looks impossible to do. Dust jumps and summons a Gaster Blaster into the air and hop on it. He summons more of it then fire at Nightmare who he simply creates a goopy wall, only for the goopy wall to simply get destroyed and sent nightmare flying again. Dust is shown using the Gaster Blaster as a ride to chase nightmare. He uses one of the tentacles to try and stab him for a second time. He simply jumping out in the way. He then uses both of his weapons to fight Nightmare on melee combat. The fight is brutal and cruel to the point that fell Frisk look away and terrified of what she is seeing. It describes as they slice their head, rip their leg with their bare hands, and multiple stabs took place. Both of them keep on regenerating to keep up with the fight. Until a Gaster Blaster shoot into Dust which he was sent flying. He landed into the ground and saw Geno and Fell are back, and they're the ones who shoot him. They simply Blast him more with their Gaster Blasters. He simply Using his own to counter then which it works. It overpowered both Geno and Fell's Blasters which they got away before they got hit.

Then Dust rush forward and try to punch them but grab by the hand and set hand throw him up into the air before was blast multiple times to the point it would turn him into dust, but he refuses death. As he then gets up and summons his weapons. using them as support for a moment. He uses his animosity to heal most of his HP and undo the damage. He decides that he needed to take a different approach. He then steps forward and disappear out of view and reappear to try and grab on to one of them. Mad G thinking he got him, using one of his hands to grab him and held it into his face. He then tries to squeeze him. He spoke out.

"Ha, Your too stupid! You got into my trap."

But Nightmare spoke out in anger yet concern tone on his voice.


The others simply got away from him because they don't know that this thing going to do. Mad G got confuse, then turn to look at Dust who simply reveal that is not Dust, but simply a black bone. Before he realizes it, it explodes into his face. Black and purple fire ignited everywhere. He is sent flying and sent into the ground. He then gets step on foot by Dust who smile with a crazy look that even surpassed Mad G owns crazy smile. He notices pink glow was present into his eye lights as Dust spoke out.

"Who's stupid now huh old man."

Dust then jumps out when a tentacle is trying to swipe at him. Nightmare simply snares at him do too simply he is difficult to bring him down. He then uses his tentacles to try to capture him. Dust simply avoids them and other attacks from both Mad G and Geno. Fell is trying to sneak and get the Frisks or at least one of them. Flowey try to defend her from him. Fell then spoke out to the gang.

"All frisks will fall."

Then Flowey uses his vines to attack Fell as he spoke out.

"Oh no you don't."

Before he manages to attack him. Fell grab and pull Flowey and hold him by the neck. He then spokes out.

"Oh, you think so? well then you can join them. Hehe"


Fell Frisk tries to grab Flowey but then she turns blue and lift into the air. He then spoke out.

"So, you want to join him too? Your wish is my command."

She screams as Dream and Dust along with Echo Frisk alerted, as Dream shout out.


Dust knows that he can't do anything because do to him busy dodging all the attacks of all of them. He then Shouted out.


Then suddenly Fell sans get punch in the face by a red winter glove. as another grab Flowey and put him into a safe spot. Fell Frisk no longer turn blue as she began to fall but two glove hands catch her. She then looks up and saw a scarf and a floating head that look familiar. It is Papyrus but just a head and a scarf and two glove hands. He then spoke out to Fell and Echo Frisk.


Papyrus then started shooting red bones at fell and make a bone wall to block him and not let him reach her. All of them look in shock do to the fact that papyrus is a floating head and two gloves. He is here to help them. As pap shouted out to Flowey.


As if on command, Flowey started to shoot his friendliest pellets at Fell. Fell was forced to dodge both red bone and pellets that it is heading at him. Dream is using his power and the hand to heal both echo Frisk and Gsans. Gsans then spoke to his Frisk about these sans.

"Whoever is this guy, he seems to be a good guy but at the same time, he looks like he is a murderer."

Echo Frisk look at Gsans with the look of "Oh rude" as she spoke out.

"Wow, that is just strait up rude. Especially that he is the one who save the both of us."

This made Gsans roll his eyes, but Dream interrupts the two of them as he spoke.

"Actually, Gsans is right. Especially he looks like murder sans. The same sans from Error's allies."

This made it shock everyone, but Dream continues.

"But that is not the most shocking thing at all. Apparently, he fought my older brother Nightmare. He fought him ones before, even though this is his first time fighting him. The one he mentions before is apparently allot stronger than the one he is fighting right now. Have you heard of a theory of multiple multiverse theory." 

This surprise Gsans as he heard of the theory before. Echo Frisk and Fell Frisk look confuse. Even Flowey look confuse. Then Gsans is realizing what he is saying and spoke out.

"If you are thinking about him being from another multiverse is your guest then it is possible."

Dream nodded his head that he began to explain why he is suggesting it.

"Well, it is because there can only be one Dreamtale in one multiverse. That is unless it is that theory is true."

This makes the others more interested at what he came from. As they look at these sans who is fighting all of them at ones. As Gsans spoke out.

"Geeze, this guy is insane. Like what type of battle, he is gotten into? He is like he some war veteran or something."

They watch the battle as Dream continue to heal them and restoring their magic to full strength. As while that happened, a Gaster Blaster was summoned to blast towards Mad G who he dodges and shoot his hand who he dodges it. He then makes spears to hold them off. Then he summons arrow blast to rain down on them. The area has been scorched into the ground. Pink fire are everywhere and start to burn the plants. Geno and Fell teleport out of the way, while Mad G is just using his giant hands to fly out of away, and Nightmare just sunk into the ground to get away. They reappear together as Geno spoke out.

"Damn, He can put quite a punch huh. This guy got something huh."

Nightmare shrug and say to Geno.

"Well, this guy does look like murder sans but more annoying."

This made Mad G interest spike up as he spoke out.

"Speaking of the topic. Where did he come from exactly?"

But Nightmare shouted out.

"No time for babbling, Look out!"

As all of a sudden multiple tridents, Spears, fire balls, arrow blast, pellets and Gaster Blasters rain down on them as the explosions are everywhere. They all got out of the way as they almost got exploded and burn. They then fire of whatever they can firing, hands lunging, tentacles lunging, Geno Gaster Blaster firing at dust which he dodges all the attacks. Dust got out all of his hands to use them on them. He uses the patient rope to try to sneer at Nightmare who he dodged it. He then uses the justice and bravery to create a control field, by firing bullets everywhere and making dots appear and exploded. Needless to say, it works like a charm as Nightmare and Mad G is struggling to even reach him in melee combat range. Geno Then had to use his Gaster Blaster to fire at Dust. Dust just using his kindness shield to block the attacks Geno made. Then he uses integrity as a spikes hand to stab at everyone and induce slow healing. Geno using bones to try and pierce into the shield, but perseverance hand copied the bones and fired back the projectiles and which it counters each other out.

Dust thinking to himself while still in the kindness shield.

'I can keep this as long as I can, but I guess I haven't recovered from the last battle. Especially back when my Nightmare is trying to capture me multiple times in that last AU before entering into this multiverse. Speaking of the Multiverse, why is that in here it is weak? As in I can shatter this plane of existence by just absorb one or two human souls.'

Dust began to sweat on his face as he began to lose his magic, but his determination is keeping it from running out. He can't keep holding it long enough for the people he is fighting for them to recover and help him out. He has to use his other form to boost him for more time. He can't use his Nightmare Mode as much as he wanted it. He can't do it due to also needed to recover back to full strength. He then says it to himself.

"Welp, I guess I have no choice do I huh?"

Before he gets to transform, the shield gets destroy by nightmare after hundreds of attacks. Before he even knew it, he got grab and thrown into a Gaster Blaster which it fires at him. Then after it is done, he is then grab by the hand and drag his face into the ground. He is then thrown into a wall before bones pierce all of his limbs, causing horrible agony. He didn't scream just flinch at the pain. he then uses his blue magic to pull the bone out all of his limbs. He had barely moved his head up as he look at as Nightmare with his side of Geno and Mad G, then spoke out.

"You last against us for so long, all by yourself. You are impressive even those weaklings we fought. Too bad you're going to die. Any last words?"

"Ya, I guess that I have to try harder than that."

Before Dust can transform, A Gaster Blaster fire yellow beam at Nightmare who he sunk into the ground to avoid it. Geno and Mad G simply dodges out of the way. Dust was surprise but realize that they have recover to continue the fight. Gsans appears next to Dust as Gsans spoke out.

"Wow, you really needed a break or something huh! I can give cover you dwarf."

Dust scuffed at that statement as he spoke out.

"I can still fight. I just need someone to help me end this quick."

Gsans has a look of "Ya sure" into his face. He then looks at him as he spoke out.

"Hey, you really are injured and tired. You should really stay back."

Before he tried to get him to backdown, Dust began to glow a red aura. This caught him by surprise as he steps back a bit. Then a hand is trying to catch Dust as Gsans simply dodges it. Before that can reach him, he then explodes, and a powerful shockwave was sent flying. The hand that meant for Dust got destroyed and he appears as he is glowing a red aura all over his body. His eye light change, now both of them are a firing purple and red.

This is known as his executioner form. By using his animosity within his soul, He can use the benefit of hate without its drawbacks. His magic and physicality increase to insane level. His wounds were instantly healed. He steps forward as he creates a foot size crater as he spoke out.

"Now, bring it on!"

This shock everyone as Nightmare can sense something within him. He has hate and he got an idea.

'I can use his hate to boost me.'

But before he can do it, Dream came out of nowhere and started attacking his older brother. Dream is here to fight his older brother to separated him and himself in order for Nightmare to not interfere Gsans and Dust. Gsans started to attack Geno as Dust attack Mad G. Dust raises his hand and Fell Sans soul turn blue while still dodging both Pap and Flowey's attacks towards him. Dust then swipes his hand as Fell was send flying at Mad G. Mad G not knowing what is heading at him, prepares his attack and ready to lunges at him. Before that happened, he is then got hit by Fell as Dust is using him as a projectile. He then summons his two strongest melee weapons and started to chase after them with concerning speeds. He cut Mad G's face and try to stab him but got out of there. Then he moves and kick fell in the face. Fell was sent flying toward a wall. Then he summons purple fireballs and lunges at him. Fell dodges it and summon his Blaster and shoot at Dust, but Dust stabs his trident into the ground and focus on something. Before the beam hit him, suddenly a tornado of fire erupted and deflect the Blast. The firing tornado is burning the area. Fell realize the flames so he then jumps out of the way. The fire tornado disappears as Dust grab the trident, he then throws at Mad G which he dodges it, only for it to explodes into a purple fire. Then he got his coat to be caught on fire in which he is forced to remove it and throw it away. 

Meanwhile Gsans is here fighting Geno and doing it well. Gsans shooting Gaster Blaster at Geno who he dodges it. Geno shoots his own Gaster Blaster at Gsans who he dodges it. Gsans then summon a fury of bones at Geno who he dodges it but got hit with a Gaster Blaster and was sent flying. Geno open a portal to escape and reappeared behind Gsans. Geno was attempting to push Gsans into a portal right in front of him, but he teleported out of the way. Gsans grab Geno by the scarf and jacket and throw at Mad G. Dust saw this then uses his blue magic to increase the velocity and speed. Mad G tries to summon more hands but got hit by Geno in which both of them was sent flying. Fell trying to get back into the fight but was also got hit and sent into the wall. Nightmare appears next to them and Dust, Gsans, and Dream appears right next to each other As Dust summons Black fill hate bones as he Spoke out.

"Your move."

Geno standing up realizing that their outmatch, then summons a portal to let them escape. Fell make a bone wall to make sure that they were not followed. Mad G then spoke out to all three of them specifically at dust.


Nightmare then spoke out.

"You're lucky but we will come back. Especially you Dream."

This makes Dream feel uncomfortable, but a hand landed onto his shoulder. he looks where it is which it is simply just Dust who he is trying to comfort him. This makes Dream shock but smile at the simple gesture. Once they disappear, Dust shoots the black bones at the wall which it is destroyed, and then turns back to normal but collapse into the ground, but before that can happened Dream and Gsans catch him and teleported to the rest of the group. needless to say, the group looks like they needed a break after what just happened. Dust looks at Phantom Papyrus then looks at the group as he spoke out.

"I know you got questions about me and how I got here but can we rest for a while. Because by the expressions on your face, you are also needed a break. Besides it would be easier if he wakes up. So that I don't have to explained it twice."

Dust then points at sans, still sleeping after draining a lot of his magic. Everyone nodded as Echo Frisk spoke out while tugging at her sans.

"Me and my sans would like to say thank you for saving us."

Gsans shrugs but smile as he spoke out, obviously a bit glad that he saves her.

"Well, that is impressive in how you fight like that, but I'll be honest, why you help us? You look like the guy that doesn't help people without reason or not just because it is the right thing to do. What drove you to do this?"

This makes Echo Frisk look at Gsans but then, Dust then spoke out.

"Ya, you see I done a lot of things in the past that I have a tremendous amount of guilt, but worth it do to the Fact that I was free from the genocide loops and a permanent happy ending. I was able to change them, my frisk change, but something else happened that threaten it. To ensures a permanent happy ending, they erase themselves from existence. I was the only one who remembers them."

Dust looks down and started to regret not saying that frisk is a good kid by heart. He then looks up at them as he spoke out with a regret tone on his voice and a sad face.

"Then, what worse is that people from outside of my AU came and ruined what me and my Frisk had work so hard for. Probably had a similar situation here, but the difference is that it is bigger than what you have to deal with. An army of people that not just want me but others to have a bad ending and their home AU erase."

This made everyone shock and sad do to the fact that his efforts that he works for so long is gone. That he is nothing more than a regretful monster that had his AU taken away. He even has a unfinish business with his Frisk. Gsans has a look on his face that is saying he regrets saying that question. Echo Frisk looks also sad and felt pity on him for he can't even felt truly happy knowing that his Frisk is gone and his world too. Flowey and Fell Frisk felt the same as Echo Frisk, even she is starting to cry for him and his sufferings. Dream is looking sad as he held him by the shoulder, the same way as Dust tries to do moments ago. Dream then spoke to him.

"Hey, it is ok. You don't have to be sad. We're here to help you out. Thank you for helping us out of that situation. if it weren't for you, we be in a bigger trouble by now."

Dust looks at all of them as he closes his eyes and smile, as he spoke out.

"Thank you, that really is helping things a lot you know. Afterall, relationships are important, you know who they say, two love birds in one spot."

Echo Frisk smiles but realize what he is implying as Gsans started to tease her. needless to say, she is really going to have a bad time.

In errors hide out.

A glitchy voice shouted out to the people who failed to capture the Frisk.

"Incompetents, why am I not surprise!"

There lies Error sans who is a black glitchy skeleton with a color palette mainly consisting of dark reds/reds, dark blues/blues, yellows, oranges, and blacks. He has two unsymmetrical eyes, one a small yellow pupil and the other is a circle with yellow, blue and black. He usually needs to wear glasses because of his eyes being messed up from when he was Geno but refuses to wear them sometimes. He wears a black hoodie, a red shirt, black shorts, and black slippers. He still shouted out.

"You guys have one job, ONE JOB!!!! The way I look things, Geno clothes are shreded, Mad G's Back is injured, and Fell face has marks of where it looks like he has been kicked into the face multiple times."

Geno was about to say something until he looks at the Frisks as one of them is injured and unconscious. Geno looks concern as he asks error.

"Hey, what happened?"

Error shrug as he spoke out to Geno.

"Let's just say certain sans attack them without my permission."

Murder who looks like Dust just without the scarf spoke out with a smug look on his face.

"Present? hehe. come one you are just over exaggerating; I didn't kill her... for now."

This made Geno discussed and distress but an opportunity pop up in his head. He then spoke out to Error and the rest.

"Speaking of Murder, apparently there is another version of the same murder who came out of nowhere and stop us from capturing the Frisk."

This caught everyone who isn't in that mission's attention especially Error and Murder as Error spoke out.

"What do you mean an alternate version of Murder that came out of nowhere and stop you. Can you explain your Incompetents?"

Geno started to explain the battle and needless to say Error is not getting happy of this misfortune he is in. Murder is almost going to die of shock as what his imposter can do. Phantom Papyrus appears as only he can see. Paps then spoke out.


Murder sighed but an idea pops out of his head as he spoke to his brother.

"I was thinking, if this what he said was true. If I kill him, I can get all of his powers and his ability to teleport AU."

Paps then spoke out.


This made him thought about it for a minute as he spoke out.

"Easy, I just needed to fight him with someone with me along with you bro."

This made Paps happy as he claps his hands and spoke out.

"Wowie, that is smart of you brother."

Murder looks down as he spoke out.

"Ya, let's get that imposter."

To the Frisk

Chara who is a human child who wears a lime and cream-colored striped shirt. They also seem to be wearing red-brown pants and shoes. She is holding frisk who is a human child who wears a blue long-sleeved shirt with two purple-colored stripes on its center, and brown shoes. Chara says to herself.

"Please forgive me Frisk, if it for wouldn't for me, you be ok."

Aliza is 12 years old, only wears a violet rag dress, she doesn't even wear shoes nor weapons. But she used to wear a green ribbon. Her hair is light brown and reaching to her shoulders. She is also lot more expressive than the others Frisk, but most of the time she has her eyes closed or scribbled over. She is frail, weak and skinny. She is listening to what there discussing. She then spoke out to Chara with a curious look on her face.

"Hey Chara, have you heard about some sans that look like the one with a hoodie that stop them from even captured one frisks."

This made Chara look surprise as she spoke out.

"How, if that is true then who is that guy."

Aliza shook's her head as she spoke out.

"I don't know. Maybe lets ask my sans and find out?"

She then looks at horror sans who he is still wears the same clothing, but it is dirtier from the blood. He has a big hole in his head and one big red eye. She then asks Horror about this revelation. he shrugs but answer anyways because he is simply board.

"Well, even I don't know. Well, whoever this guy is, by the info I heard, this guy is strong. Like he takes the new guys all by himself that easily with little effort. He didn't win of course, but when the people who he protected recover and rejoin, well you probably can guest what happened next."

This made Aliza nodded, but then Frisk started to wake up. Chara looks down and tries to comfort her as she spoke out.

"Hey, take it easy. please, be careful on yourself."

Frisk nodded a little a bit as she spoke out even a little weak.

"Who is the guy that look like sans with his hood up that stop them."

Chara and Aliza then explained on what he is and what he does. This made Frisk a bit surprise on what this guy is. She then spoke out.

"Well, if this guy is strong and helping our sans, then it is good thing is here you know."

The two nodded as Geno step into the purple cage as the voice spoke out.

"Geno what happened to you."

Here lies Geno's Frisk who is the same as normal Frisk but glitches all over her head. She is concerned at him as he spoke out.

"Heh, it's ok, I just run into someone who is hard to beat down. Thanks to him, most of my clothes are shredded but I am ok."

This made other Frisks look at him as classic Frisk spoke out.

"So, you must be your frisk huh."

nodded as Geno spoke out.

"Ya, I convince error to let me take care of you and others' injuries."

This made Frisk nodded as Horror spoke out.

"And why you suggest it?"

Geno roll his eye lights as he spoke out.

"Well, we want them to be alive as long as possible right? Because your friend did this, they are now at risk of death."

This made Horror a bit mad as he spoke out.

"Hey, I know you got a point, but that maniac is not my friend ever."

Geno nodded as he continues take care of his Frisk. Then he heads to the red cage to take care of others frisk. He fills Classic Frisk HP back to full. After feeding them, he then walks away. As Frisk thinking about these sans that came and save them from getting capture as she spoke out.

"Huh, I wonder who is this sans is and what he looks like."

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