Preparation for a search of war

Error's Hide out

After they recovered, Error tries to come up a new hide-out after what is simply an unexpected outcome. This new enemy is proven to be a problem for his plans. He and Nightmare are trying to find a hide-out, while the rest of the group are in charge of continuing kidnaping the Frisk and securing the current ones they collect. Murder is discussing with Mag G if whether or not they should team up to take down his double. Fell, Geno and Horror are in watch of the Frisk to make sure they don't do something funny. Horror is sleeping while Geno is discussing with Fell on some stuff. Fell then spoke out.

"Hey, how is your new clothes that I gave you?"

Geno then spoke out.

"Heh, at least it is white than black. Anyways, how is your condition? Like are you still recovering after that nasty fight?"

Fell shook his head as he spoke out.

"Ya, I am fine. Besides, the only worse thing that he did to me is me being kick and fling everywhere."

Geno nodded but Murder chats in.

"Heh, can't wait to kill that double with my bear hands."

The two turn and look at murder as Fell spoke out.

"And why you think of that. like that guy can give you an ass kicking section on you."

Murder doesn't say anything as then, Error came and announce to the rest of the group about something.

"There will be some changes in the plans. We will halt on capturing the frisks for now. Right now, we need to focus on finding newer members as fast as possible."

This made them confuse as Murder spoke out.

"Oh, is it because of that new guy that is the problem?"

Error then looks at Murder as he spoke out.

"You have no idea how a problem that this is."

Murder looks at Error as he spoke out.

"Then, tell me. =)"

Error then tells them.

"When Nightmare and I were discussing on our new hide-out, he mentions on this guy fought a more powerful version of Nightmare himself. I was curious, so I went researching on this guy, and he apparently came from an alternate multiverse. And when I researched on his multiverse, it shocked me.

This made them curious as Error continues.

"His multiverse is at a civil war, and he has allies that are concerning. The parties are divided into two Teams. Team Void and Team hope, and he is the latter of it, and he is on the more important members of that Team. If we were to believe that if he manages to contact Team Hope, then we would have to deal with the entire armies of people. What is more concerning that some of them are even more powerful, as in they can deleted us in one second if we don't be careful. So, any objections?

The group were shock and frighten at this fact that, this new guy is apparently came from a multiverse that is at war with each other. What is even more concerning is that, once he can contact his allies, it's over. Error then spoke out.

"Which is why I decided that this is the best coerce of actions for now. So, who wants to join us on recruiting newer members?"

Murder steps forward as he spoke out.

"I am in.=)"

Error then spoke out.

"Geno, you're in charge of the frisks, ok?"

Geno nodded as he is thinking.

'Wow, that escalating things quickly and unexpectedly as I thought. welp this is getting more on our favor now. If this guy what Error said was true, then me and Fell's job could make it a lot easier.'

The Frisks

Classic-Frisk is looking at the gang and hearing on what happened. And needless to say, this is getting more and more out of hand on their end. Frisk was shock at this news, as she looks at the others and spoke out.

"Hey girls, are you hearing what I am hearing?"

The others look at her as Chara spoke out.

"Ya, not only this guy appears out of nowhere and stop our kidnappers, but also that he came from an alternate multiverse, and it is on some sort of war. No wonder he is that powerful, he must have to deal with that like a daily basis."

Aliza nodded, as After-Frisk spoke out from the other side of the cage.

"Welp, this will be pretty much a more interesting ride, don't you agree?"

As the others nodded as then, a voice spoke out.

"Well, this is most surprising, especially since that I can no longer see the multiverse. Also call me Core."

Frisk sees another version of herself and needless to say, she is just there hanging up in strings. Frisk was shock as she spoke out.

"Hey, why you are up there?!? Why are you hanging and tied up there!?!"

This Frisk now name Core spoke out.

"It is a long story. In short, I was also capture when I thought that I am not notice."

This made Frisk confuse as she spoke out.

"Notice? Sounds like you like a ghost of some sort. Also, what happen to you? Like you only have two color pallets."

Chara then spoke out.

"That, and the void like eyes that you have."

Core then spoke out.

"When I was just like you, I played with the reset button and cause my sans to have started to remember the past timelines. And he had enough, he drags me into the core and throw me into the nucleus, all for my actions."

Frisk looks down as she spoke out.

"That is right. The only few people are aware of my powers is sans. If we continue to play and reset the timeline, Sans will put the 'Game Over' inside of us."

Then Core spoke out

"Speaking of sans, the one who look like Murder and who appears out of nowhere and stop our kidnapers, apparently he came from an alternate multiverse. And what is more shocking is that his multiverse is currently at war at each other. If we were to believe that what he is to be, then he can be our only hope."

Frisk nodded as she spoke out.

"I wish I hope so."

Back to Dust

Dust is discussing with this multiverse's Ink sans. There were discussing on what is there next move. Dust has been a great help in all of this, both in battle and when they were resting. In general, this is a huge upgrade on what the group needed. Dust then spoke out this Ink.

"So, you were saying that you put a tracker on them?"

Ink nodded as he spoke out.

"Yup, but unfortunately that they're on the move for some reason."

Dust thought about it and then, he then spoke out.

"Which is me is the reason, isn't it?"

This made the others confuse as he continues.

"You see, I came from the multiverse that is currently at war at each other. And I have allies that can travel to other multiverses. So, when they found out about where I came from, they immediately make their next move. Because they believe that I can contact my allies to come here and help you guys in this problem. In a way their right. My allies will try and find me and with the signal that I made when I lost, that is when they come to me threw that signal."

Ink looks at Dust as he spoke out.

"Well, that explains them moving all of a sudden. Then let's move too."

Dust nodded as he turns and looks at the rest of the gang. He then turns and looks at them as he spoke out.

"You fellas are ready to go?"

The others nodded as Echo-Frisk spoke out.

"So, what is your plan?"

Dust then answers her question.

"We split up into three teams. And since me, Dream, and Ink can travel to the multiverse were in, we will go and split into three group each with one that can create portals. So, Classic-Sans and Flower-fell will go to ink. Echo-Frisk, Gsans, and Carrot, you're with Dream. And the rest are with me. The reasons why that is for an easier time to search them out."

Carrot then spoke out.

"Hey, why is it I have to be separate with me and my bro?"

Dust then spoke out.

"Hey, don't look at me, that is Ink's idea to play a game called guest which person who are you going with."

This made Carrot turns and looks at Ink who he simply whistling in the back. But then Blue spoke out.

"Come on brother, let me have this for once? I'll be careful on myself. You know I am not weak you know."

He looks at Blue and sighed as he spoke out.

"Ok, but please stick to the group. It would be an in-sans-ity to try and find you."

Blue nodded but realize the puns and frown at it as he spoke out.


Carrot giggles as Dust spoke out.

"Allright, it settles it. Let's go then."

The group turns and starts to split up in order to gain more ground. Dream, Ink and Dust then made their own portals to enter. Ink with his colorful paint portal, Dream with his golden portal, and Dust with his star portal. All of them have entered it, each of the portal leads to a different AU.

In Outertale

Dust, Fell-Frisk, Flowey, and Blue had entered the AU called Outertale. They were seeming to be in some sort of a pacifist timeline. This where the monsters were finally can come back to earth and now this place is mostly and currently empty. But there are alot of monsters and even some humans that are living in there. The reason why humans started to live there is that unlike the Underground were most setting of an AU is, this set-in space and it is suitable for life to be there. Because some humans want to live in space, it is quite an opportunity to go and live there. But luckily, they manage to camp into secluded area of space where no one can come and find them. When Fell-Frisk saw this AU for the first time, she and Flowey had been in aw and have stars in their eyes for what their seeing is beauty. Blue and Dust just simply sighed as they seen this before. Blue looks at Dust as he spoke out.

"Hey other me, you have seen this before, haven't you?"

Dust nodded as he spoke out.

"And you have experience AUs before too, huh."

Blue nodded as Flowey spoke out.

"Wowie, this has to be one of the most beautiful AU in the multiverse. Is this what you experience during your AUs travels before?"

Dust and Blue looks at Flowey and nodded their heads as Dust spoke out.

"Ya, this is where I have visited this place when I feels like I needed to have a break after all the fighting."

Flowey nodded as Fell-Frisk spoke out.

"Hey, wait why are we here again? Aren't we should be looking for the people who kidnaping the Frisks?

Dust then spoke out.

"Well, according to Ink, this is the kidnapper's destination. We don't know why but, my guest is to capture the frisk, find a new hide-out, or finding new members."

Fell-Frisk spoke out.

"Well, this is supposed to be a pacifist timeline, what would they enter there if there is no one want to join their crazy journey of trying to destroy the multiverse?"


A snow falls down to the ground as it came from nowhere. Foots steps heard to the distance as a figure wondering by and looking at the now empty town of Snowdin. Sure, there still monsters and even humans wondering around and living in space, but it is empty enough to where it is consider abandoned. The figure walks at the town and started to take a stroll through the other side of the snow. The figure is searching for something, or searching for someone, some victims to slaughter. But because it is abandoned, he simply just continues walking. The figure is holding to what is simply a jawless skull, with tears dripping down from its eye-sockets. The figure continues to walk when all of a sudden, a voice heard from the distance.

"Well, what a disturbing look to see."

The figure looks and sees that is none other than Murder Sans. The figure steps forward and revealed himself.

The entity then spoke out.

"Heh, call me insanity, what is yours?"

Murder simply spoke out.

"Call me murder, and how did you enter to this AU?"

Insanity then spoke out.

"Well, I was board of killing the same thing over and over again, so I decided to create a device to allow me to travel between AUs to continue my rampaging killings. Unfortunately, the device broke and now I am stuck here for a while."

Murder then spoke to the ugly version of himself.

"Well, you got some luck my friend, because I can help you travel to other AUs to torment to. If you joined us in capturing the frisks, we can help you get to have all the fun you want.

Murder looks uncomfortable at this sans, because he is an even more crazy one compared to himself. He even has a Papyrus skull in his head, and this is fate worse than death. But he needed to do this in order to get stronger and kill his double. At least once it was over, he can just kill him for his Exp, not knowing that if anyone tries to kill him, will become him. Insanity nodded as he spoke out.

"Oh, if you are going to plan on killing me, then be prepare to say goodby to your empathy and kindness."

This made Murder confuse as Insanity continues.

"Well, I was injected with an experimental DT that has a nasty side effect of destroying some parts of you that made you a good person. And there are two methods on getting it, one is by being injected with that DT, and two is by killing someone who already has it."

Murder was a bit shock at this Info as he is thinking.

'Welp, that plan of killing him after this is over has now been thrown out the window. Now I am stuck with this guy and can't get rid of him because like he said, I'll become him if I kill him. I need to come up with something to deal with this guy without me becoming him. I know, I'll convince someone who has an immune to this to kill him. But I'll have to find that person first. For now, I have to deal with him for the time being.'

Insanity then spoke out.

"Can you help me find more victims to kill? I needed to gain more LV for my first impressions."

Murder was a bit surprise but nodded as they walk towards to where the people are.

Back to the gang

Dust felt a disturbance in magic that he can feel. He can feel two entities are familiar to him and yet disturb. He looks at the gang as he spoke out.

"Hey, I sense two people had enter to this AU and now there trying to look to where the people are. We should move like now."

Blue looks confuse as he spoke out.

"You can sense people? how can you do that?"

Dust then spoke out.

"I can sense magic and can tell the difference in which one who or what it is. That being people or objects, I can sense them. Come on, let's go!"

The group nodded as Dust using his purple webbing to rap around the gang. He then teleported himself and the others to where the two people are.

New Home

This is New Home, where the remaining monsters and now humans come and live there. This is also where the two skeletons came and planning to start a rampage to gain more LV. Murder looks at the stars and sighed as he then looks at the city. Insanity was looking like he is a kid who sees candy and wants them all. As they try to enter the city, as all of a sudden, Vines and bones rise up into the air and block them from entry. Then the both of them glow blue as they were thrown off away from the city. They got up as then, blue bones fires at them as they got out of the way to avoid being pinned. They then turn and looks as it reveals to be Dust, Blue, Fell-Frisk and Flowey. Murder was stunned but smiles as he is realizing that this what he is looking at. Murder steps forward as he spoke out to his double.

"Heh, so this is the sans that new people got their ass kick and prevent them from even capturing one frisk. No matter as you brought one with you for us to take."

Fell-Frisk steps back as Dust spoke out.

"Call me Dust and you're not getting a hand on her!"

Blue then spoke out.

"Ya, and this for my human that you took!"

Murder smiles as he spoke out.

"Well see about that. =)"

Insanity runs forward and attempts to grab Fell-Frisk, but Dust grabs him and threw him away. Blue then made a wall of bone to block a Gaster Blaster made by murder who attempts to shoots them. Blue then made blue bones in order to immobilize him, but Murder simply dodge out of the way and shoots spears at Blue who he simply dodges out of the way. Murder then uses fireballs to try and burn him, but he counters by using bones to make them explode. And sure enough, it works as it made smokescreen and it blows everywhere and blocking everyone's visions. All of a sudden, a firing tornado appears and clear the smoke and disbursing it. Once that is done, Dust then made more tridents appears on the ground and tries to skewer both Murder and Insanity. They both jump, only to get hit by both blue bones and magical blast as they were sent flying. They were sent deep into the forest, but bloody bones rise from the ground as everyone get on Dust's Gaster Blaster. Flowey then made friendliest pellets to rain down into the ground as Murder counter it with his own pellets. Murder then made tridents appears and rain down on them as Dust is forced to counter with his own tridents. Dust then summons more Gaster Blasters to blast at them as Murder counter with his own. Unfortunately, due to Dust reaching LV 20 and his magic and physicality are more powerful than Murder, Dust's Blasters easily overpowered Murder's Blasters. Murder and Insanity jumps out of the way before they were blasted into dust. Insanity then came closer to Dust as he is holding a sharp bone and ready to stab him. But Dust summons his scythes and trident as he is ready for melee combat. And thanks for his training and sparring with Undyne, Asgore, Delta, and epic, he is easily able to overpower Insanity's attempt to stab and instead grabs him and sent him into the ground. Murder then summons his trident and tries to fight Dust in melee combat. But like Insanity, he is also got overpowered and sent into the ground. Dust's group then landed into the ground safely and looks at Murder and Insanity who they just got up. Murder then spoke out.

"Man, they were not kidding when they said that you kick their asses like it was nothing. Not only your powerful, but also very skilled in both hand to hand and melee combat."

Murder smiles as he continues.

"But I think it's time we end this."

Murder then summons so many Gaster Blasters, almost like he is attempting to do the special attack called Gaster Blastermination against Dust who can actually do that attack. The Blasters fired and caused a large explosion that New Home's residents can see far away, attracting a certain two skeletons and a girl that has a blue scarf. Once the blast was over, Murder and Insanity think that they won, only for them to be shocked that the group were fine thanks for Dust's three hands creating a three-layer dome of kindness. Once the dome of kindness disappears, Dust began to laugh, almost like for him it's like the most pathetic Gaster Blastermination he had ever seen. Dust rap both Insanity and Murder with his purple webbing and teleported to the farthest and deepest parts of space. He then raises his hand as he spoke out.

"You call that your special attack? Ha! Here is the real SPECIAL ATTACK!!!"

All of a sudden, millions and millions of Gaster Blasters with purple eye-lights are aiming at the both of them as Murder and Insanity were frightened on what their seeing. This is not what Murder can produce for, no, this attack is called Gaster Blasterdermination and it is a site to behold. All of them were 10 times bigger than the BelAZ 75710 and it was menacingly to look. Each Blasters have a height of 82.6-m, and the length 206-m. One is enough is consider a special attack, but the fact that it ranges in numbers in millions of them. In fact, the number reaches 1 billion Gaster Blasters, and they were impowered by magic, DETERMINATION and something that is inside of Dust. Now they fired at both Murder and Insanity, but before that could hit them, Nightmare had been seeing this the whole time, then decides to take action by grabbing the both of them and escape. The explosion was so powerful that it is surpassed the legendary bomb called The Tsar Bomba by 50 times over. it is around 1250-Mt or 5000-PJ and the residents seeing this, now looks at the brightest light that they ever seen that can actually blind people. Then it follows by a large shockwave that shatters glass and windows but luckily no one got hurt.

Sounds of explosion was heard all over space and the residents were frightened on what just happened. Dust then teleports back to the rest of the group as he spoke out.

"Well, before you ask, yes, I make sure the blast is as far away as possible in order to not accidently blow up everyone. Also, me being in space just give me an excuse of let loose some energy for once in a while."

The others look at Dust with the expression saying why. Flowey looks at Fell-Frisk as he spoke out.

"I guess that were lucky that he is in our side, huh."

Fell-Frisk nodded as Blue spoke out.

"Speaking of capabilities, can you teach me on how to do a melee and hand to hand combat?"

Dust nodded in agreement as he tries to comfort Fell-Frisk and apologize on making the scariest explosion ever as she smiles and thanks for the kind gesture he is making. then a voice spoke out.

"You Know, she is not the only one who deserved an apologizing for making a nuke."

The others look and sees someone that shocks them. Three figures appear in front of them as they reveal themselves.

It is non-other than Killer, PF-Frisk, and Outer-sans who is standing right before them. Outer then spoke out.

"We should be the ones you should be apologizing."

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