Clear things up
It is about a minute of resting within waterfalls. Phantom Papyrus is here with Fell Frisk looking at Classic sans who is sleeping. Dust explains to them on how his powers works and how he can do. needless to say, they were impressed on how he can do. He then looks at sans as he wonders.
'I wonder what it is he is dreaming about?'
He then walks closer to sans and sit next to him. As Fell Frisk and Flowey play with Phantom Papyrus with some games. Dust simply watches them playing as he spoke out.
"Heh, Paps seems to have fun with the kid and the flower boy."
Flowey heard of this as he spoke out.
"Flower boy? At least it is not the weed."
Dust nodded as Fell Frisk spoke out.
"When is he going to wake up?"
Dust sighed as he looks at her, then he looks at sans and examining his condition. He checks his stats as his is normal. He then looks at his energy as it is still low. He looks at the kid as he spoke out.
"He is ok but still low. Meaning this will be a while until he wakes up, or if his nightmares get him to do so."
This confuses Frisk and Flowey as Dust continue.
"Sometimes that a bad Nightmare can get you to wake up in a middle of recovery. The reason why is due to evolution. When you feel like you are in danger, your body wants to move even if the body is not ready for it. It's basic logic of evolution."
Fell Frisk nodded as Flowey looks at sans. As all of a sudden, he is starting to have nightmares as he spoke out.
"You mean like this!"
He points at the skeleton shaking and lashing movements. Dust Looks at him as he tries to calm down that skeleton. He held him by the shoulders as he spoke out to the Fell duo.
"Hey, can you get Dream Please."
Frisk nodded as she gets Dream as Flowey stay behind to help Dust in this situation. Dust is trying his best to calm him down. Dream came and used his positive aura to finally stop it. Sans is opening his eyes and seeing where it is. Dust is seating next to him as he spoke out.
"Hey, you ok?"
Sans jumps out and started to attack Dust, thinking he is about to attack him. Dust is simply dodging both Gaster Blaster and bone. Dust uses blue magic to pin him down as he spoke.
"Wow dude, I know I look like the guy you fought, and I just got close to you, but I am not that guy ok. So, let's take it easy."
Sans looks at Dust as he has a distrust on his face, but then Dream came out and split the two. Dream then spoke to sans about how Dust saves them from being attack from Error's allies and preventing them from kidnaping the Frisks. Dust then looks at Fell Frisk and Flowey to make sure that there ok. Echo Frisk and Gsans came after Gsans nonstop flirt on their end. They were just witnessing a brief of chaos. Dream then tries to calm the situation down as Dust step forward with Fell Frisk and Flowey behind him. Dust then speaks with a look of not wanting to escalate it further.
"Hey, this air is getting thicker with the situation. You can cut it with the knife-like butter eh. So, let's butter up the situation ok. Call me Dust, it is knife to meet you."
Sans stop for a moment but started to giggle at the puns he is making. Dream is almost impressed on how Dust defuses the tensions that quickly. Dream then spoke out with a smile on his face.
"Wow, even I have to admitted that is impressive. Like you already calm him down."
Dust then spoke to Dream.
"Well, I didn't get into the explorer division for nothing you know."
Dream then smile as sans came and spoke out.
"So, mind explaining on what you are, and your backstory is."
Dust nodded as he gestures Echo Frisk, Gsans, and everyone to come and sit with the rest as he is about to tell his story.
"I'll start, I came from an alternate multiverse. I used to be like my normal self. Talking to the goat lady behind the door, making puns with my brother to annoy him, and dealing with the genocidal human. I had to fight against the human multiple times, and even though I won a bunch of times, in the end, I lost. This cycle has repeated again, and again, and again. I had lost count over how many times, it may have been 500, possibly more. But...I grew too desperate to stop the human. And so...I decided...I would defeat them by any means necessary. I would kill all of the monsters, every single monster that I can get my hands on, and gain as much DETERMINATION and LV as I can. Even my brother, Papyrus, as you had not safe from this. And when I reached LV 19, I fought against the human, and I was impossible to beat to the Frisk, using the magic that I had absorbed form some of the monsters...until Chara came. When Chara replaced Frisk, he was no pushover. He and I fought against each other like equals, until Chara got so close to killing me. But then, Frisk did something impossible. He split himself from Chara's body, and saved me, before I absorbed his soul, and reset the Timeline."
This shock everyone as sans then looks at Dust with a look of mix of pity and discussed. Gsans is now know what his guilt he is having, Echo Frisk was sad at the fact he did this just to stop the loop. Fell Frisk look at Dust with sorrow tears in her eyes as Flowey tries to comfort her. Flowey also look of shock and sadness in his eyes do to the fact that this happened. Dust continues.
"When the timeline reset, I grown older and my stats stayed the same, due to the fact that my determination keeps it from resetting it. I keep all the magics I gained, all the physicality took, and I have few new abilities that I have such as save star and reset destruction, entered the save screen and refuse death."
Sans look at Dust as if he is impressed on what his abilities he gained. Dust summons Phantom Papyrus and show it to them. This made Sans even more shock as Dust spoke out.
"Oh, for some reason, I accidently absorbed his consciousness, and now he is a Phantom, my hallucination."
Sans looks at Paps with sorrow expression on his face as Paps come closer to Sans. Paps touch Sans as Sans touch Paps as Sans started to cry and hug him. He then mumbles something.
"I am sorry Paps. I am sorry that this happens to you. I'm sorry, I am really sorry."
He continues his mumbles as Paps tries to comfort him on what is happened, and he is ok.
Dust looks sad as he continues.
" When the Timeline is reset, everyone is back to life, even Paps. And now there are two Paps, one alive and one here with me."
Sans stops crying and look at him as he is saying bro what. Gsans contemplated of what the hell he endures. Then again, he is the fusion of Gaster, and sans and frisk are a time traveler. Dust then continues.
"Then the situation gets worse as Gaster appears."
This made sans shock do to the fact that Gaster appears. He looks at Dust as He spoke out.
"Gaster, he appears?"
Dust nodded as he spoke out.
"Yeah. I fought against him before, and won, and this was when he was still inside of the void. But when Chara came back and I was forced to team up with Flowey, I was unable to win. So, I brought Gaster back, thanks to Frisk's glitching of the timeline. We fought against Chara, but because of this substance called HATE, we were losing. So to stop this, Frisk and I, along with the 6 human souls, brought Asriel back, and that time, he was under the control of Hate, and was not entirely by his own actions, and after winning, Asriel was back to life, and with Gaster, the ending I had was happier, and Frisk...he destroyed the RESET Button...and our lives in the Surface, happened. Although...some stuff did get in the way."
Gsans noted it, as well as Echo Frisk
"One of the problems was that...there was a type of group called the Anti-Monster Department, and they think of humans as superior, and for Monsters, they are not capable of coexistence. Because of this, they tried to prevent Monster and Human relations. Then horror and Killer sans, they appear out of nowhere and try to force me to work for Nightmare."
This made Dream surprise as he spoke out.
"Nightmare, My brother?"
Dust nodded as he spoke out.
" Ya but I'll point to that topic later. Then...the worst problem came after a month outside the Underground. An entity, named Bête Noire. The one that bears the Soul, of Fear."
This stunned everyone as they never heard of Soul of Fear before. Gsans spoke out.
"What is that? What is the Soul of Fear?"
Dust sighed as he spoke out.
"It is an inversion of the Bravery Soul, and it was created by a wizard, that also denied Human Monster Coexistence, but in a more extreme way. So, when Asriel broke the barrier, Bête Norie came, along with its friend or, other half, Kumu, and it caused so many deaths and losses, both human and monster alike. And the problem is, the Soul of Fear is the only Soul that can counter and fight evenly with Determination. However, during that time, I had grown more stronger due to the fact that, Hate, tried to take over my body, after I had visited Mount Ebott, a day after getting out of the Underground. Hate tried to take over my body, but I won the control, although it took a long time, and my Hate turned to Animosity. And unfortunately, Bête took Asriel, and put him under his control."
This made everyone a bit shock and uneasy. Sans then thinking to himself.
'Wait, why Bête want Asriel? unless he has something to do to his soul.'
Sans then spoke out.
"Hey, dust. why does Bête want Asriel?"
Dust spoke out.
"It is because his soul is different than the other monster souls. It is rainbow soul; each has 1/7 of the seven human souls' traits."
Sans nodded his head as Gsans spoke out.
"Can you continue?"
Dust nodded his head as he continues.
"Back to Asriel. He isn't a push over. And even though I became more powerful, Asriel is much stronger than me, even though I had hit him many times. And this forced Frisk to do something that...I wished had never been the case."
Sans was confused as everyone is anticipated on this part, as Dust continues.
"Frisk had entered a void and met Chara. And that time, his body became unstable. He began to glitch, and if continued on, the timeline would have been erased. save the Timeline and Asriel, Frisk swapped places with Chara, and Chara went into the physical world, while Frisk...was left inside of the void, erased from existence. And because of that, nobody could remember Frisk. Gaster, my father, he has some vague memories, but does not remember them, and Chara is the same. But me...I kept most of it and I remember Frisk's existence more clearly."
Dust looks down as the area began to darken. Sans is shock and everyone is sad at the fact that they knew this as he tells them a brief of the story. This made Sans looks down as he is thinking.
'Oh Stars, is this what happened when you push Frisk away? I, I don't want my Frisk to suffer the same fate.'
He then looks at Dust who has an obvious look of regret on his face. He can even sense the aura of sadness around him. Dust continues the story.
"And it worked, Chara brought back Asriel. But as for me, I, along with my brother Papyrus and Gaster, we decided to fight against Bête Noire, and because she had completed herself after fusing with Kumu, she is now even tougher to beat then before. And also, because as she had absorbed so many souls, she became a very tough opponent. But eventually, we won against her...and I gained her powers and physicality, while also increasing my LV to 20."
He then summons his scythe and pull out his soul. This caught everyone attention as his soul is that of the soul of determination. This confuse both Gsans and Sans as Sans spoke out.
"Wait, your soul is fill with this amount of DETERMINATION? Like you should be melting right now."
Dust has an expression on his face that is saying, "Dude, you should know it by now." as he spoke out.
"Huh, have you known the solutions on how to solve it? Like there are two methods on how to gain DETERMINATION without turning into a amalgamate. There is, A: eating magic food infuse with physical matter. It can make a monster body suitable for DT."
This makes Sans and Gsans nodded their heads as they now understand that there is a way to gaining DT without turning into amalgamate. as Gsans spoke out.
"And what is B you are talking about."
Dust sighed as he spoke out.
"Gaining LV. By doing this, you be able to handle DT, because you can get hurt less. That is the B option."
This make Gsans and sans uneasy, due to the fact that the seconded option is more of a sinister one. Dust continues.
"The thing is...Bête also has HATE, and when she died, the Hate took over. Because of this, Asriel, Chara and I had to fight back, as Gaster was knocked out, and Papyrus was not strong enough to fight. We did all that we can, and eventually, it paid off. The HATE was gone, although I'm not sure how long. And now, a few years have passed, Chara and Asriel are now adults, and are a part of the new council. Undyne and Alphys have a kid of their own, I am living separately from Papyrus and continue training with my new toys, and everything is at piece, as both Monsters and Humans coexist."
This made everyone a bit happy, due to the fact that Dust at least gets a few years of peace. But Dust still continues.
"That is supposed to be until."
He put his scythe and soul away as he put his hands in his pockets. He looks at Phantom Papyrus who came beside Dust. Dust smiles but continue the story.
"Nightmare who is still determined to get me, manipulated one of the sans, now one of my ally and friend Delta sans to attack me."
The others were a bit surprise on Dust saying that Nightmare had manipulated a sans to attack him. Dust then continues.
"Nightmare trick him to thinking that I work for Him but got rogue. He confronted me and had to fight me. I fought hard but, in the end, it was a draw. When it was a draw, He figure out the truth about me. He and I then went into Grillby's to discussed about Nightmare, my backstory before meeting him, and how to make a group to combat Nightmare and his henchmen."
This made them a bit surprise about on how Dust had a group. Gsans then spoke out.
"You made a group to combat Nightmare?"
Dust nodded as he is using his boney fingers to rub his chin. He then continues.
"Ya, it went smoothly as you think, getting new members, helping people, and defending the innocents against Nightmare's servants. I even met one of the sans that also has a group of his own. Although he made the same mistake as Delta until Delta came and stop the fight. His name is Abyss and he and I agree to work together in each other's goals. That is until we try to help and try to recruit the bad time trio. The trio is composing of you, Classic sans, Underswap Papyrus, and Storyshift Chara."
This made the group confuse on why it is bad. Then Echo Frisk spoke out on what everyone is on their minds.
"Why is it bad, is something happened?"
Dust nodded as he spoke out.
"Yes, at first it went as well as it can be, until Horror, Killer, and Insanity came and tries to take me and the bad time trio. Me, Glitch, and Geno along with the trio, battling against them and winning until nightmare himself show up. This is where I learn that, when I was gone, he came and attack my AU without me in it. All in an efforted to force me and my allies to work for him."
Dream was sad that His Nightmare is the one who causes this messed in the first place. Dust then sits onto a big rock right beside him. He removes his hood and rub the back of his skull. He is trying to pick the right words is to not to alarm them, especially to Dream. He then continues.
"Nightmare came and try to capture me. My allies came and attacked him along with his henchmen. The fight was tough as in really tough. Nightmare that I know ate 999 black apples."
Dream was shock at the fact that Nightmare ate this many apples to be this powerful. Dream looks at Dust who has the expression of "Oh gods, what the" in his face. Dream spoke out.
"Dust, what the? How is he even able to get this many? Like my Nightmare only eat 100 black apples, but 999? That is insane to have, if he eats one more apple, there is no way to beat him at that point!"
Dust nodded as he spoke out.
"That is the thing, he only has 999 but not 1000 apples. Unless you are in error's level of power, your screwed. Luckily, we have allies that hold their ground against him such as, seraphim who has all seven human souls, abyss who had fought him before, and people who gone the same road as me. People that walk the same road such as are brother Paps."
This made Sans even more shock but also mortified at the fact that Paps had committed the same genocide, just to stop the human. Sans looks at Dust with an expression saying, "Please your joking," but Dust has the expression saying "No, I am not joking" on his face. This made sans even more mortified with his eye lights shrink as if it is trying to adjust its vision. Dust sighed as he continues the story.
"Well anyways, the fight was long and brutal, until Glitch and I decided to use our special attacks, Gaster Blastermination. It works, and Nightmare was weakened enough for us to escaped until he shows up."
Dream tilted his head as he spoke out.
"What, who is he that come?"
Dust sighed and looked down as he trying to fine the courage to say it. He clenched his fist and sighed as he spoke out.
"Dream, do you want to know what happened to you in my multiverse?"
Dream has an expression of what, what happened to me? Dust then continues.
"The Dream from my multiverse, he has been grieving at the fact he lost his brother. He gotten near a Black apple and ate it. All to understand and be with him again."
Dream was shock and stunned at the fact that he became corrupted. Dream shouted out to Dust with disbelief with his eye lights.
"How, how is it possible?!? The Black apple should have turn into golden upon my touched!!! "
Dust nodded as he spoke out.
"Ya, normally that happens, but thanks to your grievances, that prevented it from purified it. Once you ate it; you turn into like Nightmare called Shattered Dream, a remained of your former self. He is the one who came and tries to take me away."
Dream was disgusted for the fact that this version of himself did this and abandoned his role. The others look at dream with worried eyes on him as Dust continues.
"In fact, He is the reason why the multiverse became a warzone in the first place. He knows the weaknesses of other protectors, knows keys AUs to conqueror, and few people of interest to look for. My multiverse is divided into teams, or more accurate terms armies or whole parties to fight each other. The teams are, Team Void the corrupted people, and Team Hope the good people. Team Hope is the reason why I and my group made it out without one of the members getting captured and enslaved."
Everyone is stunned on what is happening to his multiverse. Dream has his soul full of guilt despite the fact that he didn't do anything wrong. Gsans and Frisk was taken a step back on what happened to his multiverse. Sans is having a feeling that this problem is going to get worse. Fell Frisk is crying and hugging on Dust due to the fact that he had gone through much for him. Flowey joined with her (minus the crying) as both of them comforted Dust who he simply smiles and pat them on the back and head. Dust then spoke out.
"Hey, it is ok, I am fine you two. Besides, Team hope rescue my friends and family as well as the people who had gotten out of there safe and sound. Anyways, me and my and Abyss group enter to a place known as the Omega Timeline. It is where a genocide timeline goes to when they have no homes, or people who lost their AUs like me and my friends and families. The owner of it is a Frisk that has fallen into the Core and becomes sort of like the people who had fallen before. Her name is Core Frisk."
The group are happy that the people he cares about are safe. Sans was about to say something but stop as he can't describe what words he would describing it. Gsans and Echo Frisk are holding hands. Fell Frisk hugged at Dust as Dust smile and pats her head. This triggered a memory where he is petting his Pokémon, Fennekin and Vulpix when they were worrying for his safety and wellbeing. Dust smiles more from the fact that those memories are what keeps him going. He did wonder how are they doing? Then Flowey spoke out.
"Hey, sorry to interrupt but, are you done with your story or just don't want to talk about it more?"
This made Dust shook his head as he spoke out.
"No, I am not done. Sorry for the sudden stop but, I will continue. After we enter the Omega timeline and meets my family, Core gave a proposal on about me and abyss's group joining Team Hope. I accept and now the 6th leader of Team Hope and the head of explorer division. And believe it or not this is not my first time entering to an alternate multiverse."
This made the group confuse is due to the fact that this is not his first time. Dust sighed as he put his hood back on. He then holds and rubs Fell Frisk as he continued his story.
"When I was in training with someone, I was called into the meeting about something that Team Void manage to get. An item of interest is one that no one should not have unless you are aware of its dangers. It is a book called the Book of Eyes, and this book allows the owner to enter places where it is normally impossible to do. In this case, the Omega Timeline."
This made the group shock that Team Void had manage to have access to enter the Omega Timeline that easily. Dust then continues the story.
"When we learn of this, me and other leaders decided to prepare Team Hope for the inevitable attack of Team Void. It was supposed to be five days, but they decided on a day early, it is around four days. When they arrived, I and many people hold the portal as long as we can until the armies has arrived. Once they did, we let go the portal and let Team Void enter for a fight. Shatter and Nightmare enter first as their armies were behind them. We exchanged words before deciding to charge at each other to take down at each other. The fight was long and hard, and a lot of collateral damage to the city that is inside the Omega Timeline. But we manage to fend them off until they show up."
This made the group uneasy of what is referred to they he is talking about. Gsans spoke out with confuse look on his face.
"Dust, who is the They person you're talking about? Is it bad?"
Dust nodded his head as he continues patting Fell Frisk at the head as a habit. Dust then continues the story.
"Ya, there are two people that are really powerful. As in you are dead if you fight them. One of them is an alternate sans that made a deal with Bill Cipher. In exchange for that sans to become a vessel for that triangle demon, Bill gives him huge amount of powers to defeat his human. He is now known as Bill Sans."
The group was shock that not only that Bill Cipher is real, but now possessed a sans and now became this powerful. Sans then spoke out.
"Wow, so that Dorito guy is real and now became a menace to your multiverse. Can this thing get any worse?"
Dust nodded as he spoke out.
"You just jinx yourself. The second person called himself a god of the multiverse. Although that title is questionable at best, He did live up to his name as one of the strongest versions of ourselves, Classic. one name of his abilities is destroying a Universe with just a small Blaster called the Dark Blasters, able to nerf and boost others with the power called the conduit of balance and has speeds so fast he can reach the center of universe in a matter of minutes to him showing feats of Infinite speed as shown with him traveling an Infinite universe in minutes. That is just a taste of what he can do. He is also the master and teacher of Error Sans. His name is Error 404, or known as William."
This made the group shock and stunned on what this guy is. Fell Frisk was Frightened at the guy's name Error 404, Sans was almost going to pass out on how powerful this guy is, and Echo Frisk and Gsans are sweating at the fact that he is this powerful. Dream was shock but calm himself down as he spoke out.
"Then how are you being able to defeat him. With that amount of that power, it is impossible to beat him."
Dust nodded as he spoke out.
"I was impowered by an alternate version of Gaster and Glitch was empowered by his Frisk in the void, and said that someone who is the brother of Error 404 comes and try to take back the Book of Eyes. The owner and guardian of that Item and a dimension that more on him protecting us from set dimension. His name is Omnipotent sans also known as Ares."
This made everyone even more shock due to the fact that he has a brother. Dust then continues.
"Ya, He fought them easily and efficiently. I tell Anti Error to open the portal to an AU known as Outertale. Omnipotent then kick Error 404 to there, while Bill sans and me and Glitch along my Pokémons enter into there. This made Error 404 force to fuse with Error to make Error 666 to fight omnipotent, who he response by using his own transformation called the Omnithorn. Omnithorn attack both Error 666 and Bill"
This made the group shock, but Fell Frisk shouted out.
This made Dust nodded as it made everyone more surprise that, not only Pokémon is real, but he has one himself. Dust then pulls out his phone and tap the gallery button and opened the photo of braixen and alolan ninetales.
Needless to say, this made both Flowey and Fell Frisk surprise and amazed on the photo seen before them. Fell Frisk has her eyes fixed on the photo that she is looking at it, as Flowey did so. Dust sighed as he is petting her head as he continues.
"Well anyways, the fight is well, let's just say that a few solar systems and a bunch of planets were obliterated. Until Omnipotent depowered and Error 666 defuse in which Bill is trying to take the book from me. I response by covering my webbing around his Gaster Blaster in which it exploded Infront of his face. While that happens, someone who is also Error 404's Brother come along and tries to have fun with him. He goes by the first destroyer, the one responsible for Error 404's home AU to be erase, and the most motherfucking sadistic bastard that I know of, his name is Infected, or known as Jacob."
This made the group shock at the fact that a another one appears, and this one is the very first destroyer. What is more shocking is that Error 404 has his own AU but destroy by Infected. Dust sighed as he continues.
"Error 404 and Infected comes and fight with all of there might until they triggered their own transformations. These ones are, according to a certain person I'll mention later, are the forms that are uncontrollable and made them act like wild animals. The form from Infected called The Black being. It is triggered through him feeling his insanity come to the max. He is able to destroy planets or galaxy in this state. While Error 404 just transform into what is known as 404 BUTTERFLY form. This form is where if he was a verge of dying, the multiverse got all of its energy into a dying part of the multiverse, in this case him. His powers were that let's just say godly. While that happens, I took the book from Bill from the fight prier and show it to Omnipotent who he is glad about it. He then picks Bill up and tries to end him, but an explosion appears and knock out everyone and force Omnipotent to let him go. Once free, Bill was running and trying to take the book in which Glitch responded with a shield to block him. The shield was destroyed but Bill was too weak to fight so he just pushes back. Just then another explosion appears and sent ninetales back and was almost going to fall into the void, but braixen grab her but slipping off with her. I went and grabbed the both of them but started to fall too, thanks to the snow in snowdin. Glitch came and grabbed me through the book and using the sword of DETERMINATION to hold us and himself to dear life. Bill came and tried to grab the book, but I cover it with fire to prevent him from taking it. Bill retracted his hand and luckily the book isn't burning as Omnipotent comes and pinned Bill into the ground. When Omnipotent realize we needed to find some place safe, he told us to let go and enter to another multiverse. I object but he told me and the others that the Book of Eyes will protect us from the void and lead us to an alternate multiverse. We followed and entered to the void, in which the book created a barrier between us and the void."
This made them stunned and frightened at what a wild event that dust was in. What words that describe is unheard of. If you heard this from anyone, they would be classified as a mentally insane. But Dust, who he came out of nowhere and save them, have evidents, and fight Error's allies like it was nothing, proves he is telling the truth. Dust giggles at the fact that everyone is shocked at his story. He continues to pat Fell Frisk and sighed as he looks around and spoke out.
"Heh, welp that is one way to shake people up with just words alone. Anyways, after the that we waited until were in our destination. While that is happening, we met another Gaster, but this one is different from the G that you know of. It is an entity that strongly resembles a Gaster, except that he is wearing clothing that is all black, instead of the white sweater that he has when he was inside of the Void. And his left eye, it is like infinity symbols interlock with each other. He has black fur on his shoulders, has some unique cracks on his face, and this man stated one sentence. He stated, "Your time cannot end this soon" or something like that before we enter to what seems to be a Dustshift timeline. An AU were Chara takes the sans position, and Asriel in Paps position. This Chara has experienced the same problem as me in her AU timeline, where she kills all the monsters just to stop the human. When she spotted me, she and I fought and ended with a tie. She decided to join us because she has nothing left in her world to be in. I accidently use the book to transport me and the others to unintended and dying multiverse."
This made the group feels like something off about this. Dream then spoke out with slite of discomfort.
"Wait, why is that multiverse is dying. Is something wrong with this multiverse?"
Dust nodded as he continues.
"Ya, this multiverse is the result of a similar situation like my multiverse. The only difference is that their dream didn't betray his purpose but did something that in his mind cause the destruction of his multiverse."
This made Dream confuse and concern about this as he spoke out.
"Then Dust, what is it?"
Dust then spoke out.
"Like you, this multiverse's Dream tries his best to protect the AUs and bring positivity to all, until His brother Nightmare manage to corrupt a large amount of AUs. This is enough to rage war against them and Dream of this multiverse is not strong enough to fight him, due to Nightmare also having 999 apples, while he only has one golden apple. That is until his friend Science Sans manage to create a machine to enter multiverses. While in this multiverse, He discovers that in this version of this multiverse's of Dream and Nightmare are Dead and found a chest full of 998 golden apples. Dream, seeing this, now has an idea of using this to finally getting more powerful enough to fight Nightmare. Although, it will take time due to the fact that he needs to take at least one per day and at most 5 or 6 in a day, due to because if taken it too quickly or too much, it will have a dangerous consequence like becoming mad or your body will take damage because too much positivity in his system. Because of this, he needs to rest in order for his body to get harden enough to get this level of power without being like Nightmare just with positivity instead of negativity."
This made the group interested but at the same time shock because what is happening to this multiverse's Dream. Dream then spoke out with concerns in his eyes.
"Then what happened, what happens next?"
Dust pats at Fell Frisk who she is scrolling at the pictures of his Pokémons. Dust smiles at her as he spoke out.
"After he gained 998 on top of his one golden soul apple, He gather as much people as he can, and his brother did the same as they are preparing for the war of their lives. The fight was so chaotic that Nightmare and Dream aren't aware of. There fight ended with their multiverse's destruction and everyone's deaths. This Dream was able to slay Nightmare but at a cause of his multiverse to be gone and what remained of Outertale is the only thing that has a sign of a multiverse ever existing."
This made the group shock and sad at this Dream who lost his multiverse. Dream then look at Dust with a mix of shock and sadness in his eyes as he spoke out.
"Wow, what is worse, betray your purpose as a positivity guardian or the last person alive in a dead multiverse."
Dust nodded as he pets Fell Frisk who she gave him his phone back and smile as well as he just smiles back at her. He then spoke out.
"Ya, when we entered to his remained multiverse, we exchange stories and ask if he is willing to joined us in the fight against Team void. He accepts and join us in this journey. Unfortunately, he accidently activated the book and sent us into the wrong multiverse, all because he didn't know what it will do."
This made Dream sweat a little bit at the fact that This Dream did this. The other simply giggles at the stupidity and misfortune that Dust and his group are in. Dust sighed as he hugs Fell Frisk closer, he still pets her. He then continues.
"Well, this is where we enter to another multiverse. Let's just say something happened. When we enter to Outertale of this multiverse, we met this multiverse's error sans. This Error is apparently stronger that even the likes of Error 404."
This made the group feel uneasy at the fact that they meet error who came out of nowhere and encounter them and this one is more powerful than Error 404. Dust tilted his head as he spoke out.
"Don't worry, he is a good guy, despite being a destroyer, in fact he was force into that role by someone who made him this way. Unlike the Error that you and I know of, this one is just a poor soul who was force into this that he didn't want to."
The group were shock at the fact there is a good Error. What is even more insane is that Error was forced to become a destroyer. Dust sighed as he continues.
"He takes us to his Space called the Anti-Void to avoid someone I'll mention later. We meet someone I'll also mention later. Welp, I will tell the origin of this multiverse. It all started many years ago, with a goddess named Fate. She had seen the Multiverse itself, where Undertale had come from, and saw that it is far too empty, and thus, she wanted to find a way to create more. After a little bit of thinking, she used her power to bring forth creator, and it is a creator that you are aware of. His Ink."
The group was shock that in this multiverse, Ink is a creator rather than a protector. Dream then spoke out.
"But Ink from our multiverse cannot create universes, he can only protect."
Dust nodded as he spoke out.
"Welp, some version can, and some version can't. It is quite a surprise that your Ink is not a creator. Anyways, Ink was born for the sole purpose of filling up the emptiness. She whispered to him lovingly, telling him that there were limited spaces, and he could create, but only up to that limit if he didn't want the multiverse to collapse. But Ink, being so ignorant, forgetful, and not to mention becoming very, very stupid, he went on a creating spree, filling the multiverse to a dangerous point. For you see, unlike many other multiverses, where it has a limitless space, this Multiverse has a limit to how many universes that it can contain. And because of this, when too many universes exist at once, they get crammed together in the limited space of the multiverse and continue growing until the eventually bump into each other and pop, like bubbles in a container. Fate adores Ink and fails to reach him or to make him stop his behavior. And so...she decided to bring him into play. But in order to do that...Error had to be taken from his AU and be brought into the Anti-Void. When she put him in, she screamed his purpose, and the voices of the Anti-Void appeared, and plagued Error's thoughts. When all of that happens, the screams of fate, and the voices of the Anti-Void, combined with being exposed to the Anti-Void itself, it corrupted him into becoming the Error that he is today."
This made the group shock and sad at the fact that Error is like this and now his suffering because of Ink's stupidity. Dust pets Fell Frisk as he continues.
"In this multiverse, they don't switch positions in their purposes, but alignments are. The way he is living his life is hell, because he had been tortured, not only by Fate, but by the other AU residents as well, when he had been subdued for a while. his limbs are ripped off, he was poisoned, his rib cage was crushed, his bones were shattered, he had been blown to bits, and he became hated by most in the multiverse. But then, Error404 came into Error's life.
This made the group surprise as Sans spoke out.
"Wait, his Error 404? I thought he is just a bad guy with an ego."
Dust has an expression saying "Ya I thought that too" in his face as he spoke out.
"Welp, remember he had once an AU, His universe was name Alphatale, the first AU. Welp anyways, when he learns that he is suffering from loneliness, he took upon himself to become his apprentice. He made a deal with Error 404, In exchange for helping Error404 with restoring his AU, he'll help Error with freeing him from Fate's control. He studies on what is about Alphatale and its codes. He taught Error everything that he knows, and he taught him some new techniques, such as his God Ray techniques, he taught his new sets of strings, he did all that he could for him. Every day, he became stronger and stronger, and since he didn't need to sleep, he is train hard endlessly. Ink at the time is also train with someone who is also Error 404's brother. He calls himself the first protector, Alpha sans, or Adam."
This made the group surprise that Error 404 has another brother in this. What is more surprised that Alpha sans has trained Ink. Dust then continues.
"The problem is that Ink's training is harsh and somewhat cruel. He even suggests or command him to stop using the vials of paint. Because in his eyes, it made him unable to do Ink's duty as a creator and the protector. In fact, he is here with Error in his Anti-Void."
This made sans confuse as he spoke out.
"Wait why the vials what is with the vials?"
Dust then spoke out.
"You see, Ink is like Flowey but truly emotionless, as in if he didn't drink his vials that has color that represent emotion, he is cold and calculated to the point you would mistake him for an emotionless robot."
This made Sans a bit uneasy about how can Ink even his Ink can turn into this. Dust sighed as he spoke out.
"Well, that is certainly doesn't help with his situation, likely making him a bit sad. But back to Error, living up to Error 404's expectations is quite hard. The only reason why he got through the bitter end is because of his immortality given by Fate. Error had been facing off with other people like Infected, and he have even had to fight against Alpha himself, along with ink. Although with his training, he is able to fight and win more easily, because how Error is training harder. This continues until one day where three entities arrive from the Book of Eyes."
This made the group stunned as Gsans spoke out.
"Wait three entities came out from the book? is that possible?"
Dust then spoke out.
"The Book of Eyes is more than just an object that travels to Multiverses and other places, it is also a gateway to a reality above the Multiverse called the TransVoid. And residing there are entities called Beings, that consume whatever they can in order to thrive. But one of the most dangerous entities that exist in the TransVoid, are Unnameables. They are entities that are formerly Beings that grew to a certain level to obtain this form, or killed and absorbed an Unnameable's life force in order to become Unnameable, and are the most dangerous entities to encounter, due to, not only their immense power, but because they are extremely manipulative. The Multiverse tried to fight against the Unnameable, and a couple of the other entities that appeared along with it, but they did not stop it. And so, in order to stop it, he and Error404 imitated a transformation that would be able to kill the Unnameable. And it worked, they were able to kill the Unnameable. But the drawback for this that when it is over, it will kill one of the components that made the Transformation happen in the first place. And at this case, Error. It killed him for real, as his immortality had been pushed to the limit, and thus, this time, it was unable to save him."
This made the group shock and sad at the fact Error suffered torture and near-death, and when his life was about to turn around, it was cut short. But Echo Frisk spoke out.
"But...wait a moment...if you said that he had is it that Error is alive now? How did he even come back?"
Dust pats Fell Frisk as he spoke out.
"Well...about that...when the Unnameable had died, or at least, the body of the Unnameable, it is able to use its own physical form to make a biome of some sort, and during this time, the biome has a very large tree that houses the soul of the Unnameable. And inside, Error was forming inside of the tree itself, reborn, and infused with the Unnameable's essence. When he awoke, the Unnameable tried to consume him, but Error escaped, and busted out of the tree, which fell into another reality, called the MainFrame, and it resulted in his right arm having eyes in the first place. Which is why he is becoming as powerful as he is in the first place, which is what you see him as now. And ever since that day, Error had protected the Multiverse, and everyone knew the truth. All of the denizens of the Multiverse felt guilty, realizing that he was truly a good person all along, and they had harmed him. Understanding the fact that they had been manipulated by Ink, he forgave them easily. And all of this happened a couple of years ago."
This made the others feel sympathetic, but they are also surprised that Error was easily able to forgive them in spite of what they had done. But it seems that he is too selfless and kind to do anything really bad. And then, Dream spoke out.
"But wait...if that is what happens to Error...what happened to this Multiverse's Ink? And more importantly, what happen to me?"
Dust looks at Sans and then he pats Fell Frisk as she looks at Dust. Dust then spoke out.
"Well...for you...I have no idea what happens. Your backstory, along with your brother, somehow change, and you became newer versions of yourselves, called Dead Dream and Dead Nightmare, and both of you have become corrupted. And as for Ink..."
Dust then pulls out his phone and show the picture what happens to ink.
And needless to say, that is one hell of a site to see. Fell Frisk was so scared that she tugged and hug Dust for comfort as he and Flowey are trying to comfort her. Sans is sweating at the photo that he is seeing. Echo Frisk tugged Gsans on instinct in which it made him try to comfort her. Dream then spoke out with shock, frightened, and concern on his voice.
"Oh gods, what happens to Ink?!?"
Dust then spoke out.
"That is not Ink anymore. Remember how I said that the Unnameable has a soul in the tree? Well, Ink went into contact with it, and took the soul, and now...this is what you are seeing. Now it is Ink's turn to become a destroyer, while Error became the protector."
The group can't help but frighten at this Ink. The way he smiles, it is disturbing to say the least. And the eyes, they can't see the color purple the way they see it again. Dust sighed as he puts his phone down as he spoke out.
"Well, He calls himself Hollow Ink and Error, Righteous Error. Hollow uses his paint portal to drag us into his doodle sphere. Once we were in, Hollow tries to consume us, but Righteous got in between us and Hollow, as Righteous punch Hollow and sent him to a floating island. Righteous then ask Alpha to Protect us from him in case he decided to jump on us. Righteous then prepares a fight against Hollow and the both of them fought. The fight was even more insane than omnipotent fighting against Error 666. The fight continues until Dream show up and attack Hollow. Righteous tries to tell Dream to back down but he refused, saying that while it is his duties to do it, it is for him, damn personal for him and with the determined to take him on. Error then let him do but ask him to be careful in which Dream nodded. Dream and Hollow are fighting all out at each other with Dream saying that he is no protector but a true destroyer. This enrages him and lunge at Dream in which Dream did the same. The fight continues until Righteous intervene and continues the fight. While that is happening, I was trying my best to find my multiverse until Alpha comes and help me find it. then he activated it, in which I use my purple webbing to rap around everyone. Righteous, seeing this then block Ink and hold us to come along. Hollow tries to get us but we escape back into my multiverse."
This made the group feels like they are riding some sort of an emotional roller coaster. On one hand, this is the saddest true story for both of this version of Dream and Error of all times. On the other hand, they were happy that Dust now has powerful people to help him in protecting his multiverse. Dust continues petting Fell Frisk and comforting her as he spoke out.
"Hey, are you scared? Are you scared after I show you all the photo?"
She nodded but spoke out.
"Ya but thank you for comforting me."
Flowey then chat in.
"Ya, thank you for that. It would take me a while to calm her down so thanks."
This made Fell Frisk look at Flowey with an expression saying that I am embarrassed on her face. This made dust chuckle a little a bit as he spoke out.
"Well anyways, after we enter back to my multiverse, Error blasted an entity that was created by Error 404 to be the puppet king. His name is King multiverse, and he is here and trying to kill Omnipotent after he got weaken by both Error 404 and Infected. Righteous Fights KM while Alpha fights Error 404, and Dream fought both Shatter and Nightmare. As for me and the Group, we stayed in front of the town to protect the people from the remains of Team Void. The fight is brutal for KM, and Error 404 is having a hard time. KM did his transformation called emperor Multiverse, but that it isn't even enough as Righteous then preceded to destroy KM until he turns back to normal. But KM summons Hollow to fight Righteous on one-on-one battle. The fight is like last time, but a normal monster who is from Team void tries to attack Hollow, as he responded by slicing his face and consume him. In response to this, Righteous had also consume a Team void monster. The fight continues until Righteous manage to send Hollow back to his doodle sphere. He then sends Error 404 and Bill to a Genocide timeline of Outertale. Then that is how I experience traveling to other multiverses."
The Group looks at Dust with mix reactions of all the emotions on the spectrum known to man. Dust puts down Fell Frisk but still petting her as he spoke out.
"Well, as for how I got here. I was in a mission and got into a fight with some members of Team Void and that someone who is a Gaster name XGaster. He is trying to use one of his abilities, that is the OVERWRITE button against me. I and two others who is Righteous and XG's sans who is name is cross, manage to push him into one of my red star portals."
He then summons a mini-Star portal and show it to them.
The others look at the portal that their seeing before them. Dust then puts it away as he then continues.
"Well unfortunately, that has a nasty side effect that it causes a Glitch and transport me here. Now any questions?"
The group look at each other, then looks at Dust as they don't know what questions they can ask. Then Dust jumps up and stretches a little a bit before speaking out.
"Welp, I got some of my own questions to ask. Like what is happening and what threats are we in? And why is this multiverse's Error is trying to kidnap the Frisks?"
The Group stay quiet until Dream stands up and step forward, then follows by Classic Sans. Dream then spoke out.
"Welp, we will explain on what is happening to us and how it affected us."
Sans then chats in.
"Well for starters, the reason why Error is kidnaping the Frisks is that for their power over reset and timeline through their DETERMINATION. By taking the Frisk, our AUs are now at risk of destabilization and collapse into the void. And if we were to believe if enough Frisks to get their hands on, then our multiverse is at risk of it too."
This made Dust actually surprise as he spoke out.
"Wait the moment, how is that even possible? Like would the MainFrame prevented that from happening?"
The others look confuse as Dust spoke out.
"Righteous told me that, the MainFrame is more than just some random Dimension. It is the most important component when it comes to the multiverse. It acts like a filter to which AU is accepts or denied from. It also acts as a buffer to the Multiverse."
This made the group look at Dust as Dream spoke out.
"If what you said is true, then in our multiverse doesn't have the Mainframe."
Dust nodded as he spoke out.
"Well, can you guys have your backstory on how you guys got here."
But all of a sudden, a Gaster Blaster that look like Fell's Blasters shoots at dust who he simply dodges it. Then he jumps up to the air as a sans that has a blue scarf and a battle body he is wearing, as he is trying to jump on him. Then a painted slash is heading towards Dust in which he is simply teleport out of the way. Dust then summons his hands to create a shield to block a barrage of bones heading towards him. Once the bone barrage has ended, Dust puts down the shield and shouted out loud.
Then, another paint slash appears and its heading towards Dust. Dust raises his hand to prepare for the attack but then, A wall of bone block the attack in which it surprises him. Then Classic and Gsans appears right beside them as Sans spoke out.
"Hey Ink, this is not the one you're looking for! Can you please calm down."
Then Four figures step out into view as reveal to be Flower Fell, Blue, Swap Pap, and Ink, all in the view as Flower Fell spoke out.
Dust steps forward as he spoke out.
"Hey look, I know I look like the guy that kidnap your sweetheart, but I am assure you that I am not him. Besides, it will be a sweet if you stop ok. Please have a heart on this, at least what would she wanted."
This cause silents for a moment until...
"Rrrrraaaaaaa, why is it you make that stupid pun! AAaaahh!!!"
Blue shouted as Flower calm down. Sans started to laugh as carrot did the same. Ink was surprise at this as he spoke out.
"Wow, I never know that this happens. So, who are you?"
Dust sighed, but Dream step in as he spoke out.
"We will tell his story for him."
Dust was a bit surprise but happy that he didn't have to repeated his story. And so, Dream, Sans, and Gsans now explained Dust's story. Needless to say, the four of them have no words that would say. Even Ink can't help but saying aah after their done explaining Dust's story. Carrot looks at Dust as he spoke out.
"Wow, that is the type of shenanigans that even we can't do. Like you are in a some sort of war that it is in a multiversal scale."
This made Dust nodded as Blue spoke out.
"Wow, are you ok? Like you needed a hug after all that is happened to you."
Dust shook his head as he spoke out.
"Well, I am safely to assure you that I am ok. I got people that supporting me. After all, it is my job to fight and help people."
This made blue smile, but all of a sudden.
Follows by.
"HEY, don't touch her!!!"
Suddenly, Flower is hugging Fell Frisk as Flowey is trying to get him out of her. Flower then spoke out.
"Get off weed!"
Then Flowey shouted out.
You get off, you pervert!!!
The two bickering and arguing on, while Fell Frisk is getting more and more embarrassed by the second. Dust giggles at this as he raises his hand and make a thumbs up and shaking it. He is wiggling his thumb and he spoke out.
"That's awesome..."
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