break then go
The sound of punching and kicking were heard, as Blue is trying all that he can to land a hit on Dust who he is just dodging every attempts. As blue try to land a punch, Dust grabs it and before Blue knew it, he was slam into the ground. But Blue jumps and actually landed a kick on Dust by the chin and send him flying and landing into a tree. But he was grab by Dust as he slams him into the ground. The one that Blue kick is simply an illusion. Blue then did something that Dust was not suspecting to do, Blue made a Gaster-Blaster appear on his back and bring himself and Dust into the air. Blue then attempted to drop him into the ground, but Dust made a Gaster-Blaster appear and landing on it instead of the ground. Dust and Blue is preparing to summon their weapons as all of a sudden, a voice spoke out.
"Hey, enough sparring you two! We have lunch ready!"
Outer-Toriel shouted at the both of them to come down and eat lunch with them. Blue and Dust decided call it a day and heading down. As they were about to head to were Outer-Toriel is heading, Blue then spoke out.
"Thanks for the training, Dust. Now I am certainly able to hold my own against the bad version of us. Say, when we will go?"
Dust then spoke out.
"Well, you're welcome, Blue, and I think it is around after dinner is when we will go."
Blue nodded as they went inside to eat lunch. Outer and Killer were talking about something, while Outer-Frisk, FP-Frisk, and Fell-Frisk along with Flowey were enjoying each other's company. Dust and Blue joined the table at chow some meals made by Outer-Toriel. After their done, Dust then spoke out.
"Hey Killer, is the healing items ready?"
Killer nodded as he spoke out.
"Yup, and don't worry about running out of it. We pack enough for you guys and the people you were separate."
Dust nodded as he and Blue grab the dishes and putting it into the sink. They then help Outer-Toriel in washing the dishes. Outer-Toriel then spoke out.
"Thank you two for helping me washing the dishes."
Blue then spoke out.
"Well, it is the least we can do after you let us stay in the house."
Dust then spoke out.
"And thanks for the butterscotch cinnamon pie you made for us."
Outer-Toriel smile as they continue to wash the dishes. As that happens, she spoke out.
" Hey Dust, I know that Frisk is going to come along with you to make sure her safety. So, I trust that you could take care of her?"
Dust then spoke out.
"To be honest, we can't guarantee this 100%, but that is the best and highest chance for her. So, we will do our best to keep her safe."
Outer-Toriel nodded and smiles as Blue smiles too. Once their done, they went to where the gang are at, as they were packing and checking if everything was in order. Dust then spoke out.
"Are the things being ready?"
Killer and Outer nodded their heads as Fell-Frisk spoke out.
"Yup, were just checking to make sure that it is."
Dust nodded as Flowey spoke out.
"Well, how the hell we manage to fit all that food without ruining it?"
Outer then spoke out.
"Well, it is thanks to Alphys, a special design backpack that can house a lot of stuff than it looks. Even food and can be pack without ruining it."
Flowey nodded as Blue spoke out.
"So, once were done, where going to Alphys' house to get something, right?"
Outer nodded as Dust spoke out.
"Me and Killer will go to Alphys' house, while you fellas continue preparing stuff, ok?"
The others nodded as Killer and Dust is heading out and into Alphys. While their walking, Dust asks.
"Hey, may I ask? what happens after you meet FP-Frisk for the first time?"
Killer thought about it for a minute before speaking out.
"Well, after I met her, my two personalities began to actually care for her. Even my Killer personality of all things. I guess that on that very day, I begin to accept the two personalities that I hold. Today, I am both my original and Killer personalities."
Dust nodded as he is thinking.
'Well, that would explain his behavior is a mix of the two. Because it is literately the two mix together. Well, I hope that the other Killer back in the Omega-Timeline can do the same as this one.'
They arrived at Alphys' house as Killer ring the bell. Some ruffle and clinking noise were heard as the door opened and revealed to be Outer-Alphys herself with a messy lad. Killer and Dust looks around as Killer spoke out.
"Hey Alph, is the fish lady is in there?"
Outer-Alphys then spoke out.
"She is n-not here, she i-is in a n-nightshift."
Killer nodded as Dust spoke out.
"Well, Alph, what do you need?"
Outer-Alphys then spoke out.
"Well, i-its s-something I c-can give you guys t-that might h-help you i-in your j-journey.
The two looks confuse as Outer-Alphys rubbishing her stuff to find specific devices for both Killer and Dust. She then grabs two wristband-tablets like device and give it to them. Outer-Alphys then spoke out.
"W-well, try i-it on."
The two sighed as they put them on. They were observing this wristband-tablets like device on their wrist. Outer-Alphys then spoke out.
"It i-is a DT analyzer and mometer. Its w-will analyze what DT y-you're dealing w-with. It's a-also acts as m-mometer to what condition it is. For example, Killer and FP-Frisk's DT. While FP-Frisk's DT i-is similar t-to our frisk, there is a massive different between h-her and Killer. Like h-he has DT that is infuse w-with hate.
Dust then looks at Killer as he presses the device on and use it on Killer. It read:
Data, analysis...
DT- abnormal.
It then checks the soul's data and current host. Killer is the first of the categories. It shows a brief information about him. After that, it shows the soul itself. Killer got curious as he uses the device on Dust. It read.
Data, analysis...
DT- abnormal.
DT-count:number rising...
It then checks the soul's data and its current host, which is unknown. It then shows the soul's itself, which is an upside-down red soul. Killer was a bit surprise that Dust's DT is increasing to a higher rate. He looks at Dust as he spoke out.
"Well, what is going on to your DT? Like, it is increasing to a rate that I never seen before."
This made Outer-Alphys surprise that Dust's DT is increasing to a higher rate. She then sees the monitor to check the device's Data it collects. And sure enough, it shows Dust DT count being increasing. She then looks at Dust as she spoke out.
"W-why is that y-your DT is increasing?"
Dust thought about it as he spoke out.
"If that so, then I have no idea what?"
Killer then spoke out.
"Well, we will have to analyze him later. Right now, we will have to go back to the others."
Dust nodded as then, Outer-Alphys puts a chip in Dust's Device. The device then update itself to now it can scan the wearer. She then spoke out.
"This will scan the wearer and mometering your soul. I-I hope that i-its ok for you?"
Dust nodded as he and killer are heading out.
Before they depart
They were outside the house in a field where the sun is setting. Fell-Frisk and Flowey is showing them fixing her bags to fit her size. Blue is having some stretching and some warmups before heading out. Killer, FP-Frisk, and Color talking to Outer about preparing for an AU adventure. Outer-Frisk is talking to Outer-Toriel about something as Outer-Toriel spoke out.
"Frisk, please be careful on where you're going. I be confident that you would not get you hurt or killed in there?"
Outer-Frisk shook her head as she spoke out.
"Don't worry mom. I'll be fine. Besides, this is the best way for my protection. Also, really want to experience other universes and other version of myself and other friends. I'll be careful mom."
Outer-Toriel smiles as she hugs Outer-Frisk like what happens back in the ruins when she wants to leave. Dust is showing wearing his bags and some cap he won during in an amusement park in the event of monsters' return to earth. His backpack is more in a bigger size, yet it is light thanks to Outer-Alphys. He is wearing the new clothes, thanks from Killer. Now with the black with dark gray cap as an addition to his new sets. Dust is standing in front of everyone who is prepping themselves for a travel of their lives. Killer then goes to Dust as he hands something to him as he spoke out.
"Hey, I kind of forgot to give you this."
It is a pair of fingerless-gloves were shown to him. Dust took it and examined it. He then looks at Killer as he spoke out.
"So, this is one component of my clothes that you gave me, huh?"
Killer nodded as Color spoke out.
"Well, were ready Dust, opened the portal."
Dust nodded as he turns around and put on the gloves. He then raises his hand in which a star-portal appears in front of them. Dust looks at the gang in which they were waiving their goodbyes to their loved ones before they all enter the portal. Once they enter the portal, it closes and disappears.
Unknown AU
A snowing winter of Mount-Ebott in which its month is in December. It's harsh winds blowing through the trees as their branches were snap and break then blown away. In a cave with an edge that has a height of 40-meters, a star portal appears and glow in the entrance of the cave. There is a group of eight people, and a flower were walking out of the portal and into the cave. The group is consisting of FP-Frisk, Killer, Outer, Color, Outer-Frisk, Fell-Frisk, Flowey, Blue, and Dust who had enter to an unknown AU. They went inside of the cave as the harsh winter is too strong for them to walk outside without being blown away. Outer-Frisk is getting cold because she didn't wear warm clothes. Fell-Frisk is getting somewhat warm because of the fact that her new sweater and her legwarmers socks are helping her in getting warm. Outer notice this, then pulls up a winter jacket and rap around to Outer-Frisk who she responds to a smile. Dust is using his sensing magic to tell if anyone is coming. And luckily for the group, there is no one who is coming. He then decides to increase the range by adding bits of energy from the Nightmare-Mode into these senses to increase the range. It is so that he can find the people who they should meant to meet. Killer seeing this, then walks towards Dust and ask him.
"Hey, what are you doing?"
Dust then spoke out.
"I am sensing if someone is coming. And luckily, there is no one who is coming. Now I am trying to sense if someone is coming to this universe."
Killer then spoke out.
"Well, I hope that you know what you're doing. Because I am having a feeling something is gonna happened."
There was an explosion happening in an opened field as a large Gaster-Blaster was fired. Sans is showing dodging every multiple spears that it's trying to pierce at him. In the other side, Echo-Frisk is trying to avoid the hands while Gsans is shooting it with his Gaster-Blasters as much as he can. Dream is fighting Nightmare, but because the strong winter winds, it is quite difficult to fight in this condition. Ink and Error are also fighting somewhere in the area just the winds and snow blocking most of the visions. Sans is trying to keep it together all while a barrage of Gaster-Blasters were raining down with some explosions happening left and right. Sans was barely dodge them all. Murder then summons his trident and tries to slash Sans, but he manages to dodge that attack and summons bones to attack Murder. Murder simply using his trident to slash the bones in which it works. elsewhere Gsans is trying all that he can to protect Echo-Frisk from the hands that it's trying to grab her. Mad G can't properly catch Echo-Frisk because this harsh winter blocking his vision. Echo-Frisk is using her cloak to warm her up as she continues dodging all the hands. Mad G steps forward as he spots Echo-Frisk.
"You can dodge but not forever. My little pray."
Gsans then shouted out.
"Over my dead dust you old man!"
Mad G smiles as he continues his assault. Gsans is getting tired after hours of fighting. Until he was push by Echo-Frisk as a hand almost got him. Unfortunately, the hand then grabs Echo-Frisk and held her in place. Gsans is trying to use a bone to pry her out of there but was also grab and held him in place. meanwhile, Sans is getting tired as Murder is trying to kill him. Murder had an idea, he makes Sans glow blue and before he knew it, was flying into somewhere in the area. In the section of the field, Insanity and Swap-Paps are fighting, Insanity was about to lunge some sharp bones at Carrot in which he dodges it. Insanity notice something and position Carrot before he even realizes it. He tries to summon a Gaster-Blaster but got hit by Sans. They were sent into some trees and snow falls down on them. As they were trying to get up, Murder and Insanity teleport in front of them. While Error still fighting, he smiles at the fact that he is winning. Although he had anticipated something is about to happened as Mad G spoke out.
"Finally, the price we wanted! Who is gonna stop us?"
As if the multiverse wants to jinx this man, he was kick by no other than Dust and Blue who they did it together. As Dust then summons his scythe to jump off of Mad G and using it to break both Gsans and Echo-Frisk. Blue then using his Blaster pack to rush in and manage to grab Insanity and Murder in which Carrot and Sans was shock at this revelation. Dust then leaps forward with his speed and Blue throw Murder and Insanity into Dust's line of sight. He then using his scythe to try and decapitated them. Fortunately for them, they have enough time to teleport out of the way. Blue went over Dust as he spoke out.
"You are bedding that the others would have their fun?"
Dust smiles at Blue's suggestion as he spoke out.
"We will see."
Insanity and Murder were trying to find a good spot to rest and recovered quickly. They look at Mad G who is standing up after some knock up to the face. He turns and look at Gsans and Echo-Frisk who they just step back. Mad G was about to attack them as all of a sudden, an arrow made of DETERMINATION shot at his shoulders in which it causes pain like never before. He removes the arrow and throw it away as he turns and look to see FP-Frisk with a bow in hand. He was shocked that a frisk is capable of not only standing in danger, but actually fighting back evident by the bow and arrow. She then spoke out.
"You know, in the past I would never have done this but now, I am more than ready to take you down!"
Mad G was shock but keep his composure as he steps forward with a smile as he spoke out.
"Oh, an unexpected pray that can actually fight back. Will see about that little rabbit."
He then using his hands to trying grab FP-Frisk, but she dodges all the hands and shoot an arrow at him. He dodges it, but it turns yellow and follows his movement. Before he realizes it, he got struck again. Unlike last time, it doesn't induce painful effects on to Mad G because it is not made out of DT. It disappears as he summons more hands to try and grab her. FP-Frisk response by firing a bravery arrow in which it exploded the hands. She then shoots a bunch of perseverance arrow at Mad G. He summons hands to counter the arrows but to his surprise, the arrows change into the hands. The same hands as Mad G just color purple. It intertwined each other as they tried to overpower one another. Until a purple hand came out of nowhere and grab Mad G. It then squeezes the living hell out of him. It then throws him into the tree in which it causes his HP to drop. He then stood up and spoke out.
"Your just full of surprises, huh? No matter, you still didn't finish me off."
But FP-Frisk smile as she spoke out.
"I know that I didn't finish you off, that is not my job. That would be his."
Then all of a sudden, a knife was above Mad G's head and is about to descending onto him. But Murder thinking quickly, he teleports in front of it and block it with his trident. Murder was actually overpowered by no other than Killer who had smile that trigger Murder. He saw the smile; it reminded him of chara in his world in which he was enrage. He summons three Gaster-Blasters to try to incinerate Killer. Mad G seeing this, takes the chance to flee, but a patience arrow struck him in which it turns into a rope to rap around him and lock him in place. FP-Frisk who shoots that arrow smirk at her work. Insanity who sees her, decided to jump on her and try to capture her, but once he got her and thinking he won, was surprised that this is not FP-Frisk but instead it is a pink arrow in which it turns orange and exploded in front of his face. FP-Frisk is just walking towards Gsans and Echo-Frisk as she spoke out.
"Are you two, ok?"
The two looks at each other as they look at her. They didn't know where the hell she come from. On top of that, she can actually give a damn good fight and holding her own against Mad G. Echo-Frisk was a bit jealous at the fact that she can do all sorts of stuff. FP-Frisk notice this, then spoke to Echo-Frisk.
"If you want, I can train you on this and give you the weapons you need."
Echo-Frisk and Gsans was surprised but Echo-Frisk smile at the fact that FP-Frisk is offering something that can help her finally have an ability to fight back. FP-Frisk turn and shoots her kindness arrow to the ground as all of a sudden, a dome shield appears and blocking whoever is trying to attack them. Back to Murder, He did all that he can to try and killed this bastard who for some reasons, remined him of chara. Killer just smirk as he easily dodges all the attacks and counter with his own. Murder is getting more and more enrage as his attempts is always failed and Killer is simply smiling at these failed attempts. Killer then uses his knives to slash Murder's Gaster-Blaster that is trying to blast him. He did something that not even Murder is not expecting, Killer's knife glow cyan and using a rope to try and attack Murder the rope like a whip. Murder simply dodges out of the way, but got a surprise hit by a slash in the back. Killer then leaps forward as using his Integrity to extend his knife to that of a sword and using it to swing it at Murder. Murder dodges it as he summons his trident to fight Killer. Unfortunately, since Killer is just as skilled as Dust, even they are sparring together, Murder is simply outclassed by Killer as he punches Murder and sent him into some trees. Insanity came out of nowhere and tries to punch Killer, but Killer simply grabs the hand and slam him into the ground. He then made bones appear out of the ground as Insanity jumps out of the way. But that is what Killer wanted as an orange slash appears right next to Insanity. Before he knew it, an explosion appears as Insanity was sent flying. Killer teleport to where FP-Frisk where at. Once there, he then spoke out.
"Are you ok?"
FP-Frisk smiles as she puts down the shield as she spoke out.
"Ya, were ok. Anyways, we should meet the others. Afterall, were in it together."
Killer's eye lights return to its small circle with black dot pupils and his soul return to its upside-down red soul with red outline. He smiles at FP-Frisk in response to her smiling at him. The energy that their emanating is the same as Echo-Frisk and Gsans. Both Echo-Frisk and Gsans look at each other than look at the both of them as Gsans spoke out.
"So, is this all of you guys?"
Killer shook his head as he spoke out.
"No, there are others inside the cave somewhere. We came from it threw a portal that Dust has made."
Gsans nodded as Killer using his patience rope to rap around all of them with the only exception is FP-Frisk, only because she is here to stay and fight. Killer then teleports to the cave as FP-Frisk runs to where the battle is and tries to help the Allies.
In the rest of the battle
Dream was able to defend off against Nightmare as unlike the original Dream, this one ate more than one golden apple due to Nightmare only ate one hundred of them and not all of them, and the fact that the tree of feelings is not destroyed. Dream had eaten fifty-five apples. Depicted the only forty-five shorts, He still was able to give Nightmare a hard time. Ink and Error are there to try and overpowered one another. Because of the strong winds, they weren't able to see well especially Error because of his poor eyesight. Ink is taking advantage on that fact as he is trying to slash him with his paint. Meanwhile Flower is trying all that he can to defend off against this version of sans who wears a dark purple suit with stars over a light purple shirt. They wear golden gloves on both hands. While they have normal white eyes, their left eye is glowing purple most of the time. They wear long, black pants. Their black slippers resemble business shoes. They also don a dark purple bowtie. A psychotic grin is almost always stuck on their face. Underneath their shirt, they're missing a rib. In their critical form, they are all purple with blank eyes and a blank smile. Unlike most Sanses, they are tall and thin (Not as tall as Papyrus).
This is known as Afton-Sans. Even though William has not been able to control this sans he is inhabiting, he is able to make him into a follower of Afton. because of this, he is simply following every order that willy had given him. And right now, they are summoning his purple knives to lunge at Flower who he is simply using a Gaster-Blaster as a shield against the knives. Afton-Sans then summons purple bones to attack Flower by behind, but Flower manage to teleport out of the way. But that is what they wanted as a Gaster-Blaster was waiting for Flower to blast him once he appears. Flower landed and turned and look at the Gaster-Blaster who is ready to blast at him. Before he can react, a green arrow was fired to the ground in front of Flower. The both of them were confused until the arrow bust its energy and created dome of kindness and block the Blaster. This shocks both Flower and Afton-Sans as they were hit by a determination arrow in which it hurts them by a lot. Afton-Sans rip out the arrow and threw it away. They turn to FP-Frisk and spoke out.
"Well, this is an unexpected surprise to see. I wonder how is your soul and bow work? I got to capture you to study both you and your weapon. This will be fun. =)"
FP-Frisk flinch at this as she spoke out.
"Well, you can try, Afton!"
She shoots a patience arrow in which it converts into a web. Afton-Sans then teleports out of the way as he summons his bones to attack FP-Frisk. But she created a dome of kindness to block the purple bones. Afton-Sans then teleports right behind her and tries to take her soul. But it is revealed to be a pink arrow onto the ground as it turns cyan and exploded into trap and rap then in place. Afton-Sans thinking fast, then teleports out and into the forest where he is using it to hide and attack from a distance. FP-Frisk notice this, then shoots one arrow that is white into the air. It then multiply into hundreds of them as they turn orange and is preparing to scorch the forest to dust. Afton-Sans notice this, then teleports out of the way in order to not get obliterated. Once the orange arrow landed, it exploded into an orange fire and burning the forest. The ice melted as its fire is hot enough to heat the ice. Afton-Sans appears as they were trying to stab FP-Frisk with a bone, but Blue came and punch them into the face. Insanity and Murder, along with Carrot and Sans joined the fight. Blue turns to Dust as he spoke out.
"Dust, would you, Sans, and my brother pick your opponents to fight? Afton is mine!"
Dust nodded as Carrot spoke out.
"Would you be ok? Bro? I should join you..."
But Blue spoke out.
"BROTHER, it will be Allright. Besides, Dust train me to fight better. He also give me something that allows me to have a greater chance than you think?"
Carrot second guess himself before looking at Blue as he spoke out.
"Ok but be careful!"
Blue nodded as he turns and facing this version of himself who is possessed by Afton. Afton-Sans turn and look at blue and smile as they spoke out.
"Oh, and what makes you think you can beat me. Even if you can destroy this vessel, I can just possess you and make you, my puppet. =)"
"Not like I care. I still gonna kick your ass. At least what Dust would say during are sparring."
This made Afton-Sans look confuse as Blue continue.
"Well, let's go!"
Blue began with a round of bones flying toward Aften-Sans as they dodge all of them but got hit too the face with a bone. Blue then flies up to the air and summons a barrage of Gaster-Blasters and fired at them. Afton-Sans then summoning his own to counter Blue's Gaster-Blasters. Afton-Sans then summons his knives and lunge them at Blue who he responds with more rounds of Gaster-Blasters in which it destroys the knives and almost hit them. Blue then did something that Carrot and Afton-Sans was not expecting, Blue made a bone staff then a Gaster-Blasters appears. He then stabs the bottom of the Blaster to make a head, making a makeshift Warhammer. Blue jumps to the ground and smash his hammer to the ground as it fired. All of a sudden, a large pillar of beam erupts from the ground and racing towards Afton-Sans as they dodge out of the way. Blue then rush at them with shocking speeds Carrot is watching. The reason why Blue became this strong is because the fact that Dust has been feeding Blue with magical foods that has physical matter, then injecting him with DETERMINATION. Because of this, Blue is far stronger than ever before. Blue swings his hammer at Afton-Sans who they simply dodge out of the way but got punch on the face and slam by the hammer. The Hammer-Blaster fire at point blank range to Afton-Sans and sent him far away. But a bunch of Gaster-Blasters appear and fired at Blue he responded by slamming into the ground and dig his way inside just to avoid the Blast. He then smashes his way up to the air as Blue then summons his Gaster-Blasters to rain down and hoping that would get him out of his hiding place and into the line of sight. And sure enough, Afton-Sans jumps out of the way and into Blue's line of sight. Afton-Sans was struck by Blue with his Hammer-Blaster. They were sent into the ground as Blue float into the ground. Afton-Sans's HP is low, triggering a transformation. They transform into the critical form. This transformation once in this state, their DF, ATK, and his speed increase. They look at Blue with murderous intent on their blank empty eye-sockets. They then charge at Blue as he did the same thing. Before they knew it, the both of them clash each other in which it created a shockwave. Back to the battle, Flower along with FP-Frisk is showing to fend off against Insanity, While Carrot and Sans are fighting against Murder. After what is simile a whole hour, Dust decided to come and end the fight by using Blue magic to lift All of the enemies (minus Error and Nightmare) and sent them towards a glitchy portal that is right behind them. Error and Nightmare had realized that their loosing, decided to retreat for now. Error then spoke out.
"Urge, why am I not surprise. Next time we meet, it will be your downfall. Especially you, Dust.
Nightmare who appears right next to Error, spoke out.
"This will be interesting to see what is next. Especially Dust had already made back up allies of his own."
Both entered the portal in which it close and disappear. Dust sighted as Sans spoke out.
"Well, you're a bit late."
Dust nodded as he spoke out.
"We were entering to this AU in the opposite way."
Sans nodded as he is thinking.
'When will you guys come?'
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