Chapter 6
"W-What?!" I asked, I wasn't aware that this nice man could be a demon. "I'm sorry you had to be in all this...... I also understand if you don't want to see me again..." Liam said. I sat up more "It wasn't your fault Liam...." I said, looking back down at my bandages. "If I may ask, what happened?" I look back up at him. He had an uneasy look and shifted side to side. He seemed so uncomfortable with that question, I went to open my mouth again to speak but Liam beat me to it. "Erm..... You were stabbed" Liam Lied. For some reason, I sensed he was lying. I hesitantly nod, taking his excuse. Liam seemed to relax and Rose comes walking in. I turned my head towards her and smile "Hi mom..." I said, maybe later I can ask her later. "Hi (Y/N).. How are you feeling?" she asked me. "I'm... better, I'm sure the bleeding stopped." I replied to Rose who had a worried look on her face. Rose nods, seems to be calmer and relieved. I smiled softly, only to wince in pain when I tried to get into a more comfortable position. I held my side as it started to bleeding again. Rose quickly came to my side, sending Liam out of the room. She lifts my shirt over the wound and takes off the old bandages, she murmurs something I couldn't hear. Rose picked up a needle, soon sliding it into my arm, injecting the liquid into it. I started to feel numb, I couldn't feel my arm, soon I couldn't even feel my body. I look at Rose, she must have known i was numb because she picked up a needle. I started freaking out on the inside, she turned me over so I was laying on my stomach. I felt nothing as she started to stitch me, I guess it was the numbing medication Rose gave me. Maybe... Maybe I can take a nap while she does this and get some rest. I felt myself spacing out during my thought, slowly drifting to sleep. I soon fell asleep, I was asleep while rose stitched me. Woke back up in the bed I was when I was asleep last time, this time to an empty room. Gwen wasn't in the room this time. I got out of bed, not feeling any pain in my back, I heard feet running towards me. I look towards the door and Gwen busted through the doors "MISTRESS!!!!" she tackles me into a hug. I look at her, Roses warning slipping my mind. I smile "Gwen!" I hugged her back, she soon got up and got off me. Gwen held a hand out and I took it, standing up. We both giggled. "Welcome back, sorry I wasn't here when you got here mistress" Gwen said. "Don't worry about it, and if I may ask why do you call me Mistress?" I asked. I realized she never called me by my real name, only my mistress. "Because you're the-" Gwen started to say before Rose appeared in front of us. She looked mad "Gwen, stay away from (Y/N)" Rose said, clearly mad. "Bu-" Rose cut off Gwen again "Stay Away" She said louder before turning to me "Lets go, wake up (Y/N)." Rose said sternly. I nod and sit on the bed. I hum as I go to go back to reality, but when I opened my eyes I was still sitting on the bed. I look over and I see Rose is gone. "M-mom??" I frantically look around. "Don't worry Mistress you safe here" Gwen said, her halo and wings more broken than before, I noticed. "What happened, are you alright?" I asked, my voice filled with concern. "Huh? Um yea... I just got attacked by Rose, we are not on the best terms" she said, an uneasy look on her face. I suddenly drop to my knees screaming. "Mistress!!" I saw Gwen yell and run towards me before she was slammed into a wall. A black skeleton with what seemed like errors all over him came from behind me. He looks at me as strings picks me up. "YoUr LuCkY rOsE mAdE a DeAl WiTh Me Or I wOuLd HaVe TaKeN yOu As AnOtHeR pUpPeT," The skeleton replied. I look towards Gwen and tried to reach out to her. "G-Gwen..." I said gently before blacking out. Gwen's screams lingering in my head. I soon wake up, Rose and Liam are by the bed I was in... but this bed... This room... It all seems to familiar. I look around to get a better view. As soon as I looked to the side and my hearing back, I realized where I was. I was at the hospital. Liam looked up, seeing your awake and smiles. "Rose! (Y/N) Is up" Liam said in such a happy voice. I couldn't help but smile to myself. I look towards Rose's direction, she is looking down, something's not right. Rose has pure white wings that hung loosely from her back, draping on the floor like the backs of wedding dresses. She looks up and black blood pours out, my eyes widen as i go to move and look towards Liam for help. But he isn't there. I felt two strong arms grab me and I look behind me. Liam had his crimson red devil wings out with his horns. Black blood also pouring out of his face just like Rose. I scream in terror and cry. I felt myself being shaken and my name behind shouted. I woke up, bolting into a sitting position. I was drenched in sweat while breathing hard. Liam and Rose were next to me. Both looked concerned and normal. I was in the room I was in last time I was in reality. I sigh as I catch my breath. As soon as I started to calm down there was a crashing sound coming from the kitchen.
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