Growing Up
(Here have a sneaky QJ Gif since he's will be in the next chapter... or is it-)
CHAPTER 4: Growing Up 💜
Growing up is tough. As I grew older, I was hoping to see him again but he didn't. He was kept as a evil villain forever.
As I keep having my favorite QuackerJack Toys that are still innocent to play, I will never let the go without a single word.
So looking back through my old days for me and QJ is hard to miss it because we have been best friends forever everyday when we will go somewhere fun like the Park, Circus, and the Beach itself.
But DANG I Wish he wasn't that evil and crazy to screw around with Darkwing and his team a lot now. But I have to get used to it whenever I feel like to see him again.
But as for now, I woke up in the morning to see how's my day right now and it's a Friday which is kinda cool to finally have a break with my day. I got up like I always do and start eating breakfast for the day, and then start go somewhere fun in St Canard.
I drove my car for like minutes ago and all I can see was people having fun with little kids too.
Well dang I wish I was a kid again.
As I got off from the Car to park somewhere, I went to the park to see my childhood memories with my friends here in it. And yet, what's most importantly that QJ haves fun spending time with me too and it was really great to remember that too.
There's other memories I remember growing up it was the time I went into the amusement park where QuackerJack was still famous for the toys. A lot of kids and people were in shock that I was having fun spending time with him and a lot of kids were happy to love seeing the quacky clown or jester duck again. It makes my heart feel happy also!
The next one is where I went into a movie theater where it was finally out to be premiered on theaters as We gotten money to see it. It was fricken amazing to see it! I'm not sure what it's called but hopefully I can remember that soon.
And then there was the final memories with QJ Wasn't weird out for Whiffleboy since it was a little popular at the time. Mostly I wasn't into playing video games that much but we went into arcades more to see the great games that we done so far. Heck, I beat QJ For the first time and we gotten a snack to eat for a great gift!
I finally sighed as I remembered some memories around the city of St Canard and the Park as a kid long time ago and I wish I can only see him agai-
"Y/N!!! There you are!"
I gasp as I actually noticed that it was my F/N who defended me loving into the QJ Toys as for a relief. Thank god it wasn't any some stranger who knows me as a fan or it's my not so best friend who still doesn't like me...?
I shake my hands to my friend and she finally started to talk to me while walking around a nice sunny day in the park. "Say where have you been so far in this Friday Morning! I was hoping we might have plans to go to a Movie Theater, A Amusement Park, Arcade, Or-"
"Wait... You said you wanna go these places that I wanna go there again?" I started to realized that she wanted me to bring me back to those good old days again to stay happy.
"Well... DUUUUHH! Since your now older enough to see your favorite memories with QJ Again to go somewhere for fun, you can decide which is best to go first!" She replied to me.
I stared to think in my mind if I wanna decided to pick which is best so... I guess going to pick out to go a Amusement Park first..?
"Maybe we might started off with a fun place to go like-"
"You mean the new and improved Amusement Park that is finally getting better for its old and new rides?"
My friend pointed out over here as I gives out a shooketh face to her. I AM IMPRESSED By her actions already.
"O-Okay let's just go already..."
After for 20 minutes to find the Amusement park we always used to go we finally got tickets to get in and to ride a roller coaster, play games, and we even gotten some prizes that was really special for me again!
Wow... this makes me feel nostalgic already...
After for playing the stuffs, we started to eat some lunch to eat some Hot Dogs and Hamburgers at hamburger hippo and it tasted good for me still in this year.
Also I never knew they have one in this park...
"Hey! There's a Arcade already that we can check out! Do wanna try it out after we can finished eating the food we have?" F/N said as I look worried a little but I nodded my head so I can make her feel happy once more.
"YES! I can't wait to spend my coins for a game we grew up with again" she cheered in happiness as she smiled.
After that we finally been eating our lunch, we went into a arcade place which still looks retro today.
We got a lot of coins to play and we gotten ourselves a lot and I mean a LOT Of tickets. Mostly my friend beat me for the tickets so after we finished playing the games, we finally picked out a prize also and she got a panda plush to love on.
While I gotten myself a old toy that somehow looks special for me and it's a Doll with pretty hair and a dress that was actually made in QJ Toys.
"Wait a minute... you remembered QuackerJack too?" I said to him as he smiled to me.
"Well yes I do! I was his favorite too but all of a sudden he went full on crazy since I finally founded him again trying to do something evil. But when he first saw me again, he suddenly doesn't know if I changed or not but he only gave me a rare wave to me as a hello. Yet I wish he can see me again but I Hope he can see you too. I'm glad I'm not the only one who still like QuackerJack today." He speak to me as Me and F/N smiled in amazement to see that he was his favorite friend.
But all of a sudden, I heard a kick from a door and I turned my head around and I saw a jester that actually looks like my old friend- WAIT! Is that... QUACKERJACK?? ...WITH HIS FRIEND RAT BY HIS SIDE?! WHAT IS GOING ON OVER HERE?!?!
"Y/N, I think I know him! His name is Megavolt! He's maybe one of the most powerful villains that Darkwing Duck can only defeat him. And yet, these two are still in the Fearsome Five for sure!" She exclaimed to me as I was in shocked still.
As all of the people who saw QuackerJack and Megavolt in fear to see what's going to happen next, I started to get worried if he doesn't even know me at all. But now, QuackerJack actually does have a evil plan to stop this Arcade place before D.W. comes to stop it any time soon... QJ Smirks as he finally speaks to all the people in the arcade.
"Well, well, well... Looks like All of the kids and adults are still having fun in the arcades and still liking WhiffleBoy eh? Well TIME FOR ME TO RUIN THE FUN BECAUSE IT'S PLAYTIME!!!"
...Welp. We're screwed.
Words In This Part ~ 1,395
🃏 Authors Note: Wowie it's been forever since I made a chapter so hopefully this can be improved for a better story in this??? Meh sorry if the chapter seemed short or not🃏
©QuackerJack and Megavolt - Darkwing Duck (Disney)
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