First Birthday Gift From QuackerJack
(A/N: Now this is just a test that I wanna try something for my friend to read so do not send hate comments in this Chapter. Also you're a Duck or a Different Animal in this story but if you feel like to be a human in this then that is okay. Plus your a kid in the few chapters but you will be older in this story so you'll need to wait for that. And heck, This was made just for fun and I will continue making the Disney World Adventure soon and I'm not leaving it to be unfinished or discontinued! Anyways... Let us start the new story! *YEETS*)
(Also be ready for this one chirpingcricket12 because it's finally here ٩( ᐛ )و)
Y/N - Your Name
Y/A - Your Age (you'll start of a Kid in this first part but you will get older in this like either an Teenager or Adult but I don't know for QJ Age tho. So pick out a good age for your kiddo self! owo)
E/C - Eye Color
B/F/N - Best Friend Name
F/N - Friend Name
F/C - Favorite Color
F/A - Favorite Animal
" It's PlayTime! " ~QuackerJack
CHAPTER 1: First Birthday Gift From QuackerJack 💜
Okay... Where do we begin for my love of QuackerJack way back in my childhood... Let me say my name first before starting my introduce myself first. My name is Y/N. I'm a Y/A year old Girl who has E/C eyes and I was a Biggest Fan of him back when I was little right before Whiffle Boy came out while I was growing up and he became popular and suddenly QuackerJack went out of business to become as a villain. But do you know why I was still in love with him since he's still my friend? Well let us begin shall we?
Well it start of for a normal day and I was young at this part. And heck, Today is a new day. And today it was morning time and I have finally wake up at 7:00 Am. And now looks like finally it is my birthday! New age for my little self and I better hope I get some good presents this time! So I got up from my bed and I was wearing my (F/C) Pajamas and it has some cute (F/A) for my night clothes and start waking up my Mother and Father about my birthday.
So now that my parents has finally waken up for me, it's time for me to have some good ol' breakfast! Yay!
My parents has started to make me Pancakes and a Glass of Water/Milk/Orange Juice for me and I was starving when I first saw it in my eyes. Now everything that is ready to eat, I quickly decided to pray for my best birthday today and start eating my breakfast. I was about to speak to my mom and dad that the food was delicious but my mouth was full so I sallow the food first and I start to speak to my parents.
"Thank you so much for the food Mom and Dad!" You said with a happy smile on her face.
My father chuckles and patted your head. "You are very welcome. Say, have you invited some of your friends to be in your birthday today?"
"Well yes I did! Heck, I hope they will still remember that where I live but I hope I will get good presents this year! Woo Hoo!"
Everyone's POV:
Y/N gets happy about for her birthday again once more and puts away her food and starts to watch TV to watch your favorite Show. You decide to wait until your Favorite Tv Show is on but once you first saw that Quackerjack Toys commercial again, you always wanted to have one of those toys he has! Mostly some of your friends has one but you been wishing to have one maybe in your birthday or in Christmas. So I guess I might possibly get one in my Birthday has a Huge Guess. Right now that the commercials is over and a Tv Show came on to you. Wait... did I notice something right now?
"Wait! I can't start my birthday looking like this! I needed to change real quick before they will all notice me!" You decided to run in your bedroom and start changing clothes to what to wear. Mostly you decided to change to your (F/C) shirt and your shorts and you did. Now do I look adorable? "There! I guess I needed to check outside if they are here right now or I should wait for just a little longer."
Y/N starts to look out the Window and nobody wasn't there yet. You have started to be patient about this and continue to watch tv.
While you was Watching Tv, Your Mom and Dad already given out the cake in the refrigerator as for a check and the cake is still Ok. They start to use the decorations for the party and bring up their own presents for Y/N and quickly hides them so you won't notice. Yet they recently know that you wanted a Toy from Quackerjack but what did they know that can actually call the company itself. So your mom get a Phone out and start calling the company to see if the Actual Clown who name was Quackerjack can come in her party for a good present to her.
"Are you sure about this? What happens if he won't come into her birthday or he will might mess things up?" Your Father said to your Mother real quietly while she was trying to call Quackerjack. But does he have a name though?
"Don't worry, he will be just fine for her. And hey, she isn't afraid of Clowns right? Oh, it's ringing." She waits until the phone responds back and it actually calls him for the first time and starts to talk to him. "...Yes, Quackerjack, yet I hope you won't mind that I'm saying this but today is my Daughters birthday and she wishes to have a toy in your place and I was thinking that you can join in the party just for her special day. ...Wait? You can actually come? Okay if it's says so and please do hurry before it ends QJ."
After for a minute of the talk, Y/N Mother notice that he can actually come for the first time in your house and she was happy about this. Y/N Father starts to check on you that you are getting something ready for the birthday and he was glad that he gotten a perfect girl like you. He comes over to the living room and watching his favorite show also and starts to have fun.
"...Okay, thank you so much Quackerjack! We will promise that we will enjoy your present for our little Y/N. Goodbye."
As she finally ended the call to Quackerjack, it's now 8 Am, they gotta continue their work before the party starts. But now after for A timeskip, it's now 9:30 am and everything is ready. But what did she notice that she heard a doorbell ringing and she opened the door and it was your friends as they say hi to your mother and starts coming in. You notice their voices and you start hugging them in excitement.
"Y/N! Thank you so much for inviting me into your birthday today! I cannot wait until you open my present!" B/F/N happily speaks to you and she puts her presents away as you were much happier as you expected.
"You're certainly Welcome B/F/N! I'm glad that your my best friend of all time! Oh! I think my other friends are coming right now! I'll be right back!"
As you hear some noise, your other friends and neighbors has arrive just right in Time and you got even more excited than you expected once more.
You already greeted your other friends and neighbors in your house just because you don't wanted to miss someone in your party. But now what? What can I do now...? Well I better make things quick before the time runs out! You hear your mother calling you for today's Party and you quickly ran to find her and right now she's outside to have a Game to play. Finally something fun to do!
Your mother grabs a Piñata for the party and starts to speak to the kids, "Alright everyone! In today's Birthday for Y/N, We're going to play a game. First we are doing the Piñata to see who will get the candy out so we need someone to be first to be blindfolded! Now raise your hand if you wanted to be first."
Every kid raised their hand and she pick a boy to play it first. She used the blindfold to the boy to make him not to see the piñata, she gives her the bat and spin him 3 Times, and now the game begins for Hitting the Piñata.
Some kids hit and missed some parts of the piñata but when you're next to be ready, you start hitting the piñata that quick and then suddenly the Candy is spilled out of the Piñata and you quickly take off the Blindfold and start grabbing one before is all gone before the kids get it. Looks like my day is getting luckier than I expected! And then the next game to play as Pin the Tail on the Donkey and somehow F/N suddenly wins that round for sure. And then last but not least it was Duck, Duck, Goose for a bonus round. So after for a minutes to play, your mother calls the kids that they will start the cake soon.
Now after that Game has ended, they started to get back inside and Y/N starts to have fun with B/F/N and also F/N since they are in a talking mood. After they talked for a minute, Your best friend asked something to you and speaks this simple question.
"So I heard that you reeaaallly wanted a Toy from Quackerjack and I feel like you should one have one in your birthday. But... is it true you're maybe a fan of him or just loving hi-" B/F/N asked to you and you quickly cover her Mouth. You seriously don't wanted to reveal that huge Secret of yours- wait do I actually have a crush on QJ? Naaaah. Not yet.
"I'm only just a fan of him. KAY?" You said quickly and your friend's mouth.
Your Best Friend was somehow starting to understand that she might be liking over QJ But she's okay with that. "Awww okay I understand Y/N."
"ooooOOOOOKAAAAY Everybody! Time for the cake to say happy birthday to Miss little Y/N!"
Well look at that! The cake is here just right in time! We all quickly go to the kitchen and I have finally saw what the cake looks like and it's a F/A with some F/C icing and I feel really excited to start having cake to eat! Oh I cannot wait for my wish to come true!
Now that the gang and friends are all here, Your mother lighten up the candles and they started to sing the Happy Birthday song for you. After they sang the song, you started to make a wish...
'I wish I wanted to see Quackerjack for my birthday... I hope he can be real nice to me... please make it happen in my Birthday!'
You blowed out the candles and everyone clapped at you to see when you're making a wish. Now everyone can finally eat and Drink for the Cake, Water, Soda, and many more! All of my friends and family started to eat and your parents really pray that QJ can come to Y/N's Special and Important day to have.
♡ T i m e S k i p ♡
After 15 Minutes Later that everyone was finished eating their food, NOW I Can finally opened the presents for me that my friends given! I cannot wait, I cannot wait, I CAN'T WAIT LET ME OPEN THEM AAAA-
"Y/N? You suddenly look very happy to open your presents... and I liked it!" Your F/N said and you calmed yourself down and talk back to her. "Yeah I know. I always get happy to open my newest presents. I wonder what's this present that they given me-"
D I N G D O N G !
"Huh? Mom? Did you forget someone in my party or not?" You said to her but your mother is keeping this a secret if this is the actual Quackerjack to come in her party.
Suddenly... When You're curious to see who it is... your mother opens the door and you let out a sudden gasp... but it's a big Jack in a Box that reminds me of one of Quackerjack's toys so we all got outside and see what's it's doing here for a better look.
Wait... does that mean that he's finally showing up? Is my wish coming true already? WHAT IS HAPPENING?! Also I hope one of my friends isn't scared of Clowns though. But If they are scared of Clowns, I'm still hugging one because why not. (*'//꒳//'*)
"That's strange. I didn't notice that you have a big Quackerjack in a Box. I thought you order a real Quacky to come in your birthday Y/N? I was expecting that he is here right now" Your Best Friend said in disappointment and you sighed in sadness that you think that it's finally happening to you.
But... right until a Random Noise from the Jack in the Box and all of the kids plus even you jumped and you saw a Clown that actually looks like the real QJ. Am I dreaming or what?! (Faith: YES He's here peps. Be happy QJ Fans I tried my best to do this for my buddo Cricket. And also you too if you love Quacky. =w= Reader: NANI-)
"Did someone say Quacky? Well here's the Actual Real Quackerjack to say hello all of you kids!" He said and jumps out from the springer to land safely.
Some of the kids looked a little scared but they will get used to it to see Quackerjack for the first time. He suddenly noticed you that you're really shock and You start to run and start hugging him. You have been waiting for this moment for a Week or a Month and now your wish was Real to exist. QJ Starts to smile as always and everyone was awwwing away that you will always be his new favorite friend or fan.
"So I heard that your now Y/A is that right, Miss Y/N?" Quackerjack said kindly to you and you smiled and nodded your head. He pats your head and starts to laugh. "Well I'm glad you are in a joyful mood because I brought a Gift just for you!"
"A Gift? FOR ME!? Thank you so much! I wanna see! I wanna- oooOOOO!!!" As for your happy mood, He given you a Doll that just looks like Quackerjack and you start to hug it a lot. He brings out Mr. Banana Brain to entertain you and the whole guest in your birthday and your mother and father gets happy that their job here is done.
"Happy Birthday Y/N, you are our Doll in His Life!" He acts like Banana Brain and you giggled to him.
"Okay everyone! Time to open up Y/N's presents from her friends and the neighborhood itself! So do you want to join in Quackerjack?" Your mother said to him as you give him a happy look.
"Well... Sure! This should be a lot of fun! It's Playtime!" He said it out loud and every kid was happy and also her best friends.
Everyone went back inside but once he got up, you wanted to hold his hand and suddenly it work as he hold your hand too and bring the present that he gave you.
Back inside that you're about to open of your presents from your friends, you couldn't pick out which one to be opened so Quacky decided to pick one up for you and it was your best friend who chosen this toy. You decided to sit down with QuackerJack and your friends and You rip the wrapping paper and it's another one of Quackerjack's toys and you squealed in happiness that you gotten a another toy from that favorite clown. You gotten up and hugged your B/F/N for the gift she founded for you. QJ gotten really happy about this since he's the one that made her birthday much better with him to save the day. At least his toys were still popular and still playable in St. Canard!
After you finally opened some new presents that your friends and the neighborhood given you, Your mother and father has one last present that they wanted to give Y/N something. Quackerjack has no idea what it will be but he looks excited to see Y/N smile.
"Okay honey, close your eyes and do not look or Peak! It's a big surprise just for your birthday!" Your father said and you suddenly wanted to see what's the birthday present Is but you have to close your eyes first.
You been closing your eyes for a second but your mother tapped your arm to open you eyes now, you just finally open your happy E/C eyes and you gasp very loudly and just saw a Blanket that your mother mad and it looks like QuackerJack a lot. He was also surprised too that she actually worked hard on this for your birthday and he was really loving it!
"Oh thank you so very much Mother! I love you so very much and also you too Father!" You given your parents a big hug and everyone was loving that present so much just like how QJ Given one to You. You stopped hugging your parents and somehow your best friend wanted to tell you something.
"You I know your in a very happy mood that QuackerJack is finally here since your totally his Number 1 Fan for my opinion but here's an extra gift I wanna say something to you." B/F/N said to you and she started whispered in your ear so nobody will hear her back.
What you been noticing that she wants to kiss him in the beak and you randomly blush a little and start to panic. "What?! I don't wanna embarrass him right in front of my friends! I'm only a kid and that's crazy! I only do that for the people In costumes in a amusement park with the famous characters to take pictures with DUH-"
"Well you're doing it now! Don't be shy just say something kindly to him and give him a nice smooch! And remember what we said!" F/N joins in the fun with her best friend and they started to pushed you real closely to QuackerJack.
He already knows that you actually loved him as a Fan but when he notice your friends trying to have a great idea to make her even more shyer to him, he's looks confuse after Y/N starts to feel really shy to say something. One of Y/N's friends starts to hide before they will actually get caught by him but he doesn't mind that. After all, he's a clown! So he looks at you feeling really shy but Quacky knows what he is doing to her for a another surprise.
"Aww why are you feel shy Y/N? Maybe it's because of your friends are maybe having fun with you start loving me more?" QuackerJack gives you a nice voice to him and you nodded to him since your still covering your little blush in your face. He bended down his knees so Y/N can try to do a nice talk for him and he starts to talk to you again after you feel nervous to speak.
"Hey. It's okay if you may starting love me as a crush or not. So don't worry Y/N, I can still be your newest friend whenever I come back to your special happy day! And let's not forget about Birthdays too. But maybe someday when you grew up as a Teen or Adult, you can be my Girlfriend in the future only as long if you may still remember me. So what do you say kiddo?" He winks at you and you stopped being nervous and you calmed down for a second and starts to hug him once more again.
"T-Thanks QuackerJack!" You said to him and while you're still blushing to be more happy again, you given QuackerJack a Little Kiss on his Beak.
He suddenly realized that you did kissed him for the first time and he was seriously blushing. "O-Oh my goodness! A kiss for me? Why aren't you the most cutest little Birthday Girl ever!"
You and Quacky both smiled and giggle a little and your best friends get a fist bump that their plan here is done.
♡ T i m e S k i p A g a i n ♡
"Thanks again to come in Y/N's birthday! And also you too. Bye!" Your mother waved to your friends that are leaving the party of yours and your Best friend was about to leave already.
"I hope your next birthday will be something about QuackerJack again, Y/N! Yet anyways I have to go, bye bye!" B/F/N says and she finally got into the car with her parents. You gave out a quick relief that your birthday in this year was the best day to have. You come back in your house to see your father talking to QuackerJack a Big thanks for making Y/N happy while shaking their hands.
"Just make sure that I'll be back soon! But if I can see that cute Y/N again, I will surely take care of her whenever if she feels lost or lonely." That Happy clown said to him as he jumps carefully to the door while it's still open. But he may forgot something for Y/N one last time... He brings up Mr. Banana Brain to tell you something for his last gift.
"Hey Y/N! Here's a another gift before we can go back to our work to work more toys!" He said and makes that Banana Brain voice to act as him.
"Yeeess?" You looked at him and QuackerJack Boops your beak. You got shock a little but you actually loved it.
He smiled at you and starts to leave your house and you waved his hand to him and finally closed the door. What a nice Clown! Well at least people wasn't scared of Clowns back in my days!
Now that's done and over with, you bring up the presents in your bed and put them in order so you won't make a mess and while they are cleaning up some of the mess in the kitchen, you hugged your parents for a huge thanks that you won't never forget this important day that he came in your party.
"Mom? Dad? Would I like to see him again someday?" You said to them as you feel more excited.
"Maybe you can whenever he feels like to. So I will say... Yes!" He said while chuckling.
"I'm maybe sure that he would love to come back again Y/N. He really loves your smile and your kindness too him." She said to you also.
"I hope he will come back to see me again and I will love it so much! I guess that I do loved that Clown so much..." You sighed and started to look at the doll of QuackerJack and you smiled and keep hugging the doll.
'No seriously, how did I started to have a crush on a Clown again?' Y/N's Randomly said in her Mind again for a reason. 🤔
Words In This Part (Heck it's maybe long for the first part holy moly) ~ 4,140
🃏 Part 2 will be in progress soon whenever Cricket has a chance to read this maybe long story that randomly give a idea for her gift so be patient while i will start making a another good part of the story if it will be Long or Too Short oof- 🃏
©QuackerJack - Darkwing Duck (Disney)
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