Pokemon Go

Hello, my Wattpad friends. This scenario will be everyone in Beacon playing..well What the title says. Anyway in the mid end, im gonna show a special friend to team RWBY. So enjoy..(writing will be different in this chapter)

[Author's POV]
Beacon Academy, a peaceful trainning school with Human and Faunus equal to one another. Well, except for one team(*cough* CRDL)
Now, we go to-

Y/n: Hey..arent you suppose to be peacefu-

Author: *gives him a dramatic death stare with red eyes, while grinding*

Author: *demonic voice*Get..Out..

Y/n: *sweatdrops and shakes in fear, while laughing nervously* Uhh..carry on. *disappears in a poof of smoke*

Author: Sorry about that. Anyway..

Now we go to a dorm with a certain group of girls. It was a peaceful morning to them, with Blake Belladonna was casually enjoying a book,Weiss studying, and Yang was playing Super Ninja Death Battle since the first one is superior to the 2nd and the unnecessary franchise destroying 3rd. It wasn't long until a stream of rose petal appears, pushing the room down open a bit too loudly, getting everyone's attention.

Alright team RWBY!",the rose reaper shouted," Today the day I get to live out my childhood dream. Pokémon Go was just released!" (The game is just being released in this world. Y/n already have this on his phone.)

Ruby held her scroll in the air once the app was done downloading.

"Our childhood dream",Yang corrected putting down her game.

"Right!",she pointed," And as a team building exercise. I want everyone to join in."

"What exactly is Pokémon?",Weiss asked.

"Pokémon was originally an RPG gaming franchise with popular anime spin-offs and movies were your main goal is to become a Pokémon champion by catching, training,and battling your Pokémon against other players,gym leaders, and eventually becoming-",the faunas, Blake was interrupted by the half sisters singing the original theme song.

"I wanna be the very best like no one ever was",RY sung out loud," to catch them was my real test to train them was my cause."

"What are the singing?" Weiss asked

"The original theme song",Blake answer back," Listen to it. It will explain everything."

"I will travel across the lands searching far and wide. Each Pokémon to understand, the Power that's inside",they continue as Weiss listen somewhat amused while Blake tries to ignore the two. The two have to admit if the sisters weren't butchering the lyrics. It would be quite catchy and memorable,"Pokémon gotta catch 'em all! Yeah, it's you and me, I know it's my destiny Pokémon! Oh, You're my best friend in a world we must defend."

'They are really getting into it',the heiress sweat dropped as the Pokémon duo acted more cartoonish.

"Pokémon, Gotta catch 'em All! A heart so true, our courage will pull us through, You Teach me and I teach you Po...ke...mon!"

"Final-"Weiss, was interrupted once more by the singing duo..

"Gotta Catch 'em all!",the Reaper pump her fist in the air.

"Gotta Catch 'em all!",Yang did the same thing but accidentally activated Ember Celica and blew a hole on the ceiling, "Oops."

"Pokémon!",the two finished holding Pokeball within cms of the annoyed ice queen face. Two poke balls they seemingly got out of nowhere, alongside the signature red and white cap.

Next thing we heard was clapping. We all looked out of the dorm to see Y/n, Voltage, and Kira with smiles on their faces..

"Wow..i never never knew you watched Pokemon, Ruby and Yang" Y/n said

"Yeah. But I can't wait to challenge you.. Yang" Voltage said

"Please, I'm a Pokemon expert. I'm pretty sure I can win" Yang said with a proud face.

"But wait. How do you know of Pokemon?" Ruby asked him.

"Oh. Me and y/n watched every season of Pokemon, from the indigo league to XYZ. But y/n and me are the real Pokemon masters in Beacon" Voltage declared

"What?!" Ruby yelled "How can you be a master of this game already? It just came out"

Y/n then took out his smartphone and goes into the Pokemon Go App..

"Actually in my world, this came out a year ago. And I caught some really rare Pokemon"

"Really..what did you catch then" Yang said.

"Show them, (y/n)" Kira said

"Very well. This vaporeon is named Rainer" Y/n said with a smirk

Y/n then opened the App and showed the girls his first starter Pokemon..

Moveset: ThunderShock 
"Leer"-improvised move, probably not actual leer.
Quick Attack 
Iron Tail 
Volt Tackle
Electro Ball
Gigavolt Havoc

"This little guy is my first Pokemon that i caught.." I explained

"Aww..really? It'll take forever to catch one" ruby whined.

"Well..here's my starter Pokemon" Voltage said showing his Pokemon on his own phone..


Tail Whip
Helping Hand
Sand Attack
Quick Attack
Baton Pass
Take Down
Last Resort
Trump Card

"Aww. It looks adorable. Now I want one" Weiss said

"My, my..is the ice queen herself ogling the cute furry?" Yang said jokingly

Weiss then blushed a little and turned her head..

"Come on. It'll be fun." Kira said

The ice queen calmly pushes the circular object out the way," Fine,you dolts. I'm going to play your stupid game."

"Ya!" Both Ruby and Yang yelled

The two celebrated and semi-calmly explained to their team, except team Yegear what exactly is Pokémon and how to play it.

"I'll give it a try also",the ninja kitty pitch in," As long as their no dog-"

"There are dog Pokémon" Voltage said, interrupting her.

"Then I'll try my best to avoid them",Blake responded back, shattering about how dogs are already dangerous enough. But with abilities to do things on the level of Zwei. Who can become a furry/fiery cannonball.

"With the variety of Pokémon. It's not like one is going to dominate the gym",Yang laugh not knowing a certain fire type Pokémon is seemingly always present in most gym.

Uh hm, maximum Nostalgia!",Ruby squeal.

The remainder of team RWBY downloaded the app. Unfortunately for certain faunas, her scroll isn't up to date.

"My scroll is incompatible", Blake hissed," Curse this window Scroll."

"Noooo!",Ruby said in a very Darth Vader-like manner," We will help you! Y/n! A friend is in need!"

"Sure. Blake, give me your scroll." I asked her

"What are you gonna do to it?" Blake said, giving him her scroll

"Make it compatible to play Pokemon Go" y/n said

Y/n then summoned a touchscreen-like device on his right wrist..

And did some tweaks on it, which only took 5 seconds. He then have gave it back to the ninja kitty..

"There, try downloading it now" Y/n said

Blake went to the play store and attempted to add the app to her scroll..and it worked.

"Awesome! Now I can play with you guys." Blake said with a small smile. "Thanks y/n"

Blake walks to y/n and kisses his cheek, making him smile..

"My pleasure" y/n said

"What exactly did you do, and what's that on your right wrist" Weiss asked y/n

"Well..1: I hacked into her scroll, changing the model coding of the device to the same as everyone else's in  team RWBY. 2: this thing let's me back and control any electronics of my choosing" y/n explained to her.

"Woah.." Ruby drilled with stars in her eyes.

"So, shall we get some Pokemon" y/n yelled a little bit.

"Yeah!!" Everyone shouted

"This will be fun" y/n thought

5 minute time skip

"Megami Tensei is a well better RPG than this" Weiss rolls her eyes after setting up an account. She looks at her scroll and decides on which starter Pokémon to choose. Squirtle, Charmander or Bulbasaur..

"Ah,Weiss cream. Don't be like that I choose Charmander just like Ruby. Who currently entering try hard mode to catch 'em all,spin a bunch of pokes Stop to get EXP and items, and reach level 5 to capture all the gym from an opposing team,",the brawler explained," It not the same as the game. But it designs to make you get up and move. It also far from completed. Also, you get 100 stardust and specific candies to add combat points or evolve a Pokémon."

Blake then realize," Wait? Isn't there a 3rd starter?"

"Ehhhh… Look like no one picked Bulbasaur",the fire dragon laughs uneasily, "We can catch him later."

"Of course",the Schnee notices," No trading, no battling other than gym. Very little to offer from the start. Servers that run on potatoes and copper wiring. This app will die out in less than a month if there ain't meaningful update! I rather play the actual game. And 100 stardust and 3 candies for each capture with the Pokémon getting harder and harder as you progress levels. Also, with the same amount of reward that makes you grind once you're over level 20!"

"Weeissssss",Ruby pouted as she speeds back to the dorm looking very exhausted," Give the app a chance. I'm already level 10!"

What?!",Weiss and Yang said simultaneously," You just downloaded it 5 minutes ago."

"And my semblance have never been overuse like this. Is that cheating?" Ruby panted "I already filled up my inventory but my eggs won't hatch."

"Here, Little red. This should help with your egg problem" Kira said, sending ruby plans to hatch an egg. When she checked her scroll messages, it says:

To hatch an Egg:
In the Map View, touch the Main Menu. Touch Pokémon. At the top of the screen, touch the word Eggs.Select one of your Eggs. Touch Start Incubation. Select an incubator to use on your Egg. Walk to hatch the Egg.

"Cool.. thanks Kira" Ruby said hugging her

"No worries." Kira said

Y/n looks at his phone to see a Familar location with the rarest Pokemon..

"I'll be right back guys. I gotta catch these Pokemon" y/n said, teleporting away.

"Wait!" Ruby yelled, but it was no use.

"Don't be sad, Ruby. Let's go catch some Pokemon" Voltage said

"Ok. Hopefully, I get to wipe the floor with y/n" Ruby said proudly

"Ruby." Yang called put her sister

"Yes, Yang?" Ruby asked

"What team are you on and you are supposed to walk at normal walking and running speed. And to be...Onix,eh? Eh?" Yang joked

The entire room growled at her terrible pun..

"Oh C'mon, don't be so gloom-y. I pika choose this puns carefully. No need to act oddish around me. It will bellsprout creative ideas that you don't need to be so tentacruel about. Eh? Eh?" The pun master waited for a response.

"Please get to the point", Kira raised her voice.

"Please do" Voltage said, pretending not to know.

"Fine Voltanion, I magnemite run out of puns. Yes and no. Yes, because you can zip around the school and collect Pokémon faster than people without a speed semblance. No, because you're technically doing it on foot like everyone else or a bike like a real trainer. So now will you tell me what team you're on?" Yang asked her

"Nope, As a show of trust. I expect the two." Weiss asked

???" A-hem..

Team rwby, Voltage and Kira turned around to see y/n, but in  different clothing..

(These shoes have built-in Wi-Fi and a portable phone charger)

And someone they never seen before..

(My OC: Tyler Rose)

"Hey, guys. I brought someone to meet you all" y/n said.

"Hello. I'm Tyler" He introduced himself

Team rwby greeted him, but yang asked y/n something..

"So, Y/n..where did you go?" Kira said, getting everyone's attention.

"He was with me in the Kalos Region" Tyler said.

Everyone was silent, until they started laughing out loud..

"The Kalos Region?! That's rad" Voltage said, while laughing.

"Tyler, please summon a portal to..you know where" Y/n asked him

"You got it" Tyler said, raising his aura and summoned a portal..

Y/n jumped inside, and came back with certain stuff on him(pokedex won't be like that)

"Hey, you guys." Y/n said, but got confused stares from everyone.

"Y/n.. is that a real pokedex?" Ruby said, trying to contain her excitement.

"Yes it is. And to prove i was in the Pokemon world i brought in a new buddy." Y/n said

He then raised his left arm and out came behind his head was a familar yellow mouse Pokemon that everyone knows..

"Pikachu.." the yellow Pokemon said waving

Y/n saw different reactions between Teams RWBY and his team..Ruby had stars in her eyes, yang slackjawed onto the ground, Blake was surprised beyond relief, and Weiss..well..she was shocked. Voltage was hyperventilating, while Kira, like yang..had her jaw dropped to the ground..

"OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH!!" Ruby painted before speaking again "you have a real life Pikachu?!" She screamed.

"That's right. Pikachu meet ruby,  Weiss, Blake, yang. They make up team RWBY" y/n said to the mouse Pokemon.

"Hi! I can't believe that you're actually here" ruby said happily.

"Ohh.. come here" Yang then grabbed pikachu from y/n's shoulders and grabbed his tail.

"Oh..shit.." y/n created a steel wall to cover himself, Voltagen Kira and Tyler"

Pikachu did not take kindly to this and unleashed a powerful bolt of electrical energy, zapping yang..as well as her teammates..

"Pi-ka-CHU!!!" Pikachu then used thundershock at team RWBY, making them scream and move around..in a cartoonist sort of way. Pikachu stopped using thunder and looked at yang with a glare before being picked up by y/n..

"Oh, yeah I forgot, Pikachu doesn't like people grabbing his tail like that. Cause he will shock you" voltage said.

Everyone was still shocked until Velvet walked around playing the app in her scroll

"Hey, guys" velvet said

"Hey, velvet" Everyone said

"What's everyone.." velvet was cut off as she saw y/n with a real Pikachu and squealed. She dropped her scroll on the way while jumping on him.."Y/NN!! Where did you get a real Pokemon?! Tell me, tell me, tell me!" She said shaking him..

Y/n laughed nervously and pointed at Tyler, saying that he was able to go to different worlds. And how he was a Pokemon Trainer now..

"Aww..now i'm jealous" Voltage said.

"How about this.. why don't you all come to the Pokemon world with me and Tyler?" Y/n said, gaining surprised looks from everyone

"Really?!" They said

"Yep. Shall we, my friend?" Tyler asked him.

"Let's open it up" y/n said

Both of the boys fused their aura to create a portal to the Pokemon world, overlooking many  Pokemon roaming everywhere. Besides Y/n, Voltage and Tyler, the girls had stars in their eyes..

"So..ready to become Pokemon trainers?" Y/n said

"Yes!!" The girls said.

"Let's go buddy." Y/n motioned pikachu to climb on his shoulder.

"Pika!" Pikachu said

Everyone stepped into the portal to their newest adventure in the Pokemon world. What would become of next?

Another scenario finished. Now there is one more to do, but you all have to vote. Y/n and the crew reacts to RWBY: Grimm Eclipse..or God of War 3 remastered. Voting ends in 8:00pm, so let me know in comments and i'll see you all next time.

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