Chapter Four

The next day I awoke to a slight humming sound. A strange woman was placing a glass of milk next to my bed.

"Oh! Margaret it's just you."

"Who'd you think I was?"

"I was just afraid that- never mind I'm sorry. I'm not used to being here yet."

"You'll get along. The boys seem to like you already. Would you like to say goodbye before they leave?" she asked. I put my milk down.

"Leave?" I asked.

"Oh they didn't tell you? They have to go to some 'interview' thing and rehearsal on the other side of town. They're in a band you know." I pretended I didn't.

"Really? What band?"

"They call themselves AC/DC. It's a good name. I thought of it and they seemed to like it but I only saw it on a sewing machine. I couldn't come up with it on my own."

"That is a good name."

"Thank you. Malcolm and Angus started it, well, Malcolm did. He asked Angus to join him and there it snowballed." She looked at the clock. "Oh you'd better go see them they're gonna leave anytime." I got out of bed thanking Margaret for the milk. Some of the instruments and amps in the room were gone and a bus was waiting outside. I headed to the living room and the front door was wide open. Some roadies were outside putting stuff in the bus and they saw me. I hid my face in embarrassment to be in this nightgown. As I turned away from
them Angus came out from some other hallway with a guitar case.

"Good morning Hannah," he smiled. "Sleep well did ya'?"

"Yes very well. You didn't tell me you were in a band," I said acting surprised.

"You never asked. What'd you think the instruments were for?"

"I can name a few things," I said. He laughed and headed out to the bus. I followed him averting the wandering eyes. He pushed his guitar in along with the other equipment. Malcolm came up behind him.

"Hannah, you comin' with us?" he asked. I held my nightgown out to him and gave him a 'probably not' look. He smiled back. "That's too bad."

"Yeah, you could have heard us play!" Bon shouted. "Or good company for that boring as hell interview."

"Hey now Bon it's fine. Not all interviews are great but we have to make time for them to get well known," Malcolm said.

"I'm with Bon on this one," Phil said getting on the bus. Everyone followed except Angus.

"What are you gonna do while we're gone?" he asked.

"Margaret said she'd take me shopping today for new clothes so I don't have to borrow hers all the time."

"That's good."

"Yeah it'll be good to get out of the house." We looked at each other for a moment. He was about two inches shorter than me, which was alright, albeit a little unusual. He noticed me shiver a bit.

"You'd better go back inside it's pretty snowy out. No idea why."

"Be careful out there," I answered him.

"Don't worry 'bout us we'll be fine." He stood there another minute before giving me his hand. I shook it and he left with the rest of the band.

The brown trench coat fit loosely over my frame. Margaret had given it to me to wear while we shopped. She took me to a small corner store where some 'new' dresses were. After giving me a modest, sleeveless black one she stuffed me in a dressing room and looked for winter wear.

I came out as she was looking and she smiled. "My love, your brown hair goes well with the black. A nice neutral. You'll be impressing a lot of young men you will," she said handing me five winter dresses. I chuckled.

"Well I'm not really looking to impress anyone," I said turning around to go change.

"You sure? You sure made an impression on Angus." I stopped.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing much. He only seems to keep an eye on you, that's all." I nodded and continued on in. "But I know my brothers an' I know when they like a girl," she finished as I accidentally slammed the door shut. He didn't like me that way. He just met me. Even if he did it wasn't very much. He didn't know me that well and I don't know everything about him either. But Margaret knows her own brother, and could certainly tell before I could. I wondered if any of the others knew anything as well.

I removed the black dress and tried a long sleeved white one and four grey sweater dresses. We visited another store where Margaret got me leggings, long sleeved shirts and tee shirts to put over them. "I figured you didn't want too many girly things," she said to me.

"Thank you Margaret but you don't have to do all this," I told her. She waved me off.

"No no I want to. Besides I already told you I would." We laughed. "And Youngs never break their promises." After picking out more private items we went back to the house. By then the snow had picked up and I was worried about the boys. I figured nothing happened like that in the seventies, but I also thought time travel was just an idea. Vee and my parents must be freaking out by now and I had no way to contact them.

I changed into a sweater dress and wrapped Angus' blanket around me which was still on the couch. "Would you like anything for lunch Hannah?" Margaret asked.

"Whatever you make is fine, you don't need to have anything special," I said.

"Alright then." She began to wash her hands.

"You sure you don't want help? It looks hard to do the work yourself."

"It's okay love. Someone's got to look after those boys right? They're sweet I'll give you that. But sometimes I think they're pigs in human's clothing." I snickered.

After lunch I stepped in the backyard. The snow had lightened and the yard was covered in a white blanket. It had to be some sort of record. I didn't do too much out there, I didn't want to get the blanket wet. I looked over the fence and saw other small houses. Some yards had a plethora of footprints filled with children's mirth. A squirrel ran down a tree nearby and hid in his hole in the bark. A couple of birds sang their afternoon songs and I was at peace here.

Margaret and I ate dinner alone that night. She got tired of waiting and put their leftovers in the fridge along with a note. My pajamas were finally clean and I sat on the couch in them while Margaret went to bed. I thought I'd stay up and wait for the boys but I fell asleep.

I awoke to a door slamming shut and someone getting shushed at. "Sorry," they whispered. I kept my eyes half open and listened to their conversation.

"Marg left us food in the fridge," Phil said.

"Bring it out I'm starving," said Mark. They sat at the table and talked while they ate.

"So Bon, you get that girl's number?" Phil asked.

"I think so," he said checking his pocket. "Yeah, here."

"I bet she gave you half of it," said Mark.

"The whole thing's there, look."

"1 2 3, get away from me," Angus joked. Bon took it back checking it.

"It doesn't say that."

"I've never seen you that energetic at rehearsal," Malcolm said.

"Me?" asked Angus.

"Yes you."

"I'm always doin' somethin'."

"Yeah but not like that," agreed Mark.

"What did I do?"

"Running around like it was a concert, moving the guitar back and forth..."

"Swinging from rafter to rafter," said Bon.

"So?" asked Angus a little irritated.

"Nothin'. But if there's a reason you should tell us." Angus glanced at the couch then back to Malcolm.

"There's no reason." Malcolm turned around.

"So that's how it is huh?" he asked smiling.

"What's his problem?" asked Phil.

"I told you it's nothing!" said Angus.

"Doth mine eyes deceive me?" laughed Bon. "Does Angie have a little crush?"

"Shut up, you arses," Angus said. "I just didn't know she was on the couch is all."

"Why don't you go put her in her room then?" asked Malcolm. Angus was quiet for a moment.

"Why can't you do it?" he asked softly. Malcolm scoffed and shook his head.

"Fine I'll do it."

"Don't be such a wimp Angus, go help him," said Mark.

"You guys are such big balls," said Angus standing up.

"Ah, but we've got the biggest balls of them all," smiled Bon. "Huh. That's a funny verse for a song."

Malcolm carried me to the bed while Angus brought his blue blanket. "I've never seen pajamas like this," said Malcolm setting me on the bed.

"That's the American way I suppose," said Angus unfolding the blanket.

"It can't be that different there." Angus wrapped the blanket around me and looked at me for a while. "Are you sure nothin's up?"

"No," he said quietly.

"Angus it's okay, there's no one else in here, you can tell me." Malcolm put his hands in his pockets as he watched his brother leave the room. "Don't worry Hannah. I'll get it out of him."

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