☆ The Zodiacs ☆

While it may look like it, these zodiacs do not have two fully activated abilities. 

This time around, I'm going to give them a win-it-or-lose-it kind of situation. Their powers will be categorized into two types:  

Abilities: Your typical abilities. Able to be used at any time, requires conscious effort to use. Their abilities will not be based on their zodiac signs (only a little) but instead mainly on their personality and who they are. (Spoiler for later: you can also buy abilities at the Ability Store)

Passive Skills: The ones that are powerful but have big restrictions. You cannot use passive skills at any time-I mean you could, but skills also need a cooldown time before using again. The better the skill, the longer the time it needs to 'cool'. These do not require conscious effort to use and may activate whether the owner wants it to or not. 

They will be collectively referred to as abilities or powers just for the sake of my sanity. I will keep their powers vague on purpose, since I would like to explore them throughout the story. 


Aries: The Genius Athlete

"I just wish I had someone that I could truly love. Not the fake kind because I'm famous, but because they actually love me for who I am."

(faceclaim: Roscoe Fletcher from Where Tangents Meet by instantmiso)

Background & Basic Info: Aries actually grew up in a pretty nice household-a nice, loving family and a chill younger sis (that is to this day his emotional support and number one fan) He first got interested in sports after his family took him to a basketball tournament for his eighth birthday. From them he easily dominated basketball, then soccer, and etc., becoming the world's most acclaimed athlete by the time he was in high school. I mean no kidding he has an entire closet full of trophies and medals; he decided to stop competing in easy tournaments for the sake of room. Aries likes a challenge and while he doesn't like to have favorites, he'd say that basketball, which started it all, is his best and favorite sport to play. 

Personality: On the outside, Aries is an easygoing, rather lax guy who's chill and a bit on the flirty side with his fans. On the inside, however, he's actually rather a hopeless romantic and his favorite genre to read is romance, since he wishes for true love and not the fake kind he gets. Aries hates faux things and boy, you don't want to see his face if he finds out that you played him for fake. The one time someone dared to do that he personally hired the Two-Faced Sisters to destroy their lives. He's usually cheery and protective of those close to him, and is willing to help whoever needs it. 

Age: 17

Ability: Fire Aura

☆ He can expell an aura made of fire around him that can be only limited to him or a wider span. Can be used for offensive or defensive measures, and to strengthen him. 

Passive Skill: Bright Glare

☆ Twice a day his eyes can emit a bright, powerful glow that instantly knocks out anyone that looks at them. 

Taurus: The Lost Soul

"I don't care about money, fame, or stars. But if you try to harm those close to me, I will fight with all I have to protect them."

(faceclaim: Twenty-Fifth Bam from Tower of God by SIU)

Background & Basic Info: Taurus's biggest fear is loneliness, and he's got a good reason for it. Even when he was young he was constantly alone. After his parents died in a mysterious accident, it was honestly due to his intelligence that he didn't end up dead in the streets. He graduated college at a young age and would be well off right then except for the fact that many people didn't want a worker with weak knees as it wouldn't help them. He got by through non-physical part-time jobs. Taurus doesn't know why his knees are weak-the reason for that is mysterious as well. He is a very good cook, and due to being alone isn't really used to talking. 

Personality: Taurus is an overall polite and slightly innocent boy with a tendency to refer to everyone with a 'Mr.' or a 'Miss/Ms./Mrs.' He is kind and empathetic and prefers not to drag out fights. However, he can closed-off and cold when he feels guilty or depressed, and even violent when someone tries to harm his friends. Taurus is also kind of awkward at social interactions, having lived alone for quite some time and has a slightly childish side when faced with new things or experiences. He can be very scary when provoked and sometimes super stubborn. He loves words but has trouble finding the right words to say all too often. 

Age: 15 (almost 16)

Ability: Molecularization

☆ He can turn his body into molecules using electricity and manipulate them too.

Passive Skill: Reflection

☆ Once every twenty-four hours he can reflect back any attack to his opponent.

Gem & Mini: The Genius Journalists

"Hey, sis, do those guys look interesting enough to report about?" "Nah, we'd better just get rid of them."

(faceclaims: Princesses Lo Bia Shilial and Lilial Zahard from Tower of God by SIU)

Background & Basic Info: Their parents did not want twins, so for most of their life it was work work work and they got abused mentally and physically, until they had had enough and completely utterly destroyed their parents' lives via. their reporting skills. (trust me, you don't want to know the details) From there they discovered their skill for reporting and were naturally drawn to any kind of scoop (they claim they can smell a scoop from a mile away and we're prone to believe it) Gem and Mini prefer to referred to separetly and their reporter name is 'the Two-Faced Sisters' or simply 'Gemini, Twins of Hell'. 

Personalities: Both of them, due to their upbringing, have slightly unstable personalities. Mini in particular has a crazily ambitious nature and is a bit haughty. Gem is outwardly more respectful but has a similar personality. They can fly into a state of something like insanity when angered or, in particular, get looked down upon. They hate that. Despite that they are very good at acting and are not below taking people out to get a scoop, and can get information on anything. They have ninja skills as well and no information can outrun them. 

Ability: Mind Illusions

☆ Create illusions inside one's head.

Passive Skill: Replusion

☆ Every two hours they can 'repel' enemies away from them (both way, mentally and physically) and four other people. 

[NOTE]: This only applies to these two. They can fuse into one entity, one 'fading' into the mind, but usually both of them appear. 

Cancer: The Genius Fashion Designer

"No, no, no! All wrong! This style of fashion went out months ago. Again, please!"

Background & Basic Info: Cancer first got into styling when he was very young. His parents were going out and his father's bow tie was crooked, and he fixed it. Since then whenever he saw anyone dressed messily he would pull them back and fix them. When he learned how to draw he started designing clothes, and by the time he was in middle school had his own personal flourishing brand. He also has OCD and has volunteered for litter cleanings simply because he can't stand the 'beautiful landscape' being 'tainted' by 'horrible litter left by careless people.' Cancer especially likes to design clothes by the water (he says it's calming) and loves to swim to soothe this mind after a hard day. 

Personality: Cancer cares a lot about making things beautiful-whether it's a person, the environment around him, or compulsively picking up every piece of trash and securing the trash can so the park isn't littered with trash. At first glance, he may seem rather shallow and self-indulgent, based on his actions, but he really does just want a beautiful and clean living space. He has rather high expectations, especially when it comes to clothes, which is why people describe him as 'the one we all love yet the one no one can stand for more than a month.'

Ability: Blood

☆ He can use his own blood and manipulate it into various forms like weapons; however, if he uses it too much he'll get anemia and weakened stamina.

Passive Skill: Bind

☆ Create glowing bonds around his chosen target once every three hours. These bonds are impossible to get out of.

Leo: The Genius Actress

"Ugh! No! I'm NOT giving out autographs at this time! Go away!"

Background & Basic Info: Leo's first dream job was being an idol. She loved to sing and dance as a child, and when she was eight or so starred in a child's commercial. The producer of the commerical recognized her talent for acting and recommended her parents to send her an acting school. Her parents promptly did so, where Leo flourished and by the time she was in middle school had already starred in a Hollywood movie, earning approximately 3,000,000 a month from then on. (Secretly, Leo donates the money to the poor) She's never given up on her dream of being an idol, though, and to this day regrets her choice to star in that commerical and still has a beautiful singing voice. 

Personality: Leo has adopted her 'actress' act so much that it's really hard to tell when she's acting and when she's actually genuine about things. It's almost impossible to catch her lying, and she is a master at all kinds of acts-from pretending to be charming, being threatening, or being a killer assassin. When people first see her they assume she's very dim-witted and shallow, but in reality she is very smart with a slight cunning side and is the most versatile of all the zodiacs, able to adapt to any kind of acting situation. She loves spicy food. 

Ability: Persuasion

☆ She can persuade others to do her bidding with her words. (Like Charmspeak and Beguiler from Rick Riordan and Keeper of the Lost Cities, respectively)

Passive Skill: Mind Control

☆ She must look at her targets directly in the eye and cannot use it on one person more than three times. Only works three times a day.

Virgo: The Genius Doctor

"Why don't I get sick? Ummm I don't know, I guess being around germs so much made me develop a natural resistance to them?"

Background & Basic Info: Virgo's mother was a doctor before her. However, one day while treating a patient she contracted a deadly illness and died. After watching her mother die before her eyes Virgo swore that she would learn what caused it and try to find a way to make sure nobody else had to ever go through what she had gone through. That's why she decided to study medicine, and became quite good at it. She started out as an 'apprentice nurse' under her school nurse then actually became a school nurse when her growth grew at a fast pace. By the time she was in middle school she was already traveling around the world, helping people, especially in war zones. It is said that no patient has ever died at her hands. 

Personality: Virgo is first off very kind, supportive, and just about the best little cute best friend bean you could possibly get. She's cheerful, empathetic, and also down to earth, so she doesn't showcase her abilities. However, when she's in doctor mode she changes; she becomes serious and straightforward and not afraid to give orders; totally confident while normally she's kind of on the meek and humble type. Virgo is great to go to for advice and is surprisingly well-educated on assassination (she was trained to recognize what caused this and what caused that, y'know, doctor talk) Also, she has no idea why she never gets sick when she's a doctor. 

Age: 16

Ability: Necromancy

☆ She can raise the dead (talk to them, etc.) and perform spells relating to that sort.

Passive Skill: Lethal Poisoning

☆ Can only be used through a weapon and once every day she can poison three people of her choosing.

Libra: The Genius Lawyer/Politician

"Sometimes I think, what's the point in being a lawyer if in the end only one side is satisfied? I just wish there was a solution where everyone was happy."

(faceclaim: Phosenkal Irure from Tower of God by SIU)

Basic Info & Background: Libra learned to talk before she could even walk-no kidding. Even when she was child her intelligence was extremely high and she could easily understand what was going on around her, especially when people were arguing. She had a slightly chaotic family (as in: rowdy cousins that lived when them) so once she could walk and talk properly she gave herself the position of peacemaker. By the time she was in middle school she was elected for the Supreme Court in the U.S., and now in high school was elected the Prime Minister of Japan.

Personality: After years of working as a lawyer and a politician, it's safe to say that Libra is absolutely tired of seeing people argue in front of her. She wishes that she could just come up with a solution where everyone can be happy. Libra has a developed a very influential and slightly manipulative personality and is rumored to have never lost a case. She hates when people are her keep on arguing and usually shuts down loud arguments quickly and with force if necessary.

Age: 17

Ability: Yin/Yang Manipulation

☆ She is able to wield opposite forces of nature. (ex: light and dark, fire and water, etc.) However, this ability makes her sleepy.

Passive Skill: Clairvoyance

☆ She can get a bird's-eye X-ray view of her surroundings, but only if she's looking for something specific.

Scorpio: The Genius Swordsman

"If you're not ready to kill with your sword, then don't become a swordsman. Otherwise, you'll only see yourself as a 'murderer'."

Background & Basic Info: Scorpio was born into a family that was already training with swords and was trained to wield a sword as soon as he could walk and properly hold things. As he grew, his family recognized his skill and his quick growth, and soon sent off him to an elite school to train even more until he finally graduated. By then he was in middle school and was recruited to become an assassin, which he became. He was an assassin for years, and went through brutal training before that, which is why to this day he's hesitant to open up to anyone. Scorpio is secretly sick of killing people and would like to use his skills to help people instead. 

Personality: Scorpio is first and foremost absolutely expressionless. He wears either a bored, serious, or a blank mask all the time, and rarely shows his own emotions. Even under that he's very serious and rarely showcases emotion. Scorpio was trained to be emotionless so he wouldn't regret killing people, but underneath that he's actually a highly empathetical and caring young man-it's just been buried down so deep that he doesn't know where it is anymore. He carries out missions quickly and with precision.

Ability: Light

☆ He is able to manipulate, generate, and create things all using light.

Passive Skill: Teleport

☆ Once every three hours he can teleport himself and two others to his chosen location.

Sagittarius: The Genius Magician

"Ah, not right now, thanks, I'm in the middle of thinking up of my next spellbinder..." 

[NOTE:] Her hair is usually dyed a variety of colors but above is natural color. 

Background & Basic Info: Both of her parents were in a circus by the time she was born and so she was raised in the circus alongside them. She quickly discovered her talents to learn circus arts abnormally fast and to this day is still excellent at them. But her real talent lay in magic-by the time she was in middle school she could do magic so complicated that it seemed real. From there her fame only grew as she eventually succeeded the world's previous best magician and has won several awards for it. Sagittarius loves the circus life-she loves it, but she truly does want a place to stay permanently, since in a circus they never stayed for more than half a year. 

Personality: Sagittarius is a lively, free-spirited girl who's not afraid to be truthfully blunt. She loves thrilling things and lives for excitement. Naturally, waiting is her greatest enemy and she is naturally quick-witted and bright, usually cheerful and very friendly. She tries to befriend everyone, even unapproachable people, and is very determined in that aspect. When she's not doing that you can often find Sagittarius sitting somewhere, planning her next spellbinding magic show. In her spare time she is also very good at archery and mostly shoots to 'let off stress' or when she's frustrated. 

Ability: Void Storage

☆ She can make things appear with a single snap as long she knows where it is and can also store things in her 'void'. (like Conjurer from Keeper of the Lost Cities) 

Passive Skill: Levitation

☆ Thrice a day for thirty minutes she can use telekinesis, but not on too big of an object and not on herself. 

Capricorn: The Genius Inventor

"Need something fixed? Need a cool gadget for payback? Then call XXX-Capricorn-Technologies right away! We're open 24/7."

Basic Info & Background: Capricorn's inventing intelligence is several centuries ahead of our time. Because of that, he's constantly sought out by people all around the world. Therefore, Capricorn quite literally lives in a spaceship that he built, far out of the Earth's atmosphere and out of range of any scientists. His father is dead and his mother used to be proud of his skills, until she got jealous of how many awards and attention he was getting and quite literally disowned then abandoned him. He became very introverted and depressed then, staying on his feet by fixing seemingly unfixable things. When the scientists caught wind of this and started hunting him down, he built his ship and flew off into space. 

Personality: Capricorn, due to living in space for most of his life, is a rather shy and introverted individual. He prefers to work alone and does long-distance assistance, usually the one who works behind the scenes. Even though he has abilities, he prefers to rely on his inventions and rarely heads out on the front lines; he's the one that provides all the 'ammunition' and his inventions should not be underestimated. Capricorn is very socially awkward (even more so than Taurus) and talks most of the time to his personal assistant robot. He hopes that one day he'll be able to be free from the prying eyes and use his inventions to help people. 

Age: 16

Ability: Shadow

☆ Able to manipulate shadows.

Passive Skill: Location Tracking

☆ Every five minutes he can track the location of the chosen target.

Aquarius: The Genius Entrepreneur/Businessman

"What are you begging for? I just destroyed your business, that's nothing to cry over, now is there? Since it was going to happen from the very beginning anyway."

Basic Info & Background: Aquarius is known in the enterprise world to be the 'Devil King of Ice' from his overall cold and cool demeanor he sets off. He's known for mercilessly tearing down any competition and making even grown professionals grovel at his feet. Due to his appearance, he is often underestimated-that is, until he destroys their business. He would have a ton of enemies (for obvious reasons) but is as influential as he is threatening. Aquarius grew up in a family of cunning intelligence where everyone was constantly fighting, so he's used to hiding his emotions. From a young age he was trained to not trust anyone and to this day enforces his own rules instead of following them.

Personality: Aquarius is a cold and ruthless businessman. He's willing to manipulate people to get what he wants is and is a mastermind at just about every relating to money and etc. He's also good at acting, so he always appears expressionless or confident. (Aquarius would dominate Poker for sure) He is very good at cold readings and reading people in general, as well as detecting their strengths and weaknesses. Aquarius revels in the feeling of having bested someone who had underestimated him.

Age: 17

Ability: Electricity

☆ Able to wield and summon electricity.

Passive Skill: Instant Recovery

☆ Once every twenty-four hours he can heal himself from all the damage he's taken.

Pisces: The Genius Makeup Artist

"Aw, why are you crying? Don't cry! Be happy!"

(faceclaim: Rachelle Fletcher from Where Tangents Meet by instantmiso)

Basic Info & Background: Pisces first started dabbling in makeup for fun, then started doing it seriously when she saw how happy it made the other people. When asked why she 'wasted' her skills on something so ordinary like makeup artistry she will always reply that she does this because every time she sees how happy her clients are with their new looks she feels herself grow lighter too. She had a big family and lives with her cousins, and when she was in elementary school with the help of her cousins opened her own makeup-artist shop. Pisces was recruited to be the makeup artist for more and more famous people then, although exactly how famous the people are are usually hidden so she doesn't get too flustered. 

Personality: Pisces is, to say the least, a very innocent and naive person. She's what people might consider to be a total airhead, since she isn't aware at all of the world around her most of the time and is mostly invested deeply in the glittery, makeup world that she's honestly only experienced. She's very outgoing and cheerful, and is a bit of a stickler to the rules. Pisces likes seafood and she is a very meticulous and careful person, with slight OCD. She is bright and imaginative and loves coming up with new makeup styles and then trying them out on people. (even if those people aren't always willing, nobody can resist her in the long run) 

Age: 14 (youngest, almost 15)

Ability: Healing

☆ Able to heal herself and other people.

Passive Skill: Hiding

☆ Once every two hours she can 'hide' five people for ten seconds.


Annnnnd, we're done! 

Happy Fourth of July, everyone! May we all be independent for as long as we all shall live. *bows* 

Next is the prologue, which is where we will be introduced to the characters. 

See you next time, 


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